



Bug #2562


Invalid lock sequenz und segfault bei VDR 2.4.0

Added by Ludi over 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Ich habe eine Testinstallation von VDR 2.4.0 mit Hilfe von yavdr ansible auf bionic aufgesetzt. Wenn ich zusätzlich vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr installiere, crasht der VDR und im syslog gibt es eine invalid lock sequenz und eine segfault.

Die Konfiguration (xmltv2vdr Einträge aus setup.conf, die bash scripts die die xmltv Dateien erstellen, die Kontrolldateien in /var/lib/epgsources) des xmltv2vdr habe von yavdr auf trusty übernommen, wo der xmltv2vdr im Augenblick auch erfolgreich läuft.

Ich habe versucht einen Backtrace zu erstellen; jedoch weiß ich nicht, ob ich richtig vorgegangen bin:

Actions #1

Updated by Ludi almost 6 years ago

Here is how I can reproduce the invalid lock sequences:

I am running yavdr ansible that uses the packages from this PPA:

These packages are installed among others:
- vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr
- vdr-plugin-epgsearch
- vdr-plugin-live
- vdr-addon-seriestimer

Configure the path to the eplists in the xmltv2vdr configuration file. (By default, xmltv2vdr looks for them at the wrong place.)

Enable the eplists in the OSD of xmltv2vdr.

Trigger a searchtimer update in live from a browser on a remote computer. Only a few seconds later, invalid lock sequences appear in the syslog, followed by a segfault of xmltv2vdr.

To make the invalid lock sequences and the segfault disappear, simply disable the eplists in the OSD of xmltv2vdr.

Actions #3

Updated by Ludi over 5 years ago

Today, I got an invalid lock sequence without a segfault of the xmltv2vdr plugin. However, compared to the invalid lock sequence compared above, I got this time the invalid lock sequence without enabling the eplists.

Mar 24 20:52:41 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: failed to find '[Série policière] Chinatown (S7E8)' for 'Cold Case : affaires classées' in eplists
Mar 24 20:52:41 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: failed to find '[Série policière] Tout n'est qu'illusion (S5E5)' for 'Columbo' in eplists
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: 'myRytecEPG' skipped 655 xmltv events
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: 'myRytecEPG' processed 21286 xmltv events - see ERRORs above!
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: 'myRytecEPG' importing from db
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] --- begin invalid lock sequence report
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1314  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  W  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  *  -  -  W  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  *  -  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1427  -  -  -  -  R  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1427  -  -  -  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] 21822  -  -  -  -  W  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  W  -  -  W  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1417  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  R  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  -  R  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  R  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  -  R  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  -  U  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  U
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822]  1214  W  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] 21822  R  R  -  -  R  -  -  -  -  -  L
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] 21822 invalid lock sequence: 2 Channels
Mar 24 20:52:42 localhost vdr: [21822] full backtrace:
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /usr/bin/vdr cStateLock::Lock(cStateKey&, bool, int) calling ?? at ??:0
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /usr/bin/vdr cChannels::GetChannelsRead(cStateKey&, int) calling ?? at ??:0
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr[1214]: invalid lock sequence at Sun 24.03. 20:52
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/ cImport::Process(cEPGSource*, cEPGExecutor&) at import.cpp:1865
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/ cEPGExecutor::Action() at source.cpp:115
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /usr/bin/vdr cThread::StartThread(cThread*) calling ?? at ??:0
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ at ??:?
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ clone at ??:?
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] --- end invalid lock sequence report
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] --- THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER REPORTS UNTIL VDR IS RESTARTED!
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: 'myRytecEPG' ERROR cannot add 'EuropeS'@Mar 24 23:50-Mar 25 00:18
Mar 24 20:52:43 localhost vdr: [21822] xmltv2vdr: 'myRytecEPG' ERROR found 'Le grand oral'@Mar 24 23:15-Mar 24 23:55


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