/* * themes.c: Color themes used by skins * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: themes.c 1.1 2004/05/16 09:43:14 kls Exp $ */ #include "themes.h" #include <dirent.h> #include <string.h> #include "config.h" #include "tools.h" // --- cTheme ---------------------------------------------------------------- cTheme::cTheme(void) { name = strdup("default"); memset(descriptions, 0, sizeof(descriptions)); memset(colorNames, 0, sizeof(colorNames)); memset(colorValues, 0, sizeof(colorValues)); descriptions[0] = strdup("Default"); } cTheme::~cTheme() { free(name); for (int i = 0; i < I18nNumLanguages; i++) free(descriptions[i]); for (int i = 0; i < MaxThemeColors; i++) free(colorNames[i]); } bool cTheme::FileNameOk(const char *FileName, bool SetName) { const char *error = NULL; if (!isempty(FileName)) { const char *d = strrchr(FileName, '/'); if (d) FileName = d + 1; const char *n = strchr(FileName, '-'); if (n) { if (n > FileName) { if (!strchr(++n, '-')) { const char *e = strchr(n, '.'); if (e && strcmp(e, ".theme") == 0) { if (e - n >= 1) { // FileName is ok if (SetName) { free(name); name = strndup(n, e - n); } } else error = "missing theme name"; } else error = "invalid extension"; } else error = "too many '-'"; } else error = "missing skin name"; } else error = "missing '-'"; } else error = "empty"; if (error) esyslog("ERROR: invalid theme file name (%s): '%s'", error, FileName); return !error; } const char *cTheme::Description(void) { char *s = descriptions[Setup.OSDLanguage]; if (!s) s = descriptions[0]; return s ? s : name; } bool cTheme::Load(const char *FileName, bool OnlyDescriptions) { if (!FileNameOk(FileName, true)) return false; bool result = false; if (!OnlyDescriptions) isyslog("loading %s", FileName); FILE *f = fopen(FileName, "r"); if (f) { int line = 0; result = true; char *s; const char *error = NULL; while ((s = readline(f)) != NULL) { line++; char *p = strchr(s, '#'); if (p) *p = 0; s = stripspace(skipspace(s)); if (!isempty(s)) { char *n = s; char *v = strchr(s, '='); if (v) { *v++ = 0; n = stripspace(skipspace(n)); v = stripspace(skipspace(v)); if (strstr(n, "Description") == n) { int lang = 0; char *l = strchr(n, '.'); if (l) lang = I18nLanguageIndex(++l); if (lang >= 0) descriptions[lang] = strdup(v); else error = "invalid language code"; } else if (!OnlyDescriptions) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxThemeColors; i++) { if (colorNames[i]) { if (strcmp(n, colorNames[i]) == 0) { char *p = NULL; errno = 0; tColor c = strtoul(v, &p, 16); if (!errno && !*p) colorValues[i] = c; else error = "invalid color value"; break; } } else { error = "unknown color name"; break; } } } } else error = "missing value"; } if (error) { result = false; break; } } if (!result) esyslog("ERROR: error in %s, line %d%s%s\n", FileName, line, error ? ": " : "", error ? error : ""); fclose(f); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); return result; } bool cTheme::Save(const char *FileName) { if (!FileNameOk(FileName)) return false; bool result = true; cSafeFile f(FileName); if (f.Open()) { for (int i = 0; i < I18nNumLanguages; i++) { if (descriptions[i]) fprintf(f, "Description%s%.*s = %s\n", i ? "." : "", 3, i ? I18nLanguageCode(i) : "", descriptions[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < MaxThemeColors; i++) { if (colorNames[i]) fprintf(f, "%s = %08X\n", colorNames[i], colorValues[i]); } if (!f.Close()) result = false; } else result = false; return result; } int cTheme::AddColor(const char *Name, tColor Color) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxThemeColors; i++) { if (colorNames[i]) { if (strcmp(Name, colorNames[i]) == 0) { colorValues[i] = Color; return i; } } else { colorNames[i] = strdup(Name); colorValues[i] = Color; return i; } } return -1; } tColor cTheme::Color(int Subject) { return (Subject >= 0 && Subject < MaxThemeColors) ? colorValues[Subject] : 0; } // --- cThemes --------------------------------------------------------------- char *cThemes::themesDirectory = NULL; cThemes::cThemes(void) { numThemes = 0; names = 0; fileNames = NULL; descriptions = NULL; } cThemes::~cThemes() { Clear(); } void cThemes::Clear(void) { for (int i = 0; i < numThemes; i++) { free(names[i]); free(fileNames[i]); free(descriptions[i]); } free(names); free(fileNames); free(descriptions); numThemes = 0; names = 0; fileNames = NULL; descriptions = NULL; } bool cThemes::Load(const char *SkinName) { Clear(); if (themesDirectory) { DIR *d = opendir(themesDirectory); if (d) { struct dirent *e; while ((e = readdir(d)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..")) { if (strstr(e->d_name, SkinName) == e->d_name && e->d_name[strlen(SkinName)] == '-') { const char *FileName = AddDirectory(themesDirectory, e->d_name); cTheme Theme; if (Theme.Load(FileName, true)) { names = (char **)realloc(names, (numThemes + 1) * sizeof(char *)); names[numThemes] = strdup(Theme.Name()); fileNames = (char **)realloc(fileNames, (numThemes + 1) * sizeof(char *)); fileNames[numThemes] = strdup(FileName); descriptions = (char **)realloc(descriptions, (numThemes + 1) * sizeof(char *)); descriptions[numThemes] = strdup(Theme.Description()); numThemes++; } } } } closedir(d); return numThemes > 0; } } return false; } int cThemes::GetThemeIndex(const char *Description) { int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numThemes; i++) { if (strcmp(descriptions[i], Description) == 0) return i; if (strcmp(descriptions[i], "Default") == 0) index = 1; } return index; } void cThemes::SetThemesDirectory(const char *ThemesDirectory) { free(themesDirectory); themesDirectory = strdup(ThemesDirectory); MakeDirs(themesDirectory, true); } void cThemes::Load(const char *SkinName, const char *ThemeName, cTheme *Theme) { char *FileName = NULL; asprintf(&FileName, "%s/%s-%s.theme", themesDirectory, SkinName, ThemeName); if (access(FileName, F_OK) == 0) // the file exists Theme->Load(FileName); free(FileName); } void cThemes::Save(const char *SkinName, cTheme *Theme) { char *FileName = NULL; asprintf(&FileName, "%s/%s-%s.theme", themesDirectory, SkinName, Theme->Name()); if (access(FileName, F_OK) != 0) // the file does not exist Theme->Save(FileName); free(FileName); }