path: root/dvbosd.c
diff options
authorKlaus Schmidinger <kls (at) cadsoft (dot) de>2002-05-11 18:00:00 +0200
committerKlaus Schmidinger <kls (at) cadsoft (dot) de>2002-05-11 18:00:00 +0200
commit803c6c6bf6340302f78171892bef599aa272c266 (patch)
tree01e24d99cf48cd3bed1506ed6727ff385655574e /dvbosd.c
parentae8a947367b4be57c9b0ca7bbf0032de0e2018d3 (diff)
Version 1.1.1vdr-1.1.1
- Separated the actual DVB hardware OSD implementation from the abstract OSD interface. 'osdbase.c/.h' now implements the abstract OSD, while 'dvbosd.c/.h' is the actual implementation for the DVB hardware. This is in preparation for allowing additional kinds of OSD hardware implementations. - Fixed leftover references to the file FORMATS in MANUAL and svdrp.c. - Avoiding ambiguities in the cList template class in case one defines a "list of lists" (thanks to Stefan Huelswitt). - Simplified the basic cMenuSetupPage class for easier use in plugins. - Added setup parameters and a Setup menu to the 'hello' plugin example. - Fixed logging error message for unknown config parameters in plugins. - Rearranged cleanup sequence at the end of the main program. - Adapted PLUGINS.html to use the actual code examples from the 'hello' plugin.
Diffstat (limited to 'dvbosd.c')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 499 deletions
diff --git a/dvbosd.c b/dvbosd.c
index eb96261..227d1ff 100644
--- a/dvbosd.c
+++ b/dvbosd.c
@@ -1,383 +1,45 @@
- * dvbosd.c: Interface to the DVB On Screen Display
+ * dvbosd.c: Implementation of the DVB On Screen Display
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: dvbosd.c 1.13 2002/04/13 11:34:48 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: dvbosd.c 1.14 2002/05/10 14:22:04 kls Exp $
#include "dvbosd.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/unistd.h>
#include "tools.h"
-// --- cPalette --------------------------------------------------------------
-cPalette::cPalette(int Bpp)
- maxColors = 1 << Bpp;
- numColors = 0;
- full = false;
-int cPalette::Index(eDvbColor Color)
- Color = eDvbColor(((Color & 0xFF) << 24) | ((Color & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((Color & 0xFF0000) >> 8) | ((Color & 0xFF000000) >> 24));
- for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) {
- if (color[i] == Color) {
- used[i] = true;
- return i;
- }
- }
- if (!full) {
- if (numColors < maxColors) {
- color[numColors++] = Color;
- used[numColors - 1] = true;
- fetched[numColors - 1] = false;
- return numColors - 1;
- }
- for (int i = maxColors; --i >= 0; ) {
- if (!used[i]) {
- color[i] = Color;
- used[i] = true;
- fetched[i] = false;
- return i;
- }
- }
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: too many different colors used in palette");
- full = true;
- }
- return 0;
-void cPalette::Reset(void)
- for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++)
- used[i] = false;
- full = false;
-const eDvbColor *cPalette::Colors(int &FirstColor, int &LastColor)
- for (FirstColor = 0; FirstColor < numColors; FirstColor++) {
- if (!fetched[FirstColor]) {
- for (LastColor = FirstColor; LastColor < numColors && !fetched[LastColor]; LastColor++)
- fetched[LastColor] = true;
- LastColor--; // the loop ended one past the last one!
- return &color[FirstColor];
- }
- }
- return NULL;
-void cPalette::Take(const cPalette &Palette, tIndexes *Indexes)
- for (int i = 0; i < Palette.numColors; i++) {
- if (Palette.used[i]) {
- int n = Index(Palette.color[i]);
- if (Indexes)
- (*Indexes)[i] = n;
- }
- }
-// --- cBitmap ---------------------------------------------------------------
-cBitmap::cBitmap(int Width, int Height, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground)
- width = Width;
- height = Height;
- clearWithBackground = ClearWithBackground;
- bitmap = NULL;
- fontType = fontOsd;
- font = NULL;
- if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
- bitmap = new char[width * height];
- if (bitmap) {
- Clean();
- memset(bitmap, 0x00, width * height);
- SetFont(fontOsd);
- }
- else
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: can't allocate bitmap!");
- }
- else
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal bitmap parameters (%d, %d)!", width, height);
- delete font;
- delete bitmap;
-eDvbFont cBitmap::SetFont(eDvbFont Font)
- eDvbFont oldFont = fontType;
- if (fontType != Font || !font) {
- delete font;
- font = new cFont(Font);
- fontType = Font;
- }
- return oldFont;
-bool cBitmap::Dirty(int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2)
- if (dirtyX2 >= 0) {
- //XXX Workaround: apparently the bitmap sent to the driver always has to be a multiple
- //XXX of 8 bits wide, and (dx * dy) also has to be a multiple of 8.
- //TODO Fix driver (should be able to handle any size bitmaps!)
- while ((dirtyX1 > 0 || dirtyX2 < width - 1) && ((dirtyX2 - dirtyX1) & 7) != 7) {
- if (dirtyX2 < width - 1)
- dirtyX2++;
- else if (dirtyX1 > 0)
- dirtyX1--;
- }
- //XXX "... / 2" <==> Bpp???
- while ((dirtyY1 > 0 || dirtyY2 < height - 1) && (((dirtyX2 - dirtyX1 + 1) * (dirtyY2 - dirtyY1 + 1) / 2) & 7) != 0) {
- if (dirtyY2 < height - 1)
- dirtyY2++;
- else if (dirtyY1 > 0)
- dirtyY1--;
- }
- while ((dirtyX1 > 0 || dirtyX2 < width - 1) && (((dirtyX2 - dirtyX1 + 1) * (dirtyY2 - dirtyY1 + 1) / 2) & 7) != 0) {
- if (dirtyX2 < width - 1)
- dirtyX2++;
- else if (dirtyX1 > 0)
- dirtyX1--;
- }
- x1 = dirtyX1;
- y1 = dirtyY1;
- x2 = dirtyX2;
- y2 = dirtyY2;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void cBitmap::Clean(void)
- dirtyX1 = width;
- dirtyY1 = height;
- dirtyX2 = -1;
- dirtyY2 = -1;
-void cBitmap::SetIndex(int x, int y, char Index)
- if (bitmap) {
- if (0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height) {
- if (bitmap[width * y + x] != Index) {
- bitmap[width * y + x] = Index;
- if (dirtyX1 > x) dirtyX1 = x;
- if (dirtyY1 > y) dirtyY1 = y;
- if (dirtyX2 < x) dirtyX2 = x;
- if (dirtyY2 < y) dirtyY2 = y;
- }
- }
- }
-void cBitmap::SetPixel(int x, int y, eDvbColor Color)
- SetIndex(x, y, Index(Color));
-void cBitmap::SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap)
- if (bitmap && Bitmap.bitmap) {
- tIndexes Indexes;
- Take(Bitmap, &Indexes);
- for (int ix = 0; ix < Bitmap.width; ix++) {
- for (int iy = 0; iy < Bitmap.height; iy++)
- SetIndex(x + ix, y + iy, Indexes[Bitmap.bitmap[Bitmap.width * iy + ix]]);
- }
- }
-int cBitmap::Width(unsigned char c)
- return font ? font->Width(c) : -1;
-int cBitmap::Width(const char *s)
- return font ? font->Width(s) : -1;
-void cBitmap::Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg, eDvbColor ColorBg)
- if (bitmap) {
- char fg = Index(ColorFg);
- char bg = Index(ColorBg);
- int h = font->Height(s);
- while (s && *s) {
- const cFont::tCharData *CharData = font->CharData(*s++);
- if (int(x + CharData->width) > width)
- break;
- for (int row = 0; row < h; row++) {
- cFont::tPixelData PixelData = CharData->lines[row];
- for (int col = CharData->width; col-- > 0; ) {
- SetIndex(x + col, y + row, (PixelData & 1) ? fg : bg);
- PixelData >>= 1;
- }
- }
- x += CharData->width;
- }
- }
-void cBitmap::Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color)
- if (bitmap) {
- char c = Index(Color);
- for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
- for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
- SetIndex(x, y, c);
- }
-void cBitmap::Clear(void)
- Reset();
- if (clearWithBackground)
- Fill(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, clrBackground);
-const char *cBitmap::Data(int x, int y)
- return &bitmap[y * width + x];
-// --- cWindow ---------------------------------------------------------------
-class cWindow : public cBitmap {
- int handle; // the index within the OSD's window array (0...MAXNUMWINDOWS - 1)
- int x0, y0;
- int bpp;
- bool tiled;
- bool shown;
- cWindow(int Handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground, bool Tiled);
- int X0(void) { return x0; }
- int Y0(void) { return y0; }
- int Bpp(void) { return bpp; }
- bool Tiled(void) { return tiled; }
- bool Shown(void) { bool s = shown; shown = true; return s; }
- int Handle(void) { return handle; }
- bool Contains(int x, int y);
- void Relocate(int x, int y);
- void Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color);
- void SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap);
- void Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor ColorBg = clrBackground);
- const char *Data(int x, int y);
- };
-cWindow::cWindow(int Handle, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground, bool Tiled)
-:cBitmap(w, h, Bpp, ClearWithBackground)
- handle = Handle;
- x0 = x;
- y0 = y;
- bpp = Bpp;
- tiled = Tiled;
- shown = false;
-bool cWindow::Contains(int x, int y)
- x -= x0;
- y -= y0;
- return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height;
-void cWindow::Relocate(int x, int y)
- x0 = x;
- y0 = y;
-void cWindow::Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color)
- if (tiled) {
- x1 -= x0;
- y1 -= y0;
- x2 -= x0;
- y2 -= y0;
- }
- cBitmap::Fill(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color);
-void cWindow::SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap)
- if (tiled) {
- x -= x0;
- y -= y0;
- }
- cBitmap::SetBitmap(x, y, Bitmap);
-void cWindow::Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg, eDvbColor ColorBg)
- if (tiled) {
- x -= x0;
- y -= y0;
- }
- cBitmap::Text(x, y, s, ColorFg, ColorBg);
-const char *cWindow::Data(int x, int y)
- return cBitmap::Data(x, y);
-// --- cDvbOsd ---------------------------------------------------------------
-cDvbOsd::cDvbOsd(int VideoDev, int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp)
+cDvbOsd::cDvbOsd(int VideoDev, int x, int y)
+:cOsd(x, y)
videoDev = VideoDev;
- numWindows = 0;
- x0 = x;
- y0 = y;
- if (videoDev >= 0) {
- if (w > 0 && h > 0)
- Create(0, 0, w, h, Bpp);
- }
- else
+ if (videoDev < 0)
esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal video device handle (%d)!", videoDev);
- if (videoDev >= 0) {
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
- SetWindow(window[i]);
- Cmd(OSD_Close);
- delete window[i];
- }
- numWindows = 0;
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < NumWindows(); i++)
+ CloseWindow(GetWindowNr(i));
bool cDvbOsd::SetWindow(cWindow *Window)
- // Window handles are counted 0...(MAXNUMWINDOWS - 1), but the actual window
- // numbers in the driver are used from 1...MAXNUMWINDOWS.
- int Handle = Window->Handle();
- if (0 <= Handle && Handle < MAXNUMWINDOWS) {
- Cmd(OSD_SetWindow, 0, Handle + 1);
- return true;
+ if (Window) {
+ // Window handles are counted 0...(MAXNUMWINDOWS - 1), but the actual window
+ // numbers in the driver are used from 1...MAXNUMWINDOWS.
+ int Handle = Window->Handle();
+ if (0 <= Handle && Handle < MAXNUMWINDOWS) {
+ Cmd(OSD_SetWindow, 0, Handle + 1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal window handle: %d", Handle);
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal window handle: %d", Handle);
- return -1;
+ return false;
void cDvbOsd::Cmd(OSD_Command cmd, int color, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const void *data)
@@ -406,166 +68,51 @@ void cDvbOsd::Cmd(OSD_Command cmd, int color, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, co
-tWindowHandle cDvbOsd::Create(int x, int y, int w, int h, int Bpp, bool ClearWithBackground, bool Tiled)
+bool cDvbOsd::OpenWindow(cWindow *Window)
- if (numWindows < MAXNUMWINDOWS) {
- if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && w > 0 && h > 0 && (Bpp == 1 || Bpp == 2 || Bpp == 4 || Bpp == 8)) {
- if ((w & 0x03) != 0) {
- w += 4 - (w & 0x03);
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: OSD window width must be a multiple of 4 - increasing to %d", w);
- }
- cWindow *win = new cWindow(numWindows, x, y, w, h, Bpp, ClearWithBackground, Tiled);
- if (SetWindow(win)) {
- window[win->Handle()] = win;
- Cmd(OSD_Open, Bpp, x0 + x, y0 + y, x0 + x + w - 1, y0 + y + h - 1, (void *)1); // initially hidden!
- numWindows++;
- return win->Handle();
- }
- else
- delete win;
- }
- else
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: illegal OSD parameters");
- }
- else
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: too many OSD windows");
- return -1;
-void cDvbOsd::AddColor(eDvbColor Color, tWindowHandle Window)
- cWindow *w = GetWindow(Window);
- if (w) {
- w->Index(Color);
- w->Reset();
+ if (SetWindow(Window)) {
+ Cmd(OSD_Open, Window->Bpp(), X0() + Window->X0(), Y0() + Window->Y0(), X0() + Window->X0() + Window->Width() - 1, Y0() + Window->Y0() + Window->Height() - 1, (void *)1); // initially hidden!
+ return true;
+ return false;
-cWindow *cDvbOsd::GetWindow(int x, int y)
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
- if (window[i]->Tiled() && window[i]->Contains(x, y))
- return window[i];
- }
- return NULL;
-cWindow *cDvbOsd::GetWindow(tWindowHandle Window)
- if (0 <= Window && Window < numWindows)
- return window[Window];
- if (Window == LAST_CREATED_WINDOW && numWindows > 0)
- return window[numWindows - 1];
- return NULL;
-void cDvbOsd::Flush(void)
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
- int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
- if (window[i]->Dirty(x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
- SetWindow(window[i]);
- int FirstColor = 0, LastColor = 0;
- const eDvbColor *pal;
- while ((pal = window[i]->Colors(FirstColor, LastColor)) != NULL)
- Cmd(OSD_SetPalette, FirstColor, LastColor, 0, 0, 0, pal);
- Cmd(OSD_SetBlock, window[i]->Width(), x1, y1, x2, y2, window[i]->Data(x1, y1));
- window[i]->Clean();
- }
- }
- // Showing the windows in a separate loop to avoid seeing them come up one after another
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++) {
- if (!window[i]->Shown()) {
- SetWindow(window[i]);
- Cmd(OSD_MoveWindow, 0, x0 + window[i]->X0(), y0 + window[i]->Y0());
- }
- }
-void cDvbOsd::Clear(tWindowHandle Window)
+void cDvbOsd::CommitWindow(cWindow *Window)
- if (Window == ALL_TILED_WINDOWS || Window == ALL_WINDOWS) {
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++)
- if (Window == ALL_WINDOWS || window[i]->Tiled())
- window[i]->Clear();
- }
- else {
- cWindow *w = GetWindow(Window);
- if (w)
- w->Clear();
+ if (SetWindow(Window)) {
+ int x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0;
+ if (Window->Dirty(x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
+ // commit colors:
+ int FirstColor = 0, LastColor = 0;
+ const eDvbColor *pal;
+ while ((pal = Window->Colors(FirstColor, LastColor)) != NULL)
+ Cmd(OSD_SetPalette, FirstColor, LastColor, 0, 0, 0, pal);
+ // commit modified data:
+ Cmd(OSD_SetBlock, Window->Width(), x1, y1, x2, y2, Window->Data(x1, y1));
+ }
-void cDvbOsd::Fill(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, eDvbColor Color, tWindowHandle Window)
+void cDvbOsd::ShowWindow(cWindow *Window)
- cWindow *w = (Window == ALL_TILED_WINDOWS) ? GetWindow(x1, y1) : GetWindow(Window);
- if (w)
- w->Fill(x1, y1, x2, y2, Color);
+ if (SetWindow(Window))
+ Cmd(OSD_MoveWindow, 0, X0() + Window->X0(), Y0() + Window->Y0());
-void cDvbOsd::SetBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tWindowHandle Window)
+void cDvbOsd::HideWindow(cWindow *Window, bool Hide)
- cWindow *w = (Window == ALL_TILED_WINDOWS) ? GetWindow(x, y) : GetWindow(Window);
- if (w)
- w->SetBitmap(x, y, Bitmap);
+ if (SetWindow(Window))
+ Cmd(Hide ? OSD_Hide : OSD_Show, 0);
-int cDvbOsd::Width(unsigned char c)
+void cDvbOsd::MoveWindow(cWindow *Window, int x, int y)
- return numWindows ? window[0]->Width(c) : 0;
+ if (SetWindow(Window))
+ Cmd(OSD_MoveWindow, 0, X0() + x, Y0() + y);
-int cDvbOsd::Width(const char *s)
+void cDvbOsd::CloseWindow(cWindow *Window)
- return numWindows ? window[0]->Width(s) : 0;
+ if (SetWindow(Window))
+ Cmd(OSD_Close);
-eDvbFont cDvbOsd::SetFont(eDvbFont Font)
- eDvbFont oldFont = Font;
- for (int i = 0; i < numWindows; i++)
- oldFont = window[i]->SetFont(Font);
- return oldFont;
-void cDvbOsd::Text(int x, int y, const char *s, eDvbColor ColorFg = clrWhite, eDvbColor ColorBg = clrBackground, tWindowHandle Window)
- cWindow *w = (Window == ALL_TILED_WINDOWS) ? GetWindow(x, y) : GetWindow(Window);
- if (w)
- w->Text(x, y, s, ColorFg, ColorBg);
-void cDvbOsd::Relocate(tWindowHandle Window, int x, int y, int NewWidth, int NewHeight)
- cWindow *w = GetWindow(Window);
- if (w) {
- SetWindow(w);
- if (NewWidth > 0 && NewHeight > 0) {
- if ((NewWidth & 0x03) != 0) {
- NewWidth += 4 - (NewWidth & 0x03);
- esyslog(LOG_ERR, "ERROR: OSD window width must be a multiple of 4 - increasing to %d", NewWidth);
- }
- Cmd(OSD_Close);
- window[w->Handle()] = new cWindow(w->Handle(), x, y, NewWidth, NewHeight, w->Bpp(), w->ClearWithBackground(), w->Tiled());
- delete w;
- Cmd(OSD_Open, 2, x0 + x, y0 + y, x0 + x + NewWidth - 1, y0 + y + NewHeight - 1, (void *)1); // initially hidden!
- }
- else {
- w->Relocate(x, y);
- Cmd(OSD_MoveWindow, 0, x0 + x, y0 + y);
- }
- }
-void cDvbOsd::Hide(tWindowHandle Window)
- if (SetWindow(GetWindow(Window)))
- Cmd(OSD_Hide, 0);
-void cDvbOsd::Show(tWindowHandle Window)
- if (SetWindow(GetWindow(Window)))
- Cmd(OSD_Show, 0);