 * recording.h: Recording file handling
 * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
 * how to reach the author.
 * $Id: recording.h 1.12 2001/02/04 11:44:37 kls Exp $

#ifndef __RECORDING_H
#define __RECORDING_H

#include <time.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "tools.h"

void RemoveDeletedRecordings(void);
void AssertFreeDiskSpace(void);

class cRecording : public cListObject {
  friend class cRecordings;
  char *titleBuffer;
  char *fileName;
  char *name;
  char *summary;
  time_t start;
  int priority;
  int lifetime;
  cRecording(cTimer *Timer);
  cRecording(const char *FileName);
  const char *FileName(void);
  const char *Title(char Delimiter = ' ', bool NewIndicator = false);
  const char *Summary(void) { return summary; }
  bool WriteSummary(void);
  bool Delete(void);
       // Changes the file name so that it will no longer be visible in the "Recordings" menu
       // Returns false in case of error
  bool Remove(void);
       // Actually removes the file from the disk
       // Returns false in case of error

class cRecordings : public cList<cRecording> {
  bool Load(bool Deleted = false);

class cMark : public cListObject {
  static char *buffer;
  int position;
  char *comment;
  cMark(int Position = 0, const char *Comment = NULL);
  const char *ToText(void);
  bool Parse(const char *s);
  bool Save(FILE *f);

class cMarks : public cConfig<cMark> {
  bool Load(const char *RecordingFileName);
  void Sort(void);
  cMark *Add(int Position);
  cMark *Get(int Position);
  cMark *GetPrev(int Position);
  cMark *GetNext(int Position);

#endif //__RECORDING_H