diff options
24 files changed, 5423 insertions, 4304 deletions
index 48e7831..cb59f2f 100644
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ Stefan Huelswitt <>
stuff obsolete
for suggesting to move the declaration of cMenuText to VDR/menu.h to make it
available to plugins, and to add a SetText() function
+ for reporting a bug in setting the title in the replay display of the "Classic VDR"
+ skin in case a shorter title is set after a longer one
Ulrich Röder <>
for pointing out that there are channels that have a symbol rate higher than
@@ -479,6 +481,7 @@ Helmut Auer <>
for suggesting to make the "Zap timeout" a setup variable
for fixing a frequency/transponder handling mixup when setting the time from the
DVB data stream
+ for implementing a default cRemote::Initialize()
Jeremy Hall <jhall@UU.NET>
for fixing an incomplete initialization of the filter parameters in eit.c
@@ -523,6 +526,7 @@ Oliver Endriss <>
for adding a missing cStatus::MsgOsdClear() to cDisplayChannel::~cDisplayChannel()
for reporting that the "Classic VDR" skin wrongly displayed unused color buttons
for reporting some missing cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem() calls
+ for reporting a missing "Editing process finished" message with skins
Reinhard Walter Buchner <>
for adding some satellites to 'sources.conf'
@@ -707,6 +711,8 @@ Sascha Volkenandt <>
for reporting a crash when switching the skin and having selected a non-default
theme that is not available for the newly selected skin
for suggesting to map the color name "None" to #00000000 when processing XPM data
+ for suggesting to also reset the palette in cBitmap::DrawBitmap() if the entire
+ bitmap area is covered
Malcolm Caldwell <>
for modifying LOF handling to allow for C-band reception
@@ -952,6 +958,8 @@ Jens Rosenboom <>
Andreas Regel <>
for fixing handling bitmap indexes for 256 color mode
+ for reporting a bug in removing the "scanning recordings..." message in case the
+ video directory is empty
Thomas Bergwinkl <>
for fixing the validity check for channel IDs, because some providers use TIDs
@@ -995,3 +1003,10 @@ Miko Wohlgemuth <>
Michal Dobrzynski <>
for reporting a freezing picture when a recording starts on a system that always
uses 'Transfer Mode'
+Wayne Keer <>
+ for reporting a bug in handling descriptor loops in 'libsi', which had sometimes
+ caused invalid CA ids to be added to the channel definitions
+Marco Schlüßler <>
+ for fixing handling colors in cDvbSpuPalette::yuv2rgb()
diff --git a/HISTORY b/HISTORY
index 43cfe9b..73cfdfe 100644
@@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
cEvent::GetDateString() should note that this function now returns a longer
string, including the day of week. The new function const char *WeekDayName(time_t t)
can be called with a time_t value to get the day of week for that time.
-- When processing XPM data, the color name "None" is no mapped to #00000000, which
+- When processing XPM data, the color name "None" is now mapped to #00000000, which
is "fully transparent" (suggested by Sascha Volkenandt).
- Fixed the OSD alignment in the SPU decoder (thanks to Miko Wohlgemuth for reporting
this one and helping to test the fix).
@@ -2837,3 +2837,35 @@ Video Disk Recorder Revision History
Oliver Endriss for reporting this one).
- Added some missing cStatus::MsgOsdTextItem() calls (thanks to Oliver Endriss for
reporting this one).
+2004-05-31: Version 1.3.9
+- Completed Croatian language texts (thanks to Drazen Dupor).
+- New iso8859-2 font to fix the problem with program freezes (thanks to Drazen Dupor).
+- Implemented a default cRemote::Initialize() that waits 10 seconds for a keypress
+ in order to prevent a "hangup" in case, e.g., the LIRC driver is not loaded (thanks
+ to Helmut Auer).
+- Updated 'channels.conf.terr' for Hannover (thanks to Peter Waechtler).
+- cBitmap::DrawBitmap() now also resets the palette if the entire bitmap area is
+ covered (suggested by Sascha Volkenandt).
+- Fixed setting the title in the replay display of the "Classic VDR" skin in case
+ a shorter title is set after a longer one (thanks to Stefan Huelswitt for
+ reporting this one).
+- Now using more separate areas in the "ST:TNG Panels" skin to allow a theme to
+ use more independent clrMenu* colors.
+- Fixed removing the "scanning recordings..." message in case the video directory
+ is empty (thanks to Andreas Regel for reporting this one).
+- Added SetMessage() functions to the Replay and Channel skin functions. Plugins
+ that implement skins will need to implement these functions. This fixes a missing
+ "Editing process finished" message (thanks to Oliver Endriss for reporting this
+ one).
+- Fixed the height of the channel display in the "Classic VDR" skin.
+- Fixed handling descriptor loops in 'libsi', which had sometimes caused invalid
+ CA ids to be added to the channel definitions (thanks to Wayne Keer for reporting
+ this one, and Marcel Wiesweg for fixing it).
+- Fixed handling colors in cDvbSpuPalette::yuv2rgb() (thanks to Marco Schlüßler).
+- Made some functions of cFont virtual to allow implementing dummy fonts for the
+ 'curses' skin.
+- The new plugin 'skincurses' re-implements the functionality that was previously
+ available by compiling VDR with DEBUG_OSD. Some things may not yet work as they
+ should, but it's a starting point.
diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/COPYING b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6e7c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f459b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/HISTORY
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+VDR Plugin 'skincurses' Revision History
+2004-05-29: Version 0.0.1
+- Initial revision.
diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794863b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Makefile for a Video Disk Recorder plugin
+# $Id: Makefile 1.1 2004/05/29 14:44:58 kls Exp $
+# The official name of this plugin.
+# This name will be used in the '-P...' option of VDR to load the plugin.
+# By default the main source file also carries this name.
+PLUGIN = skincurses
+### The version number of this plugin (taken from the main source file):
+VERSION = $(shell grep 'static const char \*VERSION *=' $(PLUGIN).c | awk '{ print $$6 }' | sed -e 's/[";]//g')
+### The C++ compiler and options:
+CXX ?= g++
+CXXFLAGS ?= -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual
+### The directory environment:
+DVBDIR = ../../../../DVB
+VDRDIR = ../../..
+LIBDIR = ../../lib
+TMPDIR = /tmp
+### Allow user defined options to overwrite defaults:
+-include $(VDRDIR)/Make.config
+### The version number of VDR (taken from VDR's "config.h"):
+VDRVERSION = $(shell grep 'define VDRVERSION ' $(VDRDIR)/config.h | awk '{ print $$3 }' | sed -e 's/"//g')
+### The name of the distribution archive:
+### Includes and Defines (add further entries here):
+INCLUDES += -I$(VDRDIR)/include -I$(DVBDIR)/include
+### The object files (add further files here):
+### Implicit rules:
+%.o: %.c
+# Dependencies:
+MAKEDEP = g++ -MM -MG
+DEPFILE = .dependencies
+$(DEPFILE): Makefile
+ @$(MAKEDEP) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(OBJS:%.o=%.c) > $@
+-include $(DEPFILE)
+### Targets:
+all: libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so
+libvdr-$(PLUGIN).so: $(OBJS)
+ $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared $(OBJS) -lncurses -o $@
+ @cp $@ $(LIBDIR)/$@.$(VDRVERSION)
+dist: clean
+ @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE)
+ @mkdir $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE)
+ @cp -a * $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE)
+ @tar czf $(PACKAGE).tgz -C $(TMPDIR) $(ARCHIVE)
+ @-rm -rf $(TMPDIR)/$(ARCHIVE)
+ @echo Distribution package created as $(PACKAGE).tgz
+ @-rm -f $(OBJS) $(DEPFILE) *.so *.tgz core* *~
diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/README b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e82b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/README
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR).
+Written by: Klaus Schmidinger <>
+Project's homepage:
+Latest version available at:
+See the file COPYING for license information.
+The 'skincurses' plugin implements a VDR skin that works in a
+shell window, using only plain text output. It re-implements
+what used to be available by compiling VDR versions before 1.3.7
+with the DEBUG_OSD macro set.
diff --git a/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c297a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PLUGINS/src/skincurses/skincurses.c
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+ * skincurses.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder
+ *
+ * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
+ *
+ * $Id: skincurses.c 1.1 2004/05/31 14:01:49 kls Exp $
+ */
+#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <vdr/osd.h>
+#include <vdr/plugin.h>
+#include <vdr/skins.h>
+static const char *VERSION = "0.0.1";
+static const char *DESCRIPTION = "A text only skin";
+static const char *MAINMENUENTRY = NULL;
+// --- cCursesFont -----------------------------------------------------------
+class cCursesFont : public cFont {
+ cCursesFont(void): cFont(NULL) {}
+ virtual int Width(unsigned char c) const { return 1; }
+ virtual int Width(const char *s) const { return s ? strlen(s) : 0; }
+ virtual int Height(unsigned char c) const { return 1; }
+ virtual int Height(const char *s) const { return 1; }
+ virtual int Height(void) const { return 1; }
+ };
+static const cCursesFont Font;
+// --- cCursesOsd ------------------------------------------------------------
+#define clrBackground COLOR_BLACK
+#define clrTransparent clrBackground
+#define clrBlack clrBackground
+#define clrRed COLOR_RED
+#define clrGreen COLOR_GREEN
+#define clrYellow COLOR_YELLOW
+#define clrBlue COLOR_BLUE
+#define clrMagenta COLOR_MAGENTA
+#define clrCyan COLOR_CYAN
+#define clrWhite COLOR_WHITE
+static int clrMessage[] = {
+ clrBlack,
+ clrCyan,
+ clrBlack,
+ clrGreen,
+ clrBlack,
+ clrYellow,
+ clrWhite,
+ clrRed
+ };
+#define OsdWidth 50//XXX
+#define OsdHeight 20//XXX
+class cCursesOsd : public cOsd {
+ WINDOW *savedRegion;
+ WINDOW *window;
+ enum { MaxColorPairs = 16 };
+ int colorPairs[MaxColorPairs];
+ void SetColor(int colorFg, int colorBg = clrBackground);
+ cCursesOsd(int Left, int Top);
+ virtual ~cCursesOsd();
+ virtual void SaveRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
+ virtual void RestoreRegion(void);
+ virtual void DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width = 0, int Height = 0, int Alignment = taDefault);
+ virtual void DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+cCursesOsd::cCursesOsd(int Left, int Top)
+:cOsd(Left, Top)
+ savedRegion = NULL;
+ memset(colorPairs, 0x00, sizeof(colorPairs));
+ start_color();
+ leaveok(stdscr, true);
+ window = subwin(stdscr, OsdHeight, OsdWidth, 0, 0);
+ syncok(window, true);
+ if (window) {
+ werase(window);
+ Flush();
+ delwin(window);
+ window = NULL;
+ }
+void cCursesOsd::SetColor(int colorFg, int colorBg)
+ int color = (colorBg << 16) | colorFg | 0x80000000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxColorPairs; i++) {
+ if (!colorPairs[i]) {
+ colorPairs[i] = color;
+ init_pair(i + 1, colorFg, colorBg);
+ wattrset(window, COLOR_PAIR(i + 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (color == colorPairs[i]) {
+ wattrset(window, COLOR_PAIR(i + 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void cCursesOsd::SaveRegion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+ if (savedRegion) {
+ delwin(savedRegion);
+ savedRegion = NULL;
+ }
+ savedRegion = newwin(y2 - y1 + 1, x2 - x1 + 1, y1, x1);
+ copywin(window, savedRegion, y1, x1, 0, 0, y2 - y1, x2 - x1, false);
+void cCursesOsd::RestoreRegion(void)
+ if (savedRegion) {
+ copywin(savedRegion, window, 0, 0, savedRegion->_begy, savedRegion->_begx, savedRegion->_maxy - savedRegion->_begy, savedRegion->_maxx - savedRegion->_begx, false);
+ delwin(savedRegion);
+ savedRegion = NULL;
+ }
+void cCursesOsd::DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg, const cFont *Font, int Width = 0, int Height = 0, int Alignment = taDefault)
+ int w = Font->Width(s);
+ int h = Font->Height();
+ if (Width || Height) {
+ int cw = Width ? Width : w;
+ int ch = Height ? Height : h;
+ DrawRectangle(x, y, x + cw - 1, y + ch - 1, ColorBg);
+ if (Width) {
+ if ((Alignment & taLeft) != 0)
+ ;
+ else if ((Alignment & taRight) != 0) {
+ if (w < Width)
+ x += Width - w;
+ }
+ else { // taCentered
+ if (w < Width)
+ x += (Width - w) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Height) {
+ if ((Alignment & taTop) != 0)
+ ;
+ else if ((Alignment & taBottom) != 0) {
+ if (h < Height)
+ y += Height - h;
+ }
+ else { // taCentered
+ if (h < Height)
+ y += (Height - h) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SetColor(ColorFg, ColorBg);
+ wmove(window, y, x); // ncurses wants 'y' before 'x'!
+ waddnstr(window, s, OsdWidth - x);
+void cCursesOsd::DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color)
+ SetColor(Color, Color);
+ for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {
+ wmove(window, y, x1); // ncurses wants 'y' before 'x'!
+ whline(window, ' ', x2 - x1 + 1);
+ }
+ wsyncup(window); // shouldn't be necessary because of 'syncok()', but w/o it doesn't work
+void cCursesOsd::Flush(void)
+ refresh();
+// --- cSkinCursesDisplayChannel ---------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCursesDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel {
+ cOsd *osd;
+ int timeWidth;
+ bool message;
+ cSkinCursesDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo);
+ virtual ~cSkinCursesDisplayChannel();
+ virtual void SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number);
+ virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::cSkinCursesDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo)
+ int Lines = WithInfo ? 5 : 1;
+ message = false;
+ osd = new cCursesOsd(0, Setup.ChannelInfoPos ? 0 : OsdHeight - Lines);
+ timeWidth = strlen("00:00");
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, Lines - 1, clrBackground);
+ delete osd;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number)
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, 0, clrBackground);
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, ChannelString(Channel, Number), clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following)
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 1, timeWidth - 1, 4, clrRed);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(timeWidth, 1, OsdWidth - 1, 4, clrBackground);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ const cEvent *e = !i ? Present : Following;
+ if (e) {
+ osd->DrawText( 0, 2 * i + 1, e->GetTimeString(), clrWhite, clrRed, &Font);
+ osd->DrawText(timeWidth + 1, 2 * i + 1, e->Title(), clrCyan, clrBackground, &Font);
+ osd->DrawText(timeWidth + 1, 2 * i + 2, e->ShortText(), clrYellow, clrBackground, &Font);
+ }
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ if (Text) {
+ osd->SaveRegion(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, 0);
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Text, clrMessage[2 * Type], clrMessage[2 * Type + 1], &Font, OsdWidth, 0, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayChannel::Flush(void)
+ if (!message) {
+ const char *date = DayDateTime();
+ osd->DrawText(OsdWidth - strlen(date), 0, date, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font);
+ }
+ osd->Flush();
+// --- cSkinCursesDisplayMenu ------------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCursesDisplayMenu : public cSkinDisplayMenu {
+ cOsd *osd;
+ void SetScrollbar(void);
+ cSkinCursesDisplayMenu(void);
+ virtual ~cSkinCursesDisplayMenu();
+ virtual void Scroll(bool Up, bool Page);
+ virtual int MaxItems(void);
+ virtual void Clear(void);
+ virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title);
+ virtual void SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green = NULL, const char *Yellow = NULL, const char *Blue = NULL);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
+ virtual void SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable);
+ virtual void SetEvent(const cEvent *Event);
+ virtual void SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording);
+ virtual void SetText(const char *Text, bool FixedFont);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+ osd = new cCursesOsd(0, 0);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, OsdHeight - 1, clrBackground);
+ delete osd;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetScrollbar(void)
+ if (textScroller.CanScroll()) {
+ int yt = textScroller.Top();
+ int yb = yt + textScroller.Height() - 1;
+ int st = yt;
+ int sb = yb;
+ int tt = st + (sb - st) * textScroller.Offset() / textScroller.Total();
+ int tb = tt + (sb - st) * textScroller.Shown() / textScroller.Total();
+ int xl = OsdWidth - 1;
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xl, st, xl, sb, clrCyan);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(xl, tt, xl, tb, clrWhite);
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::Scroll(bool Up, bool Page)
+ cSkinDisplayMenu::Scroll(Up, Page);
+ SetScrollbar();
+int cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::MaxItems(void)
+ return OsdHeight - 4;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::Clear(void)
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 1, OsdWidth - 1, OsdHeight - 2, clrBackground);
+ textScroller.Reset();
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetTitle(const char *Title)
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Title, clrBlack, clrCyan, &Font, OsdWidth);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetButtons(const char *Red, const char *Green, const char *Yellow, const char *Blue)
+ int w = OsdWidth;
+ int t0 = 0;
+ int t1 = 0 + w / 4;
+ int t2 = 0 + w / 2;
+ int t3 = w - w / 4;
+ int t4 = w;
+ int y = OsdHeight - 1;
+ osd->DrawText(t0, y, Red, clrWhite, Red ? clrRed : clrBackground, &Font, t1 - t0, 0, taCenter);
+ osd->DrawText(t1, y, Green, clrBlack, Green ? clrGreen : clrBackground, &Font, t2 - t1, 0, taCenter);
+ osd->DrawText(t2, y, Yellow, clrBlack, Yellow ? clrYellow : clrBackground, &Font, t3 - t2, 0, taCenter);
+ osd->DrawText(t3, y, Blue, clrWhite, Blue ? clrBlue : clrBackground, &Font, t4 - t3, 0, taCenter);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ if (Text)
+ osd->DrawText(0, OsdHeight - 2, Text, clrMessage[2 * Type], clrMessage[2 * Type + 1], &Font, OsdWidth, 0, taCenter);
+ else
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, OsdHeight - 2, OsdWidth - 1, OsdHeight - 2, clrBackground);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetItem(const char *Text, int Index, bool Current, bool Selectable)
+ int y = 2 + Index;
+ int ColorFg, ColorBg;
+ if (Current) {
+ ColorFg = clrBlack;
+ ColorBg = clrCyan;
+ }
+ else {
+ ColorFg = Selectable ? clrWhite : clrCyan;
+ ColorBg = clrBackground;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxTabs; i++) {
+ const char *s = GetTabbedText(Text, i);
+ if (s) {
+ int xt = Tab(i);
+ osd->DrawText(xt, y, s, ColorFg, ColorBg, &Font, OsdWidth - xt);
+ }
+ if (!Tab(i + 1))
+ break;
+ }
+ SetEditableWidth(OsdWidth - Tab(1));
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetEvent(const cEvent *Event)
+ if (!Event)
+ return;
+ int y = 2;
+ cTextScroller ts;
+ char t[32];
+ snprintf(t, sizeof(t), "%s %s - %s", Event->GetDateString(), Event->GetTimeString(), Event->GetEndTimeString());
+ ts.Set(osd, 0, y, OsdWidth, OsdHeight - y - 2, t, &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
+ if (Event->Vps() && Event->Vps() != Event->StartTime()) {
+ char *buffer;
+ asprintf(&buffer, " VPS: %s", Event->GetVpsString());
+ osd->DrawText(OsdWidth - strlen(buffer), y, buffer, clrBlack, clrYellow, &Font);
+ free(buffer);
+ }
+ y += ts.Height();
+ y += 1;
+ ts.Set(osd, 0, y, OsdWidth, OsdHeight - y - 2, Event->Title(), &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
+ y += ts.Height();
+ if (!isempty(Event->ShortText())) {
+ ts.Set(osd, 0, y, OsdWidth, OsdHeight - y - 2, Event->ShortText(), &Font, clrYellow, clrBackground);
+ y += ts.Height();
+ }
+ y += 1;
+ if (!isempty(Event->Description())) {
+ textScroller.Set(osd, 0, y, OsdWidth - 2, OsdHeight - y - 2, Event->Description(), &Font, clrCyan, clrBackground);
+ SetScrollbar();
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetRecording(const cRecording *Recording)
+ SetText(Recording->Summary(), false); //TODO
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::SetText(const char *Text, bool FixedFont)
+ textScroller.Set(osd, 0, 2, OsdWidth - 2, OsdHeight - 4, Text, &Font, clrWhite, clrBackground);
+ SetScrollbar();
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMenu::Flush(void)
+ const char *date = DayDateTime();
+ osd->DrawText(OsdWidth - strlen(date) - 2, 0, date, clrBlack, clrCyan, &Font);
+ osd->Flush();
+// --- cSkinCursesDisplayReplay ----------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCursesDisplayReplay : public cSkinDisplayReplay {
+ cOsd *osd;
+ bool message;
+ cSkinCursesDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly);
+ virtual ~cSkinCursesDisplayReplay();
+ virtual void SetTitle(const char *Title);
+ virtual void SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed);
+ virtual void SetProgress(int Current, int Total);
+ virtual void SetCurrent(const char *Current);
+ virtual void SetTotal(const char *Total);
+ virtual void SetJump(const char *Jump);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::cSkinCursesDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly)
+ message = false;
+ osd = new cCursesOsd(0, OsdHeight - 3);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, 2, ModeOnly ? clrTransparent : clrBackground);
+ delete osd;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetTitle(const char *Title)
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Title, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font, OsdWidth);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed)
+ if (Setup.ShowReplayMode) {
+ const char *Mode;
+ if (Speed == -1) Mode = Play ? " > " : " || ";
+ else if (Play) Mode = Forward ? " X>> " : " <<X ";
+ else Mode = Forward ? " X|> " : " <|X ";
+ char buf[16];
+ strn0cpy(buf, Mode, sizeof(buf));
+ char *p = strchr(buf, 'X');
+ if (p)
+ *p = Speed > 0 ? '1' + Speed - 1 : ' ';
+ SetJump(buf);
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetProgress(int Current, int Total)
+ int p = OsdWidth * Current / Total;
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 1, p, 1, clrGreen);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(p, 1, OsdWidth, 1, clrWhite);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetCurrent(const char *Current)
+ osd->DrawText(0, 2, Current, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font, strlen(Current) + 3);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetTotal(const char *Total)
+ osd->DrawText(OsdWidth - strlen(Total), 2, Total, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetJump(const char *Jump)
+ osd->DrawText(OsdWidth / 4, 2, Jump, clrWhite, clrBackground, &Font, OsdWidth / 2, 0, taCenter);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ if (Text) {
+ osd->SaveRegion(0, 2, OsdWidth - 1, 2);
+ osd->DrawText(0, 2, Text, clrMessage[2 * Type], clrMessage[2 * Type + 1], &Font, OsdWidth, 0, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayReplay::Flush(void)
+ osd->Flush();
+// --- cSkinCursesDisplayVolume ----------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCursesDisplayVolume : public cSkinDisplayVolume {
+ cOsd *osd;
+ cSkinCursesDisplayVolume(void);
+ virtual ~cSkinCursesDisplayVolume();
+ virtual void SetVolume(int Current, int Total, bool Mute);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+ osd = new cCursesOsd(0, OsdHeight - 1);
+ delete osd;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayVolume::SetVolume(int Current, int Total, bool Mute)
+ if (Mute) {
+ osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, OsdWidth - 1, 0, clrTransparent);
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, tr("Mute"), clrGreen, clrBackground, &Font);
+ }
+ else {
+ const char *Prompt = tr("Volume ");
+ int l = strlen(Prompt);
+ int p = (OsdWidth - l) * Current / Total;
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Prompt, clrGreen, clrBackground, &Font);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(l, 0, l + p - 1, 0, clrGreen);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(l + p, 0, OsdWidth - 1, 0, clrWhite);
+ }
+void cSkinCursesDisplayVolume::Flush(void)
+ osd->Flush();
+// --- cSkinCursesDisplayMessage ---------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCursesDisplayMessage : public cSkinDisplayMessage {
+ cOsd *osd;
+ cSkinCursesDisplayMessage(void);
+ virtual ~cSkinCursesDisplayMessage();
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
+ virtual void Flush(void);
+ };
+ osd = new cCursesOsd(0, OsdHeight - 1);
+ delete osd;
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMessage::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Text, clrMessage[2 * Type], clrMessage[2 * Type + 1], &Font, OsdWidth, 0, taCenter);
+void cSkinCursesDisplayMessage::Flush(void)
+ osd->Flush();
+// --- cSkinCurses -----------------------------------------------------------
+class cSkinCurses : public cSkin {
+ cSkinCurses(void);
+ virtual const char *Description(void);
+ virtual cSkinDisplayChannel *DisplayChannel(bool WithInfo);
+ virtual cSkinDisplayMenu *DisplayMenu(void);
+ virtual cSkinDisplayReplay *DisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly);
+ virtual cSkinDisplayVolume *DisplayVolume(void);
+ virtual cSkinDisplayMessage *DisplayMessage(void);
+ };
+const char *cSkinCurses::Description(void)
+ return tr("Text mode");
+cSkinDisplayChannel *cSkinCurses::DisplayChannel(bool WithInfo)
+ return new cSkinCursesDisplayChannel(WithInfo);
+cSkinDisplayMenu *cSkinCurses::DisplayMenu(void)
+ return new cSkinCursesDisplayMenu;
+cSkinDisplayReplay *cSkinCurses::DisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly)
+ return new cSkinCursesDisplayReplay(ModeOnly);
+cSkinDisplayVolume *cSkinCurses::DisplayVolume(void)
+ return new cSkinCursesDisplayVolume;
+cSkinDisplayMessage *cSkinCurses::DisplayMessage(void)
+ return new cSkinCursesDisplayMessage;
+// --- cPluginSkinCurses -----------------------------------------------------
+class cPluginSkinCurses : public cPlugin {
+ // Add any member variables or functions you may need here.
+ cPluginSkinCurses(void);
+ virtual ~cPluginSkinCurses();
+ virtual const char *Version(void) { return VERSION; }
+ virtual const char *Description(void) { return DESCRIPTION; }
+ virtual const char *CommandLineHelp(void);
+ virtual bool ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[]);
+ virtual bool Initialize(void);
+ virtual bool Start(void);
+ virtual void Housekeeping(void);
+ virtual const char *MainMenuEntry(void) { return MAINMENUENTRY; }
+ virtual cOsdObject *MainMenuAction(void);
+ virtual cMenuSetupPage *SetupMenu(void);
+ virtual bool SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value);
+ };
+ // Initialize any member variables here.
+ // Clean up after yourself!
+ endwin();
+const char *cPluginSkinCurses::CommandLineHelp(void)
+ // Return a string that describes all known command line options.
+ return NULL;
+bool cPluginSkinCurses::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[])
+ // Implement command line argument processing here if applicable.
+ return true;
+bool cPluginSkinCurses::Initialize(void)
+ // Initialize any background activities the plugin shall perform.
+ initscr();
+ return true;
+bool cPluginSkinCurses::Start(void)
+ // Start any background activities the plugin shall perform.
+ new cSkinCurses;
+ return true;
+void cPluginSkinCurses::Housekeeping(void)
+ // Perform any cleanup or other regular tasks.
+cOsdObject *cPluginSkinCurses::MainMenuAction(void)
+ // Perform the action when selected from the main VDR menu.
+ return NULL;
+cMenuSetupPage *cPluginSkinCurses::SetupMenu(void)
+ // Return a setup menu in case the plugin supports one.
+ return NULL;
+bool cPluginSkinCurses::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value)
+ // Parse your own setup parameters and store their values.
+ return false;
+VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginSkinCurses); // Don't touch this!
diff --git a/channels.conf b/channels.conf
index c803336..ec56295 100644
--- a/channels.conf
+++ b/channels.conf
@@ -46,21 +46,21 @@ rbb Berlin:12109:hC34:S19.2E:27500:601:602=deu:604:0:28206:1:1073:0
:Premiere World
START,PREMIERE START:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:255:256=deu:32:1702,1801,1722:8:133:2:0
PREM 1,PREMIERE 1:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:511:512=deu;515=deu:32:1801,1702,1722:10:133:2:0
-PREM 2,PREMIERE 2:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1791:1792=deu;1795=deu:32:1702,1722,1801:11:133:2:0
+PREM 2,PREMIERE 2:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1791:1792=deu,1793=deu;1795=deu:32:1722,1801,1702:11:133:2:0
PREM 3,PREMIERE 3:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:2303:2304=deu,2305=deu:32:1722,1801,1702:43:133:2:0
PREM 4,PREMIERE 4:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:767:768=deu,769=deu:32:1801,1722,1702:9:133:2:0
PREM 5,PREMIERE 5:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1279:1280=deu,1281=deu:32:1722,1702,1801:29:133:2:0
PREM 6,PREMIERE 6:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1535:1536=deu:32:1702,1801,1722:41:133:2:0
-PREM 7,PREMIERE 7:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1023:1024=deu:32:1801,1722,1702:20:133:2:0
-DISNEY,DISNEY CHANNEL:11758:hC34:S19.2E:27500:2559:2560=deu:0:1722,1801,1702:34:133:17:0
+PREM 7,PREMIERE 7:11797:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1023:1024=deu:32:1722,1801,1702:20:133:2:0
+DISNEY,DISNEY CHANNEL:11758:hC34:S19.2E:27500:2559:2560=deu:0:1722,1702,1801:34:133:17:0
:Premiere Direkt
DIREKT,PREMIERE DIREKT:12031:hC34:S19.2E:27500:2815:2816=deu,2817=deu;2819=deu:0:0:18:133:4:0
:PW Erotic
-EROTIK,PREMIERE EROTIK:12031:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1279:0:0:1722,1801,1702:513:133:4:0
+EROTIK,PREMIERE EROTIK:12031:hC34:S19.2E:27500:1279:0:0:1722,1702,1801:513:133:4:0
-Formel 1:11719:hC34:S19.2E:27500:255:256=deu,257=deu:32:1702,1722,1801:17:133:3:0
-SPORT 2,PREMIERE SPORT 2:12031:hC34:S19.2E:27500:3839:3840=deu,3841=deu:32:1702,1722,1801:27:133:4:0
+SPORT 2,PREMIERE SPORT 2:12031:hC34:S19.2E:27500:3839:3840=deu:32:1702,1722,1801:27:133:4:0
:Beta Digital
diff --git a/channels.conf.terr b/channels.conf.terr
index f6a8456..6148fd4 100644
--- a/channels.conf.terr
+++ b/channels.conf.terr
@@ -73,10 +73,19 @@ Eurosport:754000:I0C23D0M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:577:578:583:0:16420:0:0:0
VIVA Plus:754000:I0C23D0M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:529:530:535:0:16417:0:0:0
Testkanal Pro7:778000:I0C23D0M16B8T8G8Y0:T:27500:305:306:311:0:16403:0:0:0
-: DVB-T Hannover, Germany
+: DVB-T Nord Hannover Germany
diff --git a/config.h b/config.h
index 18f3aea..3f62fcb 100644
--- a/config.h
+++ b/config.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: config.h 1.195 2004/05/22 11:29:52 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: config.h 1.196 2004/05/28 13:16:03 kls Exp $
#ifndef __CONFIG_H
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
#include "i18n.h"
#include "tools.h"
-#define VDRVERSION "1.3.8"
-#define VDRVERSNUM 10308 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor
+#define VDRVERSION "1.3.9"
+#define VDRVERSNUM 10309 // Version * 10000 + Major * 100 + Minor
#define MAXPRIORITY 99
#define MAXLIFETIME 99
diff --git a/dvbspu.h b/dvbspu.h
index 4c926df..df717c1 100644
--- a/dvbspu.h
+++ b/dvbspu.h
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
* parts of this file are derived from the OMS program.
- * $Id: dvbspu.h 1.3 2004/04/30 13:44:41 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: dvbspu.h 1.4 2004/05/31 08:49:20 kls Exp $
#ifndef __DVBSPU_H
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@ inline uint32_t cDvbSpuPalette::yuv2rgb(uint32_t yuv_color)
int Y, Cb, Cr;
int Ey, Epb, Epr;
int Eg, Eb, Er;
- uint32_t result;
Y = (yuv_color >> 16) & 0xff;
Cb = (yuv_color) & 0xff;
@@ -191,9 +190,7 @@ inline uint32_t cDvbSpuPalette::yuv2rgb(uint32_t yuv_color)
if (Er < 0)
Er = 0;
- result = (Eb << 16) | (Eg << 8) | Er;
- return result;
+ return Eb | (Eg << 8) | (Er << 16);
inline uint32_t cDvbSpuPalette::getColor(uint8_t idx, uint8_t trans) const
diff --git a/font.c b/font.c
index 9a5b31e..eeabd33 100644
--- a/font.c
+++ b/font.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: font.c 1.7 2004/05/16 10:50:59 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: font.c 1.8 2004/05/31 09:55:37 kls Exp $
#include "config.h"
@@ -54,9 +54,13 @@ cFont::cFont(void *Data)
void cFont::SetData(void *Data)
- height = ((tCharData *)Data)->height;
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMCHARS; i++)
- data[i] = (tCharData *)&((tPixelData *)Data)[(i < 32 ? 0 : i - 32) * (height + 2)];
+ if (Data) {
+ height = ((tCharData *)Data)->height;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUMCHARS; i++)
+ data[i] = (tCharData *)&((tPixelData *)Data)[(i < 32 ? 0 : i - 32) * (height + 2)];
+ }
+ else
+ height = 0;
int cFont::Width(const char *s) const
diff --git a/font.h b/font.h
index 3803960..b90daf6 100644
--- a/font.h
+++ b/font.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: font.h 1.7 2004/05/16 10:49:44 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: font.h 1.8 2004/05/31 09:52:46 kls Exp $
#ifndef __FONT_H
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ private:
cFont(void *Data);
void SetData(void *Data);
- int Width(unsigned char c) const { return data[c]->width; }
+ virtual int Width(unsigned char c) const { return data[c]->width; }
///< Returns the width of the given character.
- int Width(const char *s) const;
+ virtual int Width(const char *s) const;
///< Returns the width of the given string.
- int Height(unsigned char c) const { return data[c]->height; }
+ virtual int Height(unsigned char c) const { return data[c]->height; }
///< Returns the height of the given character.
- int Height(const char *s) const;
+ virtual int Height(const char *s) const;
///< Returns the height of the given string.
- int Height(void) const { return height; }
+ virtual int Height(void) const { return height; }
///< Returns the height of this font (all characters have the same height).
const tCharData *CharData(unsigned char c) const { return data[c]; }
static bool SetCode(const char *Code);
diff --git a/fontosd-iso8859-2.c b/fontosd-iso8859-2.c
index b479f07..883753c 100644
--- a/fontosd-iso8859-2.c
+++ b/fontosd-iso8859-2.c
@@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
-// 08.04.2004 modified 30 font -
+ * iso8859-2 modified iso8859-1 (Drazen Dupor 23.05.2004).
+ *
+ * Because (still) uncleared problem with old iso8859-2 font
+ * (there were also bigger).
+ *
+ * I modifyed iso8859-1 font partially.
+ * For a start there is chars needed for Croatian and Slovak.
+ *
+ */
-cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
+cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][29] = {
{ // 32
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -34,38 +42,38 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 33
- 6, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000010, // ..*...
- 0x00000010, // ..*...
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 34
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -92,178 +100,171 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 35
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000198, // ......**..**..
- 0x00000198, // ......**..**..
- 0x00000198, // ......**..**..
- 0x00000330, // .....**..**...
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00000330, // .....**..**...
- 0x00000330, // .....**..**...
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00000CC0, // ...**..**.....
- 0x00000CC0, // ...**..**.....
- 0x00000CC0, // ...**..**.....
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000118, // .....*...**..
+ 0x00000318, // ....**...**..
+ 0x00000318, // ....**...**..
+ 0x00000310, // ....**...*...
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00000230, // ....*...**...
+ 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
+ 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
+ 0x00000620, // ...**...*....
+ 0x00003FFC, // ************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ************.
+ 0x00000460, // ...*...**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ..**...**....
+ 0x00000C40, // ..**...*.....
+ 0x00000C40, // ..**...*.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 36
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
- 0x00001CDC, // .***..**.***.
- 0x000018CC, // .**...**..**.
- 0x000018C0, // .**...**.....
- 0x00001CC0, // .***..**.....
- 0x00000EC0, // ..***.**.....
- 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
- 0x000001F0, // .....*****...
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000000DC, // ......**.***.
- 0x000000CC, // ......**..**.
- 0x000018CC, // .**...**..**.
- 0x000018CC, // .**...**..**.
- 0x00001CDC, // .***..**.***.
- 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000CB8, // ..**..*.***..
+ 0x00001998, // .**..**..**..
+ 0x00001998, // .**..**..**..
+ 0x00001980, // .**..**......
+ 0x00001980, // .**..**......
+ 0x00000F80, // ..*****......
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x0000019C, // .....**..***.
+ 0x0000018C, // .....**...**.
+ 0x0000198C, // .**..**...**.
+ 0x0000198C, // .**..**...**.
+ 0x0000199C, // .**..**..***.
+ 0x00001D38, // .***.*..***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 37
- 22, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000180, // ..............**......
- 0x000F0300, // ...****......**.......
- 0x001F8300, // ..******.....**.......
- 0x0030C600, // .**....**...**........
- 0x0030C600, // .**....**...**........
- 0x0030CC00, // .**....**..**.........
- 0x0030CC00, // .**....**..**.........
- 0x001F9800, // ..******..**..........
- 0x000F1800, // ...****...**..........
- 0x00003000, // .........**...........
- 0x000031E0, // .........**...****....
- 0x000063F0, // ........**...******...
- 0x00006618, // ........**..**....**..
- 0x0000C618, // .......**...**....**..
- 0x0000C618, // .......**...**....**..
- 0x00018618, // ......**....**....**..
- 0x000183F0, // ......**.....******...
- 0x000101E0, // ......*.......****....
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
- 0x00000000, // ......................
+ 20, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00038040, // ...***........*.....
+ 0x000FE0C0, // .*******.....**.....
+ 0x001C7180, // ***...***...**......
+ 0x00183100, // **.....**...*.......
+ 0x00183300, // **.....**..**.......
+ 0x001C7200, // ***...***..*........
+ 0x000FE600, // .*******..**........
+ 0x0007C400, // ..*****...*.........
+ 0x00000C78, // .........**...****..
+ 0x000018FC, // ........**...******.
+ 0x000019CC, // ........**..***..**.
+ 0x00003186, // .......**...**....**
+ 0x00002186, // .......*....**....**
+ 0x00006186, // ......**....**....**
+ 0x0000C0FC, // .....**......******.
+ 0x0000C078, // .....**.......****..
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
{ // 38
- 17, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00001E00, // .....****........
- 0x00003F00, // ....******.......
- 0x00007380, // ...***..***......
- 0x00006180, // ...**....**......
- 0x00006180, // ...**....**......
- 0x00006180, // ...**....**......
- 0x00003300, // ....**..**.......
- 0x00001E00, // .....****........
- 0x00003C00, // ....****.........
- 0x00007E30, // ...******...**...
- 0x0000E730, // ..***..***..**...
- 0x0000C3B0, // ..**....***.**...
- 0x000181E0, // .**......****....
- 0x000180C0, // .**.......**.....
- 0x000181E0, // .**......****....
- 0x0001C3B0, // .***....***.**...
- 0x0000FF38, // ..********..***..
- 0x00003C00, // ....****.........
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000780, // .....****......
+ 0x00000FC0, // ....******.....
+ 0x00001860, // ...**....**....
+ 0x00001860, // ...**....**....
+ 0x00001860, // ...**....**....
+ 0x00000DC0, // ....**.***.....
+ 0x00000F80, // ....*****......
+ 0x00000F00, // ....****.......
+ 0x00001F98, // ...******..**..
+ 0x00003198, // ..**...**..**..
+ 0x000060D8, // .**.....**.**..
+ 0x00006070, // .**......***...
+ 0x00006070, // .**......***...
+ 0x00007078, // .***.....****..
+ 0x00003FDC, // ..********.***.
+ 0x00001F00, // ...*****.......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 39
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000008, // ...*..
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 5, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x00000004, // ...*.
+ 0x00000004, // ...*.
+ 0x00000008, // ..*..
+ 0x00000008, // ..*..
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
{ // 40
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x0000000C, // .....**.
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000020, // ...*....
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000060, // ..**....
@@ -272,26 +273,25 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000020, // ...*....
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000018, // ....**..
+ 0x00000010, // ....*...
0x00000018, // ....**..
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
+ 0x00000008, // .....*..
+ 0x00000008, // .....*..
{ // 41
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x000000C0, // .**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .**.....
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000080, // .*......
+ 0x00000040, // ..*.....
0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000020, // ...*....
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
@@ -303,80 +303,76 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000018, // ....**..
- 0x00000018, // ....**..
- 0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000020, // ...*....
0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x000000C0, // .**.....
+ 0x00000040, // ..*.....
+ 0x00000080, // .*......
{ // 42
- 10, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000040, // ....*.....
- 0x00000040, // ....*.....
- 0x00000358, // .**.*.**..
- 0x000001F0, // ..*****...
- 0x000000E0, // ...***....
- 0x000001B0, // ..**.**...
- 0x00000110, // ..*...*...
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
- 0x00000000, // ..........
+ 9, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000020, // ....*....
+ 0x00000020, // ....*....
+ 0x000001AC, // .**.*.**.
+ 0x000000F8, // ..*****..
+ 0x00000070, // ...***...
+ 0x000000D8, // ..**.**..
+ 0x00000088, // ..*...*..
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
{ // 43
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00003FFC, // .************.
- 0x00003FFC, // .************.
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 44
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -399,46 +395,44 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000008, // ...*..
0x00000008, // ...*..
- 0x00000010, // ..*...
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 45
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFE, // .************
+ 0x00001FFE, // .************
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 46
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -461,45 +455,44 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 47
- 7, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000006, // .....**
- 0x00000006, // .....**
- 0x00000006, // .....**
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
+ 0x00000004, // .....*.
+ 0x00000004, // .....*.
0x0000000C, // ....**.
0x0000000C, // ....**.
+ 0x00000008, // ....*..
0x00000018, // ...**..
0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
+ 0x00000010, // ...*...
0x00000030, // ..**...
0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000060, // .**....
+ 0x00000020, // ..*....
0x00000060, // .**....
0x00000060, // .**....
+ 0x00000040, // .*.....
0x000000C0, // **.....
0x000000C0, // **.....
- 0x000000C0, // **.....
+ 0x00000080, // *......
+ 0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
{ // 48
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -510,7 +503,6 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
@@ -520,7 +512,6 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
@@ -528,9 +519,10 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 49
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -539,8 +531,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x00000FC0, // ..******.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
0x00000FC0, // ..******.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
@@ -554,35 +545,33 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 50
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
- 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C1C, // ..**.....***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x00000018, // .........**..
0x00000038, // ........***..
- 0x00000070, // .......***...
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x00000380, // ....***......
+ 0x000000F0, // ......****...
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
0x00000700, // ...***.......
0x00000E00, // ..***........
- 0x00001C00, // .***.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
0x00001800, // .**..........
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
@@ -590,19 +579,19 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 51
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
@@ -611,19 +600,19 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x000001F8, // .....******..
0x00000018, // .........**..
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
- 0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
- 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 52
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -632,15 +621,13 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000030, // ........**...
0x00000070, // .......***...
- 0x00000070, // .......***...
0x000000F0, // ......****...
- 0x000001F0, // .....*****...
+ 0x000000F0, // ......****...
0x000001B0, // .....**.**...
0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000730, // ...***..**...
0x00000630, // ...**...**...
+ 0x00000430, // ...*....**...
0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
- 0x00001C30, // .***....**...
0x00001830, // .**.....**...
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
@@ -652,9 +639,10 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 53
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -666,47 +654,44 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000C00, // ..**.........
0x00000C00, // ..**.........
0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000DC0, // ..**.***.....
+ 0x00000FE0, // ..*******....
0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00001C38, // .***....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001C38, // .***....***..
+ 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 54
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00001C0C, // .***......**.
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00000C1C, // ..**.....***.
+ 0x00001C00, // .***.........
0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x000019E0, // .**..****....
- 0x00001BF0, // .**.******...
+ 0x00001BE0, // .**.*****....
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
0x00001E38, // .****...***..
- 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001C0C, // .***......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
@@ -714,9 +699,10 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 55
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -725,60 +711,58 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
- 0x0000001C, // .........***.
+ 0x00000008, // ..........*..
0x00000018, // .........**..
0x00000030, // ........**...
- 0x00000030, // ........**...
0x00000060, // .......**....
0x00000060, // .......**....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000380, // ....***......
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
0x00000300, // ....**.......
0x00000300, // ....**.......
0x00000700, // ...***.......
0x00000600, // ...**........
- 0x00000600, // ...**........
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 56
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00001C38, // .***....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 57
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -786,30 +770,29 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
- 0x00000E3C, // ..***...****.
- 0x00000FEC, // ..*******.**.
- 0x000003CC, // ....****..**.
+ 0x00001C3C, // .***....****.
+ 0x00000FFC, // ..**********.
+ 0x000003EC, // ....*****.**.
0x0000000C, // ..........**.
0x0000001C, // .........***.
0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001C38, // .***....***..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 58
- 6, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -820,9 +803,8 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -831,16 +813,16 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 59
- 6, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -851,9 +833,8 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -862,326 +843,316 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000008, // ...*..
- 0x00000008, // ...*..
- 0x00000010, // ..*...
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000004, // ....*.
+ 0x00000004, // ....*.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
{ // 60
- 15, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000018, // ...........**..
- 0x00000078, // .........****..
- 0x000001E0, // .......****....
- 0x00000780, // .....****......
- 0x00001E00, // ...****........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00001E00, // ...****........
- 0x00000780, // .....****......
- 0x000001E0, // .......****....
- 0x00000078, // .........****..
- 0x00000018, // ...........**..
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000004, // ...........*.
+ 0x0000001C, // .........***.
+ 0x00000078, // .......****..
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x00000F00, // ..****.......
+ 0x00001C00, // .***.........
+ 0x00001E00, // .****........
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x000000F0, // ......****...
+ 0x0000001C, // .........***.
+ 0x00000004, // ...........*.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 61
- 15, 28,
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 62
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001000, // .*...........
+ 0x00001C00, // .***.........
+ 0x00000780, // ...****......
+ 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x0000007C, // .......*****.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..........**.
+ 0x0000003C, // ........****.
+ 0x000000F0, // ......****...
+ 0x00000780, // ...****......
+ 0x00001E00, // .****........
+ 0x00001000, // .*...........
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 63
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000001F0, // .....*****...
+ 0x000007F8, // ...********..
+ 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
+ 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..........**.
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000030, // ........**...
+ 0x00000060, // .......**....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 64
+ 23, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00007E00, // .........******........
+ 0x0003FFC0, // ......************.....
+ 0x000781E0, // .....****......****....
+ 0x000E0070, // ....***..........***...
+ 0x001C0038, // ...***............***..
+ 0x00383D18, // ..***.....****.*...**..
+ 0x0030FF9C, // ..**....*********..***.
+ 0x0031C38C, // ..**...***....***...**.
+ 0x0061830C, // .**....**.....**....**.
+ 0x0063030C, // .**...**......**....**.
+ 0x0063030C, // .**...**......**....**.
+ 0x00630618, // .**...**.....**....**..
+ 0x00630618, // .**...**.....**....**..
+ 0x00738E30, // .***..***...***...**...
+ 0x0031FFE0, // ..**...************....
+ 0x0038E3C0, // ..***...***...****.....
+ 0x001C0000, // ...***.................
+ 0x000F0000, // ....****...............
+ 0x0007FF00, // .....***********.......
+ 0x0000FE00, // ........*******........
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ 0x00000000, // .......................
+ },
+ { // 65
+ 15, 27,
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 66
+ 15, 27,
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
- 0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FE0, // ..*********....
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003038, // ..**......***..
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- },
- { // 62
- 15, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00006000, // .**............
- 0x00007800, // .****..........
- 0x00001E00, // ...****........
- 0x00000780, // .....****......
- 0x000001E0, // .......****....
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x000001E0, // .......****....
- 0x00000780, // .....****......
- 0x00001E00, // ...****........
- 0x00007800, // .****..........
- 0x00006000, // .**............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- },
- { // 63
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000007F8, // ..********..
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x00000E0C, // .***.....**.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
- 0x00000038, // .......***..
- 0x00000070, // ......***...
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- },
- { // 64
- 25, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........................
- 0x00000000, // .........................
- 0x00000000, // .........................
- 0x00000000, // .........................
- 0x00000000, // .........................
- 0x0000FF00, // ..........********.......
- 0x0003FFC0, // ........************.....
- 0x000F01E0, // ......****.......****....
- 0x001C0070, // .....***...........***...
- 0x00380018, // ....***..............**..
- 0x00300018, // ....**...............**..
- 0x0060730C, // ...**......***..**....**.
- 0x0060FB0C, // ...**.....*****.**....**.
- 0x00C1C70C, // ..**.....***...***....**.
- 0x00C3860C, // ..**....***....**.....**.
- 0x00C3060C, // ..**....**.....**.....**.
- 0x00C6060C, // ..**...**......**.....**.
- 0x00C60C1C, // ..**...**.....**.....***.
- 0x00C60C18, // ..**...**.....**.....**..
- 0x00C60C38, // ..**...**.....**....***..
- 0x00E71C70, // ..***..***...***...***...
- 0x0063F7E0, // ...**...******.******....
- 0x0071E380, // ...***...****...***......
- 0x00380000, // ....***..................
- 0x001C0000, // .....***.................
- 0x000F0300, // ......****......**.......
- 0x0007FF00, // .......***********.......
- 0x0000FC00, // ..........******.........
- { // 65
- 17, 28,
+ { // 67
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00000FC0, // ......******.....
+ 0x00003FE0, // ....*********....
+ 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
+ 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C000, // ..**.............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018018, // .**..........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x00007030, // ...***......**...
+ 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- { // 66
- 17, 28,
+ { // 68
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0000FFC0, // ..**********.....
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000C070, // ..**.......***...
+ 0x0000FF80, // ..*********......
+ 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
+ 0x0000C0E0, // ..**......***....
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C0E0, // ..**......***....
0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C00C, // ..**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // ..**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // ..**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // ..**..........**.
- 0x0000C01C, // ..**.........***.
- 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000FFC0, // ..**********.....
+ 0x0000FF80, // ..*********......
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- },
- { // 67
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00038018, // .***..........**..
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003800C, // .***...........**.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 68
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 69
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 70
- 14, 28,
+ 14, 27,
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
@@ -1194,8 +1165,6 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00001800, // ..**..........
0x00001800, // ..**..........
0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
0x00001FF8, // ..**********..
0x00001FF8, // ..**********..
0x00001800, // ..**..........
@@ -1210,257 +1179,250 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
{ // 71
- 19, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00003F00, // ......******.......
- 0x0000FFC0, // ....**********.....
- 0x0001E1E0, // ...****....****....
- 0x00038070, // ..***........***...
- 0x00030030, // ..**..........**...
- 0x00070030, // .***..........**...
- 0x00060000, // .**................
- 0x00060000, // .**................
- 0x00060000, // .**................
- 0x000603F8, // .**.......*******..
- 0x000603F8, // .**.......*******..
- 0x00060018, // .**............**..
- 0x00060018, // .**............**..
- 0x00070018, // .***...........**..
- 0x00030038, // ..**..........***..
- 0x00038078, // ..***........****..
- 0x0001E1F8, // ...****....******..
- 0x0000FFD8, // ....**********.**..
- 0x00003F18, // ......******...**..
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- },
- { // 72
- 18, 28,
+ 18, 27,
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00001F80, // ......******......
+ 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
+ 0x0001C030, // ..***........**...
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
+ 0x00038000, // .***..............
+ 0x00030000, // .**...............
+ 0x00030000, // .**...............
+ 0x000303F8, // .**......*******..
+ 0x000303F8, // .**......*******..
+ 0x00030018, // .**...........**..
+ 0x00038018, // .***..........**..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001FFF8, // ..**************..
- 0x0001FFF8, // ..**************..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
+ 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
+ 0x0000E078, // ...***......****..
+ 0x00007FD8, // ....*********.**..
+ 0x00001F88, // ......******...*..
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ { // 72
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000FFF8, // ..*************..
+ 0x0000FFF8, // ..*************..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ },
{ // 73
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
{ // 74
- 13, 28,
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00001818, // **......**..
+ 0x00001818, // **......**..
+ 0x00001C38, // ***....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // .********...
+ 0x000007E0, // ..******....
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ },
+ { // 75
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x0000300E, // ..**........***
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00003038, // ..**......***..
+ 0x00003070, // ..**.....***...
+ 0x000030E0, // ..**....***....
+ 0x000031C0, // ..**...***.....
+ 0x00003380, // ..**..***......
+ 0x00003780, // ..**.****......
+ 0x00003F80, // ..*******......
+ 0x00003DC0, // ..****.***.....
+ 0x000038E0, // ..***...***....
+ 0x00003060, // ..**.....**....
+ 0x00003030, // ..**......**...
+ 0x00003038, // ..**......***..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300E, // ..**........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 76
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
- 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
- 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
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+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000FFC, // ..**********.
+ 0x00000FFC, // ..**********.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- },
- { // 75
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018070, // ..**........***...
- 0x000180E0, // ..**.......***....
- 0x000181C0, // ..**......***.....
- 0x00018380, // ..**.....***......
- 0x00018700, // ..**....***.......
- 0x00018E00, // ..**...***........
- 0x00019C00, // ..**..***.........
- 0x0001B800, // ..**.***..........
- 0x0001F800, // ..******..........
- 0x0001FC00, // ..*******.........
- 0x0001CE00, // ..***..***........
- 0x00018700, // ..**....***.......
- 0x00018380, // ..**.....***......
- 0x000181C0, // ..**......***.....
- 0x000180E0, // ..**.......***....
- 0x00018070, // ..**........***...
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 76
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
{ // 77
- 21, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x000C0018, // ..**.............**..
- 0x000E0038, // ..***...........***..
- 0x000E0038, // ..***...........***..
- 0x000F0078, // ..****.........****..
- 0x000F0078, // ..****.........****..
- 0x000D80D8, // ..**.**.......**.**..
- 0x000D80D8, // ..**.**.......**.**..
- 0x000D80D8, // ..**.**.......**.**..
- 0x000CC198, // ..**..**.....**..**..
- 0x000CC198, // ..**..**.....**..**..
- 0x000CC198, // ..**..**.....**..**..
- 0x000C6318, // ..**...**...**...**..
- 0x000C6318, // ..**...**...**...**..
- 0x000C6318, // ..**...**...**...**..
- 0x000C3618, // ..**....**.**....**..
- 0x000C3618, // ..**....**.**....**..
- 0x000C3618, // ..**....**.**....**..
- 0x000C1C18, // ..**.....***.....**..
- 0x000C1C18, // ..**.....***.....**..
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
- 0x00000000, // .....................
+ 19, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00038038, // ..***.........***..
+ 0x00038038, // ..***.........***..
+ 0x0003C038, // ..****........***..
+ 0x0003C078, // ..****.......****..
+ 0x0003C078, // ..****.......****..
+ 0x00036058, // ..**.**......*.**..
+ 0x000360D8, // ..**.**.....**.**..
+ 0x000360D8, // ..**.**.....**.**..
+ 0x00033098, // ..**..**....*..**..
+ 0x00033198, // ..**..**...**..**..
+ 0x00033198, // ..**..**...**..**..
+ 0x00031918, // ..**...**..*...**..
+ 0x00031B18, // ..**...**.**...**..
+ 0x00031B18, // ..**...**.**...**..
+ 0x00030F18, // ..**....****...**..
+ 0x00030E18, // ..**....***....**..
+ 0x00030E18, // ..**....***....**..
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
{ // 78
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001C018, // ..***.........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001B018, // ..**.**.......**..
- 0x0001B818, // ..**.***......**..
- 0x00019818, // ..**..**......**..
- 0x00019C18, // ..**..***.....**..
- 0x00018C18, // ..**...**.....**..
- 0x00018E18, // ..**...***....**..
- 0x00018618, // ..**....**....**..
- 0x00018718, // ..**....***...**..
- 0x00018318, // ..**.....**...**..
- 0x00018398, // ..**.....***..**..
- 0x00018198, // ..**......**..**..
- 0x000181D8, // ..**......***.**..
- 0x000180D8, // ..**.......**.**..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000D818, // ..**.**......**..
+ 0x0000DC18, // ..**.***.....**..
+ 0x0000CC18, // ..**..**.....**..
+ 0x0000C618, // ..**...**....**..
+ 0x0000C718, // ..**...***...**..
+ 0x0000C318, // ..**....**...**..
+ 0x0000C398, // ..**....***..**..
+ 0x0000C198, // ..**.....**..**..
+ 0x0000C0D8, // ..**......**.**..
+ 0x0000C0F8, // ..**......*****..
+ 0x0000C078, // ..**.......****..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
{ // 79
- 18, 28,
+ 18, 27,
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
@@ -1468,7 +1430,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -1478,51 +1440,49 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 80
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x0000600C, // ..**.........**.
- 0x0000600C, // ..**.........**.
- 0x0000600C, // ..**.........**.
- 0x0000600C, // ..**.........**.
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FE0, // ..*********....
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FE0, // ..*********....
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 81
- 18, 28,
+ 18, 27,
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
@@ -1530,7 +1490,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -1540,485 +1500,469 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
- 0x00018398, // ..**.....***..**..
+ 0x00018098, // ..**.......*..**..
0x0001C1F8, // ..***.....******..
- 0x0000F070, // ...****.....***...
- 0x00007FF8, // ....************..
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
+ 0x00007FF0, // ....***********...
0x00001F9C, // ......******..***.
+ 0x00000008, // ...............*..
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 82
- 17, 28,
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
+ 0x0000FFC0, // ..**********.....
0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000C070, // ..**.......***...
+ 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C01C, // ..**.........***.
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
{ // 83
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- 0x00001FF0, // ....*********...
- 0x00003838, // ...***.....***..
- 0x00007018, // ..***.......**..
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007000, // ..***...........
- 0x00003E00, // ...*****........
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x000001F0, // ........*****...
- 0x00000078, // ..........****..
- 0x0000001C, // ............***.
- 0x0000000C, // .............**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000E01C, // .***........***.
- 0x00007838, // ..****.....***..
- 0x00003FF0, // ...**********...
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x00001FF0, // ...*********...
+ 0x00001838, // ...**.....***..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x00003008, // ..**........*..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003800, // ..***..........
+ 0x00001F00, // ...*****.......
+ 0x00000FF0, // ....********...
+ 0x000000F8, // ........*****..
+ 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
+ 0x0000000C, // ............**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x00001FF0, // ...*********...
+ 0x00000FE0, // ....*******....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 84
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00007FFE, // **************
+ 0x00007FFE, // **************
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
{ // 85
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ...**........**...
- 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 86
- 17, 28,
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001C01C, // .***.........***.
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x000038E0, // ....***...***....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00001DC0, // .....***.***.....
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006070, // ...**......***...
+ 0x00007FE0, // ...**********....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
+ { // 86
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00003818, // ..***......**..
+ 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // ...**.....***..
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00000C30, // ....**....**...
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
{ // 87
- 22, 28,
+ 22, 27,
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x0030180C, // .**.......**.......**.
- 0x0030180C, // .**.......**.......**.
- 0x0030180C, // .**.......**.......**.
- 0x00303C0C, // .**......****......**.
+ 0x0030380C, // .**......***.......**.
+ 0x00303C1C, // .**......****.....***.
+ 0x00383C1C, // .***.....****.....***.
0x00183C18, // ..**.....****.....**..
0x00186618, // ..**....**..**....**..
0x00186618, // ..**....**..**....**..
- 0x00186618, // ..**....**..**....**..
- 0x00186618, // ..**....**..**....**..
- 0x000C6630, // ...**...**..**...**...
+ 0x001C6638, // ..***...**..**...***..
+ 0x000CC630, // ...**..**...**...**...
0x000CC330, // ...**..**....**..**...
0x000CC330, // ...**..**....**..**...
- 0x000CC330, // ...**..**....**..**...
- 0x0006C360, // ....**.**....**.**....
- 0x0006C360, // ....**.**....**.**....
+ 0x000EC370, // ...***.**....**.***...
0x000781E0, // ....****......****....
- 0x000381C0, // .....***......***.....
- 0x000300C0, // .....**........**.....
+ 0x000781E0, // ....****......****....
+ 0x000781E0, // ....****......****....
+ 0x000781C0, // ....****......***.....
0x000300C0, // .....**........**.....
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
0x00000000, // ......................
+ 0x00000000, // ......................
{ // 88
- 17, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001C01C, // .***.........***.
- 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x000038E0, // ....***...***....
- 0x00001DC0, // .....***.***.....
- 0x00000F80, // ......*****......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000F80, // ......*****......
- 0x00001DC0, // .....***.***.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000038E0, // ....***...***....
- 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001C01C, // .***.........***.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
+ 0x00001C38, // ...***....***..
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00001C70, // ...***...***...
+ 0x00001838, // ...**.....***..
+ 0x00003818, // ..***......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 89
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000E01C, // .***........***.
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00007038, // ..***......***..
- 0x00003030, // ...**......**...
- 0x00003870, // ...***....***...
- 0x00001860, // ....**....**....
- 0x00001CE0, // ....***..***....
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- },
- { // 90
- 15, 28,
+ 15, 27,
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x00000070, // .........***...
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000001C0, // .......***.....
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000700, // .....***.......
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00001C00, // ...***.........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x0000700E, // .***........***
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
+ 0x00001C38, // ...***....***..
+ 0x00000C30, // ....**....**...
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000760, // .....***.**....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ { // 90
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x0000001C, // ..........***.
+ 0x00000018, // ..........**..
+ 0x00000038, // .........***..
+ 0x00000070, // ........***...
+ 0x000000E0, // .......***....
+ 0x000001C0, // ......***.....
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000380, // .....***......
+ 0x00000700, // ....***.......
+ 0x00000E00, // ...***........
+ 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
+ 0x00001C00, // ..***.........
+ 0x00003800, // .***..........
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ },
{ // 91
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x0000003C, // ..****.
- 0x0000003C, // ..****.
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x0000003C, // ..****.
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x0000003E, // .*****
+ 0x0000003E, // .*****
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x0000003E, // .*****
+ 0x0000003E, // .*****
{ // 92
- 7, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000080, // *......
0x000000C0, // **.....
- 0x000000C0, // **.....
- 0x000000C0, // **.....
- 0x00000060, // .**....
- 0x00000060, // .**....
+ 0x00000040, // .*.....
+ 0x00000040, // .*.....
0x00000060, // .**....
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
+ 0x00000020, // ..*....
+ 0x00000020, // ..*....
+ 0x00000020, // ..*....
+ 0x00000010, // ...*...
+ 0x00000010, // ...*...
+ 0x00000010, // ...*...
+ 0x00000008, // ....*..
+ 0x00000008, // ....*..
+ 0x00000008, // ....*..
0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x00000006, // .....**
- 0x00000006, // .....**
- 0x00000006, // .....**
+ 0x00000004, // .....*.
+ 0x00000004, // .....*.
+ 0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
0x00000000, // .......
{ // 93
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000078, // .****..
- 0x00000078, // .****..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000078, // .****..
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x0000003C, // .****.
+ 0x0000003C, // .****.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x0000003C, // .****.
+ 0x0000003C, // .****.
{ // 94
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001E0, // ....****....
- 0x00000120, // ....*..*....
- 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 11, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x000000E0, // ....***....
+ 0x000000E0, // ....***....
+ 0x000001A0, // ...**.*....
+ 0x000001B0, // ...**.**...
+ 0x00000110, // ...*...*...
+ 0x00000318, // ..**...**..
+ 0x00000218, // ..*....**..
+ 0x00000608, // .**.....*..
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...........
{ // 95
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00007FFE, // **************
0x00007FFE, // **************
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 96
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000060, // .**....
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
+ 5, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000004, // ...*.
+ 0x00000008, // ..*..
+ 0x00000008, // ..*..
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
{ // 97
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -2030,57 +1974,55 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x0000078C, // ...****...**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 98
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x000019E0, // ..**..****....
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x00001E38, // ..****...***..
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x00001E38, // ..****...***..
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x000019E0, // ..**..****....
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001BE0, // .**.*****....
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 99
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
@@ -2092,194 +2034,97 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
0x000001F0, // ....*****...
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
{ // 100
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- },
- { // 101
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x000003D8, // ....****.**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ },
+ { // 101
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- },
- { // 102
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x0000001C, // ....***.
- 0x0000003C, // ...****.
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- },
- { // 103
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003830, // .***.....**...
- 0x00001FF0, // ..*********...
- },
- { // 104
- 13, 28,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
- 0x00000CE0, // ..**..***....
- 0x00000DF8, // ..**.******..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
- 0x00000E0C, // ..***.....**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001808, // .**.......*..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- { // 105
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ { // 102
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x0000000E, // ...***
+ 0x0000001E, // ..****
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000007E, // ******
+ 0x0000007E, // ******
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
@@ -2290,169 +2135,254 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
+ { // 103
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003D8, // ....****.**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x000007F8, // ...********..
+ 0x000003D8, // ....****.**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ },
+ { // 104
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00000DF0, // ..**.*****...
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 105
+ 5, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000018, // .**..
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ },
{ // 106
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000078, // ****..
+ 5, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000003C, // ****.
+ 0x00000038, // ***..
{ // 107
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
- 0x00000638, // ..**...***..
- 0x00000670, // ..**..***...
- 0x000006E0, // ..**.***....
- 0x000007C0, // ..*****.....
- 0x000007E0, // ..******....
- 0x00000670, // ..**..***...
- 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
- 0x00000638, // ..**...***..
- 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000060E, // ..**.....***
- 0x00000606, // ..**......**
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000C30, // .**....**...
+ 0x00000C60, // .**...**....
+ 0x00000CC0, // .**..**.....
+ 0x00000FC0, // .******.....
+ 0x00000FC0, // .******.....
+ 0x00000E60, // .***..**....
+ 0x00000C70, // .**...***...
+ 0x00000C30, // .**....**...
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
{ // 108
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 5, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x0000000C, // ..**.
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
+ 0x00000000, // .....
{ // 109
- 20, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x000671E0, // ..**..***...****....
- 0x0007FBF0, // ..********.******...
- 0x00071E38, // ..***...****...***..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00060C18, // ..**.....**.....**..
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
- 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 19, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00037CF8, // ..**.*****..*****..
+ 0x0003FFFC, // ..****************.
+ 0x0003870C, // ..***....***....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // ..**.....**.....**.
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 0x00000000, // ...................
{ // 110
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x000019C0, // ..**..***.....
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x00001E30, // ..****...**...
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000009F0, // ..*..*****...
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 111
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -2464,119 +2394,115 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 112
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x000019E0, // ..**..****....
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x00001E38, // ..****...***..
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // ..**.......**.
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x00001E38, // ..****...***..
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x000019E0, // ..**..****....
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001BE0, // .**.*****....
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000019E0, // .**..****....
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
{ // 113
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003D8, // ....****.**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x000007D8, // ...*****.**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
{ // 114
- 9, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x000000CC, // ..**..**.
- 0x000000DC, // ..**.***.
- 0x000000FC, // ..******.
- 0x000000E0, // ..***....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x0000001C, // ....***.
+ 0x0000007C, // ..*****.
+ 0x00000070, // ..***...
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 115
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
@@ -2587,89 +2513,56 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000003E0, // ...*****....
+ 0x000003F0, // ...******...
0x000007F8, // ..********..
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000F80, // .*****......
- 0x000007F0, // ..*******...
- 0x000000F8, // .....*****..
+ 0x00000E00, // .***........
+ 0x000007E0, // ..******....
+ 0x000001F8, // ....******..
0x0000001C, // ........***.
- 0x0000000C, // .........**.
0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
0x00000FF8, // .*********..
0x000003F0, // ...******...
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
{ // 116
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x0000003C, // ...****.
- 0x0000001C, // ....***.
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000007E, // ******
+ 0x0000007E, // ******
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000001E, // ..****
+ 0x0000001E, // ..****
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
{ // 117
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00000C78, // ...**...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000398, // .....***..**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- },
- { // 118
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -2680,58 +2573,86 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ { // 118
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00001C0C, // ***......**.
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000E18, // .***....**..
+ 0x00000638, // ..**...***..
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x000001E0, // ....****....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ },
{ // 119
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00060606, // **......**......**
- 0x00060606, // **......**......**
- 0x00030F0C, // .**....****....**.
- 0x00030F0C, // .**....****....**.
- 0x00030F0C, // .**....****....**.
- 0x00018918, // ..**...*..*...**..
- 0x00019998, // ..**..**..**..**..
- 0x00019998, // ..**..**..**..**..
- 0x0000D9B0, // ...**.**..**.**...
- 0x0000D0B0, // ...**.*....*.**...
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x000070E0, // ....***....***....
- 0x00006060, // ....**......**....
- 0x00006060, // ....**......**....
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0003060C, // **.....**.....**.
+ 0x0001870C, // .**....***....**.
+ 0x00018F1C, // .**...****...***.
+ 0x00018F18, // .**...****...**..
+ 0x00018D98, // .**...**.**..**..
+ 0x0000C998, // ..**..*..**..**..
+ 0x0000D9B0, // ..**.**..**.**...
+ 0x0000D9B0, // ..**.**..**.**...
+ 0x000058F0, // ...*.**...****...
+ 0x000070F0, // ...***....****...
+ 0x000070E0, // ...***....***....
+ 0x000070E0, // ...***....***....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
{ // 120
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
@@ -2742,58 +2663,56 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
- 0x000003F0, // ...******...
- 0x000001E0, // ....****....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001E0, // ....****....
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
0x000001E0, // ....****....
- 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
- 0x00000738, // ..***..***..
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000003E0, // ...*****....
+ 0x00000370, // ...**.***...
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000E18, // .***....**..
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
{ // 121
- 13, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x0000300C, // **........**.
- 0x0000300C, // **........**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
- 0x00000F00, // ..****.......
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x000001E0, // ....****....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000380, // ...***......
+ 0x00000F00, // .****.......
+ 0x00000E00, // .***........
{ // 122
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
@@ -2804,34 +2723,33 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
+ 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000070, // ......***...
- 0x000000E0, // .....***....
+ 0x00000030, // .......**...
+ 0x00000060, // ......**....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
- 0x00000380, // ...***......
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
0x00000300, // ...**.......
0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000E00, // .***........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000FFC, // .**********.
0x00000FFC, // .**********.
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
{ // 123
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
0x00000018, // ....**..
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
@@ -2839,9 +2757,8 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x000000C0, // .**.....
+ 0x00000070, // ..***...
+ 0x000000E0, // .***....
0x000000C0, // .**.....
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000030, // ...**...
@@ -2851,11 +2768,11 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
0x00000018, // ....**..
{ // 124
- 6, 28,
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
@@ -2883,73 +2800,69 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
{ // 125
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x000000C0, // .**.....
+ 0x000000E0, // .***....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000060, // ..**....
0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000018, // ....**..
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
0x00000018, // ....**..
0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x00000060, // ..**....
+ 0x000000E0, // .***....
+ 0x000000C0, // .**.....
{ // 126
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000E18, // ...***....**..
- 0x00001F98, // ..******..**..
- 0x000019F8, // ..**..******..
- 0x00001870, // ..**....***...
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000700, // ...***.......
+ 0x00000F8C, // ..*****...**.
+ 0x000008FC, // ..*...******.
+ 0x00000038, // ........***..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 127
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -2979,8 +2892,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 128
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3010,8 +2922,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 129
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3041,8 +2952,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 130
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3072,8 +2982,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 131
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3103,8 +3012,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 132
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3134,8 +3042,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 133
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3165,8 +3072,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 134
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3196,8 +3102,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 135
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3227,8 +3132,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 136
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3258,8 +3162,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 137
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3289,8 +3192,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 138
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3320,8 +3222,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 139
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3351,8 +3252,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 140
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3382,8 +3282,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 141
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3413,8 +3312,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 142
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3444,8 +3342,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 143
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3475,8 +3372,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 144
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3506,8 +3402,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 145
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3537,8 +3432,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 146
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3568,8 +3462,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 147
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3599,8 +3492,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 148
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3630,8 +3522,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 149
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3661,8 +3552,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 150
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3692,8 +3582,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 151
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3723,8 +3612,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 152
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3754,8 +3642,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 153
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3785,8 +3672,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 154
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3816,8 +3702,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 155
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3847,8 +3732,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 156
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3878,8 +3762,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 157
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3909,8 +3792,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 158
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3940,8 +3822,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 159
- 0, 28,
- 0x00000000, //
+ 0, 27,
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
0x00000000, //
@@ -3971,85 +3852,37 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, //
{ // 160
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0, 27,
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
+ 0x00000000, //
{ // 161
- 17, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001838C, // .**.....***...**.
- 0x00000600, // .......**........
- 0x00000C00, // ......**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ......**.........
- 0x00000F80, // ......*****......
- },
- { // 162
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000102, // *......*
- 0x00000186, // **....**
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x00000078, // ..****..
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -4060,42 +3893,86 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ },
+ { // 162
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000003F0, // ....******...
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000E58, // ..***..*.**..
+ 0x00001C4C, // .***...*..**.
+ 0x00001840, // .**....*.....
+ 0x00001840, // .**....*.....
+ 0x00001880, // .**...*......
+ 0x00001880, // .**...*......
+ 0x0000188C, // .**...*...**.
+ 0x00000C9C, // ..**..*..***.
+ 0x00000EB8, // ..***.*.***..
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 163
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001B00, // ...**.**.......
- 0x00001E00, // ...****........
- 0x00001C00, // ...***.........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00007800, // .****..........
- 0x0000D800, // **.**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001800, // ...**..........
- 0x00001FFC, // ...***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // ...***********.
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001C00, // .***.........
+ 0x00000E00, // ..***........
+ 0x00001FC0, // .*******.....
+ 0x00001F40, // .*****.*.....
+ 0x00000700, // ...***.......
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x00000600, // ...**........
+ 0x00000C00, // ..**.........
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 164
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -4105,18 +3982,17 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001DDC, // .***.***.***.
+ 0x00000408, // ...*......*..
+ 0x00000FD8, // ..******.**..
0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
- 0x00001DDC, // .***.***.***.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x00000FD8, // ..******.**..
+ 0x00000408, // ...*......*..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -4126,100 +4002,97 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 165
- 19, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00030018, // ..**...........**..
- 0x00030018, // ..**...........**..
- 0x00030018, // ..**...........**..
- 0x00030008, // ..**............*..
- 0x00030008, // ..**............*..
- 0x00030010, // ..**...........*...
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x00030000, // ..**...............
- 0x0003FF80, // ..***********......
- 0x0003FF80, // ..***********......
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
+ 0x00000620, // ...**...*....
+ 0x00000260, // ....*..**....
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x00001DF8, // .***.******..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 166
- 16, 28,
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x00000180, // ........**......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000600, // ......**........
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- 0x00001FF0, // ....*********...
- 0x00003838, // ...***.....***..
- 0x00007018, // ..***.......**..
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007000, // ..***...........
- 0x00003E00, // ...*****........
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x000001F0, // ........*****...
- 0x00000078, // ..........****..
- 0x0000001C, // ............***.
- 0x0000000C, // .............**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000E01C, // .***........***.
- 0x00007838, // ..****.....***..
- 0x00003FF0, // ...**********...
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
{ // 167
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000001E0, // .....****....
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
- 0x00000700, // ...***.......
- 0x00000380, // ....***......
- 0x00000FC0, // ..******.....
- 0x00001CE0, // .***..***....
- 0x00001870, // .**....***...
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000E00, // ..***........
+ 0x00000780, // ...****......
+ 0x00000DE0, // ..**.****....
+ 0x000018F0, // .**...****...
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00001C0C, // .***......**.
0x00000E0C, // ..***.....**.
- 0x0000070C, // ...***....**.
- 0x00000398, // ....***..**..
+ 0x00000798, // ...****..**..
0x000001F0, // .....*****...
0x000000E0, // ......***....
0x00000070, // .......***...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
+ 0x00000C30, // ..**....**...
+ 0x00000E30, // ..***...**...
+ 0x000007E0, // ...******....
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
{ // 168
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -4247,134 +4120,129 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- },
- { // 169
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00001860, // ....**....**....
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- 0x00001FF0, // ....*********...
- 0x00003830, // ...***.....**...
- 0x00003000, // ...**...........
- 0x00003000, // ...**...........
- 0x00003800, // ...***..........
- 0x00001FE0, // ....********....
- 0x000007F8, // ......********..
- 0x0000001C, // ............***.
- 0x0000000C, // .............**.
- 0x0000600C, // ..**.........**.
- 0x00007018, // ..***.......**..
- 0x00003FF8, // ...***********..
- 0x00000FE0, // .....*******....
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- },
- { // 170
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- 0x00001FF0, // ....*********...
- 0x00003838, // ...***.....***..
- 0x00007018, // ..***.......**..
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007000, // ..***...........
- 0x00003E00, // ...*****........
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x000001F0, // ........*****...
- 0x00000078, // ..........****..
- 0x0000001C, // ............***.
- 0x0000000C, // .............**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000E01C, // .***........***.
- 0x00007838, // ..****.....***..
- 0x00003FF0, // ...**********...
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x00000380, // .......***......
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- },
- { // 171
- 16, 28,
- 0x00001860, // ....**....**....
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- { // 172
- 15, 28,
- 0x00000060, // .........**....
- 0x000000C0, // ........**.....
+ { // 169 iso8859-2
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000C30, // ....**....**...
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
0x00000180, // .......**......
- 0x00000300, // ......**.......
0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x00000070, // .........***...
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000001C0, // .......***.....
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000700, // .....***.......
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00001C00, // ...***.........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x00001FF0, // ...*********...
+ 0x00001838, // ...**.....***..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x00003008, // ..**........*..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
+ 0x00001F00, // ...*****.......
+ 0x00000FF0, // ....********...
+ 0x000000F8, // ........*****..
+ 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
+ 0x0000000C, // ............**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x00001FF0, // ...*********...
+ 0x00000FE0, // ....*******....
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 170
+ 9, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x000000F0, // ..****...
+ 0x000001F8, // .******..
+ 0x00000018, // .....**..
+ 0x00000078, // ...****..
+ 0x00000198, // .**..**..
+ 0x00000198, // .**..**..
+ 0x000001FC, // .*******.
+ 0x000000EC, // ..***.**.
+ 0x000001F8, // .******..
+ 0x000001F8, // .******..
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ 0x00000000, // .........
+ },
+ { // 171
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000110, // .....*...*...
+ 0x00000310, // ....**...*...
+ 0x00000670, // ...**..***...
+ 0x00000C40, // ..**...*.....
+ 0x00000C60, // ..**...**....
+ 0x00000730, // ...***..**...
+ 0x00000310, // ....**...*...
+ 0x00000110, // .....*...*...
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 172
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFE, // .************
+ 0x00001FFE, // .************
+ 0x00000006, // ...........**
+ 0x00000006, // ...........**
+ 0x00000006, // ...........**
+ 0x00000006, // ...........**
+ 0x00000006, // ...........**
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 173
- 8, 28,
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -4390,9 +4258,8 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x000000F8, // .*****..
+ 0x000000F8, // .*****..
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -4404,101 +4271,98 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- { // 174
- 15, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00001860, // ...**....**....
- 0x00000CC0, // ....**..**.....
- 0x00000780, // .....****......
- 0x00000300, // ......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x00000070, // .........***...
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
- 0x00000700, // .....***.......
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00001C00, // ...***.........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
+ { // 174 iso8859-2
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000C30, // ...**....**...
+ 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
+ 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x0000001C, // ..........***.
+ 0x00000018, // ..........**..
+ 0x00000038, // .........***..
+ 0x00000070, // ........***...
+ 0x000000E0, // .......***....
+ 0x000001C0, // ......***.....
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000380, // .....***......
+ 0x00000700, // ....***.......
+ 0x00000E00, // ...***........
+ 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
+ 0x00001C00, // ..***.........
+ 0x00003800, // .***..........
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // .************.
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
{ // 175
- 15, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000180, // .......**......
- 0x00000180, // .......**......
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x0000001C, // ...........***.
- 0x00000038, // ..........***..
- 0x00000070, // .........***...
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000000E0, // ........***....
- 0x000001C0, // .......***.....
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000700, // .....***.......
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00000E00, // ....***........
- 0x00001C00, // ...***.........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00003800, // ..***..........
- 0x00007000, // .***...........
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00007FFC, // .*************.
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 176
- 9, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x000000F0, // ..****...
- 0x00000198, // .**..**..
- 0x0000030C, // **....**.
- 0x0000030C, // **....**.
- 0x0000030C, // **....**.
- 0x00000198, // .**..**..
- 0x000000F0, // ..****...
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
+ 0x000007E0, // ....******....
+ 0x00000C30, // ...**....**...
+ 0x00000C30, // ...**....**...
+ 0x00000C30, // ...**....**...
+ 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
+ 0x000007E0, // ....******....
+ 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
{ // 177
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
@@ -4507,193 +4371,211 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
- 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
- 0x00001818, // .**......**..
- 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x000007EC, // ...******.**.
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
- 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
{ // 178
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x0000000E, // ....***
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x0000003E, // ..*****
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000078, // ..****..
+ 0x000000FE, // .*******
+ 0x00000086, // .*....**
+ 0x00000006, // ......**
+ 0x0000000C, // .....**.
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x000000E0, // .***....
+ 0x00000080, // .*......
+ 0x000000FE, // .*******
+ 0x0000007E, // ..******
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 179
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x0000001E, // ..****
- 0x0000001C, // ..***.
- 0x00000038, // .***..
- 0x00000078, // ****..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000078, // ..****..
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x0000008C, // .*...**.
+ 0x0000000C, // .....**.
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
+ 0x0000000C, // .....**.
+ 0x00000006, // ......**
+ 0x00000186, // **....**
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x00000078, // ..****..
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 180
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x00000018, // ...**..
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000060, // .**....
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x0000001C, // ....***.
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
+ 0x00000030, // ...**...
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 181
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
- 0x00000608, // ..**.....*..
- 0x00000608, // ..**.....*..
- 0x00000610, // ..**....*...
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FDE, // .*******.****
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
{ // 182
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x00000180, // ....**......
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000003E0, // ...*****....
- 0x000007F8, // ..********..
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000F80, // .*****......
- 0x000007F0, // ..*******...
- 0x000000F8, // .....*****..
- 0x0000001C, // ........***.
- 0x0000000C, // .........**.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
- 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
- 0x000003F0, // ...******...
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x000001FE, // ....********
+ 0x000003FE, // ...*********
+ 0x000007EC, // ..******.**.
+ 0x000007EC, // ..******.**.
+ 0x00000FEC, // .*******.**.
+ 0x00000FEC, // .*******.**.
+ 0x00000FEC, // .*******.**.
+ 0x00000FEC, // .*******.**.
+ 0x000007EC, // ..******.**.
+ 0x000007EC, // ..******.**.
+ 0x000001EC, // ....****.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
+ 0x0000006C, // ......**.**.
0x00000000, // ............
{ // 183
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ },
+ { // 184
+ 8, 27,
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000186, // **....**
- 0x000000CC, // .**..**.
- 0x00000078, // ..****..
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
@@ -4713,854 +4595,803 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000010, // ....*...
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
+ 0x0000003C, // ...****.
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
- { // 184
- 7, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000030, // ..**...
- 0x00000038, // ..***..
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x0000000C, // ....**.
- 0x0000007C, // .*****.
- },
- { // 185
- 12, 28,
+ { // 185 iso8859-2
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
0x00000330, // ...**..**...
0x000001E0, // ....****....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000003E0, // ...*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ..*******...
- 0x00000E38, // .***...***..
+ 0x000003F0, // ...******...
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000F80, // .*****......
- 0x000007F0, // ..*******...
- 0x000000F8, // .....*****..
+ 0x00000E00, // .***........
+ 0x000007E0, // ..******....
+ 0x000001F8, // ....******..
0x0000001C, // ........***.
0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
0x000003F0, // ...******...
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
{ // 186
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000003E0, // ...*****....
- 0x000007F8, // ..********..
- 0x00000E1C, // .***....***.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000F80, // .*****......
- 0x000007F0, // ..*******...
- 0x000000F8, // .....*****..
- 0x0000001C, // ........***.
- 0x0000000C, // .........**.
- 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
- 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
- 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
- 0x000003F0, // ...******...
- 0x000000E0, // .....***....
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
+ 8, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000078, // ..****..
+ 0x0000007C, // ..*****.
+ 0x000000C6, // .**...**
+ 0x000000C6, // .**...**
+ 0x000000C6, // .**...**
+ 0x000000C6, // .**...**
+ 0x0000007C, // ..*****.
+ 0x00000038, // ...***..
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x000000FC, // .******.
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
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+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
+ 0x00000000, // ........
{ // 187
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
- 0x00000C08, // ...**......*..
- 0x00000C08, // ...**......*..
- 0x00003F10, // .******...*...
- 0x00003F00, // .******.......
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000F00, // ...****.......
- 0x00000700, // ....***.......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000840, // ..*....*.....
+ 0x00000C60, // ..**...**....
+ 0x00000730, // ...***..**...
+ 0x00000310, // ....**...*...
+ 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
+ 0x00000E60, // ..***..**....
+ 0x00000C40, // ..**...*.....
+ 0x00000840, // ..*....*.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 188
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x00000180, // ....**......
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000070, // ......***...
- 0x000000E0, // .....***....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
- 0x00000380, // ...***......
- 0x00000300, // ...**.......
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000E00, // .***........
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 20, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00030060, // ...**.........**....
+ 0x00070040, // ..***.........*.....
+ 0x000F0080, // .****........*......
+ 0x00030180, // ...**.......**......
+ 0x00030300, // ...**......**.......
+ 0x00030200, // ...**......*........
+ 0x00030618, // ...**.....**....**..
+ 0x00030C18, // ...**....**.....**..
+ 0x00030C38, // ...**....**....***..
+ 0x00001878, // ........**....****..
+ 0x000030D8, // .......**....**.**..
+ 0x00007098, // ......***....*..**..
+ 0x000061FE, // ......**....********
+ 0x0000C1FE, // .....**.....********
+ 0x0001C018, // ....***.........**..
+ 0x00018008, // ....**...........*..
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
{ // 189
- 9, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x0000006C, // ...**.**.
- 0x000000D8, // ..**.**..
- 0x000001B0, // .**.**...
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
+ 20, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00030040, // ...**.........*.....
+ 0x00070080, // ..***........*......
+ 0x000F0180, // .****.......**......
+ 0x00030100, // ...**.......*.......
+ 0x00030300, // ...**......**.......
+ 0x00030600, // ...**.....**........
+ 0x00030C78, // ...**....**...****..
+ 0x00030CFC, // ...**....**..******.
+ 0x00031886, // ...**...**...*....**
+ 0x00003086, // .......**....*....**
+ 0x0000300C, // .......**........**.
+ 0x00006018, // ......**........**..
+ 0x0000C060, // .....**.......**....
+ 0x0000C080, // .....**......*......
+ 0x000181FE, // ....**......********
+ 0x0003007E, // ...**.........******
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
+ 0x00000000, // ....................
- { // 190
- 12, 28,
+ { // 190 iso8859-2
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
0x00000330, // ...**..**...
0x000001E0, // ....****....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
+ 0x00000FF8, // .*********..
0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000070, // ......***...
- 0x000000E0, // .....***....
+ 0x00000030, // .......**...
+ 0x00000060, // ......**....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
- 0x00000380, // ...***......
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
0x00000300, // ...**.......
0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000E00, // .***........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000FFC, // .**********.
0x00000FFC, // .**********.
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
{ // 191
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000180, // ......**......
+ 0x00000380, // .....***......
+ 0x00000700, // ....***.......
+ 0x00000E00, // ...***........
+ 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
+ 0x00001800, // ..**..........
+ 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
+ 0x00001C38, // ..***....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ...********...
+ 0x000007C0, // ....*****.....
+ },
+ { // 192
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000E00, // ....***........
+ 0x00000700, // .....***.......
+ 0x00000100, // .......*.......
+ 0x00000080, // ........*......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 193 iso8859-2
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x000000E0, // ........***....
+ 0x000000C0, // ........**.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000300, // ......**.......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 194
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x00000460, // .....*...**....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 195
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000720, // .....***..*....
+ 0x00000FE0, // ....*******....
+ 0x00000040, // .........*.....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 196
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 197
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000240, // ......*..*.....
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000380, // ......***......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000007C0, // .....*****.....
+ 0x000006C0, // .....**.**.....
+ 0x000006E0, // .....**.***....
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000C60, // ....**...**....
+ 0x00000C70, // ....**...***...
+ 0x00001C30, // ...***....**...
+ 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
+ 0x00001FF8, // ...**********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003018, // ..**.......**..
+ 0x0000701C, // .***.......***.
+ 0x0000700C, // .***........**.
+ 0x0000600C, // .**.........**.
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 198 iso8859-2
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000070, // ......***...
- 0x000000E0, // .....***....
+ 0x00000060, // ......**....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
- 0x00000380, // ...***......
- 0x00000300, // ...**.......
- 0x00000600, // ..**........
- 0x00000E00, // .***........
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
- 0x00000FFC, // .**********.
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- { // 192
- 17, 28,
- 0x00000180, // .........**......
- 0x00000300, // ........**.......
- 0x00000600, // .......**........
- 0x00000C00, // ......**.........
+ { // 199
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000C070, // ..**.......***...
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000FC0, // ......******.....
+ 0x00003FE0, // ....*********....
+ 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
+ 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C000, // ..**.............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018018, // .**..........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
+ 0x000078F0, // ...****...****...
+ 0x00001FE0, // .....********....
+ 0x00000200, // ........*........
+ 0x00000700, // .......***.......
+ 0x00000380, // ........***......
+ 0x00000F80, // ......*****......
+ 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- { // 193
- 17, 28,
- 0x000000C0, // ..........**.....
- 0x00000180, // .........**......
+ { // 200 iso8859-2
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00001860, // .....**....**....
+ 0x00000CC0, // ......**..**.....
+ 0x00000780, // .......****......
0x00000300, // ........**.......
- 0x00000600, // .......**........
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00000FC0, // ......******.....
+ 0x00003FE0, // ....*********....
+ 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
+ 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C000, // ..**.............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018018, // .**..........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x00007030, // ...***......**...
+ 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- { // 194
- 17, 28,
- 0x00000300, // ........**.......
- 0x00000780, // .......****......
- 0x00000CC0, // ......**..**.....
- 0x00001860, // .....**....**....
+ { // 201 iso8859-2
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x000000E0, // ........***....
+ 0x000000C0, // ........**.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000300, // ......**.......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 202
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000640, // .....**..*.....
+ 0x00000460, // .....*...**....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 203
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x00000660, // .....**..**....
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00003FFC, // ..************.
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ },
+ { // 204
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000070, // ***...
+ 0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ },
+ { // 205 iso8859-2
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000006, // ....**
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000008, // ...*..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ },
+ { // 206
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000078, // .****..
+ 0x0000004C, // .*..**.
+ 0x000000C4, // **...*.
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000030, // ..**...
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ 0x00000000, // .......
+ },
+ { // 207
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ },
+ { // 208 iso8859-2
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000FF80, // ..*********......
+ 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
+ 0x0000C0F0, // ..**......****...
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0003FC18, // ********.....**..
+ 0x0003FC18, // ********.....**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
+ 0x0000C0E0, // ..**......***....
+ 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
+ 0x0000FF80, // ..*********......
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- { // 195
- 17, 28,
- 0x00002040, // ....*......*.....
- 0x000030C0, // ....**....**.....
- 0x00001F80, // .....******......
- 0x00000F00, // ......****.......
+ { // 209
+ 17, 27,
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
+ 0x00000EC0, // ......***.**.....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000180, // .........**......
0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000D818, // ..**.**......**..
+ 0x0000DC18, // ..**.***.....**..
+ 0x0000CC18, // ..**..**.....**..
+ 0x0000C618, // ..**...**....**..
+ 0x0000C718, // ..**...***...**..
+ 0x0000C318, // ..**....**...**..
+ 0x0000C398, // ..**....***..**..
+ 0x0000C198, // ..**.....**..**..
+ 0x0000C0D8, // ..**......**.**..
+ 0x0000C0F8, // ..**......*****..
+ 0x0000C078, // ..**.......****..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- },
- { // 196
- 17, 28,
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
0x00000000, // .................
+ },
+ { // 210 iso8859-2
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00001860, // .....**....**....
+ 0x00000CC0, // ......**..**.....
+ 0x00000780, // .......****......
+ 0x00000300, // ........**.......
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000700, // .......***.......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
- 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x000018C0, // .....**...**.....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00003060, // ....**.....**....
- 0x00006030, // ...**.......**...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // .**...........**.
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000F018, // ..****.......**..
+ 0x0000D818, // ..**.**......**..
+ 0x0000DC18, // ..**.***.....**..
+ 0x0000CC18, // ..**..**.....**..
+ 0x0000C618, // ..**...**....**..
+ 0x0000C718, // ..**...***...**..
+ 0x0000C318, // ..**....**...**..
+ 0x0000C398, // ..**....***..**..
+ 0x0000C198, // ..**.....**..**..
+ 0x0000C0D8, // ..**......**.**..
+ 0x0000C0F8, // ..**......*****..
+ 0x0000C078, // ..**.......****..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
+ 0x0000C038, // ..**........***..
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- { // 197
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000300, // .....**.......
- 0x00000600, // ....**........
- 0x00000C00, // ...**.........
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001800, // ..**..........
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // ..***********.
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- },
- { // 198
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000180, // ..........**......
- 0x00000300, // .........**.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000C00, // .......**.........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00038018, // .***..........**..
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003800C, // .***...........**.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 199
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00038018, // .***..........**..
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003800C, // .***...........**.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000E00, // .......***........
- 0x00000300, // .........**.......
- 0x00000300, // .........**.......
- 0x00001F00, // ......*****.......
- },
- { // 200
- 18, 28,
- 0x000030C0, // .....**....**.....
- 0x00001980, // ......**..**......
- 0x00000F00, // .......****.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00038018, // .***..........**..
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x00030000, // .**...............
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003800C, // .***...........**.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 201
- 16, 28,
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x00000180, // ........**......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000600, // ......**........
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- },
- { // 202
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00000600, // ......**........
- 0x00000C00, // .....**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .....**.........
- 0x00000F80, // .....*****......
- },
- { // 203
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- },
- { // 204
- 16, 28,
- 0x000030C0, // ...**....**.....
- 0x00001980, // ....**..**......
- 0x00000F00, // .....****.......
- 0x00000600, // ......**........
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00007FF0, // ..***********...
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00006000, // ..**............
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00007FF8, // ..************..
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- },
- { // 205
- 8, 28,
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
- 0x00000018, // ....**..
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000060, // ..**....
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- },
- { // 206
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000078, // ..****..
- 0x000000CC, // .**..**.
- 0x00000186, // **....**
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- },
- { // 207
- 18, 28,
- 0x000030C0, // .....**....**.....
- 0x00001980, // ......**..**......
- 0x00000F00, // .......****.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 208
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0007F80C, // ********.......**.
- 0x0007F80C, // ********.......**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001800C, // ..**...........**.
- 0x0001801C, // ..**..........***.
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x000180F0, // ..**.......****...
- 0x0001FFE0, // ..************....
- 0x0001FF80, // ..**********......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 209
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000300, // .........**.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000C00, // .......**.........
- 0x00001800, // ......**..........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001C018, // ..***.........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001B018, // ..**.**.......**..
- 0x0001B818, // ..**.***......**..
- 0x00019818, // ..**..**......**..
- 0x00019C18, // ..**..***.....**..
- 0x00018C18, // ..**...**.....**..
- 0x00018E18, // ..**...***....**..
- 0x00018618, // ..**....**....**..
- 0x00018718, // ..**....***...**..
- 0x00018318, // ..**.....**...**..
- 0x00018398, // ..**.....***..**..
- 0x00018198, // ..**......**..**..
- 0x000181D8, // ..**......***.**..
- 0x000180D8, // ..**.......**.**..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 210
- 18, 28,
- 0x00006180, // ....**....**......
- 0x00003300, // .....**..**.......
- 0x00001E00, // ......****........
- 0x00000C00, // .......**.........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x0001C018, // ..***.........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
- 0x0001B018, // ..**.**.......**..
- 0x0001B818, // ..**.***......**..
- 0x00019818, // ..**..**......**..
- 0x00019C18, // ..**..***.....**..
- 0x00018C18, // ..**...**.....**..
- 0x00018E18, // ..**...***....**..
- 0x00018618, // ..**....**....**..
- 0x00018718, // ..**....***...**..
- 0x00018318, // ..**.....**...**..
- 0x00018398, // ..**.....***..**..
- 0x00018198, // ..**......**..**..
- 0x000181D8, // ..**......***.**..
- 0x000180D8, // ..**.......**.**..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018078, // ..**........****..
- 0x00018038, // ..**.........***..
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 211
- 18, 28,
- 0x000000C0, // ...........**.....
+ { // 211 iso8859-2
+ 18, 27,
0x00000180, // ..........**......
0x00000300, // .........**.......
0x00000600, // ........**........
+ 0x00000400, // ........*.........
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -5570,28 +5401,27 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
- { // 212
- 18, 28,
+ { // 212 iso8859-2
+ 18, 27,
0x00000600, // ........**........
0x00000F00, // .......****.......
- 0x00001980, // ......**..**......
- 0x000030C0, // .....**....**.....
+ 0x00000900, // .......*..*.......
+ 0x00001080, // ......*....*......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -5601,28 +5431,27 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 213
- 18, 28,
+ 18, 27,
0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x000006C0, // ........**.**.....
- 0x00000D80, // .......**.**......
- 0x00001B00, // ......**.**.......
+ 0x00001CC0, // ......***..**.....
+ 0x00001F80, // ......******......
+ 0x00000180, // ..........**......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -5632,20 +5461,19 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 214
- 18, 28,
+ 18, 27,
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001980, // ......**..**......
0x00001980, // ......**..**......
@@ -5653,7 +5481,7 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E0F0, // ...***.....****...
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
@@ -5663,68 +5491,88 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003000C, // .**............**.
- 0x0003801C, // .***..........***.
0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
- 0x0000F0F0, // ...****....****...
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
0x00001F80, // ......******......
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
{ // 215
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x0000600C, // **.........**.
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00001830, // ..**.....**...
- 0x00000C60, // ...**...**....
- 0x000006C0, // ....**.**.....
- 0x00000380, // .....***......
- 0x00000380, // .....***......
- 0x000006C0, // ....**.**.....
- 0x00000C60, // ...**...**....
- 0x00001830, // ..**.....**...
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x0000600C, // **.........**.
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000408, // ...*......*..
+ 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
+ 0x00000730, // ...***..**...
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x00000370, // ....**.***...
+ 0x00000638, // ...**...***..
+ 0x00000418, // ...*.....**..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 216
- 17, 28,
- 0x000030C0, // ....**....**.....
- 0x00001980, // .....**..**......
- 0x00000F00, // ......****.......
+ 18, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00001F8C, // ......******...**.
+ 0x00007FE8, // ....**********.*..
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
+ 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
+ 0x00018058, // ..**........*.**..
+ 0x0003809C, // .***.......*..***.
+ 0x0003018C, // .**.......**...**.
+ 0x0003030C, // .**......**....**.
+ 0x0003060C, // .**.....**.....**.
+ 0x00030C0C, // .**....**......**.
+ 0x0003180C, // .**...**.......**.
+ 0x0003300C, // .**..**........**.
+ 0x0001E018, // ..****........**..
+ 0x0001C038, // ..***........***..
+ 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
+ 0x0003FFE0, // .*************....
+ 0x00023F80, // .*...*******......
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 0x00000000, // ..................
+ },
+ { // 217
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00001C00, // .....***.........
+ 0x00000C00, // ......**.........
0x00000600, // .......**........
+ 0x00000300, // ........**.......
0x00000000, // .................
- 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
- 0x0000FFF0, // ..************...
- 0x0000FFE0, // ..***********....
- 0x0000C070, // ..**.......***...
- 0x0000C030, // ..**........**...
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
@@ -5732,447 +5580,410 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006070, // ...**......***...
+ 0x00007FE0, // ...**********....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
0x00000000, // .................
- { // 217
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000F00, // .......****.......
- 0x00000900, // .......*..*.......
- 0x00000F00, // .......****.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ...**........**...
- 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- },
- { // 218
- 18, 28,
- 0x000000C0, // ...........**.....
- 0x00000180, // ..........**......
- 0x00000300, // .........**.......
- 0x00000600, // ........**........
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ...**........**...
- 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
+ { // 218 iso8859-2
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000180, // .........**......
+ 0x00000300, // ........**.......
+ 0x00000200, // ........*........
+ 0x00000400, // .......*.........
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006070, // ...**......***...
+ 0x00007FE0, // ...**********....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
{ // 219
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x000006C0, // ........**.**.....
- 0x00000D80, // .......**.**......
- 0x00001B00, // ......**.**.......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ...**........**...
- 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000700, // .......***.......
+ 0x00000700, // .......***.......
+ 0x00000D80, // ......**.**......
+ 0x00001880, // .....**...*......
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006070, // ...**......***...
+ 0x00007FE0, // ...**********....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
{ // 220
- 18, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00001980, // ......**..**......
- 0x00001980, // ......**..**......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x00018018, // ..**..........**..
- 0x0000C030, // ...**........**...
- 0x0000E070, // ...***......***...
- 0x00007FE0, // ....**********....
- 0x00001F80, // ......******......
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
- 0x00000000, // ..................
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00001D80, // .....***.**......
+ 0x00001D80, // .....***.**......
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x00006070, // ...**......***...
+ 0x00007FE0, // ...**********....
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
- { // 221
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000060, // ..........**....
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x00000180, // ........**......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x0000C00C, // .**..........**.
- 0x0000E01C, // .***........***.
- 0x00006018, // ..**........**..
- 0x00007038, // ..***......***..
- 0x00003030, // ...**......**...
- 0x00003870, // ...***....***...
- 0x00001860, // ....**....**....
- 0x00001CE0, // ....***..***....
- 0x00000CC0, // .....**..**.....
- 0x00000FC0, // .....******.....
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000780, // ......****......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
+ { // 221 iso8859-2
+ 15, 27,
+ 0x000000E0, // ........***....
+ 0x000000C0, // ........**.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000300, // ......**.......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x0000600E, // .**.........***
+ 0x0000700E, // .***........***
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
+ 0x00001C38, // ...***....***..
+ 0x00000C30, // ....**....**...
+ 0x00000E60, // ....***..**....
+ 0x00000760, // .....***.**....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ......****.....
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000180, // .......**......
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
{ // 222
- 16, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x00000000, // ................
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x0000FFFC, // .**************.
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000300, // .......**.......
- 0x00000380, // .......***......
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x000000C0, // .........**.....
- 0x000007C0, // ......*****.....
- },
- { // 223
- 15, 28,
+ 15, 27,
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
- 0x00000380, // ......***......
- 0x00000FE0, // ....*******....
- 0x00001C60, // ...***...**....
- 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
- 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
- 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
- 0x00001860, // ...**....**....
- 0x000018E0, // ...**...***....
- 0x000019C0, // ...**..***.....
- 0x000019E0, // ...**..****....
- 0x00001870, // ...**....***...
- 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
- 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ...**......**..
- 0x00001830, // ...**.....**...
- 0x00001870, // ...**....***...
- 0x000019E0, // ...**..****....
- 0x000019C0, // ...**..***.....
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x0000301C, // ..**.......***.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x0000300C, // ..**........**.
+ 0x00003038, // ..**......***..
+ 0x00003FF8, // ..***********..
+ 0x00003FF0, // ..**********...
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00003000, // ..**...........
+ 0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
0x00000000, // ...............
+ { // 223
+ 14, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x000003E0, // .....*****....
+ 0x000007F0, // ....*******...
+ 0x00000E38, // ...***...***..
+ 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ...**....***..
+ 0x00000CE0, // ...**..***....
+ 0x00000CF0, // ...**..****...
+ 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
+ 0x00000C0C, // ...**......**.
+ 0x00000C0C, // ...**......**.
+ 0x00000C0C, // ...**......**.
+ 0x00000C0C, // ...**......**.
+ 0x00000C18, // ...**.....**..
+ 0x00000CF8, // ...**..*****..
+ 0x00000CE0, // ...**..***....
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 0x00000000, // ..............
+ },
{ // 224
- 9, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x0000000C, // ......**.
- 0x00000018, // .....**..
- 0x00000030, // ....**...
- 0x00000060, // ...**....
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x000000CC, // ..**..**.
- 0x000000DC, // ..**.***.
- 0x000000FC, // ..******.
- 0x000000E0, // ..***....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000080, // ......*......
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
+ 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
- { // 225
- 13, 28,
+ { // 225 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000030, // ........**...
0x00000060, // .......**....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x0000078C, // ...****...**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 226
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000618, // ...**....**..
+ 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00000340, // ....**.*.....
+ 0x00000260, // ....*..**....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x0000078C, // ...****...**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 227
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000408, // ...*......*..
- 0x00000618, // ...**....**..
- 0x000003F0, // ....******...
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x000004E0, // ...*..***....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x0000078C, // ...****...**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 228
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
+ 0x00000760, // ...***.**....
+ 0x00000760, // ...***.**....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
0x00000018, // .........**..
- 0x000000F8, // ......*****..
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x00000F18, // ..****...**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
0x00001818, // .**......**..
0x00001838, // .**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // .***...****..
- 0x00000FDC, // ..******.***.
- 0x0000078C, // ...****...**.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 229
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000006, // ....**
- 0x0000000C, // ...**.
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000030, // .**...
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000000, // ......
- },
- { // 230
- 12, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000018, // ........**..
- 0x00000030, // .......**...
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
- 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000000, // ............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00000240, // ....*..*.....
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000818, // ..*......**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x000003F8, // ....*******..
+ 0x00000F98, // ..*****..**..
+ 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x000007DC, // ...*****.***.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 230 iso8859-2
+ 17, 27,
+ 0x000000E0, // ..........***....
+ 0x000000C0, // ..........**.....
+ 0x00000180, // .........**......
+ 0x00000300, // ........**.......
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000FC0, // ......******.....
+ 0x00003FE0, // ....*********....
+ 0x00007070, // ...***.....***...
+ 0x0000E038, // ..***.......***..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000C000, // ..**.............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018000, // .**..............
+ 0x00018018, // .**..........**..
+ 0x0000C018, // ..**.........**..
+ 0x0000E018, // ..***........**..
+ 0x00007030, // ...***......**...
+ 0x00007FF0, // ...***********...
+ 0x00001FC0, // .....*******.....
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
+ 0x00000000, // .................
{ // 231
- 12, 28,
+ 12, 27,
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
@@ -6184,190 +5995,154 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
- 0x00000060, // ......**....
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x00000738, // ..***..***..
+ 0x000003F0, // ...******...
+ 0x00000080, // .....*......
+ 0x000000E0, // .....***....
+ 0x000000E0, // .....***....
0x000003E0, // ...*****....
+ 0x000000C0, // .....**.....
- { // 232
- 12, 28,
+ { // 232 iso8859-2
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
- 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
0x00000330, // ...**..**...
0x000001E0, // ....****....
0x000000C0, // .....**.....
0x00000000, // ............
0x000001F0, // ....*****...
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x00000C00, // .**.........
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
0x00000C00, // .**.........
- 0x0000060C, // ..**.....**.
- 0x0000071C, // ..***...***.
- 0x000003F8, // ...*******..
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x0000061C, // ..**....***.
+ 0x000007F8, // ..********..
0x000001F0, // ....*****...
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
- { // 233
- 13, 28,
+ { // 233 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000030, // ........**...
- 0x00000060, // .......**....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000070, // .......***...
+ 0x000000E0, // ......***....
0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x00001808, // .**.......*..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
{ // 234
- 13, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00000160, // .....*.**....
+ 0x00000320, // ....**..*....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x00001808, // .**.......*..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- },
- { // 235
- 13, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
- 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 235
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- },
- { // 236
- 13, 28,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000370, // ....**.***...
+ 0x00000370, // ....**.***...
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000618, // ...**....**..
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001FFC, // .***********.
0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00001800, // .**..........
- 0x00000C0C, // ..**......**.
- 0x00000E1C, // ..***....***.
- 0x000007F8, // ...********..
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x00001808, // .**.......*..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x000003E0, // ....*****....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- { // 237
- 6, 28,
+ { // 236
+ 6, 27,
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
- 0x00000006, // ....**
- 0x0000000C, // ...**.
- 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000070, // ***...
0x00000030, // .**...
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
@@ -6381,569 +6156,580 @@ cFont::tPixelData FontOsd_iso8859_2[][30] = {
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ },
+ { // 237
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x0000000E, // ...***
+ 0x0000000C, // ...**.
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000018, // ..**..
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
{ // 238
- 6, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000078, // ..****..
- 0x000000CC, // .**..**.
- 0x00000186, // **....**
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
- 0x00000000, // .......
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x0000001C, // ..***.
+ 0x0000003C, // .****.
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
{ // 239
- 19, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000318, // ..........**...**..
- 0x00000318, // ..........**...**..
- 0x00000318, // ..........**...**..
- 0x00000308, // ..........**....*..
- 0x00000308, // ..........**....*..
- 0x0000F310, // ....****..**...*...
- 0x0001FB00, // ...******.**.......
- 0x00038F00, // ..***...****.......
- 0x00030700, // ..**.....***.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00060300, // .**.......**.......
- 0x00030700, // ..**.....***.......
- 0x00038F00, // ..***...****.......
- 0x0001FB00, // ...******.**.......
- 0x0000F300, // ....****..**.......
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
- 0x00000000, // ...................
+ 6, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000066, // **..**
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000018, // ..**..
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
+ 0x00000000, // ......
- { // 240
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x00000018, // ..........**..
- 0x000001F8, // ......******..
- 0x000001F8, // ......******..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00003018, // .**.......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00001C78, // ..***...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000798, // ....****..**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ { // 240 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x00000018, // ......******.
+ 0x00000018, // ......******.
+ 0x00000018, // .........**..
+ 0x000003D8, // ....****.**..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 241
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000060, // ........**....
- 0x000000C0, // .......**.....
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000300, // .....**.......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x000019C0, // ..**..***.....
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x00001E30, // ..****...**...
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x000004E0, // ...*..***....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000009F0, // ..*..*****...
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
- { // 242
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000C30, // ...**....**...
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x000019C0, // ..**..***.....
- 0x00001BF0, // ..**.******...
- 0x00001E30, // ..****...**...
- 0x00001C18, // ..***.....**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ { // 242 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000660, // ...**..**....
+ 0x000003C0, // ....****.....
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000009F0, // ..*..*****...
+ 0x00000FF8, // ..*********..
+ 0x00000E18, // ..***....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
- { // 243
- 13, 28,
+ { // 243 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000030, // ........**...
0x00000060, // .......**....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
- { // 244
- 13, 28,
+ { // 244 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
- 0x00000330, // ....**..**...
- 0x00000618, // ...**....**..
+ 0x000001C0, // .....***.....
+ 0x00000340, // ....**.*.....
+ 0x00000260, // ....*..**....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 245
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000300, // ....**.......
+ 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x000004E0, // ...*..***....
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x000000D8, // ......**.**..
- 0x000001B0, // .....**.**...
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 246
- 13, 28,
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
+ 0x00000760, // ...***.**....
+ 0x00000760, // ...***.**....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x000007F0, // ...*******...
+ 0x0000181C, // .**......***.
+ 0x00000C38, // ..**....***..
+ 0x00000FF0, // ..********...
0x000003E0, // ....*****....
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 247
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00003FFC, // .************.
- 0x00003FFC, // .************.
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00001FFC, // .***********.
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
{ // 248
- 9, 28,
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000186, // .**....**
- 0x000000CC, // ..**..**.
- 0x00000078, // ...****..
- 0x00000030, // ....**...
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x000000CC, // ..**..**.
- 0x000000DC, // ..**.***.
- 0x000000FC, // ..******.
- 0x000000E0, // ..***....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ..**.....
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- 0x00000000, // .........
- },
- { // 249
- 14, 28,
+ 14, 27,
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
- 0x00000240, // .....*..*.....
- 0x000003C0, // .....****.....
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00000C78, // ...**...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000398, // .....***..**..
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
- },
- { // 250
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000030, // .........**...
- 0x00000060, // ........**....
- 0x000000C0, // .......**.....
- 0x00000180, // ......**......
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00000C78, // ...**...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000398, // .....***..**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- },
- { // 251
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x000001B0, // ......**.**...
- 0x00000360, // .....**.**....
- 0x000006C0, // ....**.**.....
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00000C78, // ...**...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000398, // .....***..**..
+ 0x000007C8, // ....*****..*..
+ 0x00001FF0, // ..*********...
+ 0x00001830, // ..**.....**...
+ 0x00003078, // .**.....****..
+ 0x00003098, // .**....*..**..
+ 0x00003198, // .**...**..**..
+ 0x00003318, // .**..**...**..
+ 0x00003618, // .**.**....**..
+ 0x00003438, // .**.*....***..
+ 0x00001870, // ..**....***...
+ 0x00001FE0, // ..********....
+ 0x000027C0, // .*..*****.....
+ 0x00002000, // .*............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
0x00000000, // ..............
- { // 252
- 14, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00000660, // ....**..**....
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001818, // ..**......**..
- 0x00001838, // ..**.....***..
- 0x00000C78, // ...**...****..
- 0x00000FD8, // ...******.**..
- 0x00000398, // .....***..**..
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
- 0x00000000, // ..............
+ { // 249
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000700, // ...***.......
+ 0x00000180, // .....**......
+ 0x00000080, // ......*......
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
- { // 253
- 13, 28,
+ { // 250 iso8859-2
+ 13, 27,
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x00000030, // ........**...
- 0x00000060, // .......**....
+ 0x000000E0, // ......***....
0x000000C0, // ......**.....
0x00000180, // .....**......
0x00000000, // .............
- 0x0000300C, // **........**.
- 0x0000300C, // **........**.
- 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
- 0x00001C18, // .***.....**..
- 0x00000C18, // ..**.....**..
- 0x00000E38, // ..***...***..
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000630, // ...**...**...
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x00000360, // ....**.**....
- 0x000001E0, // .....****....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 251
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
0x000001C0, // .....***.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x000000C0, // ......**.....
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000180, // .....**......
- 0x00000300, // ....**.......
- 0x00000F00, // ..****.......
+ 0x00000340, // ....**.*.....
+ 0x00000260, // ....*..**....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 252
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x000006E0, // ...**.***....
+ 0x00000260, // ....*..**....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001818, // .**......**..
+ 0x00001838, // .**.....***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000007C0, // ...*****.....
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ },
+ { // 253 iso8859-2
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000070, // ......***...
+ 0x000000E0, // .....***....
+ 0x00000080, // .....*......
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x000001E0, // ....****....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000380, // ...***......
+ 0x00000F00, // .****.......
+ 0x00000E00, // .***........
{ // 254
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x000000FC, // .******.
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x0000003C, // ...****.
- 0x0000003C, // ...****.
- 0x00000038, // ...***..
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
- 0x0000000C, // .....**.
- 0x0000007C, // ..*****.
+ 13, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00000000, // .............
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001BE0, // .**.*****....
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x0000180C, // .**.......**.
+ 0x00001C1C, // .***.....***.
+ 0x00001E38, // .****...***..
+ 0x00001FF8, // .**********..
+ 0x000019E0, // .**..****....
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
+ 0x00001800, // .**..........
{ // 255
- 8, 28,
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000030, // ...**...
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
- 0x00000000, // ........
+ 12, 27,
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000370, // ...**.***...
+ 0x00000370, // ...**.***...
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000000, // ............
+ 0x00000C0C, // .**......**.
+ 0x00000C1C, // .**.....***.
+ 0x00000C18, // .**.....**..
+ 0x00000618, // ..**....**..
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000630, // ..**...**...
+ 0x00000330, // ...**..**...
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x00000360, // ...**.**....
+ 0x000001E0, // ....****....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x000001C0, // ....***.....
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000180, // ....**......
+ 0x00000380, // ...***......
+ 0x00000F00, // .****.......
+ 0x00000E00, // .***........
diff --git a/i18n.c b/i18n.c
index dd74446..5094fbd 100644
--- a/i18n.c
+++ b/i18n.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: i18n.c 1.156 2004/05/22 11:46:35 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: i18n.c 1.157 2004/05/28 13:19:29 kls Exp $
* Translations provided by:
@@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"A csatornabeállítások nem egyértelmüek",
"Propietats del canal duplicades!",
- "Parametri programa nisu jedinstveni!",
+ "Parametri programa nisu jednoznaèni!",
{ "Channel locked (recording)!",
"Kanal blockiert (zeichnet auf)!",
@@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Povr¹ina",
{ "Setup.OSD$Theme",
@@ -2347,7 +2347,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Tema",
{ "Setup.OSD$Left",
@@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Lijevo",
{ "Setup.OSD$Top",
@@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Gore",
{ "Setup.OSD$Width",
@@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Koristi mala slova",
{ "never",
@@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "nikada",
{ "skin dependent",
"je nach Oberfläche",
@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "ovisno o povr¹ini",
{ "always",
@@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "uvijek",
{ "Setup.OSD$Channel info position",
"Kanal-Info Position",
@@ -2670,7 +2670,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "Prika¾i stare EPG podatke (min)",// TODO
+ "Prika¾i stare EPG podatke (min)",
{ "Setup.EPG$Set system time",
"Systemzeit stellen",
@@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"¸áßÞÛì×ÞÒÐâì ÒàÕÜï âàÐÝáßÞÝÔÕàÐ",
"Transponder za pode¹avanje sata",
- { "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages",
+ { "Setup.EPG$Preferred languages", // note the plural
"Bevorzugte Sprachen",
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
@@ -2727,9 +2727,9 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"¿àÕÔßÞçØâÐÕÜëÕ ï×ëÚØ",
- "Preferirani jezik",
+ "Preferirani jezici",
- { "Setup.EPG$Preferred language",
+ { "Setup.EPG$Preferred language", // note the singular
"Bevorzugte Sprache",
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
@@ -4613,7 +4613,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "Klasiècni VDR",
{ "ST:TNG Panels",
"ST:TNG Konsolen",
@@ -4632,7 +4632,7 @@ const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
"",// TODO
- "",// TODO
+ "ST:TNG Konzole",
{ NULL }
diff --git a/libsi/si.c b/libsi/si.c
index 9ce46f0..2bc8339 100644
--- a/libsi/si.c
+++ b/libsi/si.c
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
- * $Id: si.c 1.9 2004/03/07 10:50:09 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: si.c 1.10 2004/05/29 17:06:23 kls Exp $
* *
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Descriptor *DescriptorLoop::getNext(Iterator &it, DescriptorTag tag, bool return
Descriptor *d=0;
if (it.i<getLength()) {
const unsigned char *p=data.getData(it.i);
- const unsigned char *end=p+getLength();
+ const unsigned char *end=p+getLength()-it.i;
while (p < end) {
if (Descriptor::getDescriptorTag(p) == tag) {
d=createDescriptor(it.i, returnUnimplemetedDescriptor);
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Descriptor *DescriptorLoop::getNext(Iterator &it, DescriptorTag *tags, int array
Descriptor *d=0;
if (it.i<getLength()) {
const unsigned char *p=data.getData(it.i);
- const unsigned char *end=p+getLength();
+ const unsigned char *end=p+getLength()-it.i;
while (p < end) {
for (int u=0; u<arrayLength;u++)
if (Descriptor::getDescriptorTag(p) == tags[u]) {
diff --git a/menu.c b/menu.c
index 889b82b..49cdef4 100644
--- a/menu.c
+++ b/menu.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: menu.c 1.306 2004/05/23 11:21:06 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: menu.c 1.307 2004/05/29 10:19:22 kls Exp $
#include "menu.h"
@@ -1421,9 +1421,10 @@ cMenuRecordings::cMenuRecordings(const char *Base, int Level, bool OpenSubMenus)
Display(); // this keeps the higher level menus from showing up briefly when pressing 'Back' during replay
if (!Base)
Skins.Message(mtStatus, tr("scanning recordings..."));
- if (Base || Recordings.Load()) {
- if (!Base)
- Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL);
+ bool Loaded = Base || Recordings.Load();
+ if (!Base)
+ Skins.Message(mtStatus, NULL);
+ if (Loaded) {
const char *LastReplayed = cReplayControl::LastReplayed();
cMenuRecordingItem *LastItem = NULL;
char *LastItemText = NULL;
diff --git a/osd.c b/osd.c
index 077cd9c..a63d0e1 100644
--- a/osd.c
+++ b/osd.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: osd.c 1.47 2004/05/22 13:47:39 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: osd.c 1.48 2004/05/28 15:33:22 kls Exp $
#include "osd.h"
@@ -149,6 +149,15 @@ bool cBitmap::Contains(int x, int y) const
return 0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height;
+bool cBitmap::Covers(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const
+ x1 -= x0;
+ y1 -= y0;
+ x2 -= x0;
+ y2 -= y0;
+ return x1 <= 0 && y1 <= 0 && x2 >= width - 1 && y2 >= height - 1;
bool cBitmap::Intersects(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const
x1 -= x0;
@@ -321,11 +330,11 @@ void cBitmap::DrawPixel(int x, int y, tColor Color)
void cBitmap::DrawBitmap(int x, int y, const cBitmap &Bitmap, tColor ColorFg, tColor ColorBg)
if (bitmap && Bitmap.bitmap && Intersects(x, y, x + Bitmap.Width() - 1, y + Bitmap.Height() - 1)) {
+ if (Covers(x, y, x + Bitmap.Width() - 1, y + Bitmap.Height() - 1))
+ Reset();
x -= x0;
y -= y0;
tIndexes Indexes;
- if (ColorFg || ColorBg) {
- }
Take(Bitmap, &Indexes, ColorFg, ColorBg);
for (int ix = 0; ix < Bitmap.width; ix++) {
for (int iy = 0; iy < Bitmap.height; iy++)
@@ -401,6 +410,8 @@ void cBitmap::DrawText(int x, int y, const char *s, tColor ColorFg, tColor Color
void cBitmap::DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color)
if (bitmap && Intersects(x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
+ if (Covers(x1, y1, x2, y2))
+ Reset();
x1 -= x0;
y1 -= y0;
x2 -= x0;
@@ -409,8 +420,6 @@ void cBitmap::DrawRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color)
y1 = max(y1, 0);
x2 = min(x2, width - 1);
y2 = min(y2, height - 1);
- if (x1 == 0 && y1 == 0 && x2 == width - 1 && y2 == height - 1)
- Reset();
tIndex c = Index(Color);
for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++)
for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
diff --git a/osd.h b/osd.h
index 2df875e..848c68b 100644
--- a/osd.h
+++ b/osd.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: osd.h 1.41 2004/05/15 14:54:37 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: osd.h 1.43 2004/05/29 14:02:47 kls Exp $
#ifndef __OSD_H
@@ -122,9 +122,12 @@ public:
///< unchanged.
bool Contains(int x, int y) const;
///< Returns true if this bitmap contains the point (x, y).
+ bool Covers(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const;
+ ///< Returns true if the rectangle defined by the given coordinates
+ ///< completely covers this bitmap.
bool Intersects(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) const;
- ///< Returns true if this bitmap intersects with the rectangle
- ///< defined by the given coordinates.
+ ///< Returns true if the rectangle defined by the given coordinates
+ ///< intersects with this bitmap.
bool Dirty(int &x1, int &y1, int &x2, int &y2);
///< Tells whether there is a dirty area and returns the bounding
///< rectangle of that area (relative to the bitmaps origin).
@@ -287,7 +290,7 @@ public:
///< -1..-8 draws the inverted part of the given quadrant(s)
///< If Quadrants is not 0, the coordinates are those of the actual area, not
///< the full circle!
- void DrawSlope(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Type);
+ virtual void DrawSlope(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, tColor Color, int Type);
///< Draws a "slope" into the rectangle defined by the upper left (x1, y1) and
///< lower right (x2, y2) corners with the given Color. Type controls the
///< direction of the slope and which side of it will be drawn:
diff --git a/remote.c b/remote.c
index 227f640..b435bc4 100644
--- a/remote.c
+++ b/remote.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: remote.c 1.39 2003/10/18 11:35:32 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: remote.c 1.40 2004/05/28 14:19:52 kls Exp $
#include "remote.h"
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
// --- cRemote ---------------------------------------------------------------
+#define INITTIMEOUT 10000 // ms
eKeys cRemote::keys[MaxKeys];
int cRemote::in = 0;
int cRemote::out = 0;
@@ -48,6 +50,17 @@ void cRemote::PutSetup(const char *Setup)
Keys.PutSetup(Name(), Setup);
+bool cRemote::Initialize(void)
+ if (Ready()) {
+ char *NewCode = NULL;
+ eKeys Key = Get(INITTIMEOUT, &NewCode);
+ if (Key != kNone || NewCode)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
void cRemote::Clear(void)
cMutexLock MutexLock(&mutex);
diff --git a/remote.h b/remote.h
index 64a2097..2ef206f 100644
--- a/remote.h
+++ b/remote.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: remote.h 1.28 2003/05/02 10:41:35 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: remote.h 1.29 2004/05/28 14:14:02 kls Exp $
#ifndef __REMOTE_H
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ protected:
virtual ~cRemote();
virtual bool Ready(void) { return true; }
- virtual bool Initialize(void) { return true; }
+ virtual bool Initialize(void);
const char *Name(void) { return name; }
static void SetLearning(cRemote *Learning) { learning = Learning; }
static void Clear(void);
diff --git a/skinclassic.c b/skinclassic.c
index 3f0de1c..8fd6fe9 100644
--- a/skinclassic.c
+++ b/skinclassic.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: skinclassic.c 1.3 2004/05/23 10:40:02 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: skinclassic.c 1.7 2004/05/29 14:04:50 kls Exp $
#include "skinclassic.h"
@@ -71,16 +71,18 @@ THEME_CLR(Theme, clrReplayProgressCurrent, clrRed);
// --- cSkinClassicDisplayChannel --------------------------------------------
-class cSkinClassicDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel{
+class cSkinClassicDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel {
cOsd *osd;
int lineHeight;
int timeWidth;
+ bool message;
cSkinClassicDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo);
virtual ~cSkinClassicDisplayChannel();
virtual void SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number);
virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
virtual void Flush(void);
@@ -89,9 +91,10 @@ cSkinClassicDisplayChannel::cSkinClassicDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo)
int Lines = WithInfo ? 5 : 1;
const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
lineHeight = font->Height();
+ message = false;
osd = cOsdProvider::NewOsd(Setup.OSDLeft, Setup.OSDTop + (Setup.ChannelInfoPos ? 0 : Setup.OSDHeight - Lines * lineHeight));
timeWidth = font->Width("00:00") + 4;
- tArea Areas[] = { { 0, 0, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, Lines * lineHeight, 4 } };
+ tArea Areas[] = { { 0, 0, Setup.OSDWidth - 1, Lines * lineHeight - 1, 4 } };
osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea));
osd->DrawRectangle(0, 0, osd->Width() - 1, osd->Height() - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
@@ -121,10 +124,26 @@ void cSkinClassicDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *
+void cSkinClassicDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
+ if (Text) {
+ osd->SaveRegion(0, 0, osd->Width() - 1, lineHeight - 1);
+ osd->DrawText(0, 0, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), font, osd->Width(), 0, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
void cSkinClassicDisplayChannel::Flush(void)
- const char *date = DayDateTime();
- osd->DrawText(osd->Width() - cFont::GetFont(fontSml)->Width(date) - 2, 0, date, Theme.Color(clrChannelDate), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontSml));
+ if (!message) {
+ const char *date = DayDateTime();
+ osd->DrawText(osd->Width() - cFont::GetFont(fontSml)->Width(date) - 2, 0, date, Theme.Color(clrChannelDate), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontSml));
+ }
@@ -333,6 +352,7 @@ private:
int x0, x1;
int y0, y1, y2, y3;
int lastCurrentWidth;
+ bool message;
cSkinClassicDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly);
virtual ~cSkinClassicDisplayReplay();
@@ -342,6 +362,7 @@ public:
virtual void SetCurrent(const char *Current);
virtual void SetTotal(const char *Total);
virtual void SetJump(const char *Jump);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
virtual void Flush(void);
@@ -350,6 +371,7 @@ cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::cSkinClassicDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly)
const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
int lineHeight = font->Height();
lastCurrentWidth = 0;
+ message = false;
x0 = 0;
x1 = Setup.OSDWidth;
y0 = 0;
@@ -369,7 +391,7 @@ cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::~cSkinClassicDisplayReplay()
void cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::SetTitle(const char *Title)
- osd->DrawText(x0, y0, Title, Theme.Color(clrReplayTitle), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd));
+ osd->DrawText(x0, y0, Title, Theme.Color(clrReplayTitle), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), x1 - x0);
void cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::SetMode(bool Play, bool Forward, int Speed)
@@ -413,6 +435,20 @@ void cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::SetJump(const char *Jump)
osd->DrawText(x0 + (x1 - x0) / 4, y2, Jump, Theme.Color(clrReplayModeJump), Theme.Color(clrBackground), cFont::GetFont(fontOsd), (x1 - x0) / 2, 0, taCenter);
+void cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontOsd);
+ if (Text) {
+ osd->SaveRegion(x0, y2, x1 - 1, y3 - 1);
+ osd->DrawText(x0, y2, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), font, x1 - x0, y3 - y2, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
void cSkinClassicDisplayReplay::Flush(void)
diff --git a/skins.h b/skins.h
index 03c8a4a..814780c 100644
--- a/skins.h
+++ b/skins.h
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: skins.h 1.2 2004/05/16 20:16:57 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: skins.h 1.3 2004/05/29 13:13:21 kls Exp $
#ifndef __SKINS_H
@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ public:
virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following) = 0;
///< Sets the Present and Following EPG events. It either of these
///< is not available, NULL will be given.
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0;
+ ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used
+ ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text.
+ ///< If Text is NULL, any previously displayed message must be removed, and
+ ///< any previous contents overwritten by the message must be restored.
Red = Video options
@@ -202,6 +207,11 @@ public:
///< needs to be able to handle variations in the length of this
///< string, which will occur when the user enters an actual value.
///< If Jump is NULL, the jump prompt shall be removed from the display.
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text) = 0;
+ ///< Sets a one line message Text, with the given Type. Type can be used
+ ///< to determine, e.g., the colors for displaying the Text.
+ ///< If Text is NULL, any previously displayed message must be removed, and
+ ///< any previous contents overwritten by the message must be restored.
class cSkinDisplayVolume : public cSkinDisplay {
diff --git a/skinsttng.c b/skinsttng.c
index a268978..ac4aab9 100644
--- a/skinsttng.c
+++ b/skinsttng.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* See the main source file 'vdr.c' for copyright information and
* how to reach the author.
- * $Id: skinsttng.c 1.2 2004/05/22 13:05:07 kls Exp $
+ * $Id: skinsttng.c 1.5 2004/05/29 14:05:12 kls Exp $
// Star Trek: The Next Generation® is a registered trademark of Paramount Pictures
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ THEME_CLR(Theme, clrReplayProgressCurrent, clrRed);
// --- cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel ----------------------------------------------
-class cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel{
+class cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel : public cSkinDisplayChannel {
cOsd *osd;
int x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7;
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ private:
bool withInfo;
int lineHeight;
tColor frameColor;
+ bool message;
const cEvent *present;
int lastSeen;
static cBitmap bmTeletext, bmRadio, bmAudio, bmDolbyDigital, bmEncrypted, bmRecording;
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ public:
virtual ~cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel();
virtual void SetChannel(const cChannel *Channel, int Number);
virtual void SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Following);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
virtual void Flush(void);
@@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel::cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel(bool WithInfo)
withInfo = WithInfo;
lineHeight = font->Height();
frameColor = Theme.Color(clrChannelFrame);
+ message = false;
if (withInfo) {
x0 = 0;
x1 = x0 + font->Width("00:00") + 4;
@@ -251,7 +254,7 @@ void cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Fo
if (present != Present)
lastSeen = -1;
- present = Present;
+ present = Present;
osd->DrawRectangle(x0, y3, x1 - 1, y4 - 1, frameColor);
osd->DrawRectangle(x3, y3, x7 - 1, y4 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
@@ -264,13 +267,33 @@ void cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel::SetEvents(const cEvent *Present, const cEvent *Fo
+void cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(withInfo ? fontSml : fontOsd);
+ if (Text) {
+ int yt = withInfo ? y6 : y0;
+ int yb = withInfo ? y7 : y1;
+ osd->SaveRegion(x2, yt, x4 - 1, yb - 1);
+ if (withInfo)
+ osd->DrawRectangle(x2, yt, x3 - 1, yb - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ osd->DrawText(x3, yt, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), font, x4 - x3, 0, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
void cSkinSTTNGDisplayChannel::Flush(void)
if (withInfo) {
- const char *date = DayDateTime();
- const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontSml);
- osd->DrawText(x4 - font->Width(date) - 2, y7 - font->Height(date), date, Theme.Color(clrChannelDate), frameColor, font);
+ if (!message) {
+ const char *date = DayDateTime();
+ const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontSml);
+ osd->DrawText(x4 - font->Width(date) - 2, y7 - font->Height(date), date, Theme.Color(clrChannelDate), frameColor, font);
+ }
int seen = 0;
if (present) {
time_t t = time(NULL);
@@ -324,12 +347,12 @@ cSkinSTTNGDisplayMenu::cSkinSTTNGDisplayMenu(void)
message = false;
x0 = 0;
x1 = lineHeight / 2;
- x2 = x1 + Roundness;
- x3 = x2 + Gap;
+ x3 = (x1 + Roundness + Gap + 7) & ~0x07; // must be multiple of 8
+ x2 = x3 - Gap;
x7 = Setup.OSDWidth;
x6 = x7 - lineHeight / 2;
- x5 = x6 - lineHeight / 2;
- x4 = x5 - Gap;
+ x4 = (x6 - lineHeight / 2 - Gap) & ~0x07; // must be multiple of 8
+ x5 = x4 + Gap;
y0 = 0;
y1 = lineHeight;
y2 = y1 + Roundness;
@@ -345,18 +368,13 @@ cSkinSTTNGDisplayMenu::cSkinSTTNGDisplayMenu(void)
if (osd->CanHandleAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea)) == oeOk)
osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea));
else {
- tArea Areas[] = { { x0, y0, x7 - 1, y1 - 1, 2 },
- { x0, y1, x7 - 1, y6 - 1, 2 },
- { x0, y6, x7 - 1, y7 - 1, 4 }
- };
- osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea));
- /*TODO
tArea Areas[] = { { x0, y0, x7 - 1, y3 - 1, 2 },
{ x0, y3, x3 - 1, y4 - 1, 1 },
- { x3, y3, x5 - 1, y4 - 1, 2 },
+ { x3, y3, x4 - 1, y4 - 1, 2 },
+ { x4, y3, x7 - 1, y4 - 1, 2 },
{ x0, y4, x7 - 1, y7 - 1, 4 }
- */
+ osd->SetAreas(Areas, sizeof(Areas) / sizeof(tArea));
osd->DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x7 - 1, y7 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
osd->DrawRectangle(x0, y0, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, clrTransparent);
@@ -581,6 +599,7 @@ private:
int y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7;
tColor frameColor;
int lastCurrentWidth;
+ bool message;
cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly);
virtual ~cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay();
@@ -590,6 +609,7 @@ public:
virtual void SetCurrent(const char *Current);
virtual void SetTotal(const char *Total);
virtual void SetJump(const char *Jump);
+ virtual void SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text);
virtual void Flush(void);
@@ -602,6 +622,7 @@ cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay::cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay(bool ModeOnly)
int lineHeight = font->Height();
frameColor = Theme.Color(clrReplayFrame);
lastCurrentWidth = 0;
+ message = false;
cBitmap bm(play_xpm);
x0 = 0;
x1 = max(SymbolWidth, bm.Width());
@@ -700,6 +721,21 @@ void cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay::SetJump(const char *Jump)
osd->DrawText(x0 + (x4 - x0) / 4, y6, Jump, Theme.Color(clrReplayJump), frameColor, cFont::GetFont(fontSml), (x4 - x3) / 2, 0, taCenter);
+void cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay::SetMessage(eMessageType Type, const char *Text)
+ const cFont *font = cFont::GetFont(fontSml);
+ if (Text) {
+ osd->SaveRegion(x2, y6, x4 - 1, y7 - 1);
+ osd->DrawRectangle(x2, y6, x3 - 1, y7 - 1, Theme.Color(clrBackground));
+ osd->DrawText(x3, y6, Text, Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusFg + 2 * Type), Theme.Color(clrMessageStatusBg + 2 * Type), font, x4 - x3, 0, taCenter);
+ message = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ osd->RestoreRegion();
+ message = false;
+ }
void cSkinSTTNGDisplayReplay::Flush(void)