


Get going with xxv

Normally run xxv as daemon with each system start, this can manual call by installed runlevel script.

#> /etc/init.d/xxvd start

Manual starting of xxv

xxvd can be started also manually as daemon

#> cd $SOURCE/xxv-{VERSION}
#> ./bin/xxvd --configfile=./etc/xxvd.cfg
#> tail -f /var/log/xxvd.log

for stopping of xxvd help the following command.

#> ./bin/xxvd --kill --configfile=./etc/xxvd.cfg


The following parameters could be edited inside /etc/init.d/xxvd to control daemon xxvd.

Parameter          Default value             Description
--verbose=LEVEL    3                         Output level in the log file, 0 - quiet, 1 - only errors, 3 - warning... 5 everything
--version          -                         Output of the used version of xxvd
--kill             -                         stop current current xxvd process, in accordance with
--nofork           -                         xxvd when starting do not send into the background, necessarily for debugging.
--configfile=FILE  ~/.xxvd.cfg               Name of the used configuration file
--logfile=FILE     /var/log/xxvd.log         Name of the used log file

The following parameters are interesting particularly for package builder, which install xxv-files on other folder.

Parameter         Default value              Description
--htmldir=PATH    ./                         Folder with HTTPD/WAPD Skins
--pidfile=FILE    /var/run/          To store file around the current process id
--localedir=PATH  ./locale                   Folder with the translations
--newstmpl=PATH   ./share/news               Folder with output templates for the XXV NEWS plugins
--newsmods=PATH   ./lib/XXV/OUTPUT/NEWS      Module folder with the XXV NEWS plugins
--moduledir=PATH  ./lib/XXV/MODULES          Module folder with the XXV plugins
--docudir=PATH    ./doc                      Folder with the documentation (NEWS, CHANGELOG ...)
--poddir=PATH     ./doc                      Folder with the self documentation of the XXV plugins
--fontdir=PATH    ./share/fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera     Folder for ttf character sets for the overlay functions of the remote screen display
--vtxdir=PATH     ./share/vtx                Folder with the graphic font of the symbols for the teletext plugin
--contrib=PATH    ./contrib                  Folder with additional script files