




vdr2jpeg is a small program, that generated jpeg images from vdr recordings. For installations you need g++ as compiler and ffmpeg as binary.


  • ffmpeg (at runtime)


to build, type simple

$ cd $SOURCEDIR/contrib/vdr2jpeg
$ make all

or build with more Diagnostic

$ make all DEBUG=1 

or to change to a other path of ffmpeg binary

$ make all FFMPEG_BIN=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg


$ vdr2jpeg
Usage: vdr2jpeg
            -r recordings    : VDR recording folder
            -f frame         : Wanted frame (resolution at PAL - 1/25s)
            -o outdirectory  : output folder
            -x 160           : scaled width of output image
            -y 120           : scaled height of output image
            -s 5000          : frame range, started at wanted frame (e.g 500 : 20s)
            -i 25            : space beetween frames at selected range (resolution at PAL - 1/25s)
            -c 5             : number of extracted frames of an recording or within the selected range 

e.g. to extract frames 5000,10000,15000 (at 3,6,9 Minutes)

$ vdr2jpeg -r /video/Auf_der_Flucht/2004-12-28.22:10.50.99.rec -f 5000 -f 10000 -f 15000

Example usage

Here is a sample of advance usage. It combine the frame dump from vdr2jpeg with tools from imagemagick. This commands build a tiled image from twelve frames and add drop shadows.

$ vdr2jpeg -r /video/Auf_der_Flucht/2004-12-28.22:10.50.99.rec -f 10000 -s 30000 -c 12 -x 80
$ montage -tile 4x3 -geometry +5+5 -background transparent *.jpg tile.png
$ convert tile.png \
       -background  black  \( +clone -shadow 80x4+8+8 \) +swap \
       -background  white   -flatten \
       -depth 8  -quality 75 sample.jpg