path: root/live/js
diff options
authorDieter Hametner <dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de>2007-07-29 17:41:38 +0000
committerDieter Hametner <dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de>2007-07-29 17:41:38 +0000
commit6bd91ddffe86ebeb10420f05a232f8e779eaf86d (patch)
tree09fe2c9617c08799e2689afa2fc9d0366bd16ff9 /live/js
parentc6754ca96830f5034ca56a4ca2987df4c50375db (diff)
- Made vdr ajax requests work also via a static page. This is for
browsers that don't support javascript (e.g. PDA browsers) - Implemented for AJAX request a visual notification how requested action performed. - Adapted styles for this. - Moded images for rounded boxes (formerly tip-hint-??.png) to central image directory and renamed them according to their color. This makes them reusable in different themes. - Adapted themes to this move.
Diffstat (limited to 'live/js')
4 files changed, 172 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/live/js/live/infowin.js b/live/js/live/infowin.js
index 1e35438..d12bd53 100644
--- a/live/js/live/infowin.js
+++ b/live/js/live/infowin.js
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ var InfoWin = new Class({
onShow: Class.empty,
onHide: Class.empty,
onDomExtend: Class.empty,
+ destroyOnHide: false,
className: 'info',
wm: false, // overide default window manager.
draggable: true,
@@ -42,15 +43,17 @@ var InfoWin = new Class({
buttonimg: 'transparent.png',
bodyselect: 'div.content',
titleselect: 'div.caption',
- idSuffix: '-win-id',
+ classSuffix: '-win',
+ idSuffix: '-id',
offsets: {'x': -16, 'y': -16}
initialize: function(id, options){
this.wm = this.options.wm || InfoWin.$wm;
- this.winFrame = $(id + this.options.idSuffix);
+ this.winFrame = $(id + this.options.classSuffix + this.options.idSuffix);
if (!$defined(this.winFrame)){
+ this.buildFrame(id);;
@@ -63,40 +66,29 @@ var InfoWin = new Class({
// must return true if the body of the InfoWin has been filled
// with the user data, false otherwise.
build: function(id){
- this.winFrame = new Element('div', {
- 'id': id + this.options.idSuffix,
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win',
- 'styles': {
- 'position': 'absolute',
- 'top': '0',
- 'left': '0'
- }
- });
// header of window: upper shadows, corners title and controls
var top = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-top'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-top'
if (this.options.draggable) this.winFrame.makeDraggable({'handle': top});
top = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
this.titleBox = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-t'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-t'
this.buttonBox = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-b'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-b'
var cls = new Element('div', {
'class': 'close'
- var self = this;
cls.addEvent('click', function(event){
var event = new Event(event);
- return self.hide();
- });
+ return this.hide();
+ }.bind(this));
cls = new Element('img', {
'src': this.options.buttonimg,
'alt': 'close',
@@ -106,22 +98,22 @@ var InfoWin = new Class({
// body of window: user content.
var bdy = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-body'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-body'
bdy = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
this.winBody = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-s'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-s'
// bottom border of window: lower shadows and corners, optional
// resize handle.
var bot = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-bot'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-bot'
bot = new Element('div', {
- 'class': this.options.className + '-win-c'
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
if (this.options.resizable) {
@@ -134,18 +126,37 @@ var InfoWin = new Class({
return this.fillBody(id);
+ buildFrame: function(id){
+ this.winFrame = new Element('div', {
+ 'id': id + this.options.classSuffix + this.options.idSuffix,
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix,
+ 'styles': {
+ 'position': 'absolute',
+ 'top': '0',
+ 'left': '0'
+ }
+ });
+ },
show: function(event){
- if (this.options.timeout)
- this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.timeout, this);
this.fireEvent('onShow', [this.winFrame]);
+ if (this.options.timeout)
+ this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.timeout, this);
return false;
hide: function(){
this.fireEvent('onHide', [this.winFrame]);
- this.wm.bury(this);
+ if (this.options.destroyOnHide) {
+ this.wm.unregister(this);
+ for (var z in this) this[z] = null;
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ this.wm.bury(this);
+ }
return false;
@@ -188,10 +199,10 @@ Class: InfoWin.Manager
InfoWin.Manager = new Class({
options: {
- zIndex: 100,
closedContainer: 'infowin-closed',
openedContainer: 'infowin-opened',
onRegister: Class.empty,
+ onUnregister: Class.empty,
onRaise: Class.empty,
onBury: Class.empty
@@ -216,23 +227,25 @@ InfoWin.Manager = new Class({
register: function(infoWin){
- var self = this;
this.fireEvent('onRegister', [infoWin]);
infoWin.winFrame.addEvent('click', function(){
- self.raise(infoWin);
- });
+ this.raise(infoWin);
+ }.bind(this));
+ unregister: function(infoWin){
+ this.fireEvent('onUnregister', [infoWin]);
+ infoWin.winFrame.remove();
+ },
raise: function(infoWin){
this.fireEvent('onRaise', [infoWin]);
- infoWin.winFrame.remove();
bury: function(infoWin){
this.fireEvent('onBury', [infoWin]);
- infoWin.winFrame.remove();
@@ -260,21 +273,20 @@ InfoWin.Ajax = InfoWin.extend({
initialize: function(id, url, options){
this.parent(id, options);
if ($defined(this.ajaxResponse)) {
- var self = this;
this.addEvent('onError', function(){
- self.hide.delay(1000, self);
- });
+ this.hide.delay(1000, this);
+ }.bind(this));
var ajax = new Ajax(url, {
update: this.ajaxResponse,
onComplete: function(text, xmldoc){
- self.fillTitle(id);
- self.fillBody(id);
- self.ajaxResponse.empty();
- },
+ this.fillTitle(id);
+ this.fillBody(id);
+ this.ajaxResponse.remove();
+ }.bind(this),
onFailure: function(transport){
- self.titleBox.setHTML(self.options.errorMsg);
- self.fireEvent('onError', [id, url]);
- }
+ this.titleBox.setHTML(this.options.errorMsg);
+ this.fireEvent('onError', [id, url]);
+ }.bind(this)
@@ -293,4 +305,71 @@ InfoWin.Ajax = InfoWin.extend({
-InfoWin.Ajax.implement(new Events, new Options);
+Class: Infowin.Notifier
+ Creates a notification popup that disappears automaticaly.
+ Usefull for a confirmation message after a AJAX action request.
+ */
+InfoWin.Notifier = InfoWin.extend({
+ options: {
+ timeout: 2500,
+ destroyOnHide: true,
+ className: 'ok',
+ classSuffix: '-info',
+ message: '',
+ offsets: {'x': 16, 'y': 16}
+ },
+ initialize: function(id, options){
+ this.parent(id, options);
+ },
+ build: function(id){
+ /* top border of hint */
+ var top = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-top'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ top = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
+ }).inject(top);
+ /* body of tip: some helper divs and content */
+ var bdy = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-body'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ bdy = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
+ }).inject(bdy);
+ this.winBody = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-s'
+ }).inject(bdy);
+ /* bottom border of tip */
+ var bot = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-bot'
+ }).inject(this.winFrame);
+ bot = new Element('div', {
+ 'class': this.options.className + this.options.classSuffix + '-c'
+ }).inject(bot);
+ return this.fillBody(id);
+ },
+ fillBody: function(id){
+ this.winFrame.setStyle('position', 'fixed');
+ this.winBody.empty().setHTML(this.options.message);
+ return true;
+ },
+ position: function(event){
+ var prop = {'x': 'left', 'y': 'top'};
+ for (var z in prop) {
+ var pos = this.options.offsets[z];
+ this.winFrame.setStyle(prop[z], pos);
+ }
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/live/js/live/liveajax.js b/live/js/live/liveajax.js
index a6a80ea..756727d 100644
--- a/live/js/live/liveajax.js
+++ b/live/js/live/liveajax.js
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ function LiveSimpleAjaxRequest(url, param, value)
var req = new Ajax(url, {
method : 'post'
- }).request(param + '=' + value);
+ }).request(param + '=' + value + '&async=1');
diff --git a/live/js/live/pageenhance.js b/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
index 6d1ff10..cb2cbb1 100644
--- a/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
+++ b/live/js/live/pageenhance.js
@@ -11,16 +11,23 @@
var PageEnhance = new Class({
options: {
epgLinkSelector: 'a[href^="epginfo.html?epgid"]',
+ actionLinkSelector: 'a[href^="vdr_request/"]',
hintTipSelector: '*[title]',
hintClassName: 'hint',
+ notifyIdPrefix: 'notify',
infoWinStrings: {
loadingMsg: 'loading',
errorMsg: 'an error occured!'
- }
+ },
+ notifyStrings: {
+ successMsg: '<img src="active.png" alt=""> Success!',
+ errorMsg: '<img src="del.png" alt=""> failed!'
+ }
initialize: function(options){
+ this.$notifyCount = 0;
window.addEvent('domready', this.domReadySetup.bind(this));
window.addEvent('mousedown', this.mouseDownSetup.bind(this));
@@ -29,6 +36,7 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
domReadySetup: function(){
+ $$(this.options.actionLinkSelector).each(this.vdrRequest.bind(this));
// actions applied on mouse down.
@@ -36,6 +44,15 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
$$('.' + this.options.hintClassName + '-tip').setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
+ // registered as 'onDomExtend' event for InfoWin. Takes care to
+ // enhance the new dom elements too.
+ domExtend: function(id, elems){
+ var sel = '#' + id + ' ' + this.options.hintTipSelector;
+ elems = $$(sel);
+ this.addHintTips(elems);
+ $$('#' + id + ' ' + this.options.actionLinkSelector).each(this.vdrRequest.bind(this));
+ },
// Epg Popup function. Apply to all elements that should
// pop up an Epg InfoWin window.
epgPopup: function(el){
@@ -61,12 +78,31 @@ var PageEnhance = new Class({
- // registered as 'onDomExtend' event for InfoWin. Takes care to
- // enhance the new dom elements too.
- domExtend: function(id, elems){
- var sel = '#' + id + ' ' + this.options.hintTipSelector;
- elems = $$(sel);
- this.addHintTips(elems);
+ // function that requests an action from the server vdr.
+ vdrRequest: function(el){
+ el.addEvent('click', function(event, element){
+ var href = $pick(element.href, "");
+ if (href != "") {
+ this.$notifyCount++;
+ var req = new Ajax(href, {
+ method: 'post',
+ onComplete: function(text, xmldoc) {
+ try {
+ var success = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('response').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
+ new InfoWin.Notifier(this.options.notifyIdPrefix + this.$notifyCount, {
+ className: success == '1' ? 'ok' : 'err',
+ message: success == '1' ? this.options.notifyStrings.successMsg : this.options.notifyStrings.errorMsg
+ }).show(event);
+ } catch(e) {
+ }
+ }.bind(this)
+ });
+ req.request('async=1');
+ event.stop();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }.bindWithEvent(this, el));
// change normal 'title'-Attributes into enhanced hinttips
diff --git a/live/js/live/vdr_status.js b/live/js/live/vdr_status.js
index d16f2a3..c24ed72 100644
--- a/live/js/live/vdr_status.js
+++ b/live/js/live/vdr_status.js
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ var LiveVdrInfo = Ajax.extend({
case "prevchan":
if (textContent != "") {
- docNode.href = "javascript:LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('switch_channel.xml', 'param', '" + textContent + "');";
+ // docNode.href = "javascript:LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('switch_channel.xml', 'param', '" + textContent + "');";
+ docNode.href = "vdr_request/switch_channel?param=" + textContent; = "visible";
else {
@@ -128,11 +129,12 @@ var LiveVdrInfo = Ajax.extend({
case "pause":
case "play":
case "rwd":
- case "ffw":
+ case "ffw":
case "stop":
if (textContent != "") {
- docNode.href = "javascript:LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('" + nodeName + "_recording.xml', 'param', '" + textContent + "');";
+ // docNode.href = "javascript:LiveSimpleAjaxRequest('" + nodeName + "_recording.xml', 'param', '" + textContent + "');";
+ docNode.href = "vdr_request/" + nodeName + "_recording?param=" + textContent; = "visible";
else {