diff options
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/Readme.txt b/Readme.txt
index 4b684e5..ffdd214 100644
--- a/Readme.txt
+++ b/Readme.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Software required
All recordings: System running Linux/bash shell, FFMPEG 3.x, VDR 2.2x, core Linux utilities such as nice, timeout etc
+Optionally NCFTP if you want to upload files after conversion
Additionally for VDR 1.x recordings:
@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@ a) Modified GENINDEX (0.2) to convert subtitles to standard ETSI EN300743 format
b) MPLEX13818 from to reliably convert recordings into an mpegts container. ffmpeg doesn't handle dvbsubs in a program stream (.vdr native format), and sometimes fails to probe .vdr files correctly. In testing, this muxer produced much more reliable .ts files from VDR recordings than the myriad of versions of "ps2ts" etc. out there in the web.
-Optionally NCFTP if you want to upload files after conversion
vdr-convert is a standalone bash script - no spcific installation
@@ -39,6 +38,10 @@ There are a few parameters at the top of vdr-convert to configure:
set default langauages if you are missing VDR "info" files.
+"filesystem", default is 190. This is the number of characters that the filesystem can handle, plus ~60 for date, time, epiosde number. Most filesystems limit the total to 255.
+email address if you want to be emailed about significant conversion failures
+ if you use it
- configure with the root of your VDR recording directory so that it can trigger VDR re-reads
@@ -95,3 +98,4 @@ Noad completes very much more quickly than vdr-convert because the ffmpeg librar
noad or similar utilities can of course be run on the converted files too, and in test noad produces the same output (within a second). For this reason vdr-convert does not re-run noad on converted files, just copies any marks.vdr file over (if required for VDR1.x recordings).
RF August 2016
+Updated Dec 2016
diff --git a/vdr-convert b/vdr-convert
index d55329b..b9184c9 100755
--- a/vdr-convert
+++ b/vdr-convert
@@ -74,6 +74,13 @@
# $Log: vdr-convert,v $
+# Revision 1.7 2016/12/21 14:14:43 richard
+# Added logging criticality to syslog messages (info, warn, err)
+# Optional email of events at criticality "err" (see $email variable)
+# Truncate subtitle if total filename will exceed filesystem max length (see $filesystem variable)
+# Add option to manually recover broken files ( -j ) for VDR2 as well as VDR1
+# Remove any " from titles and subtitles which causes errors (single ' OK)
# Revision 1.6 2016/12/06 12:20:20 richard
# Allow for fractional -q values (e.g. 22.5), use 'veryfast' x264 preset for 1-time transcodes (performance/size sweetspot)
@@ -109,7 +116,6 @@
# ********************************* TODO >> **********************************
-# Logging criticality - all same atm
# Paths for executables, used as variables, test for their existance
# mplayer plays at 2x speed (confuses fps, -fps 25 doesn't help)
# Automatic test/retry FTP upload size to fix upload failures
@@ -124,7 +130,7 @@
#This is for detailed ffmpeg output
#ffmpeg="timeout -k 5h 4h nice -n 19 /opt/data/develop/FFmpeg/ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -nostats -probesize 250M -analyzeduration 600M -copytb 1"
# Timeout req'd for troublesome conversions where ffmpeg can (rarely) get stuck. However causes issues when run interactively.
ffmpeg="nice -n 19 /opt/data/develop/FFmpeg/ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -nostats -probesize 250M -analyzeduration 600M -copytb 1"
@@ -149,6 +155,9 @@ Alangsurround="eng"
ext="ts" # target file extension
+filesystem=190 # limit filename length to 256 allowing ~60 chars for EP, DOW etc
+# Check behaviour on your filesystem with unicode/UTF characters, may need adjustment
+email='root' # your email for important error messages (optional)
# ********************* Should not need to edit below here ********************
@@ -164,13 +173,17 @@ IFS=$'\n'
function quit() {
- rm -f "$LOCKFILE" || { logit "failed to delete $LOCKFILE"; exit 1; }
+ rm -f "$LOCKFILE" || { logit "failed to delete $LOCKFILE" "err"; exit 1; }
exit $1
+# $1 the is message, $2 is criticality. Now optionally email errors
function logit() {
- logger -s -p $log_facility -t vdr-convert "$1"
+ crit=$2
+ [ -z "$crit" ] && crit="warn" # default
+ logger -s -p "$log_facility.$crit" -t vdr-convert "$1"
+ [[ $crit = "err" ]] && [ "$email" ] && echo $1 | mail -s "vdr-convert error" $email
@@ -191,7 +204,7 @@ function progduration {
# Broken subs streams WILL cause an early exit, so test them quickly : ability to copy & their size
-# $1 is input, $2 output file (when required for VDR1.x conversions)
+# $1 is input, $2 output file (when required for VDR1.x conversions, or -j option)
function subslength {
echo;echo "Testing subtitles for problems..."
@@ -316,7 +329,7 @@ function map() {
(( bitrate = bitrate / 12 ))
if [ $outputbitrate -gt $bitrate ]; then
- [ $outputbitrate -lt 100 ] && logit "Fail: Audio bitrate too low ($outputbitrate), exiting" && quit 1
+ [ $outputbitrate -lt 100 ] && logit "Fail: Audio bitrate too low ($outputbitrate), exiting" "err" && quit 1
H_AUDIO_MAP="$H_AUDIO_MAP $stream_id,"
@@ -396,26 +409,26 @@ function convertvdr() {
# but ffmpeg occasionally fails detection of *any* streams when given an unprocessed .vdr file
rm -f "$tempdir"/*.vdr # in case we're re-doing: genindex otherwise fails
mkdir -p -- "$tempdir"
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && logit "Failed - cannot create working directory $tempdir" && return 1
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && logit "Failed - cannot create working directory $tempdir" "err" && return 1
subxsize=$(genindex -n -b -i "$1" -d "$tempdir" |grep -i "^PES: Stats" |grep -i "subtitle data" |cut -f2 -d":"|sed 's/[^0-9]*//g')
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- logit "Fail: genindex problem converting $1"
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$tempdir" || logit "could not remove $tempdir"
+ logit "Fail: genindex problem converting $1" "err"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$tempdir" || logit "could not remove $tempdir" "err"
return 1
- logit "$1 genindex extracted $subxsize kb subtitle data"
+ logit "$1 genindex extracted $subxsize kb subtitle data" "info"
# convert to ffmpeg-compatible .ts (so ffmpeg can see the streams in an mpegts container - no dvb decoder for PS/PES)
- # NOTE that iso13818ts oftens changes the order of streams which may be relevant for audio playback - see map fn.
+ # NOTE that iso13818ts often changes the order of streams which may be relevant for audio playback - see map fn.
# Fix this later when reassembling streams
nice -n 19 iso13818ts -P "$tempdir/001.vdr" 1 > "$tmpts"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- logit "Fail: Problem converting $tempdir/001.vdr to mpegts, deleting $tmpts !"
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f $tmpts || logit "could not remove $tmpts"
+ logit "Fail: Problem converting $tempdir/001.vdr to mpegts, deleting $tmpts !" "err"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f $tmpts || logit "could not remove $tmpts" "err"
return 1
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$tempdir"/*.vdr || logit "could not remove temp files" # No longer reqd
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$tempdir"/*.vdr || logit "could not remove temp files" "err" # No longer reqd
progduration $tmpts
program_duration=$(($program_duration + $duration)) # combine all files. Must test as .ts, .vdr can fail
@@ -432,16 +445,16 @@ function convertvdr() {
subslength $tmpts $subsfile
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$subsfile" || logit "could not remove $subsfile"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$subsfile" || logit "could not remove $subsfile" "err"
if [ $subxsize -gt $minsubsize ]; then
- logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem extracting subs stream(s) of $tmpts" && return 1
+ logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem extracting subs stream(s) of $tmpts" "err" && return 1
logit "Warning: only $subxsize kb subtitles in $1 (VDR 1.x), expected min. $minsubsize kb: none/broken/only in ads: none converted"
# add and map the extra subs file, so the main conversion catches it, check ffmpeg didn't drop more than 10kb subs (~1 sub)
- [ $subxsize -gt $(($subslen+10)) ] && logit "Fail: ffmpeg did not pre-process all subs for $1 (VDR 1.x, $subslen kb processed, $subxsize kb extracted), deleting $tempdir !" && rm -rf "$tempdir" && return 1
+ [ $subxsize -gt $(($subslen+10)) ] && logit "Fail: ffmpeg did not pre-process all subs for $1 (VDR 1.x, $subslen kb processed, $subxsize kb extracted), deleting $tempdir !" "err" && rm -rf "$tempdir" && return 1
# ffmpeg used to report EXACTLY the same size, newer versions perhaps not
[ $subxsize -ne $subslen ] && logit "Warning: ffmpeg reported different subs size to genindex (VDR 1.x) for $1 ($subslen kb vs. $subxsize kb)"
map $subsfile 1
@@ -450,11 +463,11 @@ function convertvdr() {
- logit "Skipping subtitles in $main per command"
+ logit "Skipping subtitles in $main per command" "info"
# subs only - for manual recovery
- [ $j -eq 1 ] && rm -f "$tmpts" && logit "Subtitles ready in $subsfile" && return 2
+ [ $j -eq 1 ] && rm -f "$tmpts" && logit "Subtitles ready in $subsfile" "info" && return 2
# Main AV stream(s). Lose any subs here, as they won't (all) copy in ONE go, nice as that would be!
# Also required to ensure streams sync properly when combined.
@@ -465,8 +478,8 @@ function convertvdr() {
cmd="$ffmpeg $copyts -i "\"$tmpts"\" -c:v copy -c:a copy -sn -dn -map 0 "\"$main"\""
sh -c $cmd
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem extracting main streams of $main (VDR 1.x), deleting (check $LOGFILE)"
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f $main || logit "could not remove $main"
+ logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem extracting main streams of $main (VDR 1.x), deleting (check $LOGFILE)" "err"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f $main || logit "could not remove $main" "err"
return 1
[ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$tmpts"
@@ -482,20 +495,25 @@ function convertvdr() {
if [ ! "$F_SUBS" ]; then
logit "Warning no subtitles stream found in $main: none/broken/only in ads: none converted"
- subslength $main "/dev/null"
+ subsfile="/dev/null"
+ # subs only - for manual recovery
+ [ $j -eq 1 ] && subsfile="subs.ts"
+ subslength $main $subsfile
# Quit rather than continue otherwise subs could be lost, and as subs mapped, ffmpeg likely to fail
- [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem extracting subs stream(s) of $main" "err" && return 1
# Now we just rely on the substest. If ffmpeg says OK, it's OK, but still warn and just in case don't delete originals
if [ $subslen -lt $minsubsize ]; then
logit "Warning subtitles stream in $main is smaller than minimum expected ($subslen vs. $minsubsize kb)"
# If VDR2, perhaps not possible to transcode with subs
- [ $delete -eq 1 ] && delete=0 && logit "Possible fail: not deleting originals for $main due to suspect subtitle stream size - please check"
+ [ $delete -eq 1 ] && delete=0 && logit "Possible fail: not deleting originals for $main due to suspect subtitle stream size - please check" "err"
- logit "Skipping subtitles in $main per command"
+ logit "Skipping subtitles in $main per command" "info"
+ # subs only - for manual recovery
+ [ $j -eq 1 ] && logit "Subtitles ready in $subsfile" "info" && return 2
# The main conversion. Report mapping results to info file
@@ -505,35 +523,35 @@ function convertvdr() {
if [ "$F_AUDIO" ]; then # Only if we see something meaningful (may be only audio if radio recording)
if [ $keep -eq 1 ]; then
# might want to compress more for temp use, but never if keeping
- [ $h264 -eq 1 -o $aac -eq 1 ] && logit "Skipping $main: already H264 or AAC" && return 2
+ [ $h264 -eq 1 -o $aac -eq 1 ] && logit "Skipping $main: already H264 or AAC" "info" && return 2
# LATM multiplexing matches broadcast MPEG4 HD audio streams, but can't currently be demuxed to plain AAC by FFMPEG
- # So even if keeping (e.g. automatic VDR transcode), without video use plain AAC so can transcode again if req'd
+ # So even if keeping (e.g. automatic VDR transcode), if no video use plain AAC so can transcode again if req'd
[ "$F_VIDEO" ] && [ $mpeg -eq 0 ] && latm="-mpegts_flags latm"
#copyts and content of F_SUBS is already in the map if/when req'd for VDR1.x files
cmd="$ffmpeg $debug_time -i "\"$main"\" $map $F_VIDEO $F_AUDIO $F_SUBS -f mpegts $latm "\"$2"\" 2>> $LOGFILE"
# Actual conversion (long)
- logit "Executing $cmd"
+ logit "Executing $cmd" "info"
sh -c $cmd
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem converting $input, deleting "\"$2"\" !"
- rm -f "$2" || logit "could not remove "\"$2"\""
+ logit "Fail: ffmpeg problem converting $input, deleting "\"$2"\" !" "err"
+ rm -f "$2" || logit "could not remove "\"$2"\"" "err"
return 1
# Now re-test/compare after conversion in case ffmpeg lost some (still keep for examination in case really OK)...
if [ "$F_SUBS" ] || [ $copyts ]; then
subslength $2 "/dev/null"
[ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1
- [ $(($len+10)) -lt $subslen ] && logit "Fail: ffmpeg did not process all subs for $input (input $subslen kb, output $len kb)" && return 1
+ [ $(($len+10)) -lt $subslen ] && logit "Fail: ffmpeg did not process all subs for $input (input $subslen kb, output $len kb)" "err" && return 1
# clean up
- logit "Fail: Nothing to convert for $input !"
+ logit "Fail: Nothing to convert for $input !" "err"
return 1
if [ $VDRtype ]; then
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$tempdir" || logit "could not remove $tempdir"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$tempdir" || logit "could not remove $tempdir" "err"
map="" # clear in case we process more files
return 0
@@ -561,7 +579,7 @@ function escape() {
function cleanup() {
# logit "Deleting intermediate file(s)"
cmd="rm -f $TMPFILES"
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && sh -c $cmd || logit "could not remove file(s)"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && sh -c $cmd || logit "could not remove file(s)" "err"
@@ -688,7 +706,7 @@ fi
# create lockfile
echo $$ >"$LOCKFILE" || { logit "Error: cannot create lockfile for $0"; exit 1; }
-logit "Processing recording "\"$input"\", keep=$keep, delete=$delete, combine=$combine, subs=$subs, extras=$extras"
+logit "Processing recording "\"$input"\", keep=$keep, delete=$delete, combine=$combine, subs=$subs, extras=$extras" "info"
# VDR filetypes 1.x (PES) or 2.x (TS), based on filenames in recording directory
@@ -698,7 +716,7 @@ vdrfiles=0; tsfiles=0
vdrfiles=($(ls -1 "$input" | grep ".vdr$" |grep -o '[0-9]\{3\}'| wc -l))
tsfiles=($(ls -1 "$input" | grep ".ts$" |grep -o '[0-9]\{5\}'| wc -l))
# must have 1 data file min, ideally an info file. We don't care about index file here
-[ $vdrfiles -lt 1 -a $tsfiles -lt 1 ] && logit "vdr=$vdrfiles,ts=$tsfiles : too few recording / info files!" && quit 1
+[ $vdrfiles -lt 1 -a $tsfiles -lt 1 ] && logit "vdr=$vdrfiles,ts=$tsfiles : too few recording / info files!" "err" && quit 1
# Assume there are multiple files, as merging is v. quick
if [ $vdrfiles -gt 0 ]; then
@@ -722,6 +740,9 @@ do
TITLE=$(echo "$line" |grep "^T" |sed -e "s/^T //")
# optional fields - add them for improved ID
ID[0]=$(echo "$line" |grep "^S" |sed -e "s/^S //") #subtitle
+ # Support filesystems with limited max filename size by truncating just subtitle
+ l=$((${#TITLE} + ${#ID[0]}))
+ [ $l -ge $filesystem ] && ID[0]=$(echo $ID[0] |cut -c1-$filesystem)...
EP=$(echo "$line" |grep "^D" |grep -oP '(?<=Episode:).*' |cut -f1 -d"|")
# Meta info event date, time and DOW, 3rd field - useful in file listings for offline use
ID[2]=$(echo "$line" |grep "^E" |cut -f3 -d" " |awk '{print strftime("%F-%a_%H-%M",$1)}')
@@ -768,7 +789,7 @@ if [ $VDRtype ]; then
# Short lifetime files skipped if we are "keeping" them - save time & energy
-[ $lifetime -lt $life ] && [ $keep -eq 1 ] && logit "Skipping $input, recording lifetime is $lifetime" && quit 0
+[ $lifetime -lt $life ] && [ $keep -eq 1 ] && logit "Skipping $input, recording lifetime is $lifetime" "info" && quit 0
# Option to combine input files: Useful if there are lots of very small fragments due to interruptions.
# Usually we convert separately, in case a broken file fails. Combining might be less reliable,
@@ -790,8 +811,8 @@ do
totalsize=$(($totalsize + $size))
fileno=$(($fileno + 1))
- logit "Processing $f file $fileno, size $(($size/$meg))M..."
- TMPFILE=$(echo "$TITLE-file-$fileno" | tr -s "\/:?*<>| " '-')
+ logit "Processing $f file $fileno, size $(($size/$meg))M..." "info"
+ TMPFILE=$(echo "$TITLE-file-$fileno" | tr -s "\/:?*<>\"| " '-')
if [ $keep -eq 1 ]; then
@@ -813,13 +834,13 @@ do
convertvdr "$f" "$OUTFILE"
if [ $debug -eq 0 ] && [ $combine -eq 1 ] && [ -e "$input/recording.orig" ]; then
- rm -f "$input/recording.orig" || logit "could not remove $input/recording.orig"
+ rm -f "$input/recording.orig" || logit "could not remove $input/recording.orig" "err"
[ $return -eq 1 ] && quit 1
[ $return -eq 2 ] && quit 0
- logit "Skipping $f - too small ($(($size/$meg))M). Try combining input files with -c option"
+ logit "Skipping $f - too small ($(($size/$meg))M). Try combining input files with -c option" "err"
# !!!continue but no longer delete (so don't lose anything if it goes wrong)
[ $keep -eq 1 ] && [ $delete -eq 1 ] && delete=0 && logit "No longer deleting files for $input"
@@ -845,8 +866,8 @@ else
# Now merge them, avoid faffing about with separate files
-BASENAME=$(echo "$TITLE" | tr -s "\/:?*<>| " '-')
+NAME=$(echo "$TITLE-$DEF" | tr -s "\"" '-')
+BASENAME=$(echo "$TITLE" | tr -s "\/:?*<>\"| " '-')
if [ $keep -eq 1 ]; then
@@ -861,7 +882,7 @@ if [[ $redo -eq 0 && $MERGEFILES ]]; then
# -copyts??? Without it ffmpeg reports duration correctly. Possibly not with copyts
cmd="$ffmpeg -i concat:"\"$MERGEFILES"\" -metadata title="\"$NAME"\" -c copy -flags +global_header $map "\"$OUTFILE"\" 2>> $LOGFILE"
- logit "Executing $cmd"
+ logit "Executing $cmd" "info"
sh -c $cmd
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
size=$(stat -c %s "$OUTFILE" )
@@ -869,13 +890,13 @@ if [[ $redo -eq 0 && $MERGEFILES ]]; then
# check for duration match within 30s (empirical magic number)
progduration $OUTFILE
if [ $(($duration + 30)) -lt $program_duration ]; then
- logit "Possible fail: $OUTFILE, size $(($size/$meg))M, is only $duration sec long, original $(($totalsize/$meg))M, with length detected as $program_duration sec"
+ logit "Possible fail: $OUTFILE, size $(($size/$meg))M, is only $duration sec long, original $(($totalsize/$meg))M, with length detected as $program_duration sec" "err"
quit 1
# check for silly compression ratio (converted less than 3/8 of original, or larger, heaven forbid!)
if [ $(($totalsize * 3)) -gt $(($size * 8)) -o $size -gt $totalsize -a $mpeg -eq 0 ]; then
- logit "Possible fail: Suspect size of $OUTFILE, (new $(($size/$meg))M vs. original $(($totalsize/$meg))M)"
+ logit "Possible fail: Suspect size of $OUTFILE, (new $(($size/$meg))M vs. original $(($totalsize/$meg))M)" "err"
# keep converted outfile, actually it may be OK
quit 1
@@ -890,7 +911,7 @@ if [[ $redo -eq 0 && $MERGEFILES ]]; then
mkdir -p -- "$RECDIR"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- logit "Failed - cannot create $RECDIR"
+ logit "Failed - cannot create $RECDIR" "err"
quit 1
@@ -920,19 +941,19 @@ if [[ $redo -eq 0 && $MERGEFILES ]]; then
echo "# Transcoded from $stats by $0 on $(date)" >> "$RECDIR/info"
[ "$F_VIDEO" ] && echo "# Video parameters: $reportedvideo" >> "$RECDIR/info"
[ "$F_AUDIO" ] && echo "# Audio parameters: $reportedaudio" >> "$RECDIR/info"
- logit "Created/replaced .ts and indexed $NAME ($stats)"
+ logit "Created/replaced .ts and indexed $NAME ($stats)" "info"
if [ $delete -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $VDRtype ]; then
# old VDR 1.x directory & content no use now
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$input" || logit "could not remove original file(s)"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$input" || logit "could not remove original file(s)" "err"
- [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$input"/*.orig || logit "could not remove original file(s)"
+ [ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -f "$input"/*.orig || logit "could not remove original file(s)" "err"
- logit "Original files for $NAME deleted"
+ logit "Original files for $NAME deleted" "info"
# Failed, so restore
- logit "Conversion / indexing for $NAME failed"
+ logit "Conversion / indexing for $NAME failed" "err"
if [ $VDRtype ]; then
[ $debug -eq 0 ] && rm -rf "$RECDIR" || logit "could not delete temp conversion files" # borked new directory
@@ -952,11 +973,11 @@ if [[ $redo -eq 0 && $MERGEFILES ]]; then
rm -f "$OUTFILE"
- logit "Failed audio conversion to $AUDIO_ONLY" # leave it to check later
+ logit "Failed audio conversion to $AUDIO_ONLY" "err" # leave it to check later
- logit "Fail: Converted files for $NAME did not merge correctly"
+ logit "Fail: Converted files for $NAME did not merge correctly" "err"
@@ -966,4 +987,4 @@ fi
# remove lockfile
quit 0
-# --------- $Id: vdr-convert,v 1.6 2016/12/06 12:20:20 richard Exp $ ---------- END
+# --------- $Id: vdr-convert,v 1.7 2016/12/21 14:14:43 richard Exp $ ---------- END