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2 files changed, 42 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/displaychannel.c b/displaychannel.c
index 8afc719..e1789b3 100644
--- a/displaychannel.c
+++ b/displaychannel.c
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo):cThread("LCARS Dis
xc14 = xc15 - lineHeight;
xc13 = xc14 - Gap;
xc07 = (xc15 + xc00) / 2;
+ xc06n = xc07 - lineHeight;
+ xc06m = xc06n - Gap;
xc08 = xc07 + Gap;
xc09 = xc08 + lineHeight;
xc10 = xc09 + Gap;
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo):cThread("LCARS Dis
osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc03, xc02 - 1, yc04 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc05, xc02 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc07, xc01 - 1, yc08 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, yc0B, xc11 - 1, yc0A - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, yc0B, xc11 - 1, (yc0A - yc0B) / 2 - 1, frameColor);
// Upper Elbow:
osd->DrawRectangle(xc00, yc0B, xc01 - 1, yc00m - 1, clrTransparent);
osd->DrawEllipse (xc00, yc0B, xc01 - 1, yc00m - 1, frameColor, 2);
@@ -126,19 +128,25 @@ cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::cLCARSNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo):cThread("LCARS Dis
osd->DrawEllipse (xc02, yc10, xc02m - 1, yc11 - 1, frameColor, -3);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc02, yc11, xc05 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
// Status area:
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, yc11 + lineHeight / 2, xc07 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc06n, yc11, xc07 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc11, xc09 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc11, xc11 - 1, yc12 - 1, Theme.Color(clrDeviceBg));
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc11, xc11 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc14, yc11, xc14 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc11 + lineHeight / 2, xc15 - 1, yc12 - 1, clrTransparent);
osd->DrawEllipse (xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc11, xc15 - 1, yc12 - 1, frameColor, 5);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc03 + lineHeight, xc09 - 1, yc04 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc07 - lineHeight / 2, yc03 + lineHeight, xc07 - 1, yc04 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc07 - lineHeight / 2, yc05, xc07 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc05 + lineHeight, xc08 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc03, xc10m - 1, yc04 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc05 + lineHeight, xc09 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc05 + lineHeight, xc08 - 1, yc06 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc05, xc10m - 1, yc06 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc07, xc09 - 1, yc11 - 1, frameColor);
- osd->DrawEllipse (xc08, yc03, xc09 - 1, yc04 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor, 2);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc07 - lineHeight / 2, yc07, xc07 - 1, yc11 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc08, yc07, xc08 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc11 - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawEllipse (xc07 - lineHeight / 2, yc03, xc07 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc04 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor, 2);
+ osd->DrawEllipse (xc07, yc04 - lineHeight, xc07 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc04 - lineHeight / 2 - 1, frameColor, -2);
+ osd->DrawEllipse (xc08 + lineHeight / 2, yc05 + lineHeight, xc09 - 1, yc06 - lineHeight / 2 - 1, frameColor, -2);
osd->DrawEllipse (xc08, yc05, xc09 - 1, yc06 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor, 2);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc09 - lineHeight / 2 - Gap, yc03, xc09 - 1, yc03 + lineHeight - 1, frameColor);
// Icons:
osd->DrawRectangle(xc14, yc0B, xc14 + lineHeight / 2 - 1, yc0A - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc14 + lineHeight / 2, yc0B, xc15 - 1, yc0B + lineHeight / 2 - 1, clrTransparent);
@@ -174,7 +182,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawTrack(void)
cDevice *Device = cDevice::PrimaryDevice();
const tTrackId *Track = Device->GetTrack(Device->GetCurrentAudioTrack());
if (Track ? strcmp(lastTrackId.description, Track->description) : *lastTrackId.description) {
- osd->DrawText(xc03, yc06 - lineHeight, Track ? Track->description : "", Theme.Color(clrTrackName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc07 - xc03);
+ osd->DrawText(xc03, yc06 - lineHeight, Track ? Track->description : "", Theme.Color(clrTrackName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc06m - xc03);
strn0cpy(lastTrackId.description, Track ? Track->description : "", sizeof(lastTrackId.description));
@@ -183,14 +191,16 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawSeen(int Current, int Total)
if (lastCurrentPosition >= 0)
return; // to not interfere with SetPositioner()
- int Seen = (Total > 0) ? min(xc07 - xc06, int((xc07 - xc06) * double(Current) / Total)) : 0;
+ int Seen = (Total > 0) ? min(xc11 - xc06, int((xc11 - xc06) * double(Current) / Total)) : 0;
if (initial || Seen != lastSeen) {
- int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
- int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
+// int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
+// int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
+ int y0 = yc0A - (yc0A - yc0B) / 2 + Gap / 2;
+ int y1 = yc0A + ShowSeenExtent;
osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, y0, xc06 + Seen - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrSeen));
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06 + Seen, y0, xc07 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc06 + Seen, y0, xc11 - 1, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
// Restzeit anzeigen
- osd->DrawText(xc10, yc03 + lineHeight, ((Current / 60.0) > 0.1) ? cString::sprintf("-%d", max((int)ceil((Total - Current) / 60.0), 0)) : cString::sprintf(" "), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc10m - xc10, 0, taRight | taBorder);
+ osd->DrawText(xc10, yc03 + lineHeight, ((Current / 60.0) > 0.1) ? cString::sprintf("-%d", max((int)ceil((Total - Current) / 60.0), 0)) : cString::sprintf(" "), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc10m - xc10 - 1, 0, taRight | taBorder);
lastSeen = Seen;
@@ -198,7 +208,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawSeen(int Current, int Total)
void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawDevice(void)
const cDevice *Device = cDevice::ActualDevice();
- if (DrawDeviceData(osd, Device, xc10, yc11, xc11, yc12, xs, tinyFont, lastDeviceType, lastCamSlot, Device->DeviceNumber() != lastDeviceNumber)) {
+ if (DrawDeviceData(osd, Device, xc06, yc11, xc06m, yc12, xs, tinyFont, lastDeviceType, lastCamSlot, Device->DeviceNumber() != lastDeviceNumber)) {
lastDeviceNumber = Device->DeviceNumber();
// Make sure signal meters are redrawn:
lastSignalStrength = -1;
@@ -211,7 +221,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawSignal(void)
time_t Now = time(NULL);
if (Now != lastSignalDisplay) {
- DrawDeviceSignal(osd, cDevice::ActualDevice(), xs + lineHeight / 2, yc11, xc11, yc12, lastSignalStrength, lastSignalQuality, initial);
+ DrawDeviceSignal(osd, cDevice::ActualDevice(), xs + lineHeight / 2, yc11, xc06m, yc12, lastSignalStrength, lastSignalQuality, initial);
lastSignalDisplay = Now;
@@ -248,9 +258,11 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::DrawEventRec(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *F
eTimerMatch TimerMatch = tmNone;
const cTimer *Timer = Timers->GetMatch(e, &TimerMatch);
if (Timer && Timer->HasFlags(tfActive) && TimerMatch == tmFull)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m + 3 * Gap, y, xc10n - 3 * Gap, y + 2 * lineHeight -1, recColor);
+ osd->DrawEllipse(xc10m + Gap, y + Gap, xc10n - Gap - 1, y + lineHeight - Gap - 1, recColor, 0);
+// osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m + 3 * Gap, y, xc10n - 3 * Gap - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight - 1, recColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m + 3 * Gap, y, xc10n - 3 * Gap, y + 2 * lineHeight -1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m + Gap, y, xc10n - Gap - 1, y + lineHeight - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+// osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m + 3 * Gap, y, xc10n - 3 * Gap - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
@@ -294,7 +306,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number)
ChName = ChannelString(NULL, 0);
osd->DrawText(xc00m, yc00, ChNumber, Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, tallFont, xc02 - xc00m, yc02 - yc00, taTop | taRight | taBorder);
- osd->DrawText(xc03, yc00, ChName, Theme.Color(clrChannelName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), tallFont, xc07 - xc03 - lineHeight, 0, taTop | taLeft);
+ osd->DrawText(xc03, yc00, ChName, Theme.Color(clrChannelName), Theme.Color(clrBackground), tallFont, xc06m - xc03 - lineHeight, 0, taTop | taLeft);
lastSignalDisplay = 0;
if (withInfo) {
if (Channel) {
@@ -318,13 +330,15 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Foll
int x = xc10n; //xc03;
int y = !i ? yc03 : yc05;
if (e) {
- osd->DrawText(xc10, y, e->GetTimeString(), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc10m - xc10, 0, taRight | taBorder);
+ osd->DrawText(xc10, y, e->GetTimeString(), Theme.Color(clrChannelFrameFg), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc10m - xc10 - 1, 0, taRight | taBorder);
osd->DrawText(x, y, e->Title(), Theme.Color(clrEventTitle), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), xc13 - x);
osd->DrawText(x, y + lineHeight, e->ShortText(), Theme.Color(clrEventShortText), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), xc13 - x);
else {
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc03, y, xc04 - 1, y + lineHeight, frameColor);
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc02, y, xc07 - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+// osd->DrawRectangle(xc03, y, xc04 - 1, y + lineHeight, frameColor);
+// osd->DrawRectangle(xc02, y, xc07 - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc03, xc10m - 1, yc04 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc10, yc05, xc10m - 1, yc06 - lineHeight - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(xc10m, y, xc13 - 1, y + 2 * lineHeight, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
@@ -349,7 +363,7 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
osd->SaveRegion(x0, y0, x1 - 1, y2 - 1);
if (withInfo)
- osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, y0, xc07, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground)); // clears the "seen" bar
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xc06, y0, xc06m, y1 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground)); // clears the "seen" bar
osd->DrawText(x0, y1, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), cFont::GetFont(fontSml), x1 - x0, y2 - y1, taCenter);
message = true;
@@ -363,9 +377,11 @@ void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
void cLCARSNGDisplayChannel::SetPositioner(const cPositioner *Positioner)
if (Positioner) {
- int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
- int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
- DrawDevicePosition(osd, Positioner, xc06, y0, xc07, y1, lastCurrentPosition);
+// int y0 = yc11 - ShowSeenExtent;
+// int y1 = yc11 + lineHeight / 2 - Gap / 2;
+ int y0 = yc0A - (yc0A - yc0B) / 2 + Gap / 2;
+ int y1 = yc0A + ShowSeenExtent;
+ DrawDevicePosition(osd, Positioner, xc06, y0, xc11, y1, lastCurrentPosition);
else {
lastCurrentPosition = -1;
diff --git a/displaychannel.h b/displaychannel.h
index 89f5a4f..b863c73 100644
--- a/displaychannel.h
+++ b/displaychannel.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
class cLCARSNGDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel, cThread {
cOsd *osd;
- int xc00, xc00m, xc01, xc02, xc02m, xc03, xc04, xc05, xc06, xc07, xc08, xc09, xc10, xc10m, xc10n, xc11, xc12, xc13, xc14, xc15;
+ int xc00, xc00m, xc01, xc02, xc02m, xc03, xc04, xc05, xc06m, xc06n, xc06, xc07, xc08, xc09, xc10, xc10m, xc10n, xc11, xc12, xc13, xc14, xc15;
int yc0B, yc0A, yc00, yc00m, yc01, yc02, yc03, yc04, yc05, yc06, yc07, yc08, yc09, yc10, yc11, yc12;
int xs; // starting column for signal display
bool withInfo;