diff options
authorlado <>2011-11-04 15:39:47 +0100
committerlado <>2011-11-04 15:39:47 +0100
commit89274083aed3588525b3c380045ae6cd752c7510 (patch)
parent1b275b17c223a8059cdbfe98ebcc774e41b7f7c1 (diff)
*.c -> *.cc
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 1510 deletions
diff --git a/chanman/Makefile b/chanman/Makefile
index 5a96f3d..c6d5c27 100644
--- a/chanman/Makefile
+++ b/chanman/Makefile
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ OBJS = $(PLUGIN).o i18n.o
### Implicit rules:
-%.o: %.c
# Dependencies:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ OBJS = $(PLUGIN).o i18n.o
DEPFILE = .dependencies
$(DEPFILE): Makefile
- @$(MAKEDEP) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(OBJS:%.o=%.c) > $@
+ @$(MAKEDEP) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $( > $@
-include $(DEPFILE)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ I18Npot = $(PODIR)/$(PLUGIN).pot %.po
msgfmt -c -o $@ $<
-$(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.c)
+$(I18Npot): $(wildcard *.cc)
xgettext -C -cTRANSLATORS --no-wrap --no-location -k -ktr -ktrNOOP --msgid-bugs-address='<>' -o $@ $^
%.po: $(I18Npot)
diff --git a/chanman/chanman.c b/chanman/chanman.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2817d82..0000000
--- a/chanman/chanman.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1095 +0,0 @@
- * Chanman.c: A plugin for the Video Disk Recorder
- *
- * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <cctype>
-#include <vdr/tools.h>
-#include <vdr/timers.h>
-#include <vdr/plugin.h>
-#include <vdr/interface.h>
-#include <vdr/device.h>
-#include "i18n.h"
-#include <vdr/iconpatch.h>
-static const char *VERSION = "0.0.8";
-#include "chanman.h"
-// --- cMyChannel (MyChannels) -------------------------------------------------------
-eChannelSortMode cMyChannel::sortMode=csmNumber;
-eChannelFilterMode cMyChannel::filterMode=cfmAll;
-int cMyChannel::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
- cMyChannel *p = (cMyChannel *)&ListObject;
- int r = -1;
- if (sortMode == csmProvider)
- r = strcoll(channel->Provider(), p->channel->Provider());
- else if (sortMode == csmName || r == 0)
- r = strcoll(channel->Name(),p->channel->Name());
- else if (sortMode == csmSrcName || sortMode == csmSrcProvider || sortMode == csmSrcFrequency ){
- r = strcoll(*cSource::ToString(channel->Source()),*cSource::ToString(p->channel->Source()));
- if(r==0){
- if(sortMode == csmSrcName) r = strcoll(channel->Name(), p->channel->Name());
- else if(sortMode == csmSrcProvider) r = strcoll(channel->Provider(), p->channel->Provider());
- else r = channel->Frequency() - p->channel->Frequency();
- }
- } else if (sortMode == csmNumber || r == 0){
- r = pos - p->pos;
- }
- return r;
-void cMyChannels::Set() {
- int pos=1;
- for (cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel)) {
- Add(new cMyChannel(channel,pos));
- pos++;
- }
-/*cMyChannels::~cMyChannels() {
- fprintf(stdout, "Canali distrutti\n");
-void cMyChannels::Reset() {
- cMyChannel *lchannel = First();
- for (cChannel *channel = Channels.First(); channel; channel = Channels.Next(channel) ) {
- lchannel->SetCh(channel);
- lchannel = Next(lchannel);
- }
- }*/
-void cMyChannels::FilterChan() {
- for (cMyChannel *lchannel = First(); lchannel; lchannel = Next(lchannel)) {
- if (Filtered(lchannel)){
- lchannel->In(true);
- } else {
- lchannel->In(false);
- }
- }
-bool cMyChannels::Filtered(cMyChannel *lchannel) {
- bool res=false;
- eChannelFilterMode fm=lchannel->FilterMode();
- if (lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep() || fm==cfmAll)
- res=true;
- else if(fm==cfmRadio)
- res=(lchannel->GetCh()->Vpid() == 1 || lchannel->GetCh()->Vpid() == 0);
- else if(fm==cfmTv)
- res=(lchannel->GetCh()->Vpid() > 1 && lchannel->GetCh()->Ca() == 0);
- else if(fm==cfmTvCrypted)
- res=(lchannel->GetCh()->Vpid() > 1 && lchannel->GetCh()->Ca() != 0);
- return res;
-bool cMyChannels::Modified(void)
- bool Result = modified;
- modified = false;
- return Result;
-cMyChannels MyChannels;
-cList<cToCutChannel> ToCutChannels;
-// --- cMenuSetupChanMan -------------------------------------------------------
-int NrRow = 30;
-int WhatShow = 1;
-int WhatJump = 1;
- newNrRow = NrRow;
- newWhatShow = WhatShow;
- newWhatJump = WhatJump;
- Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Max items for alphabetic order"),&newNrRow));
- Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Show : 1) Prov.; 2) ChID; 3) Freq."),&newWhatShow));
- Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( tr("Jump : 1) Alphabetic; 2) Numeric"),&newWhatJump));
-void cMenuSetupChanMan::Store(void)
- SetupStore("NrRow", NrRow = newNrRow);
- SetupStore("WhatShow", WhatShow = newWhatShow);
- SetupStore("WhatJump", WhatJump = newWhatJump);
-// Gruppi in ordine di inserimento
-bool cItemChoice1::increasing=false;
-bool cItemChoice2::increasing=true;
-// ---Setting filter menu
-//class cFilterMenu : public cOsdMenu {
-// private:
-// //void Setup(void);
-// public:
-// cFilterMenu(void);
-// ~cFilterMenu(void);
-// // eOSState ProcessKey(eKeys k);
-// // eOSState Number(eKeys k);
-//class cFilterItem : public cOsdItem {
-// private:
-// int positem;
-// public:
-// cFilterItem(int positem, const char *FilterName);
-// // int Number(void){return positem;}
-// --- cPluginChanman -------------------------------------------------------
- NrRow=30;
- WhatShow=1;
- WhatJump=1;
- // Initialize any member variables here.
- // Clean up after yourself!
-const char *cPluginChanman::CommandLineHelp(void)
- // Return a string that describes all known command line options.
- return NULL;
-bool cPluginChanman::ProcessArgs(int argc, char *argv[])
- // Implement command line argument processing here if applicable.
- return true;
-bool cPluginChanman::Initialize(void)
- // Initialize any background activities the plugin shall perform.
- return true;
-bool cPluginChanman::Start(void)
- // Start any background activities the plugin shall perform.
-#if APIVERSNUM >= 10507
- I18nRegister( "chanman" );
- RegisterI18n( Phrases );
- return true;
-void cPluginChanman::Stop(void)
- // Stop any background activities the plugin shall perform.
-void cPluginChanman::Housekeeping(void)
- // Perform any cleanup or other regular tasks.
-void cPluginChanman::MainThreadHook(void)
- // Perform actions in the context of the main program thread.
- // WARNING: Use with great care - see PLUGINS.html!
-cString cPluginChanman::Active(void)
- // Return a message string if shutdown should be postponed
- return NULL;
-cOsdObject *cPluginChanman::MainMenuAction(void)
- // Perform the action when selected from the main VDR menu.
- return new cFirstMenu;
-cMenuSetupPage *cPluginChanman::SetupMenu(void)
- // Return a setup menu in case the plugin supports one.
- return new cMenuSetupChanMan;
-bool cPluginChanman::SetupParse(const char *Name, const char *Value)
- // Parse your own setup parameters and store their values.
- if (!strcasecmp(Name, "NrRow")) NrRow = atoi(Value);
- else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "WhatShow")) WhatShow = atoi(Value);
- else if (!strcasecmp(Name, "WhatJump")) WhatJump = atoi(Value);
- else
- return false;
- return true;
-bool cPluginChanman::Service(const char *Id, void *Data)
- // Handle custom service requests from other plugins
- return false;
-const char **cPluginChanman::SVDRPHelpPages(void)
- // Return help text for SVDRP commands this plugin implements
- return NULL;
-cString cPluginChanman::SVDRPCommand(const char *Command, const char *Option, int &ReplyCode)
- // Process SVDRP commands this plugin implements
- return NULL;
-//----------Filter Menu---------
-//cFilterMenu::cFilterMenu() : cOsdMenu(tr("Filters"),4) {
-// Add(new cFilterItem(1,tr("Radio")));
-// Add(new cFilterItem(2,tr("Televisions")));
-// Add(new cFilterItem(3,tr("Crypted Televisions")));
-// Add(new cFilterItem(4,tr("Television and Crypted")));
-// Add(new cFilterItem(5,tr("All")));
-// Display();
-//cFilterMenu::~cFilterMenu(void) {
-//cFilterItem::cFilterItem(int Positem, const char *FilterName)
-// positem=Positem;
-// char *buffer=NULL;
-// asprintf(&buffer, "%3d \t%s", positem, FilterName);
-// SetText(buffer, false);
-cFirstMenu::cFirstMenu(void) : cOsdMenu(tr("Channel Manager"),4,27,8) {
- MyChannels.Set();
- Setup();
- SetFirstHelp();
- Display();
-// enum eChannelFilterMode { cfmAll, cfmRadio, cfmTv, cfmTvCrypted };
-void cFirstMenu::SetFirstHelp() {
- const char *Blu[] = { NULL, tr("Radio"), tr("Tv"), tr("Tv Crypt"),tr("All") };
- SetHelp(cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber ? tr("Src+Frequency"):tr("Group"),
- cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmProvider ? tr("Src+Provider"):tr("Provider"),
- cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmName ? tr("Src+Name"):tr("Name"),
- Blu[cMyChannel::FilterMode()+1]
- );
-cFirstMenu::~cFirstMenu(void) {
- MyChannels.Clear();
- cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmNumber);
- cMyChannel::SetFilterMode(cfmAll);
- ToCutChannels.Clear();
-void cFirstMenu::Setup() {
- int nch=0;
- int positem=0;
- number=0;
- bool isInGroup=false;
- cMyChannel *first=NULL;
- cChannel *currentChannel;
- currentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel());
- cItemChoice1 *currentItem = NULL;
- Clear();
- for (cMyChannel *lchannel = MyChannels.First(); lchannel; lchannel = MyChannels.Next(lchannel)) {
- if(lchannel->GetCh()==currentChannel) isInGroup=true;
- if (!SkipIt(lchannel)){
- if (IsFirst(lchannel, nch)) {
- first=lchannel;
- nch=1;
- } else if(nch!=0){ // Incrementa solo se c'e' un first
- nch++;
- }
- }
- if (((nch>1) || (nch==1 && lchannel->SortMode()!=csmNumber) || (nch==1 && lchannel->SortMode()==csmNumber && lchannel->FilterMode()==cfmAll )) &&
- (lchannel==MyChannels.Last() || IsLast(lchannel,nch))) {
- positem++;
- cItemChoice1 *item = new cItemChoice1(positem,first,nch);
- Add(item);
- if (isInGroup){
- // fprintf(stderr, "Sono nel gruppo %s\n",first->GetCh()->Name());
- currentItem = item;
- isInGroup=false;
- }
- nch=0;
- }
- }
- SetCurrent(currentItem);
-bool cFirstMenu::SkipIt(cMyChannel *lchannel) {
- return (!(lchannel->IsIn()) || ((lchannel->SortMode()!=csmNumber) && (lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep())));
-bool cFirstMenu::IsFirst(cMyChannel *lchannel, int nch) {
- bool res=false;
- if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmNumber) res=(lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep());
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmName) res=(nch==0);
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmProvider) res=(nch==0);
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcProvider) res=(nch==0);
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcName) res=(nch==0);
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcFrequency) res=(nch==0);
- return res;
-bool cFirstMenu::IsLast(cMyChannel *lchannel, int nch) {
- bool res=false;
- if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmNumber) res=(MyChannels.Next(lchannel)->GetCh()->GroupSep());
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmName || lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcName )
- res=(strncmp(lchannel->GetCh()->Name(),MyChannels.Next(lchannel)->GetCh()->Name(),1) || nch==NrRow);
- else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmProvider || lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcProvider) {
- if (!lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep()){
- // nchannel=MyChannels.Next(lchannel);
- // fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d\n",lchannel, nchannel);
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",lchannel->GetCh()->Name(), nchannel->GetCh()->Name());
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",lchannel->GetCh()->Provider(), nchannel->GetCh()->Provider());
- // fprintf(stderr, "Prima\n");
- res=(strcoll(lchannel->GetCh()->Provider(),MyChannels.Next(lchannel)->GetCh()->Provider())!=0);
- // fprintf(stderr, "Dopo\n");
- }
- } else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcFrequency) {
- if (!lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep()){
- res=(lchannel->GetCh()->Frequency()!=MyChannels.Next(lchannel)->GetCh()->Frequency());
- }
- }
- // r = strcoll(channel->Provider(), p->channel->Provider());
-return res;
-void cFirstMenu::JumpNext()
- int last = Count() - 1;
- int current=Current();
- int Src;
- if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmProvider || cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmName || cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber){
- if (current!=last) SetCurrent(Get(Count()-1));
- else SetCurrent(Get(0));
- } else {
- if (current==last) SetCurrent(Get(0));
- else {
- Src=((cItemChoice1 *)Get(current))->Src();
- for (cItemChoice1 *ci = (cItemChoice1 *)Get(current); ci && ci->Src()==Src; ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Next())
- if (ci && ci!=(cItemChoice1 *)Last()) SetCurrent((cOsdItem *)ci->Next());
- else SetCurrent(Get(0));
- }
- }
-const char * cFirstMenu::NameProv(cItemChoice1 *cx){
- cMyChannel *q=(cMyChannel *)cx->GetFirst();
- if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmName || cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmSrcName){
- return q->GetCh()->Name();
- } else if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmProvider || cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmSrcProvider){
- return q->GetCh()->Provider();
- }
- // Caso csmNumber
- cMyChannel *q1=(cMyChannel *)cx->GetFirst()->Prev();
- return q1->GetCh()->Name();
-void cFirstMenu::JumpNextLetter(int num)
- // const char *KeyAlpha[] = {tr(" "), tr("A"), tr("D"), tr("G"), tr("J"), tr("M"), tr("P"), tr("T"), tr("W")};
- const char *KeyAlpha[] = {" ", "A", "D", "G", "J", "M", "P", "T", "W"};
- // int last = Count() - 1;
- int current=Current();
- cItemChoice1 *cic=(cItemChoice1 *)Get(current);
- cItemChoice1 *ci=(cItemChoice1 *)Get(current);
- if (strncmp(KeyAlpha[num-1], NameProv(ci) ,1)>0){
- // La lettera premuta e' successiva all'iniziale del corrente item
- for(ci = cic;
- ci && strncmp(KeyAlpha[num-1], NameProv(ci), 1)>0;
- ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Next());
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",KeyAlpha[num-1], NameProv(ci));
- } else if (num < 9 && strncmp(KeyAlpha[num], NameProv(ci), 1)<=0) {
- // La lettera premuta e' precedente all'iniziale del corrente item
- for( ; ci && strncmp(KeyAlpha[num-1], NameProv(ci) ,1)<=0; ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Prev());
- if (ci) ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Next();
- // else ci = (cItemChoice1 *)First();
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",KeyAlpha[num-1], ci->GetFirst()->GetCh()->Name());
- } else {
- // La lettera premuta e' precedente all'iniziale del corrente item e num==9
- for(ci = cic;
- ci && strncmp(NameProv(cic), NameProv(ci), 1)==0;
- ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Next());
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",NameProv(cic), NameProv(ci));
- //fprintf(stderr, "%s = %s \n",cic->GetFirst()->GetCh()->Name(), ci->GetFirst()->GetCh()->Name() );
- }
- if (ci && ci!=(cItemChoice1 *)Last()) SetCurrent((cOsdItem *)ci);
- else SetCurrent(Get(0));
-eOSState cFirstMenu::Number(eKeys Key)
- if (numberTimer.TimedOut())
- number = 0;
- if(!number && Key==k0){
- if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber){
- if (cItemChoice1::Increasing()){
- MyChannels.Sort();
- Setup();
- cItemChoice1::SetIncreasing(false);
- } else {
- Sort();
- cItemChoice1::SetIncreasing(true);
- }
- } else {
- JumpNext();
- }
- Display();
- } else if (WhatJump==1 && (cMyChannel::SortMode()!=csmNumber || cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber && cItemChoice1::Increasing())) {
- JumpNextLetter(Key-k0);
- Display();
- } else {
- number = number * 10 + Key - k0;
- for (cItemChoice1 *ci = (cItemChoice1 *)First(); ci; ci = (cItemChoice1 *)ci->Next()){
- if (ci->Number() == number) {
- SetCurrent(ci);
- Display();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return osContinue;
-eOSState cFirstMenu::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
- eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
- if (state == osUnknown)
- {
- //switch (Key & ~k_Repeat)
- switch (Key)
- {
- case k0...k9:
- return Number(Key);
- break;
- case kUp:
- case kUp|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kDown:
- case kDown|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kLeft:
- case kLeft|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kRight:
- case kRight|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kRed:
- if(cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber) {
- cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmSrcFrequency);
- MyChannels.Sort();
- } else {
- cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmNumber);
- MyChannels.Sort();
- cItemChoice1::SetIncreasing(false);
- }
- MyChannels.SetModified();
- // Setup();
- // SetFirstHelp();
- // Display();
- break;
- case kGreen:
- if(cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmProvider) cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmSrcProvider);
- else cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmProvider);
- MyChannels.Sort();
- MyChannels.SetModified();
- // Setup();
- // SetFirstHelp();
- // Display();
- break;
- case kYellow:
- if(cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmName) cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmSrcName);
- else cMyChannel::SetSortMode(csmName);
- MyChannels.Sort();
- MyChannels.SetModified();
- // Setup();
- // SetFirstHelp();
- // Display();
- break;
- case kBlue:
- cMyChannel::IncFilterMode();
- MyChannels.FilterChan();
- MyChannels.SetModified();
- // Setup();
- // SetFirstHelp();
- // Display();
- break;
- case kOk:
- return AddSubMenu(new cSecondMenu( ((cItemChoice1 *)Get(Current()))->GetFirst(), ((cItemChoice1 *)Get(Current()))->GetNum()));
- // Dove Torna una volta uscito dal sotto menu'?
- break;
- case kBack:
- return osEnd;
- default:
- return state;
- }
- state = osContinue;
- }
- if(MyChannels.Modified()){
- Setup();
- SetFirstHelp();
- Display();
- }
- return state;
-//---- cItemChoice1----
-cItemChoice1::cItemChoice1(int Positem, cMyChannel *lchannel, int nch)
- char *buffer=NULL;
- positem=Positem;
- if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmNumber) {
- // fprintf(stderr, "%s \n",lchannel->GetCh()->Name());
- if(MyChannels.Next(lchannel)) firstlch=MyChannels.Next(lchannel);
- else firstlch=NULL;
- nch--;
- } else firstlch=lchannel;
- numch=nch;
- if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcProvider || lchannel->SortMode()==csmProvider) {
- src=lchannel->GetCh()->Source();
- asprintf(&buffer, "%3d\t%s \t%s \t%3d", positem, lchannel->GetCh()->Provider(), *cSource::ToString(lchannel->GetCh()->Source()), nch);
- } else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcFrequency) {
- src=lchannel->GetCh()->Source();
- asprintf(&buffer, "%3d\t%8d %s \t%s \t%3d", positem, lchannel->GetCh()->Frequency(), lchannel->GetCh()->Provider(),
- *cSource::ToString(lchannel->GetCh()->Source()), nch);
- } else if (lchannel->SortMode()==csmSrcName) {
- src=lchannel->GetCh()->Source();
- asprintf(&buffer, "%3d\t%s \t%s \t%3d", positem, lchannel->GetCh()->Name(), *cSource::ToString(lchannel->GetCh()->Source()), nch);
- } else asprintf(&buffer, "%3d\t%s\t\t%3d", positem, lchannel->GetCh()->Name(), nch);
- SetText(buffer, false);
-int cItemChoice1::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
- cItemChoice1 *p = (cItemChoice1 *)&ListObject;
- cMyChannel *q=(cMyChannel *)p->GetFirst()->Prev(); //Il precedente al primo e' il nome del gruppo
- cMyChannel *q0=(cMyChannel *)firstlch->Prev(); // Come sopra
- return strcoll(q0->GetCh()->Name(), q->GetCh()->Name());
-int cMenuChannelItem::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
- cMenuChannelItem *p = (cMenuChannelItem *)&ListObject;
- int r = -1;
- if (sortMode == csmProvider)
- r = strcoll(channel->Provider(), p->channel->Provider());
- if (sortMode == csmName || r == 0)
- r = strcoll(channel->Name(), p->channel->Name());
- if (sortMode == csmNumber || r == 0)
- r = channel->Number() - p->channel->Number();
- return r;
-// --- cSecondMenu -------------------------------------------------------
-cSecondMenu::cSecondMenu(cMyChannel *firstlch, int numch) : cOsdMenu(tr("Channels"),4,25) {
- cMyChannel *lchannel;
- number=0;
- lchannel=firstlch;
- for (int i=1; i<=numch; i++) {
- // Salta tutti i "canali-sezione" ed i canali filtrati
- while(lchannel->GetCh()->GroupSep() || !(lchannel->IsIn())) lchannel = MyChannels.Next(lchannel);
- cItemChoice2 *item = new cItemChoice2(i,lchannel->GetCh(),lchannel);
- Add(item);
- lchannel = MyChannels.Next(lchannel);
- }
- SetHelp(tr("Button$Switch"),
- tr("Button$Cut"),
- cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber ? tr("Button$Paste"):tr(""),
- cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber ? tr("Button$Mark"):tr(""));
- Display();
-cSecondMenu::~cSecondMenu() {
-cChannel *cSecondMenu::GetChannel(int Index)
- cItemChoice2 *p = (cItemChoice2 *)Get(Index);
- return p ? (cChannel *)p->GetChan() : NULL;
-cMyChannel *cSecondMenu::GetMyChannel(int Index)
- cItemChoice2 *p = (cItemChoice2 *)Get(Index);
- return p ? (cMyChannel *)p->GetMyChan() : NULL;
-void cSecondMenu::Propagate(void)
- int i=1;
- Channels.ReNumber();
- for (cItemChoice2 *ci = (cItemChoice2 *)First(); ci; ci = (cItemChoice2 *)ci->Next()){
- ci->SetPos(i);
- i++;
- ci->Set();
- }
- Display();
- Channels.SetModified(true);
- MyChannels.SetModified();
-void cSecondMenu::Move(int From, int To)
- int CurrentChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel();
- cChannel *CurrentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(CurrentChannelNr);
- cChannel *FromChannel = GetChannel(From);// From e' la posizione nel menu di cItemChoice2
- cChannel *ToChannel = GetChannel(To); // GetChannel Restituisce la posizione nella lista Channels.
- cMyChannel *FromMyChannel = GetMyChannel(From);
- cMyChannel *ToMyChannel = GetMyChannel(To);
- if (FromChannel && ToChannel) {
- int FromNumber = FromChannel->Number();
- int ToNumber = ToChannel->Number();
- Channels.Move(FromChannel, ToChannel);
- MyChannels.Move(FromMyChannel, ToMyChannel);
- cOsdMenu::Move(From, To);
- Propagate();
- isyslog("channel %d moved to %d", FromNumber, ToNumber);
- if (CurrentChannel && CurrentChannel->Number() != CurrentChannelNr) {
- if (!cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Replaying() || cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->Transferring())
- Channels.SwitchTo(CurrentChannel->Number());
- else
- cDevice::SetCurrentChannel(CurrentChannel);
- }
- }
-void cSecondMenu::Paste(void){
- // int CurrentChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel();
- // cChannel *CurrentChannel = Channels.GetByNumber(CurrentChannelNr);
- cMyChannel *FromMyChannel;
- cItemChoice2 *CurrentChoice=(cItemChoice2 *)Get(Current());
- cMyChannel *ToMyChannel=CurrentChoice->GetMyChan();
- cChannel *FromChannel;
- cChannel *ToChannel = ToMyChannel->GetCh();
- int i=1;
- for (cToCutChannel *mychancut = ToCutChannels.First(); mychancut; mychancut = ToCutChannels.Next(mychancut)){
- // for (cToCutChannel *mychancut = ToCutChannels.Last(); mychancut; mychancut = ToCutChannels.Prev(mychancut)){
- FromMyChannel=mychancut->Get();
- FromMyChannel->ToCut(false);
- FromChannel=FromMyChannel->GetCh();
- Channels.Move(FromChannel, ToChannel);
- MyChannels.Move(FromMyChannel, ToMyChannel);
- //void cOsdMenu::Add(cOsdItem *Item, bool Current, cOsdItem *After)
- //cItemChoice2 *item = new cItemChoice2(i,lchannel->GetCh(),lchannel);
- // Add(item);
- Add(new cItemChoice2(i,FromChannel,FromMyChannel), true, CurrentChoice);
- i++;
- // ToChannel=Channels.Next(ToChannel);
- // ToMyChannel=MyChannels.Next(ToMyChannel);
- ToChannel=FromChannel;
- ToMyChannel=FromMyChannel;
- isyslog("channel %d moved to %d", i, i);
- }
- ToCutChannels.Clear();
- Propagate();
-void cSecondMenu::Cut(void){
- cItemChoice2 *ci = (cItemChoice2 *)Get(Current());
- cMyChannel *mch = ci->GetMyChan();
- if (!(mch->ToCut())){
- mch->ToCut(true);
- ToCutChannels.Ins(new cToCutChannel(mch));
- } else {
- mch->ToCut(false);
- cToCutChannel *mychancut = ToCutChannels.First();
- while(mychancut && mychancut->Get()!=mch){
- mychancut = ToCutChannels.Next(mychancut);
- }
- if(mychancut->Get()==mch) ToCutChannels.Del(mychancut,false);//non cancello l'oggetto con false ma solo il puntatore!
- }
- ci->Set();
- Display();
-eOSState cSecondMenu::Switch(void)
- cChannel *ch = ((cItemChoice2 *)Get(Current()))->GetChan();
- if (ch)
- return cDevice::PrimaryDevice()->SwitchChannel(ch, true) ? osEnd : osContinue;
- return osEnd;
-eOSState cSecondMenu::Number(eKeys Key)
- if (numberTimer.TimedOut())
- number = 0;
- if(!number && Key==k0){
- cItemChoice2::IncFlag();
- Sort();
- Display();
- }
- number = number * 10 + Key - k0;
- for (cItemChoice2 *ci = (cItemChoice2 *)First(); ci; ci = (cItemChoice2 *)ci->Next()){
- if (ci->Number() == number) {
- SetCurrent(ci);
- Display();
- break;
- }
- }
- return osContinue;
-eOSState cSecondMenu::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
- eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key);
- if (state == osUnknown)
- {
- //switch (Key & ~k_Repeat)
- switch (Key)
- {
- case k0...k9:
- return Number(Key);
- case kUp:
- case kUp|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kDown:
- case kDown|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kLeft:
- case kLeft|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kRight:
- case kRight|k_Repeat:
- break;
- case kRed:
- // Cambia canale rimanendo sul menu'
- Switch();
- break;
- case kGreen:
- Cut();
- break;
- case kYellow:
- if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber) Paste();
- break;
- case kBlue:
- if (cMyChannel::SortMode()==csmNumber) Mark();
- break;
- case kOk:
- return Switch();
- case kBack:
- return osEnd;
- default:
- return state;
- }
- state = osContinue;
- }
- return state;
-//----Choices in Second Menu----
-/* #if APIVERSNUM >= 10507 */
-/* const char *cItemChoice2::Icon() */
-/* { */
-/* if (channel->Vpid() == 1 || channel->Vpid() == 0){ */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* if (Setup.WarEagleIcons) { */
-/* return IsLangUtf8() ? ICON_RADIO_UTF8 : ICON_RADIO; */
-/* } else { */
-/* #endif */
-/* return "R"; */
-/* } */
-/* } else if (channel->Ca() == 0){ */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* if (Setup.WarEagleIcons) { */
-/* return IsLangUtf8() ? ICON_TV_UTF8 : ICON_TV; */
-/* } else { */
-/* #endif */
-/* return "T"; */
-/* } */
-/* } else { */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* if (Setup.WarEagleIcons) { */
-/* return IsLangUtf8() ? ICON_TV_CRYPTED_UTF8 : ICON_TV_CRYPTED; */
-/* } */
-/* else */
-/* #endif */
-/* return "C"; */
-/* } */
-/* } */
-/* #endif */
-/* #if APIVERSNUM < 10507 */
-/* int cItemChoice2::Icon() */
-/* { */
-/* if (channel->Vpid() == 1 || channel->Vpid() == 0) */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* return ICON_RADIO; */
-/* #else */
-/* return 'R'; */
-/* #endif */
-/* else if (channel->Ca() == 0) */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* return ICON_TV; */
-/* #else */
-/* return 'T'; */
-/* #endif */
-/* else */
-/* #ifdef USE_WAREAGLEICON */
-/* return ICON_TV_VERSCHL; */
-/* #else */
-/* return 'C'; */
-/* #endif */
-/* } */
-/* #endif */
-int cItemChoice2::Icon()
- if (channel->Vpid() == 1 || channel->Vpid() == 0)
- return 'R';
- else if (channel->Ca() == 0)
- return 'T';
- else
- return 'C';
-cItemChoice2::cItemChoice2(int Positem, cChannel *Channel,cMyChannel *MyChannel)
- positem=Positem;
- channel=Channel;
- mychannel=MyChannel;
- Set();
- /* char *buffer=NULL;
- if (WhatShow==1)
- asprintf(&buffer,
-#if APIVERSNUM >= 10507
- "%3d\t%s %s\t %s",
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %s",
- positem, Icon(), channel->Name(), channel->Provider());
- else if (WhatShow==2)
- asprintf(&buffer, channel->Rid() ?
-#if APIVERSNUM >= 10507
- "%3d\t%s %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%3d\t%s %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d",
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d",
- positem, Icon(), channel->Name(),*cSource::ToString(channel->Source()),
- channel->Nid(), channel->Tid(), channel->Sid(), channel->Rid());
- else
- asprintf(&buffer,
-#if APIVERSNUM >= 10507
- "%3d\t%s %s\t %d",
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %d",
- positem, Icon(), channel->Name(), channel->Frequency());
- SetText(buffer, false);*/
-void cItemChoice2::Set(void)
- // positem=Positem;
- // channel=Channel;
- char *buffer=NULL;
- int signpos;
- signpos=mychannel->ToCut() ? -(positem) : positem;
- if (WhatShow==1)
- asprintf(&buffer,
-/* #if APIVERSNUM >= 10507 */
-/* "%3d\t%s %s\t %s", */
-/* #else */
-/* "%3d\t%c %s\t %s", */
-/* #endif */
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %s",
- signpos, Icon(), channel->Name(), channel->Provider());
- else if (WhatShow==2)
- asprintf(&buffer, channel->Rid() ?
-/* #if APIVERSNUM >= 10507 */
-/* "%3d\t%s %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%3d\t%s %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d", */
-/* #else */
-/* "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d", */
-/* #endif */
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d-%d" : "%3d\t%c %s\t %s-%d-%d-%d",
- signpos, Icon(), channel->Name(),*cSource::ToString(channel->Source()),
- channel->Nid(), channel->Tid(), channel->Sid(), channel->Rid());
- else
- asprintf(&buffer,
-/* #if APIVERSNUM >= 10507 */
-/* "%3d\t%s %s\t %d", */
-/* #else */
-/* "%3d\t%c %s\t %d", */
-/* #endif */
- "%3d\t%c %s\t %d",
- signpos, Icon(), channel->Name(), channel->Frequency());
- SetText(buffer, false);
-int cItemChoice2::Compare(const cListObject &ListObject) const
- cItemChoice2 *p = (cItemChoice2 *)&ListObject;
- int r = -1;
- if (increasing)
- r = positem - p->Number();
- else r = p->Number() - positem;
- return r;
-VDRPLUGINCREATOR(cPluginChanman); // Don't touch this!
diff --git a/chanman/i18n.c b/chanman/i18n.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 3bb7a94..0000000
--- a/chanman/i18n.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
- * i18n.c: Internationalization
- *
- * See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
- *
- * $Id: i18n.c 1.6 2006/04/22 09:30:57 kls Exp $
- */
-#include "i18n.h"
-#if APIVERSNUM < 10507
-const tI18nPhrase Phrases[] = {
- { "Channel manager plugin",
- "Kanal Manager Plugin",
- "",// TODO
- "Plugin per gestire i canali",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Channel Manager",
- "Kanal Manager",
- "",// TODO
- "Gestione canali",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Channel manager",
- "Kanal Manager",
- "",// TODO
- "Gestione canali",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Radio",
- "Radio",
- "",// TODO
- "Radio",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Tv",
- "TV",
- "",// TODO
- "Tv",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Tv Crypt",
- "TV verschlüsselt",
- "",// TODO
- "Tv codif.",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "All",
- "Alle",
- "",// TODO
- "Tutti",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Group",
- "Gruppe",
- "",// TODO
- "Gruppo",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Name",
- "Name",
- "",// TODO
- "Nome",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Channels",
- "Kanäle",
- "",// TODO
- "Canali",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Src+Name",
- "Quelle+Name",
- "",// TODO
- "Srg+Nome",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Provider",
- "Provider",
- "",// TODO
- "Provider",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Src+Provider",
- "Quelle+Provider",
- "",// TODO
- "Srg+Prov.",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Src+Frequency",
- "Quelle+Frequenz",
- "",// TODO
- "Srg+Freq.",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Max items for alphabetic order",
- "Max Elemente für alphabetische Sortierung",
- "",// TODO
- "Voci max in ordine Alfabetico",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Show : 1) Prov.; 2) ChID; 3) Freq.",
- "Zeige : 1) Prov.; 2) ID; 3) Freq.",
- "",// TODO
- "Mostra: 1) Prov 2) ID Can 3) Freq",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Jump : 1) Alphabetic; 2) Numeric",
- "Springe : 1) Alphabetisch; 2) Numerisch",
- "",// TODO
- "Vai a: 1) Alfabetico 2) Num.",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { "Button$Switch",
- "Umschalten",
- "",// TODO
- "Cambia",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",// TODO
- "",
- },
- { NULL }
- };