



Bug #1062


Error creating Logo

Added by satellit over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


I get serious errors, when I try to extract the SAT.1-HD-logo. Here is the output:

root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Das_Schweigen_der_Lämmer/2012-09- l
insgesamt 9,2G
drwxrwxr-x 2 root ftpusers 4,0K 2012-09-08 23:07 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 root ftpusers 8 2012-09-07 23:01 ..
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 782M 2012-09-07 23:10 00001.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 2,0G 2012-09-07 23:35 00002.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 2,0G 2012-09-07 23:58 00003.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 2,0G 2012-09-08 00:19 00004.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 2,0G 2012-09-08 00:41 00005.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 574M 2012-09-08 00:51 00006.ts
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 1,3M 2012-09-08 00:51 index
rw-rw-r- 1 root root 609 2012-09-08 23:06 info
rw-rw-r- 1 root ftpusers 609 2012-09-07 23:11 info.txt
rw-rw-r- 1 root root 16K 2012-09-08 00:51 preview_vdr.png
root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Das_Schweigen_der_Lämmer/2012-09- markad --extractlogo=1 -v - /media/reel/recordings/Das_Schweigen_der_Lämmer/2012-09-
markad: [5081] starting v0.1.3 (32bit)
markad: [5081] on /media/hd/recordings/Das_Schweigen_der_Lämmer/2012-09-
markad: [5081] getting broadcast start from directory
markad: [5081] pre-timer 2m
markad: [5081] broadcast length 124m
markad: [5081] found H264-video (0x00ff)
markad: [5081] found AC3 (0x0103)
markad: [5081] using with 1 threads
markad: [5081] using codec H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
markad: [5081] channel SAT_1_HD
markad: [5081] processing file 00001
[h264 0x8f583b0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
Last message repeated 393 times
0x8f583b0]mmco: unref short failure
markad: [5081] HDTV 1920x1080i25
[h264 0x8f583b0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
0x8f583b0]mmco: unref short failure
[h264 @ 0x8f583b0]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
markad: [5081] finished logo extraction

The info file is:

root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Das_Schweigen_der_Lämmer/2012-09- cat info
C S19.2E-1-1017-61300 SAT.1 HD
E 34606 1347050220 7440 4E D
T Das Schweigen der Lämmer
D Ein Serienkiller zieht seine blutige Spur durch den mittleren Westen der USA. Das FBI tritt auf der Stelle. Nur einer könnte der Truppe um Jack Crawford helfen: Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Der psychopathische Massenmörder und Psychologe sitzt in einem Hochsicherheitstrakt. Er soll ein Profil des Serienmörders erstellen und damit die Fahndung voranbringen. Crawford setzt die FBI-Schülerin Clarice Starling auf Lecter an, doch er weiß, dass Lecter nicht ohne Zugeständnisse helfen wird ...
X 2 05 deu
F 25
P 50
L 99

Also the pretimer of 2 minutes is not correct.

Files (10.3 KB) satellit, 09/17/2012 09:51 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Joe_D

Where are the 'serious errors'?

The H264-messages are from libavcodec, they will disapear when you omit the -v switch

Pretimer detection is ok cause your volume is not mounted with noatime option - time from directory is 22:35 (2012-09- and time from info.txt (1347050220) is 22:37

Are you missing the extracted files in /tmp?

Actions #2

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

Well, the errors will disappear without the -v option but libavcodec will have still the same problem, isn't it?
The logos are almost completely white and useless. Therefore I think that it is a serious error. Is this a memory issue?
The pretimer detection is not correct because it is a manual recording. You see this in the info file where the search timer information in the xml format is missing (see the tagesschau info file). I started the recording at 22:37 but the film started 2 minutes earlier. The info shows the time when I started the recording. The film started at 22:35 which is in the directory name and therefore I lost 2 minutes. The correct pretimer should have been - 2 minutes (minus two minutes) instead of + 2 minutes.

root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Tagesschau/2012-09- cat info
C S19.2E-1-1019-10301 Das Erste HD
E 70315345 1347300000 900 0 FF
T Tagesschau
D Genre: Nachrichten|Die Nachrichten der ARD|Land: D|Stereo: Ja|Breitbild: Ja|Genre: Nachrichten
X 2 03 deu Stereo
X 1 03 deu 16:9
X 2 03 mis
X 2 05 deu
X 3 03 deu
F 50
P 50
L 99
@ <epgsearch><channel>1 - Das Erste HD</channel><update>0</update><eventid>70315345</eventid><bstart>120</bstart><bstop>600</bstop></epgsearch><pin-plugin><protected>no</protected></pin-plugin>

It seems to me that there is a discrepancy between search timer and manual recordings.

Thanks for your support!

Actions #3

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

satellit wrote:

Well, the errors will disappear without the -v option but libavcodec will have still the same problem, isn't it?

I don't know if these messages from libavcodec are errors or just warnings...

The logos are almost completely white and useless. Therefore I think that it is a serious error. Is this a memory issue?

No, try increase the size, e.g. --extractlogo=1,350,200 - but descrease the size afterwards to the smallest possible value...

The pretimer detection is not correct because it is a manual recording.
It seems to me that there is a discrepancy between search timer and manual recordings.

I must investigate this further. Thanks for the hint!

Actions #4

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Feedback
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low
  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

The pretimer detection is not correct because it is a manual recording.
It seems to me that there is a discrepancy between search timer and manual recordings.

I must investigate this further. Thanks for the hint!

I found no errors:

First an recording with pause/live-recording (markad recognizes the @-sign and disables pre-/post timer):

Tue Sep 11 12:59:32 [2315] starting v0.1.4pre (32bit)
Tue Sep 11 12:59:32 [2315] on /var/lib/video.00/@Malcolm_mittendrin_Verliebt_in_ein_Auto/2012-09-
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] live-recording, disabling pre-/post timer
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] broadcast aspectratio 4:3 (from info)
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] broadcast with DolbyDigital2.0 (from info)
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] broadcast length 28m
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] found H262-video (0x01ff)
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] found AC3 (0x0203)
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] using with 2 threads
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] using codec MPEG-2 video
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] channel ProSieben
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] SDTV 720x576i25
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] no logo for ProSieben-A4_3
Tue Sep 11 12:59:42 [2315] aspectratio start with 4:3 (0)*
Tue Sep 11 13:07:47 [2315] aspectratio change from 4:3 to 16:9 (11772)
Tue Sep 11 13:08:32 [2315] aborted by user

C S19.2E-1-1107-17501 ProSieben
E 2501 1347361020 1680 4E E
T Malcolm mittendrin
S Verliebt in ein Auto
D Lois kommt völlig entsetzt [...] 
G 14
X 1 01 deu 4:3
X 2 03 deu deutsch
X 2 05 deu Dolby Digital 2.0
F 25
P 50
L 99

Second example, broadcast made with VDR-EPG Recording function:

The dir-time 12:46 is misleading. It is NOT the real start of the recording! Start of the recording was 13:09, start of the event was 12:56 - so markad finds the correct truncation from the directory atime (only available on volumes with noatime mount option).

Tue Sep 11 13:09:20 [2407] starting v0.1.4pre (32bit)
Tue Sep 11 13:09:20 [2407] on /var/lib/video.00/Privatdetektive_im_Einsatz/2012-09-
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] getting broadcast start from directory atime
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] broadcast start truncated by 13m, length will be corrected
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] broadcast length 42m
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] found H262-video (0x00a6)
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] using with 2 threads
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] using codec MPEG-2 video
Tue Sep 11 13:09:30 [2407] channel RTL2
Tue Sep 11 13:09:45 [2407] SDTV 720x576i25
Tue Sep 11 13:09:45 [2407] detected logo start (27)*
Tue Sep 11 13:11:34 [2407] aspectratio of 16:9 detected[...]

C S19.2E-1-1089-12020 RTL2
E 90 1347360960 3360 4E 19
T Privatdetektive im Einsatz
D Detektei-Chef [...]
G 10 80 15
X 2 03 deu
F 25
P 50
L 99
X 1 03 deu 16:9

Actions #5

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

Yes, the dir time 12:46 is misleading. I started this record via epg, the xml tags are missing and the epg offers as start time the start time of the film minus the default pretimer of 2 minutes: 19:10 - 2 min = 19:08
This is the dir time. The real start is about 19:45. The marks are correct.

root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09- cat marks
0:00:00.01 aspectratio start with 4:3 (0)*
0:38:47.07 stop of recording (58181)
root@ReelBox:/media/reel/recordings/Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09- cat info
C S19.2E-1-1109-5401 TELE 5 HD
E 70356392 1347383400 3900 0 FF
T Star Trek - Deep Space Nine
S Die Erpressung
D Genre: Science Fiction|Als Keiko von einer Reise nach Bajor zurückkehrt, muss O'Brien feststellen, dass ein Pah-Geist von ihr Besitz ergriffen hat. Der Geist will, dass die Wurmloch-Wesen vernichtet werden, damit er wieder in den Himmlischen Tempel einziehen kann. O'Brien soll alle technischen Vorkehrungen dafür treffen - sonst muss Keiko sterben...|Land: USA|Schauspieler: Avery Brooks (Benjamin Sisko) - Rene Auberjonois (Odo) - Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko) - Alexander Siddig (Dr. Bashir) - Colm Meaney (Chief O´Brien) - Armin Shimerman (Quark) - Michael Dorn (Lt. Worf)|Jahr: 1996|Regisseur: Jonathan West|Stereo: Ja|Folge Nr.: 5|Genre: Science Fiction
X 2 03 deu Stereo
X 2 05 deu
F 25
P 50
L 99

The messages from libavcodec are errors. The enlargement of the logos doesn’t change the result. If I don't have the errors I get proper logos. My suspicion is that this error also handicaps markad to find logos.

Actions #6

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 90

To be able to investigate this further i would need an recording which doesn't provide logos...

Actions #7

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

I cannot reproduce it. I will come back if it happens again. Thanks

Actions #8

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

I found a good example. I get many of these errors:
[h264 @ 0x8267f50]number of reference frames exceeds max (probably corrupt input), discarding one
Last message repeated 1 times

I attached the obtained logos. I started the extraction with this command:
markad --extractlogo=1,430,130 - /media/reel/recordings/Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09-
Generally speaking, markad doesn't work well on Tele 5 HD. Here is the record:

Actions #9

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

Thanks for the recording. For those recordings you dont need extracted logos. I added vertical border detection to the latest GIT.
Can you test it against this recording and report the results?

Actions #10

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try the latest git and let you know.

Actions #11

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

I tried the 1.4 on Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09- and on a second Star Trek movie. Be aware that I had some errors during build. Maybe is has some effects on the ad detection.
Anyway, the results are the following:
1) the start marks are perfect. Great work!
2) one stop is ok (not perfect) for Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09- The stop of the second movie is completely off.
3) no advertisements are detected at all. I checked the length of the advertisements which are longer than 5 minutes.

Here are the marks for Star_Trek_-_Deep_Space_Nine/2012-09-, the movie which I uploaded:

0:01:57.04 detected start of vert. borders (2928)*
1:01:57.22 assuming stop (92946)

marks_0.1.3 (this are the marks with the 0.1.3 version):
0:00:00.01 aspectratio start with 4:3 (0)*
0:01:58.11 detected logo start (2960)*
1:11:54.14 stop of recording (107863)

Actions #12

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 0.1.5

Please try the latest GIT-version...

Actions #13

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

Thanks, I'll do and let you know!

Actions #14

Updated by satellit over 12 years ago

Perfect, well done! It works!

Actions #15

Updated by Joe_D over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

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