Bug #231
closedHD screen size support
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Using xine 0.9.3 with an OSD Resolution of 1920x1080 you see ttxtsubs messages in the top left quadrant of the screen (PAL resolution in HD resolution). Is it possible to let display on the bottom middle of the screen regardless of the screen/ OSD resolution?
Tested on Gen2VDR 3 beta4 update3.
Testsystem: Asus P5N7A, onboard nvidia 9300 using vdpau and xine-plugin 0.9.3.
Updated by etobi about 15 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
OK, I think we have a solution for this.
Updated by Anonymous about 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 20 to 100
Applied in changeset ea984be181e286c39677684f901cc2d1990f5c54.