/* * pat.c: PAT section filter * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: pat.c 3.3 2014/02/18 13:03:19 kls Exp $ */ #include "pat.h" #include <malloc.h> #include "channels.h" #include "libsi/section.h" #include "libsi/descriptor.h" #define PMT_SCAN_TIMEOUT 1000 // ms // --- cCaDescriptor --------------------------------------------------------- class cCaDescriptor : public cListObject { private: int caSystem; int caPid; int esPid; int length; uchar *data; public: cCaDescriptor(int CaSystem, int CaPid, int EsPid, int Length, const uchar *Data); virtual ~cCaDescriptor(); bool operator== (const cCaDescriptor &arg) const; int CaSystem(void) { return caSystem; } int CaPid(void) { return caPid; } int EsPid(void) { return esPid; } int Length(void) const { return length; } const uchar *Data(void) const { return data; } }; cCaDescriptor::cCaDescriptor(int CaSystem, int CaPid, int EsPid, int Length, const uchar *Data) { caSystem = CaSystem; caPid = CaPid; esPid = EsPid; length = Length + 6; data = MALLOC(uchar, length); data[0] = SI::CaDescriptorTag; data[1] = length - 2; data[2] = (caSystem >> 8) & 0xFF; data[3] = caSystem & 0xFF; data[4] = ((CaPid >> 8) & 0x1F) | 0xE0; data[5] = CaPid & 0xFF; if (Length) memcpy(&data[6], Data, Length); } cCaDescriptor::~cCaDescriptor() { free(data); } bool cCaDescriptor::operator== (const cCaDescriptor &arg) const { return esPid == arg.esPid && length == arg.length && memcmp(data, arg.data, length) == 0; } // --- cCaDescriptors -------------------------------------------------------- class cCaDescriptors : public cListObject { private: int source; int transponder; int serviceId; int numCaIds; int caIds[MAXCAIDS + 1]; cList<cCaDescriptor> caDescriptors; void AddCaId(int CaId); public: cCaDescriptors(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId); bool operator== (const cCaDescriptors &arg) const; bool Is(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId); bool Is(cCaDescriptors * CaDescriptors); bool Empty(void) { return caDescriptors.Count() == 0; } void AddCaDescriptor(SI::CaDescriptor *d, int EsPid); int GetCaDescriptors(const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, uchar *Data, int EsPid); int GetCaPids(const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, int *Pids); const int *CaIds(void) { return caIds; } }; cCaDescriptors::cCaDescriptors(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId) { source = Source; transponder = Transponder; serviceId = ServiceId; numCaIds = 0; caIds[0] = 0; } bool cCaDescriptors::operator== (const cCaDescriptors &arg) const { cCaDescriptor *ca1 = caDescriptors.First(); cCaDescriptor *ca2 = arg.caDescriptors.First(); while (ca1 && ca2) { if (!(*ca1 == *ca2)) return false; ca1 = caDescriptors.Next(ca1); ca2 = arg.caDescriptors.Next(ca2); } return !ca1 && !ca2; } bool cCaDescriptors::Is(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId) { return source == Source && transponder == Transponder && serviceId == ServiceId; } bool cCaDescriptors::Is(cCaDescriptors *CaDescriptors) { return Is(CaDescriptors->source, CaDescriptors->transponder, CaDescriptors->serviceId); } void cCaDescriptors::AddCaId(int CaId) { if (numCaIds < MAXCAIDS) { for (int i = 0; i < numCaIds; i++) { if (caIds[i] == CaId) return; } caIds[numCaIds++] = CaId; caIds[numCaIds] = 0; } } void cCaDescriptors::AddCaDescriptor(SI::CaDescriptor *d, int EsPid) { cCaDescriptor *nca = new cCaDescriptor(d->getCaType(), d->getCaPid(), EsPid, d->privateData.getLength(), d->privateData.getData()); for (cCaDescriptor *ca = caDescriptors.First(); ca; ca = caDescriptors.Next(ca)) { if (*ca == *nca) { delete nca; return; } } AddCaId(nca->CaSystem()); caDescriptors.Add(nca); //#define DEBUG_CA_DESCRIPTORS 1 #ifdef DEBUG_CA_DESCRIPTORS char buffer[1024]; char *q = buffer; q += sprintf(q, "CAM: %04X %5d %5d %04X %04X -", source, transponder, serviceId, d->getCaType(), EsPid); for (int i = 0; i < nca->Length(); i++) q += sprintf(q, " %02X", nca->Data()[i]); dsyslog("%s", buffer); #endif } // EsPid is to select the "type" of CaDescriptor to be returned // >0 - CaDescriptor for the particular esPid // =0 - common CaDescriptor // <0 - all CaDescriptors regardless of type (old default) int cCaDescriptors::GetCaDescriptors(const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, uchar *Data, int EsPid) { if (!CaSystemIds || !*CaSystemIds) return 0; if (BufSize > 0 && Data) { int length = 0; for (cCaDescriptor *d = caDescriptors.First(); d; d = caDescriptors.Next(d)) { if (EsPid < 0 || d->EsPid() == EsPid) { const int *caids = CaSystemIds; do { if (*caids == 0xFFFF || d->CaSystem() == *caids) { if (length + d->Length() <= BufSize) { memcpy(Data + length, d->Data(), d->Length()); length += d->Length(); } else return -1; } } while (*++caids); } } return length; } return -1; } int cCaDescriptors::GetCaPids(const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, int *Pids) { if (!CaSystemIds || !*CaSystemIds) return 0; if (BufSize > 0 && Pids) { int numPids = 0; for (cCaDescriptor *d = caDescriptors.First(); d; d = caDescriptors.Next(d)) { const int *caids = CaSystemIds; do { if (*caids == 0xFFFF || d->CaSystem() == *caids) { if (numPids + 1 < BufSize) { Pids[numPids++] = d->CaPid(); Pids[numPids] = 0; } else return -1; } } while (*++caids); } return numPids; } return -1; } // --- cCaDescriptorHandler -------------------------------------------------- class cCaDescriptorHandler : public cList<cCaDescriptors> { private: cMutex mutex; public: int AddCaDescriptors(cCaDescriptors *CaDescriptors); // Returns 0 if this is an already known descriptor, // 1 if it is an all new descriptor with actual contents, // and 2 if an existing descriptor was changed. int GetCaDescriptors(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, uchar *Data, int EsPid); int GetCaPids(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, int *Pids); }; int cCaDescriptorHandler::AddCaDescriptors(cCaDescriptors *CaDescriptors) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (cCaDescriptors *ca = First(); ca; ca = Next(ca)) { if (ca->Is(CaDescriptors)) { if (*ca == *CaDescriptors) { delete CaDescriptors; return 0; } Del(ca); Add(CaDescriptors); return 2; } } Add(CaDescriptors); return CaDescriptors->Empty() ? 0 : 1; } int cCaDescriptorHandler::GetCaDescriptors(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, uchar *Data, int EsPid) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (cCaDescriptors *ca = First(); ca; ca = Next(ca)) { if (ca->Is(Source, Transponder, ServiceId)) return ca->GetCaDescriptors(CaSystemIds, BufSize, Data, EsPid); } return 0; } int cCaDescriptorHandler::GetCaPids(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, int *Pids) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (cCaDescriptors *ca = First(); ca; ca = Next(ca)) { if (ca->Is(Source, Transponder, ServiceId)) return ca->GetCaPids(CaSystemIds, BufSize, Pids); } return 0; } cCaDescriptorHandler CaDescriptorHandler; int GetCaDescriptors(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, uchar *Data, int EsPid) { return CaDescriptorHandler.GetCaDescriptors(Source, Transponder, ServiceId, CaSystemIds, BufSize, Data, EsPid); } int GetCaPids(int Source, int Transponder, int ServiceId, const int *CaSystemIds, int BufSize, int *Pids) { return CaDescriptorHandler.GetCaPids(Source, Transponder, ServiceId, CaSystemIds, BufSize, Pids); } // --- cPatFilter ------------------------------------------------------------ //#define DEBUG_PAT_PMT #ifdef DEBUG_PAT_PMT #define DBGLOG(a...) { cString s = cString::sprintf(a); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", *s); dsyslog("%s", *s); } #else #define DBGLOG(a...) #endif cPatFilter::cPatFilter(void) { Trigger(0); Set(0x00, 0x00); // PAT } void cPatFilter::SetStatus(bool On) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); DBGLOG("PAT filter set status %d", On); cFilter::SetStatus(On); Trigger(); } void cPatFilter::Trigger(int Sid) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); patVersion = -1; pmtIndex = -1; numPmtEntries = 0; if (Sid >= 0) { sid = Sid; DBGLOG("PAT filter trigger SID %d", Sid); } } bool cPatFilter::PmtVersionChanged(int PmtPid, int Sid, int Version, bool SetNewVersion) { int Id = MakePmtId(PmtPid, Sid); for (int i = 0; i < numPmtEntries; i++) { if (pmtId[i] == Id) { if (pmtVersion[i] != Version) { if (SetNewVersion) pmtVersion[i] = Version; else DBGLOG("PMT %d %2d %5d %2d -> %2d", Transponder(), i, PmtPid, pmtVersion[i], Version); return true; } break; } } return false; } void cPatFilter::SwitchToNextPmtPid(void) { if (pmtIndex >= 0) { Del(GetPmtPid(pmtIndex), SI::TableIdPMT); pmtIndex = (pmtIndex + 1) % numPmtEntries; Add(GetPmtPid(pmtIndex), SI::TableIdPMT); } } void cPatFilter::Process(u_short Pid, u_char Tid, const u_char *Data, int Length) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (Pid == 0x00) { if (Tid == SI::TableIdPAT) { SI::PAT pat(Data, false); if (!pat.CheckCRCAndParse()) return; if (pat.getVersionNumber() != patVersion) { DBGLOG("PAT %d/%d %d %d -> %d", pat.getSectionNumber(), pat.getLastSectionNumber(), Transponder(), patVersion, pat.getVersionNumber()); if (pmtIndex >= 0) { Del(GetPmtPid(pmtIndex), SI::TableIdPMT); pmtIndex = -1; } numPmtEntries = 0; SI::PAT::Association assoc; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; pat.associationLoop.getNext(assoc, it); ) { if (!assoc.isNITPid() && numPmtEntries < MAXPMTENTRIES) { DBGLOG(" PMT pid %2d %5d SID %5d", numPmtEntries, assoc.getPid(), assoc.getServiceId()); pmtId[numPmtEntries] = MakePmtId(assoc.getPid(), assoc.getServiceId()); pmtVersion[numPmtEntries] = -1; if (sid == assoc.getServiceId()) { pmtIndex = numPmtEntries; DBGLOG("sid = %d pmtIndex = %d", sid, pmtIndex); } numPmtEntries++; } } if (numPmtEntries > 0 && pmtIndex < 0) pmtIndex = 0; Add(GetPmtPid(pmtIndex), SI::TableIdPMT); patVersion = pat.getVersionNumber(); timer.Set(PMT_SCAN_TIMEOUT); } } } else if (Tid == SI::TableIdPMT && Source() && Transponder()) { timer.Set(PMT_SCAN_TIMEOUT); SI::PMT pmt(Data, false); if (!pmt.CheckCRCAndParse()) return; if (!PmtVersionChanged(Pid, pmt.getTableIdExtension(), pmt.getVersionNumber())) { SwitchToNextPmtPid(); return; } if (!Channels.Lock(true, 10)) return; PmtVersionChanged(Pid, pmt.getTableIdExtension(), pmt.getVersionNumber(), true); SwitchToNextPmtPid(); cChannel *Channel = Channels.GetByServiceID(Source(), Transponder(), pmt.getServiceId()); if (Channel) { SI::CaDescriptor *d; cCaDescriptors *CaDescriptors = new cCaDescriptors(Channel->Source(), Channel->Transponder(), Channel->Sid()); // Scan the common loop: for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = (SI::CaDescriptor*)pmt.commonDescriptors.getNext(it, SI::CaDescriptorTag)); ) { CaDescriptors->AddCaDescriptor(d, 0); delete d; } // Scan the stream-specific loop: SI::PMT::Stream stream; int Vpid = 0; int Ppid = 0; int Vtype = 0; int Apids[MAXAPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; // these lists are zero-terminated int Atypes[MAXAPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; int Dpids[MAXDPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; int Dtypes[MAXDPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; int Spids[MAXSPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; uchar SubtitlingTypes[MAXSPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; uint16_t CompositionPageIds[MAXSPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; uint16_t AncillaryPageIds[MAXSPIDS + 1] = { 0 }; char ALangs[MAXAPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; char DLangs[MAXDPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; char SLangs[MAXSPIDS][MAXLANGCODE2] = { "" }; int Tpid = 0; int NumApids = 0; int NumDpids = 0; int NumSpids = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; pmt.streamLoop.getNext(stream, it); ) { bool ProcessCaDescriptors = false; int esPid = stream.getPid(); switch (stream.getStreamType()) { case 1: // STREAMTYPE_11172_VIDEO case 2: // STREAMTYPE_13818_VIDEO case 0x1B: // H.264 Vpid = esPid; Ppid = pmt.getPCRPid(); Vtype = stream.getStreamType(); ProcessCaDescriptors = true; break; case 3: // STREAMTYPE_11172_AUDIO case 4: // STREAMTYPE_13818_AUDIO case 0x0F: // ISO/IEC 13818-7 Audio with ADTS transport syntax case 0x11: // ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio with LATM transport syntax { if (NumApids < MAXAPIDS) { Apids[NumApids] = esPid; Atypes[NumApids] = stream.getStreamType(); SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor::Language l; char *s = ALangs[NumApids]; int n = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; ld->languageLoop.getNext(l, it); ) { if (*ld->languageCode != '-') { // some use "---" to indicate "none" if (n > 0) *s++ = '+'; strn0cpy(s, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(l.languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); s += strlen(s); if (n++ > 1) break; } } } break; default: ; } delete d; } NumApids++; } ProcessCaDescriptors = true; } break; case 5: // STREAMTYPE_13818_PRIVATE case 6: // STREAMTYPE_13818_PES_PRIVATE //XXX case 8: // STREAMTYPE_13818_DSMCC { int dpid = 0; int dtype = 0; char lang[MAXLANGCODE1] = { 0 }; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::AC3DescriptorTag: case SI::EnhancedAC3DescriptorTag: dpid = esPid; dtype = d->getDescriptorTag(); ProcessCaDescriptors = true; break; case SI::SubtitlingDescriptorTag: if (NumSpids < MAXSPIDS) { Spids[NumSpids] = esPid; SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *sd = (SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *)d; SI::SubtitlingDescriptor::Subtitling sub; char *s = SLangs[NumSpids]; int n = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; sd->subtitlingLoop.getNext(sub, it); ) { if (sub.languageCode[0]) { SubtitlingTypes[NumSpids] = sub.getSubtitlingType(); CompositionPageIds[NumSpids] = sub.getCompositionPageId(); AncillaryPageIds[NumSpids] = sub.getAncillaryPageId(); if (n > 0) *s++ = '+'; strn0cpy(s, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(sub.languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); s += strlen(s); if (n++ > 1) break; } } NumSpids++; } break; case SI::TeletextDescriptorTag: Tpid = esPid; break; case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; strn0cpy(lang, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(ld->languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (dpid) { if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { Dpids[NumDpids] = dpid; Dtypes[NumDpids] = dtype; strn0cpy(DLangs[NumDpids], lang, MAXLANGCODE1); NumDpids++; } } } break; case 0x80: // STREAMTYPE_USER_PRIVATE if (Setup.StandardCompliance == STANDARD_ANSISCTE) { // DigiCipher II VIDEO (ANSI/SCTE 57) Vpid = esPid; Ppid = pmt.getPCRPid(); Vtype = 0x02; // compression based upon MPEG-2 ProcessCaDescriptors = true; break; } // fall through case 0x81: // STREAMTYPE_USER_PRIVATE if (Setup.StandardCompliance == STANDARD_ANSISCTE) { // ATSC A/53 AUDIO (ANSI/SCTE 57) char lang[MAXLANGCODE1] = { 0 }; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; strn0cpy(lang, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(ld->languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { Dpids[NumDpids] = esPid; Dtypes[NumDpids] = SI::AC3DescriptorTag; strn0cpy(DLangs[NumDpids], lang, MAXLANGCODE1); NumDpids++; } ProcessCaDescriptors = true; break; } // fall through case 0x82: // STREAMTYPE_USER_PRIVATE if (Setup.StandardCompliance == STANDARD_ANSISCTE) { // STANDARD SUBTITLE (ANSI/SCTE 27) //TODO break; } // fall through case 0x83 ... 0xFF: // STREAMTYPE_USER_PRIVATE { char lang[MAXLANGCODE1] = { 0 }; bool IsAc3 = false; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::RegistrationDescriptorTag: { SI::RegistrationDescriptor *rd = (SI::RegistrationDescriptor *)d; // http://www.smpte-ra.org/mpegreg/mpegreg.html switch (rd->getFormatIdentifier()) { case 0x41432D33: // 'AC-3' IsAc3 = true; break; default: //printf("Format identifier: 0x%08X (pid: %d)\n", rd->getFormatIdentifier(), esPid); break; } } break; case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; strn0cpy(lang, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(ld->languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (IsAc3) { if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { Dpids[NumDpids] = esPid; Dtypes[NumDpids] = SI::AC3DescriptorTag; strn0cpy(DLangs[NumDpids], lang, MAXLANGCODE1); NumDpids++; } ProcessCaDescriptors = true; } } break; default: ;//printf("PID: %5d %5d %2d %3d %3d\n", pmt.getServiceId(), stream.getPid(), stream.getStreamType(), pmt.getVersionNumber(), Channel->Number()); } if (ProcessCaDescriptors) { for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = (SI::CaDescriptor*)stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it, SI::CaDescriptorTag)); ) { CaDescriptors->AddCaDescriptor(d, esPid); delete d; } } } if (Setup.UpdateChannels >= 2) { Channel->SetPids(Vpid, Ppid, Vtype, Apids, Atypes, ALangs, Dpids, Dtypes, DLangs, Spids, SLangs, Tpid); Channel->SetCaIds(CaDescriptors->CaIds()); Channel->SetSubtitlingDescriptors(SubtitlingTypes, CompositionPageIds, AncillaryPageIds); } Channel->SetCaDescriptors(CaDescriptorHandler.AddCaDescriptors(CaDescriptors)); } Channels.Unlock(); } if (timer.TimedOut()) { if (pmtIndex >= 0) DBGLOG("PMT timeout %d", pmtIndex); SwitchToNextPmtPid(); timer.Set(PMT_SCAN_TIMEOUT); } }