/* * dvbsubtitle.c: DVB subtitles * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * Original author: Marco Schl��ler <marco@lordzodiac.de> * With some input from the "subtitle plugin" by Pekka Virtanen <pekka.virtanen@sci.fi> * * $Id: dvbsubtitle.c 2.21 2012/01/11 10:34:07 kls Exp $ */ #include "dvbsubtitle.h" #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS // Required for format specifiers #include <inttypes.h> #include "device.h" #include "libsi/si.h" //#define FINISHPAGE_HACK #define PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT 0x10 #define REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT 0x11 #define CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT 0x12 #define OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT 0x13 #define DISPLAY_DEFINITION_SEGMENT 0x14 #define DISPARITY_SIGNALING_SEGMENT 0x15 // DVB BlueBook A156 #define END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT 0x80 #define STUFFING_SEGMENT 0xFF // Set these to 'true' for debug output: static bool DebugConverter = false; static bool DebugSegments = false; static bool DebugPages = false; static bool DebugRegions = false; static bool DebugObjects = false; static bool DebugCluts = false; #define dbgconverter(a...) if (DebugConverter) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgsegments(a...) if (DebugSegments) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgpages(a...) if (DebugPages) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgregions(a...) if (DebugRegions) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgobjects(a...) if (DebugObjects) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgcluts(a...) if (DebugCluts) fprintf(stderr, a) // --- cSubtitleClut --------------------------------------------------------- class cSubtitleClut : public cListObject { private: int clutId; int version; cPalette palette2; cPalette palette4; cPalette palette8; public: cSubtitleClut(int ClutId); int ClutId(void) { return clutId; } int Version(void) { return version; } void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } void SetColor(int Bpp, int Index, tColor Color); const cPalette *GetPalette(int Bpp); }; cSubtitleClut::cSubtitleClut(int ClutId) :palette2(2) ,palette4(4) ,palette8(8) { int a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; clutId = ClutId; version = -1; // ETSI EN 300 743 10.3: 4-entry CLUT default contents palette2.SetColor(0, ArgbToColor( 0, 0, 0, 0)); palette2.SetColor(1, ArgbToColor(255, 255, 255, 255)); palette2.SetColor(2, ArgbToColor(255, 0, 0, 0)); palette2.SetColor(3, ArgbToColor(255, 127, 127, 127)); // ETSI EN 300 743 10.2: 16-entry CLUT default contents palette4.SetColor(0, ArgbToColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); for (int i = 1; i < 16; ++i) { if (i < 8) { r = (i & 1) ? 255 : 0; g = (i & 2) ? 255 : 0; b = (i & 4) ? 255 : 0; } else { r = (i & 1) ? 127 : 0; g = (i & 2) ? 127 : 0; b = (i & 4) ? 127 : 0; } palette4.SetColor(i, ArgbToColor(255, r, g, b)); } // ETSI EN 300 743 10.1: 256-entry CLUT default contents palette8.SetColor(0, ArgbToColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i) { if (i < 8) { r = (i & 1) ? 255 : 0; g = (i & 2) ? 255 : 0; b = (i & 4) ? 255 : 0; a = 63; } else { switch (i & 0x88) { case 0x00: r = ((i & 1) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x10) ? 170 : 0); g = ((i & 2) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x20) ? 170 : 0); b = ((i & 4) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x40) ? 170 : 0); a = 255; break; case 0x08: r = ((i & 1) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x10) ? 170 : 0); g = ((i & 2) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x20) ? 170 : 0); b = ((i & 4) ? 85 : 0) + ((i & 0x40) ? 170 : 0); a = 127; break; case 0x80: r = 127 + ((i & 1) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x10) ? 85 : 0); g = 127 + ((i & 2) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x20) ? 85 : 0); b = 127 + ((i & 4) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x40) ? 85 : 0); a = 255; break; case 0x88: r = ((i & 1) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x10) ? 85 : 0); g = ((i & 2) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x20) ? 85 : 0); b = ((i & 4) ? 43 : 0) + ((i & 0x40) ? 85 : 0); a = 255; break; } } palette8.SetColor(i, ArgbToColor(a, r, g, b)); } } void cSubtitleClut::SetColor(int Bpp, int Index, tColor Color) { switch (Bpp) { case 2: palette2.SetColor(Index, Color); break; case 4: palette4.SetColor(Index, Color); break; case 8: palette8.SetColor(Index, Color); break; default: esyslog("ERROR: wrong Bpp in cSubtitleClut::SetColor(%d, %d, %08X)", Bpp, Index, Color); } } const cPalette *cSubtitleClut::GetPalette(int Bpp) { switch (Bpp) { case 2: return &palette2; case 4: return &palette4; case 8: return &palette8; default: esyslog("ERROR: wrong Bpp in cSubtitleClut::GetPalette(%d)", Bpp); } return &palette8; } // --- cSubtitleObject ------------------------------------------------------- class cSubtitleObject : public cListObject { private: int objectId; int version; int codingMethod; bool nonModifyingColorFlag; uchar backgroundPixelCode; uchar foregroundPixelCode; int providerFlag; int px; int py; cBitmap *bitmap; char textData[Utf8BufSize(256)]; // number of character codes is an 8-bit field void DrawLine(int x, int y, tIndex Index, int Length); bool Decode2BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int&x, int y, const uint8_t *MapTable); bool Decode4BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int&x, int y, const uint8_t *MapTable); bool Decode8BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int&x, int y); public: cSubtitleObject(int ObjectId, cBitmap *Bitmap); int ObjectId(void) { return objectId; } int Version(void) { return version; } int CodingMethod(void) { return codingMethod; } uchar BackgroundPixelCode(void) { return backgroundPixelCode; } uchar ForegroundPixelCode(void) { return foregroundPixelCode; } const char *TextData(void) { return &textData[0]; } int X(void) { return px; } int Y(void) { return py; } bool NonModifyingColorFlag(void) { return nonModifyingColorFlag; } void DecodeCharacterString(const uchar *Data, int NumberOfCodes); void DecodeSubBlock(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool Even); void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } void SetBackgroundPixelCode(uchar BackgroundPixelCode) { backgroundPixelCode = BackgroundPixelCode; } void SetForegroundPixelCode(uchar ForegroundPixelCode) { foregroundPixelCode = ForegroundPixelCode; } void SetNonModifyingColorFlag(bool NonModifyingColorFlag) { nonModifyingColorFlag = NonModifyingColorFlag; } void SetCodingMethod(int CodingMethod) { codingMethod = CodingMethod; } void SetPosition(int x, int y) { px = x; py = y; } void SetProviderFlag(int ProviderFlag) { providerFlag = ProviderFlag; } }; cSubtitleObject::cSubtitleObject(int ObjectId, cBitmap *Bitmap) { objectId = ObjectId; version = -1; codingMethod = -1; nonModifyingColorFlag = false; backgroundPixelCode = 0; foregroundPixelCode = 0; providerFlag = -1; px = py = 0; bitmap = Bitmap; memset(textData, 0, sizeof(textData)); } void cSubtitleObject::DecodeCharacterString(const uchar *Data, int NumberOfCodes) { if (NumberOfCodes > 0) { bool singleByte; const uchar *from = &Data[1]; int len = NumberOfCodes * 2 - 1; cCharSetConv conv(SI::getCharacterTable(from, len, &singleByte)); if (singleByte) { char txt[NumberOfCodes + 1]; char *p = txt; for (int i = 2; i < NumberOfCodes; ++i) { char c = Data[i * 2 + 1] & 0xFF; if (c == 0) break; if (' ' <= c && c <= '~' || c == '\n' || 0xA0 <= c) *(p++) = c; else if (c == 0x8A) *(p++) = '\n'; } *p = 0; const char *s = conv.Convert(txt); Utf8Strn0Cpy(textData, s, Utf8StrLen(s)); } else { // TODO: add proper multibyte support for "UTF-16", "EUC-KR", "GB2312", "GBK", "UTF-8" } } } void cSubtitleObject::DecodeSubBlock(const uchar *Data, int Length, bool Even) { int x = 0; int y = Even ? 0 : 1; uint8_t map2to4[ 4] = { 0x00, 0x07, 0x08, 0x0F }; uint8_t map2to8[ 4] = { 0x00, 0x77, 0x88, 0xFF }; uint8_t map4to8[16] = { 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF }; const uint8_t *mapTable = NULL; cBitStream bs(Data, Length * 8); while (!bs.IsEOF()) { switch (bs.GetBits(8)) { case 0x10: dbgobjects("2-bit / pixel code string\n"); switch (bitmap->Bpp()) { case 8: mapTable = map2to8; break; case 4: mapTable = map2to4; break; default: mapTable = NULL; break; } while (Decode2BppCodeString(&bs, x, y, mapTable) && !bs.IsEOF()) ; bs.ByteAlign(); break; case 0x11: dbgobjects("4-bit / pixel code string\n"); switch (bitmap->Bpp()) { case 8: mapTable = map4to8; break; default: mapTable = NULL; break; } while (Decode4BppCodeString(&bs, x, y, mapTable) && !bs.IsEOF()) ; bs.ByteAlign(); break; case 0x12: dbgobjects("8-bit / pixel code string\n"); while (Decode8BppCodeString(&bs, x, y) && !bs.IsEOF()) ; break; case 0x20: dbgobjects("sub block 2 to 4 map\n"); map2to4[0] = bs.GetBits(4); map2to4[1] = bs.GetBits(4); map2to4[2] = bs.GetBits(4); map2to4[3] = bs.GetBits(4); break; case 0x21: dbgobjects("sub block 2 to 8 map\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) map2to8[i] = bs.GetBits(8); break; case 0x22: dbgobjects("sub block 4 to 8 map\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) map4to8[i] = bs.GetBits(8); break; case 0xF0: dbgobjects("end of object line\n"); x = 0; y += 2; break; default: dbgobjects("unknown sub block %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } void cSubtitleObject::DrawLine(int x, int y, tIndex Index, int Length) { if (nonModifyingColorFlag && Index == 1) return; x += px; y += py; for (int pos = x; pos < x + Length; pos++) bitmap->SetIndex(pos, y, Index); } bool cSubtitleObject::Decode2BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int &x, int y, const uint8_t *MapTable) { int rl = 0; int color = 0; uchar code = bs->GetBits(2); if (code) { color = code; rl = 1; } else if (bs->GetBit()) { // switch_1 rl = bs->GetBits(3) + 3; color = bs->GetBits(2); } else if (bs->GetBit()) // switch_2 rl = 1; //color 0 else { switch (bs->GetBits(2)) { // switch_3 case 0: return false; case 1: rl = 2; //color 0 break; case 2: rl = bs->GetBits(4) + 12; color = bs->GetBits(2); break; case 3: rl = bs->GetBits(8) + 29; color = bs->GetBits(2); break; default: ; } } if (MapTable) color = MapTable[color]; DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); x += rl; return true; } bool cSubtitleObject::Decode4BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int &x, int y, const uint8_t *MapTable) { int rl = 0; int color = 0; uchar code = bs->GetBits(4); if (code) { color = code; rl = 1; } else if (bs->GetBit() == 0) { // switch_1 code = bs->GetBits(3); if (code) rl = code + 2; //color 0 else return false; } else if (bs->GetBit() == 0) { // switch_2 rl = bs->GetBits(2) + 4; color = bs->GetBits(4); } else { switch (bs->GetBits(2)) { // switch_3 case 0: // color 0 rl = 1; break; case 1: // color 0 rl = 2; break; case 2: rl = bs->GetBits(4) + 9; color = bs->GetBits(4); break; case 3: rl = bs->GetBits(8) + 25; color = bs->GetBits(4); break; } } if (MapTable) color = MapTable[color]; DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); x += rl; return true; } bool cSubtitleObject::Decode8BppCodeString(cBitStream *bs, int &x, int y) { int rl = 0; int color = 0; uchar code = bs->GetBits(8); if (code) { color = code; rl = 1; } else if (bs->GetBit()) { rl = bs->GetBits(7); color = bs->GetBits(8); } else { code = bs->GetBits(7); if (code) rl = code; // color 0 else return false; } DrawLine(x, y, color, rl); x += rl; return true; } // --- cSubtitleRegion ------------------------------------------------------- class cSubtitleRegion : public cListObject, public cBitmap { private: int regionId; int version; int clutId; int horizontalAddress; int verticalAddress; int level; int lineHeight; cList<cSubtitleObject> objects; public: cSubtitleRegion(int RegionId); int RegionId(void) { return regionId; } int Version(void) { return version; } int ClutId(void) { return clutId; } int Level(void) { return level; } int Depth(void) { return Bpp(); } void FillRegion(tIndex Index); cSubtitleObject *GetObjectById(int ObjectId, bool New = false); int HorizontalAddress(void) { return horizontalAddress; } int VerticalAddress(void) { return verticalAddress; } void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } void SetClutId(int ClutId) { clutId = ClutId; } void SetLevel(int Level); void SetDepth(int Depth); void SetHorizontalAddress(int HorizontalAddress) { horizontalAddress = HorizontalAddress; } void SetVerticalAddress(int VerticalAddress) { verticalAddress = VerticalAddress; } void UpdateTextData(cSubtitleClut *Clut); }; cSubtitleRegion::cSubtitleRegion(int RegionId) :cBitmap(1, 1, 4) { regionId = RegionId; version = -1; clutId = -1; horizontalAddress = 0; verticalAddress = 0; level = 0; lineHeight = 26; // configurable subtitling font size } void cSubtitleRegion::FillRegion(tIndex Index) { dbgregions("FillRegion %d\n", Index); for (int y = 0; y < Height(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Width(); x++) SetIndex(x, y, Index); } } cSubtitleObject *cSubtitleRegion::GetObjectById(int ObjectId, bool New) { cSubtitleObject *result = NULL; for (cSubtitleObject *so = objects.First(); so; so = objects.Next(so)) { if (so->ObjectId() == ObjectId) result = so; } if (!result && New) { result = new cSubtitleObject(ObjectId, this); objects.Add(result); } return result; } void cSubtitleRegion::UpdateTextData(cSubtitleClut *Clut) { const cPalette *palette = Clut ? Clut->GetPalette(Depth()) : NULL; for (cSubtitleObject *so = objects.First(); so && palette; so = objects.Next(so)) { if (Utf8StrLen(so->TextData()) > 0) { const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd); cBitmap *tmp = new cBitmap(font->Width(so->TextData()), font->Height(), Depth()); double factor = (double)lineHeight / font->Height(); tmp->DrawText(0, 0, so->TextData(), palette->Color(so->ForegroundPixelCode()), palette->Color(so->BackgroundPixelCode()), font); tmp = tmp->Scaled(factor, factor, true); DrawBitmap(so->X(), so->Y(), *tmp); DELETENULL(tmp); } } } void cSubtitleRegion::SetLevel(int Level) { if (Level > 0 && Level < 4) level = 1 << Level; } void cSubtitleRegion::SetDepth(int Depth) { if (Depth > 0 && Depth < 4) SetBpp(1 << Depth); } // --- cDvbSubtitlePage ------------------------------------------------------ class cDvbSubtitlePage : public cListObject { private: int pageId; int version; int state; int64_t pts; int timeout; cList<cSubtitleClut> cluts; public: cList<cSubtitleRegion> regions; cDvbSubtitlePage(int PageId); virtual ~cDvbSubtitlePage(); int PageId(void) { return pageId; } int Version(void) { return version; } int State(void) { return state; } tArea *GetAreas(double FactorX, double FactorY); cSubtitleClut *GetClutById(int ClutId, bool New = false); cSubtitleObject *GetObjectById(int ObjectId); cSubtitleRegion *GetRegionById(int RegionId, bool New = false); int64_t Pts(void) const { return pts; } int Timeout(void) { return timeout; } void SetVersion(int Version) { version = Version; } void SetPts(int64_t Pts) { pts = Pts; } void SetState(int State); void SetTimeout(int Timeout) { timeout = Timeout; } void UpdateRegionPalette(cSubtitleClut *Clut); }; cDvbSubtitlePage::cDvbSubtitlePage(int PageId) { pageId = PageId; version = -1; state = -1; pts = 0; timeout = 0; } cDvbSubtitlePage::~cDvbSubtitlePage() { } tArea *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetAreas(double FactorX, double FactorY) { if (regions.Count() > 0) { tArea *Areas = new tArea[regions.Count()]; tArea *a = Areas; for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { a->x1 = int(round(FactorX * sr->HorizontalAddress())); a->y1 = int(round(FactorY * sr->VerticalAddress())); a->x2 = int(round(FactorX * (sr->HorizontalAddress() + sr->Width() - 1))); a->y2 = int(round(FactorY * (sr->VerticalAddress() + sr->Height() - 1))); a->bpp = sr->Bpp(); while ((a->Width() & 3) != 0) a->x2++; // aligns width to a multiple of 4, so 2, 4 and 8 bpp will work a++; } return Areas; } return NULL; } cSubtitleClut *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetClutById(int ClutId, bool New) { cSubtitleClut *result = NULL; for (cSubtitleClut *sc = cluts.First(); sc; sc = cluts.Next(sc)) { if (sc->ClutId() == ClutId) result = sc; } if (!result && New) { result = new cSubtitleClut(ClutId); cluts.Add(result); } return result; } cSubtitleRegion *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetRegionById(int RegionId, bool New) { cSubtitleRegion *result = NULL; for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { if (sr->RegionId() == RegionId) result = sr; } if (!result && New) { result = new cSubtitleRegion(RegionId); regions.Add(result); } return result; } cSubtitleObject *cDvbSubtitlePage::GetObjectById(int ObjectId) { cSubtitleObject *result = NULL; for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr && !result; sr = regions.Next(sr)) result = sr->GetObjectById(ObjectId); return result; } void cDvbSubtitlePage::SetState(int State) { state = State; switch (state) { case 0: // normal case - page update dbgpages("page update\n"); break; case 1: // aquisition point - page refresh dbgpages("page refresh\n"); regions.Clear(); break; case 2: // mode change - new page dbgpages("new Page\n"); regions.Clear(); cluts.Clear(); break; case 3: // reserved break; default: dbgpages("unknown page state (%s %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } void cDvbSubtitlePage::UpdateRegionPalette(cSubtitleClut *Clut) { for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = regions.First(); sr; sr = regions.Next(sr)) { if (sr->ClutId() == Clut->ClutId()) sr->Replace(*Clut->GetPalette(sr->Bpp())); } } // --- cDvbSubtitleAssembler ------------------------------------------------- class cDvbSubtitleAssembler { private: uchar *data; int length; int pos; int size; bool Realloc(int Size); public: cDvbSubtitleAssembler(void); virtual ~cDvbSubtitleAssembler(); void Reset(void); unsigned char *Get(int &Length); void Put(const uchar *Data, int Length); }; cDvbSubtitleAssembler::cDvbSubtitleAssembler(void) { data = NULL; size = 0; Reset(); } cDvbSubtitleAssembler::~cDvbSubtitleAssembler() { free(data); } void cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Reset(void) { length = 0; pos = 0; } bool cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Realloc(int Size) { if (Size > size) { Size = max(Size, 2048); if (uchar *NewBuffer = (uchar *)realloc(data, Size)) { size = Size; data = NewBuffer; } else { esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate memory for subtitle assembler"); length = 0; size = 0; free(data); data = NULL; return false; } } return true; } unsigned char *cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Get(int &Length) { if (length > pos + 5) { Length = (data[pos + 4] << 8) + data[pos + 5] + 6; if (length >= pos + Length) { unsigned char *result = data + pos; pos += Length; return result; } } return NULL; } void cDvbSubtitleAssembler::Put(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (Length && Realloc(length + Length)) { memcpy(data + length, Data, Length); length += Length; } } // --- cDvbSubtitleBitmaps --------------------------------------------------- class cDvbSubtitleBitmaps : public cListObject { private: int64_t pts; int timeout; tArea *areas; int numAreas; double osdFactorX; double osdFactorY; cVector<cBitmap *> bitmaps; public: cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(int64_t Pts, int Timeout, tArea *Areas, int NumAreas, double OsdFactorX, double OsdFactorY); ~cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(); int64_t Pts(void) { return pts; } int Timeout(void) { return timeout; } void AddBitmap(cBitmap *Bitmap); void Draw(cOsd *Osd); }; cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(int64_t Pts, int Timeout, tArea *Areas, int NumAreas, double OsdFactorX, double OsdFactorY) { pts = Pts; timeout = Timeout; areas = Areas; numAreas = NumAreas; osdFactorX = OsdFactorX; osdFactorY = OsdFactorY; } cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::~cDvbSubtitleBitmaps() { delete[] areas; for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Size(); i++) delete bitmaps[i]; } void cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::AddBitmap(cBitmap *Bitmap) { bitmaps.Append(Bitmap); } void cDvbSubtitleBitmaps::Draw(cOsd *Osd) { bool Scale = !(DoubleEqual(osdFactorX, 1.0) && DoubleEqual(osdFactorY, 1.0)); bool AntiAlias = true; if (Scale && osdFactorX > 1.0 || osdFactorY > 1.0) { // Upscaling requires 8bpp: int Bpp[MAXOSDAREAS]; for (int i = 0; i < numAreas; i++) { Bpp[i] = areas[i].bpp; areas[i].bpp = 8; } if (Osd->CanHandleAreas(areas, numAreas) != oeOk) { for (int i = 0; i < numAreas; i++) Bpp[i] = areas[i].bpp = Bpp[i]; AntiAlias = false; } } if (Osd->SetAreas(areas, numAreas) == oeOk) { for (int i = 0; i < bitmaps.Size(); i++) { cBitmap *b = bitmaps[i]; if (Scale) b = b->Scaled(osdFactorX, osdFactorY, AntiAlias); Osd->DrawBitmap(int(round(b->X0() * osdFactorX)), int(round(b->Y0() * osdFactorY)), *b); if (b != bitmaps[i]) delete b; } Osd->Flush(); } } // --- cDvbSubtitleConverter ------------------------------------------------- int cDvbSubtitleConverter::setupLevel = 0; cDvbSubtitleConverter::cDvbSubtitleConverter(void) :cThread("subtitleConverter") { dvbSubtitleAssembler = new cDvbSubtitleAssembler; osd = NULL; frozen = false; ddsVersionNumber = -1; displayWidth = windowWidth = 720; displayHeight = windowHeight = 576; windowHorizontalOffset = 0; windowVerticalOffset = 0; SetOsdData(); pages = new cList<cDvbSubtitlePage>; bitmaps = new cList<cDvbSubtitleBitmaps>; Start(); } cDvbSubtitleConverter::~cDvbSubtitleConverter() { Cancel(3); delete dvbSubtitleAssembler; delete osd; delete bitmaps; delete pages; } void cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetupChanged(void) { setupLevel++; } void cDvbSubtitleConverter::Reset(void) { dbgconverter("Converter reset -----------------------\n"); dvbSubtitleAssembler->Reset(); Lock(); pages->Clear(); bitmaps->Clear(); DELETENULL(osd); frozen = false; ddsVersionNumber = -1; displayWidth = windowWidth = 720; displayHeight = windowHeight = 576; windowHorizontalOffset = 0; windowVerticalOffset = 0; SetOsdData(); Unlock(); } int cDvbSubtitleConverter::ConvertFragments(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (Data && Length > 8) { int PayloadOffset = PesPayloadOffset(Data); int SubstreamHeaderLength = 4; bool ResetSubtitleAssembler = Data[PayloadOffset + 3] == 0x00; // Compatibility mode for old subtitles plugin: if ((Data[7] & 0x01) && (Data[PayloadOffset - 3] & 0x81) == 0x01 && Data[PayloadOffset - 2] == 0x81) { PayloadOffset--; SubstreamHeaderLength = 1; ResetSubtitleAssembler = Data[8] >= 5; } if (Length > PayloadOffset + SubstreamHeaderLength) { int64_t pts = PesHasPts(Data) ? PesGetPts(Data) : 0; if (pts) dbgconverter("Converter PTS: %"PRId64"\n", pts); const uchar *data = Data + PayloadOffset + SubstreamHeaderLength; // skip substream header int length = Length - PayloadOffset - SubstreamHeaderLength; // skip substream header if (ResetSubtitleAssembler) dvbSubtitleAssembler->Reset(); if (length > 3) { if (data[0] == 0x20 && data[1] == 0x00 && data[2] == 0x0F) dvbSubtitleAssembler->Put(data + 2, length - 2); else dvbSubtitleAssembler->Put(data, length); int Count; while (true) { unsigned char *b = dvbSubtitleAssembler->Get(Count); if (b && b[0] == 0x0F) { if (ExtractSegment(b, Count, pts) == -1) break; } else break; } } } return Length; } return 0; } int cDvbSubtitleConverter::Convert(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (Data && Length > 8) { int PayloadOffset = PesPayloadOffset(Data); if (Length > PayloadOffset) { int64_t pts = PesGetPts(Data); if (pts) dbgconverter("Converter PTS: %"PRId64"\n", pts); const uchar *data = Data + PayloadOffset; int length = Length - PayloadOffset; if (length > 3) { if (data[0] == 0x20 && data[1] == 0x00 && data[2] == 0x0F) { data += 2; length -= 2; } const uchar *b = data; while (length > 0) { if (b[0] == 0x0F) { int n = ExtractSegment(b, length, pts); if (n < 0) break; b += n; length -= n; } else break; } } } return Length; } return 0; } #define LimitTo32Bit(n) ((n) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL) #define MAXDELTA 40000 // max. reasonable PTS/STC delta in ms void cDvbSubtitleConverter::Action(void) { int LastSetupLevel = setupLevel; cTimeMs Timeout; while (Running()) { int WaitMs = 100; if (!frozen) { LOCK_THREAD; if (osd) { int NewSetupLevel = setupLevel; if (Timeout.TimedOut() || LastSetupLevel != NewSetupLevel) { DELETENULL(osd); } LastSetupLevel = NewSetupLevel; } if (cDvbSubtitleBitmaps *sb = bitmaps->First()) { int64_t STC = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetSTC(); int64_t Delta = LimitTo32Bit(sb->Pts()) - LimitTo32Bit(STC); // some devices only deliver 32 bits if (Delta > (int64_t(1) << 31)) Delta -= (int64_t(1) << 32); else if (Delta < -((int64_t(1) << 31) - 1)) Delta += (int64_t(1) << 32); Delta /= 90; // STC and PTS are in 1/90000s if (Delta <= MAXDELTA) { if (Delta <= 0) { dbgconverter("Got %d bitmaps, showing #%d\n", bitmaps->Count(), sb->Index() + 1); if (AssertOsd()) { sb->Draw(osd); Timeout.Set(sb->Timeout() * 1000); dbgconverter("PTS: %"PRId64" STC: %"PRId64" (%"PRId64") timeout: %d\n", sb->Pts(), cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetSTC(), Delta, sb->Timeout()); } bitmaps->Del(sb); } else if (Delta < WaitMs) WaitMs = Delta; } else bitmaps->Del(sb); } } cCondWait::SleepMs(WaitMs); } } tColor cDvbSubtitleConverter::yuv2rgb(int Y, int Cb, int Cr) { int Ey, Epb, Epr; int Eg, Eb, Er; Ey = (Y - 16); Epb = (Cb - 128); Epr = (Cr - 128); /* ITU-R 709 */ Er = max(min(((298 * Ey + 460 * Epr) / 256), 255), 0); Eg = max(min(((298 * Ey - 55 * Epb - 137 * Epr) / 256), 255), 0); Eb = max(min(((298 * Ey + 543 * Epb ) / 256), 255), 0); return (Er << 16) | (Eg << 8) | Eb; } void cDvbSubtitleConverter::SetOsdData(void) { int OsdWidth, OsdHeight; double OsdAspect; int VideoWidth, VideoHeight; double VideoAspect; cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetOsdSize(OsdWidth, OsdHeight, OsdAspect); cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GetVideoSize(VideoWidth, VideoHeight, VideoAspect); if (OsdWidth == displayWidth && OsdHeight == displayHeight || DoubleEqual(VideoAspect, 1.0)) { osdFactorX = osdFactorY = 1.0; osdDeltaX = osdDeltaY = 0; } else { osdFactorX = VideoAspect * OsdHeight / displayWidth; osdFactorY = double(OsdHeight) / displayHeight; osdDeltaX = (OsdWidth - displayWidth * osdFactorX) / 2; osdDeltaY = (OsdHeight - displayHeight * osdFactorY) / 2; } } bool cDvbSubtitleConverter::AssertOsd(void) { LOCK_THREAD; return osd || (osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(int(round(osdFactorX * windowHorizontalOffset + osdDeltaX)), int(round(osdFactorY * windowVerticalOffset + osdDeltaY)) + Setup.SubtitleOffset, OSD_LEVEL_SUBTITLES)); } int cDvbSubtitleConverter::ExtractSegment(const uchar *Data, int Length, int64_t Pts) { cBitStream bs(Data, Length * 8); if (Length > 5 && bs.GetBits(8) == 0x0F) { // sync byte int segmentType = bs.GetBits(8); if (segmentType == STUFFING_SEGMENT) return -1; int pageId = bs.GetBits(16); int segmentLength = bs.GetBits(16); if (!bs.SetLength(bs.Index() + segmentLength * 8)) return -1; cDvbSubtitlePage *page = NULL; LOCK_THREAD; for (cDvbSubtitlePage *sp = pages->First(); sp; sp = pages->Next(sp)) { if (sp->PageId() == pageId) { page = sp; break; } } if (!page) { page = new cDvbSubtitlePage(pageId); pages->Add(page); dbgpages("Create SubtitlePage %d (total pages = %d)\n", pageId, pages->Count()); } if (Pts) page->SetPts(Pts); switch (segmentType) { case PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("PAGE_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT\n"); int pageTimeout = bs.GetBits(8); int pageVersion = bs.GetBits(4); if (pageVersion == page->Version()) break; // no update page->SetVersion(pageVersion); page->SetTimeout(pageTimeout); page->SetState(bs.GetBits(2)); page->regions.Clear(); bs.SkipBits(2); // reserved dbgpages("Update page id %d version %d pts %"PRId64" timeout %d state %d\n", pageId, page->Version(), page->Pts(), page->Timeout(), page->State()); while (!bs.IsEOF()) { cSubtitleRegion *region = page->GetRegionById(bs.GetBits(8), true); bs.SkipBits(8); // reserved region->SetHorizontalAddress(bs.GetBits(16)); region->SetVerticalAddress(bs.GetBits(16)); } break; } case REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("REGION_COMPOSITION_SEGMENT\n"); cSubtitleRegion *region = page->GetRegionById(bs.GetBits(8)); if (!region) break; int regionVersion = bs.GetBits(4); if (regionVersion == region->Version()) break; // no update region->SetVersion(regionVersion); bool regionFillFlag = bs.GetBit(); bs.SkipBits(3); // reserved int regionWidth = bs.GetBits(16); if (regionWidth < 1) regionWidth = 1; int regionHeight = bs.GetBits(16); if (regionHeight < 1) regionHeight = 1; region->SetSize(regionWidth, regionHeight); region->SetLevel(bs.GetBits(3)); region->SetDepth(bs.GetBits(3)); bs.SkipBits(2); // reserved region->SetClutId(bs.GetBits(8)); dbgregions("Region pageId %d id %d version %d fill %d width %d height %d level %d depth %d clutId %d\n", pageId, region->RegionId(), region->Version(), regionFillFlag, regionWidth, regionHeight, region->Level(), region->Depth(), region->ClutId()); int region8bitPixelCode = bs.GetBits(8); int region4bitPixelCode = bs.GetBits(4); int region2bitPixelCode = bs.GetBits(2); bs.SkipBits(2); // reserved if (regionFillFlag) { switch (region->Bpp()) { case 2: region->FillRegion(region8bitPixelCode); break; case 4: region->FillRegion(region4bitPixelCode); break; case 8: region->FillRegion(region2bitPixelCode); break; default: dbgregions("unknown bpp %d (%s %d)\n", region->Bpp(), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } while (!bs.IsEOF()) { cSubtitleObject *object = region->GetObjectById(bs.GetBits(16), true); int objectType = bs.GetBits(2); object->SetCodingMethod(objectType); object->SetProviderFlag(bs.GetBits(2)); int objectHorizontalPosition = bs.GetBits(12); bs.SkipBits(4); // reserved int objectVerticalPosition = bs.GetBits(12); object->SetPosition(objectHorizontalPosition, objectVerticalPosition); if (objectType == 0x01 || objectType == 0x02) { object->SetForegroundPixelCode(bs.GetBits(8)); object->SetBackgroundPixelCode(bs.GetBits(8)); } } break; } case CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("CLUT_DEFINITION_SEGMENT\n"); cSubtitleClut *clut = page->GetClutById(bs.GetBits(8), true); int clutVersion = bs.GetBits(4); if (clutVersion == clut->Version()) break; // no update clut->SetVersion(clutVersion); bs.SkipBits(4); // reserved dbgcluts("Clut pageId %d id %d version %d\n", pageId, clut->ClutId(), clut->Version()); while (!bs.IsEOF()) { uchar clutEntryId = bs.GetBits(8); bool entryClut2Flag = bs.GetBit(); bool entryClut4Flag = bs.GetBit(); bool entryClut8Flag = bs.GetBit(); bs.SkipBits(4); // reserved uchar yval; uchar crval; uchar cbval; uchar tval; if (bs.GetBit()) { // full_range_flag yval = bs.GetBits(8); crval = bs.GetBits(8); cbval = bs.GetBits(8); tval = bs.GetBits(8); } else { yval = bs.GetBits(6) << 2; crval = bs.GetBits(4) << 4; cbval = bs.GetBits(4) << 4; tval = bs.GetBits(2) << 6; } tColor value = 0; if (yval) { value = yuv2rgb(yval, cbval, crval); value |= ((10 - (clutEntryId ? Setup.SubtitleFgTransparency : Setup.SubtitleBgTransparency)) * (255 - tval) / 10) << 24; } dbgcluts("%2d %d %d %d %08X\n", clutEntryId, entryClut2Flag ? 2 : 0, entryClut4Flag ? 4 : 0, entryClut8Flag ? 8 : 0, value); if (entryClut2Flag) clut->SetColor(2, clutEntryId, value); if (entryClut4Flag) clut->SetColor(4, clutEntryId, value); if (entryClut8Flag) clut->SetColor(8, clutEntryId, value); } dbgcluts("\n"); page->UpdateRegionPalette(clut); break; } case OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("OBJECT_DATA_SEGMENT\n"); cSubtitleObject *object = page->GetObjectById(bs.GetBits(16)); if (!object) break; int objectVersion = bs.GetBits(4); if (objectVersion == object->Version()) break; // no update object->SetVersion(objectVersion); int codingMethod = bs.GetBits(2); object->SetNonModifyingColorFlag(bs.GetBit()); bs.SkipBit(); // reserved dbgobjects("Object pageId %d id %d version %d method %d modify %d\n", pageId, object->ObjectId(), object->Version(), object->CodingMethod(), object->NonModifyingColorFlag()); if (codingMethod == 0) { // coding of pixels int topFieldLength = bs.GetBits(16); int bottomFieldLength = bs.GetBits(16); object->DecodeSubBlock(bs.GetData(), topFieldLength, true); if (bottomFieldLength) object->DecodeSubBlock(bs.GetData() + topFieldLength, bottomFieldLength, false); else object->DecodeSubBlock(bs.GetData(), topFieldLength, false); bs.WordAlign(); } else if (codingMethod == 1) { // coded as a string of characters int numberOfCodes = bs.GetBits(8); object->DecodeCharacterString(bs.GetData(), numberOfCodes); } #ifdef FINISHPAGE_HACK FinishPage(page); // flush to OSD right away #endif break; } case DISPLAY_DEFINITION_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("DISPLAY_DEFINITION_SEGMENT\n"); int version = bs.GetBits(4); if (version != ddsVersionNumber) { bool displayWindowFlag = bs.GetBit(); windowHorizontalOffset = 0; windowVerticalOffset = 0; bs.SkipBits(3); // reserved displayWidth = windowWidth = bs.GetBits(16) + 1; displayHeight = windowHeight = bs.GetBits(16) + 1; if (displayWindowFlag) { windowHorizontalOffset = bs.GetBits(16); // displayWindowHorizontalPositionMinimum windowWidth = bs.GetBits(16) - windowHorizontalOffset + 1; // displayWindowHorizontalPositionMaximum windowVerticalOffset = bs.GetBits(16); // displayWindowVerticalPositionMinimum windowHeight = bs.GetBits(16) - windowVerticalOffset + 1; // displayWindowVerticalPositionMaximum } SetOsdData(); SetupChanged(); ddsVersionNumber = version; } break; } case DISPARITY_SIGNALING_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("DISPARITY_SIGNALING_SEGMENT\n"); bs.SkipBits(4); // dss_version_number bool disparity_shift_update_sequence_page_flag = bs.GetBit(); bs.SkipBits(3); // reserved bs.SkipBits(8); // page_default_disparity_shift if (disparity_shift_update_sequence_page_flag) { bs.SkipBits(8); // disparity_shift_update_sequence_length bs.SkipBits(24); // interval_duration[23..0] int division_period_count = bs.GetBits(8); for (int i = 0; i < division_period_count; ++i) { bs.SkipBits(8); // interval_count bs.SkipBits(8); // disparity_shift_update_integer_part } } while (!bs.IsEOF()) { bs.SkipBits(8); // region_id bool disparity_shift_update_sequence_region_flag = bs.GetBit(); bs.SkipBits(5); // reserved int number_of_subregions_minus_1 = bs.GetBits(2); for (int i = 0; i <= number_of_subregions_minus_1; ++i) { if (number_of_subregions_minus_1 > 0) { bs.SkipBits(16); // subregion_horizontal_position bs.SkipBits(16); // subregion_width } bs.SkipBits(8); // subregion_disparity_shift_integer_part bs.SkipBits(4); // subregion_disparity_shift_fractional_part bs.SkipBits(4); // reserved if (disparity_shift_update_sequence_region_flag) { bs.SkipBits(8); // disparity_shift_update_sequence_length bs.SkipBits(24); // interval_duration[23..0] int division_period_count = bs.GetBits(8); for (int i = 0; i < division_period_count; ++i) { bs.SkipBits(8); // interval_count bs.SkipBits(8); // disparity_shift_update_integer_part } } } } break; } case END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT: { dbgsegments("END_OF_DISPLAY_SET_SEGMENT\n"); FinishPage(page); break; } default: dbgsegments("*** unknown segment type: %02X\n", segmentType); } return bs.Length() / 8; } return -1; } void cDvbSubtitleConverter::FinishPage(cDvbSubtitlePage *Page) { if (!AssertOsd()) return; tArea *Areas = Page->GetAreas(osdFactorX, osdFactorY); int NumAreas = Page->regions.Count(); int Bpp = 8; bool Reduced = false; while (osd && osd->CanHandleAreas(Areas, NumAreas) != oeOk) { int HalfBpp = Bpp / 2; if (HalfBpp >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { if (Areas[i].bpp >= Bpp) { Areas[i].bpp = HalfBpp; Reduced = true; } } Bpp = HalfBpp; } else return; // unable to draw bitmaps } if (Reduced) { for (int i = 0; i < NumAreas; i++) { cSubtitleRegion *sr = Page->regions.Get(i); if (sr->Bpp() != Areas[i].bpp) { if (sr->Level() <= Areas[i].bpp) { //TODO this is untested - didn't have any such subtitle stream cSubtitleClut *Clut = Page->GetClutById(sr->ClutId()); if (Clut) { dbgregions("reduce region %d bpp %d level %d area bpp %d\n", sr->RegionId(), sr->Bpp(), sr->Level(), Areas[i].bpp); sr->ReduceBpp(*Clut->GetPalette(sr->Bpp())); } } else { dbgregions("condense region %d bpp %d level %d area bpp %d\n", sr->RegionId(), sr->Bpp(), sr->Level(), Areas[i].bpp); sr->ShrinkBpp(Areas[i].bpp); } } } } cDvbSubtitleBitmaps *Bitmaps = new cDvbSubtitleBitmaps(Page->Pts(), Page->Timeout(), Areas, NumAreas, osdFactorX, osdFactorY); bitmaps->Add(Bitmaps); for (cSubtitleRegion *sr = Page->regions.First(); sr; sr = Page->regions.Next(sr)) { sr->UpdateTextData(Page->GetClutById(sr->ClutId())); int posX = sr->HorizontalAddress(); int posY = sr->VerticalAddress(); if (sr->Width() > 0 && sr->Height() > 0) { cBitmap *bm = new cBitmap(sr->Width(), sr->Height(), sr->Bpp(), posX, posY); bm->DrawBitmap(posX, posY, *sr); Bitmaps->AddBitmap(bm); } } }