Bug #1110
closedDisplay Free Diskspace
In Skinelchi the free space is displayed like this:
Disk: 539,9 GB (60%) - 281:04 frei
But with ExtrecMenu it only shows the hours. I think it is on the skin to do the disyplay and calculation of the diskspace. FireFly wrote me:
Ich verwende die Flags für Haupt-/Timer-/Aufnahmemenü um zu erkennen ob die Diskusage darzustellen ist. Wenn extrecmenu die nicht setzt, dann wird nur die normale Überschrift angezeigt. (ich weiß aber auch nicht, ob ein Plugin die überhaupt setzen kann)
Habs mal für Dich konkret nachgesehen: SetMenuCategory(mcRecording) muss an die richtige Stelle nach dem Erstellen des cOsdMenu
Is it possible to let the skin decide or make it configurable? [Use Plugin to est. free Diskspace - Yes/No]
Updated by nvertigo over 12 years ago
I've tried to make a patch for freeMiunutes for >= vdr1.7.28. See: http://www.vdr-portal.de/board17-developer/board21-vdr-plugins/p1109671-anzeige-der-verf%C3%BCgbaren-aufnahmezeit-extrecmenu-live-extpatch/#post1109671
Best Regards, Ingo
Updated by amair over 12 years ago
ExtRecMenu has a setup option "Show free disk space for each file system" this will be useless if the skin calculates the free space. Also I don't know if all skins can deal with ExtRecMenu if they see "mcRecording" category because I guess they might think it's VDR's own recordings menu.
Updated by nvertigo over 12 years ago
Hi Andreas,
my approach only targets to the calculation of free minutes. I've just seen the subject of the bug, but didn't get the point of putting the whole calculation to the skin.
I just want to have a consistent calculation of freeMinutes. Even if my sugestion doesn't meet this bug, would you please consider to change the calculation of free minutes to the vdr imanent method?
Regards, Ingo
Updated by amair almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 977c5213922f041010d980ae84244259e99c880b.