 * sources.c: Source handling
 * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
 * how to reach the author.
 * $Id: sources.c 2.1 2010/02/28 12:00:31 kls Exp $

#include "sources.h"

// --- cSource ---------------------------------------------------------------

  code = stNone;
  description = NULL;

cSource::cSource(char Source, const char *Description)
  code = int(Source) << 24;
  description = strdup(Description);


bool cSource::Parse(const char *s)
  char *codeBuf = NULL;
  if (2 == sscanf(s, "%a[^ ] %a[^\n]", &codeBuf, &description))
     code = FromString(codeBuf);
  return code != stNone && description && *description;

cString cSource::ToString(int Code)
  char buffer[16];
  char *q = buffer;
  *q++ = (Code & st_Mask) >> 24;
  int n = (Code & st_Pos);
  if (n > 0x00007FFF)
     n |= 0xFFFF0000;
  if (n) {
     q += snprintf(q, sizeof(buffer) - 2, "%u.%u", abs(n) / 10, abs(n) % 10); // can't simply use "%g" here since the silly 'locale' messes up the decimal point
     *q++ = (n < 0) ? 'E' : 'W';
  *q = 0;
  return buffer;

int cSource::FromString(const char *s)
  if ('A' <= *s && *s <= 'Z') {
     int code = int(*s) << 24;
     if (code == stSat) {
        int pos = 0;
        bool dot = false;
        bool neg = false;
        while (*++s) {
              switch (*s) {
                case '0' ... '9': pos *= 10;
                                  pos += *s - '0';
                case '.':         dot = true;
                case 'E':         neg = true; // fall through to 'W'
                case 'W':         if (!dot)
                                     pos *= 10;
                default: esyslog("ERROR: unknown source character '%c'", *s);
                         return stNone;
        if (neg)
           pos = -pos;
        code |= (pos & st_Pos);
     return code;
    esyslog("ERROR: unknown source key '%c'", *s);
  return stNone;

int cSource::FromData(eSourceType SourceType, int Position, bool East)
  int code = SourceType;
  if (SourceType == stSat) {
     if (East)
        Position = -Position;
     code |= (Position & st_Pos);;
  return code;

// --- cSources --------------------------------------------------------------

cSources Sources;

cSource *cSources::Get(int Code)
  for (cSource *p = First(); p; p = Next(p)) {
      if (p->Code() == Code)
         return p;
  return NULL;