/* * eit.c: EIT section filter * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * Original version (as used in VDR before 1.3.0) written by * Robert Schneider and Rolf Hakenes . * Adapted to 'libsi' for VDR 1.3.0 by Marcel Wiesweg . * * $Id: eit.c 2.4 2009/05/10 14:47:31 kls Exp $ */ #include "eit.h" #include "epg.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "libsi/section.h" #include "libsi/descriptor.h" // --- cEIT ------------------------------------------------------------------ class cEIT : public SI::EIT { public: cEIT(cSchedules *Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, bool OnlyRunningStatus = false); }; cEIT::cEIT(cSchedules *Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, bool OnlyRunningStatus) :SI::EIT(Data, false) { if (!CheckCRCAndParse()) return; tChannelID channelID(Source, getOriginalNetworkId(), getTransportStreamId(), getServiceId()); cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(channelID, true); if (!channel) return; // only collect data for known channels cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *)Schedules->GetSchedule(channel, true); bool Empty = true; bool Modified = false; bool HasExternalData = false; time_t SegmentStart = 0; time_t SegmentEnd = 0; time_t Now = time(NULL); struct tm tm_r; struct tm t = *localtime_r(&Now, &tm_r); // this initializes the time zone in 't' SI::EIT::Event SiEitEvent; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; eventLoop.getNext(SiEitEvent, it); ) { bool ExternalData = false; time_t StartTime = SiEitEvent.getStartTime(); int Duration = SiEitEvent.getDuration(); // Drop bogus events - but keep NVOD reference events, where all bits of the start time field are set to 1, resulting in a negative number. if (StartTime == 0 || StartTime > 0 && Duration == 0) continue; Empty = false; if (!SegmentStart) SegmentStart = StartTime; SegmentEnd = StartTime + Duration; cEvent *newEvent = NULL; cEvent *rEvent = NULL; cEvent *pEvent = (cEvent *)pSchedule->GetEvent(SiEitEvent.getEventId(), StartTime); if (!pEvent) { if (OnlyRunningStatus) continue; // If we don't have that event yet, we create a new one. // Otherwise we copy the information into the existing event anyway, because the data might have changed. pEvent = newEvent = new cEvent(SiEitEvent.getEventId()); if (!pEvent) continue; } else { // We have found an existing event, either through its event ID or its start time. pEvent->SetSeen(); // If the existing event has a zero table ID it was defined externally and shall // not be overwritten. uchar TableID = pEvent->TableID(); if (TableID == 0x00) { if (pEvent->Version() == getVersionNumber()) continue; HasExternalData = ExternalData = true; } // If the new event has a higher table ID, let's skip it. // The lower the table ID, the more "current" the information. else if (Tid > TableID) continue; // If the new event comes from the same table and has the same version number // as the existing one, let's skip it to avoid unnecessary work. // Unfortunately some stations (like, e.g. "Premiere") broadcast their EPG data on several transponders (like // the actual Premiere transponder and the Sat.1/Pro7 transponder), but use different version numbers on // each of them :-( So if one DVB card is tuned to the Premiere transponder, while an other one is tuned // to the Sat.1/Pro7 transponder, events will keep toggling because of the bogus version numbers. else if (Tid == TableID && pEvent->Version() == getVersionNumber()) continue; } if (!ExternalData) { pEvent->SetEventID(SiEitEvent.getEventId()); // unfortunately some stations use different event ids for the same event in different tables :-( pEvent->SetTableID(Tid); pEvent->SetStartTime(StartTime); pEvent->SetDuration(Duration); } if (newEvent) pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent); if (Tid == 0x4E) { // we trust only the present/following info on the actual TS if (SiEitEvent.getRunningStatus() >= SI::RunningStatusNotRunning) pSchedule->SetRunningStatus(pEvent, SiEitEvent.getRunningStatus(), channel); } if (OnlyRunningStatus) continue; // do this before setting the version, so that the full update can be done later pEvent->SetVersion(getVersionNumber()); int LanguagePreferenceShort = -1; int LanguagePreferenceExt = -1; bool UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false; SI::Descriptor *d; SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors *ExtendedEventDescriptors = NULL; SI::ShortEventDescriptor *ShortEventDescriptor = NULL; cLinkChannels *LinkChannels = NULL; cComponents *Components = NULL; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it2; (d = SiEitEvent.eventDescriptors.getNext(it2)); ) { if (ExternalData && d->getDescriptorTag() != SI::ComponentDescriptorTag) { delete d; continue; } switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::ExtendedEventDescriptorTag: { SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor *eed = (SI::ExtendedEventDescriptor *)d; if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage(Setup.EPGLanguages, eed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceExt) || !ExtendedEventDescriptors) { delete ExtendedEventDescriptors; ExtendedEventDescriptors = new SI::ExtendedEventDescriptors; UseExtendedEventDescriptor = true; } if (UseExtendedEventDescriptor) { ExtendedEventDescriptors->Add(eed); d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted } if (eed->getDescriptorNumber() == eed->getLastDescriptorNumber()) UseExtendedEventDescriptor = false; } break; case SI::ShortEventDescriptorTag: { SI::ShortEventDescriptor *sed = (SI::ShortEventDescriptor *)d; if (I18nIsPreferredLanguage(Setup.EPGLanguages, sed->languageCode, LanguagePreferenceShort) || !ShortEventDescriptor) { delete ShortEventDescriptor; ShortEventDescriptor = sed; d = NULL; // so that it is not deleted } } break; case SI::ContentDescriptorTag: break; case SI::ParentalRatingDescriptorTag: break; case SI::PDCDescriptorTag: { SI::PDCDescriptor *pd = (SI::PDCDescriptor *)d; t.tm_isdst = -1; // makes sure mktime() will determine the correct DST setting int month = t.tm_mon; t.tm_mon = pd->getMonth() - 1; t.tm_mday = pd->getDay(); t.tm_hour = pd->getHour(); t.tm_min = pd->getMinute(); t.tm_sec = 0; if (month == 11 && t.tm_mon == 0) // current month is dec, but event is in jan t.tm_year++; else if (month == 0 && t.tm_mon == 11) // current month is jan, but event is in dec t.tm_year--; time_t vps = mktime(&t); pEvent->SetVps(vps); } break; case SI::TimeShiftedEventDescriptorTag: { SI::TimeShiftedEventDescriptor *tsed = (SI::TimeShiftedEventDescriptor *)d; cSchedule *rSchedule = (cSchedule *)Schedules->GetSchedule(tChannelID(Source, channel->Nid(), channel->Tid(), tsed->getReferenceServiceId())); if (!rSchedule) break; rEvent = (cEvent *)rSchedule->GetEvent(tsed->getReferenceEventId()); if (!rEvent) break; pEvent->SetTitle(rEvent->Title()); pEvent->SetShortText(rEvent->ShortText()); pEvent->SetDescription(rEvent->Description()); } break; case SI::LinkageDescriptorTag: { SI::LinkageDescriptor *ld = (SI::LinkageDescriptor *)d; tChannelID linkID(Source, ld->getOriginalNetworkId(), ld->getTransportStreamId(), ld->getServiceId()); if (ld->getLinkageType() == 0xB0) { // Premiere World bool hit = StartTime <= Now && Now < StartTime + Duration; if (hit) { char linkName[ld->privateData.getLength() + 1]; strn0cpy(linkName, (const char *)ld->privateData.getData(), sizeof(linkName)); // TODO is there a standard way to determine the character set of this string? cChannel *link = Channels.GetByChannelID(linkID); if (link != channel) { // only link to other channels, not the same one //fprintf(stderr, "Linkage %s %4d %4d %5d %5d %5d %5d %02X '%s'\n", hit ? "*" : "", channel->Number(), link ? link->Number() : -1, SiEitEvent.getEventId(), ld->getOriginalNetworkId(), ld->getTransportStreamId(), ld->getServiceId(), ld->getLinkageType(), linkName);//XXX if (link) { if (Setup.UpdateChannels == 1 || Setup.UpdateChannels >= 3) link->SetName(linkName, "", ""); } else if (Setup.UpdateChannels >= 4) { cChannel *transponder = channel; if (channel->Tid() != ld->getTransportStreamId()) transponder = Channels.GetByTransponderID(linkID); link = Channels.NewChannel(transponder, linkName, "", "", ld->getOriginalNetworkId(), ld->getTransportStreamId(), ld->getServiceId()); //XXX patFilter->Trigger(); } if (link) { if (!LinkChannels) LinkChannels = new cLinkChannels; LinkChannels->Add(new cLinkChannel(link)); } } else channel->SetPortalName(linkName); } } } break; case SI::ComponentDescriptorTag: { SI::ComponentDescriptor *cd = (SI::ComponentDescriptor *)d; uchar Stream = cd->getStreamContent(); uchar Type = cd->getComponentType(); if (1 <= Stream && Stream <= 4 && Type != 0) { // 1=video, 2=audio, 3=subtitles, 4=AC3 if (!Components) Components = new cComponents; char buffer[Utf8BufSize(256)]; Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), Stream, Type, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(cd->languageCode), cd->description.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer))); } } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (!rEvent) { if (ShortEventDescriptor) { char buffer[Utf8BufSize(256)]; pEvent->SetTitle(ShortEventDescriptor->name.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer))); pEvent->SetShortText(ShortEventDescriptor->text.getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer))); } else if (!HasExternalData) { pEvent->SetTitle(NULL); pEvent->SetShortText(NULL); } if (ExtendedEventDescriptors) { char buffer[Utf8BufSize(ExtendedEventDescriptors->getMaximumTextLength(": ")) + 1]; pEvent->SetDescription(ExtendedEventDescriptors->getText(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ": ")); } else if (!HasExternalData) pEvent->SetDescription(NULL); } delete ExtendedEventDescriptors; delete ShortEventDescriptor; pEvent->SetComponents(Components); if (!HasExternalData) pEvent->FixEpgBugs(); if (LinkChannels) channel->SetLinkChannels(LinkChannels); Modified = true; } if (Tid == 0x4E) { if (Empty && getSectionNumber() == 0) // ETR 211: an empty entry in section 0 of table 0x4E means there is currently no event running pSchedule->ClrRunningStatus(channel); pSchedule->SetPresentSeen(); } if (OnlyRunningStatus) return; if (Modified) { pSchedule->Sort(); if (!HasExternalData) pSchedule->DropOutdated(SegmentStart, SegmentEnd, Tid, getVersionNumber()); Schedules->SetModified(pSchedule); } } // --- cTDT ------------------------------------------------------------------ class cTDT : public SI::TDT { private: static cMutex mutex; static int lastDiff; public: cTDT(const u_char *Data); }; cMutex cTDT::mutex; int cTDT::lastDiff = 0; cTDT::cTDT(const u_char *Data) :SI::TDT(Data, false) { CheckParse(); time_t sattim = getTime(); time_t loctim = time(NULL); int diff = abs(sattim - loctim); if (diff > 2) { mutex.Lock(); if (abs(diff - lastDiff) < 3) { if (stime(&sattim) == 0) isyslog("system time changed from %s (%ld) to %s (%ld)", *TimeToString(loctim), loctim, *TimeToString(sattim), sattim); else esyslog("ERROR while setting system time: %m"); } lastDiff = diff; mutex.Unlock(); } } // --- cEitFilter ------------------------------------------------------------ cEitFilter::cEitFilter(void) { Set(0x12, 0x4E, 0xFE); // event info, actual(0x4E)/other(0x4F) TS, present/following Set(0x12, 0x50, 0xF0); // event info, actual TS, schedule(0x50)/schedule for future days(0x5X) Set(0x12, 0x60, 0xF0); // event info, other TS, schedule(0x60)/schedule for future days(0x6X) Set(0x14, 0x70); // TDT } void cEitFilter::Process(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, int Length) { switch (Pid) { case 0x12: { cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock(true, 10); cSchedules *Schedules = (cSchedules *)cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock); if (Schedules) cEIT EIT(Schedules, Source(), Tid, Data); else { // If we don't get a write lock, let's at least get a read lock, so // that we can set the running status and 'seen' timestamp (well, actually // with a read lock we shouldn't be doing that, but it's only integers that // get changed, so it should be ok) cSchedulesLock SchedulesLock; cSchedules *Schedules = (cSchedules *)cSchedules::Schedules(SchedulesLock); if (Schedules) cEIT EIT(Schedules, Source(), Tid, Data, true); } } break; case 0x14: { if (Setup.SetSystemTime && Setup.TimeTransponder && ISTRANSPONDER(Transponder(), Setup.TimeTransponder)) cTDT TDT(Data); } break; } }