/* * menu.c: The actual menu implementations * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: menu.c 1.165 2002/03/16 10:00:41 kls Exp $ */ #include "menu.h" #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "eit.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "videodir.h" #define MENUTIMEOUT 120 // seconds #define MAXWAIT4EPGINFO 10 // seconds #define MODETIMEOUT 3 // seconds const char *FileNameChars = " aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ0123456789-.#~^"; // --- cMenuEditItem --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditItem : public cOsdItem { private: const char *name; const char *value; public: cMenuEditItem(const char *Name); ~cMenuEditItem(); void SetValue(const char *Value); }; cMenuEditItem::cMenuEditItem(const char *Name) { name = strdup(Name); value = NULL; } cMenuEditItem::~cMenuEditItem() { delete name; delete value; } void cMenuEditItem::SetValue(const char *Value) { delete value; value = strdup(Value); char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%s:\t%s", name, value); SetText(buffer, false); Display(); } // --- cMenuEditIntItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEditIntItem : public cMenuEditItem { protected: int *value; int min, max; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditIntItem(const char *Name, int *Value, int Min = 0, int Max = INT_MAX); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditIntItem::cMenuEditIntItem(const char *Name, int *Value, int Min, int Max) :cMenuEditItem(Name) { value = Value; min = Min; max = Max; Set(); } void cMenuEditIntItem::Set(void) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", *value); SetValue(buf); } eOSState cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { int newValue; if (k0 <= Key && Key <= k9) { if (fresh) { *value = 0; fresh = false; } newValue = *value * 10 + (Key - k0); } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly? newValue = *value - 1; fresh = true; } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) { newValue = *value + 1; fresh = true; } else return state; if ((!fresh || min <= newValue) && newValue <= max) { *value = newValue; Set(); } state = osContinue; } return state; } // --- cMenuEditBoolItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditBoolItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { protected: const char *falseString, *trueString; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditBoolItem(const char *Name, int *Value, const char *FalseString = NULL, const char *TrueString = NULL); }; cMenuEditBoolItem::cMenuEditBoolItem(const char *Name, int *Value, const char *FalseString, const char *TrueString) :cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0, 1) { falseString = FalseString ? FalseString : tr("no"); trueString = TrueString ? TrueString : tr("yes"); Set(); } void cMenuEditBoolItem::Set(void) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", *value ? trueString : falseString); SetValue(buf); } // --- cMenuEditChanItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditChanItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { protected: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditChanItem(const char *Name, int *Value); }; cMenuEditChanItem::cMenuEditChanItem(const char *Name, int *Value) :cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 1, Channels.MaxNumber()) { Set(); } void cMenuEditChanItem::Set(void) { char buf[255]; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(*value); if (channel) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %s", *value, channel->name); else *buf = 0; SetValue(buf); } // --- cMenuEditTranItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditTranItem : public cMenuEditChanItem { private: int number; int transponder; public: cMenuEditTranItem(const char *Name, int *Value); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditTranItem::cMenuEditTranItem(const char *Name, int *Value) :cMenuEditChanItem(Name, Value) { number = 0; transponder = *Value; cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); while (channel) { if (!channel->groupSep && ISTRANSPONDER(channel->frequency, *Value)) { number = channel->number; break; } channel = (cChannel *)channel->Next(); } *Value = number; Set(); *Value = transponder; } eOSState cMenuEditTranItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { *value = number; eOSState state = cMenuEditChanItem::ProcessKey(Key); number = *value; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(*value); if (channel) transponder = channel->frequency; *value = transponder; return state; } // --- cMenuEditDayItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEditDayItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { protected: static int days[]; int d; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditDayItem(const char *Name, int *Value); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; int cMenuEditDayItem::days[] ={ cTimer::ParseDay("M------"), cTimer::ParseDay("-T-----"), cTimer::ParseDay("--W----"), cTimer::ParseDay("---T---"), cTimer::ParseDay("----F--"), cTimer::ParseDay("-----S-"), cTimer::ParseDay("------S"), cTimer::ParseDay("MTWTF--"), cTimer::ParseDay("MTWTFS-"), cTimer::ParseDay("MTWTFSS"), cTimer::ParseDay("-----SS"), 0 }; cMenuEditDayItem::cMenuEditDayItem(const char *Name, int *Value) :cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, -INT_MAX, 31) { d = -1; if (*value < 0) { int n = 0; while (days[n]) { if (days[n] == *value) { d = n; break; } n++; } } Set(); } void cMenuEditDayItem::Set(void) { SetValue(cTimer::PrintDay(*value)); } eOSState cMenuEditDayItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key) { case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: if (d > 0) *value = days[--d]; else if (d == 0) { *value = 31; d = -1; } else if (*value == 1) { d = sizeof(days) / sizeof(int) - 2; *value = days[d]; } else return cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key); Set(); break; case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: if (d >= 0) { *value = days[++d]; if (*value == 0) { *value = 1; d = -1; } } else if (*value == 31) { d = 0; *value = days[d]; } else return cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key); Set(); break; default : return cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key); } return osContinue; } // --- cMenuEditDateItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditDateItem : public cMenuEditItem { protected: time_t *value; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditDateItem(const char *Name, time_t *Value); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditDateItem::cMenuEditDateItem(const char *Name, time_t *Value) :cMenuEditItem(Name) { value = Value; Set(); } void cMenuEditDateItem::Set(void) { #define DATEBUFFERSIZE 32 char buf[DATEBUFFERSIZE]; if (*value) { struct tm tm_r; localtime_r(value, &tm_r); strftime(buf, DATEBUFFERSIZE, "%Y-%m-%d ", &tm_r); strcat(buf, WeekDayName(tm_r.tm_wday)); } else *buf = 0; SetValue(buf); } eOSState cMenuEditDateItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly? *value -= SECSINDAY; if (*value < time(NULL)) *value = 0; } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) { if (!*value) *value = cTimer::SetTime(time(NULL), 0); *value += SECSINDAY; } else return state; Set(); state = osContinue; } return state; } // --- cMenuEditTimeItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditTimeItem : public cMenuEditItem { protected: int *value; int hh, mm; int pos; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditTimeItem(const char *Name, int *Value); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditTimeItem::cMenuEditTimeItem(const char *Name, int *Value) :cMenuEditItem(Name) { value = Value; hh = *value / 100; mm = *value % 100; pos = 0; Set(); } void cMenuEditTimeItem::Set(void) { char buf[10]; switch (pos) { case 1: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%01d-:--", hh / 10); break; case 2: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:--", hh); break; case 3: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%01d-", hh, mm / 10); break; default: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d", hh, mm); } SetValue(buf); } eOSState cMenuEditTimeItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (k0 <= Key && Key <= k9) { if (fresh || pos > 3) { pos = 0; fresh = false; } int n = Key - k0; switch (pos) { case 0: if (n <= 2) { hh = n * 10; mm = 0; pos++; } break; case 1: if (hh + n <= 23) { hh += n; pos++; } break; case 2: if (n <= 5) { mm += n * 10; pos++; } break; case 3: if (mm + n <= 59) { mm += n; pos++; } break; } } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly? if (--mm < 0) { mm = 59; if (--hh < 0) hh = 23; } fresh = true; } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) { if (++mm > 59) { mm = 0; if (++hh > 23) hh = 0; } fresh = true; } else return state; *value = hh * 100 + mm; Set(); state = osContinue; } return state; } // --- cMenuEditChrItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEditChrItem : public cMenuEditItem { private: char *value; const char *allowed; const char *current; virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditChrItem(const char *Name, char *Value, const char *Allowed); ~cMenuEditChrItem(); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditChrItem::cMenuEditChrItem(const char *Name, char *Value, const char *Allowed) :cMenuEditItem(Name) { value = Value; allowed = strdup(Allowed); current = strchr(allowed, *Value); if (!current) current = allowed; Set(); } cMenuEditChrItem::~cMenuEditChrItem() { delete allowed; } void cMenuEditChrItem::Set(void) { char buf[2]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", *value); SetValue(buf); } eOSState cMenuEditChrItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { if (current > allowed) current--; } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) { if (*(current + 1)) current++; } else return state; *value = *current; Set(); state = osContinue; } return state; } // --- cMenuEditStrItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEditStrItem : public cMenuEditItem { private: char *value; int length; const char *allowed; int pos; virtual void Set(void); char Inc(char c, bool Up); public: cMenuEditStrItem(const char *Name, char *Value, int Length, const char *Allowed); ~cMenuEditStrItem(); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditStrItem::cMenuEditStrItem(const char *Name, char *Value, int Length, const char *Allowed) :cMenuEditItem(Name) { value = Value; length = Length; allowed = strdup(Allowed); pos = -1; Set(); } cMenuEditStrItem::~cMenuEditStrItem() { delete allowed; } void cMenuEditStrItem::Set(void) { char buf[1000]; if (pos >= 0) { strncpy(buf, value, pos); const char *s = value[pos] != '^' ? value + pos + 1 : ""; snprintf(buf + pos, sizeof(buf) - pos - 2, "[%c]%s", *(value + pos), s); SetValue(buf); } else SetValue(value); } char cMenuEditStrItem::Inc(char c, bool Up) { const char *p = strchr(allowed, c); if (!p) p = allowed; if (Up) { if (!*++p) p = allowed; } else if (--p < allowed) p = allowed + strlen(allowed) - 1; return *p; } eOSState cMenuEditStrItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key) { case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: if (pos > 0) { if (value[pos] == '^') value[pos] = 0; pos--; } break; case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: if (pos < length && value[pos] != '^' && (pos < int(strlen(value) - 1) || value[pos] != ' ')) { if (++pos >= int(strlen(value))) { value[pos] = ' '; value[pos + 1] = 0; } } break; case kUp|k_Repeat: case kUp: case kDown|k_Repeat: case kDown: if (pos >= 0) value[pos] = Inc(value[pos], NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp); else return cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); break; case kOk: if (pos >= 0) { if (value[pos] == '^') value[pos] = 0; pos = -1; stripspace(value); break; } // run into default default: return cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); } Set(); return osContinue; } // --- cMenuEditStraItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditStraItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { private: const char * const *strings; protected: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditStraItem(const char *Name, int *Value, int NumStrings, const char * const *Strings); }; cMenuEditStraItem::cMenuEditStraItem(const char *Name, int *Value, int NumStrings, const char * const *Strings) :cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0, NumStrings - 1) { strings = Strings; Set(); } void cMenuEditStraItem::Set(void) { SetValue(strings[*value]); } // --- cMenuEditCaItem ------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditCaItem : public cMenuEditIntItem { private: const cCaDefinition *ca; bool allowCardNr; protected: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuEditCaItem(const char *Name, int *Value, bool AllowCardNr = false); eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditCaItem::cMenuEditCaItem(const char *Name, int *Value, bool AllowCardNr) :cMenuEditIntItem(Name, Value, 0) { ca = CaDefinitions.Get(*Value); allowCardNr = AllowCardNr; Set(); } void cMenuEditCaItem::Set(void) { if (ca) SetValue(ca->Description()); else cMenuEditIntItem::Set(); } eOSState cMenuEditCaItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuEditItem::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kLeft) { // TODO might want to increase the delta if repeated quickly? if (ca && ca->Prev()) { ca = (cCaDefinition *)ca->Prev(); *value = ca->Number(); } } else if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) { if (ca && ca->Next() && (allowCardNr || ((cCaDefinition *)ca->Next())->Number() > MAXDVBAPI)) { ca = (cCaDefinition *)ca->Next(); *value = ca->Number(); } } else return cMenuEditIntItem::ProcessKey(Key); Set(); state = osContinue; } return state; } // --- cMenuEditChannel ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEditChannel : public cOsdMenu { private: cChannel *channel; cChannel data; public: cMenuEditChannel(int Index); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditChannel::cMenuEditChannel(int Index) :cOsdMenu(tr("Edit Channel"), 14) { channel = Channels.Get(Index); if (channel) { data = *channel; Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("Name"), data.name, sizeof(data.name), FileNameChars)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Frequency"), &data.frequency)); Add(new cMenuEditChrItem( tr("Polarization"), &data.polarization, "hv")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("DiSEqC"), &data.diseqc, 0, 10)); //TODO exact limits??? Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Srate"), &data.srate)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Vpid"), &data.vpid, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Apid1"), &data.apid1, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Apid2"), &data.apid2, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid1"), &data.dpid1, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Dpid2"), &data.dpid2, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Tpid"), &data.tpid, 0, 0x1FFF)); Add(new cMenuEditCaItem( tr("CA"), &data.ca, true)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Pnr"), &data.pnr, 0)); } } eOSState cMenuEditChannel::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { if (Key == kOk) { if (channel) *channel = data; Channels.Save(); state = osBack; } } return state; } // --- cMenuChannelItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuChannelItem : public cOsdItem { private: int index; cChannel *channel; public: cMenuChannelItem(int Index, cChannel *Channel); virtual void Set(void); void SetIndex(int Index); }; cMenuChannelItem::cMenuChannelItem(int Index, cChannel *Channel) { index = Index; channel = Channel; if (channel->groupSep) SetColor(clrCyan, clrBackground); Set(); } void cMenuChannelItem::Set(void) { char *buffer = NULL; if (!channel->groupSep) asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%s", channel->number, channel->name ); else asprintf(&buffer, "---\t%s ----------------------------------------------------------------", channel->name); SetText(buffer, false); } void cMenuChannelItem::SetIndex(int Index) { index = Index; Set(); } // --- cMenuChannels --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuChannels : public cOsdMenu { protected: eOSState Switch(void); eOSState Edit(void); eOSState New(void); eOSState Del(void); virtual void Move(int From, int To); public: cMenuChannels(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuChannels::cMenuChannels(void) :cOsdMenu(tr("Channels"), 4) { //TODO int i = 0; cChannel *channel; int curr = ((channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDvbApi::CurrentChannel())) != NULL) ? channel->Index() : -1; while ((channel = Channels.Get(i)) != NULL) { Add(new cMenuChannelItem(i, channel), i == curr); i++; } SetHelp(tr("Edit"), tr("New"), tr("Delete"), tr("Mark")); } eOSState cMenuChannels::Switch(void) { cChannel *ch = Channels.Get(Current()); if (ch) ch->Switch(); return osEnd; } eOSState cMenuChannels::Edit(void) { if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; isyslog(LOG_INFO, "editing channel %d", Current() + 1); return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditChannel(Current())); } eOSState cMenuChannels::New(void) { if (HasSubMenu()) return osContinue; cChannel *channel = new cChannel(Channels.Get(Current())); Channels.Add(channel); Channels.ReNumber(); Add(new cMenuChannelItem(channel->Index()/*XXX*/, channel), true); Channels.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "channel %d added", channel->number); return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditChannel(Current())); } eOSState cMenuChannels::Del(void) { if (Count() > 0) { int Index = Current(); cChannel *channel = Channels.Get(Index); int DeletedChannel = channel->number; // Check if there is a timer using this channel: for (cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next()) { if (ti->channel == DeletedChannel) { Interface->Error(tr("Channel is being used by a timer!")); return osContinue; } } if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete channel?"))) { // Move and renumber the channels: Channels.Del(channel); Channels.ReNumber(); cOsdMenu::Del(Index); int i = 0; for (cMenuChannelItem *ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)First(); ci; ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)ci->Next()) ci->SetIndex(i++); Channels.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "channel %d deleted", DeletedChannel); // Fix the timers: bool TimersModified = false; for (cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next()) { int OldChannel = ti->channel; if (ti->channel > DeletedChannel) ti->channel--; if (ti->channel != OldChannel) { TimersModified = true; isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d: channel changed from %d to %d", ti->Index() + 1, OldChannel, ti->channel); } } if (TimersModified) Timers.Save(); Display(); } } return osContinue; } void cMenuChannels::Move(int From, int To) { int FromNumber = Channels.Get(From)->number; int ToNumber = Channels.Get(To)->number; // Move and renumber the channels: Channels.Move(From, To); Channels.ReNumber(); cOsdMenu::Move(From, To); int i = 0; for (cMenuChannelItem *ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)First(); ci; ci = (cMenuChannelItem *)ci->Next()) ci->SetIndex(i++); Channels.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "channel %d moved to %d", FromNumber, ToNumber); // Fix the timers: bool TimersModified = false; From++; // user visible channel numbers start with '1' To++; for (cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti; ti = (cTimer *)ti->Next()) { int OldChannel = ti->channel; if (ti->channel == FromNumber) ti->channel = ToNumber; else if (ti->channel > FromNumber && ti->channel <= ToNumber) ti->channel--; else if (ti->channel < FromNumber && ti->channel >= ToNumber) ti->channel++; if (ti->channel != OldChannel) { TimersModified = true; isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d: channel changed from %d to %d", ti->Index() + 1, OldChannel, ti->channel); } } if (TimersModified) Timers.Save(); Display(); } eOSState cMenuChannels::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: return Switch(); case kRed: return Edit(); case kGreen: return New(); case kYellow: return Del(); case kBlue: Mark(); break; default: break; } } return state; } // --- cMenuTextItem --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuTextItem : public cOsdItem { private: char *text; int x, y, w, h, lines, offset; eDvbColor fgColor, bgColor; eDvbFont font; public: cMenuTextItem(const char *Text, int X, int Y, int W, int H = -1, eDvbColor FgColor = clrWhite, eDvbColor BgColor = clrBackground, eDvbFont Font = fontOsd); ~cMenuTextItem(); int Height(void) { return h; } void Clear(void); virtual void Display(int Offset = -1, eDvbColor FgColor = clrWhite, eDvbColor BgColor = clrBackground); bool CanScrollUp(void) { return offset > 0; } bool CanScrollDown(void) { return h + offset < lines; } void ScrollUp(void); void ScrollDown(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuTextItem::cMenuTextItem(const char *Text, int X, int Y, int W, int H, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor, eDvbFont Font) { x = X; y = Y; w = W; h = H; fgColor = FgColor; bgColor = BgColor; font = Font; offset = 0; eDvbFont oldFont = Interface->SetFont(font); text = Interface->WrapText(Text, w - 1, &lines); Interface->SetFont(oldFont); if (h < 0) h = lines; } cMenuTextItem::~cMenuTextItem() { delete text; } void cMenuTextItem::Clear(void) { Interface->Fill(x, y, w, h, bgColor); } void cMenuTextItem::Display(int Offset, eDvbColor FgColor, eDvbColor BgColor) { int l = 0; char *t = text; eDvbFont oldFont = Interface->SetFont(font); while (*t) { char *n = strchr(t, '\n'); if (l >= offset) { if (n) *n = 0; Interface->Write(x, y + l - offset, t, fgColor, bgColor); if (n) *n = '\n'; else break; } if (!n) break; t = n + 1; if (++l >= h + offset) break; } Interface->SetFont(oldFont); // scroll indicators use inverted color scheme! if (CanScrollUp()) Interface->Write(x + w - 1, y, "^", bgColor, fgColor); if (CanScrollDown()) Interface->Write(x + w - 1, y + h - 1, "v", bgColor, fgColor); } void cMenuTextItem::ScrollUp(void) { if (CanScrollUp()) { Clear(); offset--; Display(); } } void cMenuTextItem::ScrollDown(void) { if (CanScrollDown()) { Clear(); offset++; Display(); } } eOSState cMenuTextItem::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key) { case kUp|k_Repeat: case kUp: ScrollUp(); break; case kDown|k_Repeat: case kDown: ScrollDown(); break; default: return osUnknown; } return osContinue; } // --- cMenuText ------------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuText : public cOsdMenu { public: cMenuText(const char *Title, const char *Text, eDvbFont Font = fontOsd); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuText::cMenuText(const char *Title, const char *Text, eDvbFont Font) :cOsdMenu(Title) { Add(new cMenuTextItem(Text, 1, 2, Setup.OSDwidth - 2, MAXOSDITEMS, clrWhite, clrBackground, Font)); } eOSState cMenuText::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: return osBack; default: state = osContinue; } } return state; } // --- cMenuEditTimer -------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuEditTimer : public cOsdMenu { private: cTimer *timer; cTimer data; cMenuEditDateItem *firstday; void SetFirstDayItem(void); public: cMenuEditTimer(int Index, bool New = false); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEditTimer::cMenuEditTimer(int Index, bool New) :cOsdMenu(tr("Edit Timer"), 12) { firstday = NULL; timer = Timers.Get(Index); if (timer) { data = *timer; if (New) data.active = 1; Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Active"), &data.active)); Add(new cMenuEditChanItem(tr("Channel"), &data.channel)); Add(new cMenuEditDayItem( tr("Day"), &data.day)); Add(new cMenuEditTimeItem(tr("Start"), &data.start)); Add(new cMenuEditTimeItem(tr("Stop"), &data.stop)); //TODO VPS??? Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Priority"), &data.priority, 0, MAXPRIORITY)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Lifetime"), &data.lifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME)); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("File"), data.file, sizeof(data.file), FileNameChars)); SetFirstDayItem(); } } void cMenuEditTimer::SetFirstDayItem(void) { if (!firstday && !data.IsSingleEvent()) { Add(firstday = new cMenuEditDateItem(tr("First day"), &data.firstday)); Display(); } else if (firstday && data.IsSingleEvent()) { Del(firstday->Index()); firstday = NULL; data.firstday = 0; Display(); } } eOSState cMenuEditTimer::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: if (!*data.file) strcpy(data.file, Channels.GetChannelNameByNumber(data.channel)); if (timer && memcmp(timer, &data, sizeof(data)) != 0) { *timer = data; if (timer->active) timer->active = 1; // allows external programs to mark active timers with values > 1 and recognize if the user has modified them Timers.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d modified (%s)", timer->Index() + 1, timer->active ? "active" : "inactive"); } return osBack; case kRed: case kGreen: case kYellow: case kBlue: return osContinue; default: break; } } if (Key != kNone) SetFirstDayItem(); return state; } // --- cMenuTimerItem -------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuTimerItem : public cOsdItem { private: cTimer *timer; public: cMenuTimerItem(cTimer *Timer); virtual bool operator< (const cListObject &ListObject); virtual void Set(void); cTimer *Timer(void) { return timer; } }; cMenuTimerItem::cMenuTimerItem(cTimer *Timer) { timer = Timer; Set(); } bool cMenuTimerItem::operator< (const cListObject &ListObject) { return *timer < *((cMenuTimerItem *)&ListObject)->timer; } void cMenuTimerItem::Set(void) { char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%c\t%d\t%s\t%02d:%02d\t%02d:%02d\t%s", !timer->active ? ' ' : timer->firstday ? '!' : timer->recording ? '#' : '>', timer->channel, timer->PrintDay(timer->day), timer->start / 100, timer->start % 100, timer->stop / 100, timer->stop % 100, timer->file); SetText(buffer, false); } // --- cMenuTimers ----------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuTimers : public cOsdMenu { private: eOSState Edit(void); eOSState New(void); eOSState Del(void); eOSState OnOff(void); virtual void Move(int From, int To); eOSState Summary(void); cTimer *CurrentTimer(void); public: cMenuTimers(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuTimers::cMenuTimers(void) :cOsdMenu(tr("Timers"), 2, 4, 10, 6, 6) { int i = 0; cTimer *timer; while ((timer = Timers.Get(i)) != NULL) { Add(new cMenuTimerItem(timer)); i++; } if (Setup.SortTimers) Sort(); SetHelp(tr("Edit"), tr("New"), tr("Delete"), Setup.SortTimers ? tr("On/Off") : tr("Mark")); } cTimer *cMenuTimers::CurrentTimer(void) { cMenuTimerItem *item = (cMenuTimerItem *)Get(Current()); return item ? item->Timer() : NULL; } eOSState cMenuTimers::OnOff(void) { cTimer *timer = CurrentTimer(); if (timer) { if (timer->IsSingleEvent()) timer->active = !timer->active; else if (timer->firstday) { timer->firstday = 0; timer->active = false; } else if (timer->active) timer->SkipToday(); else timer->active = true; timer->Matches(); // refresh start and end time RefreshCurrent(); DisplayCurrent(true); if (timer->firstday) isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d first day set to %s", timer->Index() + 1, timer->PrintFirstDay()); else isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d %sactivated", timer->Index() + 1, timer->active ? "" : "de"); Timers.Save(); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuTimers::Edit(void) { if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; isyslog(LOG_INFO, "editing timer %d", CurrentTimer()->Index() + 1); return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(CurrentTimer()->Index())); } eOSState cMenuTimers::New(void) { if (HasSubMenu()) return osContinue; cTimer *timer = new cTimer; Timers.Add(timer); Add(new cMenuTimerItem(timer), true); Timers.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d added", timer->Index() + 1); return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer->Index(), true)); } eOSState cMenuTimers::Del(void) { // Check if this timer is active: cTimer *ti = CurrentTimer(); if (ti) { if (!ti->recording) { if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete timer?"))) { int Index = ti->Index(); Timers.Del(ti); cOsdMenu::Del(Current()); Timers.Save(); Display(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d deleted", Index + 1); } } else Interface->Error(tr("Timer is recording!")); } return osContinue; } void cMenuTimers::Move(int From, int To) { Timers.Move(From, To); cOsdMenu::Move(From, To); Timers.Save(); Display(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d moved to %d", From + 1, To + 1); } eOSState cMenuTimers::Summary(void) { if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; cTimer *ti = CurrentTimer(); if (ti && ti->summary && *ti->summary) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(tr("Summary"), ti->summary)); return Edit(); // convenience for people not using the Summary feature ;-) } eOSState cMenuTimers::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: return Summary(); case kRed: return Edit(); case kGreen: return New(); case kYellow: return Del(); case kBlue: if (Setup.SortTimers) OnOff(); else Mark(); break; default: break; } } return state; } // --- cMenuEvent ------------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuEvent : public cOsdMenu { private: const cEventInfo *eventInfo; public: cMenuEvent(const cEventInfo *EventInfo, bool CanSwitch = false); cMenuEvent(bool Now); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuEvent::cMenuEvent(const cEventInfo *EventInfo, bool CanSwitch) :cOsdMenu(tr("Event")) { eventInfo = EventInfo; if (eventInfo) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(eventInfo->GetServiceID()); if (channel) { char *buffer; asprintf(&buffer, "%-17.*s\t%.*s %s - %s", 17, channel->name, 5, eventInfo->GetDate(), eventInfo->GetTimeString(), eventInfo->GetEndTimeString()); SetTitle(buffer, false); delete buffer; int Line = 2; cMenuTextItem *item; const char *Title = eventInfo->GetTitle(); const char *Subtitle = eventInfo->GetSubtitle(); const char *ExtendedDescription = eventInfo->GetExtendedDescription(); if (!isempty(Title)) { Add(item = new cMenuTextItem(Title, 1, Line, Setup.OSDwidth - 2, -1, clrCyan)); Line += item->Height() + 1; } if (!isempty(Subtitle)) { Add(item = new cMenuTextItem(Subtitle, 1, Line, Setup.OSDwidth - 2, -1, clrYellow)); Line += item->Height() + 1; } if (!isempty(ExtendedDescription)) Add(new cMenuTextItem(ExtendedDescription, 1, Line, Setup.OSDwidth - 2, Height() - Line - 2, clrCyan), true); SetHelp(tr("Record"), NULL, NULL, CanSwitch ? tr("Switch") : NULL); } } } eOSState cMenuEvent::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kGreen: case kYellow: return osContinue; case kOk: return osBack; default: break; } } return state; } // --- cMenuWhatsOnItem ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuWhatsOnItem : public cOsdItem { public: const cEventInfo *eventInfo; cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEventInfo *EventInfo); }; cMenuWhatsOnItem::cMenuWhatsOnItem(const cEventInfo *EventInfo) { eventInfo = EventInfo; char *buffer = NULL; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(eventInfo->GetChannelNumber()); asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%.*s\t%.*s\t%s", eventInfo->GetChannelNumber(), 6, channel ? channel->name : "???", 5, eventInfo->GetTimeString(), eventInfo->GetTitle()); SetText(buffer, false); } // --- cMenuWhatsOn ---------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuWhatsOn : public cOsdMenu { private: eOSState Record(void); eOSState Switch(void); static int currentChannel; static const cEventInfo *scheduleEventInfo; public: cMenuWhatsOn(const cSchedules *Schedules, bool Now, int CurrentChannelNr); static int CurrentChannel(void) { return currentChannel; } static void SetCurrentChannel(int ChannelNr) { currentChannel = ChannelNr; } static const cEventInfo *ScheduleEventInfo(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; int cMenuWhatsOn::currentChannel = 0; const cEventInfo *cMenuWhatsOn::scheduleEventInfo = NULL; static int CompareEventChannel(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (int)( (*(const cEventInfo **)p1)->GetChannelNumber() - (*(const cEventInfo **)p2)->GetChannelNumber()); } cMenuWhatsOn::cMenuWhatsOn(const cSchedules *Schedules, bool Now, int CurrentChannelNr) :cOsdMenu(Now ? tr("What's on now?") : tr("What's on next?"), 4, 7, 6) { const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->First(); const cEventInfo **pArray = NULL; int num = 0; while (Schedule) { pArray = (const cEventInfo **)realloc(pArray, (num + 1) * sizeof(cEventInfo *)); pArray[num] = Now ? Schedule->GetPresentEvent() : Schedule->GetFollowingEvent(); if (pArray[num]) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(pArray[num]->GetServiceID()); if (channel) { pArray[num]->SetChannelNumber(channel->number); num++; } } Schedule = (const cSchedule *)Schedules->Next(Schedule); } qsort(pArray, num, sizeof(cEventInfo *), CompareEventChannel); for (int a = 0; a < num; a++) Add(new cMenuWhatsOnItem(pArray[a]), pArray[a]->GetChannelNumber() == CurrentChannelNr); currentChannel = CurrentChannelNr; delete pArray; SetHelp(tr("Record"), Now ? tr("Next") : tr("Now"), tr("Button$Schedule"), tr("Switch")); } const cEventInfo *cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEventInfo(void) { const cEventInfo *ei = scheduleEventInfo; scheduleEventInfo = NULL; return ei; } eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::Switch(void) { cMenuWhatsOnItem *item = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current()); if (item) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(item->eventInfo->GetServiceID()); if (channel && channel->Switch()) return osEnd; } Interface->Error(tr("Can't switch channel!")); return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::Record(void) { cMenuWhatsOnItem *item = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current()); if (item) { cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->eventInfo); cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer); if (!t) { Timers.Add(timer); Timers.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d added", timer->Index() + 1); } else { delete timer; timer = t; } return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer->Index(), true)); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuWhatsOn::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kRed: return Record(); case kYellow: state = osBack; // continue with kGreen case kGreen: { cMenuWhatsOnItem *mi = (cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current()); if (mi) { scheduleEventInfo = mi->eventInfo; currentChannel = mi->eventInfo->GetChannelNumber(); } } break; case kBlue: return Switch(); case kOk: if (Count()) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEvent(((cMenuWhatsOnItem *)Get(Current()))->eventInfo, true)); break; default: break; } } return state; } // --- cMenuScheduleItem ----------------------------------------------------- class cMenuScheduleItem : public cOsdItem { public: const cEventInfo *eventInfo; cMenuScheduleItem(const cEventInfo *EventInfo); }; cMenuScheduleItem::cMenuScheduleItem(const cEventInfo *EventInfo) { eventInfo = EventInfo; char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%.*s\t%.*s\t%s", 5, eventInfo->GetDate(), 5, eventInfo->GetTimeString(), eventInfo->GetTitle()); SetText(buffer, false); } // --- cMenuSchedule --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSchedule : public cOsdMenu { private: cMutexLock mutexLock; const cSchedules *schedules; bool now, next; int otherChannel; eOSState Record(void); eOSState Switch(void); void PrepareSchedule(cChannel *Channel); public: cMenuSchedule(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuSchedule::cMenuSchedule(void) :cOsdMenu("", 6, 6) { now = next = false; otherChannel = 0; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDvbApi::CurrentChannel()); if (channel) { cMenuWhatsOn::SetCurrentChannel(channel->number); schedules = cSIProcessor::Schedules(mutexLock); PrepareSchedule(channel); SetHelp(tr("Record"), tr("Now"), tr("Next")); } } static int CompareEventTime(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (int)((*(cEventInfo **)p1)->GetTime() - (*(cEventInfo **)p2)->GetTime()); } void cMenuSchedule::PrepareSchedule(cChannel *Channel) { Clear(); char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, tr("Schedule - %s"), Channel->name); SetTitle(buffer); delete buffer; if (schedules) { const cSchedule *Schedule = Channel->pnr ? schedules->GetSchedule(Channel->pnr) : schedules->GetSchedule(); int num = Schedule->NumEvents(); const cEventInfo **pArray = (const cEventInfo **)malloc(num * sizeof(cEventInfo *)); if (pArray) { time_t now = time(NULL); int numreal = 0; for (int a = 0; a < num; a++) { const cEventInfo *EventInfo = Schedule->GetEventNumber(a); if (EventInfo->GetTime() + EventInfo->GetDuration() > now) pArray[numreal++] = EventInfo; } qsort(pArray, numreal, sizeof(cEventInfo *), CompareEventTime); for (int a = 0; a < numreal; a++) Add(new cMenuScheduleItem(pArray[a])); delete pArray; } } } eOSState cMenuSchedule::Record(void) { cMenuScheduleItem *item = (cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current()); if (item) { cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->eventInfo); cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer); if (!t) { Timers.Add(timer); Timers.Save(); isyslog(LOG_INFO, "timer %d added", timer->Index() + 1); } else { delete timer; timer = t; } return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer->Index(), true)); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuSchedule::Switch(void) { if (otherChannel) { if (Channels.SwitchTo(otherChannel)) return osEnd; } Interface->Error(tr("Can't switch channel!")); return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuSchedule::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kRed: return Record(); case kGreen: if (schedules) { if (!now && !next) { int ChannelNr = 0; if (Count()) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(((cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current()))->eventInfo->GetServiceID()); if (channel) ChannelNr = channel->number; } now = true; return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, true, ChannelNr)); } now = !now; next = !next; return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, now, cMenuWhatsOn::CurrentChannel())); } case kYellow: if (schedules) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOn(schedules, false, cMenuWhatsOn::CurrentChannel())); break; case kBlue: if (Count()) return Switch(); break; case kOk: if (Count()) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEvent(((cMenuScheduleItem *)Get(Current()))->eventInfo, otherChannel)); break; default: break; } } else if (!HasSubMenu()) { now = next = false; const cEventInfo *ei = cMenuWhatsOn::ScheduleEventInfo(); if (ei) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(ei->GetServiceID()); if (channel) { PrepareSchedule(channel); if (channel->number != cDvbApi::CurrentChannel()) { otherChannel = channel->number; SetHelp(tr("Record"), tr("Now"), tr("Next"), tr("Switch")); } Display(); } } } return state; } // --- cMenuRecordingItem ---------------------------------------------------- class cMenuRecordingItem : public cOsdItem { private: char *fileName; char *name; int totalEntries, newEntries; public: cMenuRecordingItem(cRecording *Recording, int Level); ~cMenuRecordingItem(); void IncrementCounter(bool New); const char *Name(void) { return name; } const char *FileName(void) { return fileName; } bool IsDirectory(void) { return name != NULL; } }; cMenuRecordingItem::cMenuRecordingItem(cRecording *Recording, int Level) { fileName = strdup(Recording->FileName()); name = NULL; totalEntries = newEntries = 0; SetText(Recording->Title('\t', true, Level)); if (*Text() == '\t') name = strdup(Text() + 2); // 'Text() + 2' to skip the two '\t' } cMenuRecordingItem::~cMenuRecordingItem() { delete fileName; delete name; } void cMenuRecordingItem::IncrementCounter(bool New) { totalEntries++; if (New) newEntries++; char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%d\t%d\t%s", totalEntries, newEntries, name); SetText(buffer, false); } // --- cMenuRecordings ------------------------------------------------------- cRecordings cMenuRecordings::Recordings; int cMenuRecordings::helpKeys = -1; cMenuRecordings::cMenuRecordings(const char *Base, int Level, bool OpenSubMenus) :cOsdMenu(Base ? Base : tr("Recordings"), 6, 6) { base = Base ? strdup(Base) : NULL; level = Setup.RecordingDirs ? Level : -1; if (!Base) { Interface->Status(tr("scanning recordings...")); Interface->Flush(); } if (Base || Recordings.Load()) { const char *LastReplayed = cReplayControl::LastReplayed(); cMenuRecordingItem *LastItem = NULL; char *LastItemText = NULL; for (cRecording *recording = Recordings.First(); recording; recording = Recordings.Next(recording)) { if (!Base || (strstr(recording->Name(), Base) == recording->Name() && recording->Name()[strlen(Base)] == '~')) { cMenuRecordingItem *Item = new cMenuRecordingItem(recording, level); if (*Item->Text() && (!LastItem || strcmp(Item->Text(), LastItemText) != 0)) { Add(Item); LastItem = Item; delete LastItemText; LastItemText = strdup(LastItem->Text()); // must use a copy because of the counters! } else delete Item; if (LastItem) { if (LastReplayed && strcmp(LastReplayed, recording->FileName()) == 0) SetCurrent(LastItem); if (LastItem->IsDirectory()) LastItem->IncrementCounter(recording->IsNew()); } } } delete LastItemText; if (Current() < 0) SetCurrent(First()); else if (OpenSubMenus && Open(true)) return; } Display(); // this keeps the higher level menus from showing up briefly when pressing 'Back' during replay SetHelpKeys(); } cMenuRecordings::~cMenuRecordings() { helpKeys = -1; delete base; } void cMenuRecordings::SetHelpKeys(void) { cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); int NewHelpKeys = helpKeys; if (ri) { if (ri->IsDirectory()) NewHelpKeys = 1; else { NewHelpKeys = 2; cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri); if (recording && recording->Summary()) NewHelpKeys = 3; } } if (NewHelpKeys != helpKeys) { switch (NewHelpKeys) { case 0: SetHelp(NULL); break; case 1: SetHelp(tr("Open")); break; case 2: case 3: SetHelp(tr("Play"), tr("Rewind"), tr("Delete"), NewHelpKeys == 3 ? tr("Summary") : NULL); } helpKeys = NewHelpKeys; } } cRecording *cMenuRecordings::GetRecording(cMenuRecordingItem *Item) { cRecording *recording = Recordings.GetByName(Item->FileName()); if (!recording) Interface->Error(tr("Error while accessing recording!")); return recording; } bool cMenuRecordings::Open(bool OpenSubMenus) { cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); if (ri && ri->IsDirectory()) { const char *t = ri->Name(); char *buffer = NULL; if (base) { asprintf(&buffer, "%s~%s", base, t); t = buffer; } AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings(t, level + 1, OpenSubMenus)); delete buffer; return true; } return false; } eOSState cMenuRecordings::Play(void) { cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); if (ri) { if (ri->IsDirectory()) Open(); else { cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri); if (recording) { cReplayControl::SetRecording(recording->FileName(), recording->Title()); return osReplay; } } } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuRecordings::Rewind(void) { cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) { cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->StopReplay(); // must do this first to be able to rewind the currently replayed recording cResumeFile ResumeFile(ri->FileName()); ResumeFile.Delete(); return Play(); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuRecordings::Del(void) { cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) { if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Delete recording?"))) { cRecordControl *rc = cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(ri->FileName()); if (rc) { if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer still recording - really delete?"))) { cTimer *timer = rc->Timer(); if (timer) { timer->SkipToday(); cRecordControls::Process(time(NULL)); Timers.Save(); } } else return osContinue; } cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri); if (recording) { if (recording->Delete()) { cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(ri->FileName()); cOsdMenu::Del(Current()); Recordings.Del(recording); Display(); if (!Count()) return osBack; } else Interface->Error(tr("Error while deleting recording!")); } } } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuRecordings::Summary(void) { if (HasSubMenu() || Count() == 0) return osContinue; cMenuRecordingItem *ri = (cMenuRecordingItem *)Get(Current()); if (ri && !ri->IsDirectory()) { cRecording *recording = GetRecording(ri); if (recording && recording->Summary() && *recording->Summary()) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(tr("Summary"), recording->Summary())); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuRecordings::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu(); eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: case kRed: return Play(); case kGreen: return Rewind(); case kYellow: return Del(); case kBlue: return Summary(); case kMenu: return osEnd; default: break; } } if (Key == kYellow && HadSubMenu && !HasSubMenu()) { // the last recording in a subdirectory was deleted, so let's go back up cOsdMenu::Del(Current()); if (!Count()) return osBack; Display(); } if (!HasSubMenu() && Key != kNone) SetHelpKeys(); return state; } // --- cMenuSetupPage -------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupPage : public cOsdMenu { protected: cSetup data; int osdLanguage; void SetupTitle(const char *s); virtual void Set(void) = 0; public: cMenuSetupPage(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuSetupPage::cMenuSetupPage(void) :cOsdMenu("", 30) { data = Setup; osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage; } void cMenuSetupPage::SetupTitle(const char *s) { char buf[40]; // can't call tr() for more than one string at a time! char *q = buf + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s - ", tr("Setup")); snprintf(q, sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), "%s", tr(s)); SetTitle(buf); } eOSState cMenuSetupPage::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: state = (Setup.PrimaryDVB != data.PrimaryDVB) ? osSwitchDvb : osBack; cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->SetVideoFormat(data.VideoFormat ? VIDEO_FORMAT_16_9 : VIDEO_FORMAT_4_3); Setup = data; Setup.Save(); cDvbApi::SetCaCaps(); break; default: break; } } if (data.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage) { int OriginalOSDLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage; Setup.OSDLanguage = data.OSDLanguage; Set(); Display(); osdLanguage = data.OSDLanguage; Setup.OSDLanguage = OriginalOSDLanguage; } return state; } // --- cMenuSetupOSD --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupOSD : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupOSD(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupOSD::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("OSD"); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("OSD-Language"), &data.OSDLanguage, NumLanguages, Languages())); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("OSDwidth"), &data.OSDwidth, MINOSDWIDTH, MAXOSDWIDTH)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("OSDheight"), &data.OSDheight, MINOSDHEIGHT, MAXOSDHEIGHT)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("OSDMessageTime"), &data.OSDMessageTime, 1, 60)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("ChannelInfoPos"), &data.ChannelInfoPos, tr("bottom"), tr("top"))); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("ShowInfoOnChSwitch"), &data.ShowInfoOnChSwitch)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("MenuScrollPage"), &data.MenuScrollPage)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("SortTimers"), &data.SortTimers)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("RecordingDirs"), &data.RecordingDirs)); } // --- cMenuSetupEPG --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupEPG : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupEPG(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupEPG::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("EPG"); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("EPGScanTimeout"), &data.EPGScanTimeout)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("EPGBugfixLevel"), &data.EPGBugfixLevel, 0, MAXEPGBUGFIXLEVEL)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("SetSystemTime"), &data.SetSystemTime)); Add(new cMenuEditTranItem(tr("TrustedTransponder"), &data.TrustedTransponder)); } // --- cMenuSetupDVB --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupDVB : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupDVB(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupDVB::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("DVB"); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("PrimaryDVB"), &data.PrimaryDVB, 1, cDvbApi::NumDvbApis)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("VideoFormat"), &data.VideoFormat, "4:3", "16:9")); } // --- cMenuSetupLNB --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupLNB : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupLNB(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupLNB::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("LNB"); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("LnbSLOF"), &data.LnbSLOF)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("LnbFrequLo"), &data.LnbFrequLo)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("LnbFrequHi"), &data.LnbFrequHi)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Setup$DiSEqC"), &data.DiSEqC)); } // --- cMenuSetupCICAM ------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupCICAM : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupCICAM(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupCICAM::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("CICAM"); for (int d = 0; d < cDvbApi::NumDvbApis; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { char buffer[32]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%d %d", tr("CICAM DVB"), d + 1, i + 1); Add(new cMenuEditCaItem(buffer, &data.CaCaps[d][i])); } } } // --- cMenuSetupRecord ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuSetupRecord : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupRecord(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupRecord::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("Recording"); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("MarginStart"), &data.MarginStart)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("MarginStop"), &data.MarginStop)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("PrimaryLimit"), &data.PrimaryLimit, 0, MAXPRIORITY)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("DefaultPriority"), &data.DefaultPriority, 0, MAXPRIORITY)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("DefaultLifetime"), &data.DefaultLifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("UseSubtitle"), &data.UseSubtitle)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("MarkInstantRecord"), &data.MarkInstantRecord)); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem( tr("NameInstantRecord"), data.NameInstantRecord, sizeof(data.NameInstantRecord), FileNameChars)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("RecordDolbyDigital"), &data.RecordDolbyDigital)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("MaxVideoFileSize"), &data.MaxVideoFileSize, MINVIDEOFILESIZE, MAXVIDEOFILESIZE)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("SplitEditedFiles"), &data.SplitEditedFiles)); } // --- cMenuSetupReplay ------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuSetupReplay : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupReplay(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupReplay::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("Replay"); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("MultiSpeedMode"), &data.MultiSpeedMode)); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("ShowReplayMode"), &data.ShowReplayMode)); } // --- cMenuSetupMisc -------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuSetupMisc : public cMenuSetupPage { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetupMisc(void) { Set(); } }; void cMenuSetupMisc::Set(void) { Clear(); SetupTitle("Miscellaneous"); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("MinEventTimeout"), &data.MinEventTimeout)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("MinUserInactivity"), &data.MinUserInactivity)); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("SVDRPTimeout"), &data.SVDRPTimeout)); } // --- cMenuSetup ------------------------------------------------------------ class cMenuSetup : public cOsdMenu { private: virtual void Set(void); public: cMenuSetup(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuSetup::cMenuSetup(void) :cOsdMenu("") { Set(); } void cMenuSetup::Set(void) { Clear(); SetTitle(tr("Setup")); SetHasHotkeys(); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("OSD")), osUser1)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("EPG")), osUser2)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("DVB")), osUser3)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("LNB")), osUser4)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("CICAM")), osUser5)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Recording")), osUser6)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Replay")), osUser7)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Miscellaneous")), osUser8)); } eOSState cMenuSetup::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage; eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); switch (state) { case osUser1: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupOSD); case osUser2: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupEPG); case osUser3: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupDVB); case osUser4: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupLNB); case osUser5: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupCICAM); case osUser6: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupRecord); case osUser7: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupReplay); case osUser8: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetupMisc); default: ; } if (Setup.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage) { Set(); if (!HasSubMenu()) Display(); } return state; } // --- cMenuCommands --------------------------------------------------------- class cMenuCommands : public cOsdMenu { private: eOSState Execute(void); public: cMenuCommands(void); virtual eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys Key); }; cMenuCommands::cMenuCommands(void) :cOsdMenu(tr("Commands")) { SetHasHotkeys(); int i = 0; cCommand *command; while ((command = Commands.Get(i)) != NULL) { Add(new cOsdItem(command->Title())); i++; } } eOSState cMenuCommands::Execute(void) { cCommand *command = Commands.Get(Current()); if (command) { const char *Result = command->Execute(); if (Result) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuText(command->Title(), Result, fontFix)); } return osContinue; } eOSState cMenuCommands::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: return Execute(); default: break; } } return state; } // --- cMenuMain ------------------------------------------------------------- #define STOP_RECORDING tr(" Stop recording ") #define ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE tr("on primary interface") cMenuMain::cMenuMain(bool Replaying, eOSState State) :cOsdMenu("") { replaying = Replaying; Set(); // Initial submenus: switch (State) { case osRecordings: AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings(NULL, 0, true)); break; default: break; } } void cMenuMain::Set(void) { Clear(); //SetTitle(tr("Main")); // this is done below, including disk usage SetHasHotkeys(); // Title with disk usage: #define MB_PER_MINUTE 25.75 // this is just an estimate! char buffer[40]; int FreeMB; int Percent = VideoDiskSpace(&FreeMB); int Minutes = int(double(FreeMB) / MB_PER_MINUTE); int Hours = Minutes / 60; Minutes %= 60; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s - Disk %d%% - %2d:%02d %s", tr("Main"), Percent, Hours, Minutes, tr("free")); SetTitle(buffer); // Basic menu items: Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Schedule")), osSchedule)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Channels")), osChannels)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Timers")), osTimers)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Recordings")), osRecordings)); Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Setup")), osSetup)); if (Commands.Count()) Add(new cOsdItem(hk(tr("Commands")), osCommands)); // Replay control: if (replaying) Add(new cOsdItem(tr(" Stop replaying"), osStopReplay)); // Record control: if (cRecordControls::StopPrimary()) { char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%s%s", STOP_RECORDING, ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE); Add(new cOsdItem(buffer, osStopRecord)); } const char *s = NULL; while ((s = cRecordControls::GetInstantId(s)) != NULL) { char *buffer = NULL; asprintf(&buffer, "%s%s", STOP_RECORDING, s); Add(new cOsdItem(buffer, osStopRecord)); delete buffer; } // Editing control: if (cVideoCutter::Active()) Add(new cOsdItem(tr(" Cancel editing"), osCancelEdit)); // Color buttons: SetHelp(tr("Record"), cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->CanToggleAudioTrack() ? tr("Language") : NULL, NULL, replaying ? tr("Button$Stop") : cReplayControl::LastReplayed() ? tr("Resume") : NULL); Display(); lastActivity = time(NULL); } eOSState cMenuMain::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int osdLanguage = Setup.OSDLanguage; eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); switch (state) { case osSchedule: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSchedule); case osChannels: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuChannels); case osTimers: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuTimers); case osRecordings: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuRecordings); case osSetup: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSetup); case osCommands: return AddSubMenu(new cMenuCommands); case osStopRecord: if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Stop recording?"))) { cOsdItem *item = Get(Current()); if (item) { const char *s = item->Text() + strlen(STOP_RECORDING); if (strcmp(s, ON_PRIMARY_INTERFACE) == 0) cRecordControls::StopPrimary(true); else cRecordControls::Stop(item->Text() + strlen(STOP_RECORDING)); return osEnd; } } break; case osCancelEdit: if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Cancel editing?"))) { cVideoCutter::Stop(); return osEnd; } break; default: switch (Key) { case kMenu: state = osEnd; break; case kRed: if (!HasSubMenu()) state = osRecord; break; case kGreen: if (!HasSubMenu()) { if (cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->CanToggleAudioTrack()) { Interface->Clear(); cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->ToggleAudioTrack(); state = osEnd; } } break; case kBlue: if (!HasSubMenu()) state = replaying ? osStopReplay : osReplay; break; default: break; } } if (Key != kNone) { lastActivity = time(NULL); if (Setup.OSDLanguage != osdLanguage) { Set(); if (!HasSubMenu()) Display(); } } else if (time(NULL) - lastActivity > MENUTIMEOUT) state = osEnd; return state; } // --- cDisplayChannel ------------------------------------------------------- #define DIRECTCHANNELTIMEOUT 1000 //ms #define INFOTIMEOUT 5000 //ms cDisplayChannel::cDisplayChannel(int Number, bool Switched) :cOsdBase(true) { group = -1; withInfo = !Switched || Setup.ShowInfoOnChSwitch; int EpgLines = withInfo ? 5 : 1; lines = 0; oldNumber = number = 0; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(Number); Interface->Open(Setup.OSDwidth, Setup.ChannelInfoPos ? EpgLines : -EpgLines); if (channel) { DisplayChannel(channel); DisplayInfo(); } lastTime = time_ms(); } cDisplayChannel::cDisplayChannel(eKeys FirstKey) :cOsdBase(true) { group = -1; oldNumber = cDvbApi::CurrentChannel(); number = 0; lastTime = time_ms(); int EpgLines = Setup.ShowInfoOnChSwitch ? 5 : 1; Interface->Open(Setup.OSDwidth, Setup.ChannelInfoPos ? EpgLines : -EpgLines); ProcessKey(FirstKey); } cDisplayChannel::~cDisplayChannel() { if (number < 0) Interface->DisplayChannelNumber(oldNumber); Interface->Close(); } void cDisplayChannel::DisplayChannel(const cChannel *Channel) { if (Channel && Channel->number > 0) Interface->DisplayChannelNumber(Channel->number); int BufSize = Width() + 1; char buffer[BufSize]; if (Channel && Channel->number > 0) snprintf(buffer, BufSize, "%d%s %s", Channel->number, number ? "-" : "", Channel->name); else snprintf(buffer, BufSize, "%s", Channel ? Channel->name : tr("*** Invalid Channel ***")); Interface->Fill(0, 0, Setup.OSDwidth, 1, clrBackground); Interface->Write(0, 0, buffer); const char *date = DayDateTime(); Interface->Write(-strlen(date), 0, date); } void cDisplayChannel::DisplayInfo(void) { if (withInfo) { const cEventInfo *Present = NULL, *Following = NULL; cMutexLock MutexLock; const cSchedules *Schedules = cSIProcessor::Schedules(MutexLock); if (Schedules) { const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(); if (Schedule) { const char *PresentTitle = NULL, *PresentSubtitle = NULL, *FollowingTitle = NULL, *FollowingSubtitle = NULL; int Lines = 0; if ((Present = Schedule->GetPresentEvent()) != NULL) { PresentTitle = Present->GetTitle(); if (!isempty(PresentTitle)) Lines++; PresentSubtitle = Present->GetSubtitle(); if (!isempty(PresentSubtitle)) Lines++; } if ((Following = Schedule->GetFollowingEvent()) != NULL) { FollowingTitle = Following->GetTitle(); if (!isempty(FollowingTitle)) Lines++; FollowingSubtitle = Following->GetSubtitle(); if (!isempty(FollowingSubtitle)) Lines++; } if (Lines > lines) { const int t = 6; int l = 1; Interface->Fill(0, 1, Setup.OSDwidth, Lines, clrBackground); if (!isempty(PresentTitle)) { Interface->Write(0, l, Present->GetTimeString(), clrYellow, clrBackground); Interface->Write(t, l, PresentTitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(PresentSubtitle)) { Interface->Write(t, l, PresentSubtitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(FollowingTitle)) { Interface->Write(0, l, Following->GetTimeString(), clrYellow, clrBackground); Interface->Write(t, l, FollowingTitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); l++; } if (!isempty(FollowingSubtitle)) { Interface->Write(t, l, FollowingSubtitle, clrCyan, clrBackground); } Interface->Flush(); lines = Lines; lastTime = time_ms(); } } } } } eOSState cDisplayChannel::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key) { case k0: if (number == 0) { // keep the "Toggle channels" function working Interface->PutKey(Key); return osEnd; } case k1 ... k9: if (number >= 0) { number = number * 10 + Key - k0; if (number > 0) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(number); DisplayChannel(channel); lastTime = time_ms(); if (!channel) { number = -1; lastTime += 1000; } } } break; case kLeft|k_Repeat: case kLeft: case kRight|k_Repeat: case kRight: withInfo = false; if (group < 0) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDvbApi::CurrentChannel()); if (channel) group = channel->Index(); } if (group >= 0) { int SaveGroup = group; if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kRight) group = Channels.GetNextGroup(group) ; else group = Channels.GetPrevGroup(group < 1 ? 1 : group); if (group < 0) group = SaveGroup; cChannel *channel = Channels.Get(group); if (channel) { Interface->Clear(); DisplayChannel(channel); if (!channel->groupSep) group = -1; } } lastTime = time_ms(); break; case kNone: if (number && time_ms() - lastTime > DIRECTCHANNELTIMEOUT) { if (number > 0 && !Channels.SwitchTo(number)) number = -1; return osEnd; } break; //TODO //XXX case kGreen: return osEventNow; //XXX case kYellow: return osEventNext; case kOk: if (group >= 0) Channels.SwitchTo(Channels.Get(Channels.GetNextNormal(group))->number); return osEnd; default: if (NORMALKEY(Key) == kUp || NORMALKEY(Key) == kDown || (Key & (k_Repeat | k_Release)) == 0) { Interface->PutKey(Key); return osEnd; } }; if (time_ms() - lastTime < INFOTIMEOUT) { DisplayInfo(); return osContinue; } return osEnd; } // --- cVolumeBar ------------------------------------------------------------ class cVolumeBar : public cBitmap { public: cVolumeBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const char *Prompt = NULL); }; cVolumeBar::cVolumeBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const char *Prompt) :cBitmap(Width, Height, 2) { int l = Prompt ? cBitmap::Width(Prompt) : 0; int p = (Width - l) * Current / Total; Text(0, 0, Prompt, clrGreen); Fill(l, 0, p, Height - 1, clrGreen); Fill(l + p, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1, clrWhite); } // --- cDisplayVolume -------------------------------------------------------- #define VOLUMETIMEOUT 1000 //ms #define MUTETIMEOUT 5000 //ms cDisplayVolume *cDisplayVolume::displayVolume = NULL; cDisplayVolume::cDisplayVolume(void) :cOsdBase(true) { displayVolume = this; timeout = time_ms() + (cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->IsMute() ? MUTETIMEOUT : VOLUMETIMEOUT); Interface->Open(Setup.OSDwidth, -1); Show(); } cDisplayVolume::~cDisplayVolume() { Interface->Close(); displayVolume = NULL; } void cDisplayVolume::Show(void) { cDvbApi *dvbApi = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi; if (dvbApi->IsMute()) { Interface->Fill(0, 0, Width(), 1, clrTransparent); Interface->Write(0, 0, tr("Mute"), clrGreen); } else { int Current = cDvbApi::CurrentVolume(); int Total = MAXVOLUME; const char *Prompt = tr("Volume "); #ifdef DEBUG_OSD int l = strlen(Prompt); int p = int(double(Width() - l) * Current / Total + 0.5); Interface->Write(0, 0, Prompt, clrGreen); Interface->Fill(l, 0, p, 1, clrGreen); Interface->Fill(l + p, 0, Width() - l - p, 1, clrWhite); #else cVolumeBar VolumeBar(Width() * dvbApi->CellWidth(), dvbApi->LineHeight(), Current, Total, Prompt); Interface->SetBitmap(0, 0, VolumeBar); #endif } } cDisplayVolume *cDisplayVolume::Create(void) { if (!displayVolume) new cDisplayVolume; return displayVolume; } void cDisplayVolume::Process(eKeys Key) { if (displayVolume) displayVolume->ProcessKey(Key); } eOSState cDisplayVolume::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { switch (Key) { case kVolUp|k_Repeat: case kVolUp: case kVolDn|k_Repeat: case kVolDn: Show(); timeout = time_ms() + VOLUMETIMEOUT; break; case kMute: if (cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->IsMute()) { Show(); timeout = time_ms() + MUTETIMEOUT; } else timeout = 0; break; case kNone: break; default: if ((Key & k_Release) == 0) { Interface->PutKey(Key); return osEnd; } } return time_ms() < timeout ? osContinue : osEnd; } // --- cRecordControl -------------------------------------------------------- cRecordControl::cRecordControl(cDvbApi *DvbApi, cTimer *Timer) { eventInfo = NULL; instantId = NULL; fileName = NULL; dvbApi = DvbApi; if (!dvbApi) dvbApi = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi;//XXX timer = Timer; if (!timer) { timer = new cTimer(true); Timers.Add(timer); Timers.Save(); asprintf(&instantId, cDvbApi::NumDvbApis > 1 ? "%s - %d" : "%s", Channels.GetChannelNameByNumber(timer->channel), dvbApi->CardIndex() + 1); } timer->SetPending(true); timer->SetRecording(true); if (Channels.SwitchTo(timer->channel, dvbApi)) { const char *Title = NULL; const char *Subtitle = NULL; const char *Summary = NULL; if (GetEventInfo()) { Title = eventInfo->GetTitle(); Subtitle = eventInfo->GetSubtitle(); Summary = eventInfo->GetExtendedDescription(); dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "Title: '%s' Subtitle: '%s'", Title, Subtitle); } cRecording Recording(timer, Title, Subtitle, Summary); fileName = strdup(Recording.FileName()); cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_BEFORERECORDING, fileName); if (dvbApi->StartRecord(fileName, Channels.GetByNumber(timer->channel)->ca, timer->priority)) Recording.WriteSummary(); Interface->DisplayRecording(dvbApi->CardIndex(), true); } else cThread::EmergencyExit(true); } cRecordControl::~cRecordControl() { Stop(true); delete instantId; delete fileName; } #define INSTANT_REC_EPG_LOOKAHEAD 300 // seconds to look into the EPG data for an instant recording bool cRecordControl::GetEventInfo(void) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(timer->channel); time_t Time = timer->active == taActInst ? timer->StartTime() + INSTANT_REC_EPG_LOOKAHEAD : timer->StartTime() + (timer->StopTime() - timer->StartTime()) / 2; for (int seconds = 0; seconds <= MAXWAIT4EPGINFO; seconds++) { { cMutexLock MutexLock; const cSchedules *Schedules = cSIProcessor::Schedules(MutexLock); if (Schedules) { const cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(channel->pnr); if (Schedule) { eventInfo = Schedule->GetEventAround(Time); if (eventInfo) { if (seconds > 0) dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "got EPG info after %d seconds", seconds); return true; } } } } if (seconds == 0) dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "waiting for EPG info..."); sleep(1); } dsyslog(LOG_INFO, "no EPG info available"); return false; } void cRecordControl::Stop(bool KeepInstant) { if (timer) { dvbApi->StopRecord(); timer->SetRecording(false); if ((IsInstant() && !KeepInstant) || (timer->IsSingleEvent() && !timer->Matches())) { // checking timer->Matches() to make sure we don't delete the timer // if the program was cancelled before the timer's stop time! isyslog(LOG_INFO, "deleting timer %d", timer->Index() + 1); Timers.Del(timer); Timers.Save(); } timer = NULL; Interface->DisplayRecording(dvbApi->CardIndex(), false); cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(RUC_AFTERRECORDING, fileName); } } bool cRecordControl::Process(time_t t) { if (!timer || !timer->Matches(t)) return false; AssertFreeDiskSpace(timer->priority); return true; } // --- cRecordControls ------------------------------------------------------- cRecordControl *cRecordControls::RecordControls[MAXDVBAPI] = { NULL }; bool cRecordControls::Start(cTimer *Timer) { int ch = Timer ? Timer->channel : cDvbApi::CurrentChannel(); cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(ch); if (channel) { cDvbApi *dvbApi = cDvbApi::GetDvbApi(channel->ca, Timer ? Timer->priority : Setup.DefaultPriority); if (dvbApi) { Stop(dvbApi); for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (!RecordControls[i]) { RecordControls[i] = new cRecordControl(dvbApi, Timer); return true; } } } else if (!Timer || (Timer->priority >= Setup.PrimaryLimit && !Timer->pending)) isyslog(LOG_ERR, "no free DVB device to record channel %d!", ch); } else esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: channel %d not defined!", ch); return false; } void cRecordControls::Stop(const char *InstantId) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i]) { const char *id = RecordControls[i]->InstantId(); if (id && strcmp(id, InstantId) == 0) RecordControls[i]->Stop(); } } } void cRecordControls::Stop(cDvbApi *DvbApi) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i]) { if (RecordControls[i]->Uses(DvbApi)) { isyslog(LOG_INFO, "stopping recording on DVB device %d due to higher priority", DvbApi->CardIndex() + 1); RecordControls[i]->Stop(true); } } } } bool cRecordControls::StopPrimary(bool DoIt) { if (cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Recording()) { cDvbApi *dvbApi = cDvbApi::GetDvbApi(cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi->Ca(), 0); if (dvbApi) { if (DoIt) Stop(cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi); return true; } } return false; } const char *cRecordControls::GetInstantId(const char *LastInstantId) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i]) { if (!LastInstantId && RecordControls[i]->InstantId()) return RecordControls[i]->InstantId(); if (LastInstantId && LastInstantId == RecordControls[i]->InstantId()) LastInstantId = NULL; } } return NULL; } cRecordControl *cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(const char *FileName) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i] && strcmp(RecordControls[i]->FileName(), FileName) == 0) return RecordControls[i]; } return NULL; } void cRecordControls::Process(time_t t) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i]) { if (!RecordControls[i]->Process(t)) DELETENULL(RecordControls[i]); } } } bool cRecordControls::Active(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAXDVBAPI; i++) { if (RecordControls[i]) return true; } return false; } // --- cProgressBar ---------------------------------------------------------- class cProgressBar : public cBitmap { protected: int total; int Pos(int p) { return p * width / total; } void Mark(int x, bool Start, bool Current); public: cProgressBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const cMarks &Marks); }; cProgressBar::cProgressBar(int Width, int Height, int Current, int Total, const cMarks &Marks) :cBitmap(Width, Height, 2) { total = Total; if (total > 0) { int p = Pos(Current); Fill(0, 0, p, Height - 1, clrGreen); Fill(p + 1, 0, Width - 1, Height - 1, clrWhite); bool Start = true; for (const cMark *m = Marks.First(); m; m = Marks.Next(m)) { int p1 = Pos(m->position); if (Start) { const cMark *m2 = Marks.Next(m); int p2 = Pos(m2 ? m2->position : total); int h = Height / 3; Fill(p1, h, p2, Height - h, clrRed); } Mark(p1, Start, m->position == Current); Start = !Start; } } } void cProgressBar::Mark(int x, bool Start, bool Current) { Fill(x, 0, x, height - 1, clrBlack); const int d = height / (Current ? 3 : 9); for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) { int h = Start ? i : height - 1 - i; Fill(x - d + i, h, x + d - i, h, Current ? clrRed : clrBlack); } } // --- cReplayControl -------------------------------------------------------- char *cReplayControl::fileName = NULL; char *cReplayControl::title = NULL; cReplayControl::cReplayControl(void) { dvbApi = cDvbApi::PrimaryDvbApi; visible = modeOnly = shown = displayFrames = false; lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1; timeoutShow = 0; timeSearchActive = false; if (fileName) { marks.Load(fileName); if (!dvbApi->StartReplay(fileName)) Interface->Error(tr("Channel locked (recording)!")); } } cReplayControl::~cReplayControl() { Hide(); dvbApi->StopReplay(); } void cReplayControl::SetRecording(const char *FileName, const char *Title) { delete fileName; delete title; fileName = FileName ? strdup(FileName) : NULL; title = Title ? strdup(Title) : NULL; } const char *cReplayControl::LastReplayed(void) { return fileName; } void cReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(const char *FileName) { if (fileName && FileName && strcmp(fileName, FileName) == 0) { delete fileName; fileName = NULL; } } void cReplayControl::Show(int Seconds) { if (modeOnly) Hide(); if (!visible) { shown = ShowProgress(true); timeoutShow = (shown && Seconds > 0) ? time(NULL) + Seconds : 0; } } void cReplayControl::Hide(void) { if (visible) { Interface->Close(); needsFastResponse = visible = false; modeOnly = false; } } void cReplayControl::DisplayAtBottom(const char *s) { if (s) { int w = dvbApi->WidthInCells(s); int d = max(Width() - w, 0) / 2; Interface->Write(d, -1, s); Interface->Flush(); } else Interface->Fill(12, 2, Width() - 22, 1, clrBackground); } void cReplayControl::ShowMode(void) { if (Setup.ShowReplayMode && !timeSearchActive) { bool Play, Forward; int Speed; if (dvbApi->GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed)) { bool NormalPlay = (Play && Speed == -1); if (!visible) { if (NormalPlay) return; // no need to do indicate ">" unless there was a different mode displayed before // open small display Interface->Open(9, -1); Interface->Clear(); visible = modeOnly = true; } if (modeOnly && !timeoutShow && NormalPlay) timeoutShow = time(NULL) + MODETIMEOUT; const char *Mode; if (Speed == -1) Mode = Play ? " > " : " || "; else if (Play) Mode = Forward ? " X>> " : " < " : " <|X "; char buf[16]; strn0cpy(buf, Mode, sizeof(buf)); char *p = strchr(buf, 'X'); if (p) *p = Speed > 0 ? '1' + Speed - 1 : ' '; eDvbFont OldFont = Interface->SetFont(fontFix); DisplayAtBottom(buf); Interface->SetFont(OldFont); } } } bool cReplayControl::ShowProgress(bool Initial) { int Current, Total; if (dvbApi->GetIndex(Current, Total) && Total > 0) { if (!visible) { Interface->Open(Setup.OSDwidth, -3); needsFastResponse = visible = true; } if (Initial) { Interface->Clear(); if (title) Interface->Write(0, 0, title); lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1; } if (Total != lastTotal) { Interface->Write(-7, 2, IndexToHMSF(Total)); if (!Initial) Interface->Flush(); } if (Current != lastCurrent || Total != lastTotal) { #ifdef DEBUG_OSD int p = Width() * Current / Total; Interface->Fill(0, 1, p, 1, clrGreen); Interface->Fill(p, 1, Width() - p, 1, clrWhite); #else cProgressBar ProgressBar(Width() * dvbApi->CellWidth(), dvbApi->LineHeight(), Current, Total, marks); Interface->SetBitmap(0, dvbApi->LineHeight(), ProgressBar); if (!Initial) Interface->Flush(); #endif Interface->Write(0, 2, IndexToHMSF(Current, displayFrames)); Interface->Flush(); lastCurrent = Current; } lastTotal = Total; ShowMode(); return true; } return false; } void cReplayControl::TimeSearchDisplay(void) { char buf[64]; int len; strcpy(buf, tr("Jump: ")); len = strlen(buf); switch (timeSearchPos) { case 1: sprintf(buf + len, "%01d-:--", timeSearchHH / 10); break; case 2: sprintf(buf + len, "%02d:--", timeSearchHH); break; case 3: sprintf(buf + len, "%02d:%01d-", timeSearchHH, timeSearchMM / 10); break; case 4: sprintf(buf + len, "%02d:%02d", timeSearchHH, timeSearchMM); break; default: sprintf(buf + len, "--:--"); break; } DisplayAtBottom(buf); } void cReplayControl::TimeSearchProcess(eKeys Key) { int Seconds = timeSearchHH * 3600 + timeSearchMM * 60; switch (Key) { case k0 ... k9: { int n = Key - k0; int s = (lastTotal / FRAMESPERSEC); int m = s / 60 % 60; int h = s / 3600; switch (timeSearchPos) { case 0: if (n * 10 <= h) { timeSearchHH = n * 10; timeSearchPos++; } break; case 1: if (timeSearchHH + n <= h) { timeSearchHH += n; timeSearchPos++; } break; case 2: if (n <= 5 && timeSearchHH * 60 + n * 10 <= h * 60 + m) { timeSearchMM += n * 10; timeSearchPos++; } break; case 3: if (timeSearchHH * 60 + timeSearchMM + n <= h * 60 + m) { timeSearchMM += n; timeSearchPos++; } break; } TimeSearchDisplay(); } break; case kLeft: case kRight: dvbApi->SkipSeconds(Seconds * (Key == kRight ? 1 : -1)); timeSearchActive = false; break; case kUp: case kDown: dvbApi->Goto(Seconds * FRAMESPERSEC, Key == kDown); timeSearchActive = false; break; default: timeSearchActive = false; break; } if (!timeSearchActive) { if (timeSearchHide) Hide(); else DisplayAtBottom(); ShowMode(); } } void cReplayControl::TimeSearch(void) { timeSearchHH = timeSearchMM = timeSearchPos = 0; timeSearchHide = false; if (modeOnly) Hide(); if (!visible) { Show(); if (visible) timeSearchHide = true; else return; } TimeSearchDisplay(); timeSearchActive = true; } void cReplayControl::MarkToggle(void) { int Current, Total; if (dvbApi->GetIndex(Current, Total, true)) { cMark *m = marks.Get(Current); lastCurrent = -1; // triggers redisplay if (m) marks.Del(m); else { marks.Add(Current); Show(2); } marks.Save(); } } void cReplayControl::MarkJump(bool Forward) { if (marks.Count()) { int Current, Total; if (dvbApi->GetIndex(Current, Total)) { cMark *m = Forward ? marks.GetNext(Current) : marks.GetPrev(Current); if (m) dvbApi->Goto(m->position, true); } displayFrames = true; } } void cReplayControl::MarkMove(bool Forward) { int Current, Total; if (dvbApi->GetIndex(Current, Total)) { cMark *m = marks.Get(Current); if (m) { displayFrames = true; int p = dvbApi->SkipFrames(Forward ? 1 : -1); cMark *m2; if (Forward) { if ((m2 = marks.Next(m)) != NULL && m2->position <= p) return; } else { if ((m2 = marks.Prev(m)) != NULL && m2->position >= p) return; } dvbApi->Goto(m->position = p, true); marks.Save(); } } } void cReplayControl::EditCut(void) { if (fileName) { Hide(); if (!cVideoCutter::Active()) { if (!cVideoCutter::Start(fileName)) Interface->Error(tr("Can't start editing process!")); else Interface->Info(tr("Editing process started")); } else Interface->Error(tr("Editing process already active!")); ShowMode(); } } void cReplayControl::EditTest(void) { int Current, Total; if (dvbApi->GetIndex(Current, Total)) { cMark *m = marks.Get(Current); if (!m) m = marks.GetNext(Current); if (m) { if ((m->Index() & 0x01) != 0) m = marks.Next(m); if (m) { dvbApi->Goto(m->position - dvbApi->SecondsToFrames(3)); dvbApi->Play(); } } } } eOSState cReplayControl::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { if (!dvbApi->Replaying()) return osEnd; if (visible) { if (timeoutShow && time(NULL) > timeoutShow) { Hide(); ShowMode(); timeoutShow = 0; } else if (!modeOnly) shown = ShowProgress(!shown) || shown; } bool DisplayedFrames = displayFrames; displayFrames = false; if (timeSearchActive && Key != kNone) { TimeSearchProcess(Key); return osContinue; } bool DoShowMode = true; switch (Key) { // Positioning: case kUp: dvbApi->Play(); break; case kDown: dvbApi->Pause(); break; case kLeft|k_Release: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break; case kLeft: dvbApi->Backward(); break; case kRight|k_Release: if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break; case kRight: dvbApi->Forward(); break; case kRed: TimeSearch(); break; case kGreen|k_Repeat: case kGreen: dvbApi->SkipSeconds(-60); break; case kYellow|k_Repeat: case kYellow: dvbApi->SkipSeconds( 60); break; case kBlue: Hide(); dvbApi->StopReplay(); return osEnd; default: { DoShowMode = false; switch (Key) { // Editing: //XXX should we do this only when the ProgressDisplay is on??? case kMarkToggle: MarkToggle(); break; case kMarkJumpBack: MarkJump(false); break; case kMarkJumpForward: MarkJump(true); break; case kMarkMoveBack|k_Repeat: case kMarkMoveBack: MarkMove(false); break; case kMarkMoveForward|k_Repeat: case kMarkMoveForward: MarkMove(true); break; case kEditCut: EditCut(); break; case kEditTest: EditTest(); break; default: { displayFrames = DisplayedFrames; switch (Key) { // Menu control: case kMenu: Hide(); return osMenu; // allow direct switching to menu case kOk: if (visible && !modeOnly) { Hide(); DoShowMode = true; } else Show(); break; case kBack: return osRecordings; default: return osUnknown; } } } } } if (DoShowMode) ShowMode(); if (DisplayedFrames && !displayFrames) Interface->Fill(0, 2, 11, 1, clrBackground); return osContinue; }