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authorMartin Schirrmacher <>2014-03-22 14:39:48 +0100
committerMartin Schirrmacher <>2014-03-22 14:39:48 +0100
commit952db9a58dccbd87ca30a85e12203cb39ddd6cd5 (patch)
parent85f78ee5affaf943afb25915cbe91f94051672b1 (diff)
display singal quality in displaychannel one above the other (before side by side); display channel progressbar while zapping
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 8b8c8e16..793ba298 100644
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ VDR Plugin 'skinflatplus' Revision History
- [fix] epgsearch progessbar in SetItemEvent, if start time is after now (2 minutes tolerance)
- [fix] channel logo in topbar in program menu
- [fix] reply info background color
+- [fix] display channel progressbar while zapping
- [update] imagecache, pre load images after skin is loaded
menu item under general to show the amount of cached images
debug syslog message if cache is overflow
+- [update] display singal quality in displaychannel one above the other (before side by side)
- [add] theme color clrMenuItemExtraTextCurrentFont
- [add] logo background for channel logos (filename: logo_background.png)
- [add] show cutted length of recording in replay info
diff --git a/displaychannel.c b/displaychannel.c
index 0212ba24..5e1ccbfd 100644
--- a/displaychannel.c
+++ b/displaychannel.c
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ cFlatDisplayChannel::cFlatDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo) {
heightBottom = (fontHeight*2) + (fontSmlHeight*2) + marginItem; // Top, Buttom, Between
heightImageLogo = heightBottom;
if( Config.SignalQualityShow )
- heightBottom += max(fontSmlHeight, Config.decorProgressSignalSize) + marginItem;
+ heightBottom += max(fontSmlHeight, (Config.decorProgressSignalSize*2) + marginItem) + marginItem;
else if( Config.ChannelIconsShow )
heightBottom += fontSmlHeight + marginItem;
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ cFlatDisplayChannel::cFlatDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo) {
height += Config.decorProgressChannelSize + marginItem*2;
ProgressBarCreate(Config.decorBorderChannelSize, Config.decorBorderChannelSize+channelHeight - height + marginItem,
channelWidth, Config.decorProgressChannelSize, marginItem, 0,
- Config.decorProgressChannelFg, Config.decorProgressChannelBarFg, Config.decorProgressChannelBg, Config.decorProgressChannelType);
+ Config.decorProgressChannelFg, Config.decorProgressChannelBarFg, Config.decorProgressChannelBg, Config.decorProgressChannelType, true);
@@ -159,17 +159,11 @@ void cFlatDisplayChannel::ChannelIconsDraw(const cChannel *Channel, bool Resolut
int width = fontSmlHeight;
- int top = fontHeight*2 + fontSmlHeight*2 + marginItem;
int height = fontSmlHeight;
+ int top = heightBottom - height - marginItem;
int imageTop = 0;
cImage *img = NULL;
- if( Config.SignalQualityShow ) {
- top += max(fontSmlHeight, Config.decorProgressSignalSize) / 2 - fontSmlHeight / 2;
- height = max(fontSmlHeight, Config.decorProgressSignalSize);
- } else
- top += fontSmlHeight / 2 - fontSmlHeight / 2;
int left = channelWidth - width - marginItem*2;
if( Channel ) {
@@ -437,26 +431,33 @@ void cFlatDisplayChannel::SignalQualityDraw(void) {
int SignalStrength = cDevice::ActualDevice()->SignalStrength();
int SignalQuality = cDevice::ActualDevice()->SignalQuality();
int signalWidth = channelWidth / 2;
+ cFont *SignalFont = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Config.decorProgressSignalSize);
int top = fontHeight*2 + fontSmlHeight*2 + marginItem;
top += max(fontSmlHeight, Config.decorProgressSignalSize) / 2 - fontSmlHeight / 2;
- int left = marginItem;
+ int left = marginItem * 2;
int progressTop = fontHeight*2 + fontSmlHeight*2 + marginItem;
progressTop += max(fontSmlHeight, Config.decorProgressSignalSize) / 2 - Config.decorProgressSignalSize / 2;
+ progressTop = top;
chanInfoBottomPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(left, top), "STR",
- Theme.Color(clrChannelSignalFont), Theme.Color(clrChannelBg), fontSml);
- int progressLeft = left + fontSml->Width("STR") + marginItem;
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelSignalFont), Theme.Color(clrChannelBg), SignalFont);
+ int progressLeft = left + SignalFont->Width("STR") + SignalFont->Width(" ") + marginItem;
int progressWidth = signalWidth / 2 - progressLeft - marginItem;
ProgressBarDrawRaw(chanInfoBottomPixmap, chanInfoBottomPixmap, cRect(progressLeft, progressTop, progressWidth, Config.decorProgressSignalSize),
cRect(progressLeft, progressTop, progressWidth, Config.decorProgressSignalSize), SignalStrength, 100,
Config.decorProgressSignalFg, Config.decorProgressSignalBarFg, Config.decorProgressSignalBg, Config.decorProgressSignalType, false);
- left = signalWidth / 2 + marginItem;
+ //left = signalWidth / 2 + marginItem;
+ top += Config.decorProgressSignalSize + marginItem;
+ progressTop = top;
chanInfoBottomPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(left, top), "SNR",
- Theme.Color(clrChannelSignalFont), Theme.Color(clrChannelBg), fontSml);
- progressLeft = signalWidth / 2 + marginItem + fontSml->Width("STR") + marginItem*2;
- progressWidth = signalWidth - progressLeft - marginItem;
+ Theme.Color(clrChannelSignalFont), Theme.Color(clrChannelBg), SignalFont);
+ progressLeft = left + SignalFont->Width("STR") + SignalFont->Width(" ") + marginItem;
+ //progressWidth = signalWidth - progressLeft - marginItem;
ProgressBarDrawRaw(chanInfoBottomPixmap, chanInfoBottomPixmap, cRect(progressLeft, progressTop, progressWidth, Config.decorProgressSignalSize),
cRect(progressLeft, progressTop, progressWidth, Config.decorProgressSignalSize), SignalQuality, 100,