/* * diseqc.c: DiSEqC handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: diseqc.c 1.1 2002/10/05 13:54:32 kls Exp $ */ #include "diseqc.h" #include <ctype.h> #include "sources.h" // -- cDiseqc ---------------------------------------------------------------- cDiseqc::cDiseqc(void) { commands = NULL; currentAction = NULL;; parsing = false; numCodes = 0; } cDiseqc::~cDiseqc() { free(commands); } bool cDiseqc::Parse(const char *s) { bool result = false; char *sourcebuf = NULL; int fields = sscanf(s, "%a[^ ] %d %c %d %a[^\n]", &sourcebuf, &slof, &polarization, &lof, &commands); if (fields == 4) commands = NULL; //XXX Apparently sscanf() doesn't work correctly if the last %a argument results in an empty string if (4 <= fields && fields <= 5) { source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf); if (Sources.Get(source)) { polarization = toupper(polarization); if (polarization == 'V' || polarization == 'H') { parsing = true; bool Start = true; while (Execute(Start) != daNone) Start = false; parsing = false; result = !commands || currentAction && !*currentAction; } else esyslog("ERROR: unknown polarization '%c'", polarization); } else esyslog("ERROR: unknown source '%s'", sourcebuf); } free(sourcebuf); return result; } char *cDiseqc::Wait(char *s) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n >= 0) { if (!parsing) usleep(n * 1000); return p; } esyslog("ERROR: illegal value for wait time in '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } char *cDiseqc::Codes(char *s) { char *e = strchr(s, ']'); if (e) { numCodes = 0; char *t = s; char *p = s; while (t < e) { if (numCodes < MaxDiseqcCodes) { errno = 0; int n = strtol(t, &p, 16); if (!errno && p != t && 0 <= n && n <= 255) { codes[numCodes++] = n; t = skipspace(p); } else { esyslog("ERROR: illegal code at '%s'", t); return NULL; } } else { esyslog("ERROR: too many codes in code sequence '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } } return e + 1; } else esyslog("ERROR: missing closing ']' in code sequence '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions cDiseqc::Execute(bool Start) { if (Start) currentAction = commands; while (currentAction && *currentAction) { switch (*currentAction++) { case ' ': break; case 't': return daToneOff; case 'T': return daToneOn; case 'v': return daVoltage13; case 'V': return daVoltage18; case 'A': return daMiniA; case 'B': return daMiniB; case 'W': currentAction = Wait(currentAction); break; case '[': currentAction = Codes(currentAction); return currentAction ? daCodes : daNone; default: return daNone; } } return daNone; } // -- cDiseqcs --------------------------------------------------------------- cDiseqcs Diseqcs; cDiseqc *cDiseqcs::Get(int Source, int Frequency, char Polarization) { for (cDiseqc *p = First(); p; p = Next(p)) { if (p->Source() == Source && p->Slof() > Frequency && p->Polarization() == toupper(Polarization)) return p; } return NULL; }