


Version 0.2.1 Online

Added by Martin1234 almost 11 years ago

2014-25-03: Version 0.2.1
- [fix] epgsearch progessbar in SetItemEvent, if epg start time is after now (2 minutes tolerance)
- [fix] channel logo in topbar in program menu
- [fix] reply info background color
- [fix] display channel progressbar while zapping
- [update] imagecache, pre load images after skin is loaded
new menu item under general to show the amount of cached images
debug syslog message if cache is overflow
- [update] display signal quality in displaychannel one above the other (before side by side)
- [update] you can configure to use colors for signal quality (works only with ProgresType big line + outline)
- [update] only update signal quality if the values for STR or SNR changed
- [add] theme color clrMenuItemExtraTextCurrentFont
- [add] logo background for channel logos (filename: logo_background.png)
- [add] show cutted length of recording in replay info
- [add] update script to update MV-Themes (contrib/
- [add] timer conflicts in TopBar, active epgsearch is needed, configurable via menu settings
you can configure a min value at which it will shown in red (otherwise yellow)
- [add] display audio channel icons in audio tracks menu
