diff options
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/eepg.c b/eepg.c
index 1b7c0a2..d5de0d8 100644
--- a/eepg.c
+++ b/eepg.c
@@ -261,14 +261,13 @@ protected:
virtual int GetSummariesMHW2 (const u_char * Data, int Length);
virtual void FreeSummaries (void);
virtual void FreeTitles (void);
- virtual void PrepareToWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES]); //gets a channel and returns an array of schedules that WriteToSchedule can write to. Call this routine before a batch of titles with the same ChannelId will be WriteToScheduled; batchsize can be 1
- virtual void FinishWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES]);
- virtual void WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES], unsigned short int NumberOfEquivalences,
- unsigned int EventId, unsigned int StartTime, unsigned int Duration, char *Text,
- char *SummText, unsigned short int ThemeId, unsigned short int TableId,
- unsigned short int Version, char Rating = 0x00);
+ virtual void PrepareToWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps/*[MAX_EQUIVALENCES]*/); //gets a channel and returns an array of schedules that WriteToSchedule can write to. Call this routine before a batch of titles with the same ChannelId will be WriteToScheduled; batchsize can be 1
+ //virtual void FinishWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES]);
+ virtual void WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps, cSchedules* s, unsigned int EventId, unsigned int StartTime,
+ unsigned int Duration, char *Text, char *SummText, unsigned short int ThemeId,
+ unsigned short int TableId, unsigned short int Version, char Rating = 0x00);
virtual void LoadIntoSchedule (void);
- virtual void LoadEquivalentChannels (void);
+ //virtual void LoadEquivalentChannels (void);
void ProcessPremiere(const u_char *& Data);
@@ -1084,90 +1083,182 @@ void loadEquivalentChannelMap (void)
LogD(3, prep("Original ID %s <-> Equivalent ID %s"), (*it2).first.c_str(), it2->second.c_str());
} //if file
-void cFilterEEPG::LoadEquivalentChannels (void)
- char Buffer[1024];
- char *Line;
- FILE *File;
- string FileName = string(ConfDir) + "/" + EEPG_FILE_EQUIV;
- File = fopen (FileName.c_str(), "r");
- if (File) {
- memset (Buffer, 0, sizeof (Buffer));
- char origChanID[256];
- char equiChanID[256];
- char source[256];
- int nid;
- int tid;
- int sid;
- int rid;
- while ((Line = fgets (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), File)) != NULL) {
- Line = compactspace (skipspace (stripspace (Line)));
- if (!isempty (Line)) {
- if (sscanf (Line, "%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^\n]\n", origChanID, equiChanID, source) == 3) {
- if (origChanID[0] != '#' && origChanID[0] != ';') {
- nid = 0;
- tid = 0;
- sid = 0;
- rid = 0;
- if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4)
- if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
- if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid) != 5) {
- rid = 0;
- }
- tChannelID OriginalChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
- bool found = false;
- int i = 0;
- sChannel *C = NULL;
- while (i < nChannels && (!found)) {
- C = &sChannels[i];
- if (C->Src[0] == (unsigned int)cSource::FromString (source) && C->Nid[0] == nid
- && C->Tid[0] == tid && C->Sid[0] == sid)
- found = true;
- else
- i++;
- }
- if (!found) {
- LogI(2, prep("Warning: in equivalence file, cannot find original channel %s. Perhaps you are tuned to another transponder right now."),
- origChanID);
- } else {
- cChannel *OriginalChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (OriginalChID, false);
- if (!OriginalChannel)
- LogI(2, prep("Warning, not found epg channel \'%s\' in channels.conf. Equivalence is assumed to be valid, but perhaps you should check the entry in the equivalents file"), origChanID); //TODO: skip this ing?
- if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
- if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid)
- != 5) {
- rid = 0;
- }
- tChannelID EquivChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
- cChannel *EquivChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (EquivChID, false); //TODO use valid function?
- if (EquivChannel) {
- if (C->NumberOfEquivalences < MAX_EQUIVALENCES) {
- C->Src[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Source ();
- C->Nid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Nid ();
- C->Tid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Tid ();
- C->Sid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Sid ();
- C->NumberOfEquivalences++;
- nEquivChannels++;
- LogI(3, prep("Added equivalent nr %i with Channel Id %s-%i-%i-%i to channel with id %i."),
- C->NumberOfEquivalences, *cSource::ToString (C->Src[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1]),
- C->Nid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1], C->Tid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1],
- C->Sid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1], i);
- } else
- LogE(0, prep("Error, channel with id %i has more than %i equivalences. Increase MAX_EQUIVALENCES."),
- } else
- LogI(0, prep("Warning, not found equivalent channel \'%s\' in channels.conf"), equiChanID);
- }
- } //else !found
- } //if scanf string1
- } //if string1
- } //if scanf
- } //if isempty
- } //while
- fclose (File);
- } //if file
-} //end of loadequiv
+void updateEquivalent(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent){
+ multimap<string,string>::iterator it;
+ pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
+ LogD(3, prep("Start updateEquivalent %s"), *channelID.ToString());
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
+ LogD(1, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
+ tChannelID equChannelID (tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
+ cChannel *equChannel = GetChannelByID (equChannelID, false);
+ if (equChannel) {
+ LogD(3, prep("found Equivalent channel %s"), *equChannelID.ToString());
+ cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (equChannel, true);
+ cEvent *pEqvEvent = (cEvent *) pSchedule->GetEvent (pEvent->EventID(), pEvent->StartTime());
+ if (pEqvEvent) {
+ LogD(1, prep("equivalent event exists"));
+ if (pEqvEvent == pEvent) {
+ LogD(1, prep("equal event exists"));
+ } else {
+ LogD(1, prep("remove equivalent"));
+ pSchedule->DelEvent(pEqvEvent);
+ cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
+ newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
+ newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
+ newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
+ newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
+// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
+ newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
+ newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
+ newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
+ newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
+ newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
+// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
+ newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
+ pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
+ }
+ } else {
+ LogD(1, prep("equivalent event does not exist"));
+ cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
+ newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
+ newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
+ newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
+ newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
+// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
+ newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
+ newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
+ newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
+ newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
+ newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
+// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
+ newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
+ pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void sortSchedules(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID){
+ multimap<string,string>::iterator it;
+ pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
+ LogD(3, prep("Start sortEquivalent %s"), *channelID.ToString());
+ cChannel *pChannel = GetChannelByID (channelID, false);
+ cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (pChannel, true);
+ pSchedule->Sort ();
+ Schedules->SetModified (pSchedule);
+ ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
+ for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
+ LogD(3, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
+ tChannelID equChannelID (tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
+ pChannel = GetChannelByID (equChannelID, false);
+ if (pChannel) {
+ LogD(3, prep("found Equivalent channel %s"), *equChannelID.ToString());
+ pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (pChannel, true);
+ pSchedule->Sort ();
+ Schedules->SetModified (pSchedule);
+ }
+ }
+//void cFilterEEPG::LoadEquivalentChannels (void)
+// char Buffer[1024];
+// char *Line;
+// FILE *File;
+// string FileName = string(ConfDir) + "/" + EEPG_FILE_EQUIV;
+// File = fopen (FileName.c_str(), "r");
+// if (File) {
+// memset (Buffer, 0, sizeof (Buffer));
+// char origChanID[256];
+// char equiChanID[256];
+// char source[256];
+// int nid;
+// int tid;
+// int sid;
+// int rid;
+// while ((Line = fgets (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), File)) != NULL) {
+// Line = compactspace (skipspace (stripspace (Line)));
+// if (!isempty (Line)) {
+// if (sscanf (Line, "%[^ ] %[^ ] %[^\n]\n", origChanID, equiChanID, source) == 3) {
+// if (origChanID[0] != '#' && origChanID[0] != ';') {
+// nid = 0;
+// tid = 0;
+// sid = 0;
+// rid = 0;
+// if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4)
+// if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
+// if (sscanf (origChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid) != 5) {
+// rid = 0;
+// }
+// tChannelID OriginalChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
+// bool found = false;
+// int i = 0;
+// sChannel *C = NULL;
+// while (i < nChannels && (!found)) {
+// C = &sChannels[i];
+// if (C->Src[0] == (unsigned int)cSource::FromString (source) && C->Nid[0] == nid
+// && C->Tid[0] == tid && C->Sid[0] == sid)
+// found = true;
+// else
+// i++;
+// }
+// if (!found) {
+// LogI(2, prep("Warning: in equivalence file, cannot find original channel %s. Perhaps you are tuned to another transponder right now."),
+// origChanID);
+// } else {
+// cChannel *OriginalChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (OriginalChID, false);
+// if (!OriginalChannel)
+// LogI(2, prep("Warning, not found epg channel \'%s\' in channels.conf. Equivalence is assumed to be valid, but perhaps you should check the entry in the equivalents file"), origChanID); //TODO: skip this ing?
+// if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid) == 4) {
+// if (sscanf (equiChanID, "%[^-]-%i -%i -%i -%i ", source, &nid, &tid, &sid, &rid)
+// != 5) {
+// rid = 0;
+// }
+// tChannelID EquivChID = tChannelID (cSource::FromString (source), nid, tid, sid, rid);
+// cChannel *EquivChannel = Channels.GetByChannelID (EquivChID, false); //TODO use valid function?
+// if (EquivChannel) {
+// if (C->NumberOfEquivalences < MAX_EQUIVALENCES) {
+// C->Src[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Source ();
+// C->Nid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Nid ();
+// C->Tid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Tid ();
+// C->Sid[C->NumberOfEquivalences] = EquivChannel->Sid ();
+// C->NumberOfEquivalences++;
+// nEquivChannels++;
+// LogI(3, prep("Added equivalent nr %i with Channel Id %s-%i-%i-%i to channel with id %i."),
+// C->NumberOfEquivalences, *cSource::ToString (C->Src[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1]),
+// C->Nid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1], C->Tid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1],
+// C->Sid[C->NumberOfEquivalences - 1], i);
+// } else
+// LogE(0, prep("Error, channel with id %i has more than %i equivalences. Increase MAX_EQUIVALENCES."),
+// } else
+// LogI(0, prep("Warning, not found equivalent channel \'%s\' in channels.conf"), equiChanID);
+// }
+// } //else !found
+// } //if scanf string1
+// } //if string1
+// } //if scanf
+// } //if isempty
+// } //while
+// fclose (File);
+// } //if file
+//} //end of loadequiv
//end of loadequiv
@@ -1231,27 +1322,28 @@ int cFilterEEPG::GetChannelsMHW (const u_char * Data, int Length, int MHW)
//memcpy (C->Name, &Data[pName + 1], 256);
pName += (lenName + 1);
- C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
- C->Src[0] = Source (); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
- C->Nid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->NetworkId);
- C->Tid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->TransportId);
- C->Sid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->ServiceId);
- tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src[0], C->Nid[0], C->Tid[0], C->Sid[0]);
+ //C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
+ C->Src = Source (); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
+ C->Nid = HILO16 (Channel->NetworkId);
+ C->Tid = HILO16 (Channel->TransportId);
+ C->Sid = HILO16 (Channel->ServiceId);
+ tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src, C->Nid, C->Tid, C->Sid);
cChannel *VC = GetChannelByID(channelID, true);
bool IsFound = (VC);
if(IsFound) {
- C->Src[0] = VC->Source();
+ C->Src = VC->Source();
CleanString (C->Name);
LogI(1, "|% 5d | %-26.26s | %-22.22s | %-3.3s | % 6d |\n", C->ChannelId
- , *tChannelID (C->Src[0], C->Nid[0], C->Tid[0], C->Sid[0]).ToString()
+ , *tChannelID (C->Src, C->Nid, C->Tid, C->Sid).ToString()
, C->Name, IsFound ? "YES" : "NO", C->SkyNumber);
Off += Size;
} //for loop
} //else nChannels > MAX_CHANNELS
- LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ //LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ loadEquivalentChannelMap();
GetLocalTimeOffset (); //reread timing variables, only used for MHW
return 2; //obviously, when you get here, channels are read successfully, but since all channels are sent at once, you can stop now
} //if nChannels == 0
@@ -1518,32 +1610,32 @@ char *cFilterEEPG::GetSummaryTextNagra (const u_char * DataStart, long int Offse
* \param s VDR epg schedules
* \param ps pointer to the schedules that WriteToSchedule can write to
-void cFilterEEPG::PrepareToWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES])
+void cFilterEEPG::PrepareToWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps/*[MAX_EQUIVALENCES]*/)
- for (int eq = 0; eq < C->NumberOfEquivalences; eq++) {
- tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src[eq], C->Nid[eq], C->Tid[eq], C->Sid[eq]);
+ //for (int eq = 0; eq < C->NumberOfEquivalences; eq++) {
+ tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src/*[eq]*/, C->Nid/*[eq]*/, C->Tid/*[eq]*/, C->Sid/*[eq]*/);
#ifdef USE_NOEPG
if (allowedEPG (channelID) && (channelID.Valid ()))
if (channelID.Valid ()) //only add channels that are known to vdr
#endif /* NOEPG */
- ps[eq] = s->AddSchedule (channelID); //open a a schedule for each equivalent channel
+ ps/*[eq]*/ = s->AddSchedule (channelID); //open a a schedule for each equivalent channel
else {
- ps[eq] = NULL;
- LogE(5, prep("ERROR: Title block has invalid (equivalent) channel ID: Equivalence: %i, Source:%x, C->Nid:%x,C->Tid:%x,C->Sid:%x."),
- eq, C->Src[eq], C->Nid[eq], C->Tid[eq], C->Sid[eq]);
+ ps/*[eq]*/ = NULL;
+// LogE(5, prep("ERROR: Title block has invalid (equivalent) channel ID: Equivalence: %i, Source:%x, C->Nid:%x,C->Tid:%x,C->Sid:%x."),
+// eq, C->Src[eq], C->Nid[eq], C->Tid[eq], C->Sid[eq]);
- }
+ //}
-void cFilterEEPG::FinishWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES])
- for (int eq = 0; eq < C->NumberOfEquivalences; eq++)
- if (ps[eq]) {
- ps[eq]->Sort ();
- s->SetModified (ps[eq]);
- }
+//void cFilterEEPG::FinishWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES])
+// for (int eq = 0; eq < C->NumberOfEquivalences; eq++)
+// if (ps[eq]) {
+// ps[eq]->Sort ();
+// s->SetModified (ps[eq]);
+// }
* \brief write event to schedule
@@ -1551,20 +1643,20 @@ void cFilterEEPG::FinishWriteToSchedule (sChannel * C, cSchedules * s, cSchedule
* \param Duration the Duration of the event in minutes
* \param ps points to array of schedules ps[eq], where eq is equivalence number of the channel. If channelId is invalid then ps[eq]=NULL
-void cFilterEEPG::WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES], unsigned short int NumberOfEquivalences, unsigned int EventId, unsigned int StartTime, unsigned int Duration, char *Text, char *SummText, unsigned short int ThemeId, unsigned short int TableId, unsigned short int Version, char Rating)
+void cFilterEEPG::WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps, cSchedules* pSchedules, unsigned int EventId, unsigned int StartTime, unsigned int Duration, char *Text, char *SummText, unsigned short int ThemeId, unsigned short int TableId, unsigned short int Version, char Rating)
bool WrittenTitle = false;
bool WrittenSummary = false;
- for (int eq = 0; eq < NumberOfEquivalences; eq++) {
- if (ps[eq]) {
+// for (int eq = 0; eq < NumberOfEquivalences; eq++) {
+// if (ps[eq]) {
cEvent *Event = NULL;
- Event = (cEvent *) ps[eq]->GetEvent (EventId); //since Nagra uses consistent EventIds, try this first
+ Event = (cEvent *) ps->GetEvent (EventId); //since Nagra uses consistent EventIds, try this first
bool TableIdMatches = false;
if (Event)
TableIdMatches = (Event->TableID() == TableId);
if (!Event || !TableIdMatches || abs(Event->StartTime() - (time_t) StartTime) > Duration * 60) //if EventId does not match, or it matched with wrong TableId, then try with StartTime
- Event = (cEvent *) ps[eq]->GetEvent (EventId, StartTime);
+ Event = (cEvent *) ps->GetEvent (EventId, StartTime);
cEvent *newEvent = NULL;
if (!Event) { //event is new
@@ -1602,7 +1694,10 @@ void cFilterEEPG::WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES], unsigned sh
free (tmp);
if (newEvent)
- ps[eq]->AddEvent (newEvent);
+ ps->AddEvent (newEvent);
+ updateEquivalent(pSchedules,ps->channelID, Event);
//newEvent->FixEpgBugs (); causes segfault
/* else
@@ -1616,8 +1711,8 @@ void cFilterEEPG::WriteToSchedule (cSchedule * ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES], unsigned sh
isyslog ("D %s\n", SummText);
isyslog ("e\nc\n.\n");
- } //if ps[eq]
- } //for eq
+// } //if ps[eq]
+// } //for eq
if (WrittenTitle)
if (WrittenSummary)
@@ -1663,7 +1758,7 @@ void cFilterEEPG::GetTitlesNagra (const u_char * Data, int Length, unsigned shor
p += 4; //skip Title number
sChannel *C = &sChannels[ChannelSeq[ChannelId]]; //find channel
- cSchedule *ps[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ cSchedule *ps;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
PrepareToWriteToSchedule (C, s, ps);
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfTitles; i++) { //process each title within block
@@ -1714,7 +1809,8 @@ void cFilterEEPG::GetTitlesNagra (const u_char * Data, int Length, unsigned shor
if (Themes[Title->ThemeId][0] == 0x00) //if detailed themeid is not known, get global themeid
Title->ThemeId &= 0xf0;
- WriteToSchedule (ps, C->NumberOfEquivalences, EventId, StartTime, Title->Duration, Text, SummText,
+ WriteToSchedule (ps, s, EventId, StartTime, Title->Duration, Text, SummText,
Title->ThemeId, NAGRA_TABLE_ID, Version);
if (Text != NULL)
@@ -1752,7 +1848,8 @@ void cFilterEEPG::GetTitlesNagra (const u_char * Data, int Length, unsigned shor
p += 30; //next title
} //end for titles
- FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, ps);
+ //FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, ps);
+ sortSchedules(s, tChannelID (C->Src, C->Nid, C->Tid, C->Sid));
p = next_p;
} while (p < DataEnd); //end of TitleBlock
@@ -1869,17 +1966,17 @@ int cFilterEEPG::GetChannelsNagra (const u_char * Data, int Length)
C->ChannelId = j + 1; //Nagra starts numbering at 1
ChannelSeq[C->ChannelId] = j; //fill lookup table to go from channel-id to sequence nr in table; lookup table starts with 0
C->SkyNumber = 0;
- C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
- C->Src[0] = Source(); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
- C->Nid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->NetworkId);
- C->Tid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->TransportId);
- C->Sid[0] = HILO16 (Channel->ServiceId);
- tChannelID channelID = tChannelID(C->Src[0], C->Nid[0], C->Tid[0], C->Sid[0]);
+ //C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
+ C->Src = Source(); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
+ C->Nid = HILO16 (Channel->NetworkId);
+ C->Tid = HILO16 (Channel->TransportId);
+ C->Sid = HILO16 (Channel->ServiceId);
+ tChannelID channelID = tChannelID(C->Src, C->Nid, C->Tid, C->Sid);
cChannel *VC = GetChannelByID(channelID, true);
bool IsFound = (VC);
if(IsFound) {
strncpy((char*)(C->Name), VC->Name (), 64);
- C->Src[0] = VC->Source();
+ C->Src = VC->Source();
CleanString (C->Name);
@@ -1937,7 +2034,8 @@ int cFilterEEPG::GetChannelsNagra (const u_char * Data, int Length)
if (p != DataEnd)
LogE(0, prep("Warning, possible problem at end of channel table; p = %p, DataEnd = %p"), p, DataEnd);
- LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ //LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ loadEquivalentChannelMap();
return 2; //obviously, when you get here, channels are read succesfully, but since all channels are sent at once, you can stop now
@@ -2412,7 +2510,8 @@ int cFilterEEPG::GetChannelsSKYBOX (const u_char * Data, int Length)
if (memcmp (InitialChannel, Data, 8) == 0) { //data is the same as initial title
- LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ //LoadEquivalentChannels ();
+ loadEquivalentChannelMap();
return 2;
} else {
if (nChannels == 0)
@@ -2459,13 +2558,13 @@ int cFilterEEPG::GetChannelsSKYBOX (const u_char * Data, int Length)
if (ChannelSeq.count (ChannelId) == 0) { //not found
C = &sChannels[nChannels];
C->ChannelId = ChannelId;
- C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
- C->Src[0] = Source (); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
- C->Nid[0] = Nid;
- C->Tid[0] = Tid;
- C->Sid[0] = Sid;
+ //C->NumberOfEquivalences = 1; //there is always an original channel. every equivalence adds 1
+ C->Src = Source (); //assume all EPG channels are on same satellite, if not, manage this via equivalents!!!
+ C->Nid = Nid;
+ C->Tid = Tid;
+ C->Sid = Sid;
C->SkyNumber = SkyNumber;
- tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src[0], C->Nid[0], C->Tid[0], C->Sid[0]);
+ tChannelID channelID = tChannelID (C->Src, C->Nid, C->Tid, C->Sid);
cChannel *VC = Channels.GetByChannelID (channelID, true);
bool IsFound = (VC);
if (IsFound)
@@ -2769,7 +2868,7 @@ void cFilterEEPG::LoadIntoSchedule (void)
//channelids are sequentially numbered and sent in MHW1 and MHW2, but not in SKY, so we need to lookup the table index
sChannel *C = &sChannels[ChannelSeq[ChannelId]]; //find channel
- cSchedule *p[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ cSchedule *p;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
PrepareToWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
char rating = 0x00;
@@ -2781,10 +2880,11 @@ void cFilterEEPG::LoadIntoSchedule (void)
TableId = T->TableId;
- WriteToSchedule (p, C->NumberOfEquivalences, T->EventId, StartTime, T->Duration / 60, (char *) T->Text,
+ WriteToSchedule (p, s, T->EventId, StartTime, T->Duration / 60, (char *) T->Text,
(char *) S->Text, T->ThemeId, TableId, 0, rating);
+ sortSchedules(s, p->channelID);
- FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
+ //FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
//if ((S->NumReplays != 0) && (Replays > 0)) { //when replays are used, all summaries of the replays are stored consecutively; currently only CSAT
//j++; //move to next summary
@@ -2817,15 +2917,16 @@ void cFilterEEPG::LoadIntoSchedule (void)
/* write Title info to schedule */
sChannel *C = &sChannels[ChannelSeq[T->ChannelId]]; //find channel
- cSchedule *p[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ cSchedule *p;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
PrepareToWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
char rating = 0x00;
if ((Format == SKY_IT || Format == SKY_UK) && T->Rating) { //TODO only works on OTV for now
rating = T->Rating;
- WriteToSchedule (p, C->NumberOfEquivalences, T->EventId, T->StartTime, T->Duration / 60, (char *) T->Text,
+ WriteToSchedule (p, s, T->EventId, T->StartTime, T->Duration / 60, (char *) T->Text,
NULL, T->ThemeId, DEFAULT_TABLE_ID, 0, rating);
- FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
+ //FinishWriteToSchedule (C, s, p);
+ sortSchedules(s, p->channelID);
i++; //move to next title, for this one no summary can be found
@@ -2896,74 +2997,10 @@ class cEIT2:public SI::EIT
cEIT2 (cSchedules * Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char * Data, bool isEITPid = false, bool OnlyRunningStatus = false);
- void updateEquivalent(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent);
+// void updateEquivalent(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent);
-void cEIT2::updateEquivalent(cSchedules * Schedules, tChannelID channelID, cEvent *pEvent){
- multimap<string,string>::iterator it;
- pair<multimap<string,string>::iterator,multimap<string,string>::iterator> ret;
- LogD(3, prep("Start updateEquivalent %s"), *channelID.ToString());
- ret = equiChanMap.equal_range(*channelID.ToString());
- for (it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) {
- LogD(1, prep("equivalent channel exists"));
- tChannelID equChannelID (tChannelID::FromString((*it).second.c_str()));
- cChannel *equChannel = GetChannelByID (equChannelID, false);
- if (equChannel) {
- LogD(3, prep("found Equivalent channel %s"), *equChannelID.ToString());
- cSchedule *pSchedule = (cSchedule *) Schedules->GetSchedule (equChannel, true);
- cEvent *pEqvEvent = (cEvent *) pSchedule->GetEvent (pEvent->EventID(), pEvent->StartTime());
- if (pEqvEvent) {
- LogD(1, prep("equivalent event exists"));
- if (pEqvEvent == pEvent) {
- LogD(1, prep("equal event exists"));
- } else {
- LogD(1, prep("remove equivalent"));
- pSchedule->DelEvent(pEqvEvent);
- cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
- newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
- newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
- newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
- newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
-// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
- newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
- newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
- newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
- newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
- newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
-// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
- newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
- pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
- pSchedule->Sort ();
- }
- } else {
- LogD(1, prep("equivalent event does not exist"));
- cEvent* newEvent = new cEvent (pEvent->EventID());
- newEvent->SetTableID (pEvent->TableID());
- newEvent->SetStartTime (pEvent->StartTime());
- newEvent->SetDuration (pEvent->Duration());
- newEvent->SetVersion (pEvent->Version());
-// newEvent->SetContents(pEvent->Contents());
- newEvent->SetParentalRating(pEvent->ParentalRating());
- newEvent->SetVps (pEvent->Vps());
- newEvent->SetTitle (pEvent->Title ());
- newEvent->SetShortText (pEvent->ShortText ());
- newEvent->SetDescription (pEvent->Description ());
-// newEvent->SetComponents (pEvent->Components());
- newEvent->FixEpgBugs ();
- pSchedule->AddEvent(newEvent);
- pSchedule->Sort ();
- }
- }
- }
cEIT2::cEIT2 (cSchedules * Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char * Data, bool isEITPid, bool OnlyRunningStatus)
: SI::EIT (Data, false)
@@ -3556,10 +3593,9 @@ cEIT2::cEIT2 (cSchedules * Schedules, int Source, u_char Tid, const u_char * Dat
if (Modified) {
- pSchedule->Sort ();
if (!HasExternalData)
pSchedule->DropOutdated (SegmentStart, SegmentEnd, Tid, getVersionNumber ());
- Schedules->SetModified (pSchedule);
+ sortSchedules(Schedules, channel->GetChannelID());
LogD(4, prep("end of cEIT2"));
diff --git a/eepg.h b/eepg.h
index d306ca0..b661809 100644
--- a/eepg.h
+++ b/eepg.h
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAX_CHANNELS 2048
#define MAX_TITLES 262144
-#define MAX_EQUIVALENCES 8 //the number of equivalences one channel can have
+//#define MAX_EQUIVALENCES 8 //the number of equivalences one channel can have
//Formats (need to be consecutively numbered):
//#define PREMIERE 0
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ typedef struct
unsigned short int ChannelId;
unsigned short int SkyNumber;
- unsigned short int NumberOfEquivalences;//original channel sets this value to 1, every equivalent channel adds 1
- unsigned int Src[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
- unsigned short int Nid[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
- unsigned short int Tid[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
- unsigned short int Sid[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ //unsigned short int NumberOfEquivalences;//original channel sets this value to 1, every equivalent channel adds 1
+ unsigned int Src;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ unsigned short int Nid;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ unsigned short int Tid;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
+ unsigned short int Sid;//[MAX_EQUIVALENCES];
unsigned char Name[64];
} sChannel;