/* * svdrp.c: Simple Video Disk Recorder Protocol * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * The "Simple Video Disk Recorder Protocol" (SVDRP) was inspired * by the "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol" (SMTP) and is fully ASCII * text based. Therefore you can simply 'telnet' to your VDR port * and interact with the Video Disk Recorder - or write a full featured * graphical interface that sits on top of an SVDRP connection. * * $Id: svdrp.c 4.18 2017/05/18 15:51:24 kls Exp $ */ #include "svdrp.h" #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "channels.h" #include "config.h" #include "device.h" #include "eitscan.h" #include "keys.h" #include "menu.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "recording.h" #include "remote.h" #include "skins.h" #include "thread.h" #include "timers.h" #include "videodir.h" static bool DumpSVDRPDataTransfer = false; #define dbgsvdrp(a...) if (DumpSVDRPDataTransfer) fprintf(stderr, a) static int SVDRPTcpPort = 0; static int SVDRPUdpPort = 0; // --- cIpAddress ------------------------------------------------------------ class cIpAddress { private: cString address; int port; cString connection; public: cIpAddress(void); cIpAddress(const char *Address, int Port); const char *Address(void) const { return address; } int Port(void) const { return port; } void Set(const char *Address, int Port); void Set(const sockaddr *SockAddr); const char *Connection(void) const { return connection; } }; cIpAddress::cIpAddress(void) { Set(INADDR_ANY, 0); } cIpAddress::cIpAddress(const char *Address, int Port) { Set(Address, Port); } void cIpAddress::Set(const char *Address, int Port) { address = Address; port = Port; connection = cString::sprintf("%s:%d", *address, port); } void cIpAddress::Set(const sockaddr *SockAddr) { const sockaddr_in *Addr = (sockaddr_in *)SockAddr; Set(inet_ntoa(Addr->sin_addr), ntohs(Addr->sin_port)); } // --- cSocket --------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAXUDPBUF 1024 class cSocket { private: int port; bool tcp; int sock; cIpAddress lastIpAddress; bool IsOwnInterface(sockaddr_in *Addr); public: cSocket(int Port, bool Tcp); ~cSocket(); bool Listen(void); bool Connect(const char *Address); void Close(void); int Port(void) const { return port; } int Socket(void) const { return sock; } static bool SendDgram(const char *Dgram, int Port, const char *Address = NULL); int Accept(void); cString Discover(void); const cIpAddress *LastIpAddress(void) const { return &lastIpAddress; } }; cSocket::cSocket(int Port, bool Tcp) { port = Port; tcp = Tcp; sock = -1; } cSocket::~cSocket() { Close(); } bool cSocket::IsOwnInterface(sockaddr_in *Addr) { ifaddrs *ifaddr; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) >= 0) { bool Own = false; for (ifaddrs *ifa = ifaddr; ifa; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (ifa->ifa_addr) { if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { sockaddr_in *addr = (sockaddr_in *)ifa->ifa_addr; if (addr->sin_addr.s_addr == Addr->sin_addr.s_addr) { Own = true; break; } } } } freeifaddrs(ifaddr); return Own; } else LOG_ERROR; return false; } void cSocket::Close(void) { if (sock >= 0) { close(sock); sock = -1; } } bool cSocket::Listen(void) { if (sock < 0) { // create socket: sock = tcp ? socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP) : socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (sock < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } // allow it to always reuse the same port: int ReUseAddr = 1; setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &ReUseAddr, sizeof(ReUseAddr)); // configure port and ip: sockaddr_in Addr; memset(&Addr, 0, sizeof(Addr)); Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = htons(port); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = SVDRPhosts.LocalhostOnly() ? htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK) : htonl(INADDR_ANY); if (bind(sock, (sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; Close(); return false; } // make it non-blocking: int Flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (Flags < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } Flags |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, Flags) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } if (tcp) { // listen to the socket: if (listen(sock, 1) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } } isyslog("SVDRP listening on port %d/%s", port, tcp ? "tcp" : "udp"); } return true; } bool cSocket::Connect(const char *Address) { if (sock < 0 && tcp) { // create socket: sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (sock < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } // configure port and ip: sockaddr_in Addr; memset(&Addr, 0, sizeof(Addr)); Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_port = htons(port); Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(Address); if (connect(sock, (sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; Close(); return false; } // make it non-blocking: int Flags = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, 0); if (Flags < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } Flags |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, Flags) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } isyslog("SVDRP > %s:%d server connection established", Address, port); return true; } return false; } bool cSocket::SendDgram(const char *Dgram, int Port, const char *Address) { // Create a socket: int Socket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (Socket < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } if (!Address) { // Enable broadcast: int One = 1; if (setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &One, sizeof(One)) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; close(Socket); return false; } } // Configure port and ip: sockaddr_in Addr; memset(&Addr, 0, sizeof(Addr)); Addr.sin_family = AF_INET; Addr.sin_addr.s_addr = Address ? inet_addr(Address) : htonl(INADDR_BROADCAST); Addr.sin_port = htons(Port); // Send datagram: dsyslog("SVDRP > %s:%d send dgram '%s'", inet_ntoa(Addr.sin_addr), Port, Dgram); int Length = strlen(Dgram); int Sent = sendto(Socket, Dgram, Length, 0, (sockaddr *)&Addr, sizeof(Addr)); if (Sent < 0) LOG_ERROR; close(Socket); return Sent == Length; } int cSocket::Accept(void) { if (sock >= 0 && tcp) { sockaddr_in Addr; uint Size = sizeof(Addr); int NewSock = accept(sock, (sockaddr *)&Addr, &Size); if (NewSock >= 0) { bool Accepted = SVDRPhosts.Acceptable(Addr.sin_addr.s_addr); if (!Accepted) { const char *s = "Access denied!\n"; if (write(NewSock, s, strlen(s)) < 0) LOG_ERROR; close(NewSock); NewSock = -1; } lastIpAddress.Set((sockaddr *)&Addr); isyslog("SVDRP < %s client connection %s", lastIpAddress.Connection(), Accepted ? "accepted" : "DENIED"); } else if (FATALERRNO) LOG_ERROR; return NewSock; } return -1; } cString cSocket::Discover(void) { if (sock >= 0 && !tcp) { char buf[MAXUDPBUF]; sockaddr_in Addr; uint Size = sizeof(Addr); int NumBytes = recvfrom(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (sockaddr *)&Addr, &Size); if (NumBytes >= 0) { buf[NumBytes] = 0; if (!IsOwnInterface(&Addr)) { lastIpAddress.Set((sockaddr *)&Addr); if (!SVDRPhosts.Acceptable(Addr.sin_addr.s_addr)) { dsyslog("SVDRP < %s discovery ignored (%s)", lastIpAddress.Connection(), buf); return NULL; } if (!startswith(buf, "SVDRP:discover")) { dsyslog("SVDRP < %s discovery unrecognized (%s)", lastIpAddress.Connection(), buf); return NULL; } isyslog("SVDRP < %s discovery received (%s)", lastIpAddress.Connection(), buf); return buf; } } else if (FATALERRNO) LOG_ERROR; } return NULL; } // --- cSVDRPClient ---------------------------------------------------------- class cSVDRPClient { private: cIpAddress ipAddress; cSocket socket; cString serverName; int timeout; cTimeMs pingTime; cFile file; int fetchFlags; void Close(void); public: cSVDRPClient(const char *Address, int Port, const char *ServerName, int Timeout); ~cSVDRPClient(); const char *ServerName(void) const { return serverName; } const char *Connection(void) const { return ipAddress.Connection(); } bool HasAddress(const char *Address, int Port) const; bool Send(const char *Command); bool Process(cStringList *Response = NULL); bool Execute(const char *Command, cStringList *Response = NULL); void SetFetchFlag(eSvdrpFetchFlags Flag); bool HasFetchFlag(eSvdrpFetchFlags Flag); }; static cPoller SVDRPClientPoller; cSVDRPClient::cSVDRPClient(const char *Address, int Port, const char *ServerName, int Timeout) :ipAddress(Address, Port) ,socket(Port, true) { serverName = ServerName; timeout = Timeout * 1000 * 9 / 10; // ping after 90% of timeout pingTime.Set(timeout); fetchFlags = sffTimers; if (socket.Connect(Address)) { if (file.Open(socket.Socket())) { SVDRPClientPoller.Add(file, false); dsyslog("SVDRP > %s client created for '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); return; } } esyslog("SVDRP > %s ERROR: failed to create client for '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); } cSVDRPClient::~cSVDRPClient() { Close(); dsyslog("SVDRP > %s client destroyed for '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); } void cSVDRPClient::Close(void) { if (file.IsOpen()) { SVDRPClientPoller.Del(file, false); file.Close(); socket.Close(); LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; Timers->DelRemoteTimers(serverName); } } bool cSVDRPClient::HasAddress(const char *Address, int Port) const { return strcmp(ipAddress.Address(), Address) == 0 && ipAddress.Port() == Port; } bool cSVDRPClient::Send(const char *Command) { pingTime.Set(timeout); dbgsvdrp("> %s: %s\n", *serverName, Command); if (safe_write(file, Command, strlen(Command) + 1) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; return false; } return true; } bool cSVDRPClient::Process(cStringList *Response) { if (file.IsOpen()) { char input[BUFSIZ]; int numChars = 0; #define SVDRPResonseTimeout 5000 // ms cTimeMs Timeout(SVDRPResonseTimeout); for (;;) { if (file.Ready(false)) { unsigned char c; int r = safe_read(file, &c, 1); if (r > 0) { if (c == '\n' || c == 0x00) { // strip trailing whitespace: while (numChars > 0 && strchr(" \t\r\n", input[numChars - 1])) input[--numChars] = 0; // make sure the string is terminated: input[numChars] = 0; dbgsvdrp("< %s: %s\n", *serverName, input); if (Response) { Response->Append(strdup(input)); if (numChars >= 4 && input[3] != '-') // no more lines will follow break; } else { switch (atoi(input)) { case 220: if (numChars > 4) { char *n = input + 4; if (char *t = strchr(n, ' ')) { *t = 0; if (strcmp(n, serverName) != 0) { serverName = n; dsyslog("SVDRP < %s remote server name is '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); } } } break; case 221: dsyslog("SVDRP < %s remote server closed connection to '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); Close(); break; } } numChars = 0; } else { if (numChars >= int(sizeof(input))) { esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: out of memory", ipAddress.Connection()); Close(); break; } input[numChars++] = c; input[numChars] = 0; } Timeout.Set(SVDRPResonseTimeout); } else if (r <= 0) { isyslog("SVDRP < %s lost connection to remote server '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); Close(); } } else if (!Response) break; else if (Timeout.TimedOut()) { esyslog("SVDRP < %s timeout while waiting for response from '%s'", ipAddress.Connection(), *serverName); return false; } } if (pingTime.TimedOut()) Execute("PING"); } return file.IsOpen(); } bool cSVDRPClient::Execute(const char *Command, cStringList *Response) { if (Response) Response->Clear(); return Send(Command) && Process(Response); } void cSVDRPClient::SetFetchFlag(eSvdrpFetchFlags Flags) { fetchFlags |= Flags; } bool cSVDRPClient::HasFetchFlag(eSvdrpFetchFlags Flag) { bool Result = (fetchFlags & Flag); fetchFlags &= ~Flag; return Result; } // --- cSVDRPClientHandler --------------------------------------------------- class cSVDRPClientHandler : public cThread { private: cMutex mutex; int tcpPort; cSocket udpSocket; cVector<cSVDRPClient *> clientConnections; void HandleClientConnection(void); void ProcessConnections(void); cSVDRPClient *GetClientForServer(const char *ServerName); protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cSVDRPClientHandler(int TcpPort, int UdpPort); virtual ~cSVDRPClientHandler(); void SendDiscover(const char *Address = NULL); bool Execute(const char *ServerName, const char *Command, cStringList *Response = NULL); bool GetServerNames(cStringList *ServerNames, eSvdrpFetchFlags FetchFlags = sffNone); bool TriggerFetchingTimers(const char *ServerName); }; static cSVDRPClientHandler *SVDRPClientHandler = NULL; cSVDRPClientHandler::cSVDRPClientHandler(int TcpPort, int UdpPort) :cThread("SVDRP client handler", true) ,udpSocket(UdpPort, false) { tcpPort = TcpPort; } cSVDRPClientHandler::~cSVDRPClientHandler() { Cancel(3); for (int i = 0; i < clientConnections.Size(); i++) delete clientConnections[i]; } cSVDRPClient *cSVDRPClientHandler::GetClientForServer(const char *ServerName) { for (int i = 0; i < clientConnections.Size(); i++) { if (strcmp(clientConnections[i]->ServerName(), ServerName) == 0) return clientConnections[i]; } return NULL; } void cSVDRPClientHandler::SendDiscover(const char *Address) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); cString Dgram = cString::sprintf("SVDRP:discover name:%s port:%d vdrversion:%d apiversion:%d timeout:%d", Setup.SVDRPHostName, tcpPort, VDRVERSNUM, APIVERSNUM, Setup.SVDRPTimeout); udpSocket.SendDgram(Dgram, udpSocket.Port(), Address); } void cSVDRPClientHandler::ProcessConnections(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int i = 0; i < clientConnections.Size(); i++) { if (!clientConnections[i]->Process()) { delete clientConnections[i]; clientConnections.Remove(i); i--; } } } void cSVDRPClientHandler::HandleClientConnection(void) { cString NewDiscover = udpSocket.Discover(); if (*NewDiscover) { cString p = strgetval(NewDiscover, "port", ':'); if (*p) { int Port = atoi(p); for (int i = 0; i < clientConnections.Size(); i++) { if (clientConnections[i]->HasAddress(udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Address(), Port)) { dsyslog("SVDRP < %s connection to '%s' confirmed", clientConnections[i]->Connection(), clientConnections[i]->ServerName()); return; } } cString ServerName = strgetval(NewDiscover, "name", ':'); if (*ServerName) { cString t = strgetval(NewDiscover, "timeout", ':'); if (*t) { int Timeout = atoi(t); if (Timeout > 10) { // don't let it get too small const char *Address = udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Address(); clientConnections.Append(new cSVDRPClient(Address, Port, ServerName, Timeout)); SendDiscover(Address); } else esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: invalid timeout (%d)", udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Connection(), Timeout); } else esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: missing timeout", udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Connection()); } else esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: missing server name", udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Connection()); } else esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: missing port number", udpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Connection()); } } void cSVDRPClientHandler::Action(void) { if (udpSocket.Listen()) { SVDRPClientPoller.Add(udpSocket.Socket(), false); SendDiscover(); while (Running()) { SVDRPClientPoller.Poll(1000); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); HandleClientConnection(); ProcessConnections(); } SVDRPClientPoller.Del(udpSocket.Socket(), false); udpSocket.Close(); } } bool cSVDRPClientHandler::Execute(const char *ServerName, const char *Command, cStringList *Response) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (cSVDRPClient *Client = GetClientForServer(ServerName)) return Client->Execute(Command, Response); return false; } bool cSVDRPClientHandler::GetServerNames(cStringList *ServerNames, eSvdrpFetchFlags FetchFlag) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); ServerNames->Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < clientConnections.Size(); i++) { cSVDRPClient *Client = clientConnections[i]; if (FetchFlag == sffNone || Client->HasFetchFlag(FetchFlag)) ServerNames->Append(strdup(Client->ServerName())); } return ServerNames->Size() > 0; } bool cSVDRPClientHandler::TriggerFetchingTimers(const char *ServerName) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); if (cSVDRPClient *Client = GetClientForServer(ServerName)) { Client->SetFetchFlag(sffTimers); return true; } return false; } // --- cPUTEhandler ---------------------------------------------------------- class cPUTEhandler { private: FILE *f; int status; const char *message; public: cPUTEhandler(void); ~cPUTEhandler(); bool Process(const char *s); int Status(void) { return status; } const char *Message(void) { return message; } }; cPUTEhandler::cPUTEhandler(void) { if ((f = tmpfile()) != NULL) { status = 354; message = "Enter EPG data, end with \".\" on a line by itself"; } else { LOG_ERROR; status = 554; message = "Error while opening temporary file"; } } cPUTEhandler::~cPUTEhandler() { if (f) fclose(f); } bool cPUTEhandler::Process(const char *s) { if (f) { if (strcmp(s, ".") != 0) { fputs(s, f); fputc('\n', f); return true; } else { rewind(f); if (cSchedules::Read(f)) { cSchedules::Cleanup(true); status = 250; message = "EPG data processed"; } else { status = 451; message = "Error while processing EPG data"; } fclose(f); f = NULL; } } return false; } // --- cSVDRPServer ---------------------------------------------------------- #define MAXHELPTOPIC 10 #define EITDISABLETIME 10 // seconds until EIT processing is enabled again after a CLRE command // adjust the help for CLRE accordingly if changing this! const char *HelpPages[] = { "CHAN [ + | - | <number> | <name> | <id> ]\n" " Switch channel up, down or to the given channel number, name or id.\n" " Without option (or after successfully switching to the channel)\n" " it returns the current channel number and name.", "CLRE [ <number> | <name> | <id> ]\n" " Clear the EPG list of the given channel number, name or id.\n" " Without option it clears the entire EPG list.\n" " After a CLRE command, no further EPG processing is done for 10\n" " seconds, so that data sent with subsequent PUTE commands doesn't\n" " interfere with data from the broadcasters.", "DELC <number>\n" " Delete channel.", "DELR <id>\n" " Delete the recording with the given id. Before a recording can be\n" " deleted, an LSTR command should have been executed in order to retrieve\n" " the recording ids. The ids are unique and don't change while this\n" " instance of VDR is running.\n" " CAUTION: THERE IS NO CONFIRMATION PROMPT WHEN DELETING A\n" " RECORDING - BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!", "DELT <id>\n" " Delete the timer with the given id. If this timer is currently recording,\n" " the recording will be stopped without any warning.", "EDIT <id>\n" " Edit the recording with the given id. Before a recording can be\n" " edited, an LSTR command should have been executed in order to retrieve\n" " the recording ids.", "GRAB <filename> [ <quality> [ <sizex> <sizey> ] ]\n" " Grab the current frame and save it to the given file. Images can\n" " be stored as JPEG or PNM, depending on the given file name extension.\n" " The quality of the grabbed image can be in the range 0..100, where 100\n" " (the default) means \"best\" (only applies to JPEG). The size parameters\n" " define the size of the resulting image (default is full screen).\n" " If the file name is just an extension (.jpg, .jpeg or .pnm) the image\n" " data will be sent to the SVDRP connection encoded in base64. The same\n" " happens if '-' (a minus sign) is given as file name, in which case the\n" " image format defaults to JPEG.", "HELP [ <topic> ]\n" " The HELP command gives help info.", "HITK [ <key> ... ]\n" " Hit the given remote control key. Without option a list of all\n" " valid key names is given. If more than one key is given, they are\n" " entered into the remote control queue in the given sequence. There\n" " can be up to 31 keys.", "LSTC [ :ids ] [ :groups | <number> | <name> | <id> ]\n" " List channels. Without option, all channels are listed. Otherwise\n" " only the given channel is listed. If a name is given, all channels\n" " containing the given string as part of their name are listed.\n" " If ':groups' is given, all channels are listed including group\n" " separators. The channel number of a group separator is always 0.\n" " With ':ids' the channel ids are listed following the channel numbers.\n" " The special number 0 can be given to list the current channel.", "LSTE [ <channel> ] [ now | next | at <time> ]\n" " List EPG data. Without any parameters all data of all channels is\n" " listed. If a channel is given (either by number or by channel ID),\n" " only data for that channel is listed. 'now', 'next', or 'at <time>'\n" " restricts the returned data to present events, following events, or\n" " events at the given time (which must be in time_t form).", "LSTR [ <id> [ path ] ]\n" " List recordings. Without option, all recordings are listed. Otherwise\n" " the information for the given recording is listed. If a recording\n" " id and the keyword 'path' is given, the actual file name of that\n" " recording's directory is listed.\n" " Note that the ids of the recordings are not necessarily given in\n" " numeric order.", "LSTT [ <id> ] [ id ]\n" " List timers. Without option, all timers are listed. Otherwise\n" " only the timer with the given id is listed. If the keyword 'id' is\n" " given, the channels will be listed with their unique channel ids\n" " instead of their numbers. This command lists only the timers that are\n" " defined locally on this VDR, not any remote timers from other VDRs.", "MESG <message>\n" " Displays the given message on the OSD. The message will be queued\n" " and displayed whenever this is suitable.\n", "MODC <number> <settings>\n" " Modify a channel. Settings must be in the same format as returned\n" " by the LSTC command.", "MODT <id> on | off | <settings>\n" " Modify a timer. Settings must be in the same format as returned\n" " by the LSTT command. The special keywords 'on' and 'off' can be\n" " used to easily activate or deactivate a timer.", "MOVC <number> <to>\n" " Move a channel to a new position.", "MOVR <id> <new name>\n" " Move the recording with the given id. Before a recording can be\n" " moved, an LSTR command should have been executed in order to retrieve\n" " the recording ids. The ids don't change during subsequent MOVR\n" " commands.\n", "NEWC <settings>\n" " Create a new channel. Settings must be in the same format as returned\n" " by the LSTC command.", "NEWT <settings>\n" " Create a new timer. Settings must be in the same format as returned\n" " by the LSTT command.", "NEXT [ abs | rel ]\n" " Show the next timer event. If no option is given, the output will be\n" " in human readable form. With option 'abs' the absolute time of the next\n" " event will be given as the number of seconds since the epoch (time_t\n" " format), while with option 'rel' the relative time will be given as the\n" " number of seconds from now until the event. If the absolute time given\n" " is smaller than the current time, or if the relative time is less than\n" " zero, this means that the timer is currently recording and has started\n" " at the given time. The first value in the resulting line is the id\n" " of the timer.", "PING\n" " Used by peer-to-peer connections between VDRs to keep the connection\n" " from timing out. May be used at any time and simply returns a line of\n" " the form '<hostname> is alive'.", "PLAY <id> [ begin | <position> ]\n" " Play the recording with the given id. Before a recording can be\n" " played, an LSTR command should have been executed in order to retrieve\n" " the recording ids.\n" " The keyword 'begin' plays the recording from its very beginning, while\n" " a <position> (given as hh:mm:ss[.ff] or framenumber) starts at that\n" " position. If neither 'begin' nor a <position> are given, replay is resumed\n" " at the position where any previous replay was stopped, or from the beginning\n" " by default. To control or stop the replay session, use the usual remote\n" " control keypresses via the HITK command.", "PLUG <name> [ help | main ] [ <command> [ <options> ]]\n" " Send a command to a plugin.\n" " The PLUG command without any parameters lists all plugins.\n" " If only a name is given, all commands known to that plugin are listed.\n" " If a command is given (optionally followed by parameters), that command\n" " is sent to the plugin, and the result will be displayed.\n" " The keyword 'help' lists all the SVDRP commands known to the named plugin.\n" " If 'help' is followed by a command, the detailed help for that command is\n" " given. The keyword 'main' initiates a call to the main menu function of the\n" " given plugin.\n", "POLL timers\n" " Used by peer-to-peer connections between VDRs to inform other machines\n" " about changes to timers. The receiving VDR shall use LSTT to query the\n" " remote machine's timers and update its list of timers accordingly.\n", "PUTE [ file ]\n" " Put data into the EPG list. The data entered has to strictly follow the\n" " format defined in vdr(5) for the 'epg.data' file. A '.' on a line\n" " by itself terminates the input and starts processing of the data (all\n" " entered data is buffered until the terminating '.' is seen).\n" " If a file name is given, epg data will be read from this file (which\n" " must be accessible under the given name from the machine VDR is running\n" " on). In case of file input, no terminating '.' shall be given.\n", "REMO [ on | off ]\n" " Turns the remote control on or off. Without a parameter, the current\n" " status of the remote control is reported.", "SCAN\n" " Forces an EPG scan. If this is a single DVB device system, the scan\n" " will be done on the primary device unless it is currently recording.", "STAT disk\n" " Return information about disk usage (total, free, percent).", "UPDT <settings>\n" " Updates a timer. Settings must be in the same format as returned\n" " by the LSTT command. If a timer with the same channel, day, start\n" " and stop time does not yet exist, it will be created.", "UPDR\n" " Initiates a re-read of the recordings directory, which is the SVDRP\n" " equivalent to 'touch .update'.", "VOLU [ <number> | + | - | mute ]\n" " Set the audio volume to the given number (which is limited to the range\n" " 0...255). If the special options '+' or '-' are given, the volume will\n" " be turned up or down, respectively. The option 'mute' will toggle the\n" " audio muting. If no option is given, the current audio volume level will\n" " be returned.", "QUIT\n" " Exit vdr (SVDRP).\n" " You can also hit Ctrl-D to exit.", NULL }; /* SVDRP Reply Codes: 214 Help message 215 EPG or recording data record 216 Image grab data (base 64) 220 VDR service ready 221 VDR service closing transmission channel 250 Requested VDR action okay, completed 354 Start sending EPG data 451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized 501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments 502 Command not implemented 504 Command parameter not implemented 550 Requested action not taken 554 Transaction failed 900 Default plugin reply code 901..999 Plugin specific reply codes */ const char *GetHelpTopic(const char *HelpPage) { static char topic[MAXHELPTOPIC]; const char *q = HelpPage; while (*q) { if (isspace(*q)) { uint n = q - HelpPage; if (n >= sizeof(topic)) n = sizeof(topic) - 1; strncpy(topic, HelpPage, n); topic[n] = 0; return topic; } q++; } return NULL; } const char *GetHelpPage(const char *Cmd, const char **p) { if (p) { while (*p) { const char *t = GetHelpTopic(*p); if (strcasecmp(Cmd, t) == 0) return *p; p++; } } return NULL; } static cString grabImageDir; class cSVDRPServer { private: int socket; cString connection; cFile file; cPUTEhandler *PUTEhandler; int numChars; int length; char *cmdLine; time_t lastActivity; void Close(bool SendReply = false, bool Timeout = false); bool Send(const char *s, int length = -1); void Reply(int Code, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))); void PrintHelpTopics(const char **hp); void CmdCHAN(const char *Option); void CmdCLRE(const char *Option); void CmdDELC(const char *Option); void CmdDELR(const char *Option); void CmdDELT(const char *Option); void CmdEDIT(const char *Option); void CmdGRAB(const char *Option); void CmdHELP(const char *Option); void CmdHITK(const char *Option); void CmdLSTC(const char *Option); void CmdLSTE(const char *Option); void CmdLSTR(const char *Option); void CmdLSTT(const char *Option); void CmdMESG(const char *Option); void CmdMODC(const char *Option); void CmdMODT(const char *Option); void CmdMOVC(const char *Option); void CmdMOVR(const char *Option); void CmdNEWC(const char *Option); void CmdNEWT(const char *Option); void CmdNEXT(const char *Option); void CmdPING(const char *Option); void CmdPLAY(const char *Option); void CmdPLUG(const char *Option); void CmdPOLL(const char *Option); void CmdPUTE(const char *Option); void CmdREMO(const char *Option); void CmdSCAN(const char *Option); void CmdSTAT(const char *Option); void CmdUPDT(const char *Option); void CmdUPDR(const char *Option); void CmdVOLU(const char *Option); void Execute(char *Cmd); public: cSVDRPServer(int Socket, const char *Connection); ~cSVDRPServer(); bool HasConnection(void) { return file.IsOpen(); } bool Process(void); }; static cPoller SVDRPServerPoller; cSVDRPServer::cSVDRPServer(int Socket, const char *Connection) { socket = Socket; connection = Connection; PUTEhandler = NULL; numChars = 0; length = BUFSIZ; cmdLine = MALLOC(char, length); lastActivity = time(NULL); if (file.Open(socket)) { time_t now = time(NULL); Reply(220, "%s SVDRP VideoDiskRecorder %s; %s; %s", Setup.SVDRPHostName, VDRVERSION, *TimeToString(now), cCharSetConv::SystemCharacterTable() ? cCharSetConv::SystemCharacterTable() : "UTF-8"); SVDRPServerPoller.Add(file, false); } dsyslog("SVDRP < %s server created", *connection); } cSVDRPServer::~cSVDRPServer() { Close(true); free(cmdLine); dsyslog("SVDRP < %s server destroyed", *connection); } void cSVDRPServer::Close(bool SendReply, bool Timeout) { if (file.IsOpen()) { if (SendReply) { Reply(221, "%s closing connection%s", Setup.SVDRPHostName, Timeout ? " (timeout)" : ""); } isyslog("SVDRP < %s connection closed", *connection); SVDRPServerPoller.Del(file, false); file.Close(); DELETENULL(PUTEhandler); } close(socket); } bool cSVDRPServer::Send(const char *s, int length) { if (length < 0) length = strlen(s); if (safe_write(file, s, length) < 0) { LOG_ERROR; Close(); return false; } return true; } void cSVDRPServer::Reply(int Code, const char *fmt, ...) { if (file.IsOpen()) { if (Code != 0) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); cString buffer = cString::vsprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); const char *s = buffer; while (s && *s) { const char *n = strchr(s, '\n'); char cont = ' '; if (Code < 0 || n && *(n + 1)) // trailing newlines don't count! cont = '-'; char number[16]; sprintf(number, "%03d%c", abs(Code), cont); if (!(Send(number) && Send(s, n ? n - s : -1) && Send("\r\n"))) break; s = n ? n + 1 : NULL; } } else { Reply(451, "Zero return code - looks like a programming error!"); esyslog("SVDRP < %s zero return code!", *connection); } } } void cSVDRPServer::PrintHelpTopics(const char **hp) { int NumPages = 0; if (hp) { while (*hp) { NumPages++; hp++; } hp -= NumPages; } const int TopicsPerLine = 5; int x = 0; for (int y = 0; (y * TopicsPerLine + x) < NumPages; y++) { char buffer[TopicsPerLine * MAXHELPTOPIC + 5]; char *q = buffer; q += sprintf(q, " "); for (x = 0; x < TopicsPerLine && (y * TopicsPerLine + x) < NumPages; x++) { const char *topic = GetHelpTopic(hp[(y * TopicsPerLine + x)]); if (topic) q += sprintf(q, "%*s", -MAXHELPTOPIC, topic); } x = 0; Reply(-214, "%s", buffer); } } void cSVDRPServer::CmdCHAN(const char *Option) { LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; if (*Option) { int n = -1; int d = 0; if (isnumber(Option)) { int o = strtol(Option, NULL, 10); if (o >= 1 && o <= cChannels::MaxNumber()) n = o; } else if (strcmp(Option, "-") == 0) { n = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); if (n > 1) { n--; d = -1; } } else if (strcmp(Option, "+") == 0) { n = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); if (n < cChannels::MaxNumber()) { n++; d = 1; } } else if (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(tChannelID::FromString(Option))) n = Channel->Number(); else { for (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->First(); Channel; Channel = Channels->Next(Channel)) { if (!Channel->GroupSep()) { if (strcasecmp(Channel->Name(), Option) == 0) { n = Channel->Number(); break; } } } } if (n < 0) { Reply(501, "Undefined channel \"%s\"", Option); return; } if (!d) { if (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(n)) { if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(Channel, true)) { Reply(554, "Error switching to channel \"%d\"", Channel->Number()); return; } } else { Reply(550, "Unable to find channel \"%s\"", Option); return; } } else cDevice::SwitchChannel(d); } if (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel())) Reply(250, "%d %s", Channel->Number(), Channel->Name()); else Reply(550, "Unable to find channel \"%d\"", cDevice::CurrentChannel()); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdCLRE(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; tChannelID ChannelID = tChannelID::InvalidID; if (isnumber(Option)) { int o = strtol(Option, NULL, 10); if (o >= 1 && o <= cChannels::MaxNumber()) ChannelID = Channels->GetByNumber(o)->GetChannelID(); } else { ChannelID = tChannelID::FromString(Option); if (ChannelID == tChannelID::InvalidID) { for (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->First(); Channel; Channel = Channels->Next(Channel)) { if (!Channel->GroupSep()) { if (strcasecmp(Channel->Name(), Option) == 0) { ChannelID = Channel->GetChannelID(); break; } } } } } if (!(ChannelID == tChannelID::InvalidID)) { LOCK_SCHEDULES_WRITE; cSchedule *Schedule = NULL; ChannelID.ClrRid(); for (cSchedule *p = Schedules->First(); p; p = Schedules->Next(p)) { if (p->ChannelID() == ChannelID) { Schedule = p; break; } } if (Schedule) { for (cTimer *Timer = Timers->First(); Timer; Timer = Timers->Next(Timer)) { if (ChannelID == Timer->Channel()->GetChannelID().ClrRid()) Timer->SetEvent(NULL); } Schedule->Cleanup(INT_MAX); cEitFilter::SetDisableUntil(time(NULL) + EITDISABLETIME); Reply(250, "EPG data of channel \"%s\" cleared", Option); } else { Reply(550, "No EPG data found for channel \"%s\"", Option); return; } } else Reply(501, "Undefined channel \"%s\"", Option); } else { LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; LOCK_SCHEDULES_WRITE; for (cTimer *Timer = Timers->First(); Timer; Timer = Timers->Next(Timer)) Timer->SetEvent(NULL); // processing all timers here (local *and* remote) for (cSchedule *Schedule = Schedules->First(); Schedule; Schedule = Schedules->Next(Schedule)) Schedule->Cleanup(INT_MAX); cEitFilter::SetDisableUntil(time(NULL) + EITDISABLETIME); Reply(250, "EPG data cleared"); } } void cSVDRPServer::CmdDELC(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { LOCK_TIMERS_READ; LOCK_CHANNELS_WRITE; Channels->SetExplicitModify(); if (cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(strtol(Option, NULL, 10))) { if (const cTimer *Timer = Timers->UsesChannel(Channel)) { Reply(550, "Channel \"%s\" is in use by timer %s", Option, *Timer->ToDescr()); return; } int CurrentChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); cChannel *CurrentChannel = Channels->GetByNumber(CurrentChannelNr); if (CurrentChannel && Channel == CurrentChannel) { int n = Channels->GetNextNormal(CurrentChannel->Index()); if (n < 0) n = Channels->GetPrevNormal(CurrentChannel->Index()); if (n < 0) { Reply(501, "Can't delete channel \"%s\" - list would be empty", Option); return; } CurrentChannel = Channels->Get(n); CurrentChannelNr = 0; // triggers channel switch below } Channels->Del(Channel); Channels->ReNumber(); Channels->SetModifiedByUser(); Channels->SetModified(); isyslog("SVDRP < %s channel %s deleted", *connection, Option); if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr) { if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring()) Channels->SwitchTo(CurrentChannel->Number()); else cDevice::SetCurrentChannel(CurrentChannel->Number()); } Reply(250, "Channel \"%s\" deleted", Option); } else Reply(501, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel number \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing channel number"); } static cString RecordingInUseMessage(int Reason, const char *RecordingId, cRecording *Recording) { cRecordControl *rc; if ((Reason & ruTimer) != 0 && (rc = cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(Recording->FileName())) != NULL) return cString::sprintf("Recording \"%s\" is in use by timer %d", RecordingId, rc->Timer()->Id()); else if ((Reason & ruReplay) != 0) return cString::sprintf("Recording \"%s\" is being replayed", RecordingId); else if ((Reason & ruCut) != 0) return cString::sprintf("Recording \"%s\" is being edited", RecordingId); else if ((Reason & (ruMove | ruCopy)) != 0) return cString::sprintf("Recording \"%s\" is being copied/moved", RecordingId); else if (Reason) return cString::sprintf("Recording \"%s\" is in use", RecordingId); return NULL; } void cSVDRPServer::CmdDELR(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { LOCK_RECORDINGS_WRITE; Recordings->SetExplicitModify(); if (cRecording *Recording = Recordings->GetById(strtol(Option, NULL, 10))) { if (int RecordingInUse = Recording->IsInUse()) Reply(550, "%s", *RecordingInUseMessage(RecordingInUse, Option, Recording)); else { if (Recording->Delete()) { Recordings->DelByName(Recording->FileName()); Recordings->SetModified(); Reply(250, "Recording \"%s\" deleted", Option); } else Reply(554, "Error while deleting recording!"); } } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in recording id \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing recording id"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdDELT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; Timers->SetExplicitModify(); if (cTimer *Timer = Timers->GetById(strtol(Option, NULL, 10))) { if (Timer->Recording()) Timer->Skip(); Timers->Del(Timer); Timers->SetModified(); isyslog("SVDRP < %s deleted timer %s", *connection, *Timer->ToDescr()); Reply(250, "Timer \"%s\" deleted", Option); } else Reply(501, "Timer \"%s\" not defined", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in timer number \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing timer number"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdEDIT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) { LOCK_RECORDINGS_READ; if (const cRecording *Recording = Recordings->GetById(strtol(Option, NULL, 10))) { cMarks Marks; if (Marks.Load(Recording->FileName(), Recording->FramesPerSecond(), Recording->IsPesRecording()) && Marks.Count()) { if (RecordingsHandler.Add(ruCut, Recording->FileName())) Reply(250, "Editing recording \"%s\" [%s]", Option, Recording->Title()); else Reply(554, "Can't start editing process"); } else Reply(554, "No editing marks defined"); } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", Option); } else Reply(501, "Error in recording id \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "Missing recording id"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdGRAB(const char *Option) { const char *FileName = NULL; bool Jpeg = true; int Quality = -1, SizeX = -1, SizeY = -1; if (*Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; char *p = strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; FileName = strtok_r(p, delim, &strtok_next); // image type: const char *Extension = strrchr(FileName, '.'); if (Extension) { if (strcasecmp(Extension, ".jpg") == 0 || strcasecmp(Extension, ".jpeg") == 0) Jpeg = true; else if (strcasecmp(Extension, ".pnm") == 0) Jpeg = false; else { Reply(501, "Unknown image type \"%s\"", Extension + 1); return; } if (Extension == FileName) FileName = NULL; } else if (strcmp(FileName, "-") == 0) FileName = NULL; // image quality (and obsolete type): if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(p, "JPEG") == 0 || strcasecmp(p, "PNM") == 0) { // tolerate for backward compatibility p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } if (p) { if (isnumber(p)) Quality = atoi(p); else { Reply(501, "Invalid quality \"%s\"", p); return; } } } // image size: if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (isnumber(p)) SizeX = atoi(p); else { Reply(501, "Invalid sizex \"%s\"", p); return; } if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (isnumber(p)) SizeY = atoi(p); else { Reply(501, "Invalid sizey \"%s\"", p); return; } } else { Reply(501, "Missing sizey"); return; } } if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { Reply(501, "Unexpected parameter \"%s\"", p); return; } // canonicalize the file name: char RealFileName[PATH_MAX]; if (FileName) { if (*grabImageDir) { cString s(FileName); FileName = s; const char *slash = strrchr(FileName, '/'); if (!slash) { s = AddDirectory(grabImageDir, FileName); FileName = s; } slash = strrchr(FileName, '/'); // there definitely is one cString t(s); t.Truncate(slash - FileName); char *r = realpath(t, RealFileName); if (!r) { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); Reply(501, "Invalid file name \"%s\"", FileName); return; } strcat(RealFileName, slash); FileName = RealFileName; if (strncmp(FileName, grabImageDir, strlen(grabImageDir)) != 0) { Reply(501, "Invalid file name \"%s\"", FileName); return; } } else { Reply(550, "Grabbing to file not allowed (use \"GRAB -\" instead)"); return; } } // actual grabbing: int ImageSize; uchar *Image = cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->GrabImage(ImageSize, Jpeg, Quality, SizeX, SizeY); if (Image) { if (FileName) { int fd = open(FileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_NOFOLLOW | O_TRUNC, DEFFILEMODE); if (fd >= 0) { if (safe_write(fd, Image, ImageSize) == ImageSize) { dsyslog("SVDRP < %s grabbed image to %s", *connection, FileName); Reply(250, "Grabbed image %s", Option); } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); Reply(451, "Can't write to '%s'", FileName); } close(fd); } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); Reply(451, "Can't open '%s'", FileName); } } else { cBase64Encoder Base64(Image, ImageSize); const char *s; while ((s = Base64.NextLine()) != NULL) Reply(-216, "%s", s); Reply(216, "Grabbed image %s", Option); } free(Image); } else Reply(451, "Grab image failed"); } else Reply(501, "Missing filename"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdHELP(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { const char *hp = GetHelpPage(Option, HelpPages); if (hp) Reply(-214, "%s", hp); else { Reply(504, "HELP topic \"%s\" unknown", Option); return; } } else { Reply(-214, "This is VDR version %s", VDRVERSION); Reply(-214, "Topics:"); PrintHelpTopics(HelpPages); cPlugin *plugin; for (int i = 0; (plugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i)) != NULL; i++) { const char **hp = plugin->SVDRPHelpPages(); if (hp) Reply(-214, "Plugin %s v%s - %s", plugin->Name(), plugin->Version(), plugin->Description()); PrintHelpTopics(hp); } Reply(-214, "To report bugs in the implementation send email to"); Reply(-214, " vdr-bugs@tvdr.de"); } Reply(214, "End of HELP info"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdHITK(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (!cRemote::Enabled()) { Reply(550, "Remote control currently disabled (key \"%s\" discarded)", Option); return; } char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *p = strtok_r(buf, delim, &strtok_next); int NumKeys = 0; while (p) { eKeys k = cKey::FromString(p); if (k != kNone) { if (!cRemote::Put(k)) { Reply(451, "Too many keys in \"%s\" (only %d accepted)", Option, NumKeys); return; } } else { Reply(504, "Unknown key: \"%s\"", p); return; } NumKeys++; p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } Reply(250, "Key%s \"%s\" accepted", NumKeys > 1 ? "s" : "", Option); } else { Reply(-214, "Valid <key> names for the HITK command:"); for (int i = 0; i < kNone; i++) { Reply(-214, " %s", cKey::ToString(eKeys(i))); } Reply(214, "End of key list"); } } void cSVDRPServer::CmdLSTC(const char *Option) { LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; bool WithChannelIds = startswith(Option, ":ids") && (Option[4] == ' ' || Option[4] == 0); if (WithChannelIds) Option = skipspace(Option + 4); bool WithGroupSeps = strcasecmp(Option, ":groups") == 0; if (*Option && !WithGroupSeps) { if (isnumber(Option)) { int n = strtol(Option, NULL, 10); if (n == 0) n = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); if (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(n)) Reply(250, "%d%s%s %s", Channel->Number(), WithChannelIds ? " " : "", WithChannelIds ? *Channel->GetChannelID().ToString() : "", *Channel->ToText()); else Reply(501, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", Option); } else { const cChannel *Next = Channels->GetByChannelID(tChannelID::FromString(Option)); if (!Next) { for (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->First(); Channel; Channel = Channels->Next(Channel)) { if (!Channel->GroupSep()) { if (strcasestr(Channel->Name(), Option)) { if (Next) Reply(-250, "%d%s%s %s", Next->Number(), WithChannelIds ? " " : "", WithChannelIds ? *Next->GetChannelID().ToString() : "", *Next->ToText()); Next = Channel; } } } } if (Next) Reply(250, "%d%s%s %s", Next->Number(), WithChannelIds ? " " : "", WithChannelIds ? *Next->GetChannelID().ToString() : "", *Next->ToText()); else Reply(501, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", Option); } } else if (cChannels::MaxNumber() >= 1) { for (const cChannel *Channel = Channels->First(); Channel; Channel = Channels->Next(Channel)) { if (WithGroupSeps) Reply(Channel->Next() ? -250: 250, "%d%s%s %s", Channel->GroupSep() ? 0 : Channel->Number(), (WithChannelIds && !Channel->GroupSep()) ? " " : "", (WithChannelIds && !Channel->GroupSep()) ? *Channel->GetChannelID().ToString() : "", *Channel->ToText()); else if (!Channel->GroupSep()) Reply(Channel->Number() < cChannels::MaxNumber() ? -250 : 250, "%d%s%s %s", Channel->Number(), WithChannelIds ? " " : "", WithChannelIds ? *Channel->GetChannelID().ToString() : "", *Channel->ToText()); } } else Reply(550, "No channels defined"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdLSTE(const char *Option) { LOCK_SCHEDULES_READ; const cSchedule* Schedule = NULL; eDumpMode DumpMode = dmAll; time_t AtTime = 0; if (*Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *p = strtok_r(buf, delim, &strtok_next); while (p && DumpMode == dmAll) { if (strcasecmp(p, "NOW") == 0) DumpMode = dmPresent; else if (strcasecmp(p, "NEXT") == 0) DumpMode = dmFollowing; else if (strcasecmp(p, "AT") == 0) { DumpMode = dmAtTime; if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next)) != NULL) { if (isnumber(p)) AtTime = strtol(p, NULL, 10); else { Reply(501, "Invalid time"); return; } } else { Reply(501, "Missing time"); return; } } else if (!Schedule) { LOCK_CHANNELS_READ; const cChannel* Channel = NULL; if (isnumber(p)) Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(strtol(Option, NULL, 10)); else Channel = Channels->GetByChannelID(tChannelID::FromString(Option)); if (Channel) { Schedule = Schedules->GetSchedule(Channel); if (!Schedule) { Reply(550, "No schedule found"); return; } } else { Reply(550, "Channel \"%s\" not defined", p); return; } } else { Reply(501, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", p); return; } p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } } int fd = dup(file); if (fd) { FILE *f = fdopen(fd, "w"); if (f) { if (Schedule) Schedule->Dump(f, "215-", DumpMode, AtTime); else Schedules->Dump(f, "215-", DumpMode, AtTime); fflush(f); Reply(215, "End of EPG data"); fclose(f); } else { Reply(451, "Can't open file connection"); close(fd); } } else Reply(451, "Can't dup stream descriptor"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdLSTR(const char *Option) { int Number = 0; bool Path = false; LOCK_RECORDINGS_READ; if (*Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *p = strtok_r(buf, delim, &strtok_next); while (p) { if (!Number) { if (isnumber(p)) Number = strtol(p, NULL, 10); else { Reply(501, "Error in recording id \"%s\"", Option); return; } } else if (strcasecmp(p, "PATH") == 0) Path = true; else { Reply(501, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", p); return; } p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } if (Number) { if (const cRecording *Recording = Recordings->GetById(strtol(Option, NULL, 10))) { FILE *f = fdopen(file, "w"); if (f) { if (Path) Reply(250, "%s", Recording->FileName()); else { Recording->Info()->Write(f, "215-"); fflush(f); Reply(215, "End of recording information"); } // don't 'fclose(f)' here! } else Reply(451, "Can't open file connection"); } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", Option); } } else if (Recordings->Count()) { const cRecording *Recording = Recordings->First(); while (Recording) { Reply(Recording == Recordings->Last() ? 250 : -250, "%d %s", Recording->Id(), Recording->Title(' ', true)); Recording = Recordings->Next(Recording); } } else Reply(550, "No recordings available"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdLSTT(const char *Option) { int Id = 0; bool UseChannelId = false; if (*Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *p = strtok_r(buf, delim, &strtok_next); while (p) { if (isnumber(p)) Id = strtol(p, NULL, 10); else if (strcasecmp(p, "ID") == 0) UseChannelId = true; else { Reply(501, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", p); return; } p = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); } } LOCK_TIMERS_READ; if (Id) { for (const cTimer *Timer = Timers->First(); Timer; Timer = Timers->Next(Timer)) { if (!Timer->Remote()) { if (Timer->Id() == Id) { Reply(250, "%d %s", Timer->Id(), *Timer->ToText(UseChannelId)); return; } } } Reply(501, "Timer \"%s\" not defined", Option); return; } else { const cTimer *LastLocalTimer = Timers->Last(); while (LastLocalTimer) { if (LastLocalTimer->Remote()) LastLocalTimer = Timers->Prev(LastLocalTimer); else break; } if (LastLocalTimer) { for (const cTimer *Timer = Timers->First(); Timer; Timer = Timers->Next(Timer)) { if (!Timer->Remote()) Reply(Timer != LastLocalTimer ? -250 : 250, "%d %s", Timer->Id(), *Timer->ToText(UseChannelId)); if (Timer == LastLocalTimer) break; } return; } } Reply(550, "No timers defined"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdMESG(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { isyslog("SVDRP < %s message '%s'", *connection, Option); Skins.QueueMessage(mtInfo, Option); Reply(250, "Message queued"); } else Reply(501, "Missing message"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdMODC(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *tail; int n = strtol(Option, &tail, 10); if (tail && tail != Option) { tail = skipspace(tail); LOCK_CHANNELS_WRITE; Channels->SetExplicitModify(); if (cChannel *Channel = Channels->GetByNumber(n)) { cChannel ch; if (ch.Parse(tail)) { if (Channels->HasUniqueChannelID(&ch, Channel)) { *Channel = ch; Channels->ReNumber(); Channels->SetModifiedByUser(); Channels->SetModified(); isyslog("SVDRP < %s modifed channel %d %s", *connection, Channel->Number(), *Channel->ToText()); Reply(250, "%d %s", Channel->Number(), *Channel->ToText()); } else Reply(501, "Channel settings are not unique"); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel settings"); } else Reply(501, "Channel \"%d\" not defined", n); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel number"); } else Reply(501, "Missing channel settings"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdMODT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *tail; int Id = strtol(Option, &tail, 10); if (tail && tail != Option) { tail = skipspace(tail); LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; Timers->SetExplicitModify(); if (cTimer *Timer = Timers->GetById(Id)) { cTimer t = *Timer; if (strcasecmp(tail, "ON") == 0) t.SetFlags(tfActive); else if (strcasecmp(tail, "OFF") == 0) t.ClrFlags(tfActive); else if (!t.Parse(tail)) { Reply(501, "Error in timer settings"); return; } *Timer = t; Timers->SetModified(); isyslog("SVDRP < %s modified timer %s (%s)", *connection, *Timer->ToDescr(), Timer->HasFlags(tfActive) ? "active" : "inactive"); Reply(250, "%d %s", Timer->Id(), *Timer->ToText(true)); } else Reply(501, "Timer \"%d\" not defined", Id); } else Reply(501, "Error in timer id"); } else Reply(501, "Missing timer settings"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdMOVC(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *tail; int From = strtol(Option, &tail, 10); if (tail && tail != Option) { tail = skipspace(tail); if (tail && tail != Option) { LOCK_TIMERS_READ; // necessary to keep timers and channels in sync! LOCK_CHANNELS_WRITE; Channels->SetExplicitModify(); int To = strtol(tail, NULL, 10); int CurrentChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); const cChannel *CurrentChannel = Channels->GetByNumber(CurrentChannelNr); cChannel *FromChannel = Channels->GetByNumber(From); if (FromChannel) { cChannel *ToChannel = Channels->GetByNumber(To); if (ToChannel) { int FromNumber = FromChannel->Number(); int ToNumber = ToChannel->Number(); if (FromNumber != ToNumber) { Channels->Move(FromChannel, ToChannel); Channels->ReNumber(); Channels->SetModifiedByUser(); Channels->SetModified(); if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr) { if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring()) Channels->SwitchTo(CurrentChannel->Number()); else cDevice::SetCurrentChannel(CurrentChannel->Number()); } isyslog("SVDRP < %s channel %d moved to %d", *connection, FromNumber, ToNumber); Reply(250,"Channel \"%d\" moved to \"%d\"", From, To); } else Reply(501, "Can't move channel to same position"); } else Reply(501, "Channel \"%d\" not defined", To); } else Reply(501, "Channel \"%d\" not defined", From); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel number"); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel number"); } else Reply(501, "Missing channel number"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdMOVR(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *opt = strdup(Option); char *num = skipspace(opt); char *option = num; while (*option && !isspace(*option)) option++; char c = *option; *option = 0; if (isnumber(num)) { LOCK_RECORDINGS_WRITE; Recordings->SetExplicitModify(); if (cRecording *Recording = Recordings->GetById(strtol(num, NULL, 10))) { if (int RecordingInUse = Recording->IsInUse()) Reply(550, "%s", *RecordingInUseMessage(RecordingInUse, Option, Recording)); else { if (c) option = skipspace(++option); if (*option) { cString oldName = Recording->Name(); if ((Recording = Recordings->GetByName(Recording->FileName())) != NULL && Recording->ChangeName(option)) { Recordings->SetModified(); Recordings->TouchUpdate(); Reply(250, "Recording \"%s\" moved to \"%s\"", *oldName, Recording->Name()); } else Reply(554, "Error while moving recording \"%s\" to \"%s\"!", *oldName, option); } else Reply(501, "Missing new recording name"); } } else Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", num); } else Reply(501, "Error in recording id \"%s\"", num); free(opt); } else Reply(501, "Missing recording id"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdNEWC(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { cChannel ch; if (ch.Parse(Option)) { LOCK_CHANNELS_WRITE; Channels->SetExplicitModify(); if (Channels->HasUniqueChannelID(&ch)) { cChannel *channel = new cChannel; *channel = ch; Channels->Add(channel); Channels->ReNumber(); Channels->SetModifiedByUser(); Channels->SetModified(); isyslog("SVDRP < %s new channel %d %s", *connection, channel->Number(), *channel->ToText()); Reply(250, "%d %s", channel->Number(), *channel->ToText()); } else Reply(501, "Channel settings are not unique"); } else Reply(501, "Error in channel settings"); } else Reply(501, "Missing channel settings"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdNEWT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { cTimer *Timer = new cTimer; if (Timer->Parse(Option)) { LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; Timer->ClrFlags(tfRecording); Timers->Add(Timer); isyslog("SVDRP < %s added timer %s", *connection, *Timer->ToDescr()); Reply(250, "%d %s", Timer->Id(), *Timer->ToText(true)); return; } else Reply(501, "Error in timer settings"); delete Timer; } else Reply(501, "Missing timer settings"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdNEXT(const char *Option) { LOCK_TIMERS_READ; if (const cTimer *t = Timers->GetNextActiveTimer()) { time_t Start = t->StartTime(); int Id = t->Id(); if (!*Option) Reply(250, "%d %s", Id, *TimeToString(Start)); else if (strcasecmp(Option, "ABS") == 0) Reply(250, "%d %ld", Id, Start); else if (strcasecmp(Option, "REL") == 0) Reply(250, "%d %ld", Id, Start - time(NULL)); else Reply(501, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(550, "No active timers"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdPING(const char *Option) { Reply(250, "%s is alive", Setup.SVDRPHostName); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdPLAY(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *opt = strdup(Option); char *num = skipspace(opt); char *option = num; while (*option && !isspace(*option)) option++; char c = *option; *option = 0; if (isnumber(num)) { cStateKey StateKey; if (const cRecordings *Recordings = cRecordings::GetRecordingsRead(StateKey)) { if (const cRecording *Recording = Recordings->GetById(strtol(num, NULL, 10))) { cString FileName = Recording->FileName(); cString Title = Recording->Title(); int FramesPerSecond = Recording->FramesPerSecond(); bool IsPesRecording = Recording->IsPesRecording(); StateKey.Remove(); // must give up the lock for the call to cControl::Shutdown() if (c) option = skipspace(++option); cReplayControl::SetRecording(NULL); cControl::Shutdown(); if (*option) { int pos = 0; if (strcasecmp(option, "BEGIN") != 0) pos = HMSFToIndex(option, FramesPerSecond); cResumeFile Resume(FileName, IsPesRecording); if (pos <= 0) Resume.Delete(); else Resume.Save(pos); } cReplayControl::SetRecording(FileName); cControl::Launch(new cReplayControl); cControl::Attach(); Reply(250, "Playing recording \"%s\" [%s]", num, *Title); } else { StateKey.Remove(); Reply(550, "Recording \"%s\" not found", num); } } } else Reply(501, "Error in recording id \"%s\"", num); free(opt); } else Reply(501, "Missing recording id"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdPLUG(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char *opt = strdup(Option); char *name = skipspace(opt); char *option = name; while (*option && !isspace(*option)) option++; char c = *option; *option = 0; cPlugin *plugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(name); if (plugin) { if (c) option = skipspace(++option); char *cmd = option; while (*option && !isspace(*option)) option++; if (*option) { *option++ = 0; option = skipspace(option); } if (!*cmd || strcasecmp(cmd, "HELP") == 0) { if (*cmd && *option) { const char *hp = GetHelpPage(option, plugin->SVDRPHelpPages()); if (hp) { Reply(-214, "%s", hp); Reply(214, "End of HELP info"); } else Reply(504, "HELP topic \"%s\" for plugin \"%s\" unknown", option, plugin->Name()); } else { Reply(-214, "Plugin %s v%s - %s", plugin->Name(), plugin->Version(), plugin->Description()); const char **hp = plugin->SVDRPHelpPages(); if (hp) { Reply(-214, "SVDRP commands:"); PrintHelpTopics(hp); Reply(214, "End of HELP info"); } else Reply(214, "This plugin has no SVDRP commands"); } } else if (strcasecmp(cmd, "MAIN") == 0) { if (cRemote::CallPlugin(plugin->Name())) Reply(250, "Initiated call to main menu function of plugin \"%s\"", plugin->Name()); else Reply(550, "A plugin call is already pending - please try again later"); } else { int ReplyCode = 900; cString s = plugin->SVDRPCommand(cmd, option, ReplyCode); if (*s) Reply(abs(ReplyCode), "%s", *s); else Reply(500, "Command unrecognized: \"%s\"", cmd); } } else Reply(550, "Plugin \"%s\" not found (use PLUG for a list of plugins)", name); free(opt); } else { Reply(-214, "Available plugins:"); cPlugin *plugin; for (int i = 0; (plugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin(i)) != NULL; i++) Reply(-214, "%s v%s - %s", plugin->Name(), plugin->Version(), plugin->Description()); Reply(214, "End of plugin list"); } } void cSVDRPServer::CmdPOLL(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { char buf[strlen(Option) + 1]; char *p = strcpy(buf, Option); const char *delim = " \t"; char *strtok_next; char *RemoteName = strtok_r(p, delim, &strtok_next); char *ListName = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &strtok_next); if (SVDRPClientHandler) { if (ListName) { if (strcasecmp(ListName, "timers") == 0) { if (SVDRPClientHandler->TriggerFetchingTimers(RemoteName)) Reply(250, "OK"); else Reply(501, "No connection to \"%s\"", RemoteName); } else Reply(501, "Unknown list name: \"%s\"", ListName); } else Reply(501, "Missing list name"); } else Reply(501, "No SVDRP client connections"); } else Reply(501, "Missing parameters"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdPUTE(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { FILE *f = fopen(Option, "r"); if (f) { if (cSchedules::Read(f)) { cSchedules::Cleanup(true); Reply(250, "EPG data processed from \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(451, "Error while processing EPG from \"%s\"", Option); fclose(f); } else Reply(501, "Cannot open file \"%s\"", Option); } else { delete PUTEhandler; PUTEhandler = new cPUTEhandler; Reply(PUTEhandler->Status(), "%s", PUTEhandler->Message()); if (PUTEhandler->Status() != 354) DELETENULL(PUTEhandler); } } void cSVDRPServer::CmdREMO(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (!strcasecmp(Option, "ON")) { cRemote::SetEnabled(true); Reply(250, "Remote control enabled"); } else if (!strcasecmp(Option, "OFF")) { cRemote::SetEnabled(false); Reply(250, "Remote control disabled"); } else Reply(501, "Invalid Option \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(250, "Remote control is %s", cRemote::Enabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdSCAN(const char *Option) { EITScanner.ForceScan(); Reply(250, "EPG scan triggered"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdSTAT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (strcasecmp(Option, "DISK") == 0) { int FreeMB, UsedMB; int Percent = cVideoDirectory::VideoDiskSpace(&FreeMB, &UsedMB); Reply(250, "%dMB %dMB %d%%", FreeMB + UsedMB, FreeMB, Percent); } else Reply(501, "Invalid Option \"%s\"", Option); } else Reply(501, "No option given"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdUPDT(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { cTimer *Timer = new cTimer; if (Timer->Parse(Option)) { LOCK_TIMERS_WRITE; if (cTimer *t = Timers->GetTimer(Timer)) { t->Parse(Option); delete Timer; Timer = t; isyslog("SVDRP < %s updated timer %s", *connection, *Timer->ToDescr()); } else { Timers->Add(Timer); isyslog("SVDRP < %s added timer %s", *connection, *Timer->ToDescr()); } Reply(250, "%d %s", Timer->Id(), *Timer->ToText(true)); return; } else Reply(501, "Error in timer settings"); delete Timer; } else Reply(501, "Missing timer settings"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdUPDR(const char *Option) { LOCK_RECORDINGS_WRITE; Recordings->Update(false); Reply(250, "Re-read of recordings directory triggered"); } void cSVDRPServer::CmdVOLU(const char *Option) { if (*Option) { if (isnumber(Option)) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVolume(strtol(Option, NULL, 10), true); else if (strcmp(Option, "+") == 0) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVolume(VOLUMEDELTA); else if (strcmp(Option, "-") == 0) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SetVolume(-VOLUMEDELTA); else if (strcasecmp(Option, "MUTE") == 0) cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->ToggleMute(); else { Reply(501, "Unknown option: \"%s\"", Option); return; } } if (cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->IsMute()) Reply(250, "Audio is mute"); else Reply(250, "Audio volume is %d", cDevice::CurrentVolume()); } #define CMD(c) (strcasecmp(Cmd, c) == 0) void cSVDRPServer::Execute(char *Cmd) { // handle PUTE data: if (PUTEhandler) { if (!PUTEhandler->Process(Cmd)) { Reply(PUTEhandler->Status(), "%s", PUTEhandler->Message()); DELETENULL(PUTEhandler); } cEitFilter::SetDisableUntil(time(NULL) + EITDISABLETIME); // re-trigger the timeout, in case there is very much EPG data return; } // skip leading whitespace: Cmd = skipspace(Cmd); // find the end of the command word: char *s = Cmd; while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++; if (*s) *s++ = 0; s = skipspace(s); if (CMD("CHAN")) CmdCHAN(s); else if (CMD("CLRE")) CmdCLRE(s); else if (CMD("DELC")) CmdDELC(s); else if (CMD("DELR")) CmdDELR(s); else if (CMD("DELT")) CmdDELT(s); else if (CMD("EDIT")) CmdEDIT(s); else if (CMD("GRAB")) CmdGRAB(s); else if (CMD("HELP")) CmdHELP(s); else if (CMD("HITK")) CmdHITK(s); else if (CMD("LSTC")) CmdLSTC(s); else if (CMD("LSTE")) CmdLSTE(s); else if (CMD("LSTR")) CmdLSTR(s); else if (CMD("LSTT")) CmdLSTT(s); else if (CMD("MESG")) CmdMESG(s); else if (CMD("MODC")) CmdMODC(s); else if (CMD("MODT")) CmdMODT(s); else if (CMD("MOVC")) CmdMOVC(s); else if (CMD("MOVR")) CmdMOVR(s); else if (CMD("NEWC")) CmdNEWC(s); else if (CMD("NEWT")) CmdNEWT(s); else if (CMD("NEXT")) CmdNEXT(s); else if (CMD("PING")) CmdPING(s); else if (CMD("PLAY")) CmdPLAY(s); else if (CMD("PLUG")) CmdPLUG(s); else if (CMD("POLL")) CmdPOLL(s); else if (CMD("PUTE")) CmdPUTE(s); else if (CMD("REMO")) CmdREMO(s); else if (CMD("SCAN")) CmdSCAN(s); else if (CMD("STAT")) CmdSTAT(s); else if (CMD("UPDR")) CmdUPDR(s); else if (CMD("UPDT")) CmdUPDT(s); else if (CMD("VOLU")) CmdVOLU(s); else if (CMD("QUIT")) Close(true); else Reply(500, "Command unrecognized: \"%s\"", Cmd); } bool cSVDRPServer::Process(void) { if (file.IsOpen()) { while (file.Ready(false)) { unsigned char c; int r = safe_read(file, &c, 1); if (r > 0) { if (c == '\n' || c == 0x00) { // strip trailing whitespace: while (numChars > 0 && strchr(" \t\r\n", cmdLine[numChars - 1])) cmdLine[--numChars] = 0; // make sure the string is terminated: cmdLine[numChars] = 0; // showtime! Execute(cmdLine); numChars = 0; if (length > BUFSIZ) { free(cmdLine); // let's not tie up too much memory length = BUFSIZ; cmdLine = MALLOC(char, length); } } else if (c == 0x04 && numChars == 0) { // end of file (only at beginning of line) Close(true); } else if (c == 0x08 || c == 0x7F) { // backspace or delete (last character) if (numChars > 0) numChars--; } else if (c <= 0x03 || c == 0x0D) { // ignore control characters } else { if (numChars >= length - 1) { int NewLength = length + BUFSIZ; if (char *NewBuffer = (char *)realloc(cmdLine, NewLength)) { length = NewLength; cmdLine = NewBuffer; } else { esyslog("SVDRP < %s ERROR: out of memory", *connection); Close(); break; } } cmdLine[numChars++] = c; cmdLine[numChars] = 0; } lastActivity = time(NULL); } else if (r <= 0) { isyslog("SVDRP < %s lost connection to client", *connection); Close(); } } if (Setup.SVDRPTimeout && time(NULL) - lastActivity > Setup.SVDRPTimeout) { isyslog("SVDRP < %s timeout on connection", *connection); Close(true, true); } } return file.IsOpen(); } void SetSVDRPPorts(int TcpPort, int UdpPort) { SVDRPTcpPort = TcpPort; SVDRPUdpPort = UdpPort; } void SetSVDRPGrabImageDir(const char *GrabImageDir) { grabImageDir = GrabImageDir; } // --- cSVDRPServerHandler --------------------------------------------------- class cSVDRPServerHandler : public cThread { private: cMutex mutex; bool ready; cSocket tcpSocket; cVector<cSVDRPServer *> serverConnections; void HandleServerConnection(void); void ProcessConnections(void); protected: virtual void Action(void); public: cSVDRPServerHandler(int TcpPort); virtual ~cSVDRPServerHandler(); void WaitUntilReady(void); }; static cSVDRPServerHandler *SVDRPServerHandler = NULL; cSVDRPServerHandler::cSVDRPServerHandler(int TcpPort) :cThread("SVDRP server handler", true) ,tcpSocket(TcpPort, true) { ready = false; } cSVDRPServerHandler::~cSVDRPServerHandler() { Cancel(3); for (int i = 0; i < serverConnections.Size(); i++) delete serverConnections[i]; } void cSVDRPServerHandler::WaitUntilReady(void) { cTimeMs Timeout(3000); while (!ready && !Timeout.TimedOut()) cCondWait::SleepMs(10); } void cSVDRPServerHandler::ProcessConnections(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); for (int i = 0; i < serverConnections.Size(); i++) { if (!serverConnections[i]->Process()) { delete serverConnections[i]; serverConnections.Remove(i); i--; } } } void cSVDRPServerHandler::HandleServerConnection(void) { int NewSocket = tcpSocket.Accept(); if (NewSocket >= 0) serverConnections.Append(new cSVDRPServer(NewSocket, tcpSocket.LastIpAddress()->Connection())); } void cSVDRPServerHandler::Action(void) { if (tcpSocket.Listen()) { SVDRPServerPoller.Add(tcpSocket.Socket(), false); ready = true; while (Running()) { SVDRPServerPoller.Poll(1000); cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex); HandleServerConnection(); ProcessConnections(); } SVDRPServerPoller.Del(tcpSocket.Socket(), false); tcpSocket.Close(); } } // --- SVDRP Handler --------------------------------------------------------- static cMutex SVDRPHandlerMutex; void StartSVDRPServerHandler(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); if (SVDRPTcpPort && !SVDRPServerHandler) { SVDRPServerHandler = new cSVDRPServerHandler(SVDRPTcpPort); SVDRPServerHandler->Start(); SVDRPServerHandler->WaitUntilReady(); } } void StartSVDRPClientHandler(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); if (SVDRPTcpPort && SVDRPUdpPort && !SVDRPClientHandler) { SVDRPClientHandler = new cSVDRPClientHandler(SVDRPTcpPort, SVDRPUdpPort); SVDRPClientHandler->Start(); } } void StopSVDRPServerHandler(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); delete SVDRPServerHandler; SVDRPServerHandler = NULL; } void StopSVDRPClientHandler(void) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); delete SVDRPClientHandler; SVDRPClientHandler = NULL; } void SendSVDRPDiscover(const char *Address) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); if (SVDRPClientHandler) SVDRPClientHandler->SendDiscover(Address); } bool GetSVDRPServerNames(cStringList *ServerNames, eSvdrpFetchFlags FetchFlag) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); if (SVDRPClientHandler) return SVDRPClientHandler->GetServerNames(ServerNames, FetchFlag); return false; } bool ExecSVDRPCommand(const char *ServerName, const char *Command, cStringList *Response) { cMutexLock MutexLock(&SVDRPHandlerMutex); if (SVDRPClientHandler) return SVDRPClientHandler->Execute(ServerName, Command, Response); return false; }