path: root/baserender.c
diff options
authorMartin Schirrmacher <>2013-09-23 11:43:34 +0200
committerMartin Schirrmacher <>2013-09-23 11:43:34 +0200
commitd8f6341649120a3ae3d3bf82b2ce4c2b782a960d (patch)
tree3f5783c1d188153799426d2d78ca23bbfd6197d1 /baserender.c
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'baserender.c')
1 files changed, 1011 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/baserender.c b/baserender.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aed366b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/baserender.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+#include "baserender.h"
+#include "flat.h"
+cFlatBaseRender::cFlatBaseRender(void) {
+ font = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontOsd, Setup.FontOsdSize );
+ fontSml = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontSml, Setup.FontSmlSize);
+ fontFixed = cFont::CreateFont(Setup.FontFix, Setup.FontFixSize);
+ fontHeight = font->Height();
+ fontSmlHeight = fontSml->Height();
+ topBarTitle = "";
+ tobBarTitleExtra1 = "";
+ tobBarTitleExtra2 = "";
+ topBarLastDate = "";
+ topBarUpdateTitle = false;
+ topBarHeight = 0;
+ marginItem = 5;
+ scrollBarWidth = 10;
+ buttonsHeight = 0;
+ topBarPixmap = NULL;
+ buttonsPixmap = NULL;
+ messagePixmap = NULL;
+ contentPixmap = NULL;
+ progressBarPixmap = NULL;
+ progressBarPixmapBg = NULL;
+ decorPixmap = NULL;
+ Config.ThemeCheckAndInit();
+cFlatBaseRender::~cFlatBaseRender(void) {
+ delete font;
+ delete fontSml;
+ delete fontFixed;
+ if( osd )
+ {
+ if( topBarPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(topBarPixmap);
+ if( buttonsPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(buttonsPixmap);
+ if( messagePixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(messagePixmap);
+ if( contentPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(contentPixmap);
+ if( progressBarPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(progressBarPixmap);
+ if( progressBarPixmapBg )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(progressBarPixmapBg);
+ if( decorPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(decorPixmap);
+ if( topBarExtraIconPixmap )
+ osd->DestroyPixmap(topBarExtraIconPixmap);
+ delete osd;
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::CreateFullOsd(void) {
+ CreateOsd(cOsd::OsdLeft() + Config.marginOsdHor, cOsd::OsdTop() + Config.marginOsdVer, cOsd::OsdWidth() - Config.marginOsdHor*2, cOsd::OsdHeight() - Config.marginOsdVer*2);
+void cFlatBaseRender::CreateOsd(int left, int top, int width, int height) {
+ osdWidth = width;
+ osdHeight = height;
+ osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(left, top);
+ if (osd) {
+ tArea Area = { 0, 0, width, height, 32 };
+ if (osd->SetAreas(&Area, 1) == oeOk) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void cFlatBaseRender::TopBarCreate(void) {
+ if( fontHeight > fontSmlHeight*2 )
+ topBarHeight = fontHeight;
+ else
+ topBarHeight = fontSmlHeight * 2;
+ topBarPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2, topBarHeight));
+ topBarExtraIconPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2, topBarHeight));
+ topBarPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cFlatBaseRender::TopBarSetTitle(cString title) {
+ topBarTitle = title;
+ tobBarTitleExtra1 = "";
+ tobBarTitleExtra2 = "";
+ topBarExtraIcon = "";
+ topBarUpdateTitle = true;
+ topBarExtraIconSet = false;
+void cFlatBaseRender::TopBarSetTitleExtra(cString extra1, cString extra2) {
+ tobBarTitleExtra1 = extra1;
+ tobBarTitleExtra2 = extra2;
+ topBarUpdateTitle = true;
+void cFlatBaseRender::TopBarSetExtraIcon(cString icon) {
+ topBarExtraIcon = icon;
+ topBarExtraIconSet = true;
+ topBarUpdateTitle = true;
+// sollte bei jedum "Flush" aufgerufen werden!
+void cFlatBaseRender::TopBarUpdate(void) {
+ cString curDate = DayDateTime();
+ int TopBarWidth = osdWidth - Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2;
+ if ( strcmp(curDate, topBarLastDate) || topBarUpdateTitle ) {
+ topBarUpdateTitle = false;
+ topBarLastDate = curDate;
+ int fontTop = (topBarHeight - fontHeight) / 2;
+ int fontSmlTop = (topBarHeight - fontSmlHeight*2) / 2;
+ topBarPixmap->Fill(Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg));
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(marginItem*2, fontTop), topBarTitle, Theme.Color(clrTopBarFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), font);
+ int extra1Width = fontSml->Width(tobBarTitleExtra1);
+ int extra2Width = fontSml->Width(tobBarTitleExtra2);
+ int extraMaxWidth = max(extra1Width, extra2Width);
+ int extraLeft = TopBarWidth/2 - extraMaxWidth/2;
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(extraLeft, fontSmlTop), tobBarTitleExtra1, Theme.Color(clrTopBarDateFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), fontSml, extraMaxWidth);
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(extraLeft, fontSmlTop + fontSmlHeight), tobBarTitleExtra2, Theme.Color(clrTopBarDateFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), fontSml, extraMaxWidth);
+ topBarExtraIconPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ if( topBarExtraIconSet ) {
+ int extraIconLeft = extraLeft + extraMaxWidth + marginItem;
+ if (imgLoader.LoadIcon(*topBarExtraIcon)) {
+ int iconTop = topBarHeight / 2 - imgLoader.Height()/2;
+ topBarExtraIconPixmap->DrawImage(cPoint(extraIconLeft, iconTop), imgLoader.GetImage());
+ }
+ }
+ time_t t;
+ time(&t);
+ cString time = TimeString(t);
+ cString time2 = cString::sprintf("%s %s", *time, tr("clock"));
+ int timeWidth = font->Width(*time2) + marginItem*2;
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(TopBarWidth - timeWidth, fontTop), time2, Theme.Color(clrTopBarTimeFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), font);
+ cString weekday = WeekDayNameFull(t);
+ int weekdayWidth = fontSml->Width(*weekday);
+ cString date = ShortDateString(t);
+ int dateWidth = fontSml->Width(*date);
+ int fullWidth = max(weekdayWidth, dateWidth);
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(TopBarWidth - timeWidth - fullWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlTop), weekday, Theme.Color(clrTopBarDateFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), fontSml, fullWidth, 0, taCenter);
+ topBarPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(TopBarWidth - timeWidth - fullWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlTop + fontSmlHeight), date, Theme.Color(clrTopBarDateFont), Theme.Color(clrTopBarBg), fontSml, fullWidth, 0, taCenter);
+ DecorBorderDraw(Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2, topBarHeight, Config.decorBorderTopBarSize, Config.decorBorderTopBarType, Config.decorBorderTopBarFg, Config.decorBorderTopBarBg);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::ButtonsCreate(void) {
+ marginButtonColor = 10;
+ buttonColorHeight = 8;
+ buttonsHeight = fontHeight + marginButtonColor + buttonColorHeight;
+ buttonsWidth = osdWidth;
+ buttonsTop = osdHeight - buttonsHeight - Config.decorBorderButtonSize;
+ buttonsPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(1, cRect(Config.decorBorderButtonSize,
+ buttonsTop, buttonsWidth - Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2, buttonsHeight));
+ buttonsPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cFlatBaseRender::ButtonsSet(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue) {
+ int buttonWidth = (buttonsWidth / 4) - marginItem - Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2;
+ buttonsPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ int x = 0;
+ if( !(!Config.ButtonsShowEmpty && !Red) ) {
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, 0), Red, Theme.Color(clrButtonFont), Theme.Color(clrButtonBg), font, buttonWidth, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, taCenter);
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(x, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, buttonWidth, buttonColorHeight), Theme.Color(clrButtonRed));
+ DecorBorderDraw(x + Config.decorBorderButtonSize, buttonsTop, buttonWidth, buttonsHeight, Config.decorBorderButtonSize, Config.decorBorderButtonType,
+ Config.decorBorderButtonFg, Config.decorBorderButtonBg);
+ }
+ x += buttonWidth + marginItem + Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2;
+ if( !(!Config.ButtonsShowEmpty && !Green) ) {
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, 0), Green, Theme.Color(clrButtonFont), Theme.Color(clrButtonBg), font, buttonWidth, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, taCenter);
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(x, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, buttonWidth, buttonColorHeight), Theme.Color(clrButtonGreen));
+ DecorBorderDraw(x + Config.decorBorderButtonSize, buttonsTop, buttonWidth, buttonsHeight, Config.decorBorderButtonSize, Config.decorBorderButtonType,
+ Config.decorBorderButtonFg, Config.decorBorderButtonBg);
+ }
+ x += buttonWidth + marginItem + Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2;
+ if( !(!Config.ButtonsShowEmpty && !Yellow) ) {
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, 0), Yellow, Theme.Color(clrButtonFont), Theme.Color(clrButtonBg), font, buttonWidth, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, taCenter);
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(x, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, buttonWidth, buttonColorHeight), Theme.Color(clrButtonYellow));
+ DecorBorderDraw(x + Config.decorBorderButtonSize, buttonsTop, buttonWidth, buttonsHeight, Config.decorBorderButtonSize, Config.decorBorderButtonType,
+ Config.decorBorderButtonFg, Config.decorBorderButtonBg);
+ }
+ x += buttonWidth + marginItem + Config.decorBorderButtonSize*2;
+ if( !(!Config.ButtonsShowEmpty && !Blue) ) {
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(x, 0), Blue, Theme.Color(clrButtonFont), Theme.Color(clrButtonBg), font, buttonWidth, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, taCenter);
+ buttonsPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(x, fontHeight + marginButtonColor, buttonWidth, buttonColorHeight), Theme.Color(clrButtonBlue));
+ DecorBorderDraw(x + Config.decorBorderButtonSize, buttonsTop, buttonWidth, buttonsHeight, Config.decorBorderButtonSize, Config.decorBorderButtonType,
+ Config.decorBorderButtonFg, Config.decorBorderButtonBg);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::MessageCreate(void) {
+ messageHeight = fontHeight + marginItem*2;
+ int top = osdHeight - osdHeight/10 - messageHeight;
+ messagePixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(5, cRect(Config.decorBorderMessageSize, top, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderMessageSize*2, messageHeight));
+ messagePixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cFlatBaseRender::MessageSet(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) {
+ tColor col = Theme.Color(clrMessageStatus);
+ switch (Type) {
+ case mtStatus:
+ col = Theme.Color(clrMessageStatus);
+ break;
+ case mtInfo:
+ col = Theme.Color(clrMessageInfo);
+ break;
+ case mtWarning:
+ col = Theme.Color(clrMessageWarning);
+ break;
+ case mtError:
+ col = Theme.Color(clrMessageError);
+ break;
+ }
+ messagePixmap->Fill(Theme.Color(clrMessageBg));
+ messagePixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( 0, 0, messageHeight, messageHeight), col);
+ messagePixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( osdWidth - messageHeight - Config.decorBorderMessageSize*2, 0, messageHeight, messageHeight), col);
+ int textWidth = font->Width(Text);
+ messagePixmap->DrawText(cPoint((osdWidth - textWidth) / 2, marginItem), Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageFont), Theme.Color(clrMessageBg), font);
+ int top = osdHeight - osdHeight/10 - messageHeight;
+ DecorBorderDraw(Config.decorBorderMessageSize, top, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderMessageSize*2, messageHeight, Config.decorBorderMessageSize, Config.decorBorderMessageType, Config.decorBorderMessageFg, Config.decorBorderMessageBg);
+void cFlatBaseRender::MessageClear(void) {
+ messagePixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ int top = osdHeight - osdHeight/10 - messageHeight;
+ DecorBorderClear(Config.decorBorderMessageSize, top, osdWidth - Config.decorBorderMessageSize*2, messageHeight, Config.decorBorderMessageSize);
+void cFlatBaseRender::ContentCreate(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height) {
+ contentHasScrollbar = false;
+ contentShown = false;
+ contentLeft = Left;
+ contentTop = Top;
+ contentWidth = Width;
+ contentHeight = Height;
+ int lines = ContentVisibleLines();
+ contentHeight = lines * fontHeight;
+void cFlatBaseRender::ContentSet(const char *Text, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg) {
+ contentWrapper.Set(Text, font, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
+ contentColorFg = ColorFg;
+ contentColorBg = ColorBg;
+ int contentWrapperHeight = (contentWrapper.Lines()+1) * fontHeight;
+ if( contentWrapperHeight > contentHeight ) {
+ contentDrawPortHeight = contentWrapperHeight;
+ contentHasScrollbar = true;
+ } else {
+ contentDrawPortHeight = contentHeight;
+ contentHasScrollbar = false;
+ }
+ contentPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight),
+ cRect(0, 0, contentWidth, contentDrawPortHeight));
+ contentPixmap->Fill(contentColorBg);
+ contentDraw();
+ contentShown = true;
+bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollable(void) {
+ return contentHasScrollbar;
+double cFlatBaseRender::ScrollbarSize(void) {
+ return (double)contentHeight / (double)contentDrawPortHeight;
+int cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollTotal(void) {
+ return contentWrapper.Lines();
+int cFlatBaseRender::ContentGetHeight(void) {
+ return contentHeight;
+int cFlatBaseRender::ContentScrollOffset(void) {
+ double offset;
+ if ( ((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y() + contentHeight + fontHeight) > contentDrawPortHeight)
+ offset = (double)1 - ScrollbarSize();
+ else
+ offset = (double)((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y())/(double)((-1)*contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y() + contentHeight);
+ return ContentScrollTotal() * offset;
+int cFlatBaseRender::ContentVisibleLines(void) {
+ return contentHeight / fontHeight;
+bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentScroll(bool Up, bool Page) {
+ int aktHeight = contentPixmap->DrawPort().Point().Y();
+ int totalHeight = contentPixmap->DrawPort().Height();
+ int screenHeight = contentPixmap->ViewPort().Height();
+ int lineHeight = fontHeight;
+ bool scrolled = false;
+ if (Up) {
+ if (Page) {
+ int newY = aktHeight + screenHeight;
+ if (newY > 0)
+ newY = 0;
+ contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ scrolled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (aktHeight < 0) {
+ contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight + lineHeight));
+ scrolled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (Page) {
+ int newY = aktHeight - screenHeight;
+ if ((-1)*newY > totalHeight - screenHeight)
+ newY = (-1)*(totalHeight - screenHeight);
+ contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, newY));
+ scrolled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (totalHeight - ((-1)*aktHeight + lineHeight) > screenHeight) {
+ contentPixmap->SetDrawPortPoint(cPoint(0, aktHeight - lineHeight));
+ scrolled = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return scrolled;
+bool cFlatBaseRender::ContentIsShown(void) {
+ return contentShown;
+void cFlatBaseRender::ContentClear(void) {
+ if( contentPixmap )
+ contentPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ contentShown = false;
+void cFlatBaseRender::contentDraw(void) {
+ int linesText = contentWrapper.Lines();
+ int currentHeight = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i < linesText; i++) {
+ currentHeight = (i)*fontHeight;
+ contentPixmap->DrawText(cPoint(marginItem, currentHeight), contentWrapper.GetLine(i), contentColorFg, contentColorBg, font, contentWidth - marginItem*2);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarCreate(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int MarginHor, int MarginVer, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBarFg, tColor ColorBg, int Type) {
+ progressBarTop = Top;
+ progressBarWidth = Width;
+ progressBarHeight = Height;
+ ProgressType = Type;
+ progressBarMarginHor = MarginHor;
+ progressBarMarginVer = MarginVer;
+ progressBarColorFg = ColorFg;
+ progressBarColorBarFg = ColorBarFg;
+ progressBarColorBg = ColorBg;
+ progressBarColorBarCurFg = Theme.Color(clrReplayProgressBarCurFg);
+ progressBarPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(3, cRect(Left, Top, Width, progressBarHeight));
+ progressBarPixmapBg = osd->CreatePixmap(2, cRect(Left - progressBarMarginVer, Top - progressBarMarginHor, Width + progressBarMarginVer*2, progressBarHeight + progressBarMarginHor*2));
+ progressBarPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ progressBarPixmapBg->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarDraw(int Current, int Total) {
+ ProgressBarDrawRaw(progressBarPixmap, progressBarPixmapBg, cRect(0, 0, progressBarWidth, progressBarHeight),
+ cRect(0, 0, progressBarWidth+progressBarMarginVer*2, progressBarHeight+progressBarMarginHor*2),
+ Current, Total, progressBarColorFg, progressBarColorBarFg, progressBarColorBg, ProgressType);
+void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarDrawRaw(cPixmap *Pixmap, cPixmap *PixmapBg, cRect rect, cRect rectBg, int Current, int Total, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBarFg, tColor ColorBg, int Type) {
+ int Middle = rect.Height()/2;
+ double percentLeft = ((double)Current) / (double)Total;
+ if( PixmapBg )
+ PixmapBg->DrawRectangle(cRect( rectBg.Left(), rectBg.Top(), rectBg.Width(), rectBg.Height()), ColorBg);
+ if( PixmapBg == Pixmap )
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), rect.Width(), rect.Height()), ColorBg);
+ else
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), rect.Width(), rect.Height()), clrTransparent);
+ switch( Type ) {
+ case 0: // small line + big line
+ {
+ int sml = rect.Height() / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 1 )
+ sml = 2;
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (sml/2), rect.Width(), sml), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0)
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1: // big line
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ if (Current > 0)
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: // big line + outline
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ int out = 1;
+ if( rect.Height() > 10 )
+ out = 2;
+ // outline
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + rect.Height() - out, rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left() + rect.Width() - out, rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0)
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: // small line + big line + dot
+ {
+ int sml = rect.Height() / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 1 )
+ sml = 2;
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (sml/2), rect.Width(), sml), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ // dot
+ Pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( rect.Left() + (rect.Width() * percentLeft) - (big/2), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), big, big), ColorBarFg, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4: // big line + dot
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ // dot
+ Pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( rect.Left() + (rect.Width() * percentLeft) - (big/2), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), big, big), ColorBarFg, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: // big line + outline + dot
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ int out = 1;
+ if( rect.Height() > 10 )
+ out = 2;
+ // outline
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + rect.Height() - out, rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left() + rect.Width() - out, rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big), ColorBarFg);
+ // dot
+ Pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( rect.Left() + (rect.Width() * percentLeft) - (big/2), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), big, big), ColorBarFg, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6: // small line + dot
+ {
+ int sml = rect.Height() / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 1 )
+ sml = 2;
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (sml/2), rect.Width(), sml), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ // dot
+ Pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( rect.Left() + (rect.Width() * percentLeft) - (big/2), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), big, big), ColorBarFg, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 7: // outline + dot
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ int out = 1;
+ if( rect.Height() > 10 )
+ out = 2;
+ // outline
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + rect.Height() - out, rect.Width(), out), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left() + rect.Width() - out, rect.Top(), out, rect.Height()), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ // dot
+ Pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( rect.Left() + (rect.Width() * percentLeft) - (big/2), rect.Top() + Middle - (big/2), big, big), ColorBarFg, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8: // small line + big line + alpha blend
+ {
+ int sml = rect.Height() / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 1 )
+ sml = 2;
+ int big = rect.Height()/2 - sml/2;
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - (sml/2), rect.Width(), sml), ColorFg);
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(Pixmap, rect.Left(), rect.Top(), (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big, ColorBarFg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(Pixmap, rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle + sml/2, (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big*-1, ColorBarFg);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 9: // big line + alpha blend
+ {
+ int big = rect.Height();
+ if (Current > 0) {
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(Pixmap, rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle - big/2, (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big/2, ColorBarFg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(Pixmap, rect.Left(), rect.Top() + Middle, (rect.Width() * percentLeft), big/-2, ColorBarFg);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarDrawMarks(int Current, int Total, const cMarks *Marks, tColor Color, tColor ColorCurrent) {
+ progressBarColorMark = Color;
+ progressBarColorMarkCurrent = ColorCurrent;
+ int posMark = 0, posMarkLast = 0, posCurrent = 0;
+ int top = progressBarHeight / 2;
+ if( progressBarPixmapBg )
+ progressBarPixmapBg->DrawRectangle(cRect( 0, progressBarMarginHor + progressBarHeight, progressBarWidth, progressBarMarginHor), progressBarColorBg);
+ progressBarPixmap->Fill( progressBarColorBg );
+ int sml = Config.decorProgressReplaySize / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 4 )
+ sml = 4;
+ int big = Config.decorProgressReplaySize - sml*2 - 2;
+ if( !Marks ) {
+ progressBarColorFg = progressBarColorBarCurFg;
+ progressBarColorBarFg = progressBarColorBarCurFg;
+ ProgressBarDraw(Current, Total);
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !Marks->First() ) {
+ progressBarColorFg = progressBarColorBarCurFg;
+ progressBarColorBarFg = progressBarColorBarCurFg;
+ ProgressBarDraw(Current, Total);
+ return;
+ }
+ // the small line
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( 0, top - sml/2, progressBarWidth, sml), progressBarColorFg);
+ bool Start = true;
+ for( const cMark *m = Marks->First(); m; m = Marks->Next(m) ) {
+ posMark = ProgressBarMarkPos( m->Position(), Total );
+ posCurrent = ProgressBarMarkPos( Current, Total );
+ ProgressBarDrawMark(posMark, posMarkLast, posCurrent, Start, m->Position() == Current);
+ posMarkLast = posMark;
+ Start = !Start;
+ }
+ if( !Start ) {
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - big/2, progressBarWidth - posMarkLast, big), progressBarColorBarFg);
+ if( posCurrent > posMarkLast )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - big/2, posCurrent - posMarkLast, big), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ } else {
+ // marker
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - sml/2, posCurrent - posMarkLast, sml), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posCurrent - big/2, top - big/2, big, big), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ if( posCurrent > posMarkLast + sml/2 )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast - sml/2, 0, sml, progressBarHeight), progressBarColorMark);
+ }
+int cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarMarkPos(int P, int Total) {
+ return P * progressBarWidth / Total;
+void cFlatBaseRender::ProgressBarDrawMark(int posMark, int posMarkLast, int posCurrent, bool Start, bool isCurrent)
+ int top = progressBarHeight / 2;
+ int sml = Config.decorProgressReplaySize / 10 * 2;
+ if( sml <= 4 )
+ sml = 4;
+ int big = Config.decorProgressReplaySize - sml*2 - 2;
+ int mbig = Config.decorProgressReplaySize*2;
+ if( Config.decorProgressReplaySize > 15 )
+ mbig = Config.decorProgressReplaySize;
+ // marker vertical line
+ if( posCurrent == posMark )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - sml, 0, sml*2, progressBarHeight), progressBarColorMarkCurrent);
+ else
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - sml/2, 0, sml, progressBarHeight), progressBarColorMark);
+ if( Start ) {
+ if( posCurrent > posMark )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - sml/2, posMark - posMarkLast, sml), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ else {
+ // marker
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posCurrent - big/2, top - big/2, big, big), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ if( posCurrent > posMarkLast )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - sml/2, posCurrent - posMarkLast, sml), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ }
+ // marker top
+ if( isCurrent )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - mbig/2, 0, mbig, sml), progressBarColorMarkCurrent);
+ else
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - mbig/2, 0, mbig, sml), progressBarColorMark);
+ } else {
+ // big line
+ if( posCurrent > posMark ) {
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - big/2, posMark - posMarkLast, big), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ // draw last marker top
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast - mbig/2, 0, mbig, marginItem/2), progressBarColorMark);
+ } else {
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - big/2, posMark - posMarkLast, big), progressBarColorBarFg);
+ if( posCurrent > posMarkLast ) {
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast, top - big/2, posCurrent - posMarkLast, big), progressBarColorBarCurFg);
+ // draw last marker top
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast - mbig/2, 0, mbig, marginItem/2), progressBarColorMark);
+ }
+ }
+ // marker bottom
+ if( isCurrent )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - mbig/2, progressBarHeight - sml, mbig, sml), progressBarColorMarkCurrent);
+ else
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMark - mbig/2, progressBarHeight - sml, mbig, sml), progressBarColorMark);
+ }
+ if( posCurrent == posMarkLast )
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast - sml, 0, sml*2, progressBarHeight), progressBarColorMarkCurrent);
+ else
+ progressBarPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( posMarkLast - sml/2, 0, sml, progressBarHeight), progressBarColorMark);
+void cFlatBaseRender::ScrollbarDraw(cPixmap *Pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Height, int Total, int Offset, int Shown, bool CanScrollUp, bool CanScrollDown) {
+ if (Total > 0 && Total > Shown) {
+ int scrollHeight = max(int((Height) * double(Shown) / Total + 0.5), 5);
+ int scrollTop = min(int(Top + (Height) * double(Offset) / Total + 0.5), Top + Height - scrollHeight);
+ //Pixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(Left, Top, scrollBarWidth, Height), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarBg));
+ if( scrollBarWidth <= 10 )
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(Left, Top, 2, Height), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarFg));
+ else if( scrollBarWidth <= 20 )
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(Left, Top, 4, Height), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarFg));
+ else
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(Left, Top, 6, Height), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarFg));
+ Pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect(Left, scrollTop, scrollBarWidth, scrollHeight), Theme.Color(clrScrollbarBarFg));
+ }
+int cFlatBaseRender::ScrollBarWidth(void) {
+ return scrollBarWidth;
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorBorderClear(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int Size) {
+ int LeftDecor = Left - Size;
+ int TopDecor = Top - Size;
+ int WidthDecor = Width + Size*2;
+ int HeightDecor = Height + Size*2;
+ int BottomDecor = Height + Size;
+ if( decorPixmap ) {
+ // top
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, WidthDecor, Size), clrTransparent);
+ // right
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, HeightDecor), clrTransparent);
+ // bottom
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + BottomDecor, WidthDecor, Size), clrTransparent);
+ // left
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, HeightDecor), clrTransparent);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorBorderClearByFrom(int From) {
+ std::list<sBorderFrom>::iterator it;
+ for( it = Borders.begin(); it != Borders.end(); ) {
+ if( (*it).From == From ) {
+ DecorBorderClear((*it).Left, (*it).Top, (*it).Width, (*it).Height, (*it).Size);
+ it = Borders.erase(it);
+ } else
+ ++it;
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorBorderClearAll(void) {
+ if( decorPixmap )
+ decorPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorBorderDraw(int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, int Size, int Type, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, int From) {
+ if( Size == 0 || Type <= 0 )
+ return;
+ sBorderFrom f;
+ f.Left = Left;
+ f.Top = Top;
+ f.Width = Width;
+ f.Height = Height;
+ f.Size = Size;
+ f.From = From;
+ Borders.push_back(f);
+ int LeftDecor = Left - Size;
+ int TopDecor = Top - Size;
+ int WidthDecor = Width + Size*2;
+ int HeightDecor = Height + Size*2;
+ int BottomDecor = Height + Size;
+ if( !decorPixmap ) {
+ decorPixmap = osd->CreatePixmap(4, cRect(cOsd::OsdLeft(), cOsd::OsdTop(), cOsd::OsdWidth(), cOsd::OsdHeight()));
+ decorPixmap->Fill(clrTransparent);
+ }
+ switch( Type ) {
+ case 1: // rect
+ // top
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, WidthDecor, Size), ColorBg);
+ // right
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, HeightDecor), ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + BottomDecor, WidthDecor, Size), ColorBg);
+ // left
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, HeightDecor), ColorBg);
+ break;
+ case 2: // round
+ // top
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor, Width, Size), ColorBg);
+ // right
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size, Size, Height), ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Width, Size), ColorBg);
+ // left
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size, Size, Height), ColorBg);
+ // top,left corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, 2);
+ // top,right corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, 1);
+ // bottom,left corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, 3);
+ // bottom,right corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, 4);
+ break;
+ case 3: // invert round
+ // top
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor, Width, Size), ColorBg);
+ // right
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor+ Size + Width, TopDecor + Size, Size, Height), ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Width, Size), ColorBg);
+ // left
+ decorPixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size, Size, Height), ColorBg);
+ // top,left corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, -4);
+ // top,right corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, -3);
+ // bottom,left corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, -1);
+ // bottom,right corner
+ decorPixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + BottomDecor, Size, Size), ColorBg, -2);
+ break;
+ case 4: // rect + alpha blend
+ // top
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, Size, ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor + BottomDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, -1*Size, ColorBg);
+ // left
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size, Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ // right
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size, -1*Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectTL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectTR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectBL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowRectBR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg);
+ break;
+ case 5: // round + alpha blend
+ // top
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, Size, ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor + BottomDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, -1*Size, ColorBg);
+ // left
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size, Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ // right
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size, -1*Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseTL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg, 2);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseTR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg, 1);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseBL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg, 3);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseBR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg, 4);
+ break;
+ case 6: // invert round + alpha blend
+ // top
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, Size, ColorBg);
+ // bottom
+ DecorDrawGlowRectHor(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size, TopDecor + BottomDecor, WidthDecor - Size*2, -1*Size, ColorBg);
+ // left
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size, Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ // right
+ DecorDrawGlowRectVer(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size, -1*Size, HeightDecor - Size*2, ColorBg);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseTL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg, -4);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseTR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor, Size, Size, ColorBg, -3);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseBL(decorPixmap, LeftDecor, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg, -1);
+ DecorDrawGlowEllipseBR(decorPixmap, LeftDecor + Size + Width, TopDecor + Size + Height, Size, Size, ColorBg, -2);
+ break;
+ }
+tColor cFlatBaseRender::Multiply(tColor Color, uint8_t Alpha)
+ tColor RB = (Color & 0x00FF00FF) * Alpha;
+ RB = ((RB + ((RB >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) + 0x00800080) >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF;
+ tColor AG = ((Color >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) * Alpha;
+ AG = ((AG + ((AG >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF) + 0x00800080)) & 0xFF00FF00;
+ return AG | RB;
+tColor cFlatBaseRender::SetAlpha(tColor Color, double am)
+ uint8_t A = (Color & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
+ uint8_t R = (Color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
+ uint8_t G = (Color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
+ uint8_t B = (Color & 0x000000FF);
+ A = A * am;
+ return ArgbToColor(A, R, G, B);
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectHor(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ if( Height < 0 ) {
+ Height *= -1;
+ for(int i = Height, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Height * j;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left, Top + i, Width, 1), col);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(int i = 0; i < Height; i++) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Height * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left, Top + i, Width, 1), col);
+ }
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectVer(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ if( Width < 0 ) {
+ Width *= -1;
+ for(int i = Width, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Width * j;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left + i, Top, 1, Height), col);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left + i, Top, 1, Height), col);
+ }
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectTL(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left + i, Top + i, Width-i, Height-i), col);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectTR(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left, Top + Height-j, j, j), col);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectBL(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ Alpha = 255.0 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left + Width - j, Top, j, j), col);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowRectBR(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ Alpha = 255 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawRectangle(cRect( Left, Top, j, j), col);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowEllipseTL(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg, int type) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ if( VDRVERSNUM < 20002 && j == 1 ) // in VDR Version < 2.0.2 osd breaks if width & height == 1
+ continue;
+ Alpha = 255 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( Left + i, Top + i, j, j), col, type);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowEllipseTR(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg, int type) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ if( VDRVERSNUM < 20002 && j == 1 ) // in VDR Version < 2.0.2 osd breaks if width & height == 1
+ continue;
+ Alpha = 255 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( Left, Top + Height-j, j, j), col, type);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowEllipseBL(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg, int type) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ if( VDRVERSNUM < 20002 && j == 1 ) // in VDR Version < 2.0.2 osd breaks if width & height == 1
+ continue;
+ Alpha = 255 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( Left + Width - j, Top, j, j), col, type);
+ }
+void cFlatBaseRender::DecorDrawGlowEllipseBR(cPixmap *pixmap, int Left, int Top, int Width, int Height, tColor ColorBg, int type) {
+ double Alpha;
+ for(int i = 0, j = Width; i < Width; i++, j--) {
+ if( VDRVERSNUM < 20002 && j == 1 ) // in VDR Version < 2.0.2 osd breaks if width & height == 1
+ continue;
+ Alpha = 255 / Width * i;
+ tColor col = SetAlpha(ColorBg, 100.0/255.0*Alpha/100.0);
+ pixmap->DrawEllipse(cRect( Left, Top, j, j), col, type);
+ }