# VDR language source file.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Klaus Schmidinger <kls@tvdr.de>
# This file is distributed under the same license as the VDR package.
# Jean-Claude Repetto <jc@repetto.org>, 2001, 2002, 2008
# Olivier Jacques <jacquesolivier@hotmail.com>, 2003, 2005
# Gregoire Favre <greg@magma.unil.ch>, 2003
# Nicolas Huillard <nhuillard@e-dition.fr>, 2005
# Pierre Briec <pbriec@free.fr>, 2006
# Bruno Roussel <bruno.roussel@free.fr>, 2007
# Michael Nival <mnival@club-internet.fr>, 2007
# Marc Perrudin <vdr@ekass.net>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: VDR 1.6.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <vdr-bugs@tvdr.de>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-02-03 16:46+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-02-10 16:47+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Marc Perrudin <vdr@ekass.net>\n"
"Language-Team: French <vdr@linuxtv.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "*** Invalid Channel ***"
msgstr "*** Cha�ne invalide ! ***"

msgid "Channel not available!"
msgstr "Cha�ne non disponible !"

msgid "Can't start Transfer Mode!"
msgstr "Impossible d'utiliser le mode transfert !"

msgid "off"
msgstr ""

msgid "on"
msgstr ""

msgid "auto"
msgstr "auto"

msgid "none"
msgstr "aucun"

msgid "Polarization"
msgstr "Polarisation"

msgid "System"
msgstr "Syst�me"

msgid "Srate"
msgstr "Srate"

msgid "Inversion"
msgstr "Inversion"

msgid "CoderateH"
msgstr "CoderateH"

msgid "CoderateL"
msgstr "CoderateL"

msgid "Modulation"
msgstr "Modulation"

msgid "Bandwidth"
msgstr "Bande passante"

msgid "Transmission"
msgstr "Transmission"

msgid "Guard"
msgstr "Intervalle de garde"

msgid "Hierarchy"
msgstr "Hi�rarchie"

msgid "Rolloff"
msgstr "Rolloff"

msgid "PlpId"
msgstr "PlpId"

msgid "Starting EPG scan"
msgstr "Mise � jour du guide des programmes"

msgid "Content$Movie/Drama"
msgstr "Film/Drame"

msgid "Content$Detective/Thriller"
msgstr "Policier/Suspence"

msgid "Content$Adventure/Western/War"
msgstr "Aventure/Western/Guerre"

msgid "Content$Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror"
msgstr "Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horreur"

msgid "Content$Comedy"
msgstr "Com�die"

msgid "Content$Soap/Melodrama/Folkloric"
msgstr "Soap/M�lodrame/Folklorique"

msgid "Content$Romance"
msgstr "Romance"

msgid "Content$Serious/Classical/Religious/Historical Movie/Drama"
msgstr "Averti/Classique/Religieux/Film Historique/Drame"

msgid "Content$Adult Movie/Drama"
msgstr "Film pour adulte/Drame"

msgid "Content$News/Current Affairs"
msgstr "Informations/Actualit�s"

msgid "Content$News/Weather Report"
msgstr "Information/M�t�o"

msgid "Content$News Magazine"
msgstr "Magazine d'information"

msgid "Content$Documentary"
msgstr "Documentaire"

msgid "Content$Discussion/Inverview/Debate"
msgstr "Discussion/Interview/D�bat"

msgid "Content$Show/Game Show"
msgstr "Spectacle/Jeu T�l�vis�"

msgid "Content$Game Show/Quiz/Contest"
msgstr "Jeu T�l�vis�/Quiz/Concours"

msgid "Content$Variety Show"
msgstr "Spectacle de vari�t�s"

msgid "Content$Talk Show"
msgstr "D�bat t�l�vis�"

msgid "Content$Sports"
msgstr "Sports"

msgid "Content$Special Event"
msgstr "�v�nement sp�cial"

msgid "Content$Sport Magazine"
msgstr "Magazine sportif"

msgid "Content$Football/Soccer"
msgstr "Football/Foot"

msgid "Content$Tennis/Squash"
msgstr "Tennis/Squash"

msgid "Content$Team Sports"
msgstr "Sports d'�quipe"

msgid "Content$Athletics"
msgstr "Athl�tismes"

msgid "Content$Motor Sport"
msgstr "Sport m�canique"

msgid "Content$Water Sport"
msgstr "Sport nautique"

msgid "Content$Winter Sports"
msgstr "Sports d'hiver"

msgid "Content$Equestrian"
msgstr "�quitation"

msgid "Content$Martial Sports"
msgstr "Sports Martiaux"

msgid "Content$Children's/Youth Programme"
msgstr "Enfant/Programme jeunesse"

msgid "Content$Pre-school Children's Programme"
msgstr "Programme pour enfant de maternelle"

msgid "Content$Entertainment Programme for 6 to 14"
msgstr "Programme de divertissement pour les 6/14 ans"

msgid "Content$Entertainment Programme for 10 to 16"
msgstr "Programme de divertissement pour les 10/16 ans"

msgid "Content$Informational/Educational/School Programme"
msgstr "Informationnel/�ducatif/Programme Scolaire "

msgid "Content$Cartoons/Puppets"
msgstr "Dessins anim�s/Marionnettes"

msgid "Content$Music/Ballet/Dance"
msgstr "Musique/Ballet/Danse"

msgid "Content$Rock/Pop"
msgstr "Rock/Pop"

msgid "Content$Serious/Classical Music"
msgstr "Averti/Musique Classique"

msgid "Content$Folk/Tradional Music"
msgstr "Folk/Musique Traditionnelle"

msgid "Content$Jazz"
msgstr "Jazz"

msgid "Content$Musical/Opera"
msgstr "Com�die Musicale/Op�ra"

msgid "Content$Ballet"
msgstr "Ballet"

msgid "Content$Arts/Culture"
msgstr "Arts/Culture"

msgid "Content$Performing Arts"
msgstr "Performances artistiques"

msgid "Content$Fine Arts"
msgstr "Beaux Arts"

msgid "Content$Religion"
msgstr "Religion"

msgid "Content$Popular Culture/Traditional Arts"
msgstr "Culture Populaire/Arts Traditionnels"

msgid "Content$Literature"
msgstr "Litt�rature"

msgid "Content$Film/Cinema"
msgstr "Film/Cinema"

msgid "Content$Experimental Film/Video"
msgstr "Film Exp�rimental/Vid�o"

msgid "Content$Broadcasting/Press"
msgstr "�mission/Presse"

msgid "Content$New Media"
msgstr "Nouveau Media"

msgid "Content$Arts/Culture Magazine"
msgstr "Arts/Magazine Culturel"

msgid "Content$Fashion"
msgstr "Mode"

msgid "Content$Social/Political/Economics"
msgstr "Soci�t�/Politique/�conomie"

msgid "Content$Magazine/Report/Documentary"
msgstr "Magazine/Reportage/Documentaire"

msgid "Content$Economics/Social Advisory"
msgstr "�conomie/Reportage de Soci�t�"

msgid "Content$Remarkable People"
msgstr "Personnalit�s"

msgid "Content$Education/Science/Factual"
msgstr "�ducation/Science/Factuel"

msgid "Content$Nature/Animals/Environment"
msgstr "Nature/Animaux/Environnement"

msgid "Content$Technology/Natural Sciences"
msgstr "Technologie/Sciences Naturelles"

msgid "Content$Medicine/Physiology/Psychology"
msgstr "M�decine/Physiologie/Psychologie"

msgid "Content$Foreign Countries/Expeditions"
msgstr "Pays �trangers/Exp�ditions"

msgid "Content$Social/Spiritual Sciences"
msgstr "Soci�t�/Sciences Spirituelles"

msgid "Content$Further Education"
msgstr "Formation Continue"

msgid "Content$Languages"
msgstr "Langages"

msgid "Content$Leisure/Hobbies"
msgstr "Loisir/Passe temps"

msgid "Content$Tourism/Travel"
msgstr "Tourisme/Voyage"

msgid "Content$Handicraft"
msgstr "Artisanat"

msgid "Content$Motoring"
msgstr "Automobilisme"

msgid "Content$Fitness & Health"
msgstr "Forme & Sant�"

msgid "Content$Cooking"
msgstr "Cuisine"

msgid "Content$Advertisement/Shopping"
msgstr "Publicit�/T�l�achat"

msgid "Content$Gardening"
msgstr "Jardinage"

msgid "Content$Original Language"
msgstr "Version originale"

msgid "Content$Black & White"
msgstr "Noir & Blanc"

msgid "Content$Unpublished"
msgstr "In�dit"

msgid "Content$Live Broadcast"
msgstr "Direct"

#, c-format
msgid "ParentalRating$from %d"
msgstr "� partir de %d"

msgid "No title"
msgstr "Sans titre"

#. TRANSLATORS: The name of the language, as written natively
msgid "LanguageName$English"
msgstr "Fran�ais"

#. TRANSLATORS: The 3-letter code of the language
msgid "LanguageCode$eng"
msgstr "fra"

msgid "Phase 1: Detecting RC code type"
msgstr "Phase 1: D�tection du type de code"

msgid "Press any key on the RC unit"
msgstr "Appuyer sur une touche de la t�l�commande"

msgid "RC code detected!"
msgstr "Code de la t�l�commande d�tect� !"

msgid "Do not press any key..."
msgstr "N'appuyer sur aucune touche ..."

msgid "Phase 2: Learning specific key codes"
msgstr "Phase 2: Apprentissage des codes de touches"

#, c-format
msgid "Press key for '%s'"
msgstr "Appuyer sur la touche pour '%s'"

msgid "Press 'Up' to confirm"
msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour confirmer"

msgid "Press 'Down' to continue"
msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Bas' pour continuer"

msgid "(press 'Up' to go back)"
msgstr "(Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour revenir en arri�re)"

msgid "(press 'Down' to end key definition)"
msgstr "(Appuyer sur 'Bas' pour terminer)"

msgid "(press 'Menu' to skip this key)"
msgstr "(Appuyer sur 'Menu' pour passer cette touche)"

msgid "Learning Remote Control Keys"
msgstr "Apprentissage des codes de touches de la t�l�commande"

msgid "Phase 3: Saving key codes"
msgstr "Phase 3: Sauvegarde des codes de touches"

msgid "Press 'Up' to save, 'Down' to cancel"
msgstr "Appuyer sur 'Haut' pour sauvegarder, 'Bas' pour annuler"

msgid "Key$Up"
msgstr "Haut"

msgid "Key$Down"
msgstr "Bas"

msgid "Key$Menu"
msgstr "Menu"

msgid "Key$Ok"
msgstr "Ok"

msgid "Key$Back"
msgstr "Retour"

msgid "Key$Left"
msgstr "Gauche"

msgid "Key$Right"
msgstr "Droite"

msgid "Key$Red"
msgstr "Rouge"

msgid "Key$Green"
msgstr "Vert"

msgid "Key$Yellow"
msgstr "Jaune"

msgid "Key$Blue"
msgstr "Bleu"

msgid "Key$Info"
msgstr "Info"

msgid "Key$Play/Pause"
msgstr "Lecture/Pause"

msgid "Key$Play"
msgstr "Lecture"

msgid "Key$Pause"
msgstr "Pause"

msgid "Key$Stop"
msgstr "Stop"

msgid "Key$Record"
msgstr "Enregistrement"

msgid "Key$FastFwd"
msgstr "Avance rapide"

msgid "Key$FastRew"
msgstr "Retour rapide"

msgid "Key$Next"
msgstr "Suivant"

msgid "Key$Prev"
msgstr "Pr�c�dent"

msgid "Key$Power"
msgstr "Arr�t"

msgid "Key$Channel+"
msgstr "Cha�ne+"

msgid "Key$Channel-"
msgstr "Cha�ne-"

msgid "Key$PrevChannel"
msgstr "Cha�ne pr�c�dente"

msgid "Key$Volume+"
msgstr "Volume+"

msgid "Key$Volume-"
msgstr "Volume-"

msgid "Key$Mute"
msgstr "Sourdine"

msgid "Key$Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

msgid "Key$Subtitles"
msgstr "Sous-titres"

msgid "Key$Schedule"
msgstr "Programmes"

msgid "Key$Channels"
msgstr "Cha�nes"

msgid "Key$Timers"
msgstr "Minuteries"

msgid "Key$Recordings"
msgstr "Enregistrements"

msgid "Key$Setup"
msgstr "Configuration"

msgid "Key$Commands"
msgstr "Commandes"

msgid "Key$User0"
msgstr "Utilisateur0"

msgid "Key$User1"
msgstr "Utilisateur1"

msgid "Key$User2"
msgstr "Utilisateur2"

msgid "Key$User3"
msgstr "Utilisateur3"

msgid "Key$User4"
msgstr "Utilisateur4"

msgid "Key$User5"
msgstr "Utilisateur5"

msgid "Key$User6"
msgstr "Utilisateur6"

msgid "Key$User7"
msgstr "Utilisateur7"

msgid "Key$User8"
msgstr "Utilisateur8"

msgid "Key$User9"
msgstr "Utilisateur9"

msgid "Free To Air"
msgstr "En clair"

msgid "encrypted"
msgstr "Crypt�"

msgid "Edit channel"
msgstr "Modifier une cha�ne"

msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"

msgid "Source"
msgstr "Source"

msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Fr�quence"

msgid "Vpid"
msgstr "Vpid"

msgid "Ppid"
msgstr "Ppid"

msgid "Apid1"
msgstr "Apid1"

msgid "Apid2"
msgstr "Apid2"

msgid "Dpid1"
msgstr "Dpid1"

msgid "Dpid2"
msgstr "Dpid2"

msgid "Spid1"
msgstr "Spid1"

msgid "Spid2"
msgstr "Spid2"

msgid "Tpid"
msgstr "Tpid"

msgid "CA"
msgstr "CA"

msgid "Sid"
msgstr "Sid"

msgid "Channel settings are not unique!"
msgstr "Les configurations des cha�nes ne sont pas uniques !"

msgid "Channels"
msgstr "Cha�nes"

msgid "Button$Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"

msgid "Button$New"
msgstr "Nouveau"

msgid "Button$Delete"
msgstr "Supprimer"

msgid "Button$Mark"
msgstr "Marquer"

msgid "Channel is being used by a timer!"
msgstr "Cette cha�ne est utilis�e par une minuterie !"

msgid "Delete channel?"
msgstr "Supprimer la cha�ne ?"

msgid "Edit folder"
msgstr "Modifier le dossier"

msgid "New folder"
msgstr "Nouveau dossier"

msgid "Sub folder"
msgstr "Sous dossier"

msgid "Folder name already exists!"
msgstr "Ce nom de dossier existe d�j� !"

#, c-format
msgid "Folder name must not contain '%c'!"
msgstr "Le nom de dossier ne doit pas contenir '%c' !"

msgid "Button$Select"
msgstr "Selectionner"

msgid "Delete folder and all sub folders?"
msgstr "Effacer le dossier et tous les sous dossiers ?"

msgid "Delete folder?"
msgstr "Effacer le dossier ?"

msgid "Edit timer"
msgstr "Modifier la minuterie"

msgid "Active"
msgstr "Active"

msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Cha�ne"

msgid "Day"
msgstr "Jour"

msgid "Start"
msgstr "D�but"

msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Fin"

msgid "VPS"
msgstr "VPS"

msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorit�"

msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr "Dur�e de vie"

msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"

msgid "Button$Folder"
msgstr "Dossier"

msgid "Button$Single"
msgstr "Simple"

msgid "Button$Repeating"
msgstr "P�riodique"

msgid "First day"
msgstr "Premier jour"

msgid "Select folder"
msgstr "S�lectionner le dossier"

msgid "Timers"
msgstr "Minuteries"

msgid "Button$On/Off"
msgstr "Marche/Arr"

msgid "Button$Info"
msgstr "Info"

msgid "Delete timer?"
msgstr "Supprimer la minuterie ?"

msgid "Timer still recording - really delete?"
msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - suppression confirm�e ?"

msgid "Event"
msgstr "Ev�nement"

msgid "Button$Timer"
msgstr "Minuterie"

msgid "Button$Record"
msgstr "Enregistrer"

msgid "Button$Switch"
msgstr "Regarder"

msgid "What's on now?"
msgstr "Programmes en cours"

msgid "What's on next?"
msgstr "Prochains programmes"

msgid "Button$Next"
msgstr "Apr�s"

msgid "Button$Now"
msgstr "Maintenant"

msgid "Button$Schedule"
msgstr "Programme"

msgid "Can't switch channel!"
msgstr "Impossible de changer de cha�ne !"

#, c-format
msgid "Schedule - %s"
msgstr "Programmes - %s"

#, c-format
msgid "This event - %s"
msgstr "Cet �v�nement - %s"

msgid "This event - all channels"
msgstr "Cet �v�nement - toutes les cha�nes"

msgid "All events - all channels"
msgstr "Tous les �v�nements - toutes les cha�nes"

#, c-format
msgid "Please enter %d digits!"
msgstr "Veuillez entrer %d chiffres !"

msgid "CAM not responding!"
msgstr "Pas de r�ponse du CAM"

msgid "Recording info"
msgstr "Infos sur l'enregistrement"

msgid "Button$Play"
msgstr "Lire"

msgid "Button$Rewind"
msgstr "Retour"

msgid "Recordings"
msgstr "Enregistrements"

msgid "Button$Open"
msgstr "Ouvrir"

msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Commandes"

msgid "Delete recording?"
msgstr "Supprimer l'enregistrement ?"

msgid "Recording is being edited - really delete?"
msgstr "L'enregistrement est en cours de modification - suppression confirm�e ?"

msgid "Error while deleting recording!"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la suppression de l'enregistrement !"

msgid "Recording commands"
msgstr "Commandes d'enregistrement"

msgid "never"
msgstr "jamais"

msgid "skin dependent"
msgstr "d�pendant du skin"

msgid "always"
msgstr "toujours"

msgid "OSD"
msgstr "Affichage � l'�cran"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Language"
msgstr "Langue"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Skin"
msgstr "Skin"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Theme"
msgstr "Th�me"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Left (%)"
msgstr "Gauche (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Top (%)"
msgstr "Haut (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Width (%)"
msgstr "Largeur (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Height (%)"
msgstr "Hauteur (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Message time (s)"
msgstr "Dur�e d'affichage des messages (s)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Use small font"
msgstr "Utiliser les petites polices"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Anti-alias"
msgstr "Anti-cr�nelage"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font"
msgstr "Police par d�faut"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font"
msgstr "Petite police"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font"
msgstr "Police taille fixe"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Default font size (%)"
msgstr "Taille police par d�faut (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Small font size (%)"
msgstr "Taille petite police (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Fixed font size (%)"
msgstr "Taille police fixe (%)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info position"
msgstr "Position infos cha�ne"

msgid "bottom"
msgstr "bas"

msgid "top"
msgstr "haut"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Channel info time (s)"
msgstr "Dur�e affichage infos cha�ne (s)"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Info on channel switch"
msgstr "Infos lors des changements de cha�nes"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Timeout requested channel info"
msgstr "Temps de demande d'infos de cha�ne"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll pages"
msgstr "D�filement par pages"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Scroll wraps"
msgstr "D�filement rotatif"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Menu key closes"
msgstr "Touche Menu pour fermer"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Recording directories"
msgstr "Dossiers d'enregistrements"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Folders in timer menu"
msgstr "Dossiers dans le menu minuterie"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Number keys for characters"
msgstr "Touches num�riques pour les caract�res"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Color key 0"
msgstr "Touche de couleur 0"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Color key 1"
msgstr "Touche de couleur 1"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Color key 2"
msgstr "Touche de couleur 2"

msgid "Setup.OSD$Color key 3"
msgstr "Touche de couleur 3"

msgid "EPG"
msgstr "Guide des programmes"

msgid "Button$Scan"
msgstr "Scanner"

msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG scan timeout (h)"
msgstr "Temps de mise � jour du guide (h)"

msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG bugfix level"
msgstr "Niveau de correction du guide"

msgid "Setup.EPG$EPG linger time (min)"
msgstr "Montrer le guide p�rim� (min)"

msgid "Setup.EPG$Set system time"
msgstr "Ajuster l'heure du syst�me"

msgid "Setup.EPG$Use time from transponder"
msgstr "Utiliser l'heure du transpondeur"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the plural!
msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages"
msgstr "Langues pr�f�r�es"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the singular!
msgid "Setup.EPG$Preferred language"
msgstr "Langue pr�f�r�e"

msgid "pan&scan"
msgstr ""

msgid "letterbox"
msgstr ""

msgid "center cut out"
msgstr ""

msgid "no"
msgstr "non"

msgid "names only"
msgstr "noms uniquement"

msgid "PIDs only"
msgstr "PIDs uniquement"

msgid "names and PIDs"
msgstr "noms et PIDs"

msgid "add new channels"
msgstr "ajouter les nouvelles cha�nes"

msgid "add new transponders"
msgstr "ajouter les nouveaux transpondeurs"

msgid "DVB"
msgstr "DVB"

msgid "Button$Audio"
msgstr "Audio"

msgid "Button$Subtitles"
msgstr "Sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Primary DVB interface"
msgstr "Carte DVB primaire"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Standard compliance"
msgstr "Conformit� aux normes"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Video format"
msgstr "Format vid�o"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Video display format"
msgstr "Format d'affichage video"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Use Dolby Digital"
msgstr "Utiliser le Dolby Digital"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Update channels"
msgstr "Mettre � jour les cha�nes"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio languages"
msgstr "Langues audio"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Audio language"
msgstr "Langue audio"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Display subtitles"
msgstr "Afficher les sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle languages"
msgstr "Langues des sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle language"
msgstr "Langue des sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle offset"
msgstr "Offset des sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle foreground transparency"
msgstr "Transparence de l'avant-plan des sous-titres"

msgid "Setup.DVB$Subtitle background transparency"
msgstr "Transparence du fond des sous-titres"

msgid "LNB"
msgstr "LNB"

msgid "Setup.LNB$Use DiSEqC"
msgstr "Utiliser le DiSEqC"

msgid "Setup.LNB$SLOF (MHz)"
msgstr "SLOF (MHz)"

msgid "Setup.LNB$Low LNB frequency (MHz)"
msgstr "Fr�quence basse LNB (MHz)"

msgid "Setup.LNB$High LNB frequency (MHz)"
msgstr "Fr�quence haute LNB (MHz)"

#, c-format
msgid "Setup.LNB$Device %d connected to sat cable"
msgstr "Le p�riph�rique %d est connect� au c�ble satellite"

msgid "Setup.LNB$own"
msgstr ""

msgid "CAM reset"
msgstr "CAM r�initialis�"

msgid "CAM present"
msgstr "CAM pr�sent"

msgid "CAM ready"
msgstr "CAM pr�t"

msgid "CAM"
msgstr "CAM"

msgid "Button$Menu"
msgstr "Menu"

msgid "Button$Reset"
msgstr "R�initialisation"

msgid "Opening CAM menu..."
msgstr "Ouverture du menu CAM..."

msgid "Can't open CAM menu!"
msgstr "Impossible d'ouvrir le menu CAM !"

msgid "CAM is in use - really reset?"
msgstr "CAM en cours d'utilisation - R�initialisation confirm�e ?"

msgid "Can't reset CAM!"
msgstr "Impossible de r�initialiser le CAM !"

msgid "do not pause live video"
msgstr "ne pas arr�ter le direct"

msgid "confirm pause live video"
msgstr "confirmer l'arr�t du direct"

msgid "pause live video"
msgstr "arr�ter le direct"

msgid "confirm"
msgstr "confirmer"

msgid "yes"
msgstr "oui"

msgid "Recording"
msgstr "Enregistrement"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)"
msgstr "Marge ant�rieure (min)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)"
msgstr "Marge post�rieure (min)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Default priority"
msgstr "Priorit� par d�faut"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)"
msgstr "Dur�e de vie par d�faut (j)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause key handling"
msgstr "Support de la touche Pause"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause priority"
msgstr "Priorit� des pauses"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Pause lifetime (d)"
msgstr "Dur�e de vie des pauses (j)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Use episode name"
msgstr "Utiliser le nom de l'�pisode"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Use VPS"
msgstr "Utiliser le VPS"

msgid "Setup.Recording$VPS margin (s)"
msgstr "Marge VPS (s)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Mark instant recording"
msgstr "Marquage enregistr. imm�diat"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Name instant recording"
msgstr "Nom enregistr. imm�diat"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Instant rec. time (min)"
msgstr "Dur�e enregistr. imm�diat (min)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$present event"
msgstr "�v�nement courrant"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Max. video file size (MB)"
msgstr "Taille maxi des fichiers video (Mo)"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Split edited files"
msgstr "Scinder les fichiers �dit�s"

msgid "Setup.Recording$Delete timeshift recording"
msgstr "Effacer l'enregistrement du timeshifting"

msgid "Replay"
msgstr "Lecture"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Multi speed mode"
msgstr "Mode multi-vitesses"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Show replay mode"
msgstr "Affichage mode de lecture"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Show remaining time"
msgstr "Montrer le temps restant"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Progress display time (s)"
msgstr "Affichage de la barre de progression (s)"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Pause replay when setting mark"
msgstr "Arr�ter la lecture lors de la d�finition d'une marque"

msgid "Setup.Replay$Resume ID"
msgstr "ID de reprise"

msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Divers"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. event timeout (min)"
msgstr "Temps minimal entre �v�nements (min)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Min. user inactivity (min)"
msgstr "Dur�e d'inactivit� utilisateur minimale (min)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$SVDRP timeout (s)"
msgstr "Temps maxi SVDRP (s)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Zap timeout (s)"
msgstr "Prise en compte cha�ne (s)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channel entry timeout (ms)"
msgstr "D�lai de saisie de la cha�ne (ms)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Remote control repeat delay (ms)"
msgstr "D�lai de r�p�tition de la t�l�commande (ms)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Remote control repeat delta (ms)"
msgstr "Delta de r�p�tition de la t�l�commande (ms)"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial channel"
msgstr "Cha�ne initiale"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$as before"
msgstr "comme avant"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Initial volume"
msgstr "Volume initial"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Channels wrap"
msgstr "Affichage rotatif des cha�nes"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Show channel names with source"
msgstr "Afficher le nom des chaines avec la source"

msgid "Setup.Miscellaneous$Emergency exit"
msgstr "Arr�t d'urgence"

msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Greffons"

msgid "This plugin has no setup parameters!"
msgstr "Ce greffon n'a pas de param�tres!"

msgid "Setup"
msgstr "Configuration"

msgid "Restart"
msgstr "Red�marrer"

msgid "Really restart?"
msgstr "Red�marrage confirm�e ?"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the leading and trailing blanks!
msgid " Stop recording "
msgstr " Arr�ter l'enregistrement "

msgid "Schedule"
msgstr "Programmes"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank!
msgid " Stop replaying"
msgstr " Arr�ter la lecture"

msgid "Button$Pause"
msgstr "Pause"

msgid "Button$Stop"
msgstr "Arr�t"

msgid "Button$Resume"
msgstr "Reprendre"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the leading blank!
msgid " Cancel editing"
msgstr " Annuler le montage"

msgid "Stop recording?"
msgstr "Arr�ter l'enregistrement ?"

msgid "Cancel editing?"
msgstr "Annuler les modifications ?"

msgid "No audio available!"
msgstr "Pas de son disponible !"

msgid "No subtitles"
msgstr "Pas de sous-titres"

msgid "No subtitles available!"
msgstr "Pas de sous-titres disponible !"

msgid "Not enough disk space to start recording!"
msgstr "Espace disque insuffisant pour d�marrer l'enregistrement !"

msgid "No free DVB device to record!"
msgstr "Pas de p�riph�rique DVB disponible pour l'enregistrement !"

msgid "Pausing live video..."
msgstr "Pause de l'�mission en direct..."

msgid "Delete timeshift recording?"
msgstr "Effacer l'enregistrement du timeshifting"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank!
msgid "Jump: "
msgstr "Acc�s direct : "

msgid "No editing marks defined!"
msgstr "Pas de marques d'�dition d�finies !"

msgid "No editing sequences defined!"
msgstr "Aucune s�quence d'�dition d�finie !"

msgid "Can't start editing process!"
msgstr "Impossible de commencer le montage !"

msgid "Editing process started"
msgstr "Op�ration de montage lanc�e"

msgid "Editing process already active!"
msgstr "Montage d�j� en cours !"

msgid "FileNameChars$ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-.,#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&"
msgstr " a�bc�de���fghi�jklmno�pqrstu��vwxyz0123456789-.,#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&"

msgid "CharMap$ 0\t-.,1#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&\tabc2\tdef3\tghi4\tjkl5\tmno6\tpqrs7\ttuv8\twxyz9"
msgstr " 0\t-.,1#~\\^$[]|()*+?{}/:%@&\tabc���2\tdef���3\tghi��4\tjkl5\tmno�6\tpqrs7\ttuv�8\twxyz9"

msgid "Button$ABC/abc"
msgstr "ABC/abc"

msgid "Button$Overwrite"
msgstr "Ecraser"

msgid "Button$Insert"
msgstr "Ins�rer"

msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Greffon"

msgid "Up/Dn for new location - OK to move"
msgstr "Haut/Bas -> nouvelle place - OK -> d�placer"

msgid "Channel locked (recording)!"
msgstr "Cha�ne verrouill�e (enregistrement en cours) !"

msgid "Low disk space!"
msgstr "Disque presque plein !"

msgid "Regenerating index file"
msgstr "R�g�n�ration du fichier index"

msgid "Index file regeneration complete"
msgstr "R�g�n�ration du fichier index termin�e"

msgid "Index file regeneration failed!"
msgstr "La r�g�n�ration du fichier index a �chou� !"

msgid "Can't shutdown - option '-s' not given!"
msgstr "Arr�t impossible - option '-s' absente !"

msgid "Editing - shut down anyway?"
msgstr "Edition en cours - confirmez l'arr�t ?"

msgid "Recording - shut down anyway?"
msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - confirmez l'arr�t ?"

#, c-format
msgid "Recording in %ld minutes, shut down anyway?"
msgstr "Enregistrement dans %ld minutes - confirmez l'arr�t ?"

msgid "shut down anyway?"
msgstr "confirmez l'arr�t ?"

#, c-format
msgid "Plugin %s wakes up in %ld min, continue?"
msgstr "Le plugin %s d�marre dans %ld min, continuer ?"

msgid "Editing - restart anyway?"
msgstr "Edition en cours - red�marrer ?"

msgid "Recording - restart anyway?"
msgstr "Enregistrement en cours - red�marrer ?"

msgid "restart anyway?"
msgstr "red�marrer ?"

#. TRANSLATORS: note the trailing blank!
msgid "Volume "
msgstr "Volume "

msgid "Classic VDR"
msgstr "VDR classique"

msgid "DISK"
msgstr "DISQUE"

msgid "LOAD"
msgstr "CHARGER"

msgid "TIMERS"

msgid "DEVICES"
msgstr "P�RIPH�RIQUES"

msgid "LIVE"
msgstr "DIRECT"

msgid "PLAY"
msgstr "LECTURE"

msgid "ST:TNG Panels"
msgstr "Consoles ST:TNG"

#. TRANSLATORS: the first character of each weekday, beginning with monday
msgid "MTWTFSS"
msgstr "LMMJVSD"

#. TRANSLATORS: abbreviated weekdays, beginning with monday (must all be 3 letters!)
msgid "MonTueWedThuFriSatSun"
msgstr "LunMarMerJeuVenSamDim"

msgid "Monday"
msgstr "Lundi"

msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr "Mardi"

msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr "Mercredi"

msgid "Thursday"
msgstr "Jeudi"

msgid "Friday"
msgstr "Vendredi"

msgid "Saturday"
msgstr "Samedi"

msgid "Sunday"
msgstr "Dimanche"

msgid "Upcoming recording!"
msgstr "L'enregistrement va commencer !"

msgid "Pause live video?"
msgstr "Arr�ter le direct ?"

msgid "Recording started"
msgstr "L'enregistrement a commenc�"

msgid "VDR will shut down later - press Power to force"
msgstr "VDR doit s'arr�ter plus tard - Appuyer sur Arr�t pour forcer"

msgid "Press any key to cancel shutdown"
msgstr "Appuyez sur une touche pour annuler l'arr�t"

msgid "Switching primary DVB..."
msgstr "Changement de p�riph�rique DVB primaire..."

msgid "Editing process failed!"
msgstr "Echec du montage !"

msgid "Editing process finished"
msgstr "Montage termin�"

msgid "Press any key to cancel restart"
msgstr "Appuyer sur une touche pour annuler le red�marrage"

#, c-format
msgid "VDR will shut down in %s minutes"
msgstr "VDR s'arr�tera dans %s minutes"

msgid "Disk"
msgstr "Disque"

msgid "free"
msgstr "restant"