/* * diseqc.c: DiSEqC handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: diseqc.c 3.3 2013/12/28 11:33:08 kls Exp $ */ #include "diseqc.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <linux/dvb/frontend.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include "sources.h" #include "thread.h" #define ALL_DEVICES (~0) // all bits set to '1' #define MAX_DEVICES 32 // each bit in a 32-bit integer represents one device static int CurrentDevices = 0; static bool IsDeviceNumbers(const char *s) { return *s && s[strlen(s) - 1] == ':'; } static bool ParseDeviceNumbers(const char *s) { if (IsDeviceNumbers(s)) { CurrentDevices = 0; const char *p = s; while (*p && *p != ':') { char *t = NULL; int d = strtol(p, &t, 10); p = t; if (0 < d && d <= MAX_DEVICES) CurrentDevices |= (1 << d - 1); else { esyslog("ERROR: invalid device number %d in '%s'", d, s); return false; } } } return true; } // --- cDiseqcPositioner ----------------------------------------------------- // See http://www.eutelsat.com/files/live/sites/eutelsatv2/files/contributed/satellites/pdf/Diseqc/associated%20docs/positioner_appli_notice.pdf cDiseqcPositioner::cDiseqcPositioner(void) { SetCapabilities(pcCanDrive | pcCanStep | pcCanHalt | pcCanSetLimits | pcCanDisableLimits | pcCanEnableLimits | pcCanStorePosition | pcCanRecalcPositions | pcCanGotoPosition | pcCanGotoAngle ); } void cDiseqcPositioner::SendDiseqc(uint8_t *Codes, int NumCodes) { struct dvb_diseqc_master_cmd cmd; NumCodes = min(NumCodes, int(sizeof(cmd.msg) - 2)); cmd.msg_len = 0; cmd.msg[cmd.msg_len++] = 0xE0; cmd.msg[cmd.msg_len++] = 0x31; for (int i = 0; i < NumCodes; i++) cmd.msg[cmd.msg_len++] = Codes[i]; CHECK(ioctl(Frontend(), FE_DISEQC_SEND_MASTER_CMD, &cmd)); } void cDiseqcPositioner::Drive(ePositionerDirection Direction) { uint8_t Code[] = { uint8_t(Direction == pdLeft ? 0x68 : 0x69), 0x00 }; SendDiseqc(Code, 2); } void cDiseqcPositioner::Step(ePositionerDirection Direction, uint Steps) { if (Steps == 0) return; uint8_t Code[] = { uint8_t(Direction == pdLeft ? 0x68 : 0x69), 0xFF }; Code[1] -= min(Steps, uint(0x7F)) - 1; SendDiseqc(Code, 2); } void cDiseqcPositioner::Halt(void) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x60 }; SendDiseqc(Code, 1); } void cDiseqcPositioner::SetLimit(ePositionerDirection Direction) { uint8_t Code[] = { uint8_t(Direction == pdLeft ? 0x66 : 0x67) }; SendDiseqc(Code, 1); } void cDiseqcPositioner::DisableLimits(void) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x63 }; SendDiseqc(Code, 1); } void cDiseqcPositioner::EnableLimits(void) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x6A, 0x00 }; SendDiseqc(Code, 2); } void cDiseqcPositioner::StorePosition(uint Number) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x6A, uint8_t(Number) }; SendDiseqc(Code, 2); } void cDiseqcPositioner::RecalcPositions(uint Number) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x6F, uint8_t(Number), 0x00, 0x00 }; SendDiseqc(Code, 4); } void cDiseqcPositioner::GotoPosition(uint Number, int Longitude) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x6B, uint8_t(Number) }; SendDiseqc(Code, 2); cPositioner::GotoPosition(Number, Longitude); } void cDiseqcPositioner::GotoAngle(int Longitude) { uint8_t Code[] = { 0x6E, 0x00, 0x00 }; int Angle = CalcHourAngle(Longitude); int a = abs(Angle); Code[1] = a / 10 / 16; Code[2] = a / 10 % 16 * 16 + a % 10 * 16 / 10; Code[1] |= (Angle < 0) ? 0xE0 : 0xD0; SendDiseqc(Code, 3); cPositioner::GotoAngle(Longitude); } // --- cScr ------------------------------------------------------------------ cScr::cScr(void) { devices = 0; channel = -1; userBand = 0; pin = -1; used = false; } bool cScr::Parse(const char *s) { if (IsDeviceNumbers(s)) return ParseDeviceNumbers(s); devices = CurrentDevices; bool result = false; int fields = sscanf(s, "%d %u %d", &channel, &userBand, &pin); if (fields == 2 || fields == 3) { if (channel >= 0 && channel < 8) { result = true; if (fields == 3 && (pin < 0 || pin > 255)) { esyslog("Error: invalid SCR pin '%d'", pin); result = false; } } else esyslog("Error: invalid SCR channel '%d'", channel); } return result; } // --- cScrs ----------------------------------------------------------------- cScrs Scrs; bool cScrs::Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments, bool MustExist) { CurrentDevices = ALL_DEVICES; return cConfig<cScr>::Load(FileName, AllowComments, MustExist); } cScr *cScrs::GetUnused(int Device) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (cScr *p = First(); p; p = Next(p)) { if (!IsBitSet(p->Devices(), Device - 1)) continue; if (!p->Used()) { p->SetUsed(true); return p; } } return NULL; } // --- cDiseqc --------------------------------------------------------------- cDiseqc::cDiseqc(void) { devices = 0; source = 0; slof = 0; polarization = 0; lof = 0; position = -1; scrBank = -1; commands = NULL; parsing = false; } cDiseqc::~cDiseqc() { free(commands); } bool cDiseqc::Parse(const char *s) { if (IsDeviceNumbers(s)) return ParseDeviceNumbers(s); devices = CurrentDevices; bool result = false; char *sourcebuf = NULL; int fields = sscanf(s, "%m[^ ] %d %c %d %m[^\n]", &sourcebuf, &slof, &polarization, &lof, &commands); if (fields == 4) commands = NULL; //XXX Apparently sscanf() doesn't work correctly if the last %m argument results in an empty string if (4 <= fields && fields <= 5) { source = cSource::FromString(sourcebuf); if (Sources.Get(source)) { polarization = char(toupper(polarization)); if (polarization == 'V' || polarization == 'H' || polarization == 'L' || polarization == 'R') { parsing = true; const char *CurrentAction = NULL; while (Execute(&CurrentAction, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) != daNone) ; parsing = false; result = !commands || !*CurrentAction; } else esyslog("ERROR: unknown polarization '%c'", polarization); } else esyslog("ERROR: unknown source '%s'", sourcebuf); } free(sourcebuf); return result; } uint cDiseqc::SetScrFrequency(uint SatFrequency, const cScr *Scr, uint8_t *Codes) const { uint t = SatFrequency == 0 ? 0 : (SatFrequency + Scr->UserBand() + 2) / 4 - 350; // '+ 2' together with '/ 4' results in rounding! if (t < 1024 && Scr->Channel() >= 0 && Scr->Channel() < 8) { Codes[3] = t >> 8 | (t == 0 ? 0 : scrBank << 2) | Scr->Channel() << 5; Codes[4] = t; if (t) return (t + 350) * 4 - SatFrequency; } return 0; } int cDiseqc::SetScrPin(const cScr *Scr, uint8_t *Codes) const { if (Scr->Pin() >= 0 && Scr->Pin() <= 255) { Codes[2] = 0x5C; Codes[5] = Scr->Pin(); return 6; } else { Codes[2] = 0x5A; return 5; } } const char *cDiseqc::Wait(const char *s) const { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n >= 0) { if (!parsing) cCondWait::SleepMs(n); return p; } esyslog("ERROR: invalid value for wait time in '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } const char *cDiseqc::GetPosition(const char *s) const { if (!*s || !isdigit(*s)) { position = 0; return s; } char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n >= 0 && n < 0xFF) { if (parsing) { if (position < 0) position = n; else esyslog("ERROR: more than one position in '%s'", s - 1); } return p; } esyslog("ERROR: invalid satellite position in '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } const char *cDiseqc::GetScrBank(const char *s) const { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; int n = strtol(s, &p, 10); if (!errno && p != s && n >= 0 && n < 8) { if (parsing) { if (scrBank < 0) scrBank = n; else esyslog("ERROR: more than one scr bank in '%s'", s - 1); } return p; } esyslog("ERROR: invalid value for scr bank in '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } const char *cDiseqc::GetCodes(const char *s, uchar *Codes, uint8_t *MaxCodes) const { const char *e = strchr(s, ']'); if (e) { int NumCodes = 0; const char *t = s; while (t < e) { if (NumCodes < MaxDiseqcCodes) { errno = 0; char *p; int n = strtol(t, &p, 16); if (!errno && p != t && 0 <= n && n <= 255) { if (Codes) { if (NumCodes < *MaxCodes) Codes[NumCodes++] = uchar(n); else { esyslog("ERROR: too many codes in code sequence '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } } t = skipspace(p); } else { esyslog("ERROR: invalid code at '%s'", t); return NULL; } } else { esyslog("ERROR: too many codes in code sequence '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } } if (MaxCodes) *MaxCodes = NumCodes; return e + 1; } else esyslog("ERROR: missing closing ']' in code sequence '%s'", s - 1); return NULL; } cDiseqc::eDiseqcActions cDiseqc::Execute(const char **CurrentAction, uchar *Codes, uint8_t *MaxCodes, const cScr *Scr, uint *Frequency) const { if (!*CurrentAction) *CurrentAction = commands; while (*CurrentAction && **CurrentAction) { switch (*(*CurrentAction)++) { case ' ': break; case 't': return daToneOff; case 'T': return daToneOn; case 'v': return daVoltage13; case 'V': return daVoltage18; case 'A': return daMiniA; case 'B': return daMiniB; case 'W': *CurrentAction = Wait(*CurrentAction); return daWait; case 'P': *CurrentAction = GetPosition(*CurrentAction); if (Setup.UsePositioner) return position ? daPositionN : daPositionA; break; case 'S': *CurrentAction = GetScrBank(*CurrentAction); return daScr; case '[': *CurrentAction = GetCodes(*CurrentAction, Codes, MaxCodes); if (*CurrentAction) { if (Scr && Frequency) { *Frequency = SetScrFrequency(*Frequency, Scr, Codes); *MaxCodes = SetScrPin(Scr, Codes); } return daCodes; } break; default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown diseqc code '%c'", *(*CurrentAction - 1)); return daNone; } } return daNone; } // --- cDiseqcs -------------------------------------------------------------- cDiseqcs Diseqcs; bool cDiseqcs::Load(const char *FileName, bool AllowComments, bool MustExist) { CurrentDevices = ALL_DEVICES; return cConfig<cDiseqc>::Load(FileName, AllowComments, MustExist); } const cDiseqc *cDiseqcs::Get(int Device, int Source, int Frequency, char Polarization, const cScr **Scr) const { for (const cDiseqc *p = First(); p; p = Next(p)) { if (!IsBitSet(p->Devices(), Device - 1)) continue; if (cSource::Matches(p->Source(), Source) && p->Slof() > Frequency && p->Polarization() == toupper(Polarization)) { if (p->IsScr() && Scr && !*Scr) { *Scr = Scrs.GetUnused(Device); if (*Scr) dsyslog("SCR %d assigned to device %d", (*Scr)->Channel(), Device); else esyslog("ERROR: no free SCR entry available for device %d", Device); } return p; } } return NULL; }