/* * remux.h: A streaming MPEG2 remultiplexer * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: remux.h 2.1 2008/08/15 14:09:16 kls Exp $ */ #ifndef __REMUX_H #define __REMUX_H #include <time.h> //XXX FIXME: DVB/linux/dvb/dmx.h should include <time.h> itself!!! #include <linux/dvb/dmx.h> #include "channels.h" #include "ringbuffer.h" #include "tools.h" enum ePesHeader { phNeedMoreData = -1, phInvalid = 0, phMPEG1 = 1, phMPEG2 = 2 }; ePesHeader AnalyzePesHeader(const uchar *Data, int Count, int &PesPayloadOffset, bool *ContinuationHeader = NULL); // Picture types: #define NO_PICTURE 0 #define I_FRAME 1 #define P_FRAME 2 #define B_FRAME 3 #define MAXTRACKS 64 class cTS2PES; class cRemux { private: bool exitOnFailure; bool noVideo; int numUPTerrors; bool synced; int skipped; cTS2PES *ts2pes[MAXTRACKS]; int numTracks; cRingBufferLinear *resultBuffer; int resultSkipped; int GetPid(const uchar *Data); public: cRemux(int VPid, const int *APids, const int *DPids, const int *SPids, bool ExitOnFailure = false); ///< Creates a new remuxer for the given PIDs. VPid is the video PID, while ///< APids, DPids and SPids are pointers to zero terminated lists of audio, ///< dolby and subtitle PIDs (the pointers may be NULL if there is no such ///< PID). If ExitOnFailure is true, the remuxer will initiate an "emergency ///< exit" in case of problems with the data stream. ~cRemux(); void SetTimeouts(int PutTimeout, int GetTimeout) { resultBuffer->SetTimeouts(PutTimeout, GetTimeout); } ///< By default cRemux assumes that Put() and Get() are called from different ///< threads, and uses a timeout in the Get() function in case there is no ///< data available. SetTimeouts() can be used to modify these timeouts. ///< Especially if Put() and Get() are called from the same thread, setting ///< both timeouts to 0 is recommended. int Put(const uchar *Data, int Count); ///< Puts at most Count bytes of Data into the remuxer. ///< \return Returns the number of bytes actually consumed from Data. uchar *Get(int &Count, uchar *PictureType = NULL); ///< Gets all currently available data from the remuxer. ///< \return Count contains the number of bytes the result points to, and ///< PictureType (if not NULL) will contain one of NO_PICTURE, I_FRAME, P_FRAME ///< or B_FRAME. void Del(int Count); ///< Deletes Count bytes from the remuxer. Count must be the number returned ///< from a previous call to Get(). Several calls to Del() with fractions of ///< a previously returned Count may be made, but the total sum of all Count ///< values must be exactly what the previous Get() has returned. void Clear(void); ///< Clears the remuxer of all data it might still contain, keeping the PID ///< settings as they are. static void SetBrokenLink(uchar *Data, int Length); static int GetPacketLength(const uchar *Data, int Count, int Offset); static int ScanVideoPacket(const uchar *Data, int Count, int Offset, uchar &PictureType); }; // Some TS handling tools. // The following functions all take a pointer to one complete TS packet. #define TS_SYNC_BYTE 0x47 #define TS_SIZE 188 #define TS_ADAPT_FIELD_EXISTS 0x20 #define TS_PAYLOAD_EXISTS 0x10 #define TS_CONT_CNT_MASK 0x0F #define TS_PAYLOAD_START 0x40 #define TS_ERROR 0x80 #define TS_PID_MASK_HI 0x1F inline int TsHasPayload(const uchar *p) { return p[3] & TS_PAYLOAD_EXISTS; } inline int TsPayloadStart(const uchar *p) { return p[1] & TS_PAYLOAD_START; } inline int TsError(const uchar *p) { return p[1] & TS_ERROR; } inline int TsPid(const uchar *p) { return (p[1] & TS_PID_MASK_HI) * 256 + p[2]; } inline int TsPayloadOffset(const uchar *p) { return (p[3] & TS_ADAPT_FIELD_EXISTS) ? p[4] + 5 : 4; } inline int TsGetPayload(const uchar **p) { int o = TsPayloadOffset(*p); *p += o; return TS_SIZE - o; } inline int TsContinuityCounter(const uchar *p) { return p[3] & TS_CONT_CNT_MASK; } // Some PES handling tools: // The following functions that take a pointer to PES data all assume that // there is enough data so that PesLongEnough() returns true. inline bool PesLongEnough(int Length) { return Length >= 6; } inline int PesLength(const uchar *p) { return 6 + p[4] * 256 + p[5]; } inline int PesPayloadOffset(const uchar *p) { return 9 + p[8]; } inline int64_t PesGetPts(const uchar *p) { if ((p[7] & 0x80) && p[8] >= 5) { return ((((int64_t)p[ 9]) & 0x0E) << 29) | (( (int64_t)p[10]) << 22) | ((((int64_t)p[11]) & 0xFE) << 14) | (( (int64_t)p[12]) << 7) | ((((int64_t)p[13]) & 0xFE) >> 1); } return 0; } // PAT/PMT Generator: #define MAX_SECTION_SIZE 4096 // maximum size of an SI section #define MAX_PMT_TS (MAX_SECTION_SIZE / TS_SIZE + 1) class cPatPmtGenerator { private: uchar pat[TS_SIZE]; // the PAT always fits into a single TS packet uchar pmt[MAX_PMT_TS][TS_SIZE]; // the PMT may well extend over several TS packets int numPmtPackets; int patCounter; int pmtCounter; int patVersion; int pmtVersion; uchar *esInfoLength; void IncCounter(int &Counter, uchar *TsPacket); void IncVersion(int &Version); void IncEsInfoLength(int Length); protected: int MakeStream(uchar *Target, uchar Type, int Pid); int MakeAC3Descriptor(uchar *Target); int MakeSubtitlingDescriptor(uchar *Target, const char *Language); int MakeLanguageDescriptor(uchar *Target, const char *Language); int MakeCRC(uchar *Target, const uchar *Data, int Length); public: cPatPmtGenerator(void); void GeneratePat(void); ///< Generates a PAT section for later use with GetPat(). ///< This function is called by default from the constructor. void GeneratePmt(tChannelID ChannelID); ///< Generates a PMT section for the given ChannelId, for later use ///< with GetPmt(). uchar *GetPat(void); ///< Returns a pointer to the PAT section, which consist of exactly ///< one TS packet. uchar *GetPmt(int &Index); ///< Returns a pointer to the Index'th TS packet of the PMT section. ///< Index must be initialized to 0 and will be incremented by each ///< call to GetPmt(). Returns NULL is all packets of the PMT section ///< have been fetched.. }; // PAT/PMT Parser: class cPatPmtParser { private: uchar pmt[MAX_SECTION_SIZE]; int pmtSize; int pmtPid; int vpid; int vtype; protected: int SectionLength(const uchar *Data, int Length) { return (Length >= 3) ? ((int(Data[1]) & 0x0F) << 8)| Data[2] : 0; } public: cPatPmtParser(void); void ParsePat(const uchar *Data, int Length); ///< Parses the given PAT Data, which is the payload of a single TS packet ///< from the PAT stream. The PAT may consist only of a single TS packet. void ParsePmt(const uchar *Data, int Length); ///< Parses the given PMT Data, which is the payload of a single TS packet ///< from the PMT stream. The PMT may consist of several TS packets, which ///< are delivered to the parser through several subsequent calls to ///< ParsePmt(). The whole PMT data will be processed once the last packet ///< has been received. int PmtPid(void) { return pmtPid; } ///< Returns the PMT pid as defined by the current PAT. ///< If no PAT has been received yet, -1 will be returned. int Vpid(void) { return vpid; } ///< Returns the video pid as defined by the current PMT. int Vtype(void) { return vtype; } }; // TS to PES converter: // Puts together the payload of several TS packets that form one PES // packet. class cTsToPes { private: uchar *data; int size; int length; bool synced; public: cTsToPes(void); ~cTsToPes(); void PutTs(const uchar *Data, int Length); ///< Puts the payload data of the single TS packet at Data into the converter. ///< Length is always 188. ///< If the given TS packet starts a new PES payload packet, the converter ///< will be automatically reset. Any packets before the first one that starts ///< a new PES payload packet will be ignored. const uchar *GetPes(int &Length); ///< Gets a pointer to the complete PES packet, or NULL if the packet ///< is not complete yet. If the packet is complete, Length will contain ///< the total packet length. The returned pointer is only valid until ///< the next call to PutTs() or Reset(), or until this object is destroyed. void Reset(void); ///< Resets the converter. This needs to be called after a PES packet has ///< been fetched by a call to GetPes(), and before the next call to ///< PutTs(). }; // Some helper functions for debugging: void BlockDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length); void TsDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length); void PesDump(const char *Name, const u_char *Data, int Length); #endif // __REMUX_H