Bug #2455
closedadd compat vdr-2.3.1
add compat vdr-2.3.1
Updated by SurfaceCleanerZ about 8 years ago
fnu built a patch for 2.3.2:
This should be added to the git.
Probably TomJoad and kamel5 could get write rights here? They did most of the work (and mini73 also but he started a new plugin instead).
Updated by winni about 8 years ago
thanks to fnu and all contributors! Meanwhile I'm far away from VDR development, so would be great if someone keeps my work living.
Don't knwo how to give access rights here, I think this has to be done by an admin.
Updated by SurfaceCleanerZ about 8 years ago
Laut Wiki kann der Projekteigner das... Sonst eTobi anschreiben...
Updated by winni about 8 years ago
Hab gefunden, wo sich das hinterlegen lässt, allerdings sind die beiden hier scheinbar noch nicht registiert. Dafür hab ich aber fnu gefunden und ihn jetzt zum Manager und Developer gemacht. LG Christian
Updated by fnu almost 8 years ago
- Due date set to 05/01/2017
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Done with [[https://projects.vdr-developer.org/git/vdr-plugin-epgsearch.git/commit/?id=a46c7161bddc00b5b11bda0f8a14066b5f837302]] and some more commits.