/* * dvbplayer.c: The DVB player * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: dvbplayer.c 1.7 2002/07/14 14:30:36 kls Exp $ */ #include "dvbplayer.h" #include <poll.h> #include "recording.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "thread.h" // --- cBackTrace ---------------------------------------------------------- #define AVG_FRAME_SIZE 15000 // an assumption about the average frame size #define DVB_BUF_SIZE (256 * 1024) // an assumption about the dvb firmware buffer size #define BACKTRACE_ENTRIES (DVB_BUF_SIZE / AVG_FRAME_SIZE + 20) // how many entries are needed to backtrace buffer contents class cBackTrace { private: int index[BACKTRACE_ENTRIES]; int length[BACKTRACE_ENTRIES]; int pos, num; public: cBackTrace(void); void Clear(void); void Add(int Index, int Length); int Get(bool Forward); }; cBackTrace::cBackTrace(void) { Clear(); } void cBackTrace::Clear(void) { pos = num = 0; } void cBackTrace::Add(int Index, int Length) { index[pos] = Index; length[pos] = Length; if (++pos >= BACKTRACE_ENTRIES) pos = 0; if (num < BACKTRACE_ENTRIES) num++; } int cBackTrace::Get(bool Forward) { int p = pos; int n = num; int l = DVB_BUF_SIZE + (Forward ? 0 : 256 * 1024); //XXX (256 * 1024) == DVB_BUF_SIZE ??? int i = -1; while (n && l > 0) { if (--p < 0) p = BACKTRACE_ENTRIES - 1; i = index[p] - 1; l -= length[p]; n--; } return i; } // --- cDvbPlayer ------------------------------------------------------------ //XXX+ also used in recorder.c - find a better place??? // The size of the array used to buffer video data: // (must be larger than MINVIDEODATA - see remux.h) #define VIDEOBUFSIZE MEGABYTE(1) // The number of frames to back up when resuming an interrupted replay session: #define RESUMEBACKUP (10 * FRAMESPERSEC) class cDvbPlayer : public cPlayer, cThread { private: enum ePlayModes { pmPlay, pmPause, pmSlow, pmFast, pmStill }; enum ePlayDirs { pdForward, pdBackward }; static int Speeds[]; cRingBufferFrame *ringBuffer; cBackTrace *backTrace; cFileName *fileName; cIndexFile *index; int replayFile; bool eof; bool active; ePlayModes playMode; ePlayDirs playDir; int trickSpeed; int readIndex, writeIndex; cFrame *readFrame; const cFrame *playFrame; void TrickSpeed(int Increment); void Empty(void); void StripAudioPackets(uchar *b, int Length, uchar Except = 0x00); bool NextFile(uchar FileNumber = 0, int FileOffset = -1); int Resume(void); bool Save(void); protected: virtual void Activate(bool On); virtual void Action(void); public: cDvbPlayer(const char *FileName); virtual ~cDvbPlayer(); bool Active(void) { return active; } void Pause(void); void Play(void); void Forward(void); void Backward(void); int SkipFrames(int Frames); void SkipSeconds(int Seconds); void Goto(int Position, bool Still = false); virtual bool GetIndex(int &Current, int &Total, bool SnapToIFrame = false); virtual bool GetReplayMode(bool &Play, bool &Forward, int &Speed); }; #define MAX_VIDEO_SLOWMOTION 63 // max. arg to pass to VIDEO_SLOWMOTION // TODO is this value correct? #define NORMAL_SPEED 4 // the index of the '1' entry in the following array #define MAX_SPEEDS 3 // the offset of the maximum speed from normal speed in either direction #define SPEED_MULT 12 // the speed multiplier int cDvbPlayer::Speeds[] = { 0, -2, -4, -8, 1, 2, 4, 12, 0 }; cDvbPlayer::cDvbPlayer(const char *FileName) { ringBuffer = NULL; backTrace = NULL; index = NULL; eof = false; active = true; playMode = pmPlay; playDir = pdForward; trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED; readIndex = writeIndex = -1; readFrame = NULL; playFrame = NULL; isyslog("replay %s", FileName); fileName = new cFileName(FileName, false); replayFile = fileName->Open(); if (replayFile < 0) return; ringBuffer = new cRingBufferFrame(VIDEOBUFSIZE); // Create the index file: index = new cIndexFile(FileName, false); if (!index) esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate index"); else if (!index->Ok()) { delete index; index = NULL; } backTrace = new cBackTrace; } cDvbPlayer::~cDvbPlayer() { Detach(); Save(); delete index; delete fileName; delete backTrace; delete ringBuffer; } void cDvbPlayer::TrickSpeed(int Increment) { int nts = trickSpeed + Increment; if (Speeds[nts] == 1) { trickSpeed = nts; if (playMode == pmFast) Play(); else Pause(); } else if (Speeds[nts]) { trickSpeed = nts; int Mult = (playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdForward) ? 1 : SPEED_MULT; int sp = (Speeds[nts] > 0) ? Mult / Speeds[nts] : -Speeds[nts] * Mult; if (sp > MAX_VIDEO_SLOWMOTION) sp = MAX_VIDEO_SLOWMOTION; DeviceTrickSpeed(sp); } } void cDvbPlayer::Empty(void) { Lock(); if ((readIndex = backTrace->Get(playDir == pdForward)) < 0) readIndex = writeIndex; readFrame = NULL; playFrame = NULL; ringBuffer->Clear(); backTrace->Clear(); DeviceClear(); Unlock(); } void cDvbPlayer::StripAudioPackets(uchar *b, int Length, uchar Except) { if (index) { for (int i = 0; i < Length - 6; i++) { if (b[i] == 0x00 && b[i + 1] == 0x00 && b[i + 2] == 0x01) { uchar c = b[i + 3]; int l = b[i + 4] * 256 + b[i + 5] + 6; switch (c) { case 0xBD: // dolby if (Except) ;//XXX+ PlayExternalDolby(&b[i], Length - i); // continue with deleting the data - otherwise it disturbs DVB replay case 0xC0 ... 0xC1: // audio if (c == 0xC1) ;//XXX+ canToggleAudioTrack = true; if (!Except || c != Except) { int n = l; for (int j = i; j < Length && n--; j++) b[j] = 0x00; } break; case 0xE0 ... 0xEF: // video break; default: //esyslog("ERROR: unexpected packet id %02X", c); l = 0; } if (l) i += l - 1; // the loop increments, too! } /*XXX else esyslog("ERROR: broken packet header"); XXX*/ } } } bool cDvbPlayer::NextFile(uchar FileNumber, int FileOffset) { if (FileNumber > 0) replayFile = fileName->SetOffset(FileNumber, FileOffset); else if (replayFile >= 0 && eof) replayFile = fileName->NextFile(); eof = false; return replayFile >= 0; } int cDvbPlayer::Resume(void) { if (index) { int Index = index->GetResume(); if (Index >= 0) { uchar FileNumber; int FileOffset; if (index->Get(Index, &FileNumber, &FileOffset) && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset)) return Index; } } return -1; } bool cDvbPlayer::Save(void) { if (index) { int Index = writeIndex; if (Index >= 0) { Index -= RESUMEBACKUP; if (Index > 0) Index = index->GetNextIFrame(Index, false); else Index = 0; if (Index >= 0) return index->StoreResume(Index); } } return false; } void cDvbPlayer::Activate(bool On) { if (On) { if (replayFile >= 0) Start(); } else if (active) { active = false; Cancel(3); } } void cDvbPlayer::Action(void) { dsyslog("dvbplayer thread started (pid=%d)", getpid()); uchar b[MAXFRAMESIZE]; const uchar *p = NULL; int pc = 0; pollfd pfd[2]; pfd[0].fd = DeviceFileHandle(); pfd[0].events = pfd[0].revents = POLLOUT; pfd[1].fd = replayFile; pfd[1].events = pfd[1].revents = POLLIN; readIndex = Resume(); if (readIndex >= 0) isyslog("resuming replay at index %d (%s)", readIndex, IndexToHMSF(readIndex, true)); while (active && NextFile()) { pfd[1].fd = replayFile; // NextFile() may have returned a new file handle! { LOCK_THREAD; // Read the next frame from the file: if (!readFrame && (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN)) { if (playMode != pmStill) { int r = 0; if (playMode == pmFast || (playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdBackward)) { uchar FileNumber; int FileOffset, Length; int Index = index->GetNextIFrame(readIndex, playDir == pdForward, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length, true); if (Index >= 0) { if (!NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset)) break; } else { // can't call Play() here, because those functions may only be // called from the foreground thread - and we also don't need // to empty the buffer here DevicePlay(); playMode = pmPlay; playDir = pdForward; continue; } readIndex = Index; r = ReadFrame(replayFile, b, Length, sizeof(b)); // must call StripAudioPackets() here because the buffer is not emptied // when falling back from "fast forward" to "play" (see above) StripAudioPackets(b, r); } else if (index) { uchar FileNumber; int FileOffset, Length; readIndex++; if (!(index->Get(readIndex, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, NULL, &Length) && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset))) break; r = ReadFrame(replayFile, b, Length, sizeof(b)); } else // allows replay even if the index file is missing r = read(replayFile, b, sizeof(b)); if (r > 0) readFrame = new cFrame(b, r, ftUnknown, readIndex); else if (r == 0) eof = true; else if (r < 0 && FATALERRNO) { LOG_ERROR; break; } } else//XXX usleep(1); // this keeps the CPU load low } // Store the frame in the buffer: if (readFrame) { if (ringBuffer->Put(readFrame)) readFrame = NULL; } // Get the next frame from the buffer: if (!playFrame) { playFrame = ringBuffer->Get(); p = NULL; pc = 0; } // Play the frame: if (playFrame && (pfd[0].revents & POLLOUT)) { if (!p) { p = playFrame->Data(); pc = playFrame->Count(); } if (p) { int w = PlayVideo(p, pc); if (w > 0) { p += w; pc -= w; } else if (w < 0 && FATALERRNO) { LOG_ERROR; break; } } if (pc == 0) { writeIndex = playFrame->Index(); backTrace->Add(playFrame->Index(), playFrame->Count()); ringBuffer->Drop(playFrame); playFrame = NULL; p = 0; } } } // Wait for input or output to become ready: if (poll(pfd, readFrame ? 1 : 2, 10) < 0 && FATALERRNO) { LOG_ERROR; break; } } dsyslog("dvbplayer thread ended (pid=%d)", getpid()); active = false; } void cDvbPlayer::Pause(void) { if (playMode == pmPause || playMode == pmStill) Play(); else { LOCK_THREAD; if (playMode == pmFast || (playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdBackward)) Empty(); DeviceFreeze(); playMode = pmPause; } } void cDvbPlayer::Play(void) { if (playMode != pmPlay) { LOCK_THREAD; if (playMode == pmStill || playMode == pmFast || (playMode == pmSlow && playDir == pdBackward)) Empty(); DevicePlay(); playMode = pmPlay; playDir = pdForward; } } void cDvbPlayer::Forward(void) { if (index) { switch (playMode) { case pmFast: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) { TrickSpeed(playDir == pdForward ? 1 : -1); break; } else if (playDir == pdForward) { Play(); break; } // run into pmPlay case pmPlay: { LOCK_THREAD; Empty(); DeviceMute(); playMode = pmFast; playDir = pdForward; trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED; TrickSpeed(Setup.MultiSpeedMode ? 1 : MAX_SPEEDS); } break; case pmSlow: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) { TrickSpeed(playDir == pdForward ? -1 : 1); break; } else if (playDir == pdForward) { Pause(); break; } // run into pmPause case pmStill: case pmPause: DeviceMute(); playMode = pmSlow; playDir = pdForward; trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED; TrickSpeed(Setup.MultiSpeedMode ? -1 : -MAX_SPEEDS); break; } } } void cDvbPlayer::Backward(void) { if (index) { switch (playMode) { case pmFast: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) { TrickSpeed(playDir == pdBackward ? 1 : -1); break; } else if (playDir == pdBackward) { Play(); break; } // run into pmPlay case pmPlay: { LOCK_THREAD; Empty(); DeviceMute(); playMode = pmFast; playDir = pdBackward; trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED; TrickSpeed(Setup.MultiSpeedMode ? 1 : MAX_SPEEDS); } break; case pmSlow: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) { TrickSpeed(playDir == pdBackward ? -1 : 1); break; } else if (playDir == pdBackward) { Pause(); break; } // run into pmPause case pmStill: case pmPause: { LOCK_THREAD; Empty(); DeviceMute(); playMode = pmSlow; playDir = pdBackward; trickSpeed = NORMAL_SPEED; TrickSpeed(Setup.MultiSpeedMode ? -1 : -MAX_SPEEDS); } break; } } } int cDvbPlayer::SkipFrames(int Frames) { if (index && Frames) { int Current, Total; GetIndex(Current, Total, true); int OldCurrent = Current; Current = index->GetNextIFrame(Current + Frames, Frames > 0); return Current >= 0 ? Current : OldCurrent; } return -1; } void cDvbPlayer::SkipSeconds(int Seconds) { if (index && Seconds) { LOCK_THREAD; Empty(); int Index = writeIndex; if (Index >= 0) { Index = max(Index + Seconds * FRAMESPERSEC, 0); if (Index > 0) Index = index->GetNextIFrame(Index, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, true); if (Index >= 0) readIndex = writeIndex = Index - 1; // Input() will first increment it! } Play(); } } void cDvbPlayer::Goto(int Index, bool Still) { if (index) { LOCK_THREAD; Empty(); if (++Index <= 0) Index = 1; // not '0', to allow GetNextIFrame() below to work! uchar FileNumber; int FileOffset, Length; Index = index->GetNextIFrame(Index, false, &FileNumber, &FileOffset, &Length); if (Index >= 0 && NextFile(FileNumber, FileOffset) && Still) { uchar b[MAXFRAMESIZE]; int r = ReadFrame(replayFile, b, Length, sizeof(b)); if (r > 0) { if (playMode == pmPause) DevicePlay(); StripAudioPackets(b, r); DeviceStillPicture(b, r); } playMode = pmStill; } readIndex = writeIndex = Index; } } bool cDvbPlayer::GetIndex(int &Current, int &Total, bool SnapToIFrame) { if (index) { if (playMode == pmStill) Current = max(readIndex, 0); else { Current = max(writeIndex, 0); if (SnapToIFrame) { int i1 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current + 1, false); int i2 = index->GetNextIFrame(Current, true); Current = (abs(Current - i1) <= abs(Current - i2)) ? i1 : i2; } } Total = index->Last(); return true; } Current = Total = -1; return false; } bool cDvbPlayer::GetReplayMode(bool &Play, bool &Forward, int &Speed) { Play = (playMode == pmPlay || playMode == pmFast); Forward = (playDir == pdForward); if (playMode == pmFast || playMode == pmSlow) Speed = Setup.MultiSpeedMode ? abs(trickSpeed - NORMAL_SPEED) : 0; else Speed = -1; return true; } // --- cDvbPlayerControl ----------------------------------------------------- cDvbPlayerControl::cDvbPlayerControl(const char *FileName) :cControl(player = new cDvbPlayer(FileName)) { } cDvbPlayerControl::~cDvbPlayerControl() { Stop(); } bool cDvbPlayerControl::Active(void) { return player && player->Active(); } void cDvbPlayerControl::Stop(void) { delete player; player = NULL; } void cDvbPlayerControl::Pause(void) { if (player) player->Pause(); } void cDvbPlayerControl::Play(void) { if (player) player->Play(); } void cDvbPlayerControl::Forward(void) { if (player) player->Forward(); } void cDvbPlayerControl::Backward(void) { if (player) player->Backward(); } void cDvbPlayerControl::SkipSeconds(int Seconds) { if (player) player->SkipSeconds(Seconds); } int cDvbPlayerControl::SkipFrames(int Frames) { if (player) return player->SkipFrames(Frames); return -1; } bool cDvbPlayerControl::GetIndex(int &Current, int &Total, bool SnapToIFrame) { if (player) { player->GetIndex(Current, Total, SnapToIFrame); return true; } return false; } bool cDvbPlayerControl::GetReplayMode(bool &Play, bool &Forward, int &Speed) { return player && player->GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed); } void cDvbPlayerControl::Goto(int Position, bool Still) { if (player) player->Goto(Position, Still); }