/* * tools.c: Various tools * * See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and * how to reach the author. * * $Id: tools.c 1.112 2006/01/20 14:01:28 kls Exp $ */ #include "tools.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> extern "C" { #ifdef boolean #define HAVE_BOOLEAN #endif #include <jpeglib.h> #undef boolean } #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/vfs.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <utime.h> #include "i18n.h" #include "thread.h" int SysLogLevel = 3; #define MAXSYSLOGBUF 256 void syslog_with_tid(int priority, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char fmt[MAXSYSLOGBUF]; snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "[%d] %s", cThread::ThreadId(), format); va_start(ap, format); vsyslog(priority, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } int BCD2INT(int x) { return ((1000000 * BCDCHARTOINT((x >> 24) & 0xFF)) + (10000 * BCDCHARTOINT((x >> 16) & 0xFF)) + (100 * BCDCHARTOINT((x >> 8) & 0xFF)) + BCDCHARTOINT( x & 0xFF)); } ssize_t safe_read(int filedes, void *buffer, size_t size) { for (;;) { ssize_t p = read(filedes, buffer, size); if (p < 0 && errno == EINTR) { dsyslog("EINTR while reading from file handle %d - retrying", filedes); continue; } return p; } } ssize_t safe_write(int filedes, const void *buffer, size_t size) { ssize_t p = 0; ssize_t written = size; const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)buffer; while (size > 0) { p = write(filedes, ptr, size); if (p < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { dsyslog("EINTR while writing to file handle %d - retrying", filedes); continue; } break; } ptr += p; size -= p; } return p < 0 ? p : written; } void writechar(int filedes, char c) { safe_write(filedes, &c, sizeof(c)); } int WriteAllOrNothing(int fd, const uchar *Data, int Length, int TimeoutMs, int RetryMs) { int written = 0; while (Length > 0) { int w = write(fd, Data + written, Length); if (w > 0) { Length -= w; written += w; } else if (written > 0 && !FATALERRNO) { // we've started writing, so we must finish it! cTimeMs t; cPoller Poller(fd, true); Poller.Poll(RetryMs); if (TimeoutMs > 0 && (TimeoutMs -= t.Elapsed()) <= 0) break; } else // nothing written yet (or fatal error), so we can just return the error code: return w; } return written; } char *strcpyrealloc(char *dest, const char *src) { if (src) { int l = max(dest ? strlen(dest) : 0, strlen(src)) + 1; // don't let the block get smaller! dest = (char *)realloc(dest, l); if (dest) strcpy(dest, src); else esyslog("ERROR: out of memory"); } else { free(dest); dest = NULL; } return dest; } char *strn0cpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n) { char *s = dest; for ( ; --n && (*dest = *src) != 0; dest++, src++) ; *dest = 0; return s; } char *strreplace(char *s, char c1, char c2) { if (s) { char *p = s; while (*p) { if (*p == c1) *p = c2; p++; } } return s; } char *strreplace(char *s, const char *s1, const char *s2) { char *p = strstr(s, s1); if (p) { int of = p - s; int l = strlen(s); int l1 = strlen(s1); int l2 = strlen(s2); if (l2 > l1) s = (char *)realloc(s, strlen(s) + l2 - l1 + 1); if (l2 != l1) memmove(s + of + l2, s + of + l1, l - of - l1 + 1); strncpy(s + of, s2, l2); } return s; } char *skipspace(const char *s) { while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; return (char *)s; } char *stripspace(char *s) { if (s && *s) { for (char *p = s + strlen(s) - 1; p >= s; p--) { if (!isspace(*p)) break; *p = 0; } } return s; } char *compactspace(char *s) { if (s && *s) { char *t = stripspace(skipspace(s)); char *p = t; while (p && *p) { char *q = skipspace(p); if (q - p > 1) memmove(p + 1, q, strlen(q) + 1); p++; } if (t != s) memmove(s, t, strlen(t) + 1); } return s; } cString strescape(const char *s, const char *chars) { char *buffer; const char *p = s; char *t = NULL; while (*p) { if (strchr(chars, *p)) { if (!t) { buffer = MALLOC(char, 2 * strlen(s) + 1); t = buffer + (p - s); s = strcpy(buffer, s); } *t++ = '\\'; } if (t) *t++ = *p; p++; } if (t) *t = 0; return cString(s, t != NULL); } bool startswith(const char *s, const char *p) { while (*p) { if (*p++ != *s++) return false; } return true; } bool endswith(const char *s, const char *p) { const char *se = s + strlen(s) - 1; const char *pe = p + strlen(p) - 1; while (pe >= p) { if (*pe-- != *se-- || (se < s && pe >= p)) return false; } return true; } bool isempty(const char *s) { return !(s && *skipspace(s)); } int numdigits(int n) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", n); return strlen(buf); } bool isnumber(const char *s) { if (!*s) return false; while (*s) { if (!isdigit(*s)) return false; s++; } return true; } cString AddDirectory(const char *DirName, const char *FileName) { char *buf; asprintf(&buf, "%s/%s", DirName && *DirName ? DirName : ".", FileName); return cString(buf, true); } cString itoa(int n) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", n); return buf; } int FreeDiskSpaceMB(const char *Directory, int *UsedMB) { if (UsedMB) *UsedMB = 0; int Free = 0; struct statfs statFs; if (statfs(Directory, &statFs) == 0) { double blocksPerMeg = 1024.0 * 1024.0 / statFs.f_bsize; if (UsedMB) *UsedMB = int((statFs.f_blocks - statFs.f_bfree) / blocksPerMeg); Free = int(statFs.f_bavail / blocksPerMeg); } else LOG_ERROR_STR(Directory); return Free; } bool DirectoryOk(const char *DirName, bool LogErrors) { struct stat ds; if (stat(DirName, &ds) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(ds.st_mode)) { if (access(DirName, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0) return true; else if (LogErrors) esyslog("ERROR: can't access %s", DirName); } else if (LogErrors) esyslog("ERROR: %s is not a directory", DirName); } else if (LogErrors) LOG_ERROR_STR(DirName); return false; } bool MakeDirs(const char *FileName, bool IsDirectory) { bool result = true; char *s = strdup(FileName); char *p = s; if (*p == '/') p++; while ((p = strchr(p, '/')) != NULL || IsDirectory) { if (p) *p = 0; struct stat fs; if (stat(s, &fs) != 0 || !S_ISDIR(fs.st_mode)) { dsyslog("creating directory %s", s); if (mkdir(s, ACCESSPERMS) == -1) { LOG_ERROR_STR(s); result = false; break; } } if (p) *p++ = '/'; else break; } free(s); return result; } bool RemoveFileOrDir(const char *FileName, bool FollowSymlinks) { struct stat st; if (stat(FileName, &st) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { cReadDir d(FileName); if (d.Ok()) { struct dirent *e; while ((e = d.Next()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..")) { char *buffer; asprintf(&buffer, "%s/%s", FileName, e->d_name); if (FollowSymlinks) { int size = strlen(buffer) * 2; // should be large enough char *l = MALLOC(char, size); int n = readlink(buffer, l, size); if (n < 0) { if (errno != EINVAL) LOG_ERROR_STR(buffer); } else if (n < size) { l[n] = 0; dsyslog("removing %s", l); if (remove(l) < 0) LOG_ERROR_STR(l); } else esyslog("ERROR: symlink name length (%d) exceeded anticipated buffer size (%d)", n, size); free(l); } dsyslog("removing %s", buffer); if (remove(buffer) < 0) LOG_ERROR_STR(buffer); free(buffer); } } } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); return false; } } dsyslog("removing %s", FileName); if (remove(FileName) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); return false; } } else if (errno != ENOENT) { LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); return false; } return true; } bool RemoveEmptyDirectories(const char *DirName, bool RemoveThis) { cReadDir d(DirName); if (d.Ok()) { bool empty = true; struct dirent *e; while ((e = d.Next()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..") && strcmp(e->d_name, "lost+found")) { char *buffer; asprintf(&buffer, "%s/%s", DirName, e->d_name); struct stat st; if (stat(buffer, &st) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { if (!RemoveEmptyDirectories(buffer, true)) empty = false; } else empty = false; } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(buffer); free(buffer); return false; } free(buffer); } } if (RemoveThis && empty) { dsyslog("removing %s", DirName); if (remove(DirName) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(DirName); return false; } } return empty; } else LOG_ERROR_STR(DirName); return false; } int DirSizeMB(const char *DirName) { cReadDir d(DirName); if (d.Ok()) { int size = 0; struct dirent *e; while (size >= 0 && (e = d.Next()) != NULL) { if (strcmp(e->d_name, ".") && strcmp(e->d_name, "..")) { char *buffer; asprintf(&buffer, "%s/%s", DirName, e->d_name); struct stat st; if (stat(buffer, &st) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { int n = DirSizeMB(buffer); if (n >= 0) size += n; else size = -1; } else size += st.st_size / MEGABYTE(1); } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(buffer); size = -1; } free(buffer); } } return size; } else LOG_ERROR_STR(DirName); return -1; } char *ReadLink(const char *FileName) { char RealName[PATH_MAX]; const char *TargetName = NULL; int n = readlink(FileName, RealName, sizeof(RealName) - 1); if (n < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EINVAL) // file doesn't exist or is not a symlink TargetName = FileName; else // some other error occurred LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); } else if (n < int(sizeof(RealName))) { // got it! RealName[n] = 0; TargetName = RealName; } else esyslog("ERROR: symlink's target name too long: %s", FileName); return TargetName ? strdup(TargetName) : NULL; } bool SpinUpDisk(const char *FileName) { char *buf = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) { free(buf); if (DirectoryOk(FileName)) asprintf(&buf, "%s/vdr-%06d", *FileName ? FileName : ".", n); else asprintf(&buf, "%s.vdr-%06d", FileName, n); if (access(buf, F_OK) != 0) { // the file does not exist timeval tp1, tp2; gettimeofday(&tp1, NULL); int f = open(buf, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, DEFFILEMODE); // O_SYNC doesn't work on all file systems if (f >= 0) { if (fdatasync(f) < 0) LOG_ERROR_STR(buf); close(f); remove(buf); gettimeofday(&tp2, NULL); double seconds = (((long long)tp2.tv_sec * 1000000 + tp2.tv_usec) - ((long long)tp1.tv_sec * 1000000 + tp1.tv_usec)) / 1000000.0; if (seconds > 0.5) dsyslog("SpinUpDisk took %.2f seconds", seconds); free(buf); return true; } else LOG_ERROR_STR(buf); } } free(buf); esyslog("ERROR: SpinUpDisk failed"); return false; } void TouchFile(const char *FileName) { if (utime(FileName, NULL) == -1 && errno != ENOENT) LOG_ERROR_STR(FileName); } time_t LastModifiedTime(const char *FileName) { struct stat fs; if (stat(FileName, &fs) == 0) return fs.st_mtime; return 0; } // --- cTimeMs --------------------------------------------------------------- cTimeMs::cTimeMs(void) { Set(); } uint64 cTimeMs::Now(void) { struct timeval t; if (gettimeofday(&t, NULL) == 0) return (uint64(t.tv_sec)) * 1000 + t.tv_usec / 1000; return 0; } void cTimeMs::Set(int Ms) { begin = Now() + Ms; } bool cTimeMs::TimedOut(void) { return Now() >= begin; } uint64 cTimeMs::Elapsed(void) { return Now() - begin; } // --- cString --------------------------------------------------------------- cString::cString(const char *S, bool TakePointer) { s = TakePointer ? (char *)S : S ? strdup(S) : NULL; } cString::cString(const cString &String) { s = String.s ? strdup(String.s) : NULL; } cString::~cString() { free(s); } cString &cString::operator=(const cString &String) { if (this == &String) return *this; free(s); s = String.s ? strdup(String.s) : NULL; return *this; } cString cString::sprintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); char *buffer; vasprintf(&buffer, fmt, ap); return cString(buffer, true); } cString WeekDayName(int WeekDay) { char buffer[4]; WeekDay = WeekDay == 0 ? 6 : WeekDay - 1; // we start with monday==0! if (0 <= WeekDay && WeekDay <= 6) { const char *day = tr("MonTueWedThuFriSatSun"); day += WeekDay * 3; strn0cpy(buffer, day, sizeof(buffer)); return buffer; } else return "???"; } cString WeekDayName(time_t t) { struct tm tm_r; return WeekDayName(localtime_r(&t, &tm_r)->tm_wday); } cString DayDateTime(time_t t) { char buffer[32]; if (t == 0) time(&t); struct tm tm_r; tm *tm = localtime_r(&t, &tm_r); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %02d.%02d %02d:%02d", *WeekDayName(tm->tm_wday), tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_mon + 1, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min); return buffer; } cString TimeToString(time_t t) { char buffer[32]; if (ctime_r(&t, buffer)) { buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = 0; // strip trailing newline return buffer; } return "???"; } cString DateString(time_t t) { char buf[32]; struct tm tm_r; tm *tm = localtime_r(&t, &tm_r); char *p = stpcpy(buf, WeekDayName(tm->tm_wday)); *p++ = ' '; strftime(p, sizeof(buf) - (p - buf), "%d.%m.%Y", tm); return buf; } cString TimeString(time_t t) { char buf[25]; struct tm tm_r; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%R", localtime_r(&t, &tm_r)); return buf; } // --- RgbToJpeg ------------------------------------------------------------- #define JPEGCOMPRESSMEM 500000 struct tJpegCompressData { int size; uchar *mem; }; static void JpegCompressInitDestination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { tJpegCompressData *jcd = (tJpegCompressData *)cinfo->client_data; if (jcd) { cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = jcd->size = JPEGCOMPRESSMEM; cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = jcd->mem = MALLOC(uchar, jcd->size); } } static boolean JpegCompressEmptyOutputBuffer(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { tJpegCompressData *jcd = (tJpegCompressData *)cinfo->client_data; if (jcd) { int Used = jcd->size; jcd->size += JPEGCOMPRESSMEM; jcd->mem = (uchar *)realloc(jcd->mem, jcd->size); if (jcd->mem) { cinfo->dest->next_output_byte = jcd->mem + Used; cinfo->dest->free_in_buffer = jcd->size - Used; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void JpegCompressTermDestination(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { tJpegCompressData *jcd = (tJpegCompressData *)cinfo->client_data; if (jcd) { int Used = cinfo->dest->next_output_byte - jcd->mem; if (Used < jcd->size) { jcd->size = Used; jcd->mem = (uchar *)realloc(jcd->mem, jcd->size); } } } uchar *RgbToJpeg(uchar *Mem, int Width, int Height, int &Size, int Quality) { if (Quality < 0) Quality = 0; else if (Quality > 100) Quality = 100; jpeg_destination_mgr jdm; jdm.init_destination = JpegCompressInitDestination; jdm.empty_output_buffer = JpegCompressEmptyOutputBuffer; jdm.term_destination = JpegCompressTermDestination; struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); cinfo.dest = &jdm; tJpegCompressData jcd; cinfo.client_data = &jcd; cinfo.image_width = Width; cinfo.image_height = Height; cinfo.input_components = 3; cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo); jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, Quality, true); jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, true); int rs = Width * 3; JSAMPROW rp[Height]; for (int k = 0; k < Height; k++) rp[k] = &Mem[rs * k]; jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, rp, Height); jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo); jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); Size = jcd.size; return jcd.mem; } // --- cBase64Encoder -------------------------------------------------------- const char *cBase64Encoder::b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; cBase64Encoder::cBase64Encoder(const uchar *Data, int Length, int MaxResult) { data = Data; length = Length; maxResult = MaxResult; i = 0; result = MALLOC(char, maxResult + 1); } cBase64Encoder::~cBase64Encoder() { free(result); } const char *cBase64Encoder::NextLine(void) { int r = 0; while (i < length && r < maxResult - 3) { result[r++] = b64[(data[i] >> 2) & 0x3F]; char c = (data[i] << 4) & 0x3F; if (++i < length) c |= (data[i] >> 4) & 0x0F; result[r++] = b64[c]; if (i < length) { c = (data[i] << 2) & 0x3F; if (++i < length) c |= (data[i] >> 6) & 0x03; result[r++] = b64[c]; } else { i++; result[r++] = '='; } if (i < length) { c = data[i] & 0x3F; result[r++] = b64[c]; } else result[r++] = '='; i++; } if (r > 0) { result[r] = 0; return result; } return NULL; } // --- cReadLine ------------------------------------------------------------- cReadLine::cReadLine(void) { size = 0; buffer = NULL; } cReadLine::~cReadLine() { free(buffer); } char *cReadLine::Read(FILE *f) { int n = getline(&buffer, &size, f); if (n > 0) { n--; if (buffer[n] == '\n') buffer[n] = 0; return buffer; } return NULL; } // --- cPoller --------------------------------------------------------------- cPoller::cPoller(int FileHandle, bool Out) { numFileHandles = 0; Add(FileHandle, Out); } bool cPoller::Add(int FileHandle, bool Out) { if (FileHandle >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < numFileHandles; i++) { if (pfd[i].fd == FileHandle && pfd[i].events == (Out ? POLLOUT : POLLIN)) return true; } if (numFileHandles < MaxPollFiles) { pfd[numFileHandles].fd = FileHandle; pfd[numFileHandles].events = Out ? POLLOUT : POLLIN; pfd[numFileHandles].revents = 0; numFileHandles++; return true; } esyslog("ERROR: too many file handles in cPoller"); } return false; } bool cPoller::Poll(int TimeoutMs) { if (numFileHandles) { if (poll(pfd, numFileHandles, TimeoutMs) != 0) return true; // returns true even in case of an error, to let the caller // access the file and thus see the error code } return false; } // --- cReadDir -------------------------------------------------------------- cReadDir::cReadDir(const char *Directory) { directory = opendir(Directory); } cReadDir::~cReadDir() { if (directory) closedir(directory); } struct dirent *cReadDir::Next(void) { return directory && readdir_r(directory, &u.d, &result) == 0 ? result : NULL; } // --- cFile ----------------------------------------------------------------- bool cFile::files[FD_SETSIZE] = { false }; int cFile::maxFiles = 0; cFile::cFile(void) { f = -1; } cFile::~cFile() { Close(); } bool cFile::Open(const char *FileName, int Flags, mode_t Mode) { if (!IsOpen()) return Open(open(FileName, Flags, Mode)); esyslog("ERROR: attempt to re-open %s", FileName); return false; } bool cFile::Open(int FileDes) { if (FileDes >= 0) { if (!IsOpen()) { f = FileDes; if (f >= 0) { if (f < FD_SETSIZE) { if (f >= maxFiles) maxFiles = f + 1; if (!files[f]) files[f] = true; else esyslog("ERROR: file descriptor %d already in files[]", f); return true; } else esyslog("ERROR: file descriptor %d is larger than FD_SETSIZE (%d)", f, FD_SETSIZE); } } else esyslog("ERROR: attempt to re-open file descriptor %d", FileDes); } return false; } void cFile::Close(void) { if (f >= 0) { close(f); files[f] = false; f = -1; } } bool cFile::Ready(bool Wait) { return f >= 0 && AnyFileReady(f, Wait ? 1000 : 0); } bool cFile::AnyFileReady(int FileDes, int TimeoutMs) { fd_set set; FD_ZERO(&set); for (int i = 0; i < maxFiles; i++) { if (files[i]) FD_SET(i, &set); } if (0 <= FileDes && FileDes < FD_SETSIZE && !files[FileDes]) FD_SET(FileDes, &set); // in case we come in with an arbitrary descriptor if (TimeoutMs == 0) TimeoutMs = 10; // load gets too heavy with 0 struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = TimeoutMs / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (TimeoutMs % 1000) * 1000; return select(FD_SETSIZE, &set, NULL, NULL, &timeout) > 0 && (FileDes < 0 || FD_ISSET(FileDes, &set)); } bool cFile::FileReady(int FileDes, int TimeoutMs) { fd_set set; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(FileDes, &set); if (TimeoutMs >= 0) { if (TimeoutMs < 100) TimeoutMs = 100; timeout.tv_sec = TimeoutMs / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (TimeoutMs % 1000) * 1000; } return select(FD_SETSIZE, &set, NULL, NULL, (TimeoutMs >= 0) ? &timeout : NULL) > 0 && FD_ISSET(FileDes, &set); } bool cFile::FileReadyForWriting(int FileDes, int TimeoutMs) { fd_set set; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&set); FD_SET(FileDes, &set); if (TimeoutMs < 100) TimeoutMs = 100; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = TimeoutMs * 1000; return select(FD_SETSIZE, NULL, &set, NULL, &timeout) > 0 && FD_ISSET(FileDes, &set); } // --- cSafeFile ------------------------------------------------------------- cSafeFile::cSafeFile(const char *FileName) { f = NULL; fileName = ReadLink(FileName); tempName = fileName ? MALLOC(char, strlen(fileName) + 5) : NULL; if (tempName) strcat(strcpy(tempName, fileName), ".$$$"); } cSafeFile::~cSafeFile() { if (f) fclose(f); unlink(tempName); free(fileName); free(tempName); } bool cSafeFile::Open(void) { if (!f && fileName && tempName) { f = fopen(tempName, "w"); if (!f) LOG_ERROR_STR(tempName); } return f != NULL; } bool cSafeFile::Close(void) { bool result = true; if (f) { if (ferror(f) != 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(tempName); result = false; } if (fclose(f) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(tempName); result = false; } f = NULL; if (result && rename(tempName, fileName) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); result = false; } } else result = false; return result; } // --- cUnbufferedFile ------------------------------------------------------- //#define USE_FADVISE #define READ_AHEAD MEGABYTE(2) #define WRITE_BUFFER MEGABYTE(10) cUnbufferedFile::cUnbufferedFile(void) { fd = -1; } cUnbufferedFile::~cUnbufferedFile() { Close(); } int cUnbufferedFile::Open(const char *FileName, int Flags, mode_t Mode) { Close(); fd = open(FileName, Flags, Mode); begin = end = ahead = -1; written = 0; return fd; } int cUnbufferedFile::Close(void) { #ifdef USE_FADVISE if (fd >= 0) { if (ahead > end) end = ahead; if (begin >= 0 && end > begin) { //dsyslog("close buffer: %d (flush: %d bytes, %ld-%ld)", fd, written, begin, end); if (written) fdatasync(fd); posix_fadvise(fd, begin, end - begin, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); } begin = end = ahead = -1; written = 0; } #endif int OldFd = fd; fd = -1; return close(OldFd); } off_t cUnbufferedFile::Seek(off_t Offset, int Whence) { if (fd >= 0) return lseek(fd, Offset, Whence); return -1; } ssize_t cUnbufferedFile::Read(void *Data, size_t Size) { if (fd >= 0) { #ifdef USE_FADVISE off_t pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); // jump forward - adjust end position if (pos > end) end = pos; // after adjusting end - don't clear more than previously requested if (end > ahead) end = ahead; // jump backward - drop read ahead of previous run if (pos < begin) end = ahead; if (begin >= 0 && end > begin) posix_fadvise(fd, begin - KILOBYTE(200), end - begin + KILOBYTE(200), POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);//XXX macros/parameters??? begin = pos; #endif ssize_t bytesRead = safe_read(fd, Data, Size); #ifdef USE_FADVISE if (bytesRead > 0) { pos += bytesRead; end = pos; // this seems to trigger a non blocking read - this // may or may not have been finished when we will be called next time. // If it is not finished we can't release the not yet filled buffers. // So this is commented out till we find a better solution. //posix_fadvise(fd, pos, READ_AHEAD, POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED); ahead = pos + READ_AHEAD; } else end = pos; #endif return bytesRead; } return -1; } ssize_t cUnbufferedFile::Write(const void *Data, size_t Size) { if (fd >=0) { #ifdef USE_FADVISE off_t pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); #endif ssize_t bytesWritten = safe_write(fd, Data, Size); #ifdef USE_FADVISE if (bytesWritten >= 0) { written += bytesWritten; if (begin >= 0) { if (pos < begin) begin = pos; } else begin = pos; if (pos + bytesWritten > end) end = pos + bytesWritten; if (written > WRITE_BUFFER) { //dsyslog("flush buffer: %d (%d bytes, %ld-%ld)", fd, written, begin, end); fdatasync(fd); if (begin >= 0 && end > begin) posix_fadvise(fd, begin, end - begin, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); begin = end = -1; written = 0; } } #endif return bytesWritten; } return -1; } cUnbufferedFile *cUnbufferedFile::Create(const char *FileName, int Flags, mode_t Mode) { cUnbufferedFile *File = new cUnbufferedFile; if (File->Open(FileName, Flags, Mode) < 0) { delete File; File = NULL; } return File; } // --- cLockFile ------------------------------------------------------------- #define LOCKFILENAME ".lock-vdr" #define LOCKFILESTALETIME 600 // seconds before considering a lock file "stale" cLockFile::cLockFile(const char *Directory) { fileName = NULL; f = -1; if (DirectoryOk(Directory)) asprintf(&fileName, "%s/%s", Directory, LOCKFILENAME); } cLockFile::~cLockFile() { Unlock(); free(fileName); } bool cLockFile::Lock(int WaitSeconds) { if (f < 0 && fileName) { time_t Timeout = time(NULL) + WaitSeconds; do { f = open(fileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, DEFFILEMODE); if (f < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { struct stat fs; if (stat(fileName, &fs) == 0) { if (abs(time(NULL) - fs.st_mtime) > LOCKFILESTALETIME) { esyslog("ERROR: removing stale lock file '%s'", fileName); if (remove(fileName) < 0) { LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); break; } continue; } } else if (errno != ENOENT) { LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); break; } } else { LOG_ERROR_STR(fileName); break; } if (WaitSeconds) sleep(1); } } while (f < 0 && time(NULL) < Timeout); } return f >= 0; } void cLockFile::Unlock(void) { if (f >= 0) { close(f); remove(fileName); f = -1; } } // --- cListObject ----------------------------------------------------------- cListObject::cListObject(void) { prev = next = NULL; } cListObject::~cListObject() { } void cListObject::Append(cListObject *Object) { next = Object; Object->prev = this; } void cListObject::Insert(cListObject *Object) { prev = Object; Object->next = this; } void cListObject::Unlink(void) { if (next) next->prev = prev; if (prev) prev->next = next; next = prev = NULL; } int cListObject::Index(void) const { cListObject *p = prev; int i = 0; while (p) { i++; p = p->prev; } return i; } // --- cListBase ------------------------------------------------------------- cListBase::cListBase(void) { objects = lastObject = NULL; count = 0; } cListBase::~cListBase() { Clear(); } void cListBase::Add(cListObject *Object, cListObject *After) { if (After && After != lastObject) { After->Next()->Insert(Object); After->Append(Object); } else { if (lastObject) lastObject->Append(Object); else objects = Object; lastObject = Object; } count++; } void cListBase::Ins(cListObject *Object, cListObject *Before) { if (Before && Before != objects) { Before->Prev()->Append(Object); Before->Insert(Object); } else { if (objects) objects->Insert(Object); else lastObject = Object; objects = Object; } count++; } void cListBase::Del(cListObject *Object, bool DeleteObject) { if (Object == objects) objects = Object->Next(); if (Object == lastObject) lastObject = Object->Prev(); Object->Unlink(); if (DeleteObject) delete Object; count--; } void cListBase::Move(int From, int To) { Move(Get(From), Get(To)); } void cListBase::Move(cListObject *From, cListObject *To) { if (From && To) { if (From->Index() < To->Index()) To = To->Next(); if (From == objects) objects = From->Next(); if (From == lastObject) lastObject = From->Prev(); From->Unlink(); if (To) { if (To->Prev()) To->Prev()->Append(From); From->Append(To); } else { lastObject->Append(From); lastObject = From; } if (!From->Prev()) objects = From; } } void cListBase::Clear(void) { while (objects) { cListObject *object = objects->Next(); delete objects; objects = object; } objects = lastObject = NULL; count = 0; } cListObject *cListBase::Get(int Index) const { if (Index < 0) return NULL; cListObject *object = objects; while (object && Index-- > 0) object = object->Next(); return object; } static int CompareListObjects(const void *a, const void *b) { const cListObject *la = *(const cListObject **)a; const cListObject *lb = *(const cListObject **)b; return la->Compare(*lb); } void cListBase::Sort(void) { int n = Count(); cListObject *a[n]; cListObject *object = objects; int i = 0; while (object && i < n) { a[i++] = object; object = object->Next(); } qsort(a, n, sizeof(cListObject *), CompareListObjects); objects = lastObject = NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { a[i]->Unlink(); count--; Add(a[i]); } } // --- cHashBase ------------------------------------------------------------- cHashBase::cHashBase(int Size) { size = Size; hashTable = (cList<cHashObject>**)calloc(size, sizeof(cList<cHashObject>*)); } cHashBase::~cHashBase(void) { Clear(); free(hashTable); } void cHashBase::Add(cListObject *Object, unsigned int Id) { unsigned int hash = hashfn(Id); if (!hashTable[hash]) hashTable[hash] = new cList<cHashObject>; hashTable[hash]->Add(new cHashObject(Object, Id)); } void cHashBase::Del(cListObject *Object, unsigned int Id) { cList<cHashObject> *list = hashTable[hashfn(Id)]; if (list) { for (cHashObject *hob = list->First(); hob; hob = list->Next(hob)) { if (hob->object == Object) { list->Del(hob); break; } } } } void cHashBase::Clear(void) { for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { delete hashTable[i]; hashTable[i] = NULL; } } cListObject *cHashBase::Get(unsigned int Id) const { cList<cHashObject> *list = hashTable[hashfn(Id)]; if (list) { for (cHashObject *hob = list->First(); hob; hob = list->Next(hob)) { if (hob->id == Id) return hob->object; } } return NULL; } cList<cHashObject> *cHashBase::GetList(unsigned int Id) const { return hashTable[hashfn(Id)]; }