/* * i18n.h: Internationalization * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: i18n.h 1.23 2007/08/19 14:07:17 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __I18N_H #define __I18N_H #include <stdio.h> #include "tools.h" typedef const char *tI18nPhrase[22]; ///< obsolete - switch to 'gettext'! #define I18N_DEFAULT_LOCALE "en_US" #define I18N_MAX_LOCALE_LEN 16 // for buffers that hold en_US etc. #define I18N_MAX_LANGUAGES 256 // for buffers that hold all available languages void I18nInitialize(void); ///< Detects all available locales and loads the language names and codes. void I18nRegister(const char *Plugin); ///< Registers the named plugin, so that it can use internationalized texts. void I18nSetLocale(const char *Locale); ///< Sets the current locale to Locale. The default locale is "en_US". ///< If no such locale has been found in the call to I18nInitialize(), ///< nothing happens. int I18nCurrentLanguage(void); ///< Returns the index of the current language. This number stays the ///< same for any given language while the program is running, but may ///< be different when the program is run again (for instance because ///< a locale has been added or removed). The default locale ("en_US") ///< always has a zero index. void I18nSetLanguage(int Language); ///< Sets the current language index to Language. If Language is outside ///< the range of available languages, nothing happens. int I18nNumLanguagesWithLocale(void); ///< Returns the number of entries in the list returned by I18nLanguages() ///< that actually have a locale. const cStringList *I18nLanguages(void); ///< Returns the list of available languages. Values returned by ///< I18nCurrentLanguage() are indexes into this list. ///< Only the first I18nNumLanguagesWithLocale() entries in this list ///< have an actual locale installed. The rest are just dummy entries ///< to allow having three letter language codes for other languages ///< that have no actual locale on this system. const char *I18nTranslate(const char *s, const char *Plugin = NULL) __attribute_format_arg__(1); ///< Translates the given string (with optional Plugin context) into ///< the current language. If no translation is available, the original ///< string will be returned. const char *I18nLocale(int Language); ///< Returns the locale code of the given Language (which is an index as ///< returned by I18nCurrentLanguage()). If Language is outside the range ///< of available languages, NULL is returned. const char *I18nLanguageCode(int Language); ///< Returns the three letter language code of the given Language (which ///< is an index as returned by I18nCurrentLanguage()). If Language is ///< outside the range of available languages, NULL is returned. ///< The returned string may consist of several alternative three letter ///< language codes, separated by commas (as in "deu,ger"). int I18nLanguageIndex(const char *Code); ///< Returns the index of the language with the given three letter ///< language Code. If no suitable language is found, -1 is returned. const char *I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(const char *Code); ///< Returns a 3 letter language code that may not be zero terminated. ///< If no normalized language code can be found, the given Code is returned. ///< Make sure at most 3 characters are copied when using it! bool I18nIsPreferredLanguage(int *PreferredLanguages, const char *LanguageCode, int &OldPreference, int *Position = NULL); ///< Checks the given LanguageCode (which may be something like "eng" or "eng+deu") ///< against the PreferredLanguages and returns true if one is found that has an index ///< smaller than OldPreference (which should be initialized to -1 before the first ///< call to this function in a sequence of checks). If LanguageCode is not any of ///< the PreferredLanguages, and OldPreference is less than zero, OldPreference will ///< be set to a value higher than the highest language index. If Position is given, ///< it will return 0 if this was a single language code (like "eng"), 1 if it was ///< the first of two language codes (like "eng" out of "eng+deu") and 2 if it was ///< the second one (like "deu" out of ""eng+deu"). #ifdef PLUGIN_NAME_I18N #define tr(s) I18nTranslate(s, "vdr-" PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) #else #define tr(s) I18nTranslate(s) #endif #define trNOOP(s) (s) #endif //__I18N_H