/* * recording.c: Recording file handling * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: recording.c 2.43 2012/01/15 11:04:24 kls Exp $ */ #include "recording.h" #include #include #include #include #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS // Required for format specifiers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "channels.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "interface.h" #include "remux.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "skins.h" #include "tools.h" #include "videodir.h" #define SUMMARYFALLBACK #define RECEXT ".rec" #define DELEXT ".del" /* This was the original code, which works fine in a Linux only environment. Unfortunately, because of Windows and its brain dead file system, we have to use a more complicated approach, in order to allow users who have enabled the --vfat command line option to see their recordings even if they forget to enable --vfat when restarting VDR... Gee, do I hate Windows. (kls 2002-07-27) #define DATAFORMAT "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d:%02d.%02d.%02d" RECEXT #define NAMEFORMAT "%s/%s/" DATAFORMAT */ #define DATAFORMATPES "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d%*c%02d.%02d.%02d" RECEXT #define NAMEFORMATPES "%s/%s/" "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d" RECEXT #define DATAFORMATTS "%4d-%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d.%d-%d" RECEXT #define NAMEFORMATTS "%s/%s/" DATAFORMATTS #define RESUMEFILESUFFIX "/resume%s%s" #ifdef SUMMARYFALLBACK #define SUMMARYFILESUFFIX "/summary.vdr" #endif #define INFOFILESUFFIX "/info" #define MARKSFILESUFFIX "/marks" #define MINDISKSPACE 1024 // MB #define REMOVECHECKDELTA 60 // seconds between checks for removing deleted files #define DELETEDLIFETIME 300 // seconds after which a deleted recording will be actually removed #define DISKCHECKDELTA 100 // seconds between checks for free disk space #define REMOVELATENCY 10 // seconds to wait until next check after removing a file #define MARKSUPDATEDELTA 10 // seconds between checks for updating editing marks #define MININDEXAGE 3600 // seconds before an index file is considered no longer to be written #define MAX_SUBTITLE_LENGTH 40 #define MAX_LINK_LEVEL 6 bool VfatFileSystem = false; int InstanceId = 0; cRecordings DeletedRecordings(true); // --- cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread ---------------------------------------- class cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread : public cThread { protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread(void); }; cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread::cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread(void) :cThread("remove deleted recordings") { } void cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread::Action(void) { SetPriority(19); SetIOPriority(7); // Make sure only one instance of VDR does this: cLockFile LockFile(VideoDirectory); if (LockFile.Lock()) { bool deleted = false; cThreadLock DeletedRecordingsLock(&DeletedRecordings); for (cRecording *r = DeletedRecordings.First(); r; ) { if (r->Deleted() && time(NULL) - r->Deleted() > DELETEDLIFETIME) { cRecording *next = DeletedRecordings.Next(r); r->Remove(); DeletedRecordings.Del(r); r = next; deleted = true; continue; } r = DeletedRecordings.Next(r); } if (deleted) RemoveEmptyVideoDirectories(); } } static cRemoveDeletedRecordingsThread RemoveDeletedRecordingsThread; // --- void RemoveDeletedRecordings(void) { static time_t LastRemoveCheck = 0; if (time(NULL) - LastRemoveCheck > REMOVECHECKDELTA) { if (!RemoveDeletedRecordingsThread.Active()) { cThreadLock DeletedRecordingsLock(&DeletedRecordings); for (cRecording *r = DeletedRecordings.First(); r; r = DeletedRecordings.Next(r)) { if (r->Deleted() && time(NULL) - r->Deleted() > DELETEDLIFETIME) { RemoveDeletedRecordingsThread.Start(); break; } } } LastRemoveCheck = time(NULL); } } void AssertFreeDiskSpace(int Priority, bool Force) { static cMutex Mutex; cMutexLock MutexLock(&Mutex); // With every call to this function we try to actually remove // a file, or mark a file for removal ("delete" it), so that // it will get removed during the next call. static time_t LastFreeDiskCheck = 0; int Factor = (Priority == -1) ? 10 : 1; if (Force || time(NULL) - LastFreeDiskCheck > DISKCHECKDELTA / Factor) { if (!VideoFileSpaceAvailable(MINDISKSPACE)) { // Make sure only one instance of VDR does this: cLockFile LockFile(VideoDirectory); if (!LockFile.Lock()) return; // Remove the oldest file that has been "deleted": isyslog("low disk space while recording, trying to remove a deleted recording..."); cThreadLock DeletedRecordingsLock(&DeletedRecordings); if (DeletedRecordings.Count()) { cRecording *r = DeletedRecordings.First(); cRecording *r0 = NULL; while (r) { if (IsOnVideoDirectoryFileSystem(r->FileName())) { // only remove recordings that will actually increase the free video disk space if (!r0 || r->Start() < r0->Start()) r0 = r; } r = DeletedRecordings.Next(r); } if (r0) { if (r0->Remove()) LastFreeDiskCheck += REMOVELATENCY / Factor; DeletedRecordings.Del(r0); return; } } else { // DeletedRecordings was empty, so to be absolutely sure there are no // deleted recordings we need to double check: DeletedRecordings.Update(true); if (DeletedRecordings.Count()) return; // the next call will actually remove it } // No "deleted" files to remove, so let's see if we can delete a recording: isyslog("...no deleted recording found, trying to delete an old recording..."); cThreadLock RecordingsLock(&Recordings); if (Recordings.Count()) { cRecording *r = Recordings.First(); cRecording *r0 = NULL; while (r) { if (IsOnVideoDirectoryFileSystem(r->FileName())) { // only delete recordings that will actually increase the free video disk space if (!r->IsEdited() && r->Lifetime() < MAXLIFETIME) { // edited recordings and recordings with MAXLIFETIME live forever if ((r->Lifetime() == 0 && Priority > r->Priority()) || // the recording has no guaranteed lifetime and the new recording has higher priority (r->Lifetime() > 0 && (time(NULL) - r->Start()) / SECSINDAY >= r->Lifetime())) { // the recording's guaranteed lifetime has expired if (r0) { if (r->Priority() < r0->Priority() || (r->Priority() == r0->Priority() && r->Start() < r0->Start())) r0 = r; // in any case we delete the one with the lowest priority (or the older one in case of equal priorities) } else r0 = r; } } } r = Recordings.Next(r); } if (r0 && r0->Delete()) { Recordings.Del(r0); return; } } // Unable to free disk space, but there's nothing we can do about that... isyslog("...no old recording found, giving up"); Skins.QueueMessage(mtWarning, tr("Low disk space!"), 5, -1); } LastFreeDiskCheck = time(NULL); } } // --- cResumeFile ----------------------------------------------------------- cResumeFile::cResumeFile(const char *FileName, bool IsPesRecording) { isPesRecording = IsPesRecording; const char *Suffix = isPesRecording ? RESUMEFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : RESUMEFILESUFFIX; fileName = MALLOC(char, strlen(FileName) + strlen(Suffix) + 1); if (fileName) { strcpy(fileName, FileName); sprintf(fileName + strlen(fileName), Suffix, Setup.ResumeID ? "." : "", Setup.ResumeID ? *itoa(Setup.ResumeID) : ""); } else esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate memory for resume file name"); } cResumeFile::~cResumeFile() { free(fileName); } int cResumeFile::Read(void) { int resume = -1; if (fileName) { struct stat st; if (stat(fileName, &st) == 0) { if ((st.st_mode & S_IWUSR) == 0) // no write access, assume no resume return -1; } if (isPesRecording) { int f = open(fileName, O_RDONLY); if (f >= 0) { if (safe_read(f, &resume, sizeof(resume)) != sizeof(resume)) { resume = -1; LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } close(f); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } else { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { cReadLine ReadLine; char *s; int line = 0; while ((s = ReadLine.Read(f)) != NULL) { ++line; char *t = skipspace(s + 1); switch (*s) { case 'I': resume = atoi(t); break; default: ; } } fclose(f); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } } return resume; } bool cResumeFile::Save(int Index) { if (fileName) { if (isPesRecording) { int f = open(fileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, DEFFILEMODE); if (f >= 0) { if (safe_write(f, &Index, sizeof(Index)) < 0) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); close(f); Recordings.ResetResume(fileName); return true; } } else { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "w"); if (f) { fprintf(f, "I %d\n", Index); fclose(f); Recordings.ResetResume(fileName); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); return true; } } return false; } void cResumeFile::Delete(void) { if (fileName) { if (remove(fileName) == 0) Recordings.ResetResume(fileName); else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } } // --- cRecordingInfo -------------------------------------------------------- cRecordingInfo::cRecordingInfo(const cChannel *Channel, const cEvent *Event) { channelID = Channel ? Channel->GetChannelID() : tChannelID::InvalidID; channelName = Channel ? strdup(Channel->Name()) : NULL; ownEvent = Event ? NULL : new cEvent(0); event = ownEvent ? ownEvent : Event; aux = NULL; framesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; priority = MAXPRIORITY; lifetime = MAXLIFETIME; fileName = NULL; if (Channel) { // Since the EPG data's component records can carry only a single // language code, let's see whether the channel's PID data has // more information: cComponents *Components = (cComponents *)event->Components(); if (!Components) Components = new cComponents; for (int i = 0; i < MAXAPIDS; i++) { const char *s = Channel->Alang(i); if (*s) { tComponent *Component = Components->GetComponent(i, 2, 3); if (!Component) Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), 2, 3, s, NULL); else if (strlen(s) > strlen(Component->language)) strn0cpy(Component->language, s, sizeof(Component->language)); } } // There's no "multiple languages" for Dolby Digital tracks, but // we do the same procedure here, too, in case there is no component // information at all: for (int i = 0; i < MAXDPIDS; i++) { const char *s = Channel->Dlang(i); if (*s) { tComponent *Component = Components->GetComponent(i, 4, 0); // AC3 component according to the DVB standard if (!Component) Component = Components->GetComponent(i, 2, 5); // fallback "Dolby" component according to the "Premiere pseudo standard" if (!Component) Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), 2, 5, s, NULL); else if (strlen(s) > strlen(Component->language)) strn0cpy(Component->language, s, sizeof(Component->language)); } } // The same applies to subtitles: for (int i = 0; i < MAXSPIDS; i++) { const char *s = Channel->Slang(i); if (*s) { tComponent *Component = Components->GetComponent(i, 3, 3); if (!Component) Components->SetComponent(Components->NumComponents(), 3, 3, s, NULL); else if (strlen(s) > strlen(Component->language)) strn0cpy(Component->language, s, sizeof(Component->language)); } } if (Components != event->Components()) ((cEvent *)event)->SetComponents(Components); } } cRecordingInfo::cRecordingInfo(const char *FileName) { channelID = tChannelID::InvalidID; channelName = NULL; ownEvent = new cEvent(0); event = ownEvent; aux = NULL; framesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; priority = MAXPRIORITY; lifetime = MAXLIFETIME; fileName = strdup(cString::sprintf("%s%s", FileName, INFOFILESUFFIX)); } cRecordingInfo::~cRecordingInfo() { delete ownEvent; free(aux); free(channelName); free(fileName); } void cRecordingInfo::SetData(const char *Title, const char *ShortText, const char *Description) { if (!isempty(Title)) ((cEvent *)event)->SetTitle(Title); if (!isempty(ShortText)) ((cEvent *)event)->SetShortText(ShortText); if (!isempty(Description)) ((cEvent *)event)->SetDescription(Description); } void cRecordingInfo::SetAux(const char *Aux) { free(aux); aux = Aux ? strdup(Aux) : NULL; } void cRecordingInfo::SetFramesPerSecond(double FramesPerSecond) { framesPerSecond = FramesPerSecond; } bool cRecordingInfo::Read(FILE *f) { if (ownEvent) { cReadLine ReadLine; char *s; int line = 0; while ((s = ReadLine.Read(f)) != NULL) { ++line; char *t = skipspace(s + 1); switch (*s) { case 'C': { char *p = strchr(t, ' '); if (p) { free(channelName); channelName = strdup(compactspace(p)); *p = 0; // strips optional channel name } if (*t) channelID = tChannelID::FromString(t); } break; case 'E': { unsigned int EventID; time_t StartTime; int Duration; unsigned int TableID = 0; unsigned int Version = 0xFF; int n = sscanf(t, "%u %ld %d %X %X", &EventID, &StartTime, &Duration, &TableID, &Version); if (n >= 3 && n <= 5) { ownEvent->SetEventID(EventID); ownEvent->SetStartTime(StartTime); ownEvent->SetDuration(Duration); ownEvent->SetTableID(uchar(TableID)); ownEvent->SetVersion(uchar(Version)); } } break; case 'F': framesPerSecond = atof(t); break; case 'L': lifetime = atoi(t); break; case 'P': priority = atoi(t); break; case '@': free(aux); aux = strdup(t); break; case '#': break; // comments are ignored default: if (!ownEvent->Parse(s)) { esyslog("ERROR: EPG data problem in line %d", line); return false; } break; } } return true; } return false; } bool cRecordingInfo::Write(FILE *f, const char *Prefix) const { if (channelID.Valid()) fprintf(f, "%sC %s%s%s\n", Prefix, *channelID.ToString(), channelName ? " " : "", channelName ? channelName : ""); event->Dump(f, Prefix, true); fprintf(f, "%sF %.10g\n", Prefix, framesPerSecond); fprintf(f, "%sP %d\n", Prefix, priority); fprintf(f, "%sL %d\n", Prefix, lifetime); if (aux) fprintf(f, "%s@ %s\n", Prefix, aux); return true; } bool cRecordingInfo::Read(void) { bool Result = false; if (fileName) { FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f) { if (Read(f)) Result = true; else esyslog("ERROR: EPG data problem in file %s", fileName); fclose(f); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } return Result; } bool cRecordingInfo::Write(void) const { bool Result = false; if (fileName) { cSafeFile f(fileName); if (f.Open()) { if (Write(f)) Result = true; f.Close(); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } return Result; } // --- cRecording ------------------------------------------------------------ #define RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED (-2) struct tCharExchange { char a; char b; }; tCharExchange CharExchange[] = { { FOLDERDELIMCHAR, '/' }, { '/', FOLDERDELIMCHAR }, { ' ', '_' }, // backwards compatibility: { '\'', '\'' }, { '\'', '\x01' }, { '/', '\x02' }, { 0, 0 } }; char *ExchangeChars(char *s, bool ToFileSystem) { char *p = s; while (*p) { if (VfatFileSystem) { // The VFAT file system can't handle all characters, so we // have to take extra efforts to encode/decode them: if (ToFileSystem) { const char *InvalidChars = "\"\\/:*?|<>#"; switch (*p) { // characters that can be mapped to other characters: case ' ': *p = '_'; break; case FOLDERDELIMCHAR: *p = '/'; break; // characters that have to be encoded: default: if (strchr(InvalidChars, *p) || *p == '.' && (!*(p + 1) || *(p + 1) == FOLDERDELIMCHAR)) { // Windows can't handle '.' at the end of file/directory names int l = p - s; if (char *NewBuffer = (char *)realloc(s, strlen(s) + 10)) { s = NewBuffer; p = s + l; char buf[4]; sprintf(buf, "#%02X", (unsigned char)*p); memmove(p + 2, p, strlen(p) + 1); strncpy(p, buf, 3); p += 2; } else esyslog("ERROR: out of memory"); } } } else { switch (*p) { // mapped characters: case '_': *p = ' '; break; case '/': *p = FOLDERDELIMCHAR; break; // encoded characters: case '#': { if (strlen(p) > 2 && isxdigit(*(p + 1)) && isxdigit(*(p + 2))) { char buf[3]; sprintf(buf, "%c%c", *(p + 1), *(p + 2)); uchar c = uchar(strtol(buf, NULL, 16)); if (c) { *p = c; memmove(p + 1, p + 3, strlen(p) - 2); } } } break; // backwards compatibility: case '\x01': *p = '\''; break; case '\x02': *p = '/'; break; case '\x03': *p = ':'; break; default: ; } } } else { for (struct tCharExchange *ce = CharExchange; ce->a && ce->b; ce++) { if (*p == (ToFileSystem ? ce->a : ce->b)) { *p = ToFileSystem ? ce->b : ce->a; break; } } } p++; } return s; } cRecording::cRecording(cTimer *Timer, const cEvent *Event) { resume = RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED; titleBuffer = NULL; sortBuffer = NULL; fileName = NULL; name = NULL; fileSizeMB = -1; // unknown channel = Timer->Channel()->Number(); instanceId = InstanceId; isPesRecording = false; framesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; numFrames = -1; deleted = 0; // set up the actual name: const char *Title = Event ? Event->Title() : NULL; const char *Subtitle = Event ? Event->ShortText() : NULL; char SubtitleBuffer[MAX_SUBTITLE_LENGTH]; if (isempty(Title)) Title = Timer->Channel()->Name(); if (isempty(Subtitle)) Subtitle = " "; else if (strlen(Subtitle) > MAX_SUBTITLE_LENGTH) { // let's make sure the Subtitle doesn't produce too long a file name: Utf8Strn0Cpy(SubtitleBuffer, Subtitle, MAX_SUBTITLE_LENGTH); Subtitle = SubtitleBuffer; } const char *macroTITLE = strstr(Timer->File(), TIMERMACRO_TITLE); const char *macroEPISODE = strstr(Timer->File(), TIMERMACRO_EPISODE); if (macroTITLE || macroEPISODE) { name = strdup(Timer->File()); name = strreplace(name, TIMERMACRO_TITLE, Title); name = strreplace(name, TIMERMACRO_EPISODE, Subtitle); // avoid blanks at the end: int l = strlen(name); while (l-- > 2) { if (name[l] == ' ' && name[l - 1] != FOLDERDELIMCHAR) name[l] = 0; else break; } if (Timer->IsSingleEvent()) { Timer->SetFile(name); // this was an instant recording, so let's set the actual data Timers.SetModified(); } } else if (Timer->IsSingleEvent() || !Setup.UseSubtitle) name = strdup(Timer->File()); else name = strdup(cString::sprintf("%s~%s", Timer->File(), Subtitle)); // substitute characters that would cause problems in file names: strreplace(name, '\n', ' '); start = Timer->StartTime(); priority = Timer->Priority(); lifetime = Timer->Lifetime(); // handle info: info = new cRecordingInfo(Timer->Channel(), Event); info->SetAux(Timer->Aux()); info->priority = priority; info->lifetime = lifetime; } cRecording::cRecording(const char *FileName) { resume = RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED; fileSizeMB = -1; // unknown channel = -1; instanceId = -1; priority = MAXPRIORITY; // assume maximum in case there is no info file lifetime = MAXLIFETIME; isPesRecording = false; framesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; numFrames = -1; deleted = 0; titleBuffer = NULL; sortBuffer = NULL; FileName = fileName = strdup(FileName); if (*(fileName + strlen(fileName) - 1) == '/') *(fileName + strlen(fileName) - 1) = 0; FileName += strlen(VideoDirectory) + 1; const char *p = strrchr(FileName, '/'); name = NULL; info = new cRecordingInfo(fileName); if (p) { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm tm_r; struct tm t = *localtime_r(&now, &tm_r); // this initializes the time zone in 't' t.tm_isdst = -1; // makes sure mktime() will determine the correct DST setting if (7 == sscanf(p + 1, DATAFORMATTS, &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &channel, &instanceId) || 7 == sscanf(p + 1, DATAFORMATPES, &t.tm_year, &t.tm_mon, &t.tm_mday, &t.tm_hour, &t.tm_min, &priority, &lifetime)) { t.tm_year -= 1900; t.tm_mon--; t.tm_sec = 0; start = mktime(&t); name = MALLOC(char, p - FileName + 1); strncpy(name, FileName, p - FileName); name[p - FileName] = 0; name = ExchangeChars(name, false); isPesRecording = instanceId < 0; } else return; GetResume(); // read an optional info file: cString InfoFileName = cString::sprintf("%s%s", fileName, isPesRecording ? INFOFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : INFOFILESUFFIX); FILE *f = fopen(InfoFileName, "r"); if (f) { if (!info->Read(f)) esyslog("ERROR: EPG data problem in file %s", *InfoFileName); else if (!isPesRecording) { priority = info->priority; lifetime = info->lifetime; framesPerSecond = info->framesPerSecond; } fclose(f); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(*InfoFileName); #ifdef SUMMARYFALLBACK // fall back to the old 'summary.vdr' if there was no 'info.vdr': if (isempty(info->Title())) { cString SummaryFileName = cString::sprintf("%s%s", fileName, SUMMARYFILESUFFIX); FILE *f = fopen(SummaryFileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; char *data[3] = { NULL }; cReadLine ReadLine; char *s; while ((s = ReadLine.Read(f)) != NULL) { if (*s || line > 1) { if (data[line]) { int len = strlen(s); len += strlen(data[line]) + 1; if (char *NewBuffer = (char *)realloc(data[line], len + 1)) { data[line] = NewBuffer; strcat(data[line], "\n"); strcat(data[line], s); } else esyslog("ERROR: out of memory"); } else data[line] = strdup(s); } else line++; } fclose(f); if (!data[2]) { data[2] = data[1]; data[1] = NULL; } else if (data[1] && data[2]) { // if line 1 is too long, it can't be the short text, // so assume the short text is missing and concatenate // line 1 and line 2 to be the long text: int len = strlen(data[1]); if (len > 80) { if (char *NewBuffer = (char *)realloc(data[1], len + 1 + strlen(data[2]) + 1)) { data[1] = NewBuffer; strcat(data[1], "\n"); strcat(data[1], data[2]); free(data[2]); data[2] = data[1]; data[1] = NULL; } else esyslog("ERROR: out of memory"); } } info->SetData(data[0], data[1], data[2]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) free(data[i]); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(*SummaryFileName); } #endif } } cRecording::~cRecording() { free(titleBuffer); free(sortBuffer); free(fileName); free(name); delete info; } char *cRecording::StripEpisodeName(char *s) { char *t = s, *s1 = NULL, *s2 = NULL; while (*t) { if (*t == '/') { if (s1) { if (s2) s1 = s2; s2 = t; } else s1 = t; } t++; } if (s1 && s2) memmove(s1 + 1, s2, t - s2 + 1); return s; } char *cRecording::SortName(void) const { if (!sortBuffer) { char *s = StripEpisodeName(strdup(FileName() + strlen(VideoDirectory) + 1)); strreplace(s, '/', 'a'); // some locales ignore '/' when sorting int l = strxfrm(NULL, s, 0) + 1; sortBuffer = MALLOC(char, l); strxfrm(sortBuffer, s, l); free(s); } return sortBuffer; } int cRecording::GetResume(void) const { if (resume == RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED) { cResumeFile ResumeFile(FileName(), isPesRecording); resume = ResumeFile.Read(); } return resume; } int cRecording::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const { cRecording *r = (cRecording *)&ListObject; return strcasecmp(SortName(), r->SortName()); } const char *cRecording::FileName(void) const { if (!fileName) { struct tm tm_r; struct tm *t = localtime_r(&start, &tm_r); const char *fmt = isPesRecording ? NAMEFORMATPES : NAMEFORMATTS; int ch = isPesRecording ? priority : channel; int ri = isPesRecording ? lifetime : instanceId; name = ExchangeChars(name, true); fileName = strdup(cString::sprintf(fmt, VideoDirectory, name, t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, ch, ri)); name = ExchangeChars(name, false); } return fileName; } const char *cRecording::Title(char Delimiter, bool NewIndicator, int Level) const { char New = NewIndicator && IsNew() ? '*' : ' '; free(titleBuffer); titleBuffer = NULL; if (Level < 0 || Level == HierarchyLevels()) { struct tm tm_r; struct tm *t = localtime_r(&start, &tm_r); char *s; if (Level > 0 && (s = strrchr(name, FOLDERDELIMCHAR)) != NULL) s++; else s = name; cString Length(""); if (NewIndicator) { int Seconds = max(0, LengthInSeconds()); Length = cString::sprintf("%c%d:%02d", Delimiter, Seconds / 3600, Seconds / 60 % 60 ); } titleBuffer = strdup(cString::sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d%c%02d:%02d%s%c%c%s", t->tm_mday, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_year % 100, Delimiter, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, *Length, New, Delimiter, s)); // let's not display a trailing FOLDERDELIMCHAR: if (!NewIndicator) stripspace(titleBuffer); s = &titleBuffer[strlen(titleBuffer) - 1]; if (*s == FOLDERDELIMCHAR) *s = 0; } else if (Level < HierarchyLevels()) { const char *s = name; const char *p = s; while (*++s) { if (*s == FOLDERDELIMCHAR) { if (Level--) p = s + 1; else break; } } titleBuffer = MALLOC(char, s - p + 3); *titleBuffer = Delimiter; *(titleBuffer + 1) = Delimiter; strn0cpy(titleBuffer + 2, p, s - p + 1); } else return ""; return titleBuffer; } const char *cRecording::PrefixFileName(char Prefix) { cString p = PrefixVideoFileName(FileName(), Prefix); if (*p) { free(fileName); fileName = strdup(p); return fileName; } return NULL; } int cRecording::HierarchyLevels(void) const { const char *s = name; int level = 0; while (*++s) { if (*s == FOLDERDELIMCHAR) level++; } return level; } bool cRecording::IsEdited(void) const { const char *s = strrchr(name, FOLDERDELIMCHAR); s = !s ? name : s + 1; return *s == '%'; } void cRecording::ReadInfo(void) { info->Read(); priority = info->priority; lifetime = info->lifetime; framesPerSecond = info->framesPerSecond; } bool cRecording::WriteInfo(void) { cString InfoFileName = cString::sprintf("%s%s", fileName, isPesRecording ? INFOFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : INFOFILESUFFIX); FILE *f = fopen(InfoFileName, "w"); if (f) { info->Write(f); fclose(f); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(*InfoFileName); return true; } void cRecording::SetStartTime(time_t Start) { start = Start; free(fileName); fileName = NULL; } bool cRecording::Delete(void) { bool result = true; char *NewName = strdup(FileName()); char *ext = strrchr(NewName, '.'); if (ext && strcmp(ext, RECEXT) == 0) { strncpy(ext, DELEXT, strlen(ext)); if (access(NewName, F_OK) == 0) { // the new name already exists, so let's remove that one first: isyslog("removing recording '%s'", NewName); RemoveVideoFile(NewName); } isyslog("deleting recording '%s'", FileName()); if (access(FileName(), F_OK) == 0) result = RenameVideoFile(FileName(), NewName); else { isyslog("recording '%s' vanished", FileName()); result = true; // well, we were going to delete it, anyway } } free(NewName); return result; } bool cRecording::Remove(void) { // let's do a final safety check here: if (!endswith(FileName(), DELEXT)) { esyslog("attempt to remove recording %s", FileName()); return false; } isyslog("removing recording %s", FileName()); return RemoveVideoFile(FileName()); } bool cRecording::Undelete(void) { bool result = true; char *NewName = strdup(FileName()); char *ext = strrchr(NewName, '.'); if (ext && strcmp(ext, DELEXT) == 0) { strncpy(ext, RECEXT, strlen(ext)); if (access(NewName, F_OK) == 0) { // the new name already exists, so let's not remove that one: esyslog("ERROR: attempt to undelete '%s', while recording '%s' exists", FileName(), NewName); result = false; } else { isyslog("undeleting recording '%s'", FileName()); if (access(FileName(), F_OK) == 0) result = RenameVideoFile(FileName(), NewName); else { isyslog("deleted recording '%s' vanished", FileName()); result = false; } } } free(NewName); return result; } void cRecording::ResetResume(void) const { resume = RESUME_NOT_INITIALIZED; } int cRecording::NumFrames(void) const { if (numFrames < 0) { int nf = cIndexFile::GetLength(FileName(), IsPesRecording()); if (time(NULL) - LastModifiedTime(FileName()) < MININDEXAGE) return nf; // check again later for ongoing recordings numFrames = nf; } return numFrames; } int cRecording::LengthInSeconds(void) const { int nf = NumFrames(); if (nf >= 0) return int((nf / FramesPerSecond() + 30) / 60) * 60; return -1; } // --- cRecordings ----------------------------------------------------------- cRecordings Recordings; char *cRecordings::updateFileName = NULL; cRecordings::cRecordings(bool Deleted) :cThread("video directory scanner") { deleted = Deleted; lastUpdate = 0; state = 0; } cRecordings::~cRecordings() { Cancel(3); } void cRecordings::Action(void) { Refresh(); } const char *cRecordings::UpdateFileName(void) { if (!updateFileName) updateFileName = strdup(AddDirectory(VideoDirectory, ".update")); return updateFileName; } void cRecordings::Refresh(bool Foreground) { lastUpdate = time(NULL); // doing this first to make sure we don't miss anything Lock(); Clear(); ChangeState(); Unlock(); ScanVideoDir(VideoDirectory, Foreground); } void cRecordings::ScanVideoDir(const char *DirName, bool Foreground, int LinkLevel) { cReadDir d(DirName); struct dirent *e; while ((Foreground || Running()) && (e = d.Next()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..")) { cString buffer = AddDirectory(DirName, e->d_name); struct stat st; if (lstat(buffer, &st) == 0) { int Link = 0; if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) { if (LinkLevel > MAX_LINK_LEVEL) { isyslog("max link level exceeded - not scanning %s", *buffer); continue; } Link = 1; buffer = ReadLink(buffer); if (!*buffer) continue; if (stat(buffer, &st) != 0) continue; } if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (endswith(buffer, deleted ? DELEXT : RECEXT)) { cRecording *r = new cRecording(buffer); if (r->Name()) { r->NumFrames(); // initializes the numFrames member Lock(); Add(r); ChangeState(); Unlock(); if (deleted) { r->fileSizeMB = DirSizeMB(buffer); r->deleted = time(NULL); } } else delete r; } else ScanVideoDir(buffer, Foreground, LinkLevel + Link); } } } } } bool cRecordings::StateChanged(int &State) { int NewState = state; bool Result = State != NewState; State = state; return Result; } void cRecordings::TouchUpdate(void) { bool needsUpdate = NeedsUpdate(); TouchFile(UpdateFileName()); if (!needsUpdate) lastUpdate = time(NULL); // make sure we don't trigger ourselves } bool cRecordings::NeedsUpdate(void) { time_t lastModified = LastModifiedTime(UpdateFileName()); if (lastModified > time(NULL)) return false; // somebody's clock isn't running correctly return lastUpdate < lastModified; } bool cRecordings::Update(bool Wait) { if (Wait) { Refresh(true); return Count() > 0; } else Start(); return false; } cRecording *cRecordings::GetByName(const char *FileName) { if (FileName) { for (cRecording *recording = First(); recording; recording = Next(recording)) { if (strcmp(recording->FileName(), FileName) == 0) return recording; } } return NULL; } void cRecordings::AddByName(const char *FileName, bool TriggerUpdate) { LOCK_THREAD; cRecording *recording = GetByName(FileName); if (!recording) { recording = new cRecording(FileName); Add(recording); ChangeState(); if (TriggerUpdate) TouchUpdate(); } } void cRecordings::DelByName(const char *FileName) { LOCK_THREAD; cRecording *recording = GetByName(FileName); if (recording) { cThreadLock DeletedRecordingsLock(&DeletedRecordings); Del(recording, false); char *ext = strrchr(recording->fileName, '.'); if (ext) { strncpy(ext, DELEXT, strlen(ext)); recording->fileSizeMB = DirSizeMB(recording->FileName()); recording->deleted = time(NULL); DeletedRecordings.Add(recording); } else delete recording; ChangeState(); TouchUpdate(); } } void cRecordings::UpdateByName(const char *FileName) { LOCK_THREAD; cRecording *recording = GetByName(FileName); if (recording) recording->ReadInfo(); } int cRecordings::TotalFileSizeMB(void) { int size = 0; LOCK_THREAD; for (cRecording *recording = First(); recording; recording = Next(recording)) { if (recording->fileSizeMB > 0 && IsOnVideoDirectoryFileSystem(recording->FileName())) size += recording->fileSizeMB; } return size; } void cRecordings::ResetResume(const char *ResumeFileName) { LOCK_THREAD; for (cRecording *recording = First(); recording; recording = Next(recording)) { if (!ResumeFileName || strncmp(ResumeFileName, recording->FileName(), strlen(recording->FileName())) == 0) recording->ResetResume(); } ChangeState(); } // --- cMark ----------------------------------------------------------------- double MarkFramesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; cMutex MutexMarkFramesPerSecond; cMark::cMark(int Position, const char *Comment, double FramesPerSecond) { position = Position; comment = Comment; framesPerSecond = FramesPerSecond; } cMark::~cMark() { } cString cMark::ToText(void) { return cString::sprintf("%s%s%s\n", *IndexToHMSF(position, true, framesPerSecond), Comment() ? " " : "", Comment() ? Comment() : ""); } bool cMark::Parse(const char *s) { comment = NULL; framesPerSecond = MarkFramesPerSecond; position = HMSFToIndex(s, framesPerSecond); const char *p = strchr(s, ' '); if (p) { p = skipspace(p); if (*p) comment = strdup(p); } return true; } bool cMark::Save(FILE *f) { return fprintf(f, "%s", *ToText()) > 0; } // --- cMarks ---------------------------------------------------------------- bool cMarks::Load(const char *RecordingFileName, double FramesPerSecond, bool IsPesRecording) { fileName = AddDirectory(RecordingFileName, IsPesRecording ? MARKSFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : MARKSFILESUFFIX); framesPerSecond = FramesPerSecond; nextUpdate = 0; lastFileTime = -1; // the first call to Load() must take place! lastChange = 0; return Update(); } bool cMarks::Update(void) { time_t t = time(NULL); if (t > nextUpdate) { time_t LastModified = LastModifiedTime(fileName); if (LastModified != lastFileTime) // change detected, or first run lastChange = LastModified > 0 ? LastModified : t; int d = t - lastChange; if (d < 60) d = 1; // check frequently if the file has just been modified else if (d < 3600) d = 10; // older files are checked less frequently else d /= 360; // phase out checking for very old files nextUpdate = t + d; if (LastModified != lastFileTime) { // change detected, or first run lastFileTime = LastModified; if (lastFileTime == t) lastFileTime--; // make sure we don't miss updates in the remaining second cMutexLock MutexLock(&MutexMarkFramesPerSecond); MarkFramesPerSecond = framesPerSecond; if (cConfig::Load(fileName)) { Sort(); return true; } } } return false; } void cMarks::Sort(void) { for (cMark *m1 = First(); m1; m1 = Next(m1)) { for (cMark *m2 = Next(m1); m2; m2 = Next(m2)) { if (m2->Position() < m1->Position()) { swap(m1->position, m2->position); swap(m1->comment, m2->comment); } } } } cMark *cMarks::Add(int Position) { cMark *m = Get(Position); if (!m) { cConfig::Add(m = new cMark(Position, NULL, framesPerSecond)); Sort(); } return m; } cMark *cMarks::Get(int Position) { for (cMark *mi = First(); mi; mi = Next(mi)) { if (mi->Position() == Position) return mi; } return NULL; } cMark *cMarks::GetPrev(int Position) { for (cMark *mi = Last(); mi; mi = Prev(mi)) { if (mi->Position() < Position) return mi; } return NULL; } cMark *cMarks::GetNext(int Position) { for (cMark *mi = First(); mi; mi = Next(mi)) { if (mi->Position() > Position) return mi; } return NULL; } // --- cRecordingUserCommand ------------------------------------------------- const char *cRecordingUserCommand::command = NULL; void cRecordingUserCommand::InvokeCommand(const char *State, const char *RecordingFileName) { if (command) { cString cmd = cString::sprintf("%s %s \"%s\"", command, State, *strescape(RecordingFileName, "\\\"$")); isyslog("executing '%s'", *cmd); SystemExec(cmd); } } // --- cIndexFileGenerator --------------------------------------------------- #define IFG_BUFFER_SIZE KILOBYTE(100) class cIndexFileGenerator : public cThread { private: cString recordingName; protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cIndexFileGenerator(const char *RecordingName); ~cIndexFileGenerator(); }; cIndexFileGenerator::cIndexFileGenerator(const char *RecordingName) :cThread("index file generator") ,recordingName(RecordingName) { Start(); } cIndexFileGenerator::~cIndexFileGenerator() { Cancel(3); } void cIndexFileGenerator::Action(void) { bool IndexFileComplete = false; bool Rewind = false; cFileName FileName(recordingName, false); cUnbufferedFile *ReplayFile = FileName.Open(); cRingBufferLinear Buffer(IFG_BUFFER_SIZE, MIN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR * TS_SIZE); cPatPmtParser PatPmtParser; cFrameDetector FrameDetector; cIndexFile IndexFile(recordingName, true); int BufferChunks = KILOBYTE(1); // no need to read a lot at the beginning when parsing PAT/PMT off_t FileSize = 0; off_t FrameOffset = -1; Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("Regenerating index file")); while (Running()) { // Rewind input file: if (Rewind) { ReplayFile = FileName.SetOffset(1); Buffer.Clear(); Rewind = false; } // Process data: int Length; uchar *Data = Buffer.Get(Length); if (Data) { if (FrameDetector.Synced()) { // Step 3 - generate the index: if (TsPid(Data) == PATPID) FrameOffset = FileSize; // the PAT/PMT is at the beginning of an I-frame int Processed = FrameDetector.Analyze(Data, Length); if (Processed > 0) { if (FrameDetector.NewFrame()) { IndexFile.Write(FrameDetector.IndependentFrame(), FileName.Number(), FrameOffset >= 0 ? FrameOffset : FileSize); FrameOffset = -1; } FileSize += Processed; Buffer.Del(Processed); } } else if (PatPmtParser.Vpid()) { // Step 2 - sync FrameDetector: int Processed = FrameDetector.Analyze(Data, Length); if (Processed > 0) { if (FrameDetector.Synced()) { // Synced FrameDetector, so rewind for actual processing: FrameDetector.Reset(); Rewind = true; } Buffer.Del(Processed); } } else { // Step 1 - parse PAT/PMT: uchar *p = Data; while (Length >= TS_SIZE) { int Pid = TsPid(p); if (Pid == 0) PatPmtParser.ParsePat(p, TS_SIZE); else if (Pid == PatPmtParser.PmtPid()) PatPmtParser.ParsePmt(p, TS_SIZE); Length -= TS_SIZE; p += TS_SIZE; if (PatPmtParser.Vpid()) { // Found Vpid, so rewind to sync FrameDetector: FrameDetector.SetPid(PatPmtParser.Vpid(), PatPmtParser.Vtype()); BufferChunks = IFG_BUFFER_SIZE; Rewind = true; break; } } Buffer.Del(p - Data); } } // Read data: else if (ReplayFile) { int Result = Buffer.Read(ReplayFile, BufferChunks); if (Result == 0) { // EOF ReplayFile = FileName.NextFile(); FileSize = 0; FrameOffset = -1; } } // Recording has been processed: else { IndexFileComplete = true; break; } } // Delete the index file if the recording has not been processed entirely: if (IndexFileComplete) Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, tr("Index file regeneration complete")); else IndexFile.Delete(); } // --- cIndexFile ------------------------------------------------------------ #define INDEXFILESUFFIX "/index" // The number of frames to stay off the end in case of time shift: #define INDEXSAFETYLIMIT 150 // frames // The maximum time to wait before giving up while catching up on an index file: #define MAXINDEXCATCHUP 8 // seconds struct tIndexPes { uint32_t offset; uchar type; uchar number; uint16_t reserved; }; struct tIndexTs { uint64_t offset:40; // up to 1TB per file (not using off_t here - must definitely be exactly 64 bit!) int reserved:7; // reserved for future use int independent:1; // marks frames that can be displayed by themselves (for trick modes) uint16_t number:16; // up to 64K files per recording tIndexTs(off_t Offset, bool Independent, uint16_t Number) { offset = Offset; reserved = 0; independent = Independent; number = Number; } }; #define MAXWAITFORINDEXFILE 10 // max. time to wait for the regenerated index file (seconds) #define INDEXFILECHECKINTERVAL 500 // ms between checks for existence of the regenerated index file cIndexFile::cIndexFile(const char *FileName, bool Record, bool IsPesRecording) :resumeFile(FileName, IsPesRecording) { f = -1; size = 0; last = -1; index = NULL; isPesRecording = IsPesRecording; indexFileGenerator = NULL; if (FileName) { fileName = IndexFileName(FileName, isPesRecording); int delta = 0; if (!Record && access(fileName, R_OK) != 0) { // Index file doesn't exist, so try to regenerate it: if (!isPesRecording) { // sorry, can only do this for TS recordings resumeFile.Delete(); // just in case indexFileGenerator = new cIndexFileGenerator(FileName); // Wait until the index file exists: time_t tmax = time(NULL) + MAXWAITFORINDEXFILE; do { cCondWait::SleepMs(INDEXFILECHECKINTERVAL); // start with a sleep, to give it a head start } while (access(fileName, R_OK) != 0 && time(NULL) < tmax); } } if (access(fileName, R_OK) == 0) { struct stat buf; if (stat(fileName, &buf) == 0) { delta = int(buf.st_size % sizeof(tIndexTs)); if (delta) { delta = sizeof(tIndexTs) - delta; esyslog("ERROR: invalid file size (%"PRId64") in '%s'", buf.st_size, *fileName); } last = int((buf.st_size + delta) / sizeof(tIndexTs) - 1); if (!Record && last >= 0) { size = last + 1; index = MALLOC(tIndexTs, size); if (index) { f = open(fileName, O_RDONLY); if (f >= 0) { if (safe_read(f, index, size_t(buf.st_size)) != buf.st_size) { esyslog("ERROR: can't read from file '%s'", *fileName); free(index); index = NULL; close(f); f = -1; } // we don't close f here, see CatchUp()! else if (isPesRecording) ConvertFromPes(index, size); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(*fileName); } else esyslog("ERROR: can't allocate %zd bytes for index '%s'", size * sizeof(tIndexTs), *fileName); } } else LOG_ERROR; } else if (!Record) isyslog("missing index file %s", *fileName); if (Record) { if ((f = open(fileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND, DEFFILEMODE)) >= 0) { if (delta) { esyslog("ERROR: padding index file with %d '0' bytes", delta); while (delta--) writechar(f, 0); } } else LOG_ERROR_STR(*fileName); } } } cIndexFile::~cIndexFile() { if (f >= 0) close(f); free(index); delete indexFileGenerator; } cString cIndexFile::IndexFileName(const char *FileName, bool IsPesRecording) { return cString::sprintf("%s%s", FileName, IsPesRecording ? INDEXFILESUFFIX ".vdr" : INDEXFILESUFFIX); } void cIndexFile::ConvertFromPes(tIndexTs *IndexTs, int Count) { tIndexPes IndexPes; while (Count-- > 0) { memcpy(&IndexPes, IndexTs, sizeof(IndexPes)); IndexTs->offset = IndexPes.offset; IndexTs->independent = IndexPes.type == 1; // I_FRAME IndexTs->number = IndexPes.number; IndexTs++; } } void cIndexFile::ConvertToPes(tIndexTs *IndexTs, int Count) { tIndexPes IndexPes; while (Count-- > 0) { IndexPes.offset = uint32_t(IndexTs->offset); IndexPes.type = uchar(IndexTs->independent ? 1 : 2); // I_FRAME : "not I_FRAME" (exact frame type doesn't matter) IndexPes.number = uchar(IndexTs->number); IndexPes.reserved = 0; memcpy(IndexTs, &IndexPes, sizeof(*IndexTs)); IndexTs++; } } bool cIndexFile::CatchUp(int Index) { // returns true unless something really goes wrong, so that 'index' becomes NULL if (index && f >= 0) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int i = 0; i <= MAXINDEXCATCHUP && (Index < 0 || Index >= last); i++) { struct stat buf; if (fstat(f, &buf) == 0) { if (time(NULL) - buf.st_mtime > MININDEXAGE) { // apparently the index file is not being written any more close(f); f = -1; break; } int newLast = int(buf.st_size / sizeof(tIndexTs) - 1); if (newLast > last) { int NewSize = size; if (NewSize <= newLast) { NewSize *= 2; if (NewSize <= newLast) NewSize = newLast + 1; } if (tIndexTs *NewBuffer = (tIndexTs *)realloc(index, NewSize * sizeof(tIndexTs))) { size = NewSize; index = NewBuffer; int offset = (last + 1) * sizeof(tIndexTs); int delta = (newLast - last) * sizeof(tIndexTs); if (lseek(f, offset, SEEK_SET) == offset) { if (safe_read(f, &index[last + 1], delta) != delta) { esyslog("ERROR: can't read from index"); free(index); index = NULL; close(f); f = -1; break; } if (isPesRecording) ConvertFromPes(&index[last + 1], newLast - last); last = newLast; } else LOG_ERROR_STR(*fileName); } else { esyslog("ERROR: can't realloc() index"); break; } } } else LOG_ERROR_STR(*fileName); if (Index < last - (i ? 2 * INDEXSAFETYLIMIT : 0) || Index > 10 * INDEXSAFETYLIMIT) // keep off the end in case of "Pause live video" break; cCondWait::SleepMs(1000); } } return index != NULL; } bool cIndexFile::Write(bool Independent, uint16_t FileNumber, off_t FileOffset) { if (f >= 0) { tIndexTs i(FileOffset, Independent, FileNumber); if (isPesRecording) ConvertToPes(&i, 1); if (safe_write(f, &i, sizeof(i)) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(*fileName); close(f); f = -1; return false; } last++; } return f >= 0; } bool cIndexFile::Get(int Index, uint16_t *FileNumber, off_t *FileOffset, bool *Independent, int *Length) { if (CatchUp(Index)) { if (Index >= 0 && Index < last) { *FileNumber = index[Index].number; *FileOffset = index[Index].offset; if (Independent) *Independent = index[Index].independent; if (Length) { uint16_t fn = index[Index + 1].number; off_t fo = index[Index + 1].offset; if (fn == *FileNumber) *Length = int(fo - *FileOffset); else *Length = -1; // this means "everything up to EOF" (the buffer's Read function will act accordingly) } return true; } } return false; } int cIndexFile::GetNextIFrame(int Index, bool Forward, uint16_t *FileNumber, off_t *FileOffset, int *Length, bool StayOffEnd) { if (CatchUp()) { int d = Forward ? 1 : -1; for (;;) { Index += d; if (Index >= 0 && Index < last - ((Forward && StayOffEnd) ? INDEXSAFETYLIMIT : 0)) { if (index[Index].independent) { uint16_t fn; if (!FileNumber) FileNumber = &fn; off_t fo; if (!FileOffset) FileOffset = &fo; *FileNumber = index[Index].number; *FileOffset = index[Index].offset; if (Length) { // all recordings end with a non-independent frame, so the following should be safe: uint16_t fn = index[Index + 1].number; off_t fo = index[Index + 1].offset; if (fn == *FileNumber) *Length = int(fo - *FileOffset); else { esyslog("ERROR: 'I' frame at end of file #%d", *FileNumber); *Length = -1; } } return Index; } } else break; } } return -1; } int cIndexFile::Get(uint16_t FileNumber, off_t FileOffset) { if (CatchUp()) { //TODO implement binary search! int i; for (i = 0; i < last; i++) { if (index[i].number > FileNumber || (index[i].number == FileNumber) && off_t(index[i].offset) >= FileOffset) break; } return i; } return -1; } bool cIndexFile::IsStillRecording() { return f >= 0; } void cIndexFile::Delete(void) { if (*fileName) { dsyslog("deleting index file '%s'", *fileName); if (f >= 0) { close(f); f = -1; } unlink(fileName); } } int cIndexFile::GetLength(const char *FileName, bool IsPesRecording) { struct stat buf; cString s = IndexFileName(FileName, IsPesRecording); if (*s && stat(s, &buf) == 0) return buf.st_size / (IsPesRecording ? sizeof(tIndexTs) : sizeof(tIndexPes)); return -1; } bool GenerateIndex(const char *FileName) { if (DirectoryOk(FileName)) { cRecording Recording(FileName); if (Recording.Name()) { if (!Recording.IsPesRecording()) { cString IndexFileName = AddDirectory(FileName, INDEXFILESUFFIX); unlink(IndexFileName); cIndexFileGenerator *IndexFileGenerator = new cIndexFileGenerator(FileName); while (IndexFileGenerator->Active()) cCondWait::SleepMs(INDEXFILECHECKINTERVAL); if (access(IndexFileName, R_OK) == 0) return true; else fprintf(stderr, "cannot create '%s'\n", *IndexFileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a TS recording\n", FileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a recording\n", FileName); } else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' is not a directory\n", FileName); return false; } // --- cFileName ------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAXFILESPERRECORDINGPES 255 #define RECORDFILESUFFIXPES "/%03d.vdr" #define MAXFILESPERRECORDINGTS 65535 #define RECORDFILESUFFIXTS "/%05d.ts" #define RECORDFILESUFFIXLEN 20 // some additional bytes for safety... cFileName::cFileName(const char *FileName, bool Record, bool Blocking, bool IsPesRecording) { file = NULL; fileNumber = 0; record = Record; blocking = Blocking; isPesRecording = IsPesRecording; // Prepare the file name: fileName = MALLOC(char, strlen(FileName) + RECORDFILESUFFIXLEN); if (!fileName) { esyslog("ERROR: can't copy file name '%s'", fileName); return; } strcpy(fileName, FileName); pFileNumber = fileName + strlen(fileName); SetOffset(1); } cFileName::~cFileName() { Close(); free(fileName); } bool cFileName::GetLastPatPmtVersions(int &PatVersion, int &PmtVersion) { if (fileName && !isPesRecording) { // Find the last recording file: int Number = 1; for (; Number <= MAXFILESPERRECORDINGTS + 1; Number++) { // +1 to correctly set Number in case there actually are that many files sprintf(pFileNumber, RECORDFILESUFFIXTS, Number); if (access(fileName, F_OK) != 0) { // file doesn't exist Number--; break; } } for (; Number > 0; Number--) { // Search for a PAT packet from the end of the file: cPatPmtParser PatPmtParser; sprintf(pFileNumber, RECORDFILESUFFIXTS, Number); int fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE, DEFFILEMODE); if (fd >= 0) { off_t pos = lseek(fd, -TS_SIZE, SEEK_END); while (pos >= 0) { // Read and parse the PAT/PMT: uchar buf[TS_SIZE]; while (read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == sizeof(buf)) { if (buf[0] == TS_SYNC_BYTE) { int Pid = TsPid(buf); if (Pid == 0) PatPmtParser.ParsePat(buf, sizeof(buf)); else if (Pid == PatPmtParser.PmtPid()) { PatPmtParser.ParsePmt(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (PatPmtParser.GetVersions(PatVersion, PmtVersion)) { close(fd); return true; } } else break; // PAT/PMT is always in one sequence } else return false; } pos = lseek(fd, pos - TS_SIZE, SEEK_SET); } close(fd); } else break; } } return false; } cUnbufferedFile *cFileName::Open(void) { if (!file) { int BlockingFlag = blocking ? 0 : O_NONBLOCK; if (record) { dsyslog("recording to '%s'", fileName); file = OpenVideoFile(fileName, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_LARGEFILE | BlockingFlag); if (!file) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } else { if (access(fileName, R_OK) == 0) { dsyslog("playing '%s'", fileName); file = cUnbufferedFile::Create(fileName, O_RDONLY | O_LARGEFILE | BlockingFlag); if (!file) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } else if (errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); } } return file; } void cFileName::Close(void) { if (file) { if (CloseVideoFile(file) < 0) LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); file = NULL; } } cUnbufferedFile *cFileName::SetOffset(int Number, off_t Offset) { if (fileNumber != Number) Close(); int MaxFilesPerRecording = isPesRecording ? MAXFILESPERRECORDINGPES : MAXFILESPERRECORDINGTS; if (0 < Number && Number <= MaxFilesPerRecording) { fileNumber = uint16_t(Number); sprintf(pFileNumber, isPesRecording ? RECORDFILESUFFIXPES : RECORDFILESUFFIXTS, fileNumber); if (record) { if (access(fileName, F_OK) == 0) { // file exists, check if it has non-zero size struct stat buf; if (stat(fileName, &buf) == 0) { if (buf.st_size != 0) return SetOffset(Number + 1); // file exists and has non zero size, let's try next suffix else { // zero size file, remove it dsyslog("cFileName::SetOffset: removing zero-sized file %s", fileName); unlink(fileName); } } else return SetOffset(Number + 1); // error with fstat - should not happen, just to be on the safe side } else if (errno != ENOENT) { // something serious has happened LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); return NULL; } // found a non existing file suffix } if (Open() >= 0) { if (!record && Offset >= 0 && file && file->Seek(Offset, SEEK_SET) != Offset) { LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); return NULL; } } return file; } esyslog("ERROR: max number of files (%d) exceeded", MaxFilesPerRecording); return NULL; } cUnbufferedFile *cFileName::NextFile(void) { return SetOffset(fileNumber + 1); } // --- Index stuff ----------------------------------------------------------- cString IndexToHMSF(int Index, bool WithFrame, double FramesPerSecond) { const char *Sign = ""; if (Index < 0) { Index = -Index; Sign = "-"; } double Seconds; int f = int(modf((Index + 0.5) / FramesPerSecond, &Seconds) * FramesPerSecond + 1); int s = int(Seconds); int m = s / 60 % 60; int h = s / 3600; s %= 60; return cString::sprintf(WithFrame ? "%s%d:%02d:%02d.%02d" : "%s%d:%02d:%02d", Sign, h, m, s, f); } int HMSFToIndex(const char *HMSF, double FramesPerSecond) { int h, m, s, f = 1; int n = sscanf(HMSF, "%d:%d:%d.%d", &h, &m, &s, &f); if (n == 1) return h - 1; // plain frame number if (n >= 3) return int(round((h * 3600 + m * 60 + s) * FramesPerSecond)) + f - 1; return 0; } int SecondsToFrames(int Seconds, double FramesPerSecond) { return int(round(Seconds * FramesPerSecond)); } // --- ReadFrame ------------------------------------------------------------- int ReadFrame(cUnbufferedFile *f, uchar *b, int Length, int Max) { if (Length == -1) Length = Max; // this means we read up to EOF (see cIndex) else if (Length > Max) { esyslog("ERROR: frame larger than buffer (%d > %d)", Length, Max); Length = Max; } int r = f->Read(b, Length); if (r < 0) LOG_ERROR; return r; }