


Version 0.6.0

Added by Martin1234 over 8 years ago

2016-09-05: Version 0.6.0
- [fix] eMenuSortMode in displaymenu.h for compile with VDR < 2.2.0
- [fix] position of widgets in main menu (add menu item border size)
- [fix] wrong epg logo in epgsearch eventsview
- [fix] remove show bitrate of audio and video in displaychannel
- [fix] rename plugin-icon yaepghg to yaepghd
- [fix] uninitialized pointer in displayrecoding (crash in plex-plugin and others) (thanks chriszero)
- [fix] recordings name in recording menu (thanks to Delekhan @
- [fix] dvb widget - discard not used and discard unknown
- [fix] display replay - progressbar if there are no marks
- [update] default themes
inverted style, selected item fore color is now back color
- [update] disk usage icons with 32 sections instead of 16, thanks to MegaV0lt
- [update] ac3 logo > dolby digital logo (thanks to MegaV0lt)
[update] README, fix logo folder, add 3PO logo pack
- [update] translation (thanks to MegaV0lt)
- [update] MV-Themes
- [update] timers widget - sort timers by time
- [update] system information widget - update system_information.g2v
- [update] temperature widget - update temperatures.g2v
- [add] support for vdr-2.3.1
- [add] displaychannel - dvbapi info
you need oscam min rev 10653 and dvbapi min commit 85da7b2
- [add] add italian translation (thanks to fiveten_59)
- [add] option MenuItemRecordingSeenTreshold to set the treshold when a recording will be marked as seen
- [add] plex-plugin icon (thanks MegaV0lt)
- [add] mpv-plugin icon (thanks MegaV0lt)
- [add] menu recordings - add exclamation mark icon for folders if last recording is older than XX days.
Create a "recordings_old.cfg" file under PLUGINCONFIGPATH (for example: /etc/vdr/plugins/skinflatplus/recordings_old.cfg)
Each line has the format:
The FOLDERNAME have to be the same name like in the vdr recordings menu.
If last recording in the folder is older than DAYS than the exclamation mark icon will be shown.
There is also a new menu option: MenuItemRecordingDefaultOldDays
This is the default value if You don't want to use recordings_old.cfg.
If MenuItemRecordingDefaultOldDays is 1, the default value is disabled.
[add] svdrp command to remove logo from cache
Use svdrp command "RLFC" to remove a logo from cache. Specify logo filename with extension, but without path.
For example: svdrpsend PLUG skinflatplus RLFC "rtl ii.png"
