/* * remote.h: Interface to the Remote Control Unit * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: remote.h 1.5 2000/05/07 09:27:54 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __REMOTE_H #define __REMOTE_H #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> class cRcIo { private: int f; unsigned char dp, code, mode; unsigned short address; time_t t; int firstTime, lastTime; unsigned int lastCommand; int lastNumber; bool SendCommand(unsigned char Cmd); int ReceiveByte(bool Wait = true); bool SendByteHandshake(unsigned char c); bool SendByte(unsigned char c); bool Digit(int n, int v); public: enum { modeH = 'h', modeB = 'b', modeS = 's' }; cRcIo(char *DeviceName); ~cRcIo(); bool InputAvailable(bool Wait = false); void Flush(int WaitSeconds = 0); bool SetCode(unsigned char Code, unsigned short Address); bool SetMode(unsigned char Mode); bool GetCommand(unsigned int *Command, unsigned short *Address = NULL); bool Number(int n, bool Hex = false); void SetPoints(unsigned char Dp, bool On); bool String(char *s); bool DetectCode(unsigned char *Code, unsigned short *Address); }; #endif //__REMOTE_H