path: root/runvdr-conf.d
diff options
authorUdo Richter <>2008-03-02 00:00:00 +0100
committerManuel Reimer <>2013-10-01 17:18:45 +0200
commit207697bc97e1ac8905c14baac311769e02834330 (patch)
tree458ffeb0ecb1da1ff2a9afd446ca200449498453 /runvdr-conf.d
parent6d08550184e9d6d801d67882a827da46fadcdb66 (diff)
Version 0.3.0v0.3.0
* New: Support for the new VDR parameters --localedir and --userdump (LOCALEDIR="..." and USERDUMP="1") * New: Wildcard loading with INCLUDE, allows for example to INCLUDE /etc/runvdr/conf.d/* to load several one-file-per-plugin config files. * New: runvdr-conf.d, a plugin enable/disable service * New: osdserver frontend for runvdr-conf.d * New: Sample init.d script, Debian style * Fix: Clean up mess with USER= and VDRUSER=. VDRUSER still works, but is deprecated.
Diffstat (limited to 'runvdr-conf.d')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runvdr-conf.d b/runvdr-conf.d
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1a4103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runvdr-conf.d
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+# OSDServer helpers #
+# convenient return values
+function error() {
+ # Fatal error. Send quit command, close FIFO and terminate netcat
+ [ "${reply2xx[0]}" != 202 ] && SendCmd Quit
+ exec 3>&-
+ exec 4>&-
+ kill $pid
+ exit 1
+function ConnectServer() {
+ # Connect to the OSDServer
+ # Set up temporary fifo and open as file descriptor 3 and 4
+ mkfifo --mode=700 /tmp/pipe-in$$ /tmp/pipe-out$$
+ exec 3<> /tmp/pipe-in$$
+ exec 4<> /tmp/pipe-out$$
+ rm /tmp/pipe-in$$ /tmp/pipe-out$$
+ # Connect to server using the fifo
+ {
+ netcat $1 $2
+ # In case of connection loss:
+ echo 499 disconnected
+ echo 202 Good Bye.
+ } <&3 >&4 &
+ pid=$!
+ # Sending to the server: use >&3
+ # Receive from the server: use <&4
+function ReadReply() {
+ # Read a complete server reply until 2xx return code,
+ # and store replies in each category by number
+ reply2xx=()
+ reply3xx=()
+ reply4xx=()
+ reply5xx=()
+ reply6xx=()
+ while read -r code line <&4 ; do
+ if [ "$OSDSERVER_DEBUG" ] ; then echo "< $code $line" ; fi
+ # screen echo
+ case $code in
+ 2*) IFS=$' \t\n\r' reply2xx=($code "$line")
+ ;;
+ 3*) IFS=$' \t\n\r' reply3xx=($code $line)
+ ;;
+ 4*) IFS=$' \t\n\r' reply4xx=($code "$line")
+ ;;
+ 5*) IFS=$' \t\n\r' reply5xx=($code "$line")
+ ;;
+ 6*) IFS=$' \t\n\r' reply6xx=($code "$line")
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ -n "${reply2xx[0]}" ] && break
+ done
+ [ -n "${reply4xx[0]}" ] && return $false
+ return $true
+function SendCmd() {
+ # Send a command and read the reply
+ if [ "$OSDSERVER_DEBUG" ] ; then echo "> $*" ; fi
+ # screen echo
+ echo "$*" >&3
+ # network send
+ ReadReply
+function IsEvent() {
+ # Helper to check reply for a certain event
+ [ "${reply3xx[0]}" != 300 ] && return $false
+ [ "${reply3xx[1]}" != "$1" ] && return $false
+ [ "${reply3xx[2]}" != "$2" ] && return $false
+ return $true
+function QuoteString() {
+ # Quote arbitrary string for use in '' and ""
+ local str="${!1}"
+ str="${str//'\'/\\\\}"
+ str="${str//'\\'/\\\\}"
+ # work around bash bug: double quoted '\'
+ str="${str//\'/$'\\\''}"
+ # This is bogus, anyone knows something better to replace ' by \' ?
+ str="${str//\"/\\\"}"
+ str="${str//$'\r'/\\r}"
+ str="${str//$'\n'/\\n}"
+ str="${str//$'\t'/\\t}"
+ eval "$1=\$str"
+function UnquoteString() {
+ # Unquote string
+ local str="${!1}"
+ str="${str//\\r/$'\r'}"
+ str="${str//\\n/$'\n'}"
+ str="${str//\\t/$'\t'}"
+ str="${str//\\\"/\"}"
+ str="${str//\\\'/\'}"
+ str="${str//\\\\/\\}"
+ eval "$1=\$str"
+# runvdr-conf.d helpers #
+function GetConfInfo() {
+ name=""
+ defaultprio=50
+ loaded=""
+ local tmp
+ if [ ! -f "$ALLSCRIPTS/$1" ] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ while read -r line ; do
+ tmp="${line#\# Plugin name:}"
+ if [ "$tmp" != "$line" ] ; then
+ name="${tmp# }"
+ fi
+ tmp="${line#\# Default priority:}"
+ if [ "$tmp" != "$line" ] ; then
+ tmp="${tmp#\# Default priority:}"
+ while [ "${tmp# }" != "$tmp" ] ; do tmp="${tmp# }" ; done
+ while [ "${tmp% }" != "$tmp" ] ; do tmp="${tmp% }" ; done
+ if [ -z "${tmp#[0-9]}" ] ; then tmp="0$tmp" ; fi
+ if [ -z "${tmp#[0-9][0-9]}" ] ; then
+ defaultprio="$tmp"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done < "$ALLSCRIPTS/$1"
+ if [ -z "$name" ] ; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ tmp=("$ACTIVESCRIPTS"/[0-9][0-9]"$1")
+ tmp="${tmp[0]}"
+ if [ -f "$tmp" ] ; then
+ tmp="${tmp:${#ACTIVESCRIPTS}+1}"
+ loaded="${tmp:0:2}"
+ fi
+ return 0
+function GetAllConfInfo() {
+ local glob="*"
+ if [ "$1" ] ; then glob="$1" ; fi
+ confs=0
+ confs_short=()
+ confs_name=()
+ confs_defaultprio=()
+ confs_loaded=()
+ local i
+ for i in "$ALLSCRIPTS"/$glob ; do
+ i="${i:${#ALLSCRIPTS}+1}"
+ if [ -f "$ALLSCRIPTS/$i" ] && GetConfInfo "$i" ; then
+ confs_short[$confs]="$i"
+ confs_name[$confs]="$name"
+ confs_defaultprio[$confs]="$defaultprio"
+ confs_loaded[$confs]="$loaded"
+ let confs++
+ fi
+ done
+function Command_Show() {
+ GetAllConfInfo "$1"
+ local i;
+ for ((i=0;i<confs;i++)) ; do
+ if [ $i -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo
+ fi
+ echo "Plugin short name: ${confs_short[i]}"
+ echo "Plugin long name : ${confs_name[i]}"
+ echo "Default priority : ${confs_defaultprio[i]}"
+ echo "Loaded priority : ${confs_loaded[i]:---}"
+ done
+function Command_Enable() {
+ short="$1"
+ if [ -z "$short" ] ; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 enable conf-name [--prio #]"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ GetConfInfo "$short" || { echo "Unknown Plugin $short" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+ newloaded="$loaded"
+ if [ -z "$newloaded" ] ; then
+ newloaded="$defaultprio"
+ fi
+ if [ "$2" == "--prio" ] ; then
+ newloaded="$3"
+ while [ "${newloaded# }" != "$newloaded" ] ; do newloaded="${newloaded# }" ; done
+ while [ "${newloaded% }" != "$newloaded" ] ; do newloaded="${newloaded% }" ; done
+ if [ -z "${newloaded#[0-9]}" ] ; then newloaded="0$newloaded" ; fi
+ if [ "${newloaded#[0-9][0-9]}" ] ; then
+ echo "Not a valid priority: $3" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo -n "Enabling $name"
+ mkdir -p "$ACTIVESCRIPTS"
+ if [ "$loaded" ] ; then
+ rm -f "$ACTIVESCRIPTS"/[0-9][0-9]"$short"
+ fi
+ ln -s "$LINKREL$short" "$ACTIVESCRIPTS/$newloaded$short"
+ echo "."
+function Command_Disable() {
+ short="$1"
+ if [ -z "$short" ] ; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 disable conf-name"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ GetConfInfo "$short" || { echo "Unknown Plugin $short" >&2 ; exit 1 ; }
+ if [ -z "$loaded" ] ; then
+ echo "$short is not loaded." >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo -n "Disabling $name"
+ rm -f "$ACTIVESCRIPTS"/[0-9][0-9]"$short"
+ echo "."
+function Osdserver_edit() {
+ local short="${confs_short[$1]}"
+ QuoteString short
+ local name="${confs_name[$1]}"
+ QuoteString name
+ local defaultprio="${confs_defaultprio[$1]}"
+ local loaded="${confs_loaded[$1]}"
+ local enable="Yes"
+ if [ -z "$loaded" ] ; then
+ enable="No"
+ loaded="$defaultprio"
+ fi
+ SendCmd "enterlocal" || return $false
+ # Preserve global variable space, so we can re-use 'menu'
+ SendCmd "menu=New Menu 'Edit $name'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.SetColumns 15" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.EnableEvent keyOk close" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.AddNew OsdItem -unselectable 'Short name:\\t$short'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.AddNew OsdItem -unselectable 'Long name:\\t$name'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.AddNew OsdItem -unselectable 'Default priority:\\t$defaultprio'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "enable=menu.AddNew EditListItem Enabled No Yes -SelectName '$enable'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "enable.SetCurrent" || return $false
+ SendCmd "prio=menu.AddNew EditIntItem -min 0 -max 99 'Current priority:' '$loaded'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "_focus.addsubmenu menu" || return $false
+ SendCmd "" || return $false
+ while true; do
+ SendCmd "menu.SleepEvent" || return $false
+ if IsEvent menu keyOk ; then
+ SendCmd "enable.GetValue -name" || return $false
+ [ "${reply6xx[0]}" != 600 ] && return $false
+ enable="${reply6xx[1]}"
+ SendCmd "prio.GetValue" || return $false
+ [ "${reply6xx[0]}" != 600 ] && return $false
+ prio="${reply6xx[1]}"
+ if [ "$enable" == "Yes" ] ; then
+ Command_Enable "$short" --prio "$prio"
+ confs_loaded[$1]="$prio"
+ elif [ -n "${confs_loaded[$1]}" ] ; then
+ Command_Disable "$short"
+ confs_loaded[$1]=""
+ fi
+ SendCmd "menu.SendState osBack" || return $false
+ SendCmd "delete menu" || return $false
+ SendCmd "leavelocal" || return $false
+ return $true
+ fi
+ if IsEvent menu close ; then
+ SendCmd "delete menu" || return $false
+ SendCmd "leavelocal" || return $false
+ return $true
+ fi
+ done
+function Osdserver_main() {
+ SendCmd "menu=New Menu 'Runvdr config'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.SetColumns 5" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.EnableEvent close" || return $false
+ local i;
+ local min=0
+ local prio
+ until [ "$min" -ge 100 ] ; do
+ local nextmin=100
+ for ((i=0;i<confs;i++)) ; do
+ prio="${confs_defaultprio[i]}"
+ if [ -n "${confs_loaded[i]}" ] ; then prio=${confs_loaded[i]} ; fi
+ if [ "$prio" -eq "$min" ] ; then
+ SendCmd "conf$i=menu.AddNew OsdItem '${confs_loaded[i]:---}\t${confs_name[i]}'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "conf$i.EnableEvent keyOk" || return $false
+ fi
+ if [ "$prio" -gt "$min" -a "$prio" -lt "$nextmin" ] ; then
+ nextmin="$prio"
+ fi
+ done
+ min="$nextmin"
+ done
+ SendCmd "menu.Show" || return $false
+ while true ; do
+ SendCmd "menu.SleepEvent" || return $false
+ if IsEvent menu close ; then
+ return $true
+ fi
+ if [ "${reply3xx[1]:0:4}" == "conf" -a "${reply3xx[2]}" == "keyOk" ] ; then
+ i="${reply3xx[1]:4}"
+ Osdserver_edit "$i" || return $false
+ SendCmd "conf$i.SetText '${confs_loaded[i]:---}\t${confs_name[i]}'" || return $false
+ SendCmd "menu.Show" || return $false
+ fi
+ done
+function Osdserver_connect() {
+ GetAllConfInfo
+ ConnectServer localhost 2010
+ # Connect to the server process
+ ReadReply || error
+ # Read server welcome
+ SendCmd "Version 0.1" || error
+ # Identify to server with protocol version
+ Osdserver_main || error
+ # Main menu
+ SendCmd Quit
+ # ... and good bye
+ exec 3>&-
+ exec 4>&-
+ # close FIFOs
+function Command_Osdserver() {
+ if [ "$1" == "--debug" ] ; then
+ Osdserver_connect
+ else
+ Osdserver_connect </dev/null >/dev/null &
+ fi
+if [ "$1" == "show" ] ; then
+ shift
+ Command_Show "$@"
+elif [ "$1" == "enable" ] ; then
+ shift
+ Command_Enable "$@"
+elif [ "$1" == "disable" ] ; then
+ shift
+ Command_Disable "$@"
+elif [ "$1" == "osdserver" ] ; then
+ shift
+ Command_Osdserver "$@"
+ test
+ echo "Unknown command: $1" >&2