Feature #877
openAutotimer linked to VDR epgsearch Plugin
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XXV Autotimer and the VDR epgsearch Plugin offer similar functionality. As this seems to be confusing for most users, XXV autotimers shall be syncronized with epgesearch 'search timers'.
Updated by anbr almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to Xcoder
Xcoder wrote:
XXV Autotimer and the VDR epgsearch Plugin offer similar functionality. As this seems to be confusing for most users, XXV autotimers shall be syncronized with epgesearch 'search timers'.
Yes, XXV Autotimer offers same functionality.
If you confused, you could deinstall epgsearch Plugin ;-)
or deactivate XXV Autotimer.