Feature #2490
openSupport the import of xmltv files
Could you please consider supporting the import of xmltv files as an additional epg source?
Thanks in advance.
Updated by Ludi about 7 years ago
Maybe a remark that might be helpful:
The various xmltv files use different ids in the schedule data to identify the channel the data belongs to. However, each xmltv file I have seen up to now starts with mapping information, mapping the ids used in the schedule data to channel names. Could you use that mapping information to have the schedule data automatically mapped to the corresponding channels?
Updated by horchi about 7 years ago
at first I must have a look at the xmltv files and their format - I don't know what the xmltv files are exactly, where I can get it and what is the benefit of these.
In general, the epgd have an open plugin interface, to provide a additional source just a plugin has to be implemented by anyone
Updated by Ludi about 7 years ago
Apart suppliers that offer tv listings in xmltv format, the xmltv project itself offers epg for many regions and languages. I hope that this links can be useful to you:
The page with the xmltv.dtd on the sourceforge repository does not seem accessible anymore, so I will add an alternative, but I don't know whether it is completely update:
unaccessible: http://xmltv.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xmltv/xmltv/xmltv.dtd
alternative: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1/master/TvEngine3/TVLibrary/TVServer.Base/xmltv/xmltv.dtd
By the way, could you also make it possible to import multiple xmltv files, as under various circumstances, only one file does not cover all the channels a user is interested in. (There is a tool to merge xmltv files, but it would require the user to manipulate the xmltv files before the import, complicating things.)
Thanks again for looking into it.
Updated by Ludi about 7 years ago
The following feature request is connected to this:
Updated by Ludi about 6 years ago
xmltv has moved to github:
Updated by Ludi about 6 years ago
The VDR has good support for german epg, but only little support for the epg of other countries. I think that the import of xmltv files with epg data is particularly important for non-german channels, which would have a way to import non-german epg into the vdr by using one of the available xmltv sources.