path: root/displaymenu.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'displaymenu.c')
1 files changed, 775 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/displaymenu.c b/displaymenu.c
index 591839fa..83b7174a 100644
--- a/displaymenu.c
+++ b/displaymenu.c
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
#include "displaymenu.h"
#include "services/scraper2vdr.h"
#include "services/epgsearch.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
#ifndef VDRLOGO
#define VDRLOGO "vdrlogo_default"
@@ -125,6 +128,8 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetMenuCategory(eMenuCategory MenuCategory) {
itemRecordingHeight = fontHeight + Config.MenuItemPadding + Config.decorBorderMenuItemSize*2;
else if( Config.MenuRecordingView == 2 || Config.MenuRecordingView == 3 )
itemRecordingHeight = fontHeight + fontSmlHeight + marginItem + Config.MenuItemPadding + Config.decorBorderMenuItemSize*2;
+ } else if( menuCategory == mcMain ) {
+ DrawMainMenuWidgets();
@@ -215,6 +220,9 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::Clear(void) {
MenuFullOsdIsDrawn = false;
+ contentWidget.Clear();
ShowRecording = ShowEvent = ShowText = false;
@@ -340,7 +348,7 @@ void cFlatDisplayMenu::SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool S
int y = Index * itemHeight;
menuItemWidth = menuWidth - Config.decorBorderMenuItemSize*2;
- if( menuCategory == mcMain )
+ if( menuCategory == mcMain && Config.MainMenuWidgetsEnable )
menuItemWidth *= Config.MainMenuItemScale;
int AvailableTextWidth = menuItemWidth - scrollBarWidth;
@@ -3868,6 +3876,772 @@ const char* cFlatDisplayMenu::GetGenreIcon(uchar genre) {
return "";
+void cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgets(void) {
+ int wLeft = osdWidth * Config.MainMenuItemScale + marginItem + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize;
+ int wTop = topBarHeight + marginItem + Config.decorBorderTopBarSize*2 + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize;
+ int wWidth = osdWidth - wLeft - Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize;
+ int wHeight = menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() - marginItem*2;
+ int ContentTop = 0;
+ contentWidget.Clear();
+ contentWidget.SetOsd(osd);
+ contentWidget.SetPosition(cRect(wLeft, wTop, wWidth, wHeight));
+ contentWidget.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ contentWidget.SetScrollingActive(false);
+ std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string> > widgets;
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetDVBDevicesShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetDVBDevicesPosition, "dvb_devices"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetActiveTimerShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetActiveTimerPosition, "active_timer"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetLastRecShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetDVBDevicesPosition, "last_recordings"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetSystemInfoShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetSystemInfoPosition, "system_information"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetSystemUpdatesShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetSystemUpdatesPosition, "system_updates"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetTemperaturesShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetTemperaturesPosition, "temperatures"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetTimerConflictsShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetTimerConflictsPosition, "timer_conflicts"));
+ if( Config.MainMenuWidgetCommandShow )
+ widgets.push_back(std::make_pair(Config.MainMenuWidgetCommandPosition, "custom_command"));
+ std::sort(widgets.begin(), widgets.end(), pairCompareIntString);
+ while( !widgets.empty() ) {
+ std::pair<int, std::string> pairWidget = widgets.back();
+ widgets.pop_back();
+ std::string widget = pairWidget.second;
+ if("dvb_devices") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetDVBDevices(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("active_timer") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetActiveTimers(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("last_recordings") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetLastRecordings(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("system_information") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetSystemInformation(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("system_updates") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetSystemUpdates(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("temperatures") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetTemperaturs(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("timer_conflicts") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetTimerConflicts(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ } else if("custom_command") == 0 ) {
+ int addHeight = DrawMainMenuWidgetCommand(wLeft, wWidth, ContentTop);
+ if( addHeight > 0 )
+ ContentTop = addHeight + marginItem;
+ }
+ }
+ contentWidget.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ contentWidget.Draw();
+ DecorBorderDraw(wLeft, wTop, wWidth, contentWidget.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetDVBDevices(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ int numDevices = cDevice::NumDevices();
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/dvb_devices", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("DVB Devices"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ // check device which currently displays live tv
+ int deviceLiveTV = -1;
+ cDevice *primaryDevice = cDevice::PrimaryDevice();
+ if (primaryDevice) {
+ if (!primaryDevice->Replaying() || primaryDevice->Transferring())
+ deviceLiveTV = cDevice::ActualDevice()->DeviceNumber();
+ else
+ deviceLiveTV = primaryDevice->DeviceNumber();
+ }
+ // check currently recording devices
+ bool *recDevices = new bool[numDevices];
+ for( int i=0; i < numDevices; i++ )
+ recDevices[i] = false;
+ for (cTimer *timer = Timers.First(); timer; timer = Timers.Next(timer)) {
+ if (!timer->Recording()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cRecordControl *RecordControl = cRecordControls::GetRecordControl(timer)) {
+ const cDevice *recDevice = RecordControl->Device();
+ if (recDevice) {
+ recDevices[recDevice->DeviceNumber()] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int actualNumDevices = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; i++) {
+ if( ContentTop + marginItem > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ continue;
+ const cDevice *device = cDevice::GetDevice(i);
+ if (!device || !device->NumProvidedSystems()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ actualNumDevices++;
+ std::stringstream strDevice;
+ strDevice << i << ": " << *(device->DeviceType()) << " - ";
+ if( i == deviceLiveTV ) {
+ strDevice << tr("LiveTV") << "(";
+ const cChannel *channel = device->GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder();
+ //const cSource *source = (channel) ? Sources.Get(channel->Source()) : NULL;
+ cString chanName;
+ if (channel && channel->Number() > 0) {
+ chanName = channel->Name();
+ } else {
+ chanName = tr("Unknown");
+ }
+ strDevice << *chanName;
+ strDevice << ")";
+ }
+ else if( recDevices[i] ) {
+ strDevice << tr("recording") << "(";
+ const cChannel *channel = device->GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder();
+ //const cSource *source = (channel) ? Sources.Get(channel->Source()) : NULL;
+ cString chanName;
+ if (channel && channel->Number() > 0) {
+ chanName = channel->Name();
+ } else {
+ chanName = tr("Unknown");
+ }
+ strDevice << *chanName;
+ strDevice << ")";
+ } else {
+ const cChannel *channel = device->GetCurrentlyTunedTransponder();
+ if( channel ) {
+ cString chanName = channel->Name();
+ if( !strcmp(*chanName, "") )
+ strDevice << tr("not used");
+ else
+ strDevice << tr("Unknown") << "(" << *chanName << ")";
+ } else
+ strDevice << tr("not used");
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(strDevice.str().c_str(), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ delete[] recDevices;
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetActiveTimers(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/active_timers", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Active Timer"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ // look for timers
+ time_t t;
+ time(&t);
+ int index = 0, numRec = 0;
+ for(cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti && index < Config.MainMenuWidgetActiveTimerMaxCount; ti = Timers.Next(ti), index++) {
+ if( ti->Matches(t) && ti->HasFlags(tfActive) ) {
+ numRec++;
+ }
+ }
+ if( numRec == 0 && Config.MainMenuWidgetActiveTimerHideEmpty )
+ return 0;
+ else if( numRec == 0 ) {
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("no active timer"), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ } else {
+ index = 0;
+ for(cTimer *ti = Timers.First(); ti && index < Config.MainMenuWidgetActiveTimerMaxCount; ti = Timers.Next(ti), index++) {
+ if( ti->Matches(t) && ti->HasFlags(tfActive) ) {
+ if( ContentTop + marginItem > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ continue;
+ const cChannel *Channel = ti->Channel();
+ //const cEvent *Event = Timer->Event();
+ std::stringstream strTimer;
+ strTimer << index+1 << ": ";
+ if( Channel )
+ strTimer << Channel->Name() << " - ";
+ else
+ strTimer << tr("Unknown") << " - ";
+ strTimer << ti->File();
+ contentWidget.AddText(strTimer.str().c_str(), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetLastRecordings(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/last_recordings", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Last Recordings"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ std::vector<std::pair<time_t, std::string> > Recs;
+ for(cRecording *rec = Recordings.First(); rec; rec = Recordings.Next(rec)) {
+ time_t RecStart = rec->Start();
+ int Minutes = (rec->LengthInSeconds() + 30) / 60;
+ cString Length = cString::sprintf("%02d:%02d", Minutes / 60, Minutes % 60);
+ cString DateTime = cString::sprintf("%s %s %s", *ShortDateString(rec->Start()), *TimeString(rec->Start()), *Length);
+ std::string strRec = *(cString::sprintf("%s - %s", *DateTime, rec->Name()));
+ Recs.push_back(std::make_pair(RecStart, strRec));
+ }
+ // Sort by RecStart
+ std::sort(Recs.begin(), Recs.end(), pairCompareTimeStringDesc);
+ int index = 0;
+ while( !Recs.empty() && index < Config.MainMenuWidgetLastRecMaxCount ) {
+ if( ContentTop + marginItem > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ continue;
+ std::pair<time_t, std::string> pairRec = Recs.back();
+ Recs.pop_back();
+ std::string Rec = pairRec.second;
+ std::stringstream strRec;
+ strRec << Rec;
+ contentWidget.AddText(strRec.str().c_str(), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ index++;
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetTimerConflicts(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/timer_conflicts", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Timer Conflicts"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ int numConflicts = 0;
+ cPlugin *p = cPluginManager::GetPlugin("epgsearch");
+ if (p) {
+ Epgsearch_lastconflictinfo_v1_0 *serviceData = new Epgsearch_lastconflictinfo_v1_0;
+ if (serviceData) {
+ serviceData->nextConflict = 0;
+ serviceData->relevantConflicts = 0;
+ serviceData->totalConflicts = 0;
+ p->Service("Epgsearch-lastconflictinfo-v1.0", serviceData);
+ if (serviceData->relevantConflicts > 0) {
+ numConflicts = serviceData->relevantConflicts;
+ }
+ delete serviceData;
+ }
+ }
+ if( numConflicts == 0 && Config.MainMenuWidgetTimerConflictsHideEmpty ) {
+ return 0;
+ } else if( numConflicts == 0 ) {
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("no timer conflicts"), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ } else {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %d", tr("timer conflicts"), numConflicts);
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetSystemInformation(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/system_information", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("System Information"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ cString execFile = cString::sprintf("cd \"%s/widgets/system_information\"; \"%s/widgets/system_information/system_information\"", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N), cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N));
+ int r = system(*execFile);
+ r += 0; // prevent Warning for unused variable
+ cString configsPath = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/system_information/", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N));
+ std::vector<std::string> files;
+ cReadDir d(configsPath);
+ struct dirent *e;
+ while ((e = d.Next()) != NULL) {
+ dsyslog("FILE: %s", e->d_name);
+ std::string fname = e->d_name;
+ std::size_t found = fname.find("_");
+ if( found != std::string::npos ) {
+ std::string num = fname.substr(0, found);
+ if( atoi( num.c_str() ) > 0 ) {
+ files.push_back(e->d_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int Column = 1;
+ int ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ std::sort(files.begin(), files.end(), stringCompare);
+ if( files.size() == 0 ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s - %s", tr("no information available please check the script"), *execFile);
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ } else {
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
+ // check for height
+ if( ContentTop + marginItem > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ break;
+ std::string fname = files[i];
+ std::size_t found = fname.find("_");
+ if( found != std::string::npos ) {
+ std::string num = fname.substr(0, found);
+ if( atoi( num.c_str() ) > 0 ) {
+ std::string item = fname.substr(found + 1, fname.length() - found);
+ cString itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/system_information/%s", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N), fname.c_str() );
+ std::ifstream file(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file.is_open() ) {
+ std::string item_content;
+ std::getline(file, item_content);
+ if( !strcmp(item.c_str(), "sys_version") ) {
+ if( Column == 2 ) {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ }
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("System Version"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ } else if( !"kernel_version") ) {
+ if( Column == 2 ) {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ }
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Kernel Version"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ } else if( !"uptime") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Uptime"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"load") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Load"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"processes") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Processes"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"mem_usage") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Memory Usage"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"swap_usage") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Swap Usage"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"root_usage") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Root Usage"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"video_usage") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Video Usage"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"vdr_cpu_usage") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("VDR CPU Usage"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"cpu") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Temp CPU"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"gpu") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Temp GPU"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"pccase") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Temp PC-Case"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"updates") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Updates"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ } else if( !"security_updates") ) {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("Security Updates"), item_content.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(ContentLeft, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ if( Column == 1 ) {
+ Column = 2;
+ ContentLeft = wWidth / 2;
+ } else {
+ Column = 1;
+ ContentLeft = marginItem;
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetSystemUpdates(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/system_updates", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("System Updates"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ int updates = 0, securityUpdates = 0;
+ cString itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/system_updatestatus/updates", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file.is_open() ) {
+ std::string cont;
+ std::getline(file, cont);
+ updates = atoi(cont.c_str());
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ updates = -1;
+ }
+ itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/system_updatestatus/security_updates", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file2(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file2.is_open() ) {
+ std::string cont;
+ std::getline(file2, cont);
+ securityUpdates = atoi(cont.c_str());
+ file2.close();
+ } else {
+ securityUpdates = -1;
+ }
+ if(updates == -1 || securityUpdates == -1) {
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Updatestatus not available please check the widget"), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ } else if( updates == 0 && securityUpdates == 0 && Config.MainMenuWidgetSystemUpdatesHideIfZero ) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %d", tr("Updates"), updates);
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ str = cString::sprintf("%s: %d", tr("Security Updates"), securityUpdates);
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(wWidth/2 + marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth/2 - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetTemperaturs(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/temperatures", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Temperatures"), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ cString execFile = cString::sprintf("cd \"%s/widgets/temperatures\"; \"%s/widgets/temperatures/temperatures\"", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N), cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N));
+ int r = system(*execFile);
+ r += 0; // prevent Warning for unused variable
+ std::string tempCPU, tempCase, tempGPU;
+ cString itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/temperatures/cpu", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file.is_open() ) {
+ std::getline(file, tempCPU);
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ tempCPU = "-1";
+ }
+ itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/temperatures/pccase", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file2(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file2.is_open() ) {
+ std::string cont;
+ std::getline(file2, tempCase);
+ file2.close();
+ } else {
+ tempCase = "-1";
+ }
+ itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/temperatures/gpu", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file3(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file3.is_open() ) {
+ std::string cont;
+ std::getline(file3, tempGPU);
+ file3.close();
+ } else {
+ tempGPU = "-1";
+ }
+ if( !strcmp(tempCPU.c_str(), "-1") && !strcmp(tempCase.c_str(), "-1") && !strcmp(tempGPU.c_str(), "-1") ) {
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("Temperatures not available please check the widget"), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ } else {
+ cString str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("CPU"), tempCPU.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("PC-Case"), tempCase.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(wWidth/3 + marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth/3 - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ str = cString::sprintf("%s: %s", tr("GPU"), tempGPU.c_str());
+ contentWidget.AddText(*str, false, cRect(wWidth/3*2 + marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth/3*2 - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetCommand(int wLeft, int wWidth, int ContentTop) {
+ if( ContentTop + fontHeight + 6 + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return -1;
+ cString execFile = cString::sprintf("cd \"%s/widgets/command_output\"; \"%s/widgets/command_output/command\"", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N), cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N));
+ int r = system(*execFile);
+ r += 0; // prevent Warning for unused variable
+ std::string Title;
+ cString itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/command_output/title", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file.is_open() ) {
+ std::getline(file, Title);
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ Title = tr("no title available");
+ }
+ cImage *img = imgLoader.LoadIcon("widgets/command_output", fontHeight, fontHeight - marginItem*2);
+ if( img ) {
+ contentWidget.AddImage(img, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop + marginItem, fontHeight, fontHeight));
+ }
+ contentWidget.AddText(Title.c_str(), false, cRect(marginItem*2 + fontHeight, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidget.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ std::string Output;
+ itemFilename = cString::sprintf("%s/widgets/command_output/output", cPlugin::ConfigDirectory(PLUGIN_NAME_I18N) );
+ std::ifstream file2(*itemFilename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if( file2.is_open() ) {
+ for (; std::getline(file2, Output); ) {
+ if( ContentTop + marginItem > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ break;
+ contentWidget.AddText(Output.c_str(), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ }
+ file2.close();
+ } else {
+ contentWidget.AddText(tr("no output available"), false, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml, wWidth - marginItem*2);
+ }
+ return contentWidget.ContentHeight(false);
+int cFlatDisplayMenu::DrawMainMenuWidgetTimerConflicts(int wLeft, int wTop, int wWidth) {
+ int wHeight = fontHeight + 6 + (Config.MainMenuWidgetLastRecMaxCount * fontSmlHeight) + Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize*2;
+ int ContentTop = marginItem;
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.Clear();
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.SetOsd(osd);
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.SetPosition(cRect(wLeft, wTop, wWidth, wHeight));
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.SetBGColor(Theme.Color(clrMenuRecBg));
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.SetScrollingActive(false);
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.AddText(tr("Last Recordings"), false, cRect(marginItem*10, ContentTop, 0, 0), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontTitle), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), font);
+ ContentTop += fontHeight;
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.AddRect(cRect(0, ContentTop, wWidth, 3), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventTitleLine));
+ ContentTop += 6;
+ if( wTop + contentWidgetTimerConflicts.ContentHeight(false) + fontSmlHeight > menuPixmap->ViewPort().Height() )
+ return 0;
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.AddText(strRec.str().c_str(), true, cRect(marginItem, ContentTop, wWidth - marginItem*2, fontSmlHeight),
+ Theme.Color(clrMenuEventFontInfo), Theme.Color(clrMenuEventBg), fontSml);
+ ContentTop += fontSmlHeight;
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.CreatePixmaps(false);
+ contentWidgetTimerConflicts.Draw();
+ DecorBorderDraw(wLeft, wTop, wWidth, contentWidgetTimerConflicts.ContentHeight(false), Config.decorBorderMenuContentSize, Config.decorBorderMenuContentType,
+ Config.decorBorderMenuContentFg, Config.decorBorderMenuContentBg);
+ return contentWidgetTimerConflicts.ContentHeight(false);
void cFlatDisplayMenu::PreLoadImages(void) {
// menu icons
cString Path = cString::sprintf("%s%s/menuIcons", *Config.iconPath, Setup.OSDTheme);