path: root/myreplaycontrol.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'myreplaycontrol.c')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 455 deletions
diff --git a/myreplaycontrol.c b/myreplaycontrol.c
index eeee7ee..65c9dd5 100644
--- a/myreplaycontrol.c
+++ b/myreplaycontrol.c
@@ -1,468 +1,20 @@
* See the README file for copyright information and how to reach the author.
- *
- * This code is directly taken from VDR with some changes by me to work with this plugin.
- * Also to JumpPlay-Patch is integrated using #ifdef's.
#include <vdr/interface.h>
#include <vdr/status.h>
-#include <vdr/cutter.h>
#include "myreplaycontrol.h"
-char *myReplayControl::fileName = NULL;
-char *myReplayControl::title = NULL;
+bool myReplayControl::jumprec=true;
- displayReplay = NULL;
- visible = modeOnly = shown = displayFrames = false;
- lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1;
- lastPlay = lastForward = false;
- lastSpeed = -1;
- timeoutShow = 0;
- timeSearchActive = false;
- marks.Load(fileName);
- lastLoadMarks = time(NULL);
- cRecording Recording(fileName);
- cStatus::MsgReplaying(this, Recording.Name(), Recording.FileName(), true);
+eOSState myReplayControl::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
- Hide();
- cStatus::MsgReplaying(this, NULL, fileName, false);
- Stop();
-// --- <my changes> ---
-// calls the main menu of this plugin after playback ends
+ if(Key==kBack)
+ {
-// --- </my changes> ---
-void myReplayControl::SetRecording(const char *FileName, const char *Title)
- free(fileName);
- free(title);
- fileName = FileName ? strdup(FileName) : NULL;
- title = Title ? strdup(Title) : NULL;
-const char *myReplayControl::LastReplayed(void)
- return fileName;
-void myReplayControl::ClearLastReplayed(const char *FileName)
- if (fileName && FileName && strcmp(fileName, FileName) == 0) {
- free(fileName);
- fileName = NULL;
- }
-void myReplayControl::ShowTimed(int Seconds)
- if (modeOnly)
- Hide();
- if (!visible) {
- shown = ShowProgress(true);
- timeoutShow = (shown && Seconds > 0) ? time(NULL) + Seconds : 0;
- }
-void myReplayControl::Show(void)
- ShowTimed();
-void myReplayControl::Hide(void)
- if (visible) {
- delete displayReplay;
- displayReplay = NULL;
- needsFastResponse = visible = false;
- modeOnly = false;
- lastPlay = lastForward = false;
- lastSpeed = -1;
- timeSearchActive = false;
- }
-void myReplayControl::ShowMode(void)
- if (visible || Setup.ShowReplayMode && !cOsd::IsOpen()) {
- bool Play, Forward;
- int Speed;
- if (GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed) && (!visible || Play != lastPlay || Forward != lastForward || Speed != lastSpeed)) {
- bool NormalPlay = (Play && Speed == -1);
- if (!visible) {
- if (NormalPlay)
- return; // no need to do indicate ">" unless there was a different mode displayed before
- visible = modeOnly = true;
- displayReplay = Skins.Current()->DisplayReplay(modeOnly);
- }
- if (modeOnly && !timeoutShow && NormalPlay)
- timeoutShow = time(NULL) + MODETIMEOUT;
- displayReplay->SetMode(Play, Forward, Speed);
- lastPlay = Play;
- lastForward = Forward;
- lastSpeed = Speed;
- }
- }
-bool myReplayControl::ShowProgress(bool Initial)
- int Current, Total;
- if (GetIndex(Current, Total) && Total > 0) {
- if (!visible) {
- displayReplay = Skins.Current()->DisplayReplay(modeOnly);
- displayReplay->SetMarks(&marks);
- needsFastResponse = visible = true;
- }
- if (Initial) {
- if (title)
- displayReplay->SetTitle(title);
- lastCurrent = lastTotal = -1;
- }
- if (Total != lastTotal) {
- displayReplay->SetTotal(IndexToHMSF(Total));
- if (!Initial)
- displayReplay->Flush();
- }
- if (Current != lastCurrent || Total != lastTotal) {
- displayReplay->SetProgress(Current, Total);
- if (!Initial)
- displayReplay->Flush();
- displayReplay->SetCurrent(IndexToHMSF(Current, displayFrames));
- displayReplay->Flush();
- lastCurrent = Current;
- }
- lastTotal = Total;
- ShowMode();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
+ return osEnd;
+ }
-void myReplayControl::TimeSearchDisplay(void)
- char buf[64];
- strcpy(buf, tr("Jump: "));
- int len = strlen(buf);
- char h10 = '0' + (timeSearchTime >> 24);
- char h1 = '0' + ((timeSearchTime & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
- char m10 = '0' + ((timeSearchTime & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
- char m1 = '0' + (timeSearchTime & 0x000000FF);
- char ch10 = timeSearchPos > 3 ? h10 : '-';
- char ch1 = timeSearchPos > 2 ? h1 : '-';
- char cm10 = timeSearchPos > 1 ? m10 : '-';
- char cm1 = timeSearchPos > 0 ? m1 : '-';
- sprintf(buf + len, "%c%c:%c%c", ch10, ch1, cm10, cm1);
- displayReplay->SetJump(buf);
-void myReplayControl::TimeSearchProcess(eKeys Key)
- int Seconds = (timeSearchTime >> 24) * 36000 + ((timeSearchTime & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) * 3600 + ((timeSearchTime & 0x0000FF00) >> 8) * 600 + (timeSearchTime & 0x000000FF) * 60;
- int Current = (lastCurrent / FRAMESPERSEC);
- int Total = (lastTotal / FRAMESPERSEC);
- switch (Key) {
- case k0 ... k9:
- if (timeSearchPos < 4) {
- timeSearchTime <<= 8;
- timeSearchTime |= Key - k0;
- timeSearchPos++;
- TimeSearchDisplay();
- }
- break;
- case kFastRew:
- case kLeft:
- case kFastFwd:
- case kRight: {
- int dir = ((Key == kRight || Key == kFastFwd) ? 1 : -1);
- if (dir > 0)
- Seconds = min(Total - Current - STAY_SECONDS_OFF_END, Seconds);
- SkipSeconds(Seconds * dir);
- timeSearchActive = false;
- }
- break;
- case kPlay:
- case kUp:
- case kPause:
- case kDown:
- case kOk:
- Seconds = min(Total - STAY_SECONDS_OFF_END, Seconds);
- Goto(Seconds * FRAMESPERSEC, Key == kDown || Key == kPause || Key == kOk);
- timeSearchActive = false;
- break;
- default:
- timeSearchActive = false;
- break;
- }
- if (!timeSearchActive) {
- if (timeSearchHide)
- Hide();
- else
- displayReplay->SetJump(NULL);
- ShowMode();
- }
-void myReplayControl::TimeSearch(void)
- timeSearchTime = timeSearchPos = 0;
- timeSearchHide = false;
- if (modeOnly)
- Hide();
- if (!visible) {
- Show();
- if (visible)
- timeSearchHide = true;
- else
- return;
- }
- timeoutShow = 0;
- TimeSearchDisplay();
- timeSearchActive = true;
-void myReplayControl::MarkToggle(void)
- int Current, Total;
- if (GetIndex(Current, Total, true)) {
- cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
- lastCurrent = -1; // triggers redisplay
- if (m)
- marks.Del(m);
- else {
- marks.Add(Current);
- ShowTimed(2);
- bool Play, Forward;
- int Speed;
- if (GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed) && !Play)
- Goto(Current, true);
- if (GetReplayMode(Play, Forward, Speed) && !Play) {
- Goto(Current, true);
- displayFrames = true;
- }
- }
- marks.Save();
- }
-void myReplayControl::MarkJump(bool Forward)
- if (marks.Count()) {
- int Current, Total;
- if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
- cMark *m = Forward ? marks.GetNext(Current) : marks.GetPrev(Current);
- if (m) {
- Goto(m->position, true);
- displayFrames = true;
- bool Play2, Forward2;
- int Speed;
- if (Setup.JumpPlay && GetReplayMode(Play2, Forward2, Speed) &&
- Play2 && Forward && m->position < Total - SecondsToFrames(3)) {
- Goto(m->position);
- Play();
- }
- else {
- Goto(m->position, true);
- displayFrames = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void myReplayControl::MarkMove(bool Forward)
- int Current, Total;
- if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
- cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
- if (m) {
- displayFrames = true;
- int p = SkipFrames(Forward ? 1 : -1);
- cMark *m2;
- if (Forward) {
- if ((m2 = marks.Next(m)) != NULL && m2->position <= p)
- return;
- }
- else {
- if ((m2 = marks.Prev(m)) != NULL && m2->position >= p)
- return;
- }
- Goto(m->position = p, true);
- marks.Save();
- }
- }
-void myReplayControl::EditCut(void)
- if (fileName) {
- Hide();
- if (!cCutter::Active()) {
- if (!marks.Count())
- Skins.Message(mtError, tr("No editing marks defined!"));
- else if (!cCutter::Start(fileName))
- Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Can't start editing process!"));
- else
- Skins.Message(mtInfo, tr("Editing process started"));
- }
- else
- Skins.Message(mtError, tr("Editing process already active!"));
- ShowMode();
- }
-void myReplayControl::EditTest(void)
- int Current, Total;
- if (GetIndex(Current, Total)) {
- cMark *m = marks.Get(Current);
- if (!m)
- m = marks.GetNext(Current);
- if (m) {
- if ((m->Index() & 0x01) != 0)
- if ((m->Index() & 0x01) != 0 && !Setup.PlayJump)
- m = marks.Next(m);
- if (m) {
- Goto(m->position - SecondsToFrames(3));
- Play();
- }
- }
- }
-cOsdObject *myReplayControl::GetInfo(void)
- cRecording *Recording = Recordings.GetByName(myReplayControl::LastReplayed());
- if (Recording)
- return new myMenuRecordingInfo(Recording, false);
- return NULL;
-eOSState myReplayControl::ProcessKey(eKeys Key)
- if (!Active())
- return osEnd;
- if (Setup.LoadMarksInterval &&
- time(NULL) >= lastLoadMarks + Setup.LoadMarksInterval) {
- marks.Load(fileName, true);
- lastLoadMarks = time(NULL);
- }
- if (visible) {
- if (timeoutShow && time(NULL) > timeoutShow) {
- Hide();
- ShowMode();
- timeoutShow = 0;
- }
- else if (modeOnly)
- ShowMode();
- else
- shown = ShowProgress(!shown) || shown;
- }
- bool DisplayedFrames = displayFrames;
- displayFrames = false;
- if (timeSearchActive && Key != kNone) {
- TimeSearchProcess(Key);
- return osContinue;
- }
- bool DoShowMode = true;
- switch (Key) {
- // Positioning:
- case kPlay:
- case kUp: Play(); break;
- case kPause:
- case kDown: Pause(); break;
- case kFastRew|k_Release:
- case kLeft|k_Release:
- if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break;
- case kFastRew:
- case kLeft: Backward(); break;
- case kFastFwd|k_Release:
- case kRight|k_Release:
- if (Setup.MultiSpeedMode) break;
- case kFastFwd:
- case kRight: Forward(); break;
- case kRed: TimeSearch(); break;
- case kGreen|k_Repeat:
- case kGreen: SkipSeconds(-60); break;
- case kYellow|k_Repeat:
- case kYellow: SkipSeconds( 60); break;
- case kStop:
- case kBlue: Hide();
- Stop();
- return osEnd;
- default: {
- DoShowMode = false;
- switch (Key) {
- // Editing:
- case kMarkToggle: MarkToggle(); break;
- case kMarkJumpBack|k_Repeat:
- case kMarkJumpBack: MarkJump(false); break;
- case kMarkJumpForward|k_Repeat:
- case kMarkJumpForward: MarkJump(true); break;
- case kMarkMoveBack|k_Repeat:
- case kMarkMoveBack: MarkMove(false); break;
- case kMarkMoveForward|k_Repeat:
- case kMarkMoveForward: MarkMove(true); break;
- case kEditCut: EditCut(); break;
- case kEditTest: EditTest(); break;
- default: {
- displayFrames = DisplayedFrames;
- switch (Key) {
- // Menu control:
- case kOk: if (visible && !modeOnly) {
- Hide();
- DoShowMode = true;
- }
- else
- Show();
- break;
-// --- <my changes> ---
-// changed to get the plugin main menu instead of the recordings menu
-// because this one line i had the build this hole class new :-D
-// case kBack: return osRecordings;
- case kBack: return osEnd;
-// --- </my changes> ---
- default: return osUnknown;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (DoShowMode)
- ShowMode();
- return osContinue;
+ return cReplayControl::ProcessKey(Key);