


Version 0.4.0 Online

Added by Martin1234 over 9 years ago

2014-08-09: Version 0.4.0
- [update] topbar position of text
- [update] MVThemes
new preview images in "preview" folder
- [add] Textscroller support
- text in displaychannel for epg-text and epgshort-text
- messages
- menu item channel
- menu item timer
- menu item recording
- menu item event
- [add] new plugin icons
- [add] new icon 169w screen resolution icon
- [add] options to save and load settings
You can save the current settings in a config file, the config file will be named with current date & time.
You can then rename the file manually.
Also You can load a specific config file.
So You can save your preferred config and test others.
- [add] new options in general settings for textscroller
- [add] new option "Diskusage free/occupied" to show free or occupied percantage and hours
- [add] new option "Diskusage short display" for only show percantage and free/occupied hours
- [add] new option "TopBar clock font scale" to scale the clock font
- [add] new option "Time seconds font scale" to scale the seconds in recording view (thanks MegaV0lt + Lars for help)
- [add] new option "Show video/audio bitrate" to show the bitrate of audio/video in display channel (lent code from femon, thanks!)
new hidden config "ChannelBitrateShowCalcInterval" to set the interval of the video/audio bitrate calculation
- [add] image _cur version for recording_cutted, recording_new, timer_full, timer_partial, vps
if it is the current/selected menu item the cur version of the image will be loaded
- [add] Support for scrollbar type and size like border and progressbar
You can specify the scrollbar type and size in the decor file (ScrollBarType & ScrollBarSize)
You can also override the type and size in the setup
8 Types: * 0 = left line + rect bar * 1 = left line + round bar * 2 = middle line + rect bar * 3 = middle line + round bar * 4 = outline + rect bar * 5 = outline + round bar * 6 = rect bar * 7 = round bar
- [update] decor-files for new scrollbar options
- [fix] position in menu item event
- [fix] wrong margin of folder icon in recordings menu
