


Version 0.3.0 Online

Added by Martin1234 almost 10 years ago

2014-11-05: Version 0.3.0
- [fix] use only current Event in extraevent display in displaychannel
- [fix] SetRecording border with deleteresume.patch
- [fix] recording menu with cutted recordings an
- [fix] all around some small fixes
- [update] channel logo in wide format (like 3PO or Copperhead logos)
- [update] complete rewrite multiline content
- [update] draw timer menu with a straight table
- [update] README, teile vom Wiki in README-Datei übernommen
- [add] show reruns in epg info (lent code from nopacity, thanks!)
- [add] TVScraper support
- show poster images of movies and series
- show actor images
- [add] scraper2vdr support
- show poster images of movies and series
- show actor images
- show movies and series information
- [add] plugin settings for TVScraper/scraper2vdr
- [add] more options to show disk usage (not show; timer x%x
recording menu; always on the menu; always show)
- [add] horizontal line and group icon in SetItemEvent for group channels
- [add] new fnu_anthra_themes (thank You fnu/Frank)
- [add] eventsview-flatplus.sql for epgd to prevent double information in epg-text, please see wiki for more information
- [add] parse tilde in timer menu and draw text after tilde with clrMenuItemExtraTextFont
