path: root/pages/pageelems.ecpp
diff options
authorDieter Hametner <dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de>2007-07-22 17:22:00 +0000
committerDieter Hametner <dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de>2007-07-22 17:22:00 +0000
commite53dae90e2454400d57d815086c762684cf846b9 (patch)
tree90d735e7f79bc4c00029eacc647fe6c4c021d4bc /pages/pageelems.ecpp
parent213b98b4f18076c8b9e42b6868beaa3a640ae4e6 (diff)
- Some changes to enhance W3C XHTML strict compatibility.
- Timer are called with epgid instead channelid and eventid.
Diffstat (limited to 'pages/pageelems.ecpp')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/pages/pageelems.ecpp b/pages/pageelems.ecpp
index 2cff427..277d84c 100644
--- a/pages/pageelems.ecpp
+++ b/pages/pageelems.ecpp
@@ -119,16 +119,19 @@ int update_status(1);
<%def event_timer>
+ string epgid;
tChannelID channelid;
tEventID eventid;
-<%cpp> const cTimer* timer = LiveTimerManager().GetTimer(eventid, channelid);
+ EpgEvents::DecodeDomId(epgid, channelid, eventid);
+ const cTimer* timer = LiveTimerManager().GetTimer(eventid, channelid);
if (timer) {
<a href="edit_timer.html?timerid=<$ LiveTimerManager().GetTimers().GetTimerId(*timer) $>">
<img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "record_timer.png") $>" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Edit this")) &> />
<%cpp> } else { </%cpp>
- <a href="edit_timer.html?channelid=<$ channelid $>&eventid=<$ eventid $>">
+ <a href="edit_timer.html?epgid=<$ epgid $>">
<img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "record.png") $>" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Record this")) &> />
<%cpp> } </%cpp>
@@ -207,7 +210,7 @@ int update_status(1);
EpgEvents::DecodeDomId(epgid, channelId, eventId);
if (detail) { // output for vertical toolbox
- <& pageelems.event_timer channelid=(channelId) eventid=(eventId) &>
+ <& pageelems.event_timer epgid=(epgid) &>
if (elapsed > 0) {
@@ -225,10 +228,10 @@ int update_status(1);
else { // table output
- <td class="action leftcol <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><& pageelems.event_timer channelid=(channelId) eventid=(eventId) &></td>
+ <td class="action leftcol <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><& pageelems.event_timer epgid=(epgid) &></td>
<td class="action <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><%cpp>if (elapsed > 0) { </%cpp><& pageelems.ajax_action_href action="switch_channel" tip=(tr("Switch to this channel.")) param=(channelId) image="zap.png" alt="" &><%cpp> } </%cpp></td>
<td class="action <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><%cpp>if (LiveFeatures<features::epgsearch>().Recent()) { </%cpp><a href="searchresults.html?searchplain=<$ StringUrlEncode(title) $>"><img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "search.png") $>" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Search for repeats.")) &>></img></a><%cpp> } else { </%cpp><img src="transparent.png" width="16" height="16"><%cpp> } </%cpp></td>
- <td class="action <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><a href="<$ StringUrlEncode(title) $>"><img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "imdb.png") $>" border="0" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Find more at the Internet Movie Database.")) &>></img></a></td>
+ <td class="action <? lastCurrentChanel ? "bottomrow"?>"><a href="<$ StringUrlEncode(title) $>"><img src="<$ LiveSetup().GetThemedLink("img", "imdb.png") $>" alt="" <& tooltip.hint text=(tr("Find more at the Internet Movie Database.")) &>></img></a></td>