/* * interface.c: Abstract user interface layer * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: interface.c 1.27 2000/11/01 11:25:25 kls Exp $ */ #include "interface.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <unistd.h> cInterface *Interface = NULL; cInterface::cInterface(int SVDRPport) { open = 0; cols[0] = 0; width = height = 0; keyFromWait = kNone; rcIo = NULL; SVDRP = NULL; #if defined(REMOTE_RCU) rcIo = new cRcIoRCU("/dev/ttyS1"); #elif defined(REMOTE_LIRC) rcIo = new cRcIoLIRC("/dev/lircd"); #else rcIo = new cRcIoKBD; #endif rcIo->SetCode(Keys.code, Keys.address); if (SVDRPport) SVDRP = new cSVDRP(SVDRPport); } cInterface::~cInterface() { delete rcIo; delete SVDRP; } void cInterface::Open(int NumCols, int NumLines) { if (!open++) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Open(width = NumCols, height = NumLines); } void cInterface::Close(void) { if (open == 1) Clear(); if (!--open) { cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Close(); width = height = 0; } } unsigned int cInterface::GetCh(bool Wait, bool *Repeat, bool *Release) { if (open) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); if (!rcIo->InputAvailable()) cFile::AnyFileReady(-1, Wait ? 1000 : 0); unsigned int Command; return rcIo->GetCommand(&Command, Repeat, Release) ? Command : 0; } eKeys cInterface::GetKey(bool Wait) { if (SVDRP) SVDRP->Process(); eKeys Key = keyFromWait; if (Key == kNone) { bool Repeat = false, Release = false; Key = Keys.Get(GetCh(Wait, &Repeat, &Release)); if (Repeat) Key = eKeys(Key | k_Repeat); if (Release) Key = eKeys(Key | k_Release); } keyFromWait = kNone; return Key; } void cInterface::PutKey(eKeys Key) { keyFromWait = Key; } eKeys cInterface::Wait(int Seconds, bool KeepChar) { if (open) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); eKeys Key = kNone; time_t timeout = time(NULL) + Seconds; for (;;) { Key = GetKey(); if ((Key != kNone && (RAWKEY(Key) != kOk || RAWKEY(Key) == Key)) || time(NULL) > timeout) break; } if (KeepChar && ISRAWKEY(Key)) keyFromWait = Key; return Key; } void cInterface::Clear(void) { if (open) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Clear(); } void cInterface::ClearEol(int x, int y, eDvbColor Color) { if (open) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->ClrEol(x, y, Color); } void cInterface::SetCols(int *c) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxCols; i++) { cols[i] = *c++; if (cols[i] == 0) break; } } char *cInterface::WrapText(const char *Text, int Width, int *Height) { // Wraps the Text to make it fit into the area defined by the given Width // (which is given in character cells). // The actual number of lines resulting from this operation is returned in // Height. // The returned string is newly created on the heap and the caller // is responsible for deleting it once it is no longer used. // Wrapping is done by inserting the necessary number of newline // characters into the string. int Lines = 1; char *t = strdup(Text); char *Blank = NULL; char *Delim = NULL; int w = 0; Width *= cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->CellWidth(); while (*t && t[strlen(t) - 1] == '\n') t[strlen(t) - 1] = 0; // skips trailing newlines for (char *p = t; *p; ) { if (*p == '\n') { Lines++; w = 0; Blank = Delim = NULL; p++; continue; } else if (isspace(*p)) Blank = p; int cw = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Width(*p); if (w + cw > Width) { if (Blank) { *Blank = '\n'; p = Blank; continue; } else { // Here's the ugly part, where we don't have any whitespace to // punch in a newline, so we need to make room for it: if (Delim) p = Delim + 1; // let's fall back to the most recent delimiter char *s = new char[strlen(t) + 2]; // The additional '\n' plus the terminating '\0' int l = p - t; strncpy(s, t, l); s[l] = '\n'; strcpy(s + l + 1, p); delete t; t = s; p = t + l; continue; } } else w += cw; if (strchr("-.,:;!?_", *p)) { Delim = p; Blank = NULL; } p++; } *Height = Lines; return t; } void cInterface::Write(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor) { if (open) cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Text(x, y, s, FgColor, BgColor); } void cInterface::WriteText(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor) { if (open) { ClearEol(x, y, BgColor); int col = 0; for (;;) { const char *t = strchr(s, '\t'); const char *p = s; char buf[1000]; if (t && col < MaxCols && cols[col] > 0) { unsigned int n = t - s; if (n >= sizeof(buf)) n = sizeof(buf) - 1; strncpy(buf, s, n); buf[n] = 0; p = buf; s = t + 1; } Write(x, y, p, FgColor, BgColor); if (p == s) break; x += cols[col++]; } } } void cInterface::Title(const char *s) { int x = (Width() - strlen(s)) / 2; if (x < 0) x = 0; ClearEol(0, 0, clrCyan); Write(x, 0, s, clrBlack, clrCyan); } void cInterface::Status(const char *s, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor) { ClearEol(0, -3, s ? BgColor : clrBackground); if (s) Write(0, -3, s, FgColor, BgColor); } void cInterface::Info(const char *s) { Open(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, s); Status(s, clrWhite, clrGreen); Wait(); Status(NULL); Close(); } void cInterface::Error(const char *s) { Open(); esyslog(LOG_ERR, s); Status(s, clrWhite, clrRed); Wait(); Status(NULL); Close(); } bool cInterface::Confirm(const char *s) { Open(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "confirm: %s", s); Status(s, clrBlack, clrGreen); bool result = Wait(10) == kOk; Status(NULL); Close(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "%sconfirmed", result ? "" : "not "); return result; } void cInterface::HelpButton(int Index, const char *Text, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor) { if (open && Text) { const int w = Width() / 4; int l = (w - strlen(Text)) / 2; if (l < 0) l = 0; cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Fill(Index * w, -1, w, 1, BgColor); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Text(Index * w + l, -1, Text, FgColor, BgColor); } } void cInterface::Help(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue) { HelpButton(0, Red, clrBlack, clrRed); HelpButton(1, Green, clrBlack, clrGreen); HelpButton(2, Yellow, clrBlack, clrYellow); HelpButton(3, Blue, clrWhite, clrBlue); } void cInterface::QueryKeys(void) { Keys.Clear(); Clear(); WriteText(1, 1, "Learning Remote Control Keys"); WriteText(1, 3, "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type"); WriteText(1, 5, "Press any key on the RC unit"); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); #ifndef REMOTE_KBD unsigned char Code = 0; unsigned short Address; #endif for (;;) { #ifdef REMOTE_KBD if (GetCh()) break; #else //TODO on screen display... if (rcIo->DetectCode(&Code, &Address)) { Keys.code = Code; Keys.address = Address; WriteText(1, 5, "RC code detected!"); WriteText(1, 6, "Do not press any key..."); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); rcIo->Flush(3000); ClearEol(0, 5); ClearEol(0, 6); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); break; } #endif } WriteText(1, 3, "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes"); tKey *k = Keys.keys; while (k->type != kNone) { char *Prompt; asprintf(&Prompt, "Press key for '%s'", k->name); WriteText(1, 5, Prompt); delete Prompt; for (;;) { unsigned int ch = GetCh(); if (ch != 0) { switch (Keys.Get(ch)) { case kUp: if (k > Keys.keys) { k--; break; } case kDown: if (k > Keys.keys + 1) { WriteText(1, 5, "Press 'Up' to confirm"); WriteText(1, 6, "Press 'Down' to continue"); ClearEol(0, 7); ClearEol(0, 8); for (;;) { eKeys key = GetKey(); if (key == kUp) { Clear(); return; } else if (key == kDown) { ClearEol(0, 6); break; } } break; } case kNone: k->code = ch; k++; break; default: break; } break; } } if (k > Keys.keys) WriteText(1, 7, "(press 'Up' to go back)"); else ClearEol(0, 7); if (k > Keys.keys + 1) WriteText(1, 8, "(press 'Down' to end key definition)"); else ClearEol(0, 8); } } void cInterface::LearnKeys(void) { isyslog(LOG_INFO, "learning keys"); Open(); for (;;) { Clear(); QueryKeys(); Clear(); WriteText(1, 1, "Learning Remote Control Keys"); WriteText(1, 3, "Phase 3: Saving key codes"); WriteText(1, 5, "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel"); for (;;) { eKeys key = GetKey(); if (key == kUp) { Keys.Save(); Close(); return; } else if (key == kDown) { Keys.Load(); Close(); return; } } } } eKeys cInterface::DisplayChannel(int Number, const char *Name, bool WithInfo) { // Number = 0 is used for channel group display and no EIT if (Number) rcIo->Number(Number); if (Name && !Recording()) { Open(MenuColumns, 5); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Fill(0, 0, MenuColumns, 1, clrBackground); int BufSize = MenuColumns + 1; char buffer[BufSize]; if (Number) snprintf(buffer, BufSize, "%d %s", Number, Name ? Name : ""); else snprintf(buffer, BufSize, "%s", Name ? Name : ""); Write(0, 0, buffer); time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *now = localtime(&t); snprintf(buffer, BufSize, "%02d:%02d", now->tm_hour, now->tm_min); Write(-5, 0, buffer); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); #define INFO_TIMEOUT 5 const cEventInfo *Present = NULL, *Following = NULL; int Tries = 0; if (Number && WithInfo) { for (; Tries < INFO_TIMEOUT; Tries++) { { cThreadLock ThreadLock; const cSchedules *Schedules = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Schedules(&ThreadLock); if (Schedules) { const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(); if (Schedule) { const char *PresentTitle = NULL, *PresentSubtitle = NULL, *FollowingTitle = NULL, *FollowingSubtitle = NULL; int Lines = 0; if ((Present = Schedule->GetPresentEvent()) != NULL) { PresentTitle = Present->GetTitle(); if (!isempty(PresentTitle)) Lines++; PresentSubtitle = Present->GetSubtitle(); if (!isempty(PresentSubtitle)) Lines++; } if ((Following = Schedule->GetFollowingEvent()) != NULL) { FollowingTitle = Following->GetTitle(); if (!isempty(FollowingTitle)) Lines++; FollowingSubtitle = Following->GetSubtitle(); if (!isempty(FollowingSubtitle)) Lines++; } if (Lines > 0) { const int t = 6; int l = 1; cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Fill(0, 1, MenuColumns, Lines, clrBackground); if (!isempty(PresentTitle)) { Write(0, l, Present->GetTimeString(), clrYellow, clrBackground); Write(t, l, PresentTitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(PresentSubtitle)) { Write(t, l, PresentSubtitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(FollowingTitle)) { Write(0, l, Following->GetTimeString(), clrYellow, clrBackground); Write(t, l, FollowingTitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(FollowingSubtitle)) { Write(t, l, FollowingSubtitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); } cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Flush(); if (Lines == 4) { Tries = 0; break; } } } } } eKeys Key = Wait(1, true); if (Key != kNone) break; } } eKeys Key = Wait(INFO_TIMEOUT - Tries, true); Close(); if (Key == kOk) GetKey(); if (Key == kGreen || Key == kYellow) { GetKey(); do { Key = DisplayDescription((Key == kGreen) ? Present : Following); } while (Key == kGreen || Key == kYellow); Key = kNone; } return Key; } return kNone; } eKeys cInterface::DisplayDescription(const cEventInfo *EventInfo) { eKeys Key = kNone; if (EventInfo) { int line = 0; Open(); Clear(); char buffer[MenuColumns + 1]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %s", EventInfo->GetDate() ? EventInfo->GetDate() : "", EventInfo->GetTimeString() ? EventInfo->GetTimeString() : ""); Write(-strlen(buffer), line, buffer, clrYellow); line = WriteParagraph(line, EventInfo->GetTitle()); line = WriteParagraph(line, EventInfo->GetSubtitle()); line = WriteParagraph(line, EventInfo->GetExtendedDescription()); Key = Wait(300); Close(); } return Key; } int cInterface::WriteParagraph(int Line, const char *Text) { if (Line < Height() && Text) { Line++; char *s = strdup(Text); char *pStart = s, *pEnd; char *pEndText = &s[strlen(s) - 1]; while (pStart < pEndText) { if (strlen(pStart) > (unsigned)(MenuColumns - 2)) pEnd = &pStart[MenuColumns - 2]; else pEnd = &pStart[strlen(pStart)]; while (*pEnd != 0 && *pEnd != ' ' && pEnd > pStart) pEnd--; //XXX what if there are no blanks??? //XXX need to scroll if text is longer *pEnd = 0; Write(1, Line++, pStart, clrCyan); if (Line >= Height()) return Line; pStart = pEnd + 1; } } return Line; } void cInterface::DisplayRecording(int Index, bool On) { rcIo->SetPoints(1 << Index, On); } bool cInterface::Recording(void) { // This is located here because the Interface has to do with the "PrimaryDvbApi" anyway return cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Recording(); }