diff options
authorMartin Schirrmacher <>2014-04-23 11:18:14 +0200
committerMartin Schirrmacher <>2014-04-23 11:18:14 +0200
commit501b4664a5daf783503afb56b1eb13694509b20c (patch)
parentd00a91a96cdf5a65ab149a4467c4cb46129d9d40 (diff)
complete rewrite multiline content, tvscraper support
12 files changed, 1187 insertions, 415 deletions
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 88fa9d72..37b71a12 100644
@@ -2,11 +2,18 @@ VDR Plugin 'skinflatplus' Revision History
2014-XX-XX: Version 0.3.0
+- [fix] use only current Event in extraevent display in displaychannel
- [fix] SetRecording border with deleteresume.patch
- [fix] recording menu with cutted recordings an %
-- [update] channel logo in wide format (like 3PO or creimer logos)
+- [update] channel logo in wide format (like 3PO or Copperhead logos)
+- [update] complete rewrite multiline content
+- [add] show reruns in epg info (lent code from nopacity, thanks!)
- [add] TVScraper support
+ - show poster images of movies and series
+ - show actor images
+- [add] plugin settings for TVScraper
- [add] more options to show disk usage (not show; timer & recording menu; always on the menu; always show)
+- [add] horizontal line and group icon in SetItemEvent for group channels
2014-25-03: Version 0.2.1
- [fix] epgsearch progessbar in SetItemEvent, if epg start time is after now (2 minutes tolerance)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 2797a1ae..c6bce7c3 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs Magick++)
### The object files (add further files here):
-OBJS = config.o setup.o imagecache.o imagescaler.o imagemagickwrapper.o imageloader.o baserender.o displaychannel.o displaymenu.o displaymessage.o \
+OBJS = config.o setup.o imagecache.o imagescaler.o imagemagickwrapper.o imageloader.o baserender.o complexcontent.o displaychannel.o displaymenu.o displaymessage.o \
displayreplay.o displaytracks.o displayvolume.o flat.o $(PLUGIN).o
### The main target:
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ install-decors:
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PLGRESDIR)/icons
cp -r icons/* $(DESTDIR)$(PLGRESDIR)/icons
install: install-lib install-i18n install-themes install-icons install-decors
dist: $(I18Npo) clean
diff --git a/baserender.c b/baserender.c
index 5e3b7ed3..e6dce06f 100644
--- a/baserender.c
+++ b/baserender.c
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "flat.h"
#include <vdr/menu.h>
#include "services/epgsearch.h"
+#include "services/tvscraper.h"
cFlatBaseRender::cFlatBaseRender(void) {
font = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Setup.FontOsdSize );
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ cFlatBaseRender::cFlatBaseRender(void) {
buttonsPixmap = NULL;
messagePixmap = NULL;
contentPixmap = NULL;
+ contentEpgImagePixmap = NULL;
progressBarPixmap = NULL;
progressBarPixmapBg = NULL;
decorPixmap = NULL;
@@ -48,8 +50,7 @@ cFlatBaseRender::~cFlatBaseRender(void) {
delete fontSml;
delete fontFixed;
- if( osd )
- {
+ if( osd ) {
if( topBarPixmap )
if( buttonsPixmap )
@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@ cFlatBaseRender::~cFlatBaseRender(void) {
if( topBarIconBGPixmap )
+ if( contentEpgImagePixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(contentEpgImagePixmap);
delete osd;
@@ -517,221 +520,6 @@ void cFlatBaseRender::MessageClear(void) {
-void cFlatBaseRender::ContentCreate(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int FontType) {
- contentHasScrollbar = false;
- contentShown = false;
- contentFontType = FontType;
- contentLeft = Left;
- contentTop = Top;
- contentWidth = Width;
- contentHeight = Height;
- int lines = ContentVisibleLines();
- if( contentFontType == 0 )
- contentHeight = lines * fontHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 1 )
- contentHeight = lines * fontFixedHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 2 )
- contentHeight = lines * fontSmlHeight;
-void cFlatBaseRender::ContentSet(const char *Text, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg) {
- if( contentFontType == 0 )
- contentWrapper.Set(Text, font, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- else if( contentFontType == 1 )
- contentWrapper.Set(Text, fontFixed, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- else if( contentFontType == 2 )
- contentWrapper.Set(Text, fontSml, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- contentColorFg = ColorFg;
- contentColorBg = ColorBg;
- int contentWrapperHeight = 0;
- if( contentFontType == 0 ) {
- contentWrapperHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()+1) * fontHeight;
- contentTextHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()) * fontHeight + marginItem;
- } else if( contentFontType == 1 ) {
- contentWrapperHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()+1) * fontFixedHeight;
- contentTextHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()) * fontFixedHeight + marginItem;
- } else if( contentFontType == 2 ) {
- contentWrapperHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()+1) * fontSmlHeight;
- contentTextHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()) * fontSmlHeight + marginItem;
- }
- if( contentWrapperHeight > contentHeight ) {
- contentDrawPortHeight = contentWrapperHeight;
- contentHasScrollbar = true;
- } else {
- contentDrawPortHeight = contentHeight;
- contentHasScrollbar = false;
- }
- if( contentPixmap )
- osd->DestroyPixmap(contentPixmap);
- contentPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight),
- cRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentDrawPortHeight));
- if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || contentHasScrollbar ) {
- contentPixmap->Fill(contentColorBg);
- } else {
- contentPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
- contentPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentTextHeight), contentColorBg);
- }
- contentDraw();
- contentShown = true;
-bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentWillItBeScrollable(int Width, int Height, const char *Text, int FontType) {
- cTextWrapper wrapper;
- if( FontType == 0 )
- wrapper.Set(Text, font, Width - marginItem*2);
- else if( FontType == 1 )
- wrapper.Set(Text, fontFixed, Width - marginItem*2);
- else if( FontType == 2 )
- wrapper.Set(Text, fontSml, Width - marginItem*2);
- int VisibleLines = 0;
- if( FontType == 0 )
- VisibleLines = Height / fontHeight;
- else if( FontType == 1 )
- VisibleLines = Height / fontFixedHeight;
- else if( FontType == 2 )
- VisibleLines = Height / fontSmlHeight;
- if( wrapper.Lines() > 0 && wrapper.Lines() > VisibleLines )
- return true;
- return false;
-bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollable(void) {
- return contentHasScrollbar;
-int cFlatBaseRender::ContentGetHeight(void) {
- return contentHeight;
-int cFlatBaseRender::ContentGetTextHeight(void) {
- return contentTextHeight;
-double cFlatBaseRender::ScrollbarSize(void) {
- return (double)contentHeight / (double)contentDrawPortHeight;
-int cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollTotal(void) {
- return contentWrapper.Lines();
-int cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollOffset(void) {
- double offset;
- int h = 0;
- if( contentFontType == 0 )
- h = fontHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 1 )
- h = fontFixedHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 2 )
- h = fontSmlHeight;
- if ( ((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y() + contentHeight + h) > contentDrawPortHeight) {
- offset = (double)1 - ScrollbarSize();
- //dsyslog("1 offset %f h %d return %d", offset, h, (int)(ContentScrollTotal() * offset));
- } else {
- offset = (double)((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y()) / (double)((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y() + contentHeight);
- //dsyslog("2 offset %f h %d return %d", offset, h, (int)(ContentScrollTotal() * offset));
- //dsyslog("contentHeight %d Y %d", contentHeight, contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y());
- //dsyslog("contentDrawPortHeight %d Y %d", contentDrawPortHeight, contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y());
- }
- return ContentScrollTotal() * offset;
-int cFlatBaseRender::ContentVisibleLines(void) {
- if( contentFontType == 0 )
- return contentHeight / fontHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 1 )
- return contentHeight / fontFixedHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 2 )
- return contentHeight / fontSmlHeight;
- return 0;
-bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentScroll(bool Up, bool Page) {
- int aktHeight = contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y();
- int totalHeight = contentPixmap->DrawPort().Height();
- int screenHeight = contentPixmap->ViewPort().Height();
- int lineHeight = 0;
- if( contentFontType == 0 )
- lineHeight = fontHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 1 )
- lineHeight = fontFixedHeight;
- else if( contentFontType == 2 )
- lineHeight = fontSmlHeight;
- bool scrolled = false;
- if( Up ) {
- if( Page ) {
- int newY = aktHeight + screenHeight;
- if( newY > 0 )
- newY = 0;
- contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
- scrolled = true;
- } else {
- if( aktHeight < 0 ) {
- contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight + lineHeight));
- scrolled = true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if( Page ) {
- int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight;
- if( (-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight )
- newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight);
- contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
- scrolled = true;
- } else {
- if( totalHeight - ((-1)*aktHeight + lineHeight) > screenHeight ) {
- contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight - lineHeight));
- scrolled = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return scrolled;
-bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentIsShown(void) {
- return contentShown;
-void cFlatBaseRender::ContentClear(void) {
- if( contentPixmap )
- contentPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
- contentShown = false;
-void cFlatBaseRender::contentDraw(void) {
- int linesText = contentWrapper.Lines();
- int currentHeight = 0;
- for (int i=0; i < linesText; i++) {
- if( contentFontType == 0 ) {
- currentHeight = (i)*fontHeight;
- contentPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(marginItem, currentHeight), contentWrapper.GetLine(i), contentColorFg, contentColorBg, font, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- } else if( contentFontType == 1 ) {
- currentHeight = (i)*fontFixedHeight;
- contentPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(marginItem, currentHeight), contentWrapper.GetLine(i), contentColorFg, contentColorBg, fontFixed, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- } else if( contentFontType == 2 ) {
- currentHeight = (i)*fontSmlHeight;
- contentPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(marginItem, currentHeight), contentWrapper.GetLine(i), contentColorFg, contentColorBg, fontSml, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
- }
- }
void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarCreate(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int MarginHor, int MarginVer, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBarFg, tColor ColorBg, int Type, bool SetBackground, bool isSignal) {
progressBarTop = Top;
progressBarWidth = Width;
diff --git a/baserender.h b/baserender.h
index 59079879..dfe53e83 100644
--- a/baserender.h
+++ b/baserender.h
@@ -83,20 +83,27 @@ class cFlatBaseRender
// Mehrzeiliger Content mit Scrollbalken
cPixmap *contentPixmap;
+ cPixmap *contentEpgImagePixmap;
int contentLeft, contentTop, contentHeight, contentWidth;
int contentDrawPortHeight; // gesamthöhe des Textes
int contentTextHeight;
bool contentHasScrollbar;
bool contentShown;
int contentFontType;
+ int contentEventType;
+ int contentEventHeight;
+ int contentEventPosterWidth, contentEventPosterHeight;
tColor contentColorFg, contentColorBg;
cTextWrapper contentWrapper;
+ cTextWrapper contentWrapperPoster;
+ const cEvent *contentEvent;
cPixmap *decorPixmap;
std::list<sDecorBorder> Borders; // for clear specific Borders (clear only MenuItems and not TopBar)
void contentDraw(void);
+ void contentEventDraw(void);
double ScrollbarSize(void);
void ProgressBarDrawMark(int posMark, int posMarkLast, int posCurrent, bool Start, bool isCurrent);
@@ -152,25 +159,6 @@ class cFlatBaseRender
void ScrollbarDraw(cPixmap *Pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Height, int Total, int Offset, int Shown, bool CanScrollUp, bool CanScrollDown);
int ScrollBarWidth(void);
- /* int FontType
- * 0 = NormalFont
- * 1 = FixedFont
- * 2 = SmallFont
- */
- void ContentCreate(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int FontType);
- void ContentSet(const char *Text, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg);
- bool ContentIsShown(void);
- bool ContentScrollable(void);
- bool ContentWillItBeScrollable(int Width, int Height, const char *Text, int FontType);
- int ContentScrollTotal(void);
- int ContentScrollOffset(void);
- int ContentVisibleLines(void);
- int ContentGetHeight(void);
- int ContentGetTextHeight(void);
- bool ContentScroll(bool Up, bool Page);
- void ContentClear(void);
void DecorBorderDraw(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int Size, int Type, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, int From = 0, bool Store = true);
void DecorBorderClear(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int Size);
void DecorBorderClearAll(void);
diff --git a/complexcontent.c b/complexcontent.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..621f00da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/complexcontent.c
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#include "complexcontent.h"
+cComplexContent::cComplexContent() {
+ Osd = NULL;
+ Pixmap = NULL;
+ PixmapImage = NULL;
+ isShown = false;
+ isScrollingActive = true;
+cComplexContent::cComplexContent(cOsd *osd, int scrollSize) {
+ Osd = osd;
+ ScrollSize = scrollSize;
+ Pixmap = NULL;
+ PixmapImage = NULL;
+ isShown = false;
+ isScrollingActive = true;
+cComplexContent::~cComplexContent() {
+void cComplexContent::Clear(void) {
+ //dsyslog("cComplexContent::Clear");
+ isShown = false;
+ Contents.clear();
+ if( Osd ) {
+ if( Pixmap != NULL ) {
+ Osd->DestroyPixmap(Pixmap);
+ Pixmap = NULL;
+ }
+ if( PixmapImage != NULL ) {
+ Osd->DestroyPixmap(PixmapImage);
+ PixmapImage = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+void cComplexContent::CreatePixmaps(bool fullFillBackground) {
+ CalculateDrawPortHeight();
+ FullFillBackground = fullFillBackground;
+ if( !Osd )
+ return;
+ if( Pixmap != NULL ) {
+ Osd->DestroyPixmap(Pixmap);
+ Pixmap = NULL;
+ }
+ if( PixmapImage != NULL ) {
+ Osd->DestroyPixmap(PixmapImage);
+ PixmapImage = NULL;
+ }
+ cRect PositionDraw;
+ PositionDraw.SetLeft(0);
+ PositionDraw.SetTop(0);
+ PositionDraw.SetWidth(Position.Width());
+ if( FullFillBackground && DrawPortHeight < Position.Height() )
+ PositionDraw.SetHeight(Position.Height());
+ else
+ PositionDraw.SetHeight(DrawPortHeight);
+ Pixmap = Osd->CreatePixmap(1, Position, PositionDraw);
+ PixmapImage = Osd->CreatePixmap(2, Position, PositionDraw);
+ if( FullFillBackground ) {
+ Pixmap->Fill(ColorBg);
+ } else {
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, Position.Width(), ContentHeight(false)), ColorBg);
+ }
+ PixmapImage->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cComplexContent::CalculateDrawPortHeight(void) {
+ DrawPortHeight = 0;
+ std::vector<cSimpleContent>::iterator it;
+ for( it = Contents.begin(); it != Contents.end(); it++) {
+ if( (*it).GetBottom() > DrawPortHeight )
+ DrawPortHeight = (*it).GetBottom();
+ }
+ DrawPortHeight = ScrollTotal() * ScrollSize;
+int cComplexContent::BottomContent(void) {
+ int bottom = 0;
+ std::vector<cSimpleContent>::iterator it;
+ for( it = Contents.begin(); it != Contents.end(); it++) {
+ if( (*it).GetBottom() > bottom )
+ bottom = (*it).GetBottom();
+ }
+ return bottom;
+int cComplexContent::ContentHeight( bool Full ) {
+ if( Full )
+ return Height();
+ if( DrawPortHeight > Height() )
+ return Height();
+ return DrawPortHeight;
+bool cComplexContent::Scrollable(int height) {
+ CalculateDrawPortHeight();
+ int total, shown;
+ total = ScrollTotal();
+ if( height == 0 )
+ height = Position.Height();
+ shown = ceil( (double)height / (double)ScrollSize);
+ if( total > shown )
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void cComplexContent::AddText(const char *text, bool multiline, cRect position, tColor colorFg, tColor colorBg, cFont *font, int textWidth, int textHeight, int textAlignment ) {
+ Contents.push_back( cSimpleContent() );
+ Contents.back().SetText(text, multiline, position, colorFg, colorBg, font, textWidth, textHeight, textAlignment);
+void cComplexContent::AddImage(cImage *image, cRect position) {
+ Contents.push_back( cSimpleContent() );
+ Contents.back().SetImage(image, position);
+void cComplexContent::AddImageWithFloatedText(cImage *image, int imageAlignment, const char *text, cRect textPos, tColor colorFg, tColor colorBg, cFont *font, int textWidth, int textHeight, int textAlignment) {
+ int TextWidthLeft = Position.Width() - image->Width() - 10 - textPos.Left();
+ cTextWrapper WrapperFloat;
+ WrapperFloat.Set(text, font, TextWidthLeft);
+ int FloatLines = ceil((double)image->Height() / (double)ScrollSize);
+ int Lines = WrapperFloat.Lines();
+ if( Lines < FloatLines ) {
+ cRect FloatedTextPos;
+ FloatedTextPos.SetLeft(textPos.Left());
+ FloatedTextPos.SetTop(textPos.Top());
+ FloatedTextPos.SetWidth( TextWidthLeft );
+ FloatedTextPos.SetHeight(textPos.Height());
+ AddText(text, true, FloatedTextPos, colorFg, colorBg, font, textWidth, textHeight, textAlignment);
+ cRect ImagePos;
+ ImagePos.SetLeft(textPos.Left() + TextWidthLeft + 5);
+ ImagePos.SetTop(textPos.Top());
+ ImagePos.SetWidth( image->Width() );
+ ImagePos.SetHeight( image->Height() );
+ AddImage(image, ImagePos);
+ } else {
+ int NumChars = 0;
+ for( int i = 0; i < Lines && i <= FloatLines; i++) {
+ NumChars += strlen(WrapperFloat.GetLine(i));
+ }
+ char *FloatedText;
+ FloatedText = new char[NumChars+1];
+ memset(FloatedText, '\0', NumChars+1);
+ strncpy(FloatedText, text, NumChars);
+ char *SecondText;
+ SecondText = new char[strlen(text) - NumChars + 2];
+ memset(SecondText, '\0', strlen(text) - NumChars + 2);
+ strncpy(SecondText, text+NumChars, strlen(text) - NumChars);
+ cRect FloatedTextPos;
+ FloatedTextPos.SetLeft(textPos.Left());
+ FloatedTextPos.SetTop(textPos.Top());
+ FloatedTextPos.SetWidth( TextWidthLeft );
+ FloatedTextPos.SetHeight(textPos.Height());
+ cRect SecondTextPos;
+ SecondTextPos.SetLeft(textPos.Left());
+ SecondTextPos.SetTop(textPos.Top() + FloatLines * ScrollSize );
+ SecondTextPos.SetWidth( textPos.Width() );
+ SecondTextPos.SetHeight( textPos.Height() );
+ AddText(FloatedText, true, FloatedTextPos, colorFg, colorBg, font, textWidth, textHeight, textAlignment);
+ AddText(SecondText, true, SecondTextPos, colorFg, colorBg, font, textWidth, textHeight, textAlignment);
+ cRect ImagePos;
+ ImagePos.SetLeft(textPos.Left() + TextWidthLeft + 5);
+ ImagePos.SetTop(textPos.Top());
+ ImagePos.SetWidth( image->Width() );
+ ImagePos.SetHeight( image->Height() );
+ AddImage(image, ImagePos);
+ delete[] FloatedText;
+ delete[] SecondText;
+ }
+void cComplexContent::AddRect(cRect position, tColor colorBg) {
+ Contents.push_back( cSimpleContent() );
+ Contents.back().SetRect(position, colorBg);
+void cComplexContent::Draw() {
+ isShown = true;
+ std::vector<cSimpleContent>::iterator it;
+ for( it = Contents.begin(); it != Contents.end(); it++) {
+ if( (*it).GetContentType() == CT_Image )
+ (*it).Draw(PixmapImage);
+ else
+ (*it).Draw(Pixmap);
+ }
+double cComplexContent::ScrollbarSize(void) {
+ double barSize = (double)Position.Height() / (double)DrawPortHeight;
+ return barSize;
+int cComplexContent::ScrollTotal(void) {
+ int total = ceil( (double)DrawPortHeight / (double)ScrollSize);
+ return total;
+int cComplexContent::ScrollShown(void) {
+ //int shown = ceil( (double)Position.Height() / (double)ScrollSize);
+ int shown = Position.Height() / ScrollSize;
+ return shown;
+int cComplexContent::ScrollOffset(void) {
+ double offset;
+ int y = Pixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y()*-1;
+ if( y + Position.Height() + ScrollSize > DrawPortHeight ) {
+ if( y == DrawPortHeight - Position.Height() ) {
+ y += ScrollSize;
+ } else {
+ y = DrawPortHeight - Position.Height() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ offset = (double)y / (double)DrawPortHeight;
+ return ScrollTotal() * offset;
+bool cComplexContent::Scroll(bool Up, bool Page) {
+ int aktHeight = Pixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y();
+ int totalHeight = Pixmap->DrawPort().Height();
+ int screenHeight = Pixmap->ViewPort().Height();
+ int lineHeight = ScrollSize;
+ bool scrolled = false;
+ if (Up) {
+ if (Page) {
+ int newY = aktHeight + screenHeight;
+ if (newY > 0)
+ newY = 0;
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ scrolled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (aktHeight < 0) {
+ if( aktHeight + lineHeight < 0 ) {
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight + lineHeight));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight + lineHeight));
+ } else {
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, 0));
+ }
+ scrolled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Page) {
+ int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight;
+ if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight)
+ newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight);
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ scrolled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (totalHeight - ((-1)*aktHeight + lineHeight) > screenHeight) {
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight - lineHeight));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight - lineHeight));
+ } else {
+ int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight;
+ if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight)
+ newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight);
+ Pixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ PixmapImage->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ }
+ scrolled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return scrolled;
diff --git a/complexcontent.h b/complexcontent.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c84704f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/complexcontent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "imageloader.h"
+#include <list>
+#include "flat.h"
+#include <string.h>
+enum eContentType {
+ CT_Text,
+ CT_TextMultiline,
+ CT_Image,
+ CT_Rect
+enum eContentImageAlignment {
+ CIP_Right
+class cSimpleContent
+ int ContentType;
+ cRect Position;
+ int TextWidth, TextHeight, TextAlignment;
+ tColor ColorFg, ColorBg;
+ std::string Text;
+ cImage *Image;
+ cFont *Font;
+ cSimpleContent(void) {
+ Image = NULL;
+ Font = NULL;
+ }
+ ~cSimpleContent() {
+ }
+ cSimpleContent& operator=(const cSimpleContent& other) {
+ if( this != &other ) {
+ this->ContentType = other.ContentType;
+ this->Position = other.Position;
+ this->Text = other.Text;
+ this->TextWidth = other.TextWidth;
+ this->TextHeight = other.TextHeight;
+ this->TextAlignment = other.TextAlignment;
+ this->ColorFg = other.ColorFg;
+ this->ColorBg = other.ColorBg;
+ this->Image = other.Image;
+ this->Font = other.Font;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ void SetText(const char *text, bool Multiline, cRect position, tColor colorFg, tColor colorBg, cFont *font, int textWidth = 0, int textHeight = 0, int textAlignment = taDefault) {
+ ContentType = CT_Text;
+ Text = text;
+ Font = font;
+ Position = position;
+ if( Multiline ) {
+ ContentType = CT_TextMultiline;
+ }
+ ColorFg = colorFg; ColorBg = colorBg;
+ TextWidth = textWidth; TextHeight = textHeight; TextAlignment = textAlignment;
+ }
+ void SetImage(cImage *image, cRect position) {
+ ContentType = CT_Image;
+ Image = image;
+ Position = position;
+ }
+ void SetRect(cRect position, tColor colorBg) {
+ ContentType = CT_Rect;
+ Position = position;
+ ColorBg = colorBg;
+ }
+ int GetContentType(void) { return ContentType; }
+ int GetBottom(void) {
+ if( ContentType == CT_Text )
+ return Position.Top() + Font->Height();
+ else if( ContentType == CT_TextMultiline ) {
+ cTextWrapper Wrapper;
+ Wrapper.Set(Text.c_str(), Font, Position.Width());
+ return Position.Top() + (Wrapper.Lines() * Font->Height());
+ } else if( ContentType == CT_Image ) {
+ return Position.Top() + Image->Height();
+ } else if( ContentType == CT_Rect )
+ return Position.Top() + Position.Height();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ void Draw(cPixmap *Pixmap) {
+ if( !Pixmap )
+ return;
+ if( ContentType == CT_Text ) {
+ Pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(Position.Left(), Position.Top()), Text.c_str(), ColorFg, ColorBg, Font, TextWidth, TextHeight, TextAlignment);
+ } else if( ContentType == CT_TextMultiline ) {
+ cTextWrapper Wrapper;
+ Wrapper.Set(Text.c_str(), Font, Position.Width());
+ int Lines = Wrapper.Lines();
+ for( int i = 0; i < Lines; i++) {
+ Pixmap->DrawText(cPoint(Position.Left(), Position.Top() + (i * Font->Height())), Wrapper.GetLine(i), ColorFg, ColorBg, Font, TextWidth, TextHeight, TextAlignment);
+ }
+ } else if( ContentType == CT_Rect ) {
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(Position, ColorBg);
+ } else if( ContentType == CT_Image ) {
+ Pixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(Position.Left(), Position.Top()), *Image);
+ }
+ }
+class cComplexContent
+ std::vector<cSimpleContent> Contents;
+ cPixmap *Pixmap, *PixmapImage;
+ cRect Position;
+ tColor ColorBg;
+ bool FullFillBackground;
+ int DrawPortHeight;
+ int ScrollSize;
+ bool isShown;
+ bool isScrollingActive;
+ cOsd *Osd;
+ void CalculateDrawPortHeight(void);
+ cComplexContent(void);
+ cComplexContent(cOsd *osd, int scrollSize);
+ ~cComplexContent();
+ void SetOsd(cOsd *osd) { Osd = osd; }
+ void SetPosition(cRect position) { Position = position; }
+ void SetScrollSize(int scrollSize) { ScrollSize = scrollSize; }
+ void SetBGColor(tColor colorBg) { ColorBg = colorBg; }
+ void CreatePixmaps(bool fullFillBackground);
+ void Clear(void);
+ void AddText(const char *text, bool multiline, cRect position, tColor colorFg, tColor colorBg, cFont *font, int textWidth = 0, int textHeight = 0, int textAlignment = taDefault );
+ void AddImage(cImage *image, cRect position);
+ void AddImageWithFloatedText(cImage *image, int imageAlignment, const char *text, cRect textPos, tColor colorFg, tColor colorBg, cFont *font, int textWidth = 0, int textHeight = 0, int textAlignment = taDefault);
+ void AddRect(cRect position, tColor colorBg);
+ bool Scrollable(int height = 0);
+ int ScrollTotal(void);
+ int ScrollOffset(void);
+ int ScrollShown(void);
+ bool Scroll(bool Up, bool Page);
+ double ScrollbarSize(void);
+ void SetScrollingActive(bool active) { isScrollingActive = active; }
+ int Height(void){ return Position.Height(); }
+ int ContentHeight( bool Full );
+ int BottomContent(void);
+ int Top(void) { return Position.Top(); }
+ void Draw();
+ bool IsShown(void) { return isShown; }
+ bool IsScrollingActive(void) { return isScrollingActive; }
diff --git a/config.c b/config.c
index c2c54b32..2c5fae94 100644
--- a/config.c
+++ b/config.c
@@ -5,58 +5,65 @@
cFlatConfig::cFlatConfig(void) {
logoPath = "";
iconPath = "";
DecorCurrent = -1;
DecorIndex = 0;
ButtonsShowEmpty = true;
ChannelIconsShow = true;
SignalQualityShow = true;
SignalQualityUseColors = false;
DiskUsageShow = true;
MenuContentFullSize = true;
ChannelFormatShow = true;
ChannelResolutionAspectShow = true;
ChannelSimpleAspectFormat = true;
RecordingResolutionAspectShow = true;
RecordingFormatShow = true;
RecordingSimpleAspectFormat = true;
RecordingAdditionalInfoShow = true;
EpgAdditionalInfoShow = true;
+ EpgRerunsShow = true;
TopBarRecordingShow = true;
TopBarRecConflictsShow = true;
TopBarRecConflictsHigh = 2;
MenuItemIconsShow = true;
TopBarMenuIconShow = true;
MenuItemPadding = 3;
marginOsdVer = 5;
marginOsdHor = 5;
TopBarFontSize = 0.05;
MessageOffset = 50;
MainMenuItemScale = 1.0;
MenuChannelView = 1;
MenuTimerView = 1;
MenuEventView = 1;
MenuRecordingView = 1;
MenuItemRecordingClearPercent = 1;
MenuItemRecordingShowFolderDate = 1;
MenuItemParseTilde = 1;
TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster = 1;
TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize = 0.01;
+ TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster = 1;
+ TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster = 1;
+ TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors = 1;
+ TVScraperRecInfoShowActors = 1;
decorBorderChannelByTheme = 1;
decorBorderChannelTypeUser = 0;
decorBorderChannelSizeUser = 0;
@@ -96,7 +103,7 @@ cFlatConfig::cFlatConfig(void) {
decorBorderButtonByTheme = 1;
decorBorderButtonTypeUser = 0;
decorBorderButtonSizeUser = 0;
decorProgressChannelByTheme = 1;
decorProgressChannelTypeUser = 0;
decorProgressChannelSizeUser = 20;
@@ -204,9 +211,14 @@ bool cFlatConfig::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value) {
else if (strcmp(Name, "SignalQualityUseColors") == 0) SignalQualityUseColors = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster") == 0) TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster = atoi(Value);
else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize") == 0) TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize = atod(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster") == 0) TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster") == 0) TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "EpgRerunsShow") == 0) EpgRerunsShow = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors") == 0) TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors = atoi(Value);
+ else if (strcmp(Name, "TVScraperRecInfoShowActors") == 0) TVScraperRecInfoShowActors = atoi(Value);
else return false;
return true;
@@ -230,7 +242,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderChannelType = decorBorderChannelTypeUser;
decorBorderChannelSize = decorBorderChannelSizeUser;
if( decorBorderTopBarByTheme ) {
decorBorderTopBarType = decorBorderTopBarTypeTheme;
decorBorderTopBarSize = decorBorderTopBarSizeTheme;
@@ -246,7 +258,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderMessageType = decorBorderMessageTypeUser;
decorBorderMessageSize = decorBorderMessageSizeUser;
if( decorBorderVolumeByTheme ) {
decorBorderVolumeType = decorBorderVolumeTypeTheme;
decorBorderVolumeSize = decorBorderVolumeSizeTheme;
@@ -254,7 +266,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderVolumeType = decorBorderVolumeTypeUser;
decorBorderVolumeSize = decorBorderVolumeSizeUser;
if( decorBorderTrackByTheme ) {
decorBorderTrackType = decorBorderTrackTypeTheme;
decorBorderTrackSize = decorBorderTrackSizeTheme;
@@ -262,7 +274,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderTrackType = decorBorderTrackTypeUser;
decorBorderTrackSize = decorBorderTrackSizeUser;
if( decorBorderReplayByTheme ) {
decorBorderReplayType = decorBorderReplayTypeTheme;
decorBorderReplaySize = decorBorderReplaySizeTheme;
@@ -278,7 +290,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderMenuItemType = decorBorderMenuItemTypeUser;
decorBorderMenuItemSize = decorBorderMenuItemSizeUser;
if( decorBorderMenuContentHeadByTheme ) {
decorBorderMenuContentHeadType = decorBorderMenuContentHeadTypeTheme;
decorBorderMenuContentHeadSize = decorBorderMenuContentHeadSizeTheme;
@@ -286,7 +298,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderMenuContentHeadType = decorBorderMenuContentHeadTypeUser;
decorBorderMenuContentHeadSize = decorBorderMenuContentHeadSizeUser;
if( decorBorderMenuContentByTheme ) {
decorBorderMenuContentType = decorBorderMenuContentTypeTheme;
decorBorderMenuContentSize = decorBorderMenuContentSizeTheme;
@@ -294,7 +306,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderMenuContentType = decorBorderMenuContentTypeUser;
decorBorderMenuContentSize = decorBorderMenuContentSizeUser;
if( decorBorderButtonByTheme ) {
decorBorderButtonType = decorBorderButtonTypeTheme;
decorBorderButtonSize = decorBorderButtonSizeTheme;
@@ -302,7 +314,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorBorderButtonType = decorBorderButtonTypeUser;
decorBorderButtonSize = decorBorderButtonSizeUser;
if( decorProgressChannelByTheme ) {
decorProgressChannelType = decorProgressChannelTypeTheme;
decorProgressChannelSize = decorProgressChannelSizeTheme;
@@ -310,7 +322,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorProgressChannelType = decorProgressChannelTypeUser;
decorProgressChannelSize = decorProgressChannelSizeUser;
if( decorProgressVolumeByTheme ) {
decorProgressVolumeType = decorProgressVolumeTypeTheme;
decorProgressVolumeSize = decorProgressVolumeSizeTheme;
@@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorProgressVolumeType = decorProgressVolumeTypeUser;
decorProgressVolumeSize = decorProgressVolumeSizeUser;
if( decorProgressMenuItemByTheme ) {
decorProgressMenuItemType = decorProgressMenuItemTypeTheme;
decorProgressMenuItemSize = decorProgressMenuItemSizeTheme;
@@ -326,7 +338,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorProgressMenuItemType = decorProgressMenuItemTypeUser;
decorProgressMenuItemSize = decorProgressMenuItemSizeUser;
if( decorProgressReplayByTheme ) {
decorProgressReplayType = decorProgressReplayTypeTheme;
decorProgressReplaySize = decorProgressReplaySizeTheme;
@@ -334,7 +346,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorProgressReplayType = decorProgressReplayTypeUser;
decorProgressReplaySize = decorProgressReplaySizeUser;
if( decorProgressSignalByTheme ) {
decorProgressSignalType = decorProgressSignalTypeTheme;
decorProgressSignalSize = decorProgressSignalSizeTheme;
@@ -342,7 +354,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorCheckAndInit(void) {
decorProgressSignalType = decorProgressSignalTypeUser;
decorProgressSignalSize = decorProgressSignalSizeUser;
if( decorBorderChannelType == 0 )
decorBorderChannelSize = 0;
if( decorBorderTopBarType == 0 )
@@ -384,7 +396,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::ThemeInit(void) {
decorBorderTrackCurBg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemCurrentBorderBg);
decorBorderTrackSelFg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemSelableBorderFg);
decorBorderTrackSelBg = Theme.Color(clrTrackItemSelableBorderBg);
decorBorderReplayFg = Theme.Color(clrReplayBorderFg);
decorBorderReplayBg = Theme.Color(clrReplayBorderBg);
@@ -403,7 +415,7 @@ void cFlatConfig::ThemeInit(void) {
decorBorderButtonFg = Theme.Color(clrButtonBorderFg);
decorBorderButtonBg = Theme.Color(clrButtonBorderBg);
decorProgressChannelFg = Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressFg);
decorProgressChannelBarFg = Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBarFg);
decorProgressChannelBg = Theme.Color(clrChannelProgressBg);
@@ -457,14 +469,14 @@ void cFlatConfig::DecorDescriptions(cStringList &Decors) {
cString decorPath = cString::sprintf("%s/decors", PLUGINRESOURCEPATH);
std::vector<std::string> files;
cReadDir d(decorPath);
struct dirent *e;
while ((e = d.Next()) != NULL) {
cString FileName = AddDirectory(decorPath, e->d_name);
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), stringCompare);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
std::string FileName =;
@@ -507,14 +519,14 @@ cString cFlatConfig::DecorDescription(cString File) {
void cFlatConfig::DecorLoadCurrent(void) {
cString decorPath = cString::sprintf("%s/decors", PLUGINRESOURCEPATH);
std::vector<std::string> files;
cReadDir d(decorPath);
struct dirent *e;
while ((e = d.Next()) != NULL) {
cString FileName = AddDirectory(decorPath, e->d_name);
std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), stringCompare);
if( DecorIndex >= 0 && DecorIndex < (int)files.size() ) {
std::string FileName =;
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 51757ae5..b07b2f0f 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class cFlatConfig
void Init(void);
void SetLogoPath(cString path);
bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value);
void ThemeCheckAndInit(void);
void ThemeInit(void);
void DecorDescriptions(cStringList &Decors);
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class cFlatConfig
cString ThemeCurrent;
cString logoPath;
cString iconPath;
// 0 = none
// 1 = rect
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ class cFlatConfig
int SignalQualityShow;
int SignalQualityUseColors;
int DiskUsageShow;
int MenuItemPadding;
int marginOsdVer, marginOsdHor;
int MessageOffset;
int MenuContentFullSize;
double TopBarFontSize;
int ChannelResolutionAspectShow;
int ChannelFormatShow;
int ChannelSimpleAspectFormat;
@@ -172,27 +172,35 @@ class cFlatConfig
int RecordingFormatShow;
int RecordingSimpleAspectFormat;
int RecordingAdditionalInfoShow;
+ int EpgRerunsShow;
int EpgAdditionalInfoShow;
int TopBarRecordingShow;
int TopBarRecConflictsShow;
int TopBarRecConflictsHigh;
int MenuItemIconsShow;
int TopBarMenuIconShow;
double MainMenuItemScale;
int MenuChannelView;
int MenuTimerView;
int MenuEventView;
int MenuRecordingView;
int MenuItemRecordingClearPercent;
int MenuItemRecordingShowFolderDate; // 0 = disable, 1 = newest recording date, 2 = oldest recording date
int MenuItemParseTilde;
// TVScraper
int TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster;
double TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize;
+ int TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster;
+ int TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster;
+ int TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors;
+ int TVScraperRecInfoShowActors;
int DecorIndex;
diff --git a/displaymenu.c b/displaymenu.c
index ae5ea219..17dbe77c 100644
--- a/displaymenu.c
+++ b/displaymenu.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#include "displaymenu.h"
+#include "services/tvscraper.h"
+#include "services/epgsearch.h"
#ifndef VDRLOGO
#define VDRLOGO "vdrlogo_default"
@@ -123,7 +125,13 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetMenuCategory(eMenuCategory MenuCategory) {
+void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetScrollbar(int Total, int Offset) {
+ DrawScrollbar(Total, Offset, MaxItems(), 0, ItemsHeight(), Offset > 0, Offset + MaxItems() < Total);
void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawScrollbar(int Total, int Offset, int Shown, int Top, int Height, bool CanScrollUp, bool CanScrollDown, bool isContent) {
+ //dsyslog("Total: %d Offset: %d Shown: %d Top: %d Height: %d", Total, Offset, Shown, Top, Height);
if( Total > 0 && Total > Shown ) {
if( isScrolling == false && ShowEvent == false && ShowRecording == false && ShowText == false ) {
isScrolling = true;
@@ -134,7 +142,6 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawScrollbar(int Total, int Offset, int Shown, int Top,
menuPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(menuItemWidth - scrollBarWidth + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, 0, scrollBarWidth + marginItem, scrollBarHeight), clrTransparent);
menuPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(menuItemWidth - scrollBarWidth + Config.decorBorderMenuItemSize, 0, scrollBarWidth + marginItem, scrollBarHeight), clrTransparent);
} else if( ShowEvent == false && ShowRecording == false && ShowText == false ) {
isScrolling = false;
@@ -147,16 +154,13 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawScrollbar(int Total, int Offset, int Shown, int Top,
-void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetScrollbar(int Total, int Offset) {
- DrawScrollbar(Total, Offset, MaxItems(), 0, ItemsHeight(), Offset > 0, Offset + MaxItems() < Total);
void cFlatDisplayMenu::Scroll(bool Up, bool Page) {
// Wird das Menü gescrollt oder Content?
- if( ContentIsShown() ) {
- bool scrolled = ContentScroll(Up, Page);
- if( scrolled )
- DrawScrollbar(ContentScrollTotal(), ContentScrollOffset(), ContentVisibleLines(), contentTop - scrollBarTop, ContentGetHeight(), ContentScrollOffset() > 0, ContentScrollOffset() + ContentVisibleLines() < ContentScrollTotal(), true);
+ if( ComplexContent.IsShown() && ComplexContent.IsScrollingActive() && ComplexContent.Scrollable() ) {
+ bool scrolled = ComplexContent.Scroll(Up, Page);
+ if( scrolled ) {
+ DrawScrollbar(ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset(), ComplexContent.ScrollShown(), ComplexContent.Top() - scrollBarTop, ComplexContent.Height(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() > 0, ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() + ComplexContent.ScrollShown() < ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), true);
+ }
} else {
cSkinDisplayMenu::Scroll(Up, Page);
@@ -195,11 +199,11 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::Clear(void) {
- ContentClear();
isScrolling = false;
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
ShowRecording = ShowEvent = ShowText = false;
@@ -822,7 +826,7 @@ bool cFlatDisplayMenu::SetItemChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Index, bool C
- if( Config.MenuChannelView == 4 && Event && Current ) {
+ if( Config.MenuChannelView == 4 && Current ) {
DrawItemExtraEvent(Event, "");
@@ -830,7 +834,6 @@ bool cFlatDisplayMenu::SetItemChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Index, bool C
void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawItemExtraEvent(const cEvent *Event, cString EmptyText) {
cLeft = menuItemWidth + Config.decorBorderMenuItemSize*2 + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize + marginItem;
if( isScrolling )
cLeft += scrollBarWidth;
@@ -916,16 +919,63 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawItemExtraEvent(const cEvent *Event, cString EmptyText
} else
text << *EmptyText;
- ContentCreate(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight, 2);
- ContentSet( text.str().c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg) );
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontSmlHeight);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(false);
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg));
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster ) {
+ // TVScraper
+ DecorBorderClearByFrom(BorderTVSPoster);
+ static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
+ if( Config.TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster && pTVScraper ) {
+ TVScraperGetPosterOrBanner call;
+ call.event = Event;
+ if (pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetPosterOrBanner", &call)) {
+ int mediaWidth = 0;
+ int mediaHeight = 0;
+ if (call.type == typeSeries) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth - marginItem*2;
+ mediaHeight = 999;
+ } else if (call.type == typeMovie) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*3;
+ mediaHeight = 999;
+ }
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(, mediaWidth, mediaHeight);
+ if( img && call.type == typeMovie ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImageWithFloatedText(img, CIP_Right, text.str().c_str(), cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ } else if( img && call.type == typeSeries ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, img->Width(), img->Height()) );
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem + img->Height(), cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ }
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(Config.MenuContentFullSize);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
if( Config.MenuContentFullSize )
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(true), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg, BorderContent);
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetTextHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg, BorderContent);
@@ -1189,51 +1239,56 @@ bool cFlatDisplayMenu::SetItemEvent(const cEvent *Event, int Index, bool Current
int imageLeft = Left;
int imageBGHeight = fontHeight;
int imageBGWidth = fontHeight*1.34;
- if( !Channel->GroupSep() ) {
- cImage *imgBG = imgLoader.LoadIcon("logo_background", imageBGWidth, imageBGHeight);
- if( imgBG ) {
- imageBGHeight = imgBG->Height();
- imageBGWidth = imgBG->Width();
- imageTop = Top + (fontHeight - imgBG->Height()) / 2;
- menuIconsBGPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *imgBG );
- }
- img = imgLoader.LoadLogo(Channel->Name(), imageBGWidth - 4, imageBGHeight - 4);
- if( img ) {
- imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
- imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
- menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
+ cImage *imgBG = imgLoader.LoadIcon("logo_background", imageBGWidth, imageBGHeight);
+ if( imgBG && !Channel->GroupSep() ) {
+ imageBGHeight = imgBG->Height();
+ imageBGWidth = imgBG->Width();
+ imageTop = Top + (fontHeight - imgBG->Height()) / 2;
+ menuIconsBGPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *imgBG );
+ }
+ img = imgLoader.LoadLogo(Channel->Name(), imageBGWidth - 4, imageBGHeight - 4);
+ if( img ) {
+ imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
+ imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
+ menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
+ } else {
+ bool isRadioChannel = ((!Channel->Vpid())&&(Channel->Apid(0))) ? true : false;
+ if( isRadioChannel ) {
+ img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("radio", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
+ if( img ) {
+ imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
+ imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
+ menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
+ }
+ } else if( Channel->GroupSep() ) {
+ img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("changroup", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
+ if( img ) {
+ imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
+ imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
+ menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
+ }
} else {
- bool isRadioChannel = ((!Channel->Vpid())&&(Channel->Apid(0))) ? true : false;
- if( isRadioChannel ) {
- img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("radio", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
- if( img ) {
- imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
- imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
- menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
- }
- } else if( Channel->GroupSep() ) {
- img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("changroup", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
- if( img ) {
- imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
- imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
- menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
- }
- } else {
- img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("tv", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
- if( img ) {
- imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
- imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
- menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
- }
+ img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("tv", imageBGWidth - 10, imageBGHeight - 10);
+ if( img ) {
+ imageTop = Top + (imageBGHeight - img->Height()) / 2;
+ imageLeft = Left + (imageBGWidth - img->Width()) / 2;
+ menuIconsPixmap->DrawImage( cPoint(imageLeft, imageTop), *img );
- }
+ }
Left += imageBGWidth + marginItem * 2;
LeftSecond = Left;
w = menuWidth / 10 * 2;
- menuPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(Left, Top), Channel->ShortName(true), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, w);
+ if( Channel->GroupSep() ) {
+ int lineTop = Top + (fontHeight - 5) / 2;
+ menuPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left, lineTop, menuWidth, 5), ColorFg);
+ Left += w / 2;
+ menuPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(Left, Top), Channel->ShortName(true), ColorFg, ColorBg, font);
+ } else
+ menuPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(Left, Top), Channel->ShortName(true), ColorFg, ColorBg, font, w);
Left += w + marginItem * 2;
if( Event ) {
@@ -1416,7 +1471,7 @@ bool cFlatDisplayMenu::SetItemEvent(const cEvent *Event, int Index, bool Current
- if( Config.MenuEventView == 3 ) {
+ if( Config.MenuEventView == 3 && Current ) {
DrawItemExtraEvent(Event, "");
@@ -1690,13 +1745,12 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event) {
Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadBg);
// Description
- ostringstream text;
+ ostringstream text, textAdditional;
if( !isempty(Event->Description()) ) {
text << Event->Description();
if( Config.EpgAdditionalInfoShow ) {
- text << endl;
const cComponents *Components = Event->Components();
if (Components) {
ostringstream audio;
@@ -1709,15 +1763,15 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event) {
switch (p->stream) {
case sc_video_MPEG2:
if (p->description)
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (MPEG2)";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (MPEG2)";
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": MPEG2";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": MPEG2";
case sc_video_H264_AVC:
if (p->description)
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (H.264)";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (H.264)";
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": H.264";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": H.264";
case sc_audio_MP2:
@@ -1758,29 +1812,197 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event) {
if (audio.str().length() > 0)
- text << endl << tr("Audio") << ": "<< audio.str();
+ textAdditional << endl << tr("Audio") << ": "<< audio.str();
if (subtitle.str().length() > 0)
- text << endl << tr("Subtitle") << ": "<< subtitle.str();
+ textAdditional << endl << tr("Subtitle") << ": "<< subtitle.str();
- bool contentScrollable = ContentWillItBeScrollable(cWidth, cHeight, text.str().c_str(), 0);
- if( contentScrollable ) {
- cWidth -= scrollBarWidth;
+ std::ostringstream sstrReruns;
+ if( Config.EpgRerunsShow ) {
+ // lent from nopacity
+ cPlugin *epgSearchPlugin = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch");
+ if (epgSearchPlugin && !isempty(Event->Title())) {
+ Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0 data;
+ std::string strQuery = Event->Title();
+ data.useSubTitle = false;
+ data.query = (char *)strQuery.c_str();
+ data.mode = 0;
+ data.channelNr = 0;
+ data.useTitle = true;
+ data.useDescription = false;
+ if (epgSearchPlugin->Service("Epgsearch-searchresults-v1.0", &data)) {
+ cList<Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult>* list = data.pResultList;
+ if (list && (list->Count() > 1)) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Epgsearch_searchresults_v1_0::cServiceSearchResult *r = list->First(); r && i < 5; r = list->Next(r)) {
+ if ((Event->ChannelID() == r->event->ChannelID()) && (Event->StartTime() == r->event->StartTime()))
+ continue;
+ i++;
+ sstrReruns << "- " << *DayDateTime(r->event->StartTime());
+ cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(r->event->ChannelID(), true, true);
+ if (channel) {
+ sstrReruns << ", " << channel->Number() << ".";
+ sstrReruns << " " << channel->ShortName(true);
+ }
+ sstrReruns << ": " << r->event->Title();
+ //if (!isempty(r->event->ShortText()))
+ // sstrReruns << "~" << r->event->ShortText();
+ sstrReruns << std::endl;
+ }
+ delete list;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- ContentCreate(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight, 0);
+ bool Scrollable = false;
+ bool FirstRun = true;
- ContentSet( text.str().c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg) );
- if( ContentScrollable() ) {
- DrawScrollbar(ContentScrollTotal(), ContentScrollOffset(), ContentVisibleLines(), contentTop - scrollBarTop, ContentGetHeight(), ContentScrollOffset() > 0, ContentScrollOffset() + ContentVisibleLines() < ContentScrollTotal(), true);
- }
+ do {
+ if( Scrollable ) {
+ FirstRun = false;
+ cWidth -= scrollBarWidth;
+ }
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(true);
+ int ContentTop = marginItem;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Description"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ TVScraperGetFullInformation call;
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster || Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors ) {
+ // TVScraper
+ static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
+ if( pTVScraper ) {
+ call.event = Event;
+ call.isRecording = false;
+ pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetFullInformation", &call);
+ }
+ }
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster ) {
+ if( call.posters.size() > 0 ) {
+ int mediaWidth = 0;
+ int mediaHeight = 0;
+ std::string path;
+ if( call.posters.size() > 0 )
+ path = call.posters[0].path;
+ if (call.type == typeSeries) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*2;
+ mediaHeight = cHeight - marginItem*2 - fontHeight - 6;
+ } else if (call.type == typeMovie) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*3;
+ mediaHeight = cHeight - marginItem*2 - fontHeight - 6;
+ }
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(path.c_str(), mediaWidth, mediaHeight);
+ if( img ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImageWithFloatedText(img, CIP_Right, text.str().c_str(), cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ }
- if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || ContentScrollable() )
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors && call.actors.size() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Actors"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ int actorsPerLine = 6;
+ int numActors = call.actors.size();
+ int actorWidth = cWidth / actorsPerLine - marginItem*4;
+ int picsPerLine = (cWidth - marginItem*2) / actorWidth;
+ int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine;
+ if( numActors%picsPerLine != 0 )
+ picLines++;
+ int actorMargin = ((cWidth - marginItem*2) - actorWidth*actorsPerLine) / (actorsPerLine-1);
+ int x = marginItem;
+ int y = ContentTop;
+ int actor = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) {
+ if (actor == numActors)
+ break;
+ std::string path = call.actors[actor].thumb.path;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(path.c_str(), actorWidth, 999);
+ if( img ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImage(img, cRect(x, y, 0, 0));
+ std::string name = call.actors[actor].name;
+ std::stringstream sstrRole;
+ sstrRole << "\"" << call.actors[actor].role << "\"";
+ std::string role = sstrRole.str();
+ ComplexContent.AddText(name.c_str(), false, cRect(x, y + img->Height() + marginItem, actorWidth, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, actorWidth, fontSmlHeight, taCenter);
+ ComplexContent.AddText(role.c_str(), false, cRect(x, y + img->Height() + marginItem + fontSmlHeight, actorWidth, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, actorWidth, fontSmlHeight, taCenter);
+ }
+ x += actorWidth + actorMargin;
+ actor++;
+ }
+ x = marginItem;
+ y = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ if( sstrReruns.str().length() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Reruns"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(sstrReruns.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ }
+ if( textAdditional.str().length() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Video information"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(textAdditional.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ }
+ Scrollable = ComplexContent.Scrollable(cHeight - marginItem*2);
+ } while( Scrollable && FirstRun );
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable ) {
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(true);
+ } else
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
+ if( Scrollable )
+ DrawScrollbar(ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset(), ComplexContent.ScrollShown(), ComplexContent.Top() - scrollBarTop, ComplexContent.Height(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() > 0, ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() + ComplexContent.ScrollShown() < ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), true);
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable )
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(true), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetTextHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
@@ -1794,8 +2016,10 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawItemExtraRecording(const cRecording *Recording, cStri
buttonsHeight + Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2 + marginItem*3 + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize*2);
ostringstream text;
+ const cEvent *Event = NULL;
if( Recording ) {
const cRecordingInfo *recInfo = Recording->Info();
+ Event = recInfo->GetEvent();
if (!isempty(recInfo->Description()))
@@ -1986,16 +2210,67 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawItemExtraRecording(const cRecording *Recording, cStri
} else
text << *EmptyText;
- ContentCreate(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight, 2);
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontSmlHeight);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(false);
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster ) {
+ // TVScraper
+ DecorBorderClearByFrom(BorderTVSPoster);
+ static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
+ if( Config.TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster && pTVScraper ) {
+ TVScraperGetFullInformation call;
+ call.event = Event;
+ call.isRecording = true;
+ if (pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetFullInformation", &call)) {
+ int mediaWidth = 0;
+ int mediaHeight = 0;
+ std::string path = "";
+ if (call.type == typeSeries) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth - marginItem*2;
+ mediaHeight = 999;
+ path = call.banner.path;
+ } else if (call.type == typeMovie) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*3;
+ mediaHeight = 999;
+ if( call.posters.size() > 0 )
+ path = call.posters[0].path;
+ }
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(path.c_str(), mediaWidth, mediaHeight);
+ if( img && call.type == typeMovie ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImageWithFloatedText(img, CIP_Right, text.str().c_str(), cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml);
+ } else if( img && call.type == typeSeries ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, img->Width(), img->Height()) );
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem + img->Height(), cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml);
+ }
- ContentSet( text.str().c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg) );
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(Config.MenuContentFullSize);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
if( Config.MenuContentFullSize )
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(true), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg, BorderContent);
- DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ContentGetTextHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg, BorderContent);
@@ -2009,6 +2284,7 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
const cRecordingInfo *recInfo = Recording->Info();
+ const cEvent *Event = recInfo->GetEvent();
chLeft = Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadSize;
chTop = topBarHeight + marginItem + Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2 + Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadSize;
@@ -2029,7 +2305,7 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
menuItemWidth = cWidth;
- ostringstream text;
+ ostringstream text, textAdditional, recAdditional;
if (!isempty(recInfo->Description()))
@@ -2039,7 +2315,7 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
if( Config.RecordingAdditionalInfoShow ) {
cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(((cRecordingInfo *)recInfo)->ChannelID());
if (channel)
- text << trVDR("Channel") << ": " << channel->Number() << " - " << channel->Name() << endl;
+ recAdditional << trVDR("Channel") << ": " << channel->Number() << " - " << channel->Name() << endl;
cMarks marks;
bool hasMarks = marks.Load(Recording->FileName(), Recording->FramesPerSecond(), Recording->IsPesRecording()) && marks.Count();
@@ -2109,27 +2385,27 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
if (index) {
lastIndex = index->Last();
- text << tr("Length") << ": " << *IndexToHMSF(lastIndex, false, Recording->FramesPerSecond());
+ recAdditional << tr("Length") << ": " << *IndexToHMSF(lastIndex, false, Recording->FramesPerSecond());
if (hasMarks)
- text << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << *IndexToHMSF(cuttedLength, false, Recording->FramesPerSecond()) << ")";
- text << endl;
+ recAdditional << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << *IndexToHMSF(cuttedLength, false, Recording->FramesPerSecond()) << ")";
+ recAdditional << endl;
delete index;
if (recsize > MEGABYTE(1023))
- text << tr("Size") << ": " << fixed << setprecision(2) << (float)recsize / MEGABYTE(1024) << " GB";
+ recAdditional << tr("Size") << ": " << fixed << setprecision(2) << (float)recsize / MEGABYTE(1024) << " GB";
- text << tr("Size") << ": " << recsize / MEGABYTE(1) << " MB";
+ recAdditional << tr("Size") << ": " << recsize / MEGABYTE(1) << " MB";
if( hasMarks )
if (recsize > MEGABYTE(1023))
- text << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << fixed << setprecision(2) << (float)recsizecutted/MEGABYTE(1024) << " GB)";
+ recAdditional << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << fixed << setprecision(2) << (float)recsizecutted/MEGABYTE(1024) << " GB)";
- text << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << recsizecutted/MEGABYTE(1) << " MB)";
+ recAdditional << " (" << tr("cutted") << ": " << recsizecutted/MEGABYTE(1) << " MB)";
- text << endl << trVDR("Priority") << ": " << Recording->Priority() << ", " << trVDR("Lifetime") << ": " << Recording->Lifetime() << endl;
+ recAdditional << endl << trVDR("Priority") << ": " << Recording->Priority() << ", " << trVDR("Lifetime") << ": " << Recording->Lifetime() << endl;
if( lastIndex ) {
- text << tr("format") << ": " << (Recording->IsPesRecording() ? "PES" : "TS") << ", " << tr("bit rate") << ": ~ " << fixed << setprecision (2) << (float)recsize/lastIndex*Recording->FramesPerSecond()*8/MEGABYTE(1) << " MBit/s (Video + Audio)";
+ recAdditional << tr("format") << ": " << (Recording->IsPesRecording() ? "PES" : "TS") << ", " << tr("bit rate") << ": ~ " << fixed << setprecision (2) << (float)recsize/lastIndex*Recording->FramesPerSecond()*8/MEGABYTE(1) << " MBit/s (Video + Audio)";
const cComponents *Components = recInfo->Components();
if( Components ) {
@@ -2143,10 +2419,10 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
switch (p->stream) {
case sc_video_MPEG2:
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (MPEG2)";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (MPEG2)";
case sc_video_H264_AVC:
- text << endl << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (H.264)";
+ textAdditional << tr("Video") << ": " << p->description << " (H.264)";
case sc_audio_MP2:
case sc_audio_AC3:
@@ -2186,9 +2462,9 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
if (audio.str().length() > 0)
- text << endl << tr("Audio") << ": "<< audio.str();
+ textAdditional << endl << tr("Audio") << ": "<< audio.str();
if (subtitle.str().length() > 0)
- text << endl << tr("Subtitle") << ": "<< subtitle.str();
+ textAdditional << endl << tr("Subtitle") << ": "<< subtitle.str();
if (recInfo->Aux()) {
string str_epgsearch = xml_substring(recInfo->Aux(), "<epgsearch>", "</epgsearch>");
@@ -2218,12 +2494,172 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
- bool contentScrollable = ContentWillItBeScrollable(cWidth, cHeight, text.str().c_str(), 0);
- if( contentScrollable ) {
+ bool Scrollable = false;
+ bool FirstRun = true;
+ do {
+ if( Scrollable ) {
+ FirstRun = false;
+ cWidth -= scrollBarWidth;
+ }
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(true);
+ int ContentTop = marginItem;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Description"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ TVScraperGetFullInformation call;
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster || Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors ) {
+ // TVScraper
+ static cPlugin *pTVScraper = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("tvscraper");
+ if( pTVScraper ) {
+ call.event = Event;
+ call.isRecording = true;
+ pTVScraper->Service("TVScraperGetFullInformation", &call);
+ }
+ }
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster ) {
+ if( call.posters.size() > 0 ) {
+ int mediaWidth = 0;
+ int mediaHeight = 0;
+ std::string path;
+ if( call.posters.size() > 0 )
+ path = call.posters[0].path;
+ if (call.type == typeSeries) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*2;
+ mediaHeight = cHeight - marginItem*2 - fontHeight - 6;
+ } else if (call.type == typeMovie) {
+ mediaWidth = cWidth/2 - marginItem*3;
+ mediaHeight = cHeight - marginItem*2 - fontHeight - 6;
+ }
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(path.c_str(), mediaWidth, mediaHeight);
+ if( img ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImageWithFloatedText(img, CIP_Right, text.str().c_str(), cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ }
+ if( Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors && call.actors.size() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Actors"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ int actorsPerLine = 6;
+ int numActors = call.actors.size();
+ int actorWidth = cWidth / actorsPerLine - marginItem*4;
+ int picsPerLine = (cWidth - marginItem*2) / actorWidth;
+ int picLines = numActors / picsPerLine;
+ if( numActors%picsPerLine != 0 )
+ picLines++;
+ int actorMargin = ((cWidth - marginItem*2) - actorWidth*actorsPerLine) / (actorsPerLine-1);
+ int x = marginItem;
+ int y = ContentTop;
+ int actor = 0;
+ for (int row = 0; row < picLines; row++) {
+ for (int col = 0; col < picsPerLine; col++) {
+ if (actor == numActors)
+ break;
+ std::string path = call.actors[actor].thumb.path;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadFile(path.c_str(), actorWidth, 999);
+ if( img ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddImage(img, cRect(x, y, 0, 0));
+ std::string name = call.actors[actor].name;
+ std::stringstream sstrRole;
+ sstrRole << "\"" << call.actors[actor].role << "\"";
+ std::string role = sstrRole.str();
+ dsyslog("name: %s", name.c_str() );
+ ComplexContent.AddText(name.c_str(), false, cRect(x, y + img->Height() + marginItem, actorWidth, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml, actorWidth, fontSmlHeight, taCenter);
+ ComplexContent.AddText(role.c_str(), false, cRect(x, y + img->Height() + marginItem + fontSmlHeight, actorWidth, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), fontSml, actorWidth, fontSmlHeight, taCenter);
+ }
+ x += actorWidth + actorMargin;
+ actor++;
+ }
+ x = marginItem;
+ y = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ if( recAdditional.str().length() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Recording information"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(recAdditional.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ }
+ if( textAdditional.str().length() > 0 ) {
+ ContentTop = ComplexContent.BottomContent() + fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(tr("Video information"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ ComplexContent.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, cWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontTitle));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(textAdditional.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ }
+ Scrollable = ComplexContent.Scrollable(cHeight - marginItem*2);
+ } while( Scrollable && FirstRun );
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable ) {
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(true);
+ } else
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ bool Scrollable = false;
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
+ Scrollable = ComplexContent.Scrollable(cHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( Scrollable ) {
cWidth -= scrollBarWidth;
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ ComplexContent.AddText(text.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, cWidth - marginItem*2, cHeight - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg), font);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
- ContentCreate(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight, 0);
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(true);
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable ) {
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(true);
+ } else
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
contentHeadPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(0, 0, menuWidth, fontHeight + fontSmlHeight*2 + marginItem*2), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarBg));
@@ -2242,27 +2678,25 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording) {
DecorBorderDraw(chLeft, chTop, chWidth, chHeight, Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentHeadBg, BorderSetRecording, false);
- ContentSet( text.str().c_str(), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg) );
- if( ContentScrollable() ) {
- DrawScrollbar(ContentScrollTotal(), ContentScrollOffset(), ContentVisibleLines(), contentTop - scrollBarTop, ContentGetHeight(), ContentScrollOffset() > 0, ContentScrollOffset() + ContentVisibleLines() < ContentScrollTotal(), true);
- }
+ if( Scrollable )
+ DrawScrollbar(ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset(), ComplexContent.ScrollShown(), ComplexContent.Top() - scrollBarTop, ComplexContent.Height(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() > 0, ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() + ComplexContent.ScrollShown() < ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), true);
RecordingBorder.Left = cLeft;
RecordingBorder.Top = cTop;
RecordingBorder.Width = cWidth;
- RecordingBorder.Height = ContentGetHeight();
+ RecordingBorder.Height = ComplexContent.Height();
RecordingBorder.Size = Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize;
RecordingBorder.Type = Config.decorBorderMenuContentType;
RecordingBorder.ColorFg = Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg;
RecordingBorder.ColorBg = Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg;
RecordingBorder.From = BorderMenuRecord;
- if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || ContentScrollable() )
- DecorBorderDraw(RecordingBorder.Left, RecordingBorder.Top, RecordingBorder.Width, RecordingBorder.Height,
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable )
+ DecorBorderDraw(RecordingBorder.Left, RecordingBorder.Top, RecordingBorder.Width, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(true),
RecordingBorder.Size, RecordingBorder.Type,
RecordingBorder.ColorFg, RecordingBorder.ColorBg, RecordingBorder.From, false);
- DecorBorderDraw(RecordingBorder.Left, RecordingBorder.Top, RecordingBorder.Width, ContentGetTextHeight(),
+ DecorBorderDraw(RecordingBorder.Left, RecordingBorder.Top, RecordingBorder.Width, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(false),
RecordingBorder.Size, RecordingBorder.Type,
RecordingBorder.ColorFg, RecordingBorder.ColorBg, RecordingBorder.From, false);
@@ -2287,30 +2721,55 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetText(const char *Text, bool FixedFont) {
if( !ButtonsDrawn() )
Height += buttonsHeight + Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2;
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
menuItemWidth = Width;
+ bool Scrollable = false;
+ if( FixedFont ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(Text, true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, Width - marginItem*2, Height - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg), fontFixed);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontFixedHeight);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(Text, true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, Width - marginItem*2, Height - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg), font);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
+ }
- bool contentScrollable = ContentWillItBeScrollable(Width, Height, Text, FixedFont);
- if( contentScrollable ) {
+ Scrollable = ComplexContent.Scrollable(Height - marginItem*2);
+ if( Scrollable ) {
Width -= scrollBarWidth;
+ ComplexContent.Clear();
+ if( FixedFont ) {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(Text, true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, Width - marginItem*2, Height - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg), fontFixed);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontFixedHeight);
+ } else {
+ ComplexContent.AddText(Text, true, cRect(marginItem, marginItem, Width - marginItem*2, Height - marginItem*2),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg), font);
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollSize(fontHeight);
+ }
- if( FixedFont ) {
- ContentCreate(Left, Top, Width, Height, 1);
- ContentSet( Text, Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFixedFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg) );
- } else {
- ContentCreate(Left, Top, Width, Height, 1);
- ContentSet( Text, Theme.Color(clrMenuTextFont), Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg) );
- }
+ ComplexContent.SetOsd(osd);
+ ComplexContent.SetPosition(cRect(Left, Top, Width, Height));
+ ComplexContent.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuTextBg));
+ ComplexContent.SetScrollingActive(true);
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable ) {
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(true);
+ } else
+ ComplexContent.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ ComplexContent.Draw();
- if( ContentScrollable() )
- DrawScrollbar(ContentScrollTotal(), ContentScrollOffset(), ContentVisibleLines(), contentTop - scrollBarTop, ContentGetHeight(), ContentScrollOffset() > 0, ContentScrollOffset() + ContentVisibleLines() < ContentScrollTotal(), true);
+ if( Scrollable )
+ DrawScrollbar(ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset(), ComplexContent.ScrollShown(), ComplexContent.Top() - scrollBarTop, ComplexContent.Height(), ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() > 0, ComplexContent.ScrollOffset() + ComplexContent.ScrollShown() < ComplexContent.ScrollTotal(), true);
- if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || ContentScrollable() )
- DecorBorderDraw(Left, Top, Width, ContentGetHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ if( Config.MenuContentFullSize || Scrollable )
+ DecorBorderDraw(Left, Top, Width, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(true), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
- DecorBorderDraw(Left, Top, Width, ContentGetTextHeight(), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ DecorBorderDraw(Left, Top, Width, ComplexContent.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
diff --git a/displaymenu.h b/displaymenu.h
index ac003d52..50e1f560 100644
--- a/displaymenu.h
+++ b/displaymenu.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "baserender.h"
+#include "complexcontent.h"
#include <list>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <iostream>
@@ -13,18 +14,18 @@ class cFlatDisplayMenu : public cFlatBaseRender, public cSkinDisplayMenu {
cPixmap *menuPixmap;
cPixmap *menuIconsPixmap;
cPixmap *menuIconsBGPixmap;
int menuTop, menuWidth;
int menuItemWidth;
eMenuCategory menuCategory;
int VideoDiskUsageState;
int chLeft, chTop, chWidth, chHeight;
cPixmap *contentHeadPixmap;
int cLeft, cTop, cWidth, cHeight;
cPixmap *scrollbarPixmap;
int scrollBarTop, scrollBarWidth, scrollBarHeight;
@@ -32,12 +33,14 @@ class cFlatDisplayMenu : public cFlatBaseRender, public cSkinDisplayMenu {
std::list<sDecorBorder> ItemsBorder;
sDecorBorder EventBorder, RecordingBorder, TextBorder;
bool isScrolling;
bool ShowEvent, ShowRecording, ShowText;
+ cComplexContent ComplexContent;
cString ItemEventLastChannelName;
void ItemBorderInsertUnique(sDecorBorder ib);
void ItemBorderDrawAllWithScrollbar(void);
void ItemBorderDrawAllWithoutScrollbar(void);
@@ -67,15 +70,15 @@ class cFlatDisplayMenu : public cFlatBaseRender, public cSkinDisplayMenu {
virtual void Scroll(bool Up, bool Page);
virtual int MaxItems(void);
virtual void Clear(void);
virtual void SetMenuCategory(eMenuCategory MenuCategory);
//virtual void SetTabs(int Tab1, int Tab2 = 0, int Tab3 = 0, int Tab4 = 0, int Tab5 = 0);
virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title);
virtual void SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL);
virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
virtual void SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable);
virtual bool SetItemEvent(const cEvent *Event, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, const cChannel *Channel, bool WithDate, eTimerMatch TimerMatch);
virtual bool SetItemTimer(const cTimer *Timer, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable);
virtual bool SetItemChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable, bool WithProvider);
diff --git a/po/de_DE.po b/po/de_DE.po
index 8b9f9979..a617a8bb 100644
--- a/po/de_DE.po
+++ b/po/de_DE.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-skinflat 0.2.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-03 19:32+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-23 10:29+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@@ -39,6 +39,18 @@ msgstr "Timer nicht aktiv"
msgid "no recording info"
msgstr "keine Aufnahme Informationen"
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Beschreibung"
+msgid "Actors"
+msgstr "Schauspieler"
+msgid "Reruns"
+msgstr "Wiederholungen"
+msgid "Video information"
+msgstr "Video Informationen"
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Länge"
@@ -63,6 +75,9 @@ msgstr "Kanal"
msgid "search pattern"
msgstr "Suchmuster"
+msgid "Recording information"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Audio Tracks"
msgstr "Audio Tracks"
@@ -297,6 +312,9 @@ msgstr "Zeige Zusatzinfo bei Aufnahmen"
msgid "Show additional EPG info"
msgstr "Zeige Zusatzinfo bei EPG"
+msgid "Show reruns in EPG info"
+msgstr "Zeige Wiederholungen bei EPG"
msgid "Main menuitem scale"
msgstr "Hauptmenüeintrag Scale"
@@ -395,3 +413,15 @@ msgstr "Kanalinfo zeige Poster?"
msgid "Channelinfo poster size"
msgstr "Kanalinfo Poster Größe"
+msgid "EPG info show poster?"
+msgstr "EPG-Info zeige Poster?"
+msgid "recording info show poster?"
+msgstr "Aufnahmeinfo zeige Poster?"
+msgid "EPG info show actors?"
+msgstr "EPG-Info zeige Schauspieler?"
+msgid "recording info show actors?"
+msgstr "Aufnahmeinfo zeige Schauspieler?"
diff --git a/setup.c b/setup.c
index fcafcc4c..bb99a2de 100644
--- a/setup.c
+++ b/setup.c
@@ -206,6 +206,11 @@ void cFlatSetup::Store(void) {
SetupStore("SignalQualityUseColors", Config.SignalQualityUseColors);
SetupStore("TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster", Config.TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster);
SetupStore("TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize", dtoa(Config.TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize));
+ SetupStore("TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster", Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster);
+ SetupStore("TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster", Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster);
+ SetupStore("EpgRerunsShow", Config.EpgRerunsShow);
+ SetupStore("TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors", Config.TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors);
+ SetupStore("TVScraperRecInfoShowActors", Config.TVScraperRecInfoShowActors);
@@ -410,6 +415,7 @@ void cFlatSetupMenu::Setup(void) {
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Menu content fullsize background"), &SetupConfig->MenuContentFullSize));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show additional recording info"), &SetupConfig->RecordingAdditionalInfoShow));
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show additional EPG info"), &SetupConfig->EpgAdditionalInfoShow));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show reruns in EPG info"), &SetupConfig->EpgRerunsShow));
Add(new cMenuEditPrcItem(tr("Main menuitem scale"), &SetupConfig->MainMenuItemScale, 0.2, 1, 0));
Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Menu channel view"), &SetupConfig->MenuChannelView, MenuChannelViews.Size(), &MenuChannelViews[0]));
@@ -672,6 +678,10 @@ void cFlatSetupTvsraper::Setup(void) {
Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Channelinfo show poster?"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperChanInfoShowPoster));
Add(new cMenuEditPrcItem(tr("Channelinfo poster size"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperChanInfoPosterSize, 0.004, 0.015, 2));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("EPG info show poster?"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperEPGInfoShowPoster));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("recording info show poster?"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperRecInfoShowPoster));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("EPG info show actors?"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperEPGInfoShowActors));
+ Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("recording info show actors?"), &SetupConfig->TVScraperRecInfoShowActors));
if( ItemLastSel >= 0 ) {