


Version 0.4.3

Added by Martin1234 over 10 years ago

2014-10-29: Version 0.4.3
- [add] option to draw the menu background over the entire height
- [add] sort icon in recordings menu
- [add] options to show the number of recordings in title in recording menu
- [add] hidden options "ShortRecordingCount" to show number of recordings in short format
- [add] options to show the number of timers in title in timer menu
- [add] options to show the number of channels in title in channel menu
- [add] inactive timer icon in short view with epg
- [add] fsk, genre text in epg/recording info (show additional epg info must be set) (thanks to MegaV0lt)
- [add] fsk, genre icon in epg/recording info head (show additional epg info must be set) (thanks to MegaV0lt)
- [update] german translation (thanks to MegaV0lt)
