



Feature #1805


[PATCH] optionally extending source channel names w. alias

Added by Zoolooc almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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Some XMLTV data sources are using quite meaningless names for identifying their channel names, like, and so on. You can imagine how frustrating that gets at least when doing the channel mapping assignment from the OSD, especially when there are a lot of channels.

The attached patch optionally extends the source channel names in the control file with a meaningful name which is only displayed in the OSD along with the not so meaningful ID, they are separated by '|'. Configuration storage stays the same. I would apppreciate if this patch is being adopted, maybe others will find it useful as well.


0001-add-epg-source-channel-alias.patch (6.11 KB) 0001-add-epg-source-channel-alias.patch adds optional alias field to source channel names Zoolooc, 04/24/2014 02:38 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Ludi over 10 years ago

In fact, xmltv2vdr also wants to create a pseudo-standard for channel names. Thus, should not appear in the xmltv file, but it should for example be renamed to In fact, it is the grabber that should do it when it grabs the data and prepares for xmltv2vdr.

You can find the channel names that have already been defined here:

Here you can find a few explanation about how to adjust the channel names in an xmltv file:
But considering that you added a patch in cpp, you might be able to do it even better.

That said, I found this thread while looking at the bugs to see whether the request for enhancement I intended to file was not already available. And since the enhancement I wanted to file is related to this bug, I am going to talk about it here.

In fact, I wanted to ask the xmltv2vdr plugin to be enhanced by the import of a channel map, mapping the standard-ids to the channels, similar to the lines the xmltv2vdr plugin stores in the setup.conf file.

For example:;S19.2E-1-1019-10301;S19.2E-1-1101-28106;S19.2E-1-1010-11150;S19.2E-1-1079-28007

This has not to be done in a new separate file; the already existing control file might be enhanced like this. This way, the user does not have anymore to do the mapping in the OSD. The mapping of the control file should only take effect for channels that have not already a defined mapping.

Moreover, I think that if the control file would also support something like:;;S19.2E-...
the xmltv2vdr plugin would be more abordable to people without programming knowledge, as they would not have anymore to change the channel ids in the xmltv file.

By the way, the channels for the control file can be found here:

Finally, I am only a user of the xmltv2vdr plugin. I don't know, whether something similar would be accepted by the authors of the plugin. @Zoolooc:

If you are interested in providing such a patch, you might perhaps start a discussion about it in the vdr-portal:

Actions #2

Updated by Ludi about 10 years ago

In the meantime, I suppose that the best is to use an xml "control" file containing also an initial mapping; for example with entries like:
<description language="en">General channel of the first german public television.</description>
<description language="de">Allgemeiner Sender des ersten deutschen öffentlichen Fernsehen.</description>
<transmittedChannelID provider="ard">S19.2E-1-1019-10301</transmittedChannelID>
<transmittedChannelID provider="Kabel Deutschland">C-41984-1101-28106</transmittedChannelID>

Of course, xmltv2vdr will only set the mapping if the corresponding channel exists in the channels.conf file. Moreover, if the channel from the channels.conf has already been mapped to some imported data, this will override the mapping of that channel in the control file.

Actions #3

Updated by Ludi about 9 years ago

Moreover, I suppose that if the control file also has a field for the URL where the xmltv file is downloaded from and another field with the name of the downloaded xmltv file, it might become even more user friendly, as the separation between importer and grabber would be gone. In fact, all the needed information, apart the epg data would be in the control file.

Actions #4

Updated by Joe_D almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Separation between grabber and importer was the idea behing xmltv2vdr, no 1:1 relationship. The idea was to mix more than one grabber into one channel, e.g. PRO7 from and other sources.


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