path: root/lib/searchtimer.c
diff options
authorhorchi <>2017-03-05 14:51:57 +0100
committerhorchi <>2017-03-05 14:51:57 +0100
commit5eacf5bf36ddbac082a9e40a2bcdfd0f04fd3f9f (patch)
tree392875cb707b94aaba9d8941113eae35efaf2ec2 /lib/searchtimer.c
commit of actual revision1.1.441.1.42
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/searchtimer.c')
1 files changed, 1373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/searchtimer.c b/lib/searchtimer.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..971230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/searchtimer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1373 @@
+ * searchtimer.c
+ *
+ * See the README file for copyright information
+ *
+ */
+#include "python.h"
+#include "searchtimer.h"
+int cSearchTimer::searchField[] =
+ sfTitle,
+ sfFolge,
+ sfDescription,
+ 0
+const char* cSearchTimer::searchFieldName[] =
+ "TITLE",
+ 0
+int cSearchTimer::repeadCheckField[] =
+ sfTitle,
+ sfFolge,
+ sfDescription,
+ 0
+const char* cSearchTimer::repeadCheckFieldName[] =
+ 0
+// Class Search Timer
+ : startValue("START", cDBS::ffInt, 10),
+ endValue("END", cDBS::ffInt, 10)
+ connection = 0;
+ useeventsDb = 0;
+ searchtimerDb = 0;
+ timerDb = 0;
+ timersDoneDb = 0;
+ mapDb = 0;
+ vdrDb = 0;
+ selectChannelFromMap = 0;
+ selectDoneTimer = 0;
+ selectActiveSearchtimers = 0;
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp = 0;
+ selectAllTimer = 0;
+ selectTimerByEvent = 0;
+ // selectConflictingTimers = 0;
+ ptyRecName = 0;
+ lastSearchTimerUpdate = 0;
+ delete ptyRecName;
+int cSearchTimer::init(const char* confDir)
+ ptyRecName = new Python("recording", "name");
+ if (ptyRecName->init(confDir) != success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "Init of python script failed, aborting");
+ return fail;
+ }
+ return done;
+int cSearchTimer::initDb()
+ int status = success;
+ exitDb();
+ connection = new cDbConnection();
+ useeventsDb = new cDbTable(connection, "useevents");
+ if ((status = useeventsDb->open() != success)) return status;
+ searchtimerDb = new cDbTable(connection, "searchtimers");
+ if (searchtimerDb->open() != success) return fail;
+ timerDb = new cDbTable(connection, "timers");
+ if (timerDb->open() != success) return fail;
+ timersDoneDb = new cDbTable(connection, "timersdone");
+ if (timersDoneDb->open() != success) return fail;
+ mapDb = new cDbTable(connection, "channelmap");
+ if ((status = mapDb->open()) != success) return status;
+ vdrDb = new cDbTable(connection, "vdrs");
+ if ((status = vdrDb->open()) != success) return status;
+ // ----------
+ // select ...
+ // from searchtimers
+ // where state <> 'D' and active > 0
+ // and (type = 'R' or type is null)
+ selectActiveSearchtimers = new cDbStatement(searchtimerDb);
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->build("select ");
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->bindAllOut();
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->bind("UPDSP", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->bind("INSSP", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->build(" from %s where %s <> 'D' and %s > 0 and (%s = 'R' or %s is null)",
+ searchtimerDb->TableName(),
+ searchtimerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName(),
+ searchtimerDb->getField("ACTIVE")->getDbName(),
+ searchtimerDb->getField("TYPE")->getDbName(),
+ searchtimerDb->getField("TYPE")->getDbName());
+ status += selectActiveSearchtimers->prepare();
+ // --------------------
+ // select max(modsp) from searchtimers
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp = new cDbStatement(searchtimerDb);
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->build("select ");
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->bind("MODSP", cDBS::bndOut, "max(");
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->build(") from %s", searchtimerDb->TableName());
+ status += selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->prepare();
+ // ----------
+ // select id
+ // from timersdone
+ // ...
+ selectDoneTimer = new cDbStatement(timersDoneDb);
+ // selectDoneTimer - will build and prepared later at runtime ...
+ // ----------
+ // select channelname
+ // from channelmap
+ selectChannelFromMap = new cDbStatement(mapDb);
+ selectChannelFromMap->build("select ");
+ selectChannelFromMap->bind("CHANNELNAME", cDBS::bndOut);
+ selectChannelFromMap->build(" from %s where ", mapDb->TableName());
+ selectChannelFromMap->bind("CHANNELID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet);
+ status += selectChannelFromMap->prepare();
+ // select *,
+ // from timers
+ // where state in ('P','R')
+ selectAllTimer = new cDbStatement(timerDb);
+ selectAllTimer->build("select ");
+ selectAllTimer->setBindPrefix("t.");
+ selectAllTimer->bindAllOut();
+ selectAllTimer->setBindPrefix("v.");
+ selectAllTimer->bind(vdrDb, "NAME", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ selectAllTimer->bind(vdrDb, "TUNERCOUNT", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ selectAllTimer->build(" from %s t, %s v ", timerDb->TableName(), vdrDb->TableName());
+ selectAllTimer->build(" where t.%s in ('P','R')", timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName());
+ selectAllTimer->build(" and t.VDRUUID = v.UUID");
+ selectAllTimer->build(" order by t.%s, t.%s",
+ timerDb->getField("DAY")->getDbName(),
+ timerDb->getField("STARTTIME")->getDbName());
+ status += selectAllTimer->prepare();
+ // select *
+ // from timers
+ // where (state in ('P','R') or state is null)
+ // and eventid = ?
+ selectTimerByEvent = new cDbStatement(timerDb);
+ selectTimerByEvent->build("select ");
+ selectTimerByEvent->bindAllOut();
+ selectTimerByEvent->build(" from %s where ", timerDb->TableName());
+ selectTimerByEvent->build("(%s in ('P','R') or %s is null)",
+ timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName(),
+ timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName());
+ selectTimerByEvent->bind("EVENTID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and ");
+ status += selectTimerByEvent->prepare();
+ // select * from timers
+ // where state in ('P','R')
+ // and active = 1
+ // and day + starttime div 100 * 60 * 60 + starttime % 100 * 60 >= ?
+ // and day + starttime div 100 * 60 * 60 + starttime % 100 * 60 <= ?
+ // and vdruuid = ?
+ // group by SUBSTRING_INDEX(channelid, '-', 3);
+ // selectConflictingTimers = new cDbStatement(timerDb);
+ // selectConflictingTimers->build("select ");
+ // selectConflictingTimers->bindAllOut();
+ // selectConflictingTimers->build(" from %s where %s in ('P','R')",
+ // timerDb->TableName(), timerDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName());
+ // selectConflictingTimers->build(" and active = 1");
+ // selectConflictingTimers->bindText("day + starttime div 100 * 60 * 60 + starttime % 100 * 60", &startValue, ">=", " and ");
+ // selectConflictingTimers->bindText("day + starttime div 100 * 60 * 60 + starttime % 100 * 60", &endValue, "<=", " and ");
+ // selectConflictingTimers->bind("VDRUUID", cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and ");
+ // selectConflictingTimers->build(" group by SUBSTRING_INDEX(channelid, '-', 3)");
+ // status += selectConflictingTimers->prepare();
+ // ----------
+ if (status != success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "Error: At least %d statements not prepared successfully", status*-1);
+ return status;
+ }
+ return success;
+int cSearchTimer::exitDb()
+ if (connection)
+ {
+ delete selectActiveSearchtimers; selectActiveSearchtimers = 0;
+ delete selectSearchtimerMaxModSp; selectSearchtimerMaxModSp = 0;
+ delete selectDoneTimer; selectDoneTimer = 0;
+ delete selectChannelFromMap; selectChannelFromMap = 0;
+ delete selectAllTimer; selectAllTimer = 0;
+ // delete selectConflictingTimers; selectConflictingTimers = 0;
+ delete selectTimerByEvent; selectTimerByEvent = 0;
+ delete mapDb; mapDb = 0;
+ delete useeventsDb; useeventsDb = 0;
+ delete searchtimerDb; searchtimerDb = 0;
+ delete timerDb; timerDb = 0;
+ delete timersDoneDb; timersDoneDb = 0;
+ delete vdrDb; vdrDb = 0;
+ delete connection; connection = 0;
+ }
+ return success;
+// Any Search Timer Modified
+int cSearchTimer::modified()
+ int modsp = 0;
+ if (selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->find())
+ modsp = searchtimerDb->getIntValue("MODSP");
+ selectSearchtimerMaxModSp->freeResult();
+ return modsp && modsp > lastSearchTimerUpdate;
+// Prepare Search Statement
+cDbStatement* cSearchTimer::prepareSearchStatement(cDbRow* searchTimer, cDbTable* db)
+ cDbStatement* select = new cDbStatement(db);
+ const char* searchOp = "=";
+ const char* expression = searchTimer->getStrValue("EXPRESSION");
+ const char* expression1 = searchTimer->getStrValue("EXPRESSION1");
+ const char* episodename = searchTimer->getStrValue("EPISODENAME");
+ const char* season = searchTimer->getStrValue("SEASON");
+ const char* seasonpart = searchTimer->getStrValue("SEASONPART");
+ const char* category = searchTimer->getStrValue("CATEGORY");
+ const char* genre = searchTimer->getStrValue("GENRE");
+ const char* tipp = searchTimer->getStrValue("TIPP");
+ const char* year = searchTimer->getStrValue("YEAR");
+ const char* chformat = searchTimer->getStrValue("CHFORMAT");
+ int noepgmatch = searchTimer->getIntValue("NOEPGMATCH");
+ int searchmode = searchTimer->getIntValue("SEARCHMODE");
+ int searchfields = searchTimer->getIntValue("SEARCHFIELDS");
+ int searchfields1 = searchTimer->getIntValue("SEARCHFIELDS1");
+ int casesensitiv = searchTimer->getIntValue("CASESENSITIV");
+ int weekdays = searchTimer->getValue("WEEKDAYS")->isNull() ? (int)na : searchTimer->getIntValue("WEEKDAYS");
+ switch (searchmode)
+ {
+ case smExact: searchOp = casesensitiv ? "= BINARY" : "="; break;
+ case smRegexp: searchOp = casesensitiv ? "regexp BINARY" : "regexp"; break;
+ case smLike: searchOp = casesensitiv ? "like BINARY" : "like"; break;
+ case smContained: searchOp = casesensitiv ? "like BINARY" : "like"; break;
+ }
+ select->build("select ");
+ select->bindAllOut(0, cDBS::ftData | cDBS::ftPrimary, cDBS::ftMeta);
+ select->setBindPrefix("c.");
+ select->bind(mapDb, "FORMAT", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ select->clrBindPrefix();
+ select->build(" from eventsviewplain e, (select distinct channelid,channelname,format,ord,visible from %s) c where ",
+ mapDb->TableName());
+ select->build("e.%s = c.%s",
+ db->getField("CHANNELID")->getDbName(),
+ mapDb->getField("CHANNELID")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" and e.updflg in (%s)", cEventState::getVisible());
+ select->build(" and e.cnt_starttime >= unix_timestamp()-120"); // not more than 2 minutes running
+ // search fields 1
+ if (!isEmpty(expression) && strcmp(expression, "%") != 0 && strcmp(expression, "%%") != 0 && searchfields)
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ for (int i = 0, n = 0; searchField[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (!db->getField(searchFieldName[i]))
+ tell(0, "Fatal: Search field '%s' not known!", searchFieldName[i]);
+ else if (searchfields & searchField[i])
+ {
+ select->build("%s(%s %s '%s%s%s')", n++ ? " or " : "",
+ db->getField(searchFieldName[i])->getDbName(),
+ searchOp,
+ searchmode == smContained ? "%" : "",
+ connection->escapeSqlString(expression).c_str(),
+ searchmode == smContained ? "%" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // search fields 2
+ if (!isEmpty(expression1) && strcmp(expression1, "%") != 0 && strcmp(expression1, "%%") != 0 && searchfields1)
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ for (int i = 0, n = 0; searchField[i]; i++)
+ {
+ if (!db->getField(searchFieldName[i]))
+ tell(0, "Fatal: Search field '%s' not known!", searchFieldName[i]);
+ else if (searchfields1 & searchField[i])
+ {
+ select->build("%s(%s %s '%s%s%s')", n++ ? " or " : "",
+ db->getField(searchFieldName[i])->getDbName(),
+ searchOp,
+ searchmode == smContained ? "%" : "",
+ connection->escapeSqlString(expression1).c_str(),
+ searchmode == smContained ? "%" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Channel Format (CHFORMAT)
+ if (!isEmpty(chformat))
+ {
+ std::string format;
+ format = "'" + strReplace(",", "','", chformat) + "'";
+ select->build(" and (");
+ select->build(" c.%s in (%s) ",
+ mapDb->getField("FORMAT")->getDbName(),
+ format.c_str());
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Kategorie 'Spielfilm','Serie' (CATEGORY)
+ if (!isEmpty(category))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("CATEGORY")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s in (%s) ",
+ db->getField("CATEGORY")->getDbName(),
+ category);
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Genre 'Krimi','Action' (GENRE)
+ if (!isEmpty(genre))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("GENRE")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s in (%s) ",
+ db->getField("GENRE")->getDbName(),
+ genre);
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Tipp (TIPP)
+ if (!isEmpty(tipp))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("TIPP")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s in (%s) ",
+ db->getField("TIPP")->getDbName(),
+ tipp);
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Serien Titel (EPISODENAME)
+ if (!isEmpty(episodename))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ select->build(" %s = '%s' or (%s is null and %s = '%s')",
+ db->getField("EPISODENAME")->getDbName(),
+ connection->escapeSqlString(episodename).c_str(),
+ db->getField("EPISODENAME")->getDbName(),
+ db->getField("TITLE")->getDbName(),
+ connection->escapeSqlString(episodename).c_str());
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Staffel like 3-5 (SEASON)
+ if (!isEmpty(season))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("EPISODESEASON")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s between %d and %d ",
+ db->getField("EPISODESEASON")->getDbName(),
+ rangeFrom(season), rangeTo(season));
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Staffelfolge (SEASONPART)
+ if (!isEmpty(seasonpart))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("EPISODEPART")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s between %d and %d ",
+ db->getField("EPISODEPART")->getDbName(),
+ rangeFrom(seasonpart), rangeTo(seasonpart));
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ // Jahr (YEAR)
+ if (!isEmpty(year))
+ {
+ select->build(" and (");
+ if (noepgmatch)
+ select->build("%s is null or ", db->getField("YEAR")->getDbName());
+ select->build(" %s between %d and %d ",
+ db->getField("YEAR")->getDbName(),
+ rangeFrom(year), rangeTo(year));
+ select->build(")");
+ }
+ if (weekdays > 0)
+ {
+ select->build(" and ");
+ select->build("(%d & (1 << weekday(from_unixtime(%s)))) <> 0",
+ weekdays, db->getField("STARTTIME")->getDbName());
+ }
+ select->build(" order by e.cnt_starttime, c.ord");
+ if (select->prepare() != success)
+ {
+ delete select;
+ select = 0;
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Prepare of statement for searchtimer failed, skipping");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const char* p = strstr(select->asText(), " from ");
+ tell(1, "AUTOTIMER: Search statement [%s;]", p ? p : select->asText());
+ return select;
+// Match Criterias
+int cSearchTimer::matchCriterias(cDbRow* searchTimer, cDbRow* event)
+ const char* channelids = searchTimer->getStrValue("CHANNELIDS");
+ int chexclude = searchTimer->getIntValue("CHEXCLUDE");
+ int rangeStart = searchTimer->getValue("STARTTIME")->isNull() ? (int)na : searchTimer->getIntValue("STARTTIME");
+ int rangeEnd = searchTimer->getValue("ENDTIME")->isNull() ? (int)na : searchTimer->getIntValue("ENDTIME");
+ int nextDays = searchTimer->getValue("NEXTDAYS")->isNull() ? (int)na : searchTimer->getIntValue("NEXTDAYS");
+ const char* channelid = event->getStrValue("CHANNELID");
+ time_t starttime = event->getIntValue("STARTTIME");
+ int hhmm = l2hhmm(starttime);
+ // check if channel known to VDRs
+ mapDb->clear();
+ mapDb->setValue("CHANNELID", channelid);
+ if (!selectChannelFromMap->find() || mapDb->getIntValue("UNKNOWNATVDR") > 0)
+ {
+ mapDb->reset();
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping hit, channelid '%s' is unknown at least on one VDR!",
+ event->getStrValue("CHANNELID"));
+ return no;
+ }
+ mapDb->reset();
+ // check channel matches
+ if (!isEmpty(channelids))
+ {
+ if (!chexclude && !strstr(channelids, channelid))
+ {
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping hit due to channelid - '%s' not in '%s'",
+ event->getStrValue("CHANNELID"), channelids);
+ return no;
+ }
+ else if (chexclude && strstr(channelids, channelid))
+ {
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping hit due to channelid - '%s' it in '%s'",
+ event->getStrValue("CHANNELID"), channelids);
+ return no;
+ }
+ }
+ // check start
+ if (rangeStart > 0 && hhmm < rangeStart)
+ {
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping due to range (start before range)");
+ return no;
+ }
+ if (rangeEnd > 0 && hhmm > rangeEnd)
+ {
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping due to range (start behind range)");
+ return no;
+ }
+ if (nextDays > 0 && event->getIntValue("STARTTIME") > time(0) + tmeSecondsPerDay * nextDays)
+ {
+ tell(2, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping due to nextdays (start behind range)");
+ return no;
+ }
+ // check range ... is start event in nextdays ...
+ return yes;
+// Get Search Matches
+int cSearchTimer::getSearchMatches(cDbRow* searchTimer, json_t* obj)
+ cDbStatement* select = 0;
+ long searchtimerid = searchTimer->getIntValue("ID");
+ searchtimerDb->clear();
+ if (searchtimerid > 0)
+ {
+ searchtimerDb->setValue("ID", searchtimerid);
+ if (!searchtimerDb->find())
+ {
+ tell(0, "Warning: Searchtimer %ld not found!", searchtimerid);
+ return fail;
+ }
+ searchTimer = searchtimerDb->getRow();
+ }
+ if (!(select = prepareSearchStatement(searchTimer, useeventsDb)))
+ return fail;
+ json_t* oEvents = json_array();
+ useeventsDb->clear();
+ for (int res = select->find(); res; res = select->fetch())
+ {
+ cDbStatement* selectDones = 0;
+ useeventsDb->find(); // get all fields ..
+ if (!matchCriterias(searchTimer, useeventsDb->getRow()))
+ continue;
+ // add to json object
+ json_t* oData = json_object();
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "USEID", no, "id");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "CHANNELID");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "STARTTIME");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "DURATION");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "CATEGORY");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "GENRE");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "TITLE");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "SHORTTEXT");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "SHORTDESCRIPTION");
+ addFieldToJson(oData, useeventsDb, "TIPP");
+ if (prepareDoneSelect(useeventsDb->getRow(), searchtimerDb->getIntValue("REPEATFIELDS"), selectDones) == success && selectDones)
+ {
+ json_t* oDones = json_array();
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (int f = selectDones->find(); f; f = selectDones->fetch())
+ {
+ json_t* o = json_object();
+ long id = timersDoneDb->getIntValue("ID");
+ const char* state = timersDoneDb->getStrValue("STATE");
+ // add to json object
+ json_object_set_new(o, "id", json_integer(id));
+ json_object_set_new(o, "state", json_string(state));
+ json_array_append_new(oDones, o);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ selectDones->freeResult();
+ if (cnt)
+ json_object_set_new(oData, "dones", oDones);
+ }
+ json_array_append_new(oEvents, oData);
+ }
+ select->freeResult();
+ delete select;
+ searchtimerDb->reset();
+ json_object_set_new(obj, "events", oEvents);
+ return success;
+// Get Done For Event by Searchtimer
+int cSearchTimer::getDoneFor(cDbRow* searchTimer, cDbRow* useevent, json_t* obj)
+ cDbStatement* select = 0;
+ searchtimerDb->clear();
+ searchtimerDb->setValue("ID", searchTimer->getIntValue("ID"));
+ if (!searchtimerDb->find())
+ {
+ tell(0, "Warning: Searchtimer %ld not found", searchTimer->getIntValue("ID"));
+ return fail;
+ }
+ useeventsDb->clear();
+ useeventsDb->setBigintValue("CNTEVENTID", useevent->getBigintValue("CNTEVENTID"));
+ useeventsDb->setValue("CHANNELID", useevent->getStrValue("CHANNELID"));
+ useeventsDb->setValue("CNTSOURCE", useevent->getStrValue("CNTSOURCE"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->find())
+ {
+ tell(0, "Warning: Event '%s/%" PRId64 "/%s' not found",
+ useevent->getStrValue("CHANNELID"),
+ useevent->getBigintValue("CNTEVENTID"),
+ useevent->getStrValue("CNTSOURCE"));
+ return fail;
+ }
+ if (prepareDoneSelect(useeventsDb->getRow(), searchtimerDb->getIntValue("REPEATFIELDS"), select) != success || !select)
+ return success;
+ json_t* oDones = json_array();
+ int cnt = 0;
+ for (int f = select->find(); f; f = select->fetch())
+ {
+ json_t* oData = json_object();
+ long id = timersDoneDb->getIntValue("ID");
+ const char* state = timersDoneDb->getStrValue("STATE");
+ // add to json object
+ json_object_set_new(oData, "id", json_integer(id));
+ json_object_set_new(oData, "state", json_string(state));
+ json_array_append_new(oDones, oData);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ select->freeResult();
+ useeventsDb->reset();
+ searchtimerDb->reset();
+ if (cnt)
+ json_object_set_new(obj, "dones", oDones);
+ return success;
+// Update Search Timers
+int cSearchTimer::updateSearchTimers(int force, const char* reason)
+ uint64_t start = cMyTimeMs::Now();
+ long total = 0;
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Updating searchtimers due to '%s' %s", reason, force ? "(force)" : "");
+ searchtimerDb->clear();
+ for (int res = selectActiveSearchtimers->find(); res; res = selectActiveSearchtimers->fetch())
+ {
+ long hits = 0;
+ cDbStatement* select = 0;
+ // searchtimer updated after last run or force?
+ if (!force && searchtimerDb->getIntValue("MODSP") <= searchtimerDb->getIntValue("LASTRUN"))
+ continue;
+ select = prepareSearchStatement(searchtimerDb->getRow(), useeventsDb);
+ if (!select)
+ {
+ lastSearchTimerUpdate = time(0); // protect for infinite call on error
+ return 0;
+ }
+ useeventsDb->clear();
+ for (int res = select->find(); res; res = select->fetch())
+ {
+ cDbStatement* select = 0;
+ time_t starttime = useeventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME");
+ int weekday = weekdayOf(starttime);
+ tell(3, "AUTOTIMER: Found event (%s) '%s' / '%s' (%ld/%s) at day %d",
+ l2pTime(starttime).c_str(),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"),
+ useeventsDb->getIntValue("USEID"),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"),
+ weekday);
+ useeventsDb->find(); // get all fields ..
+ // match
+ if (!matchCriterias(searchtimerDb->getRow(), useeventsDb->getRow()))
+ {
+ useeventsDb->reset();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // check if event already recorded or schedule for recording
+ tell(2, "Check if '%s/%s' already recorded by fields (%ld)",
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"),
+ searchtimerDb->getIntValue("REPEATFIELDS"));
+ int isDone = no;
+ if (prepareDoneSelect(useeventsDb->getRow(), searchtimerDb->getIntValue("REPEATFIELDS"), select) == success && select)
+ {
+ isDone = select->find() ? yes : no;
+ select->freeResult();
+ }
+ if (isDone)
+ continue;
+ timerDb->clear();
+ timerDb->setValue("EVENTID", useeventsDb->getIntValue("USEID"));
+ if (selectTimerByEvent->find())
+ {
+ tell(2, "Timer for event (%ld) '%s/%s' already scheduled, skipping",
+ useeventsDb->getIntValue("USEID"),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// #TODO time_t lEndTime = useeventsDb->getIntValue("DURATION");
+// #TODO int count = getUsedTransponderAt(useeventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME"), lEndTime);
+// #TODO if (count <= availableTransponders)
+ {
+ if (createTimer(searchtimerDb->getIntValue("ID")) == success)
+ hits++;
+ }
+// else
+// tell(1, "AUTOTIMER: Skipping due to");
+ }
+ selectTimerByEvent->freeResult();
+ useeventsDb->reset();
+ }
+ total += hits;
+ select->freeResult();
+ delete select;
+ searchtimerDb->find();
+ searchtimerDb->setValue("LASTRUN", time(0));
+ if (hits)
+ searchtimerDb->setValue("HITS", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("HITS") + hits);
+ searchtimerDb->update();
+ }
+ selectActiveSearchtimers->freeResult();
+ lastSearchTimerUpdate = time(0);
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Update done after %s, created %ld timers",
+ ms2Dur(cMyTimeMs::Now()-start).c_str(), total);
+ return total;
+// Prepare Done Select
+int cSearchTimer::prepareDoneSelect(cDbRow* useeventsRow, int repeatfields, cDbStatement*& select)
+ std::string chkFields = "";
+ select = 0;
+ if (repeatfields <= 0)
+ return success;
+ // prepare statement ...
+ selectDoneTimer->clear();
+ selectDoneTimer->build("select ");
+ selectDoneTimer->bind("ID", cDBS::bndOut);
+ selectDoneTimer->bind("STATE", cDBS::bndOut, ", ");
+ selectDoneTimer->build(" from %s where ", timersDoneDb->TableName());
+ // retry only 'F'ailed and re'J'ected timers, don't retry 'D'eleted timers sice they are deleted by user
+ selectDoneTimer->build(" %s not in ('F','J')", // mysql ignoring case by default!
+ timersDoneDb->getField("STATE")->getDbName());
+ for (int i = 0; repeadCheckField[i]; i++)
+ {
+ const char* fieldName = repeadCheckFieldName[i];
+ if (!timersDoneDb->getField(fieldName))
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Search (for 'done' check) field '%s' not known!",
+ fieldName);
+ else if (repeatfields & repeadCheckField[i])
+ {
+ // specical handling for episode, use EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME instead (if not null)!
+ if (repeadCheckField[i] == sfTitle)
+ {
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME")->isNull())
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME")->isNull())
+ }
+ if (repeadCheckField[i] == sfFolge)
+ {
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME")->isNull())
+ }
+ selectDoneTimer->bind(timersDoneDb->getField(fieldName),
+ cDBS::bndIn | cDBS::bndSet, " and ");
+ chkFields += " " + std::string(fieldName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (selectDoneTimer->prepare() != success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Prepare of statement for 'done' check failed, skipping");
+ return fail;
+ }
+ timersDoneDb->clear();
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPTITLE", useeventsRow->getStrValue("COMPTITLE"));
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("COMPSHORTTEXT")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPSHORTTEXT", useeventsRow->getStrValue("COMPSHORTTEXT"));
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPNAME", useeventsRow->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME", useeventsRow->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", useeventsRow->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsRow->getValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION", useeventsRow->getStrValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION"));
+ select = selectDoneTimer;
+ return success;
+// Create Timer
+// - searchtimerDb and useeventsDb has to be positioned and loaded
+int cSearchTimer::createTimer(int id)
+ int status;
+ int timerid;
+ const char* channelname = "";
+ int namingmode = searchtimerDb->getIntValue("NAMINGMODE");
+ const char* tmplExpression = timerDb->getStrValue("TEMPLATE");
+ // ------------------------------------------
+ // lookup channel name to store in timersdone
+ // (just as a additional 'debug' info)
+ mapDb->clear();
+ mapDb->setValue("CHANNELID", useeventsDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"));
+ if (selectChannelFromMap->find())
+ channelname = mapDb->getStrValue("CHANNELNAME");
+ if (isEmpty(channelname))
+ channelname = useeventsDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID");
+ selectChannelFromMap->freeResult();
+ // ------------------------------------------
+ // Create timer in timerdistribution ...
+ cDbRow timerRow("timers");
+ timerRow.clear();
+ timerRow.setValue("ID", na); // 'na' is the signal for modifyCreateTimer to create new timer
+ timerRow.setValue("ACTIVE", yes);
+ timerRow.setValue("TYPE", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("TYPE"));
+ timerRow.setValue("SOURCE", "epgd");
+ timerRow.setValue("EVENTID", useeventsDb->getIntValue("USEID"));
+ timerRow.setValue("CHANNELID", useeventsDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"));
+ timerRow.setValue("NAMINGMODE", namingmode);
+ timerRow.setValue("TEMPLATE", tmplExpression);
+ timerRow.setValue("CHILDLOCK", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("CHILDLOCK"));
+ timerRow.setValue("VDRUUID", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ timerRow.setValue("VPS", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("VPS"));
+ timerRow.setValue("PRIORITY", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("PRIORITY"));
+ timerRow.setValue("LIFETIME", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("LIFETIME"));
+ timerRow.setValue("DIRECTORY", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("DIRECTORY"));
+ timerRow.setValue("AUTOTIMERID", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("ID"));
+ timerRow.setValue("AUTOTIMERNAME", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("NAME"));
+ timerRow.setValue("AUTOTIMERINSSP", searchtimerDb->getIntValue("INSSP"));
+ timerRow.setValue("EXPRESSION", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("EXPRESSION"));
+ if (ptyRecName && namingmode != tnmDefault)
+ {
+ // execupe python - calc recording name
+ if (ptyRecName->execute(useeventsDb, namingmode, tmplExpression) == success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "Info: The recording name calculated by '' is '%s'",
+ ptyRecName->getResult());
+ if (!isEmpty(ptyRecName->getResult()))
+ timerRow.setValue("FILE", ptyRecName->getResult());
+ }
+ }
+ status = modifyCreateTimer(&timerRow, timerid);
+ // on scuccess add to timersdone ..
+ if (status == success)
+ {
+ timersDoneDb->clear();
+ timersDoneDb->setCharValue("STATE", tdsTimerRequested);
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("SOURCE", "epgd");
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("AUTOTIMERID", id);
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("TIMERID", timerid);
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("TITLE", useeventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"));
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPTITLE", useeventsDb->getStrValue("COMPTITLE"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("SHORTTEXT")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("SHORTTEXT", useeventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("COMPSHORTTEXT")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPSHORTTEXT", useeventsDb->getStrValue("COMPSHORTTEXT"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("LONGDESCRIPTION")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("LONGDESCRIPTION", useeventsDb->getStrValue("LONGDESCRIPTION"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION", useeventsDb->getStrValue("COMPLONGDESCRIPTION"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODECOMPNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPNAME", useeventsDb->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME", useeventsDb->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPSHORTNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME", useeventsDb->getStrValue("EPISODECOMPPARTNAME"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODELANG")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODELANG", useeventsDb->getStrValue("EPISODELANG"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODESEASON")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODESEASON", useeventsDb->getIntValue("EPISODESEASON"));
+ if (!useeventsDb->getValue("EPISODEPART")->isEmpty())
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EPISODEPART", useeventsDb->getIntValue("EPISODEPART"));
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("CHANNELID", useeventsDb->getStrValue("CHANNELID"));
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("STARTTIME", useeventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME"));
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("DURATION", useeventsDb->getIntValue("DURATION"));
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("EXPRESSION", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("EXPRESSION"));
+ if (!isEmpty(channelname))
+ timersDoneDb->setValue("CHANNELNAME", channelname);
+ timersDoneDb->insert();
+ int doneid = timersDoneDb->getLastInsertId();
+ tell(0, "AUTOTIMER: Created timer request (%d) for (%s) '%s' / '%s' on channel '%s' at %s with doneid (%d)",
+ timerid,
+ l2pTime(useeventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME")).c_str(),
+ useeventsDb->getStrValue("TITLE"), useeventsDb->getStrValue("SHORTTEXT"),
+ channelname, toWeekdayName(weekdayOf(useeventsDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME"))),
+ doneid);
+ timerDb->clear();
+ timerDb->setValue("ID", timerid);
+ timerDb->setValue("VDRUUID", searchtimerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ if (timerDb->find())
+ {
+ timerDb->setValue("DONEID", doneid);
+ timerDb->update();
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+// Modify Timer (copy paste from cMenuDb of epg2vdr/httpd)
+// - timerRow contains the destination vdrUuid
+int cSearchTimer::modifyCreateTimer(cDbRow* timerRow, int& newid)
+ int status = success;
+ int timerid = timerRow->getIntValue("ID");
+ int knownTimer = timerid != na;
+ int move = no;
+ newid = na;
+ connection->startTransaction();
+ timerDb->clear();
+ // lookup known (existing) timer
+ if (knownTimer)
+ {
+ timerDb->copyValues(timerRow, cDBS::ftPrimary);
+ if (!timerDb->find())
+ {
+ connection->commit();
+ tell(0, "Timer (%d) at vdr '%s' not found, aborting modify request!",
+ timerid, timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ return fail;
+ }
+ // found and all values are loaded!
+ // move to another vdr?
+ if (!timerDb->hasValue("VDRUUID", timerRow->getStrValue("VDRUUID")))
+ move = yes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timerDb->setValue("VDRUUID", timerRow->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ }
+ if (move)
+ {
+ // request 'D'elete of 'old' timer
+ timerDb->setCharValue("ACTION", taDelete);
+ timerDb->setValue("SOURCE", timerRow->getStrValue("SOURCE"));
+ status = timerDb->update();
+ // triggerVdrs("TIMERJOB", timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ // create new on other vdr
+ timerDb->copyValues(timerRow, cDBS::ftData); // takeover all data (can be modified by user)
+ timerDb->setValue("ID", 0);
+ timerDb->setCharValue("ACTION", taCreate);
+ status += timerDb->insert();
+ newid = timerDb->getLastInsertId();
+ if (status == success)
+ tell(0, "Created 'move' request for timer (%d) at vdr '%s'",
+ timerid, timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // create 'C'reate oder 'M'odify request ...
+ timerDb->copyValues(timerRow, cDBS::ftData);
+ timerDb->setCharValue("ACTION", knownTimer ? taModify : taCreate);
+ // if (!knownTimer)
+ // timerDb->setValue("NAMINGMODE", tnmDefault);
+ if (knownTimer)
+ {
+ status = timerDb->update();
+ newid = timerid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = timerDb->insert();
+ newid = timerDb->getLastInsertId();
+ }
+ if (status == success)
+ {
+ tell(0, "Created '%s' request for timer (%d), event (%ld) at vdr '%s' by autotimer (%ld)",
+ knownTimer ? "modify" : "create",
+ newid, timerDb->getIntValue("EVENTID"), timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"),
+ timerDb->getIntValue("AUTOTIMERID"));
+ }
+ }
+ connection->commit();
+ // triggerVdrs("TIMERJOB", timerDb->getStrValue("VDRUUID"));
+ return status;
+// Check Timer Conficts
+int cSearchTimer::checkTimerConflicts(std::string& mailBody)
+ int conflicts = 0;
+ tell(0, "TCC: Starting timer conflict check");
+ timerDb->clear();
+ vdrDb->clear();
+ for (int f = selectAllTimer->find(); f; f = selectAllTimer->fetch())
+ {
+ if (!timerDb->getIntValue("ACTIVE"))
+ continue;
+ if (timerDb->getIntValue("TCCMAILCNT") > 0)
+ continue;
+ tell(2, "TCC: Check conflicts for timer (%ld) '%s' on '%s'",
+ timerDb->getIntValue("ID"), timerDb->getStrValue("FILE"),
+ vdrDb->getStrValue("NAME"));
+ // calc 'start' and 'end' time of this timer ..
+ int sDay = timerDb->getIntValue("DAY");
+ int sTime = timerDb->getIntValue("STARTTIME");
+ int eDay = timerDb->getIntValue("DAY");
+ int eTime = timerDb->getIntValue("ENDTIME");
+ if (eTime < sTime)
+ eDay += tmeSecondsPerDay;
+ time_t lStartTime = sDay + sTime / 100 * tmeSecondsPerHour + sTime % 100 * tmeSecondsPerMinute;
+ time_t lEndTime = eDay + eTime / 100 * tmeSecondsPerHour + eTime % 100 * tmeSecondsPerMinute;
+ // check for conflicts
+ std::string mailPart;
+ int tunerCount = getUsedTransponderAt(lStartTime, lEndTime, mailPart);
+ if (tunerCount > vdrDb->getIntValue("TUNERCOUNT"))
+ {
+ conflicts++;
+ tell(0, "TCC: Timer (%ld) '%s' conflict at '%s - %s' needed %d transponders on '%s'",
+ timerDb->getIntValue("ID"),
+ timerDb->getStrValue("FILE"),
+ l2pTime(lStartTime).c_str(),
+ l2pTime(lEndTime).c_str(),
+ tunerCount,
+ vdrDb->getStrValue("NAME"));
+ mailBody += " <tr>\n"
+ " <th><font face=\"Arial\"> conflict #" + num2Str(conflicts)
+ + "on" + vdrDb->getStrValue("NAME")
+ + " </font></th>\n"
+ " </tr>\n";
+ mailBody += mailPart;
+ timerDb->setValue("TCCMAILCNT", timerDb->getIntValue("TCCMAILCNT") + 1);
+ timerDb->update();
+ // #TODO - reject autotimer ... ?
+ // rejectTimer(timerDb->getRow());
+ }
+ else if (tunerCount <= 0) // DEBUG-tell - to be removed?
+ tell(0, "TCC: Fatal got 0 used transponders for timer (%ld) between %s (%ld) and %s (%ld)",
+ timerDb->getIntValue("ID"),
+ l2pTime(lStartTime).c_str(), lStartTime,
+ l2pTime(lEndTime).c_str(), lEndTime);
+ }
+ selectAllTimer->freeResult();
+ tell(0, "TCC: Finished timer conflict check");
+ return conflicts;
+// Get Used Transponder At
+int cSearchTimer::getUsedTransponderAt(time_t lStartTime, time_t lEndTime, std::string& mailPart)
+ char buf[1024+TB];
+ int count = 0;
+ startValue.setValue(lStartTime);
+ endValue.setValue(lEndTime);
+ // #TODO
+ // this loop don't get all timers at this time and VDR but the conflicting
+ // to add all timer to the mail a inner select loop for each found transponder is needed!
+ for (int f = selectConflictingTimers->find(); f; f = selectConflictingTimers->fetch())
+ {
+ count++;
+ tell(3, "TCC: found '%s'", timerDb->getStrValue("FILE"));
+ sprintf(buf,
+ " <tr>"
+ "<td><font face=\"Arial\">%ld</font></td>"
+ "<td><font face=\"Arial\">%s</font></td>"
+ "<td><font face=\"Arial\">%s</font></td>"
+ "<td><font face=\"Arial\">%s</font></td>"
+ "<td><font face=\"Arial\">%s</font></td>"
+ "</tr>\n",
+ timerDb->getIntValue("ID"),
+ timerDb->getStrValue("FILE"),
+ l2pTime(lStartTime, "%d. %b %H:%M").c_str(),
+ l2pTime(lEndTime, "%H:%M").c_str(),
+ vdrDb->getStrValue("NAME"));
+ mailPart += buf;
+ }
+ selectConflictingTimers->freeResult();
+ return count;
+// //***************************************************************************
+// // Reject Timer
+// //***************************************************************************
+// int cSearchTimer::rejectTimer(cDbRow* timerRow)
+// {
+// tell(0, "Rejecting timer (%ld)", timerRow->getIntValue("ID"));
+// timerJobsDb->clear();
+// timerJobsDb->setValue("TIMERID", timerRow->getIntValue("ID"));
+// timerJobsDb->setValue("DONEID", timerRow->getIntValue("DONEID"));
+// timerJobsDb->setValue("STATE", "J");
+// timerJobsDb->setValue("ASSUMED", "N");
+// timerJobsDb->insert();
+// tell(0, "Created delete job for timer (%ld)", timerRow->getIntValue("ID"));
+// return success;
+// }