/* * remux.c: Tools for detecting frames and handling PAT/PMT * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: remux.c 2014/02/21 14:37:51 kls Exp $ */ #include "remux.h" #include "device.h" #include "libsi/si.h" #include "libsi/section.h" #include "libsi/descriptor.h" #include "recording.h" #include "shutdown.h" #include "tools.h" // Set these to 'true' for debug output: static bool DebugPatPmt = false; static bool DebugFrames = false; #define dbgpatpmt(a...) if (DebugPatPmt) fprintf(stderr, a) #define dbgframes(a...) if (DebugFrames) fprintf(stderr, a) #define MAX_TS_PACKETS_FOR_VIDEO_FRAME_DETECTION 6 #define WRN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_VIDEO_FRAME_DETECTION (MAX_TS_PACKETS_FOR_VIDEO_FRAME_DETECTION / 2) #define WRN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR (MIN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR / 2) #define EMPTY_SCANNER (0xFFFFFFFF) ePesHeader AnalyzePesHeader(const uchar *Data, int Count, int &PesPayloadOffset, bool *ContinuationHeader) { if (Count < 7) return phNeedMoreData; // too short if ((Data[6] & 0xC0) == 0x80) { // MPEG 2 if (Count < 9) return phNeedMoreData; // too short PesPayloadOffset = 6 + 3 + Data[8]; if (Count < PesPayloadOffset) return phNeedMoreData; // too short if (ContinuationHeader) *ContinuationHeader = ((Data[6] == 0x80) && !Data[7] && !Data[8]); return phMPEG2; // MPEG 2 } // check for MPEG 1 ... PesPayloadOffset = 6; // skip up to 16 stuffing bytes for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (Data[PesPayloadOffset] != 0xFF) break; if (Count <= ++PesPayloadOffset) return phNeedMoreData; // too short } // skip STD_buffer_scale/size if ((Data[PesPayloadOffset] & 0xC0) == 0x40) { PesPayloadOffset += 2; if (Count <= PesPayloadOffset) return phNeedMoreData; // too short } if (ContinuationHeader) *ContinuationHeader = false; if ((Data[PesPayloadOffset] & 0xF0) == 0x20) { // skip PTS only PesPayloadOffset += 5; } else if ((Data[PesPayloadOffset] & 0xF0) == 0x30) { // skip PTS and DTS PesPayloadOffset += 10; } else if (Data[PesPayloadOffset] == 0x0F) { // continuation header PesPayloadOffset++; if (ContinuationHeader) *ContinuationHeader = true; } else return phInvalid; // unknown if (Count < PesPayloadOffset) return phNeedMoreData; // too short return phMPEG1; // MPEG 1 } #define VIDEO_STREAM_S 0xE0 // --- cRemux ---------------------------------------------------------------- void cRemux::SetBrokenLink(uchar *Data, int Length) { int PesPayloadOffset = 0; if (AnalyzePesHeader(Data, Length, PesPayloadOffset) >= phMPEG1 && (Data[3] & 0xF0) == VIDEO_STREAM_S) { for (int i = PesPayloadOffset; i < Length - 7; i++) { if (Data[i] == 0 && Data[i + 1] == 0 && Data[i + 2] == 1 && Data[i + 3] == 0xB8) { if (!(Data[i + 7] & 0x40)) // set flag only if GOP is not closed Data[i + 7] |= 0x20; return; } } dsyslog("SetBrokenLink: no GOP header found in video packet"); } else dsyslog("SetBrokenLink: no video packet in frame"); } // --- Some TS handling tools ------------------------------------------------ void TsHidePayload(uchar *p) { p[1] &= ~TS_PAYLOAD_START; p[3] |= TS_ADAPT_FIELD_EXISTS; p[3] &= ~TS_PAYLOAD_EXISTS; p[4] = TS_SIZE - 5; p[5] = 0x00; memset(p + 6, 0xFF, TS_SIZE - 6); } void TsSetPcr(uchar *p, int64_t Pcr) { if (TsHasAdaptationField(p)) { if (p[4] >= 7 && (p[5] & TS_ADAPT_PCR)) { int64_t b = Pcr / PCRFACTOR; int e = Pcr % PCRFACTOR; p[ 6] = b >> 25; p[ 7] = b >> 17; p[ 8] = b >> 9; p[ 9] = b >> 1; p[10] = (b << 7) | (p[10] & 0x7E) | ((e >> 8) & 0x01); p[11] = e; } } } int64_t TsGetPts(const uchar *p, int l) { // Find the first packet with a PTS and use it: while (l > 0) { const uchar *d = p; if (TsPayloadStart(d) && TsGetPayload(&d) && PesHasPts(d)) return PesGetPts(d); p += TS_SIZE; l -= TS_SIZE; } return -1; } int64_t TsGetDts(const uchar *p, int l) { // Find the first packet with a DTS and use it: while (l > 0) { const uchar *d = p; if (TsPayloadStart(d) && TsGetPayload(&d) && PesHasDts(d)) return PesGetDts(d); p += TS_SIZE; l -= TS_SIZE; } return -1; } void TsSetPts(uchar *p, int l, int64_t Pts) { // Find the first packet with a PTS and use it: while (l > 0) { const uchar *d = p; if (TsPayloadStart(d) && TsGetPayload(&d) && PesHasPts(d)) { PesSetPts(const_cast<uchar *>(d), Pts); return; } p += TS_SIZE; l -= TS_SIZE; } } void TsSetDts(uchar *p, int l, int64_t Dts) { // Find the first packet with a DTS and use it: while (l > 0) { const uchar *d = p; if (TsPayloadStart(d) && TsGetPayload(&d) && PesHasDts(d)) { PesSetDts(const_cast<uchar *>(d), Dts); return; } p += TS_SIZE; l -= TS_SIZE; } } // --- Some PES handling tools ----------------------------------------------- void PesSetPts(uchar *p, int64_t Pts) { p[ 9] = ((Pts >> 29) & 0x0E) | (p[9] & 0xF1); p[10] = Pts >> 22; p[11] = ((Pts >> 14) & 0xFE) | 0x01; p[12] = Pts >> 7; p[13] = ((Pts << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; } void PesSetDts(uchar *p, int64_t Dts) { p[14] = ((Dts >> 29) & 0x0E) | (p[14] & 0xF1); p[15] = Dts >> 22; p[16] = ((Dts >> 14) & 0xFE) | 0x01; p[17] = Dts >> 7; p[18] = ((Dts << 1) & 0xFE) | 0x01; } int64_t PtsDiff(int64_t Pts1, int64_t Pts2) { int64_t d = Pts2 - Pts1; if (d > MAX33BIT / 2) return d - (MAX33BIT + 1); if (d < -MAX33BIT / 2) return d + (MAX33BIT + 1); return d; } // --- cTsPayload ------------------------------------------------------------ cTsPayload::cTsPayload(void) { data = NULL; length = 0; pid = -1; Reset(); } cTsPayload::cTsPayload(uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) { Setup(Data, Length, Pid); } uchar cTsPayload::SetEof(void) { length = index; // triggers EOF return 0x00; } void cTsPayload::Reset(void) { index = 0; numPacketsPid = 0; numPacketsOther = 0; } void cTsPayload::Setup(uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) { data = Data; length = Length; pid = Pid >= 0 ? Pid : TsPid(Data); Reset(); } uchar cTsPayload::GetByte(void) { if (!Eof()) { if (index % TS_SIZE == 0) { // encountered the next TS header for (;; index += TS_SIZE) { if (data[index] == TS_SYNC_BYTE && index + TS_SIZE <= length) { // to make sure we are at a TS header start and drop incomplete TS packets at the end uchar *p = data + index; if (TsPid(p) == pid) { // only handle TS packets for the initial PID if (numPacketsPid++ > MAX_TS_PACKETS_FOR_VIDEO_FRAME_DETECTION) return SetEof(); if (TsHasPayload(p)) { if (index > 0 && TsPayloadStart(p)) // checking index to not skip the very first TS packet return SetEof(); index += TsPayloadOffset(p); break; } } else numPacketsOther++; } else return SetEof(); } } return data[index++]; } return 0x00; } bool cTsPayload::SkipBytes(int Bytes) { while (Bytes-- > 0) GetByte(); return !Eof(); } bool cTsPayload::SkipPesHeader(void) { return SkipBytes(PesPayloadOffset(data + TsPayloadOffset(data))); } int cTsPayload::GetLastIndex(void) { return index - 1; } void cTsPayload::SetByte(uchar Byte, int Index) { if (Index >= 0 && Index < length) data[Index] = Byte; } bool cTsPayload::Find(uint32_t Code) { int OldIndex = index; int OldNumPacketsPid = numPacketsPid; int OldNumPacketsOther = numPacketsOther; uint32_t Scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER; while (!Eof()) { Scanner = (Scanner << 8) | GetByte(); if (Scanner == Code) return true; } index = OldIndex; numPacketsPid = OldNumPacketsPid; numPacketsOther = OldNumPacketsOther; return false; } void cTsPayload::Statistics(void) const { if (numPacketsPid + numPacketsOther > WRN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR) dsyslog("WARNING: required (%d+%d) TS packets to determine frame type", numPacketsOther, numPacketsPid); if (numPacketsPid > WRN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_VIDEO_FRAME_DETECTION) dsyslog("WARNING: required %d video TS packets to determine frame type", numPacketsPid); } // --- cPatPmtGenerator ------------------------------------------------------ cPatPmtGenerator::cPatPmtGenerator(const cChannel *Channel) { numPmtPackets = 0; patCounter = pmtCounter = 0; patVersion = pmtVersion = 0; pmtPid = 0; esInfoLength = NULL; SetChannel(Channel); } void cPatPmtGenerator::IncCounter(int &Counter, uchar *TsPacket) { TsPacket[3] = (TsPacket[3] & 0xF0) | Counter; if (++Counter > 0x0F) Counter = 0x00; } void cPatPmtGenerator::IncVersion(int &Version) { if (++Version > 0x1F) Version = 0x00; } void cPatPmtGenerator::IncEsInfoLength(int Length) { if (esInfoLength) { Length += ((*esInfoLength & 0x0F) << 8) | *(esInfoLength + 1); *esInfoLength = 0xF0 | (Length >> 8); *(esInfoLength + 1) = Length; } } int cPatPmtGenerator::MakeStream(uchar *Target, uchar Type, int Pid) { int i = 0; Target[i++] = Type; // stream type Target[i++] = 0xE0 | (Pid >> 8); // dummy (3), pid hi (5) Target[i++] = Pid; // pid lo esInfoLength = &Target[i]; Target[i++] = 0xF0; // dummy (4), ES info length hi Target[i++] = 0x00; // ES info length lo return i; } int cPatPmtGenerator::MakeAC3Descriptor(uchar *Target, uchar Type) { int i = 0; Target[i++] = Type; Target[i++] = 0x01; // length Target[i++] = 0x00; IncEsInfoLength(i); return i; } int cPatPmtGenerator::MakeSubtitlingDescriptor(uchar *Target, const char *Language, uchar SubtitlingType, uint16_t CompositionPageId, uint16_t AncillaryPageId) { int i = 0; Target[i++] = SI::SubtitlingDescriptorTag; Target[i++] = 0x08; // length Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = SubtitlingType; Target[i++] = CompositionPageId >> 8; Target[i++] = CompositionPageId & 0xFF; Target[i++] = AncillaryPageId >> 8; Target[i++] = AncillaryPageId & 0xFF; IncEsInfoLength(i); return i; } int cPatPmtGenerator::MakeLanguageDescriptor(uchar *Target, const char *Language) { int i = 0; Target[i++] = SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag; int Length = i++; Target[Length] = 0x00; // length for (const char *End = Language + strlen(Language); Language < End; ) { Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = *Language++; Target[i++] = 0x00; // audio type Target[Length] += 0x04; // length if (*Language == '+') Language++; } IncEsInfoLength(i); return i; } int cPatPmtGenerator::MakeCRC(uchar *Target, const uchar *Data, int Length) { int crc = SI::CRC32::crc32((const char *)Data, Length, 0xFFFFFFFF); int i = 0; Target[i++] = crc >> 24; Target[i++] = crc >> 16; Target[i++] = crc >> 8; Target[i++] = crc; return i; } #define P_TSID 0x8008 // pseudo TS ID #define P_PMT_PID 0x0084 // pseudo PMT pid #define MAXPID 0x2000 // the maximum possible number of pids void cPatPmtGenerator::GeneratePmtPid(const cChannel *Channel) { bool Used[MAXPID] = { false }; #define SETPID(p) { if ((p) >= 0 && (p) < MAXPID) Used[p] = true; } #define SETPIDS(l) { const int *p = l; while (*p) { SETPID(*p); p++; } } SETPID(Channel->Vpid()); SETPID(Channel->Ppid()); SETPID(Channel->Tpid()); SETPIDS(Channel->Apids()); SETPIDS(Channel->Dpids()); SETPIDS(Channel->Spids()); for (pmtPid = P_PMT_PID; Used[pmtPid]; pmtPid++) ; } void cPatPmtGenerator::GeneratePat(void) { memset(pat, 0xFF, sizeof(pat)); uchar *p = pat; int i = 0; p[i++] = TS_SYNC_BYTE; // TS indicator p[i++] = TS_PAYLOAD_START | (PATPID >> 8); // flags (3), pid hi (5) p[i++] = PATPID & 0xFF; // pid lo p[i++] = 0x10; // flags (4), continuity counter (4) p[i++] = 0x00; // pointer field (payload unit start indicator is set) int PayloadStart = i; p[i++] = 0x00; // table id p[i++] = 0xB0; // section syntax indicator (1), dummy (3), section length hi (4) int SectionLength = i; p[i++] = 0x00; // section length lo (filled in later) p[i++] = P_TSID >> 8; // TS id hi p[i++] = P_TSID & 0xFF; // TS id lo p[i++] = 0xC1 | (patVersion << 1); // dummy (2), version number (5), current/next indicator (1) p[i++] = 0x00; // section number p[i++] = 0x00; // last section number p[i++] = pmtPid >> 8; // program number hi p[i++] = pmtPid & 0xFF; // program number lo p[i++] = 0xE0 | (pmtPid >> 8); // dummy (3), PMT pid hi (5) p[i++] = pmtPid & 0xFF; // PMT pid lo pat[SectionLength] = i - SectionLength - 1 + 4; // -2 = SectionLength storage, +4 = length of CRC MakeCRC(pat + i, pat + PayloadStart, i - PayloadStart); IncVersion(patVersion); } void cPatPmtGenerator::GeneratePmt(const cChannel *Channel) { // generate the complete PMT section: uchar buf[MAX_SECTION_SIZE]; memset(buf, 0xFF, sizeof(buf)); numPmtPackets = 0; if (Channel) { int Vpid = Channel->Vpid(); int Ppid = Channel->Ppid(); uchar *p = buf; int i = 0; p[i++] = 0x02; // table id int SectionLength = i; p[i++] = 0xB0; // section syntax indicator (1), dummy (3), section length hi (4) p[i++] = 0x00; // section length lo (filled in later) p[i++] = pmtPid >> 8; // program number hi p[i++] = pmtPid & 0xFF; // program number lo p[i++] = 0xC1 | (pmtVersion << 1); // dummy (2), version number (5), current/next indicator (1) p[i++] = 0x00; // section number p[i++] = 0x00; // last section number p[i++] = 0xE0 | (Ppid >> 8); // dummy (3), PCR pid hi (5) p[i++] = Ppid; // PCR pid lo p[i++] = 0xF0; // dummy (4), program info length hi (4) p[i++] = 0x00; // program info length lo if (Vpid) i += MakeStream(buf + i, Channel->Vtype(), Vpid); for (int n = 0; Channel->Apid(n); n++) { i += MakeStream(buf + i, Channel->Atype(n), Channel->Apid(n)); const char *Alang = Channel->Alang(n); i += MakeLanguageDescriptor(buf + i, Alang); } for (int n = 0; Channel->Dpid(n); n++) { i += MakeStream(buf + i, 0x06, Channel->Dpid(n)); i += MakeAC3Descriptor(buf + i, Channel->Dtype(n)); i += MakeLanguageDescriptor(buf + i, Channel->Dlang(n)); } for (int n = 0; Channel->Spid(n); n++) { i += MakeStream(buf + i, 0x06, Channel->Spid(n)); i += MakeSubtitlingDescriptor(buf + i, Channel->Slang(n), Channel->SubtitlingType(n), Channel->CompositionPageId(n), Channel->AncillaryPageId(n)); } int sl = i - SectionLength - 2 + 4; // -2 = SectionLength storage, +4 = length of CRC buf[SectionLength] |= (sl >> 8) & 0x0F; buf[SectionLength + 1] = sl; MakeCRC(buf + i, buf, i); // split the PMT section into several TS packets: uchar *q = buf; bool pusi = true; while (i > 0) { uchar *p = pmt[numPmtPackets++]; int j = 0; p[j++] = TS_SYNC_BYTE; // TS indicator p[j++] = (pusi ? TS_PAYLOAD_START : 0x00) | (pmtPid >> 8); // flags (3), pid hi (5) p[j++] = pmtPid & 0xFF; // pid lo p[j++] = 0x10; // flags (4), continuity counter (4) if (pusi) { p[j++] = 0x00; // pointer field (payload unit start indicator is set) pusi = false; } int l = TS_SIZE - j; memcpy(p + j, q, l); q += l; i -= l; } IncVersion(pmtVersion); } } void cPatPmtGenerator::SetVersions(int PatVersion, int PmtVersion) { patVersion = PatVersion & 0x1F; pmtVersion = PmtVersion & 0x1F; } void cPatPmtGenerator::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel) { if (Channel) { GeneratePmtPid(Channel); GeneratePat(); GeneratePmt(Channel); } } uchar *cPatPmtGenerator::GetPat(void) { IncCounter(patCounter, pat); return pat; } uchar *cPatPmtGenerator::GetPmt(int &Index) { if (Index < numPmtPackets) { IncCounter(pmtCounter, pmt[Index]); return pmt[Index++]; } return NULL; } // --- cPatPmtParser --------------------------------------------------------- cPatPmtParser::cPatPmtParser(bool UpdatePrimaryDevice) { updatePrimaryDevice = UpdatePrimaryDevice; Reset(); } void cPatPmtParser::Reset(void) { pmtSize = 0; patVersion = pmtVersion = -1; pmtPids[0] = 0; vpid = vtype = 0; ppid = 0; } void cPatPmtParser::ParsePat(const uchar *Data, int Length) { // Unpack the TS packet: int PayloadOffset = TsPayloadOffset(Data); Data += PayloadOffset; Length -= PayloadOffset; // The PAT is always assumed to fit into a single TS packet if ((Length -= Data[0] + 1) <= 0) return; Data += Data[0] + 1; // process pointer_field SI::PAT Pat(Data, false); if (Pat.CheckCRCAndParse()) { dbgpatpmt("PAT: TSid = %d, c/n = %d, v = %d, s = %d, ls = %d\n", Pat.getTransportStreamId(), Pat.getCurrentNextIndicator(), Pat.getVersionNumber(), Pat.getSectionNumber(), Pat.getLastSectionNumber()); if (patVersion == Pat.getVersionNumber()) return; int NumPmtPids = 0; SI::PAT::Association assoc; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; Pat.associationLoop.getNext(assoc, it); ) { dbgpatpmt(" isNITPid = %d\n", assoc.isNITPid()); if (!assoc.isNITPid()) { if (NumPmtPids <= MAX_PMT_PIDS) pmtPids[NumPmtPids++] = assoc.getPid(); dbgpatpmt(" service id = %d, pid = %d\n", assoc.getServiceId(), assoc.getPid()); } } pmtPids[NumPmtPids] = 0; patVersion = Pat.getVersionNumber(); } else esyslog("ERROR: can't parse PAT"); } void cPatPmtParser::ParsePmt(const uchar *Data, int Length) { // Unpack the TS packet: bool PayloadStart = TsPayloadStart(Data); int PayloadOffset = TsPayloadOffset(Data); Data += PayloadOffset; Length -= PayloadOffset; // The PMT may extend over several TS packets, so we need to assemble them if (PayloadStart) { pmtSize = 0; if ((Length -= Data[0] + 1) <= 0) return; Data += Data[0] + 1; // this is the first packet if (SectionLength(Data, Length) > Length) { if (Length <= int(sizeof(pmt))) { memcpy(pmt, Data, Length); pmtSize = Length; } else esyslog("ERROR: PMT packet length too big (%d byte)!", Length); return; } // the packet contains the entire PMT section, so we run into the actual parsing } else if (pmtSize > 0) { // this is a following packet, so we add it to the pmt storage if (Length <= int(sizeof(pmt)) - pmtSize) { memcpy(pmt + pmtSize, Data, Length); pmtSize += Length; } else { esyslog("ERROR: PMT section length too big (%d byte)!", pmtSize + Length); pmtSize = 0; } if (SectionLength(pmt, pmtSize) > pmtSize) return; // more packets to come // the PMT section is now complete, so we run into the actual parsing Data = pmt; } else return; // fragment of broken packet - ignore SI::PMT Pmt(Data, false); if (Pmt.CheckCRCAndParse()) { dbgpatpmt("PMT: sid = %d, c/n = %d, v = %d, s = %d, ls = %d\n", Pmt.getServiceId(), Pmt.getCurrentNextIndicator(), Pmt.getVersionNumber(), Pmt.getSectionNumber(), Pmt.getLastSectionNumber()); dbgpatpmt(" pcr = %d\n", Pmt.getPCRPid()); if (pmtVersion == Pmt.getVersionNumber()) return; if (updatePrimaryDevice) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ClrAvailableTracks(false, true); int NumApids = 0; int NumDpids = 0; int NumSpids = 0; vpid = vtype = 0; ppid = 0; apids[0] = 0; dpids[0] = 0; spids[0] = 0; atypes[0] = 0; dtypes[0] = 0; SI::PMT::Stream stream; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; Pmt.streamLoop.getNext(stream, it); ) { dbgpatpmt(" stream type = %02X, pid = %d", stream.getStreamType(), stream.getPid()); switch (stream.getStreamType()) { case 0x01: // STREAMTYPE_11172_VIDEO case 0x02: // STREAMTYPE_13818_VIDEO case 0x1B: // H.264 vpid = stream.getPid(); vtype = stream.getStreamType(); ppid = Pmt.getPCRPid(); break; case 0x03: // STREAMTYPE_11172_AUDIO case 0x04: // STREAMTYPE_13818_AUDIO case 0x0F: // ISO/IEC 13818-7 Audio with ADTS transport syntax case 0x11: // ISO/IEC 14496-3 Audio with LATM transport syntax { if (NumApids < MAXAPIDS) { apids[NumApids] = stream.getPid(); atypes[NumApids] = stream.getStreamType(); *alangs[NumApids] = 0; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor::Language l; char *s = alangs[NumApids]; int n = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; ld->languageLoop.getNext(l, it); ) { if (*ld->languageCode != '-') { // some use "---" to indicate "none" dbgpatpmt(" '%s'", l.languageCode); if (n > 0) *s++ = '+'; strn0cpy(s, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(l.languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); s += strlen(s); if (n++ > 1) break; } } } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (updatePrimaryDevice) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttAudio, NumApids, apids[NumApids], alangs[NumApids]); NumApids++; apids[NumApids] = 0; } } break; case 0x06: // STREAMTYPE_13818_PES_PRIVATE { int dpid = 0; int dtype = 0; char lang[MAXLANGCODE1] = ""; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::AC3DescriptorTag: case SI::EnhancedAC3DescriptorTag: dbgpatpmt(" AC3"); dpid = stream.getPid(); dtype = d->getDescriptorTag(); break; case SI::SubtitlingDescriptorTag: dbgpatpmt(" subtitling"); if (NumSpids < MAXSPIDS) { spids[NumSpids] = stream.getPid(); *slangs[NumSpids] = 0; subtitlingTypes[NumSpids] = 0; compositionPageIds[NumSpids] = 0; ancillaryPageIds[NumSpids] = 0; SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *sd = (SI::SubtitlingDescriptor *)d; SI::SubtitlingDescriptor::Subtitling sub; char *s = slangs[NumSpids]; int n = 0; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; sd->subtitlingLoop.getNext(sub, it); ) { if (sub.languageCode[0]) { dbgpatpmt(" '%s'", sub.languageCode); subtitlingTypes[NumSpids] = sub.getSubtitlingType(); compositionPageIds[NumSpids] = sub.getCompositionPageId(); ancillaryPageIds[NumSpids] = sub.getAncillaryPageId(); if (n > 0) *s++ = '+'; strn0cpy(s, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(sub.languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); s += strlen(s); if (n++ > 1) break; } } if (updatePrimaryDevice) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttSubtitle, NumSpids, spids[NumSpids], slangs[NumSpids]); NumSpids++; spids[NumSpids] = 0; } break; case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; dbgpatpmt(" '%s'", ld->languageCode); strn0cpy(lang, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(ld->languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (dpid) { if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { dpids[NumDpids] = dpid; dtypes[NumDpids] = dtype; strn0cpy(dlangs[NumDpids], lang, sizeof(dlangs[NumDpids])); if (updatePrimaryDevice && Setup.UseDolbyDigital) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, NumDpids, dpid, lang); NumDpids++; dpids[NumDpids] = 0; } } } break; case 0x81: // STREAMTYPE_USER_PRIVATE { dbgpatpmt(" AC3"); char lang[MAXLANGCODE1] = { 0 }; SI::Descriptor *d; for (SI::Loop::Iterator it; (d = stream.streamDescriptors.getNext(it)); ) { switch (d->getDescriptorTag()) { case SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptorTag: { SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *ld = (SI::ISO639LanguageDescriptor *)d; dbgpatpmt(" '%s'", ld->languageCode); strn0cpy(lang, I18nNormalizeLanguageCode(ld->languageCode), MAXLANGCODE1); } break; default: ; } delete d; } if (NumDpids < MAXDPIDS) { dpids[NumDpids] = stream.getPid(); dtypes[NumDpids] = SI::AC3DescriptorTag; strn0cpy(dlangs[NumDpids], lang, sizeof(dlangs[NumDpids])); if (updatePrimaryDevice && Setup.UseDolbyDigital) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetAvailableTrack(ttDolby, NumDpids, stream.getPid(), lang); NumDpids++; dpids[NumDpids] = 0; } } break; default: ; } dbgpatpmt("\n"); if (updatePrimaryDevice) { cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->EnsureAudioTrack(true); cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->EnsureSubtitleTrack(); } } pmtVersion = Pmt.getVersionNumber(); } else esyslog("ERROR: can't parse PMT"); pmtSize = 0; } bool cPatPmtParser::ParsePatPmt(const uchar *Data, int Length) { while (Length >= TS_SIZE) { if (*Data != TS_SYNC_BYTE) break; // just for safety int Pid = TsPid(Data); if (Pid == PATPID) ParsePat(Data, TS_SIZE); else if (IsPmtPid(Pid)) { ParsePmt(Data, TS_SIZE); if (patVersion >= 0 && pmtVersion >= 0) return true; } Data += TS_SIZE; Length -= TS_SIZE; } return false; } bool cPatPmtParser::GetVersions(int &PatVersion, int &PmtVersion) const { PatVersion = patVersion; PmtVersion = pmtVersion; return patVersion >= 0 && pmtVersion >= 0; } // --- cTsToPes -------------------------------------------------------------- cTsToPes::cTsToPes(void) { data = NULL; size = 0; Reset(); } cTsToPes::~cTsToPes() { free(data); } void cTsToPes::PutTs(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (TsError(Data)) { Reset(); return; // ignore packets with TEI set, and drop any PES data collected so far } if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) Reset(); else if (!size) return; // skip everything before the first payload start Length = TsGetPayload(&Data); if (length + Length > size) { int NewSize = max(KILOBYTE(2), length + Length); if (uchar *NewData = (uchar *)realloc(data, NewSize)) { data = NewData; size = NewSize; } else { esyslog("ERROR: out of memory"); Reset(); return; } } memcpy(data + length, Data, Length); length += Length; } #define MAXPESLENGTH 0xFFF0 const uchar *cTsToPes::GetPes(int &Length) { if (repeatLast) { repeatLast = false; Length = lastLength; return lastData; } if (offset < length && PesLongEnough(length)) { if (!PesHasLength(data)) // this is a video PES packet with undefined length offset = 6; // trigger setting PES length for initial slice if (offset) { uchar *p = data + offset - 6; if (p != data) { p -= 3; if (p < data) { Reset(); return NULL; } memmove(p, data, 4); } int l = min(length - offset, MAXPESLENGTH); offset += l; if (p != data) { l += 3; p[6] = 0x80; p[7] = 0x00; p[8] = 0x00; } p[4] = l / 256; p[5] = l & 0xFF; Length = l + 6; lastLength = Length; lastData = p; return p; } else { Length = PesLength(data); if (Length <= length) { offset = Length; // to make sure we break out in case of garbage data lastLength = Length; lastData = data; return data; } } } return NULL; } void cTsToPes::SetRepeatLast(void) { repeatLast = true; } void cTsToPes::Reset(void) { length = offset = 0; lastData = NULL; lastLength = 0; repeatLast = false; } // --- Some helper functions for debugging ----------------------------------- void BlockDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length) { printf("--- %s\n", Name); for (int i = 0; i < Length; i++) { if (i && (i % 16) == 0) printf("\n"); printf(" %02X", Data[i]); } printf("\n"); } void TsDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length) { printf("%s: %04X", Name, Length); int n = min(Length, 20); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) printf(" %02X", Data[i]); if (n < Length) { printf(" ..."); n = max(n, Length - 10); for (n = max(n, Length - 10); n < Length; n++) printf(" %02X", Data[n]); } printf("\n"); } void PesDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length) { TsDump(Name, Data, Length); } // --- cFrameParser ---------------------------------------------------------- class cFrameParser { protected: bool debug; bool newFrame; bool independentFrame; int iFrameTemporalReferenceOffset; public: cFrameParser(void); virtual ~cFrameParser() {}; virtual int Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) = 0; ///< Parses the given Data, which is a sequence of Length bytes of TS packets. ///< The payload in the TS packets with the given Pid is searched for just ///< enough information to determine the beginning and type of the next video ///< frame. ///< Returns the number of bytes parsed. Upon return, the functions NewFrame() ///< and IndependentFrame() can be called to retrieve the required information. void SetDebug(bool Debug) { debug = Debug; } bool NewFrame(void) { return newFrame; } bool IndependentFrame(void) { return independentFrame; } int IFrameTemporalReferenceOffset(void) { return iFrameTemporalReferenceOffset; } }; cFrameParser::cFrameParser(void) { debug = true; newFrame = false; independentFrame = false; iFrameTemporalReferenceOffset = 0; } // --- cAudioParser ---------------------------------------------------------- class cAudioParser : public cFrameParser { public: cAudioParser(void); virtual int Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid); }; cAudioParser::cAudioParser(void) { } int cAudioParser::Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) { if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) { newFrame = independentFrame = true; if (debug) dbgframes("/"); } else newFrame = independentFrame = false; return TS_SIZE; } // --- cMpeg2Parser ---------------------------------------------------------- class cMpeg2Parser : public cFrameParser { private: uint32_t scanner; bool seenIndependentFrame; int lastIFrameTemporalReference; public: cMpeg2Parser(void); virtual int Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid); }; cMpeg2Parser::cMpeg2Parser(void) { scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER; seenIndependentFrame = false; lastIFrameTemporalReference = -1; // invalid } int cMpeg2Parser::Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) { newFrame = independentFrame = false; bool SeenPayloadStart = false; cTsPayload tsPayload(const_cast<uchar *>(Data), Length, Pid); if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) { SeenPayloadStart = true; tsPayload.SkipPesHeader(); scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER; if (debug && seenIndependentFrame) dbgframes("/"); } uint32_t OldScanner = scanner; // need to remember it in case of multiple frames per payload for (;;) { if (!SeenPayloadStart && tsPayload.AtTsStart()) OldScanner = scanner; scanner = (scanner << 8) | tsPayload.GetByte(); if (scanner == 0x00000100) { // Picture Start Code if (!SeenPayloadStart && tsPayload.GetLastIndex() > TS_SIZE) { scanner = OldScanner; return tsPayload.Used() - TS_SIZE; } uchar b1 = tsPayload.GetByte(); uchar b2 = tsPayload.GetByte(); int TemporalReference = (b1 << 2 ) + ((b2 & 0xC0) >> 6); uchar FrameType = (b2 >> 3) & 0x07; if (tsPayload.Find(0x000001B5)) { // Extension start code if (((tsPayload.GetByte() & 0xF0) >> 4) == 0x08) { // Picture coding extension tsPayload.GetByte(); uchar PictureStructure = tsPayload.GetByte() & 0x03; if (PictureStructure == 0x02) // bottom field break; } } newFrame = true; independentFrame = FrameType == 1; // I-Frame if (independentFrame) { if (lastIFrameTemporalReference >= 0) iFrameTemporalReferenceOffset = TemporalReference - lastIFrameTemporalReference; lastIFrameTemporalReference = TemporalReference; } if (debug) { seenIndependentFrame |= independentFrame; if (seenIndependentFrame) { static const char FrameTypes[] = "?IPBD???"; dbgframes("%c", FrameTypes[FrameType]); } } tsPayload.Statistics(); break; } if (tsPayload.AtPayloadStart() // stop at any new payload start to have the buffer refilled if necessary || tsPayload.Eof()) // or if we're out of data break; } return tsPayload.Used(); } // --- cH264Parser ----------------------------------------------------------- class cH264Parser : public cFrameParser { private: enum eNalUnitType { nutCodedSliceNonIdr = 1, nutCodedSliceIdr = 5, nutSequenceParameterSet = 7, nutAccessUnitDelimiter = 9, }; cTsPayload tsPayload; uchar byte; // holds the current byte value in case of bitwise access int bit; // the bit index into the current byte (-1 if we're not in bit reading mode) int zeroBytes; // the number of consecutive zero bytes (to detect 0x000003) uint32_t scanner; // Identifiers written in '_' notation as in "ITU-T H.264": bool separate_colour_plane_flag; int log2_max_frame_num; bool frame_mbs_only_flag; // bool gotAccessUnitDelimiter; bool gotSequenceParameterSet; uchar GetByte(bool Raw = false); ///< Gets the next data byte. If Raw is true, no filtering will be done. ///< With Raw set to false, if the byte sequence 0x000003 is encountered, ///< the byte with 0x03 will be skipped. uchar GetBit(void); uint32_t GetBits(int Bits); uint32_t GetGolombUe(void); int32_t GetGolombSe(void); void ParseAccessUnitDelimiter(void); void ParseSequenceParameterSet(void); void ParseSliceHeader(void); public: cH264Parser(void); ///< Sets up a new H.264 parser. ///< This class parses only the data absolutely necessary to determine the ///< frame borders and field count of the given H264 material. virtual int Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid); }; cH264Parser::cH264Parser(void) { byte = 0; bit = -1; zeroBytes = 0; scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER; separate_colour_plane_flag = false; log2_max_frame_num = 0; frame_mbs_only_flag = false; gotAccessUnitDelimiter = false; gotSequenceParameterSet = false; } uchar cH264Parser::GetByte(bool Raw) { uchar b = tsPayload.GetByte(); if (!Raw) { // If we encounter the byte sequence 0x000003, we need to skip the 0x03: if (b == 0x00) zeroBytes++; else { if (b == 0x03 && zeroBytes >= 2) b = tsPayload.GetByte(); zeroBytes = 0; } } else zeroBytes = 0; bit = -1; return b; } uchar cH264Parser::GetBit(void) { if (bit < 0) { byte = GetByte(); bit = 7; } return (byte & (1 << bit--)) ? 1 : 0; } uint32_t cH264Parser::GetBits(int Bits) { uint32_t b = 0; while (Bits--) b |= GetBit() << Bits; return b; } uint32_t cH264Parser::GetGolombUe(void) { int z = -1; for (int b = 0; !b; z++) b = GetBit(); return (1 << z) - 1 + GetBits(z); } int32_t cH264Parser::GetGolombSe(void) { uint32_t v = GetGolombUe(); if (v) { if ((v & 0x01) != 0) return (v + 1) / 2; // fails for v == 0xFFFFFFFF, but that will probably never happen else return -int32_t(v / 2); } return v; } int cH264Parser::Parse(const uchar *Data, int Length, int Pid) { newFrame = independentFrame = false; tsPayload.Setup(const_cast<uchar *>(Data), Length, Pid); if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) { tsPayload.SkipPesHeader(); scanner = EMPTY_SCANNER; if (debug && gotSequenceParameterSet) { dbgframes("/"); } } for (;;) { scanner = (scanner << 8) | GetByte(true); if ((scanner & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0x00000100) { // NAL unit start uchar NalUnitType = scanner & 0x1F; switch (NalUnitType) { case nutAccessUnitDelimiter: ParseAccessUnitDelimiter(); gotAccessUnitDelimiter = true; break; case nutSequenceParameterSet: ParseSequenceParameterSet(); gotSequenceParameterSet = true; break; case nutCodedSliceNonIdr: case nutCodedSliceIdr: if (gotAccessUnitDelimiter && gotSequenceParameterSet) { ParseSliceHeader(); gotAccessUnitDelimiter = false; if (newFrame) tsPayload.Statistics(); return tsPayload.Used(); } break; default: ; } } if (tsPayload.AtPayloadStart() // stop at any new payload start to have the buffer refilled if necessary || tsPayload.Eof()) // or if we're out of data break; } return tsPayload.Used(); } void cH264Parser::ParseAccessUnitDelimiter(void) { if (debug && gotSequenceParameterSet) dbgframes("A"); GetByte(); // primary_pic_type } void cH264Parser::ParseSequenceParameterSet(void) { uchar profile_idc = GetByte(); // profile_idc GetByte(); // constraint_set[0-5]_flags, reserved_zero_2bits GetByte(); // level_idc GetGolombUe(); // seq_parameter_set_id if (profile_idc == 100 || profile_idc == 110 || profile_idc == 122 || profile_idc == 244 || profile_idc == 44 || profile_idc == 83 || profile_idc == 86 || profile_idc ==118 || profile_idc == 128) { int chroma_format_idc = GetGolombUe(); // chroma_format_idc if (chroma_format_idc == 3) separate_colour_plane_flag = GetBit(); GetGolombUe(); // bit_depth_luma_minus8 GetGolombUe(); // bit_depth_chroma_minus8 GetBit(); // qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag if (GetBit()) { // seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag for (int i = 0; i < ((chroma_format_idc != 3) ? 8 : 12); i++) { if (GetBit()) { // seq_scaling_list_present_flag int SizeOfScalingList = (i < 6) ? 16 : 64; int LastScale = 8; int NextScale = 8; for (int j = 0; j < SizeOfScalingList; j++) { if (NextScale) NextScale = (LastScale + GetGolombSe() + 256) % 256; // delta_scale if (NextScale) LastScale = NextScale; } } } } } log2_max_frame_num = GetGolombUe() + 4; // log2_max_frame_num_minus4 int pic_order_cnt_type = GetGolombUe(); // pic_order_cnt_type if (pic_order_cnt_type == 0) GetGolombUe(); // log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 else if (pic_order_cnt_type == 1) { GetBit(); // delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag GetGolombSe(); // offset_for_non_ref_pic GetGolombSe(); // offset_for_top_to_bottom_field for (int i = GetGolombUe(); i--; ) // num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle GetGolombSe(); // offset_for_ref_frame } GetGolombUe(); // max_num_ref_frames GetBit(); // gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag GetGolombUe(); // pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 GetGolombUe(); // pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 frame_mbs_only_flag = GetBit(); // frame_mbs_only_flag if (debug) { if (gotAccessUnitDelimiter && !gotSequenceParameterSet) dbgframes("A"); // just for completeness dbgframes(frame_mbs_only_flag ? "S" : "s"); } } void cH264Parser::ParseSliceHeader(void) { newFrame = true; GetGolombUe(); // first_mb_in_slice int slice_type = GetGolombUe(); // slice_type, 0 = P, 1 = B, 2 = I, 3 = SP, 4 = SI independentFrame = (slice_type % 5) == 2; if (debug) { static const char SliceTypes[] = "PBIpi"; dbgframes("%c", SliceTypes[slice_type % 5]); } if (frame_mbs_only_flag) return; // don't need the rest - a frame is complete GetGolombUe(); // pic_parameter_set_id if (separate_colour_plane_flag) GetBits(2); // colour_plane_id GetBits(log2_max_frame_num); // frame_num if (!frame_mbs_only_flag) { if (GetBit()) // field_pic_flag newFrame = !GetBit(); // bottom_field_flag if (debug) dbgframes(newFrame ? "t" : "b"); } } // --- cFrameDetector -------------------------------------------------------- cFrameDetector::cFrameDetector(int Pid, int Type) { parser = NULL; SetPid(Pid, Type); synced = false; newFrame = independentFrame = false; numPtsValues = 0; numIFrames = 0; framesPerSecond = 0; framesInPayloadUnit = framesPerPayloadUnit = 0; scanning = false; } static int CmpUint32(const void *p1, const void *p2) { if (*(uint32_t *)p1 < *(uint32_t *)p2) return -1; if (*(uint32_t *)p1 > *(uint32_t *)p2) return 1; return 0; } void cFrameDetector::SetPid(int Pid, int Type) { pid = Pid; type = Type; isVideo = type == 0x01 || type == 0x02 || type == 0x1B; // MPEG 1, 2 or H.264 delete parser; parser = NULL; if (type == 0x01 || type == 0x02) parser = new cMpeg2Parser; else if (type == 0x1B) parser = new cH264Parser; else if (type == 0x04 || type == 0x06) // MPEG audio or AC3 audio parser = new cAudioParser; else if (type != 0) esyslog("ERROR: unknown stream type %d (PID %d) in frame detector", type, pid); } int cFrameDetector::Analyze(const uchar *Data, int Length) { if (!parser) return 0; int Processed = 0; newFrame = independentFrame = false; while (Length >= MIN_TS_PACKETS_FOR_FRAME_DETECTOR * TS_SIZE) { // makes sure we are looking at enough data, in case the frame type is not stored in the first TS packet // Sync on TS packet borders: if (Data[0] != TS_SYNC_BYTE) { int Skipped = 1; while (Skipped < Length && (Data[Skipped] != TS_SYNC_BYTE || Length - Skipped > TS_SIZE && Data[Skipped + TS_SIZE] != TS_SYNC_BYTE)) Skipped++; esyslog("ERROR: skipped %d bytes to sync on start of TS packet", Skipped); return Processed + Skipped; } // Handle one TS packet: int Handled = TS_SIZE; if (TsHasPayload(Data) && !TsIsScrambled(Data)) { int Pid = TsPid(Data); if (Pid == pid) { if (Processed) return Processed; if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) scanning = true; if (scanning) { // Detect the beginning of a new frame: if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) { if (!framesPerPayloadUnit) framesPerPayloadUnit = framesInPayloadUnit; } int n = parser->Parse(Data, Length, pid); if (n > 0) { if (parser->NewFrame()) { newFrame = true; independentFrame = parser->IndependentFrame(); if (synced) { if (framesPerPayloadUnit <= 1) scanning = false; } else { framesInPayloadUnit++; if (independentFrame) numIFrames++; } } Handled = n; } } if (TsPayloadStart(Data)) { // Determine the frame rate from the PTS values in the PES headers: if (framesPerSecond <= 0.0) { // frame rate unknown, so collect a sequence of PTS values: if (numPtsValues < 2 || numPtsValues < MaxPtsValues && numIFrames < 2) { // collect a sequence containing at least two I-frames if (newFrame) { // only take PTS values at the beginning of a frame (in case if fields!) const uchar *Pes = Data + TsPayloadOffset(Data); if (numIFrames && PesHasPts(Pes)) { ptsValues[numPtsValues] = PesGetPts(Pes); // check for rollover: if (numPtsValues && ptsValues[numPtsValues - 1] > 0xF0000000 && ptsValues[numPtsValues] < 0x10000000) { dbgframes("#"); numPtsValues = 0; numIFrames = 0; } else numPtsValues++; } } } if (numPtsValues >= 2 && numIFrames >= 2) { // find the smallest PTS delta: qsort(ptsValues, numPtsValues, sizeof(uint32_t), CmpUint32); numPtsValues--; for (int i = 0; i < numPtsValues; i++) ptsValues[i] = ptsValues[i + 1] - ptsValues[i]; qsort(ptsValues, numPtsValues, sizeof(uint32_t), CmpUint32); uint32_t Delta = ptsValues[0] / (framesPerPayloadUnit + parser->IFrameTemporalReferenceOffset()); // determine frame info: if (isVideo) { if (abs(Delta - 3600) <= 1) framesPerSecond = 25.0; else if (Delta % 3003 == 0) framesPerSecond = 30.0 / 1.001; else if (abs(Delta - 1800) <= 1) framesPerSecond = 50.0; else if (Delta == 1501) framesPerSecond = 60.0 / 1.001; else { framesPerSecond = DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND; dsyslog("unknown frame delta (%d), assuming %5.2f fps", Delta, DEFAULTFRAMESPERSECOND); } } else // audio framesPerSecond = double(PTSTICKS) / Delta; // PTS of audio frames is always increasing dbgframes("\nDelta = %d FPS = %5.2f FPPU = %d NF = %d TRO = %d\n", Delta, framesPerSecond, framesPerPayloadUnit, numPtsValues + 1, parser->IFrameTemporalReferenceOffset()); synced = true; parser->SetDebug(false); } } } } else if (Pid == PATPID && synced && Processed) return Processed; // allow the caller to see any PAT packets } Data += Handled; Length -= Handled; Processed += Handled; if (newFrame) break; } return Processed; }