


Version 0.0.1 Online

Added by Martin1234 over 10 years ago

2013-23-09: Version 0.0.1
difference to skinflat
- [add] configurable borders
        - any window have its own border with separate size and type
        - 6 border types:
            rect, round, invert round,
            rect + alpha blend, round + alpha blend, invert round + alpha blend
        - configurable by theme or user
- [add] configurable progressbar
        - any progressbar have its own size and type
        - 10 progressbar types:
            small line + big line, big line, big line + outline,
            small line + big line + dot, big line + dot, big line + outline + dot,
            small line + dot, outline + dot, small line + big line + alpha blend,
            big line + alpha blend
        - configurable by theme or user
- [add] channel icons for resolution, recording, encrypted (configurable)
- [add] show disk usage in topbar @ menu recordings & timer
- [add] show disk usage pie graph
- [add] show signal strength and quality (configurable)
- [add] hide empty color buttons (configurable)
- [add] configure menu item padding
- [add] configure osd margin
